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The Lord of Snacks

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Lord Sovereign
  • 27

    OOC: Yeah, got kinda sick of the numbered variants. Consistency for the win!



    This section is...somewhat graphic. If you're not interested in reading about some mild textual graphic violence (Har har, oxymoron lol), skip down to the OOC summary at the bottom.


    IC: Felix grinned. It's not often he gets to play the hero, and he liked the feeling. Still, it was nice to helped up like this. "Heh, thanks for the help, Sagi. Not that I couldn't get up myself, of course."

    Crossing his arms, he taunted the fallen Testament. "All talk, nothing to back it up. Guess you're not so tough after all, huh?" He was mocking her. After all, surely she would be dazed and unable to respond for a short while.

    She moved, rising to her feet, completely unfazed by the various attacks she had endured throughout the skirmish. Her blade burned brighter than before, and the mall lights dimmed further. And for the first time, Testament smiled.

    "...I am satisfied with your performances, all things considered. Though I think it's time to end this. This is your final warning; relinquish the Arbiter if you desire to live." Despite her smile, her tone was dry and forceful.

    "Huh...?" Felix asked, confused. "Weren't you trying to get Elyon all this time?"

    "Fighting you was never my original intent. Your comrades were the first to show signs of aggression, and I merely responded to them."

    The building shook, a mild tremor rippling through the infrastructure. Felix struggled to keep his balance as the quake subsided. Testament lifted her head, gazing at the ceiling. "...It seems I have been followed." Her voice had returned to its usual emotionless state.

    Felix tilted his head, inquisitively. "Followed? By who?" Following her gaze, he looked upwards at the ceiling. Amidst the dim lighting, he could make out a figure hanging from the rafters. An odd, barely noticeable silhouette of a man. He appeared to have a human structure, yet Felix couldn't help but feel there was something odd about the man's head. Are those...horns? he thought. No, no that would just be silly.

    Suddenly, his head began to throb, and he dropped to his knees. "Ugh...not again...!" he muttered.

    The visage of the pig-tailed girl appeared in everyone's mind again. She smiled. A cheerful, ear-to-ear grin; a face of pure bliss.

    I'd move out of the way, if I were you, were the only words she spoke before disappearing. Instantly, Felix's headache subsided, and he rose to his feet.

    "Move...? Testament, what's going on?" He hated the fact that he needed her to answer after what just happened, but Felix was tired of being in the dark.

    "That woman...to go this far... I should have anticipated this...!" She said, cursing herself inaudibly.

    "Testament...?" Felix's curiosity grew with each passing moment.

    The ground on the lower floor erupted in a cloud of dust and debris. A deafening roar permeated the air, and Felix collapsed to the ground along with Elyon. Testament did not so much as flinch. "What is tha!?" Felix screamed, as a translucent claw emerged from the hole in ground, followed by another.

    Crowds scattered, and people screamed as a massive creature pulled itself from beneath the rubble. It's translucent body rippled like water, as it tore apart the ground. As the dust cleared, Felix and the rest of the gang were given a clear view of the behemoth that had emerged from the ground. It was a dragon. An enormous, wingless blue dragon with an illusionary body that flowed and rippled like water with every movement. It towered over the balcony to the second floor, but did not seem to notice Felix or his friends.

    Felix gasped. What the- What in the world is that thing!?

    His mind was ablaze. Hundreds of questions swarmed his mind. "What are they? Where did they come from? What are they doing here? What's going to happen to me? To my friends? Testament...? What is going on!? I want answers, and I want them now!" he screamed at the woman; her stoic face did not react at all to the ensuing destruction. But why?

    From the celing, at the far end of the mall, a second dragon emerged, causing further chaos. The crowd surrounding the group had long since scattered, and the mall had turned into a noisy mass of chaos as hundreds of people fled for the exits. Many did not make it. The dragons began to move. Crushing, suffocating, devouring all who crossed their path as they wandered the building, seemingly searching for something. The lower floor of the mall had become a chaotic sea of blood.

    Testament's head turned, and she faced the group once more. "Dragonets. Conceptual beings that exist between realms. The Arbiter, in his current state, lacks the necessary abilities to defeat them."

    Somehow, amidst the horrible screams of the dying, her voice was audible; piercing the air and reaching the ears of all those who stood nearby. "I will deal with you all later. For now, it would be in your best interest to leave immediately. I shall hold them off for as long as I can." Gripping her flaming sword, she began to walk towards the rampaging monsters, stopping after a few moments. Seconds later, Gil's shop began to collapse, imploding upon itself, being crushed by the very essence of its own existence, much like the Angel from before. Soon, it was replaced by an empty space, and a hole pierced the wall behind it. An exit to the outside.


    She leapt off to the lower floor, racing towards the dragonets.

    Felix, based on Testament's sudden surge of urgency, realized they really only had one option. Grabbing Elyon, he yelled out to the group as he dashed towards the remains of the shop. "EVERYBODY! LET'S GO, NOW!"

    He'd have to think about who "that woman" was later, but, deep in his mind, he felt as if he already knew who Testament was referring to. What does this all mean? he wondered.


    OOC: Climactic scene, eh? Heehee, been looking forward to this bit for quite some time. Well, as I promised, here's the summary.

    There's a creepy horned guy hanging from the rafters of the mall, watching over everything. Creepy dragons appear and kill lots of generic NPCs. We're running now. Out of the mall. Fast. Mmkay? That about covers it.
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  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013
    Simon's Side Story... Begins!

    Everything around Simon is falling apart. The screams of people echo in the halls as quakes shatter apart stores and break glass making most of the floors unsafe to walk upon, especially bare foot. However, Simon tucked Star back in his jacket and started to film everything, the dragonets, all of it.

    "This is INSANE!!!" Simon shouted as he fimled the chaos.

    Everyone is beginning to make a run for it as the group made it for the exit that Gil's Store turned into. Simon was about to follow but he heard something, someone,

    "Help!" A faint voice could be heard, Simon turns and see's Melanie stuck underneath a piece of the ceiling, it must've fell on her, luckily she didn't die from it or get knocked out. Fire is starting to be made by broken cables and such.

    "MEL! MEL!" Simon yelled out for his friend as he dashed over for her. He went down and looked at the debris on her. He shoved his hands underneath the material and tried to pull it up to take it off Melanie. But it's too heavy.

    "S-Simon.. don't worry about me.. just run!" Melanie said beginning to cry.

    "What? Not a chance in hell! You're coming with us, with me!" Simon told her.

    He pumped up his muscles this time and spat on his hands and tried to lift the debris off her with all his strength but it's just not going anywhere, suddenly it begins to move and slowly but surely it's pushed off Melanie, she is completely unharmed.

    "Phew! See told ya!" Simon cheered as he helped Melanie up.

    "Phew is right my man!" A strange voice could be heard, it sounds like a man, a man who is into hip-hop. Simon turned around and saw something, something not human. What he saw was a really tall creature, at least 7 to 8 feet at most wearing a light purple pimp outfit with a large hat with a huge feather on it. The creature held a cane with a golden handle with the weird orb from Gil's Shop attached to it with the creature's scaly hand on top of it, he looks legit. However, he isn't a man, the being has green scaly skin and his face is long and has big eyes, he looks exactly like a chameleon in every single way except it walks upstraight and talks.

    "Who or what the heck are you?" Simon asked, Melanie did not look pleased meeting this thing, there is a hint, a glare in her eye as if the two have met in the past.

    "How rude, I mean that's some cold stuff there man, talk 'bout cold hearted. I jus tryin to help you out, ya know what I'm sayin? @%#" The creature spoke fast, and only spoke in slang with some vulgar words.

    "But it's cool baby, my homies call me Hot Pick, know I'm sayin? Haha" The creature began to laugh.

    Simon joined and laughed with him, together they laughed in the chaos. With pieces of the mall falling all around them.

    Melanie held a mean look, she looks serious and incharge, something not quite her. She put her arm over Simon and blocked the creature from him.

    "Oh hey, why ain't it the little miss police officer, how ya'll doin?" The creature smirked rolling is large eyes around.

    "Hot Pick The Space Pirate, number 01450627, in the name of Galactic Space Time Traveling Agency of Star System Alpha Gamma Planet Earth's Moon you are under arrest for grand theft auto, burgerly, resisiting arrest, assaulting an officer, disturbing the peace, Space Treaty Violation, J-Walking, practicing yodeling without a permit, impersonating a priest, impersonating a t-shirt, and Time Traveling without a license." Melanie said in a matter of seconds, the creature laughed again.

    "Hm,hehehe, yo forgot my last criminal act of... bein sexy!" Hot Pick joked.

    Melanie however did not seem amused by the joke. Hot Pick rolled his eyes around like a lizard and laughed,

    "Aww man, still doin all of dat? Yo we ain't there no mo. Sidez, aren't you like a cat or somethin?" Hot Pick asked.

    Melanie blushed. Simon seems lost, did everyone forget they are in a collapsing building?

    "Hahaha, sorry bout the shirt though bro. I just had to crack them up, yo are crazy son, haha word!" Hot Pick told Simon.

    "Wait, you were the one messing up my shirts? That's mean!" Simon responded to the Space Alien.

    "Aite well enough about old times, good-bye Year 3300, hello... umm.. what's this stone age's year anyway?" Hot Pick asked.

    Everyone shrugged.

    "Aite whatev, peace dawg, I'm out!" Hot Pick jumped up really high to the top floor,

    "Oh yeah! Police-babe, good luck on your boyfriend there, just remember, that I have always rooted for you!" Hot Pick laughed and winked at Mel, he then did something weird, he stuck out his tongue at her to make fun of her, his tongue is really long, just like a lizard's he then rolled it back up into his mouth and jumped really high again making his escape.

    "That was awesome." Simon told Melanie.

    Melanie blushed, she seemed to recover from the accident already.

    "Great now Hot Pick is on the loose also. Just great! I knew he was that t-shirt this whole time! And now he has the orb, I knew it looked familiar..." Melanie thought to herself.

    She grabbed Simon and bolted out of the mall, just in time to save him now.
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  • 202

    Panic lifted in Sagi's throat with every earth-shattering moment. Amidst the chaotic screams of fearful people, rumbles could be heard from all directions. Everything from crumbs of cracking pillars to huge chunks of the ceiling rained onto the mall's floor. Those fortunate enough to avoid life-threatening chunks of the falling ceiling, stammered to the nearest exit accessible, discarding their shopping bags like they were nothing but litter, so they could achieve a greater speed. It was complete chaos. No order. Yet, Sagi's hesitant feet kept him in place as the stampede of people pushed and shoved passed his shoulders.

    I can't believe this is happening…

    A crack zigzagged along the trembling tiles, parting the ground beneath him to two rigid pieces. He looked down and gasped the second he realized the floor was separating, each side pulling one foot in the opposite direction to the other. With little thought, he dived to the left. His brash attempt to escape the fissure that developed was successful. He had found safe ground… for the moment anyway. Literally speaking, there was no safe ground in a crumbling mall this size, hosting two ferocious dragons, Testament – who seemed to be helping them for some odd reason – and that strange devil being watching them from above.

    No matter how much Sagi swallowed, the fear kept on rushing right back to his throat. NO TIME! There's no time to be afraid, he encouraged himself. Teal eyes wandered about the area Gil's shop previously occupied. There was no evidence left that any business structure had stood there at all; nothing but a crater against the wall revealing light from the outdoors. An exit! Provided by Testament, nonetheless. Could it really be trusted? What if it was a trap to an alternate dimension with more of those gigantic monsters? Or what if it was --

    A loud screech suddenly broke the air from right beside him. Despite its extremely high-pitched nature, it belonged to a middle aged man. He had frozen in place; Sagi gathered it was out of fear. He just stood there, looking upwards and screaming his lungs out until the falling object toppled over him. Crimson squirted from beneath the lethal television set. Silence.

    Sagi's face turned pale. He didn't care what lay beyond the exit Testament provided any more. It couldn't be worse than this. Only a sitting duck would wait around to be squashed by some sort of entertainment system.

    He opened the zip to his bag, and then had Omu navigate through the disintegrating mall before jumping into safety. He slung the backpack over both shoulders. "All set!" Or so he thought. However, there was something missing; something really important. He couldn't place a finger on it … what was it? "AH!" He remembered. The question wasn't 'what' but 'who'.

    "Sakura!" He whipped around and found the teen a little distance away. The chaotic movement of people made it troublesome to get to her. When he finally did, he grabbed her by the wrist. "Let's go! We can't afford to wait here any longer!"

    He began for the makeshift exit in sight, Sakura grasped in his hand right behind him as he attempted to rush them to safety.



    桜の姫 ♡ Formely xoxkris
  • 772
    Sakura stood there, totally blank. All the time they have been talking, she was trying to figure out Testament's real form. However, Testament seemed to be flawless like the perfect Angel anybody would want, except for her unrealistic arrogance and proudness.

    "Argh!" Sakura was almost knoced down by the hgue stampede, but she didn't budge. "Why is everybody running?" She spoke to nobody in particular.

    Just then, Sagi came over and gripped her hand hard before dragging her away. Gasping, Sakura allowed herself to be pulled away as she wondered.

    "Why is everybody... Running?" She suddenly burst out and struggled for release from Sagi's grip. "Couldn't we have helped? I wnat to understand all this!" Sakura turned over, Mikoto floating behind her, her eyes glowing with Sakura's determination.
  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013

    Melanie and Simon fled the mall that is collapsing and blowing up behind them, debris and fire flung everywhere and flew over them as they ran into the parking lot. The concrete underneath them began to crack and crumble. The two ran with others, shoppers, families, people who were in the mall. At a safe distance they hid behind some cars and waited for the others while trying to catch their breath.

    "*Pant**Gulp**pant*Th--Mel, what.. the..?" Simon asked.

    Melanie, panting with him took some gulps and rose up and took a deep breath by inhaling with her nose and exhaling with her mouth. She sighed and closed her eyes; she then reopened them and stared at Simon with caring eyes.

    "Simon... I'm sorry that I lied to you..." She said, she sounds sad.

    Simon is still bent down with his hands on his knees as he is still catching his breath, he may look in shape but he really does stink at physical activities.

    "Melanie, who was that? I mean it was really cool, but still.."

    Melanie stomped her feet to the ground and stood perfectly straight. She looks like some sort of official, she holds a serious tone, and her voice seems more serious instead of her soft cute tone.

    "I am Melanie Crimson of Star Year 3300, 4th Captain of district Luna City and part of the Galactic Space Time Traveling Agency of Star System Alpha Gamma Planet Earth's Moon or G.S.T.T.A.S.S.A.G.P.E.M. for short." Melanie explained. It's still such a long name.

    Simon has no idea what she is talking about, however he is still paying full attention to his friend.

    Melanie then held a sad face and extended out her hands to Simon," I was on pursuit of Hot Pick who illegally time traveled back in time to this century for the Lucky Penny, and that's something that could not be good... listen... I didn't mean to tell you this way...I am so sorry for not telling you sooner about my mission."

    Simon then scratched his head, "Wait a minute." He laughed at Melanie,

    "This is all just some crazy joke right? To get me? I mean hahaha, okay Space Girl, where's your ray gun and laser vision?" Simon asked.

    Melanie immediately responded, "Galactic Space Code #476696987 forbids any use or delivery of such weapons such as those of high-technology when time traveling to the past ever since the use of "A Giant Wooden Horse" during the Trojan War."

    Simon laughed, "Melanie you are insane! I mean I thought I was crazy but you're just WOOO!! Hahaha! C'mon Mel, okay, okay, you got me! Hahaha! You got Ol' Simon! Hahaha!"

    Melanie blushed and made two fists, she looks angry, "Simon, I am not making this up! You have to believe me! If that Penny falls into the wrong hands our future will be in grave danger!"

    Simon pumped his chest and held his fist high, "NEVER FEAR! SIMON WILL SAVE THE DAY WITH THE POWER OF STAR! TOGETHER WE WILL FIGHT EVIL!" Simon shouted and then laughed.

    Melanie calmed down, "Simon... do... um... do you still like me?" Melanie blushed.

    Simon laughed, "What? Hahaha, of course, I mean you're my best friend and I have to give you props for making up all of this crazy stuff! I mean we could make another movie out of this!" Simon explained.

    Melanie sighed in relief, "Oh Simon..." she blushed and moved closer to him. She held his hand in hers, "Simon... there is something I want to tell you.. umm... um.." She is beginning to act like herself again as she blushed even more red. Simon looked at her puzzled, she then changed the subject rather quickly, "Don't tell the others. P-Please?" She asked.

    Simon smirked, "It's all good, I won't tell them. I mean how can I? This will be a great surprise movie!" Simon explained.


    Lord Sovereign
  • 27

    OOC: Hi, everyone. Long time no see, eh? Well, now you see me. And now you see me posting. So who wants pocky? Eh? Eh?

    IC: Felix stood several dozen meters from the collapsing structure, the emotionless Elyon at his side. While waiting for everyone to catch up, he ran over the past few minutes in his head again and again. What Gil talked about, the black-robed angel, and...

    He tried hard not to think about the bodies within the mall.


    The word resounded in his mind. Something didn't quite fit. Raising a hand to his chin, and with Elyon following suit, Felix thought aloud to himself. "Gil said something.....something about 'this place' not being around much longer. Did....did he know this was going to happen?" he muttered. "No, that's impossible. But...why did he leave? He disappeared right after talking to us, right before Testament...." his eyes widened. Was there some connection between Gil and Testament? He didn't want to believe it, but it couldn't be a coincidence.

    "There's no way. There's just no way...I've known Gil my whole life! He'd never...he'd never associate with things like this...!"

    Yet even as the thoughts ran through his head, Felix knew the truth. He didn't know what exactly was going on, but he was certain Gil had a hand in what's been happening. "...This is impossible. It doesn't make any sense...!"

    He raised his head, to take another look at the war-zone of a mall. His friends. He saw his newfound friends rushing in his direction. He waved, yelling his declaration.

    "HEY! I'VE MADE UP MY MIND!" Felix called. When everyone was a bit closer, he resumed speaking normally. "I'm heading north, to Hinamizawa. What happened here was a tragedy, but there's no time to mourn." He gripped Elyon tightly. "...Everything that's happened has something to do with the secret Elyon holds. I want to know what's going on, and everything points to Hinamizawa. So, I'm going. If any of you want to stay behind, that's fine. But I'm going. I want to know the truth."
    The battle raged. Screams filled the air as more and more bodies splattered on the ground and on the walls of the facility. Testament's movements were fluid, almost as if she were dancing. Moving with inhuman grace, she danced among the fallen, being careful to avoid stepping on them. Contact with the corpses would only slow her down. She was attempting to draw the dragonets' attention, but they seemed adamant on ignoring her, continuing their search for an unknown something. After a few moments more, Testament stopped moving.

    "...Can you not sense that the Arbiter is no longer here? How foolish."

    She closed her eyes. Moments later, a shockwave burst forth from her body, tearing apart the already crumbling infrastructure. The floors and walls rippled as an invisible wave travelled through the air. Glass windows shattered, and many of the corpses were flung about. At the same time, the liquid-like bodies of the dragonets began to solidify, and with a blindingly fast leap, and two swift strokes, Testament beheaded both of them. Their bodies collapsed, shaking the building, and creating a large cloud of dust in their wake.

    "Conceptual beings are...rather fragile when drawn into a material plane, it seems. Pity."

    Clapping. The sound of clapping filled the air, and a small, pig-tailed girl with bright orange hair materialized in front of Testament. The same girl Felix and the others had seen in their dreams. She continued clapping.

    "...Chiyo. Were you the one responsible for this?

    Chiyo grinned. "Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I'm quite impressed with your performance Zefiris. It's been ages since I've seen you get riled up like that!"

    "Why?" Testament's face was stoic, as usual.

    "Why what?"

    "You knew the Arbiter wasn't here anymore. Why did you leave the dragonets here?"

    Chiyo giggled, and turned her head upwards. She gazed at the horned man on the ceiling. "Tyr and I are incomplete. Calling dragonets across the dimensional border isn't easy like this, you know. We went through a lot of trouble getting them here!"


    "Well, it's not like it matters anymore. The Arbiter is slowly making its way towards the seal, and all the players have finally entered the stage. It's only a matter of time until I'm whole again," she said, giggling with delight.

    "Hmph. We'll see."

    Within moments, the two figures vanished, leaving no traces behind.
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  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013
    Simon, Texas Ranger.

    Simon and Melanie ran more and caught up with Felix just in time to hear what he had to say. He nodded and smiled,

    "YES! YEAH! WOO! RIGHT MAN! TOTALLY! LET'S GO TO HEN-AM-WA-WA AND BLOW UP MORE STUFF!" Simon said still unable to pronounce the name of the place.

    Melanie on the other hand looked down at the ground and seemed sad.

    "Mel, c'mon! What's up?" Simon asked unsure of what is wrong with Mel.

    She merely looked back up at him and then turned to see the mall in flames tumbling to the ground like a pile of burning trash,

    "Oh man! You forgot your clothes in there didn't you?" Simon remembered as he saw Melanie buy things before and now those things aren't here.

    "Simon...everyone...before we go.. I-I think we should at least give.. um, a moment of silence for the people that couldn't make it." Melanie told everyone, she felt sad and terrible to what happened in the mall and how so many people got hurt or worse.

    "Sorry..." Simon held a sad face with a dramatic big lip, "You're right...." His voice trailed off as he was looking around his jacket for his camera. Once he found it he began filming the burning mall in the moment of silence.

    After a while...

    "ALRIGHT!" Simon shouted, "Let's get this SHOW on the ROAD!" Simon told everyone. He stayed cheerful, hoping to make the mood of things change since what happened was really, really bad.

    Everyone started to follow Felix since he seemed to know where to go; before Simon and Melanie followed Simon stopped the girl on her tracks. She looked up at Simon still sad.

    "Listen, I have no idea what happened and what's really going on." Simon admitted,

    "I kinda just went along with this and we ended up blowing up a mall." He made an uneasy smile.

    "But just to let you know.." Simon said as he pulled out Star, "I want to finish this movie no matter what! Even if that means going into even more danger! For I wish to be a Texas Ranger and I am in need for danger!" Simon proclaimed.

    "Really?" Melanie asked.

    "Everything but the part when I said Texas." Simon assured her. "Anyway, me and Star will protect you!" Simon said instead of 'Star and I.' "But if you want to stop here and turn back, I'll go with ya' I aint leavin my best friend alone!" Simon told her.

    Melanie held her hand towards her chest and started to breathe heavy with her eyes looking at Simon, she is filled with deep emotions at this point and wants to declare her love for him, but she decides not to and instead only hugs him, "Oh.. Si-Simon... I want to be with you..." She blushes and hides her face in his chest.


    Simon tagged Melanie and ran for Felix, "Haha! You're it!" Simon laughed as he ran off.

    "H-Hey!" Melanie responded chasing after Simon.


    桜の姫 ♡ Formely xoxkris
  • 772
    Sakura folded her arms casually. "I'm going." She informed Felix with her unusual serious expression. "No matter what, I want to know more about them." She added slowly, gazing towards the direction where the mysterious woman had left.

    "About what happened, why all this happened... And why us!" Sakura stared at the rest. "I want to know more about this crazy thing going on. Call it my crazy curiosity, but still." She paused and hesitated. " Anybody backing out?"


  • 202
    Count Me In


    "We've come too far for any of us to back out now."

    That was no way to cure their curiosities. Sagi's sense of adventure had kicked in hard and he was just about ready to take on anything, whether it be devil Angels or the mysterious girl that had plagued his dreams. This had to be done, and done by them, almost as if they had been handpicked for this mission. And it would be foolish not to respond when destiny was calling.

    "I want to know the truth too, Felix. You can count me in," Sagi confirmed. Simon's reasons for wanting to go were puzzling to him, but at least he still wanted to go, and Sagi wasn't going to question him on that.

    He turned to Sakura. "You don't have to worry about me backing out. Besides, who else would be there to watch your back?" He smiled nervously. "Not that you need someone to watch your back -- you know what I mean! Anyway," he changed the subject rather quickly. "Now that we know where we have to go, the only question that remains is how exactly are we going to get there?



    Lord Sovereign
  • 27

    Felix stared blankly for a few moments before bursting into a fit of laughter. He shifted his legs, desperately attempting to keep himself from toppling over. What Sagi said was absolutely right; they had no way of getting to their destination. And the futility of it all amused him for some reason. He laughed for a long while, finally managing to catch his breath as a small flock of sparrows flew by overhead.

    "Right, right. So, anybody got any ideas?" he asked. "I wouldn't mind walking, personally," he said with a chuckle. "Don't know what it is we're actually looking for, but it'd be fun!"

    He laughed again. "There's always hitchhiking. Though I think a group of kids with dolls asking to be driven to the middle of nowhere would be pretty strange."

    Elyon held out an arm, attempting to attract imaginary cars. Felix sighed. "How can you be so carefree, when people are dying because of you...?"

    He smirked, remembering that Elyon's movements were based on his own thoughts. "...I guess hitchhiking might be a good idea after all, eh buddy?"

    "So, anybody got any better ideas?" he asked the group.
  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013
    The Cat, The Departure, The Simon.

    Simon, coming out of nowhere, out his arms around Sagi and Sakura scaring them.

    "Hahaha! Why don't we use the love boat?! HAHAH!!!" Simon laughed as he teased Sagi and then put his hand on top of his head and shook him to mess up his hair.

    He walked past them and went to the front of the group and extended out his arms.

    "Okay, but seriously, we need to come up of---AHA!" Simon shouted scaring everyone again.

    "I know! I know!" He chanted, "The old pilgrims used to use nature to find their way, it's so simple!" Simon explained.

    He bent down and patted the ground. He then picked up a stone and threw it over everyone and ripped some grass out of the ground and sprinkled it on himself. He sat there with grass on him where suddenly a gust of wind blew and took some of the grass off towards a random direction where it will be lost within the wilderness.

    "AHA! THAT AWAY! ONWARDS!" Simon pointed to a random direction and marched forward.

    As he was about to get lost something jumped towards him. He fell down with a cute black cat on his face. Simon picked up the cat and waved it around as he laid their on the ground,

    "Mel! Yaaay! Who's my favorite cat?!" Simon said as he hugged his cat.

    "Meow! Meeoooww!!" The cat responded as it jumped out of his arms.

    "Mel? Melly-poo, what's wrong?" Simon asked his feline companion.

    "Me-meow...meow!" The cat meowed in a hurry, it seemed to be in a rush.

    "Whoa, whoa, Little Melly-by, calm down! I can't understand a word you're saying!" Simon told his cat as if he really could understand cat speech.

    However the cat didn't stay very long as it scurried about and ran away from Simon. Without any hesitation what-so-ever, Simon ran after his cat.


    桜の姫 ♡ Formely xoxkris
  • 772
    Sakura grinned at Sagi's words. "Don't worry, I may be reckless and blunt, but I know your meaning!" She turned to face Felix after gazing at the seemingly almost mad Simon and his new-found kitty.

    Her stomach growled, and Sakura realised she was hungry. "I want my luuuuuuunch~!" She jokingly whined and wailed, but in fact she was really starving. "We should have brought more food..." She reminded everybody about how many hours ago did they had their last piece of food in thier mouth.
  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013
    Simon followed his cat, leaving everyone else dumbfounded and puzzled of his sudden departure. "Melanie-poo! Kitty!" Simon shouted for his cat who kept on running straight. After a run, Melanie the cat led Simon to a small diner that is on the side of the road. It looks like a trailer, a dinner you usually saw in the 50's.

    "Ah, nice, so you were hungry little meow-meow?" Simon asked his cat. The cat turned around to face him and gave out a small cute meow, "Meow". The cat then ran into the open door of the diner leaving Simon outside.

    Simon however, didn't want to leave his friends behind, he turned and shouted for them from a distance as best he could, "HEY! GUYS! FELIX! SAKURA, LOVER BOY! OVER HERE!!!" Simon shouted for everyone, calling Sagi "lover boy" just to bother him. Simon waved his arms around to gain some attention and then finally went into the diner expecting everyone to join up sooner or later or maybe not at all, who knows.

    Everyone in the diner just stared at Simon with the old stink eye, already annoyed by him as they heard him shout outside just a second ago. Simon walked around for a seat as there was no one to show him a seat. The diner is small, made out of steel and very plain looking leaving the walls unattractive. There were some ornaments around here and there but nothing to be remembered. As Simon walked past the enterance he saw a small bar where a really fat guy stood behind to serve orders with small stools around the table. The fat guy with a dirty old t-shirt and a net over his hair just stared at Simon while chewing on some tabacco. Most of the tables were empty, except for three from the six that were in here. One table held an old man who seemed very sad. He just sat there with a picture at hand and just stared off into it, it's hard to see what the picture was of. Next there is a table with two girls sitting there talking pretty loud, well only one of them were anyway, the one talking is blond and the other is brunette, they were talking about stupid things that didn't even make sense. Finally, Simon looked around and saw a familiar face,

    "Mel? How you get here? Hahaha! You sneaky little devil!" Simon laughed as he sat at Mel's table. "Oh, uh, hehe.." She giggled hiding her mouth with a menu while doing so. They're finally alone, how long will this last? Melanie made two fists and took a gulp, she began to blush bright red. "Simon... ther-there is s-something el-se I fo-forgot to tell you.. um.. " She started. However Simon wasn't paying any attention, he seemed to be looking through a menu where suddenly an old lengthy woman came up in a pink skirt and shirt with an apron over it. On top of her head seemed to be hair? It mostly looked like a huge bun of just red, almost fake, could of been. She looks like a walking stick, pretty ill-looking to boot.

    "Waddya want?" She asked holding a notepad with a pen at hand.

    "Yeah, yeah, I haven't eaten in awhile! I'm as hungry as a beached whale eating a crab on a sunday afternoon! Anyway, I'll have the Double Bacon Cheeseburger Deluxe with the fries coming with melted mozzarella over them and hot gravy. With this I would like a large sundae shake and umm... hmm, I think that's it!" Simon said as he just ordered the most unhealthiest food you could possibly get at a diner. "So, Mel, what are you getting?" He asked. Mel still was all too focused on what she was going to say to Simon, she snapped out of it, "Huh? Oh, um.. I um..." Shes too shy to even order, she looked at Simon for help, he flipped around through the menu and pointed at something not taking his eyes off it, "Yeah, and we'll also have the order of umm, the Tuna Melt Surpreme with a side of extra crispy onion rings with extra gravy on that as well and for a drink let's get a double vanilla shake." Simon ordered for Mel. Is he crazy? How in the world is someone like Mel able to finish such a meal or even eat it? Ridiculous. Even Mel had to say something about this,

    "Uhh, Simon um... t-thanks.." She simply said with an uneasiness in her voice.

    "NEVER FEAR! THAT'S WHY IM HERE! HAHAHA!" He shouted with his fist up in a dramatic fashion.


  • 202
    To The Diner

    OOC: Haven't had the time to stroll through PC lately, with all this studying I'm being forced to do. I'm going to have to apologize for the lacking post too, just felt like I had to drop something so the story could move along. I'll try to get more involved in the coming days…


    Lover Boy? Sagi frowned upon the new nickname made for him. Simon was having way too much fun with this.

    Minutes after Simon had given chase to that eccentric cat of his once again, he had bellowed for the rest of the gang to join him at some restaurant he appeared to have discovered. Sagi was a little hesitant to follow him straight away and instead waited to see if Felix or Sakura would do so. For the time being it seemed like neither of them had much courage to chase after Simon. Not that he was coward; his trust in Simon was still somewhat in the testing phases.

    "Ey, Sakura," he spoke to the girl besides him. "I thought you said you were hungry. This would be your ticket to that lunch you were so desperate for seconds ago. Aren't you going to follow him?" He turned to Felix. "I'll be right behind you guys."



    桜の姫 ♡ Formely xoxkris
  • 772
    Sakura didn't budge but raised an eyebrow at Simon. "Lover boy?" She repeated in an amused tone before tilting her head sideways, her hands placed on her hips. 'Why Lover Boy for Sagi-kun?" She wanted to ask, but no time was to be spared as she made her way to follow the over-excited Simon.

    Just as she was about to move, Sagi tapped her and said, "Ey, Sakura ,I thought you said you were hungry. This would be your ticket to that lunch you were so desperate for seconds ago. Aren't you going to follow him?" Sakura grinned at him and gestured that she was just going to move when he interrupted her.

    "I'll be right behind you guys," Sagi told Felix, and Sakura nodded. "Let's go?" She asked him, ready to move on for a heavy lunch.


    Lord Sovereign
  • 27
    Fire Eyes

    OOC: So...busy... ;_;

    I've been so, so busy lately. Progress slowed down immensely on the RP, due to some unforeseen events. Well, if they were foreseen, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. But you know what I mean >_>

    Anywho. Provided nothing else unexpected pops up, this thing should move a bit more quickly. By the way, I hope everyone had a decently decent Valentine's Day =)

    This line is an obligatory periodic reminder that we are still accepting new sign-ups, if any readers are creative enough to find a way to jump in at this point~

    IC: Felix turned to face the diner. His gaze shifted to Sagi, to Sakura, back to the diner, to Sagi again, and back to Sakura. He repeated this motion several more times, taking a few moments to process what was being said. The events at the warzone of a mall had stirred his mind, and he was having trouble thinking clearly now that the ordeal was over. Reacting to his thoughts, Elyon swiveled his head, glancing around the area.

    His brow twitched, as he again recalled the possibility that Gil was still hiding something. "...Nah. Couldn't be," he muttered to himself before turning to look at his companions again. And he came to a conclusion. Odd as Simon was, he did have a point. They hadn't had anything to eat in a while, and once they started their journey north, there might not be another chance to rest.

    Felix rubbed his stomach, and Elyon followed suit, an odd grin stretching across both their faces. The two were undoubtedly like-minded. "Food," he stated in an oddly calm tone, "Would be really good right about now. Simon might be a bit of an oddball, but hey! We're all hungry, so let's go eat!" he called, and dashed off towards the diner. Hunger consumed his mind, and he figured Sakura and Sagi would follow soon enough.

    The interior was quite a bit larger than the outside trailer look suggested. Though with all the odd things Felix had seen recently, this didn't strike him as strange at all. And the other customers didn't seem to care either. He browsed for a few moments, before finding Simon and Mel seated at a table at the far end of the diner. He slowly made his way over to them, careful to avoid bumping into anyone. "Yo," he said, as he seated himself next to Simon, glancing at his plate.

    Too hungry to think, Felix snapped his fingers and beckoned for a waiter. They were approached by a person wearing a large, mostly featureless green dinosaur costume. It was extremely plain, save for the orange mohawk running along the top of its head, and a white apron with a gold nametag pinned to it. The name "Leo" is printed in black letters on the nametag. The costume had no slits for the person's eyes, nose, or mouth. Felix wondered for a moment how whoever was wearing it could see or breathe, but the thought quickly subsided.

    "I'll have whatever he's having," Felix said, gesturing to Simon.

    The waiter apparently called Leo stood, unmoving. Felix raised an eyebrow.


    Still, the waiter didn't budge.

    "...Can I get some food, please?



    "Would you like a Mr. Soupy bun?"

    "A what?"

    "A Mr. Soupy bun."

    "What's a Mr. Soupy bun?"

    "I....I don't know."


    "I'll just leave this basket on the table then," he said, pulling a basket filled with odd breadrolls seemingly out of nowhere. He gently placed on the center of the table, and scurried off. Felix wondered if he'd actually get to eat anything or not, and the rolls didn't look very good.

    "This place is weird."
    The Generic Shopping Mall lay almost completely in ruins. The now-deceased dragonets had done quite a good job tearing the building apart. Now, the only living creature in the vicinity was the horned entity. From atop the rafters, the creature climbed onto the roof from a hole it tore in the ceiling. In the sunlight, its features were clearly visible.

    It was tall, standing at approximately seven feet. Humanoid in structure, its appearance was anything but. The creature's upper body was pale, with its torso covered in a thin layer of short, light brown fur. The forearms and hands were covered in bright red scales. Five long fingers protruded from each hand, each ending in a jet-black claw. Its legs were similar, though with only three clawed toes on each foot. Adorning its head was a layer of short, snow-white hair. Two horns grew out of its forehead, slanting upwards a few inches.

    But its most distinguishing features were its eyes. The irises shifted constantly from a bright gold to a dark red, flickering in a never-ending cycle. Sometimes the colors would mix, forming a blazing kaleidoscope within the eyes. As if there existed a flame within them.

    "You want to see Daddy again, don't you? Of course you do." A child-like voice called out to the creature, and the pig-tailed girl materialized at his side. Small in stature as it was, she was even smaller in comparison to the creature beside her. "That's why I exist, after all."

    The creature glanced at her, grunting softly. Chiyo laughed. "You never change," she said with a smile. "Well, we better get going. The children are unknowingly on their way to the seal, so there's no reason for us to guide them anymore. So let's meet them there and give them a warm welcome."

    Her laughter, childish, held a cruel undertone. It lacked any form of compassion. "Well, I'll see you there, Tyr." she said. Chiyo giggled again. "I'll have to get used to calling you Metatron again pretty soon."

    The pigtails on her head began to flap, eventually turning into an orange blur as the girl raised herself off the roof, and flew off into the distance.

    The entity apparently known as Tyr, at least for the moment, stood unmoving for a few moments before slowly walking towards the edge of the roof. As it moved, its back began to glow. A few seconds later, two bright orange flaming wings burst from the glow.

    With a mighty leap to get himself airborne, Tyr began his flight north.
  • 495
    • Seen Nov 13, 2013
    What the heck does Melanie see in Simon?

    Simon, who is chewing on his burger with sauce and cheese around his lips but his arm around Felix with a hand covered in gravy that slowly dripped off from the tips of his fingers on to Felix's shirt.

    "YEAH! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" He shouts with a mouthful of food with bits of burger and french fry spitting out landing on Felix's face.

    Across from them Melanie could be seen, who is quite the opposite of her hyper companion. She cleaned her small lips with a napkin that she placed on her lap, swallowed her food and greeted Felix appropriately.

    "Hi Felix." She said nicely. She didn't talk so timidly as before, she must feel comfortable around Felix, they have been traveling together for awhile so it only makes sense.

    She didn't touch much of her food. She made sure that only the fork and knife touched the greasy food that laid in front of her unlike Simon who is just shoving his hands and practically his face in his food. It's there that a funny looking waiter, dressed up like a green dinosaur with a goofy face, came to take Felix's order and leave a basket of rolls that didn't look pleasant to the eye.

    "Hey! Rolls! YES!" Simon cheered as he picked out a couple from the basket and shoved them into his mouth.

    "Mmmmmmm!!" He hummed in delight as he chewed on the rolls, eating it together with the rest of his messy meal. Tears started to roll down his eyes.


    Simon hiccuped, his face turned green, he looks sick. Everyone around him began to back away when suddenly he burped that left a fowl stench afterwards. *BURP!" followed by a "Woo" of relief and an "Excuse me" where there he went back devouring his meal like a savage dog eating it's last meal. Melanie on the other hand seemed to not seem as hungry anymore after that incident, perhaps Simon made her lose her appetite. Either way she was still very nice with him,

    "Enjoying your meal?" She asked with a smile. "MmmHMM!!" Simon muttered back with his face down to his plate.

    She continued to look at Simon and smiled, she then noticed again that Felix was right there. She blushed and turned away. What the heck does Melanie see in Simon anyway?


  • 202
    OOC: I've been meaning to post something but I haven't had the time to write it up. I'll edit this post a little later with the IC part of it. This post's just to keep the thread alive for the time being.


    The One With No Name
  • 61
    (Sorry for joining so damn late, but this looks fun.)

    Name: Kajitsu Toni (Surname First)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches

    Weight: 140 Pounds

    Appearance: Toni is 5 feet 8 inches tall including his short, spiked up jet-black hair. He always wears a polar white headband tied tight around his forehead and he wears sleek mirror sunglasses. Along with his headband, he wears a white gold necklace that has a bright silver circle on it, which was a gift from his parents on his 15th birthday. Toni wears a black shirt that has the sleeves cut of and has the yin-yang symbol on it. Over this he wears a white vest that matches the color of his headband (not really a vest, like a that outer part of a suit except with no buttons, the collar is up, and it's open so you can see his shirt). He has pants that go down to his ankles that is the same color as the vest and headband. His shoes are black with white soles and laces. On his right hand, there's a glove with the fingers cut off that is the same color as his vest. On his left hand, there's the same glove, but this one is the color of his shirt.

    Personality: Toni is a loner, and keeps to himself, but can be social if he wants to be. He has no friends, due to the fact that his angel is practically himself. He likes to participate in Angelic Fights and train for them. When in a fight, he takes complete focus on the fight, and also on strategizing. Knowing that his angel isn't perfect, he makes the most of the situation if in a disadvantageous fight. Even when his fight is favoring himself, Toni never underestimates his opponent. Although a loner, he does converse if spoken to. He also likes to keep a chopstick in his mouth, holding it by the tip, like a toothpick.

    Background: Toni was usually picked on in school growing up. This caused him to never really talk to people, becoming the loner he is. Eventually, he received an Angel, and at the same time entered the Academy of Skool. Toni's intelligence gave him an advantage in Angelic Fights, and he won many. Although good, he didn't always win. During one regular school day, he overheard a conversation about a "Lucky Penny". Learning of its powers, Toni made a goal to always seek out that penny, because with it he could eternally have all the Hostess Cupcakes in the world, among other snacks. There was one Angelic Fight that he will always remember, the battle with Houkaziru, a fire type angel. The Deus was almost equally as intelligent as Toni, and this caused problems for Toni. Because of the advantage fire has over steel, Toni lost, and one of his minor goals is to eventually beat this angel and his Deus.

    Favorite Snack: Cupcakes (Hostess kind)

    Misc: Toni likes to call himself DT, which stands for Deus Toni

    RP Sample: Real sample is after Angel profile

    Name: Hagashizaru

    Gender: Resembles a male

    Height: 2 feet

    Weapon: No real weapon, prefers to morph his arm or fingers into weapons (see ability)

    Appearance: Hagashizaru looks like it has a helmet on its head. The "helmet" covers practically all of its real face, and is bright silver like platinum. On the side, diagonal parts, the top, and the back of the helmet, there are bent horns the color of shiny gold. The sides of the helmet go down the side of the face until it gets to the part that curves into the chin, and then follows that curve a little, creating a point on each side of the chin. The rest of the face is matte black with yellow upside-down triangles for eyes and doesn't have pupils. The rest of the body is matte black as well, with armor that is resembling to the helmet on Hagashizaru's head. Has wrist guards that go up to its elbow and down to over the knuckles leaving the fingers uncovered. Goes over the arms so that only the fingers are out, with a little hole on the side for the thumbs. On the sides opposite to the thumb-holes, there is a golden spike that bends way down so that it's going the same direction as the fingers. Shoes cover the whole foot and there's a gold spike a little in front of the center of the shoe that goes straight up to reach a length equal to the middle of the shin. The body armor covers the whole torso and has shoulder pads that extend out, curving into a point. There is a gold spike in the center of the body armor, two on each shoulder pad, and following a center line along the back, there's a whole line of golden spikes. On all of the uncovered body parts, are intricate yellow markings that are the same color as the eyes. Even though his skin is matte black, it's really tan, just painted black with some special paint that makes it stay there until washed away (likes to look like his ability, steel-ish).

    Class: Elementalist - Steel

    Ability: Kurogane Henkou – Hagashizaru has the ability to morph it's own physical structure to a certain extent. Being made primarily of metal, Hagashizaru controls the metal on it's own form to create things like swords to thing to defend such as shields. Also, using the ability to change it's form, Hagashizaru can partially speed up its regeneration process if severely injured, but not to a super speed, just make it faster than normal regenerations.

    RP Sample:
    (This entry is from Toni's History. If you must know, see the last few sentences of his history.)

    It was a bright day with a cool breeze blowing at 3:00 when school let out. Toni was walking out of the entrance doors when he saw another student walking by with an Angel sitting on his shoulder. After finishing tying his shoes, Toni ran out the doors after the student.
    "Hey Kaenkaro! I see you have an angel," Toni said as he caught up with the now turned around Kaenkaro.
    "Please, call me Kaen. And yes, you want something?" Kaen asked as his Angel's eyes lit up with a bright red color.
    "Well, I always enjoy Angelic Fights. How about we have one?"
    "Alright. You can pick the time and the place," Kaen said as he started slowly walking away.
    "Ok, how 'bout tomorrow behind the school?" Toni suggested as he walked back to his house too.
    "That sounds fine. See you then."
    Back at his house, Toni started preparations for his match tomorrow. Before beginning his physical training, he tried to come up with a plan.
    "Let's see… Based on his Angel's eyes…" Toni began pondering aloud while thinking back to when Kaen's Angel's eyes lit up. "I'd say that it's a fire elementalist. That's bad for me, considering mine is steel. However, it's not impossible for me to win. I guess I'll think of a strategy later."
    It was 7 PM and Toni began practicing for his match by just doing some exercises and moving around. The next day after school let out, Toni went to the back of the school and saw Kaen waiting with his Angel already active and on the ground ready for battle. 'Good,' Toni thought to himself as he took his spot and readied his Angel for battle. Hagashizaru's eyes lit up its bright yellow color that they always take in battle.
    Without any comment from either Deus, both Angels dashed forward at each other. Toni suspected that Houkaziru would launch a fireball or an attack similar to that, and he was right. When the two Angels dashed, Houkaziru created a ball of swirling fire in its hand that was hidden behind its back. When they got close, Houkaziru launched the ball at Hagashizaru. Using his quick reflexes, Toni told Hagashizaru to make a spin to dodge the ball. Following the Deus's command, Hagashizaru dodged the fireball by spinning around it. Then taking the next command, Hagashizaru used its ability and morphed its fingers into one blade and prepared a strike against Houkaziru.
    The equally instinctive Kaenkaro quickly took action. Using Houkaziru's ability to create and manipulate fire, a barrier of flame formed at his back. Hagashizaru quickly stopped its attack and made a new one. The barrier, only being at Houkaziru's back, wouldn't protect it from Hagashizaru's attack using his leg, now full of spikes, to strike Houkaziru's face. Before the attack connected though, Houkaziru stopped the attack by grabbing one of the spikes with his hand and throwing Hagashizaru to the side.
    Hagashizaru was off-balance and Kaen took advantage of this, telling Houkaziru to launch a wave of fire (Houkaziru puts his right arm over chest, creating a fire on his hand. Then, Houkaziru moves his hand horizontally, releasing the fire and making it go forward, thus creating a 'wave' of fire.) at Hagashizaru. Before it connected, Hagashizaru ran towards it. Right before it hit, he hit the ground while doing a sort of front flip to jump high into the air over the fire. While in the air, Hagashizaru formed a scythe-like weapon, preparing for a final strike.
    Hagashizaru approached Houkaziru speedily, picking up speed while approaching the ground. He lifted his arm, ready to strike, but suddenly, Hagashizaru's legs and upper torso jerked forward while his body stayed in place. When he looked down, he saw a spear of solid fire (I assume it's not too weird? If so, just deal with it) stabbed into his stomach. Obviously forgetting the fact that he couldn't dodge in mid-air, Hagashizaru was defeated.
    "Heh, I guess you win Kaen. You're pretty good. We'll have to do this again some time," Toni said happily as he went over to pick up his Angel.
    "You name the time and the place…" Kaen said smiling as he grabbed his Angel. After he got Houkaziru, he placed him on the shoulder and deactivated him, heading for his house.
    'This has been an interesting day indeed,' Toni thought to himself as he too, went back to his home.

    (While this sample seems short, tis actually something like 742 words.)


  • 202

    OOC: Reading your profile just reminded me that we were originally chasing after a penny...


    Sagi shrugged his shoulders as he watched Felix start for the restaurant. "We better get going before they finish all the food without us," he advised Sakura standing next to him. With the concept of food reintroduced to his mind, and the eating place practically steps away, Sagi realised the light hunger looming in his belly. He found it interesting that he only noticed he was hungry after someone mentioned food.

    The morning's events were enough to scare the appetite out of common folk. Simon and friends were anything but common however.

    Sagi patted down his stomach as it mumbled a silent groan. Trusting Sakura would follow suit, he began to walk towards the restaurant after Felix. The eating place's shabby interior failed to impress him. Dreary coloured walls suggested the building was long overdue for a new paintjob and numerous footprints were muddled about the dusty tiles. The local health inspector must've been bribed into deciding this place was legal for business. Unfortunately, Sagi had no idea when he'd get another chance to treat his stomach. That meant this grungy diner would have to do. Briefly scanning over the heads of other customers, he spotted Felix, Melanie and Simon at a far off table. There was someone, or something, he didn't quite recognise talking to his friends.

    As he drew closer to the table, the figure became more obvious. It was a dinosaur. A man in a dinosaur suit, to be more precise. Sagi wouldn't get the opportunity to speak to him however, as what appeared to be the company's mascot walked away from the table mere seconds before he got there.

    "Hey guys --" The golden haired teen started, only to be out-voiced by the loudest burp he ever heard in his life. Two fingers pinched his nose shut, sparing his lungs the foul air that followed. Moments later, once he decided it was safe to open his mouth again, he attempted to announce his arrival once more. "Hey Felix, Melanie … and Simon. Hrm," he said, looking towards the restaurant's entrance. "I thought Sakura was right behind me. I hope she doesn't get lost on her way here." He turned back to his friends at the table. "Nice of you to wait for us," even though he said it, he really couldn't blame them for starting without him and Sakura. They had kept them waiting for a pretty long time.

    "Anyway," he continued, plopping himself into an available seat. "What's for lunch?" Sagi delicately lifted a roll from the basket sitting at the centre of the table. Teal eyes inspected the object carefully. There was something about this place that didn't set well with them. "Hrm…" At the same the time it was quite possible that all the recent events had made him paranoid. He looked at Felix, who wasn't eating anything -- he didn't even have a plate in front of him in fact. Strange. Simon on the other hand was devouring his food rather loudly and by the trace of bread crumbs around his lips, Sagi assumed he had tried the rolls.

    "Hey, Simon, are these any good?" He cocked an eyebrow at the older teen while twirling the roll suspiciously in his hand. Regardless of Simon's answer, he still wasn't sure whether he'd eat it or not. It was always good to ask though, right?

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