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The Heart of the Enemy


Stand Up and Scream
  • 258
    Awesome, completly awesome. This chapter has drawn my full attention. The description was excellent and I like Javin as a character. I really can't wait to read more.

    I don't want to be annoying or anything but I was wondering if you ever get a chance, to read my story. I just really want some feedback. But only if you ever have time.


    100% Jesus Freak.
  • 27
    Awesome, completly awesome. This chapter has drawn my full attention. The description was excellent and I like Javin as a character. I really can't wait to read more.

    I don't want to be annoying or anything but I was wondering if you ever get a chance, to read my story. I just really want some feedback. But only if you ever have time.
    alright, if i can get the time ill be sure to read.

    EDIT: hang on... so, someone didnt like my fic so they just gave it a crappy rating and left? they couldve at least TOLD me and given me pointers on what they didnt like. i dont really care about losing stars on the rating of this thread, its just that i dont know why i lost them. really; im open to anyone's opinions, positive or negative. in fact, i really want to hear negative comments, as long as theyre accompanied by explanations of what was wrong and what i could do to fix it. i want to improve my writing any way i can.
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    100% Jesus Freak.
  • 27
    Chapter Six

    Chapter Six: The City, the Leader, and the Silcoon.

    Shana gazed in awe at the five-story buildings around her. Petalburg, though branded as a city, was mainly so due to how closely its buildings were built together and the presence of a Pokemon Gym at its center. But, despite it being a smaller city, it was huge to the small-town girl in Shana. She had been there only once before, visiting her father's gym, but she still found the place overwhelming. The streets were filled with people, but not as many as you would find in a metropolis like Saffron or Celadon City in Kanto. Near the city, the roads turned from dirt to gravel, and then very close by and all throughout the city they were cement. The buildings were mostly apartment buildings or businesses, but one or two small houses lay back out of sight from the Main Street.​
    After what felt like hours of walking but was really around twenty minutes, Shana found herself standing in front of the Pokemon Center. It was about twice the size of the one in Oldale, and was a bit nicer looking. She entered the building to heal her pokemon, and get a map.​

    Well, they could have been less rude about it. Shana thought as she left the Pokemon Center. She did a whiny impression of the trainer who had told her "Your Poke'Nav has a map in it, stupid!" Grumbling, she pulled the red pocket-sized machine from her bag, and turned it on. The screen blinked to life, with three bars with commands in them at the center of the screen. At the top right corner was her name and Trainer ID. Shana looked at the three options: Phone, Map, and Contest Status. She selected the map, and instantly a map of Hoenn appeared on-screen. It was a rather large region, and orange bars outlined where the routes were. Red and blue dots showed the locations of cities or towns. A small blinking image of a pokeball showed her current position; in a red dot near two blue dots. She assumed the blue dots were Oldale and Littleroot. Next to Petalburg, a route stretched west towards the sea, then turned north and ran through a forest before arriving at Rustboro City.​
    She tried pressing the directional buttons, and a square red cursor blinked on near her position. She moved it onto Petalburg, and pressed the "enter" button. The map zoomed in, giving her a sky-view image of the city. Again, a pokeball icon showed her location. Right above her location was a red square and just next to it a blue one. Shana turned around; behind her she could easily see the red and blue roofs of the pokemon center and mart rising into the sky above her. She looked at the screen again; a purple square was located just down the street from her position. According to the legend at the bottom of the screen, this was the Gym. She flipped off the Nav and returned it to her pocket, then set off down the street.​
    The gym came into view after only a few moments of walking. It was a very long, but very low building. Next to it a large sign read "Leader Frank Mallet; Petalburg Gym Leader. Wins: 604 Losses: 27" and beneath it was a very wide sign listing the names of the twenty-seven trainers who had beaten him. Shana noticed a name at the very end of the list that was familiar: Javin Palmer. Javin had been here!? She ran to the door and pulled it open, entering the Gym.​

    If there ever was a place that was bigger inside than it was outside, this was it. The gym was made up of a huge arena; around the edges were hundreds of chairs for an audience to watch battles. The arena itself was made up of a wide stone pit, and on each end was a rectangular cement stand with a pokeball emblazoned on it for the trainers to stand. The entire floor was coated in marks; scorch marks, claw marks, even, at one part, an imprint of a pokemon's face. Shana winced when she saw that one; there were some trainers that pushed too hard. The front door led out onto the very top row of the stands, and in front of it steps led down to the arena itself. At the moment, the building was empty, but at the center of the floor stood a man and three pokemon.​
    As Shana made her way down the steps, she watched the man training his pokemon.​

    "Slaking, let's keep practicing that attack, it should come in handy. Rock Smash!" A huge gorilla-like pokemon raised its massive hand, bringing it down in a fist and shattering a boulder that was lying in the arena. The two other pokemon – one of them a white monkey with a red tuft of fur on its head that seemed to have downed five pots of coffee that morning, and the other a sleek, dark blue bird that was watching the hyperactive monkey with a bored expression – sat on the sidelines, waiting for their turn to train. The man that was their trainer walked over and patted the gorilla on the arm.​
    "Good job, buddy; you've almost mastered it." He turned as Shana climbed into the arena.​

    "Hi, dad!" Shana ran over and hugged her father briefly. He was in his mid-forties, his short, dark hair graying slightly around the edges. He wore a plain white shirt and an ordinary pair of blue-jeans. His belt had three pokeballs attached, all of them empty at the moment. He had an air of respect about him; something that was often found among gym leaders. He smiled at his daughter.​
    "So, how's your journey coming? Have you caught any pokemon yet?"​
    "Dad, I only started out yesterday."​
    "And…? Is that supposed to mean anything? Shana, you have two pokeballs on your belt." Shana grinned sheepishly.​
    "I know, but I didn't really catch Wurmple. Professor Birch gave it to me."​
    "Ah, so you have a Wurmple?" He glanced at his pokemon. "What do you say we train it up a bit? Bug pokemon usually evolve early, and in this case Wurmple only needs a small amount of experience to evolve."​
    "Really? But… how could you help me?" She looked at Swellow, Vigoroth and Slaking. "Your pokemon would all be too hard for Wurmple…" Frank smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out another pokeball.​
    "I use this Zigzagoon to train some of the younger trainers around here. It's not too strong, but it just loves helping other pokemon." He tossed the pokeball to the ground, and it opened to reveal a raccoon pokemon just like Jake's. Shana drew Wurmple's pokeball from her own belt, sending it out, also.​
    "Alright, then! Let's go, Wurmple!" The purple-colored bug gazed at Zigzagoon warily.​
    "Start with a String Shot attack!"​
    "Avoid it and Tackle!" Wurmple raised its head and sprayed the thin web-like substance towards Zigzagoon. The pokemon dodged most of the attack, but some of it got tangled about its foot. It charged Wurmple, but its leg seemed hard to move properly.​
    "Counter its attack with your own, Wurmple!" The bug pokemon jumped out of the way with surprising agility, ramming into Zigzagoon's side with a powerful Tackle. Zigzagoon staggered, but managed to stay on its feet.​
    "Good, Shana, you've already gotten the hang of battling. Zigzagoon, Tackle again!"​
    "Slow it with String Shot!" As Zigzagoon charged once more, the sticky string was coating its body rapidly. The pokemon collapsed just before reaching Wurmple. The purple bug – if it was possible – was jumping with joy. Shana ran forward and reached to pick it up, but an abrupt shout from her father stopped her.​
    "Don't touch it!" Frank stepped forward, returning Zigzagoon to its pokeball as he watched Wurmple. A silver light was surrounding the pokemon, covering its entire body. Shana watched in awe as the light grew, then burst so brightly she had to cover her eyes. The entire room was flooded with light for one brief moment, then it was all gone. Shana slowly opened her eyes and looked down. A gasp escaped her lips.​
    Wurmple was gone, and in its place was a spherical cocoon. There was a small hole in the cocoon, through which peered a small blue eye. All over it multiple tough spikes protruded from the shell. Shana's father smiled at her.​
    "I thought so… Shana, your Wurmple has just evolved into a Silcoon." Shana reached down and lifted the pokemon carefully in her arms. It didn't move; it just sat there staring at her through the hole in its tough shell.​

    "Dad, could I ask you something?"​
    "Sure, what is it?"​
    Father and Daughter were walking down the street, having just healed their pokemon at the Center.​
    "On the sign in front of your gym… you know, the one with the names of the trainers who beat you?"​
    "Yeah, what about it?"​
    "Javin's name was on there… but it was at the very end. Has he been here recently?" Her father was silent for a moment, then he spoke.​
    "Yes, he came to the gym last… Tuesday I think it was. He said he was collecting all the badges from Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and any other region he could find. Of course, I battled him." He smiled "That boy has got to be the most powerful trainer I have ever fought. His pokemon were incredibly powerful, and he uses amazing strategy. The battle took all of five minutes, but those are five minutes I will never forget all of my life. He said he would be travelling to Rustboro next, and then from there he would head east to Verdanturf and Mauville, and then north to Lavaridge. After that, he said he would go to Sinnoh. Of course, I've heard that wherever Javin appears Joel is bound to show up a week or two later. If I see him, I'll be sure to send him your way. I'll admit it; I don't want you travelling alone."​
    "Oh, come on dad! I'm the same age as you were when you began training!" Frank sighed, then looked down at his daughter.​
    "You're right. I shouldn't worry about you at all. You can handle yourself, right?"​
    "Of course, dad. As long as I've got Torchic and Wur- uh, Silcoon with me, I'll be fine!" Her father stopped; they had reached the city's west gate. Beyond the city limits, Route 104 stretched out, the gravel-and-dirt path snaking off to the north. Beyond that, the sea sat tranquilly, reflecting the mid-afternoon sun.​
    "Shana, before you go, I want you to have this." Frank pulled something from his pocket and put it into Shana's hand. He crouched in front of her, closing her fingers over the object.​
    "Give this to Torchic, it will boost the strength and ferocity of its fire attacks." He sighed, gazing into his daughter's eyes. "Shana, in this world, there are hundreds of pokemon, and even more trainers. Keep Torchic with you, protect it, and it will protect you. Never abandon it, and it will never abandon you. Pokemon are not tools, but friends and partners. Never, ever forget that, and you will become a trainer as powerful as Javin." Shana hugged her father, then turned and walked towards Route 104. She turned and waved as her father receded into the distance.​
    "I won't forget, dad. I promise." She opened her hand. In it was a wide red stone square. She could feel warmth pulsing from it.​
    "I promise."​
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    100% Jesus Freak.
  • 27
    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Seven: Battle under the Moon

    The door to the Petalburg Gym opened again, this time yielding a teenage boy to enter the room. He climbed down the stairs, towards the man who was feeding his pokemon in the gym's main arena.

    Frank looked up as Joel drew near. "Hey, Joel, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He stood to his feet, wiping his hands on his shirt (they were covered in Slaking drool at the moment) before extending one.

    "How's it going, Uncle Frank?" Joel shook his hand (guys usually don't hug) before looking at his uncle's pokemon.

    "Not bad, as you can see. My pokemon are fit and healthy, I've handed out two more badges to some very much deserving trainers in the past month, and Shana just started on her own journey. How about you?"

    Joel was standing, hands in pockets, gazing at the Vigoroth that was emptying its food dish like there was no tomorrow. He shrugged. "Well, I've had a couple excitements lately." Figuring his uncle might get worried, or might tell his mother who would then get worried, Joel tried to make his latest ventures sound safe.

    "I was in a hundred-yard dash, I went skydiving, and even got a nice sky-view tour of Hoenn's water routes." Frank looked at his nephew, a concerned look in his eyes.

    "Alright, Joel, what are you hiding?"


    "I'm your uncle for crying out loud; I know that you hate foot-races, you are terrified of heights, and there are no sky-view tours of Hoenn's water-routes either. Is there something about those three things you're hiding from me?"

    Joel looked away from the Vigoroth, which had now finished eating and was attempting to steal food from Swellow. It had already gained multiple harsh pecks. "Man, you would not believe me if I told you. Trust me." Frank shook his head, then started trying to pull Vigoroth away from a now-agitated Swellow.
    "Alright, then. Knowing you, I probably don't want to know, either." He continued struggling with the enraged Vigoroth, then finally gave up and withdrew it into its pokeball. Smiling, he tossed the ball in the air and caught it.

    "Vigoroth is a fairly new addition to my team. For a while I was trying to keep it as a Slakoth so it would remain mild-mannered and wouldn't act up, but then after its laziness and sluggish attacks nearly cost me some battles, I went ahead and let it evolve. You would not believe how much of a hassle it is." He squeezed the ball slightly, causing it to shrink in size. Replacing the pokeball to his belt, Frank looked back at Joel.

    "You know, Javin was here recently. He was one of the two trainers who beat me." That immediately got Joel's attention.

    "He was? Well, no offense, but it's not a surprise that he beat you."

    "No offense taken; he is an incredible battler. By the way, there was another trainer that was here around the same time; she said she was from Kanto, too. She had a Wartortle, I could easily tell it was her starter, and she seemed to be your age." Joel gave his uncle a questioning look.


    "So, let me finish. I said she was here around the same time as Javin, and in fact she came in here right when he was leaving. She told me she recognized him, I told her he was my nephew, and when I mentioned his name she asked if he was related to you." The questioning look did not leave.


    "Joel, I'm wondering if you know this girl. She battled a lot like you and Javin do, and she even used one of your strategies. I don't mean one of Javin's, I mean yours." Now he had Joel's attention.

    "Sh-she did!? Which one?"

    "That one you showed me the last time you visited; you know, the Tackle-Punch?"

    "What!? But, I never showed that to anyone but you and…" His breath caught in his throat. "…Kim."


    Joel's feet scuffed the dirt as he walked the same path that Shana had taken that afternoon. He breathed in the night air; the sun had set a half hour ago. Some thirty yards away, the dark sea washed against the shore, throwing shells onto the sand only to pull them away again a few moments afterward. Joel looked at the sky; a full moon dominated the sky, most of its circle covered by clouds. Joel continued walking, his rhythmic steps making the only sound aside from the quiet calls of pokemon from the forest ahead.

    Suddenly, Joel heard another set of steps syncing with his. He whirled around to see a man following him. He was wearing charcoal pants and shirt with a dark red vest and hood. He stopped, watching Joel from beneath his hood. Neither of them made any noise for a moment, until finally Joel broke the silence.

    "You're from Team Magma, aren't you." It wasn't a question. A slight chuckle sounded from beneath that dark hood.

    "Heh, no dip, Sherlock." He reached into his vest and pulled out a pokeball. Instinctively, Joel's hand fell to the pokeball closest to the front of his belt. He detached it, pressing the tiny button to bring it to its full size.

    "Why don't you just come quietly? I could use a promotion."

    "I'll tell you what I told your buddies: not gonna happen. And again, I'll ask: why are you crackpots chasing me!?"

    "Well, there's no cliff for you to dive over this time, so I guess I have time to explain what little I'm allowed. The boss wants the Champions, you're related to one. We get you, and anyone else related to them, we have a ransom. Sound good to you? Alright, now come here."

    "I told you: Not. Gonna. Happen!" Joel threw the pokeball to the ground between them as the man did the same. There was a considerable distance between them, but the Magma Grunt's pokemon made it look like nothing.

    It was a huge, metallic snake-like pokemon, at least thirty feet long. Dull steel spikes jutted from its sides at various points along its body, which lay curled under its arched head. The head supported a massive jaw, which had two sharp metal teeth jutting upwards on each side. At the top of its head two ridges ran backwards over its cold eyes. Its constant grin was pointing downwards at its tiny opponent.

    This pokemon was a dark blue in color, and had a somewhat humanoid shape to it. Or maybe more like a weasel, as its agile body looked like liquid lighting coiled together. Its left ear was replaced with a long pink feather, and three more of these feathers jutted from its back to form a tail. Its long, hooked claws gleamed faintly in the moonlight as it gazed at its opponent, showing absolutely no fear. In the center of its forehead a gold gem rested. Joel was the first to make a move.

    "Sneasel, use Brick Break!"

    "Steelix, hit it with Iron Tail!" The agile weasel jumped with amazing speed, neatly dodging the massive tail that swung under it. As it drew towards its enemy's head, Sneasel pulled its arm back, its claws glowing a dark orange color. A swift punch, and the pokemon fell back, roaring in pain as Sneasel landed deftly on the ground. All this occurred within the space of a few moments.

    "Come on, you pathetic junk pile! Body Slam!" Steelix reared up as high as it could, then brought its body crashing down towards the ground. As Joel watched it fall towards his pokemon, he noticed something: Sneasel's claws were reflecting the moonlight. An idea sprung into his mind as he remembered one of his Evolution Teacher's lectures: "…some pokemon even evolve when the moon shines brightly upon them. Take, for example, Sneasel. When it's claws became sharper than razors, they absorb power from the moonlight, allowing it to evolve…"

    "Sneasel, jump and use Slash!" The small pokemon flung itself into the air, jumping past the falling Steelix. As it passed its opponent, it dug its claws into the pokemon's side. Sparks flew as the claws were honed by the tough steel armor. Steelix pulled itself up again, injured by its wasted fall and the twin cuts in its side as Sneasel landed. Neither trainer even noticed the snake, though; they were watching as Sneasel's claws shone as bright as day. The light spread down its arms and across its back, continuing until the entire pokemon was shining brightly. The light blinded them for one moment, then was gone. Sneasel had changed.

    It had grown in size, from a previous three feet to almost four. The feather on its head had multiplied into what was almost a crown, and had even spread into a collar about its neck. Its claws had become sharper than ever; they could slice a hair right down the center as it floated in mid-air. Amongst these changes, its eyes sat coldly. It had power, and was ready as ever to unleash it.

    "Alright now, Weavile; let's finish this! Night Slash!" Weavile jumped once more towards Steelix, fading completely to black. For a moment it was impossible to see it, until it reappeared and threw five quick slashes across Steelix's face. The pokemon finally collapsed, defeated.

    "So, did I beat enough sense into you for you to finally leave me alone?"

    "How… in the world… did you do that!?"

    "It's called evolution. Train your pokemon well, and evolve it when the time is right to maximize its abilities. Sneasel was ready, and you just happened to be the unlucky idiot who got creamed. Now are you going to keep standing there or are you going to send out another pokemon?" Now the grunt was angry. He thrust Steelix's pokeball towards it, pressing the button to fire a thin red beam which pulled it in. He quickly replaced the ball inside his vest, then drew another out to replace it.

    "Come on, you worthless excuse for a pokemon! DYNAMICPUNCH!" The pokeball opened, and from it was released a pokemon which was ever-so-slightly resembling to a dinosaur. It stood on two legs, and had a long tail. Its head was capped with a mushroom, which it wore almost like a hat. Its small, red claws rested on its green stomach. Or, at least they were for a moment. It charged Weavile with surprising speed, even compared to Weavile. It drew back its hand swiftly, throwing it forward with incredible power compared to its cute looks. Weavile fell back, clutching its face. It drew its hand away to reveal a huge bruise forming over its eye.

    "Weavile, return for now!" Joel pulled his pokemon back to its ball. "I wouldn't want you getting beat up here. Charmeleon, let's finish this battle!" Another pokeball flew to the ground, opening to reveal a tall pokemon with a long tail. It resembled Breloom in some ways, but in so many others it was different. It was a deep gold in color, and stood on two strong legs, had two strong arms ending in razor-sharp claws, and had a long powerful tail. Its head looked somewhat like that of a dragon, with a small horn jutting from the back. At the tip of its tail a flame burned furiously.

    "What the-? Now, that's an oddly colored Charmeleon…" The grunt smiled. "I guess I'll just take that once I've captured you."

    "Don't get your hopes up. Charmeleon, you know what to do." Charmeleon drew its head back, taking a deep breath as flames gathered into a ball in its mouth. The fireball shot forward, heading directly for Breloom's head. Just before it hit, a green energy field surrounded the ball and Breloom both. What happened next could only be described as destruction: the flames erupted as they hit Breloom, and for a moment the only thing that could be seen were the exploding fireballs that were created and destroyed, all around the pokemon's body. Had it not been contained, the attack would have been massive.

    When it was all over, Breloom lay on the ground, scorched. Scorched and barely alive.

    "What… what have you done!?"

    Joel pulled a small bag from a pocket in his pack. Opening the drawstrings on it, he pulled a small round pill out and pushed it through Breloom's lips. He stood, replacing the bag inside his pack. "It should wake up in a few minutes, good as new. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for the attack to cause so much damage."

    The Grunt watched in awe as Breloom's injuries disappeared. Shaking his head quickly, he jeered at Joel. "Keep your pity; do you really think I care about that worthless thing?" Joel shrugged, then turned and walked away towards the forest. Behind him, the Grunt knelt beside his Breloom, stroking its head fondly. "Please be all right… please…"


    Stand Up and Scream
  • 258
    Another amazing chapter. I love the description of the evolution. The story is getting better and better and I can't wait for more. Keep up the awesome work!