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The Monosize Challenge

Wouldn't those who are going for a Sylveon need Pokemon Amie/Pokemon Refresh to evolve it? (Eevee) I'm asking this because I want a Sylveon in my run since the other fairies simply did not fit.

Yeah sorry, that's the one exception to the rule. Go ahead and do as much as you need to evolve it. I'll add that to the rules.
Aye, I did do a decent amount of progress, I must admit.

Current Team after defeating Grant and Korrina

Flitter the Male Raichu Lv. 33
- Thunder Wave
- Strength
- Electro Ball
- I..literally cannot remember what was here.

Lullaby the Female Fletchinder Lv. 32
- Peck
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Tackle

Felix the Male Sylveon Lv. 31
- Baby-Doll Eyes
- Bite
- Quick Attack
- My memory must suck.

Fang the Male Vaporeon Lv. 30
- Surf
- Quick Attack
- Bite
- Baby-Doll Eyes?

Lavender the Female Stunky Lv. 30
- Toxic
- Fury Swipes
- Screech
- Slash

I soon need to get a Shuppet to aquire Banette, but Banette is in Pokemon Village on only Thursdays so that could be a conflict.
Final Update: Post Elite Four and Long, Long, Cutscene.

All done!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Shrimp the Jolly Crabrawler, Female, Lv 56
Ability: Iron Fist
Item: Fightinium Z
Moves: Dizzy Punch, Power-Up Punch, Close Combat, Crabhammer

A surprisingly sturdy little crab and the longest-serving member of the team. Sadly wasn't allowed to evolve on Mount Lanakila, but dealt almost single-handedly (single-gloved?) with Olivia's team.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Slippers the Timid Oricorio (Baile Style), Female, Lv 57
Ability: Dancer
Item: Sharp Beak
Moves: Revelation Dance, Roost, Air Slash, Hurricane

Joined the team shortly after Shrimp. Cute and quick, but didn't learn anything other than Flying moves until level 40. Still useful, though I wish the cuter Pom-pom style had worked with the team. Took care of some dangerous Elite 4 Pokemon like Skarmony and Crabomible.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Pin the Jolly Lycanroc, Female, Lv 56
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Hard Stone
Moves: Stealth Rock, Accelerock, Rock Slide, Crunch

Not very sturdy for a Rock-type but a killer of Flying types. Stealth Rock wore down a lot of Pokemon in big boss fights, Accelerock them finished off. Killed off Kahili's team.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Teaspoon the Calm Shiinotic, Female, Lv 57
Ability: Effect Spore
Item: Big Root
Moves: Spore, Sap Strength, Moonblast, Giga Drain

Was meant to be a temporary team member to deal with Lana's trial. Stayed because she is basically a vampire. Moonblasted anything she couldn't drain.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Naps the Adamant Komala, Male, Lv 53
Ability: Comatose
Item: Muscle Band
Moves: Swords Dance, Thrash, Sucker Punch, Wood Hammer

Didn't fit in with the team as much as I hoped. There wasn't much that another team member couldn't deal with better. Comatose is an interesting ability.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monosize Challenge

Stitches the Adamant Mimikyu, Female, Lv 57
Ability: Disguise
Item: Scope Lens
Moves: Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Play Rough, Shadow Claw

The last team member to join. Absurdly good. Guaranteed a Swords Dance and away she goes. Killed off all the Elite Four ghosts.
Adventure Update

- Fought Korrina
- Aquired the Mega Ring
- Went to Coumarine City
- Had to take a sad moment in one of the houses
- Beat Ramos
- Fixed the Power Plant
- Beat Clemont
- Went to Route 14
- Headed to Laverre City

Flitter the Male Raichu lv. 39
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Strength
- Something else

Lullaby the Female Talonflame lv. 40
- Flame Charge
- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Something else

Felix the Male Sylveon lv. 34
- Moonblast
- Bite
- Quick Attack
- Light Screen

Fang the Male Vaporeon lvl. 35 (I might get the lvls wrong because my memory is pretty bad)
- Surf
- Bite
- Quick Attack
- Acid Armor

Lavender the Female Skuntank lv. 36
- Venoshock
- Toxic
- Slash
- Something///
First of all, my apologies for lacking in updates, I got caught up in a Nuzlocke competition through Reddit and I was dedicating all my time to it (I only came in 2nd :/ ). That being said, I'm totally excited by the number of people participating in this and keep the thread alive, so thank you <3

Anyway, I finished my FireRed run!

XS Class Monosize Challenge (FireRed) - Second and FINAL Update

Couple of tweeks I've needed to make to make my run not so limited. I've switched to Fire Red (opens up Arbok and Arcanine as options) and also turned off Trade Evo's so I can use Golem and Machamp.

POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 1


POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 2


POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 3


POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 4


POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 5


Last edited:
I didn't do much to write about today.

- Fought Team Flare in Pokeball Factory
- Trained a little bit
- Aaaaaand I thought Snorunt could be found in Frost Cavern, which it couldn't. This means I might have to wait until Thursday to get a Banette.
POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 6


Finally, as I stand triumphant on the champion podium, I HAVE COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE!

I did fight both Olympia and Wulfric, heading onto the Elite Four. Diantha was very easy,
as her Gardevoir went down in one Poison Jab.

AZ was admittably, like always, a piece of a half-cut cake.

Lullaby the Talonflame lv. 66

Flitter the Raichu lv. 66

Felix the Sylveon lv. 69

Fang the Vaporeon lv. 65

Lavender the Skuntank lv. 65

Vanilla the Chandelure lv. 65
POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 7


XS Class Monosize Challenge (HeartGold) - First Update

POKEMON FR- XL Challenge-Part 8




Next generation on my Supersized Pokemon Challenge...KALOS!!
POKEMON X- XL Challenge-Part 1


Nice, glad there's still interest in this! I apologize from my absence with this challenge, I got caught up with a bunch of other different runs and now school has started and I have a whole lot less time to play. But I definitely haven't abandoned my upkeep!