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The New Sinnoh Generation

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I'm Back!
  • 930
    Here's my first post

    Chapter One: The Adventure Begins
    Ash yawned and opened her eyes. It was another sunny day in her hometown, Twinleaf. She opened up the window and stretched, happy that it was a perfect day to maybe go to the lake for a while. After changing her clothes, Ash went downstairs for a snack before she headed over to the lake.

    Ash shuffled through her refridgerator until she pulled out some things to make a sandwhich. After slapping the last peice of bread on the top she grabbed her bag and was walking out the front door when she felt her hat slip off. Ash turned around and saw another brother of hers, Brandon prancing around with the hat in his left hand. He was twelve and still acted like a child around Ash.

    "Give me my hat back, you little pest!" Ash shouted. She made a dive for Brandon, but he dodged her and headed for the back door.

    "You're gonna have to catch me first!" he shouted. He laughed as he ran out the door, waving the hat in the air.

    "Grrr, you!" Ash growled. She chased after her little brother through town and out into the wild near where the lake was. Her little brother was nothing like her older brother, Matthew. Matthew was serious about his battling and Brandon did nothing but mess around with people.

    Matthew managed to lose Ash, and she found that a good oppurtunity to catch her breath. She was very athletic, but chasing her little brother alwas seemed to wear her out. Just then she noticed her surroundings. Ash wasn't anywhere near the path anymore. She was in the middle of the dark wildnerness, unaware of where she was. She couldn't believe that her brother had lead her here. He knew the wilderness well, so he was probably home by now, leaving Ash all alone.

    I'm gonna kill him when I get home, Ash thought. If I can get home... She began to walk, totally unsure of where she was walking. Then she heard a growl and turned around. Surrounding her were a whole gang of pokemon.

    "Waaaah!!" Ash shouted. She had heard that the wilderness was dangerous for people without pokemon and now she knew why. The pokemon drew closer and closer to her and she was completely defenseless.

    "Chimchar, use ember!"

    The next thing Ash knew, spits of fire hit all the pokemon, causing them to run away. Ash whirled around and saw a old man standing a distance away with a pokemon that looked like a fire monkey. Ash regconized this man immediatly. "Professor Rowan?" Ash said.

    Rowan looked at the young lady. "Hmm...so you know who I am, but who are you exactly? And why are you out here all alone without any pokemon? It's dangerous you know."

    "I-I know," Ash stuttered. " I came out here by accident and sadly I do not own a pokemon..."

    "Really?" asked Rowan. He looked at her for a moment and then asked her to come with him and he lead her to his hometown, Sandgem. They stepped inside a large lab. He turned around and faced Ash. "I know exactly who you are on the outside and inside," he explained. "You look just like your older brother, Matthew. I remember the day he came to start his own pokemon adventure like it was yesterday. And I know you share the love of pokemon. You have the eyes of a pokemon master. I think you can go far, just like your brother."

    Ash looked at the professor confused. "Professor, why are you telling me this?" asked Ash.

    The professor laughed. "Because today, I will give a pokemon! Take it and begin your pokemon adventure!"

    "What!" Ash said. "You're giving me a pokemon!" It had always been her dream to start a pokemon journey and become a great trainer just like Matthew. She took a poke ball from Professor Rowan and then a sort of mechanical device.

    "That's a pokedex. It will help you record information on pokemon. And the poke ball contains a magby. I think you will get along with it very well. Now get out and began your journey!"

    Ash thanked the proffesor and left the lab with her new pokemon and pokedex. She had planned to make a trip to the lake, but instead became a pokemon trainer.

    Sorry, that is not one of my best rp posts ever.

    Zeta Sukuna

    Descendant of the Inchlings
  • 1,727
    Episode 1: The Journey Begins

    Akira opened his eyes waking from a good dream, him finally getting away from his boring hometown Twinleaf.

    "Uuh, why won't anything exciting happen?" Cried Akira before hearing footsteps coming from down the hall. "Is that you mom?" The door opened to show an older woman of about fourty-six.

    "Yes, it's me." Said Akira's mom before sitting down on the chair. "You know what today is, right?" Akira nodded before getting out of bed, fully dressed.

    "I'm going to the lake early mom, so I'll meet you down there." Said Akira before walking down the stairs and exitting through the door. After a minute of walking he made it to the town's edge. "Well, I can always dream, right?"

    Akira then went towards the lake, trying to get there before noon so he could see the lake's pokemon clearly.

    Akira was almost to the lake, when he saw a girl with an old man. "A girl, why's she here?" Asked Akira as he saw the two leave. Akira, being nosey, decided to follow the two, but his mom was coming to the lake already.

    "Please, oh great guardian of the lake, please allow David to care about his family. I beg you." Said Akira's mom before getting up and started to walk back home. But Akira sighed and decided.

    "The lake guardian won't do anything, but I can, after all if a member of the family can defeat him, then he'll return to what he was before he started winning those tournaments." After saying that, Akira snuck off towards Sandgem where the great Professor Rowan lives.

    After getting to the Sandgem lab, Akira burst through the door, Getting Rowan's attention. "I need a pokemon." Said Akira in a desperate tone. Rowan frowned before saying.

    "Why should I give you a pokemon?" Akira sighed before starting to walk out. But Rowan grabbed Akira's shoulder and said. "I know why you need a pokemon. Your mother told me that you might do this, and the reasoning behind it. It's a dumb reason, but I'll give you a pokemon." Akira perked up as Rowan led him to a room with at least a dozen pokeballs.

    "Do you have a Turtwig?" Asked Akira. Rowan pointed towards a stand with two pokemon on it.

    "One of those two is Turtwig." Said Rowan pointing to the left pokeball. Akira opened the pokeball Rowan pointed out and out came a Turtwig. Akira smiled before shaking the professor's hand.

    "Thank you!" Said Akira before walking out of the room, grabbing a pokedex, and getting out of there. Today would be the day his journey begins.


    Female Pokemon Trainer
  • 192
    Chapter 1: A New Beginning For A New Trainer

    The wind was blowing, at a moderate speed, as the Salamence carrying a small boy made its way in the direction of Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town. The blonde spike haired eleven year old was holding onto the flying pokemons neck, knowing full well the proper way to fly on a pokemon. After some time, the small town came into view and the boy made a motion for the dragon to land just outside the town. Once safely on the ground, the boy gave the Salamence some pokefood and then watched as it flew off into the distance back towards home.

    "Well, i guess its time to find Professor Rowan's lab."

    The boy had a very anxious look on his face as he walked down the path leading to the city. His stuck his hands in his pockets, his red vest making a sound from the friction between his arms and the material, and heaved a sigh. Time seemed to be passing by so slow, but eventually the lab came into view and the boy cracked a smile. After reaching the door, the boy stood there for a few minutes before finally mustering up the confidence to knock. An older gentleman came to the door, quickly glancing the boy over, and smiled.

    "Well hello there, you must be one of the new trainers I am expecting. Your name?"

    "My names Thomas Castkins, but everyone calls me Tommy." The boys name finally being figured out.

    "Ah yes, you are one of the trainers chosen to recieve a different starter instead of the normal three. My names Professor Rowan, please come in." The professor opened the door and motioned the eleven year old. The spikey haired pre-teen followed him into the back room where he saw three boxes. Reaching into the first box the professor pulled out a rectangular red object.

    "This is your pokedex, it has a list of all the pokemon discovered so far from all four regions. Normally we just put the Sinnoh region in, but with some help from Professor Oak, of the Kanto region, we made some modifications. The professor placed it on the counter and then reached into the second box and pulled out a small backpack.

    "This is a backpack for you to carry all your belongings. Inside are some pokeballs, medical supplies for your pokemon, pokefood and a map of the Sinnoh region." Making his way to the last box, the professor reached in and then pulled out a pokeball. Normally the pokeballs were red and white, but because it was a abnormal starter it was black and white with an E on it.

    "This is your starter pokemon, you'll come to notice that its pokeball is different than normal pokeballs but it is exactly the same. The color was just modifyed so we could distinguish the abnormal starters. Why don't you checkout your new pokemon?" The professor tossed the pokeball to Tommy who caught it and stared at it for a few seconds. His curiosity getting the best of him, he clicked the button and watched the sphere open slightly and emit a white light. A white light that slowly started to take the shape of a pokemon, a small pokemon at that, until finally revealing the creature entirely.

    "Eevee..ee..vee!" Squealed the brown fox as it began happily jumping around Tommy. Tommy was over joyed, knowing that his parents must have called ahead to reserve him this Eevee. One day, Tommy wished he'd be able to evolve the pokemon into an Espeon.

    "Thanks Professor Rowan, I'll get started on my journey right away. Come on Eevee, lets go." The Eevee skipped after her new trainer, still happily squealing to be out of her pokeball.


  • 1,308
    The Journey Begins

    OOC: My post will be taking place after most of the others in terms of pure story as suggested by the imagery and information present within it.

    It has been several weeks since Lucius Jericho abruptly left his home of Hearthorme City, forcing himself to run away from his dominant and irreponsible father and his little sisters. Lucius was intelligent in his departure, as he waited for his father to find a new and unlucky girlfriend in order to take of them. However, the choice was difficult as throughout his entire trip he had to tell himself that it was right thing to do and he could not disappoint his family, especially his siblings. Lucius admittedly got lost on his way to Sandgem to the awkward location of the mountain range and its constant problems with safety. Through heart and determination, Lucius made his way to the small piece of civilization that was for likely the first time in a while crowded. Many young children had come and gone and he had noticed lots of them with a single pokemon and a strange device in their hands. He was noticeably taller and better built than the rest, signifying that Lucius was likely one of the older trainers that had came across Sandgem. Tired from his quest to find the location of a Professor Rowan, Lucius perched himself outside the pokemon center. This likely the right place, after all they are so many rookies here, but what if I am late? he thought to himself.

    He couldn't bear the fact of failure now, especially before he had even started. How could he explain it to anyone at home? He thought of the scenarios, his sisters crying, his father yelling and the strangely placed third girlfriend of the week his father picked up at the contest hall. Not like before, where I was just a few moments late. This time will be different. Lucius forced himself to rise from his earthly seat and walked over to the largest building in town. It had appeared to be a drastically different from the other labs he had visited. It was high tech or anything at least from the outside. It had appeared to be an oversized house with old-fashioned styles decorating its exterior. He found himself staring at the building from the distance, imagining the rejection he was going to experience this time around.

    "A fine structure I must say. I take great pride in my lab and I see you seem to enjoy it." An old yet tall man spoke directing his attention to Lucius. His face was stern much like his own, however the older man did not seem to be angry for any reason. Curiosity seemed to envelop him more than anything.

    "Yeah, its different than the others....wait a minute, are you Professor Rowan?" Lucius asked in total shock and seem embarrassed when the old man nodded his head in acknowledgment. "I am sorry. I never met you before. My name is Lucius Jericho. I came to ask with all due respect a pokemon in order to travel the world." Lucius bowed in Rowan's direction with obvious respect and nobility. Rowan seemed surprised at the young man's gesture of goodwill and directed him to the interior of the lab. The space age technology that the outside sorely missed was made up for with the lab's design,but some of the classical design seeped through the walls.

    "I regret to inform you that I don't have any regular starters left," Disappointment pierced through Lucius soul and he began to prepare his farewell, but Rowan's voice interrupted his process, "But I have a few different ones available. I think this guy will suit you. Much like you he has potential and a good spirit. It is a Machop, a fighting type." Lucius stared at the pokeball with confusion both at Rowan's compliment and the pokemon he had given him. A Machop? Wow, I never predicted this one. Rowan made his way to the desk and handed Lucius a strange device resembling the ones he saw the other trainers with. "I see you are prepared with your bag and such but this device is essential. Its a Pokedex, it will provide with some basic info on Pokemon and use these pokeballs to help you out. You need to catch other pokemon, so remember that. Machop cannot solve everything."(OOC: I hope the addition of those is okay, otherwise I will edit it out.) Rowan let out a minor laugh in which Lucius laughed accordingly in order to show some respect at the lame joke.

    "Thank you very much, Professor Rowan. I will do my best." Lucius bowed much like before and walked out of the Lab with great care not to break anything. Outside, the cool breeze welcomed the revitalized spirit of Lucius and he made his way North, much like the trainers before him. It was midday and much could be accomplished in a single day of die-hard adventuring.
  • 16
    It was dawn and the early sun was gleaming down onto the mountainous region of Sinnoh, leaving nothing but a beautiful day with grass waving along the ground and the air fresh yet warm. Jasen got out of bed and stretched his arms upwards stiffly, then yawned refreshingly. He was tired but the feeling inside was incredible when he remembered what day it was: the day to begin his Pokémon Adventure. Something hit Jasen in the head: an idea. He took off out of his room and ran quickly down the carpeted staircase; nearly falling down if it had not been for the banister he was tightly holding onto. He jumped the last step and entered the dining room. Jasen turned his head to the clock and saw what time it was eleven-thirty: he liked to sleep late into the morning.

    "Mum, I need to get changed, I need to get ready!" Leia Ranger turned from the ironing board and threw him a set of clothes for the upcoming journey. Jasen caught them and then ran upstairs, thinking of his to-do list: have breakfast, clean his teeth, and check his equipment. He had packed all of his essential items over the past week. Jasen got changed in his bedroom and brushed his teeth: going from side to side for two minutes making them shine as much as possible. As he went to leave the room, he tripped over something on his messy floor: his satchel: he picked it up and looked inside. One Potion, one Antidote, one Paralyz Heal and one Oran Berry…all he needed to start off. Jasen slung the satchel over his shoulder and went back into the dining room.

    There was a plate of toast on the table: twenty-minutes left. He grabbed the piece and stuffed it into his mouth as fast as he could, munching and crunching on the buttered toast. He swallowed in large slices and then went up to his mother and gave her the plate.

    "I'm going to go know, Mum." Jasen smiled with excitement. But I'll miss you dearly… he thought softly.

    Leia smiled. "Your father would have been so proud of you. All boys leave home someday: it said so on TV. You just have fun, do your best and you get them, dear!" She kissed Jasen's head and he smiled, "Bye."

    "Good bye, Jasen."

    He left the house and entered the sweet town of Sandgem town, where the gorgeous aroma of the sea and beach hit him. He took it in and then breathed out through his mouth deeply. Running forward in his trademark clothing, he stopped outside Professor Birch's laboratory and gazed at it in wonder: this was where it all started and where it would all most likely finish in many years to come. Jasen entered the sliding glass doors slowly, and saw an elderly old man standing at the back. He walked forward cautiously, full of the thrill of the thing.

    "Ah, Jasen. We have been expecting you. I am professor Birch of Sandgem Town: well, in fact you know what I do. I have many other's waiting so just pick a Poké Ball." Jasen grinned joyfully. He took the one on the right and pressed the button in the middle: out came a cute creature that was eating a piece of bread. "Munchlax is a very good choice. You will also be needing these on your adventure."

    Jasen took what were in the professor's hands: a Pokédex and five Poké Balls.

    "Goodbye, Jasen Have fun on your adventure," spoke Professor Birch loudly, echoing through the hall of the building.

    Jasen went over to the doors. "Good bye, professor." He left the premises and then started for Route 202, where he would have his first wild Pokémon battle. He dreamt of catching great Pokémon.


    Snivy's the badass of Gen V!
  • 81
    Chapter I: A Grand Tale Emerges

    Raze Feron woke up to an to a Swablu and Altaria alarm. It was one of his many Pokemon-themed merchandise. Raze turned it off and sleepily rose out of bed like a zombie in a horror film. He brushed his teeth and got dressed. Then, he went to his computer. The message on it reminded him: Today he got his starter pokrmon and began his adventure!

    As Raze came downstairs, his mom said, "Raze, are you ready? Your adventure begins today! Is all your stuff ready and packed? Good! It's 7:00. At 8:00, you have to go to Proffessor Rowan's lab. Have fun!"

    Raze leftthe house and walked to Sandgem beach. He walked over to where a fisherman was fishing.

    "Well, hello, youngster, how are you? Do you like to fish?" the Fisherman asked, "How about you take one of my rods?"

    Raze, taking the rod, said, "Thank you, Mister. I'll use it alot!"

    The Fisherman said, "What's that commotion in the forest? Why dont you check it out?"

    Raze replied, "Sure! Thank you for the rod" Raze ran off into the Sandgem forest.

    A Mime Jr. was being beat up by a vicious Mightyena. Raze scared off the Mightyena and picked up the bloody Mime Jr. Raze got out his first aid kit and dressed the Mime Jr's wounds.

    Raze reached the lab at 8:02 and Proffessor Rowan healed the poor little Mime Jr. Then he asked, "So, Raze, you want your starter now, right?"

    Raze said, "Yes, please, sir." The Mime Jr. suddenly woke up and started to hug Raze's leg.

    "Well," Proffessor Rowan said, "looks like that Mime Jr. is it! He really seems to like you. here are your pokeballs and pokedex."

    "Cool!" Raze said, "Come on, Junior! Let's begin our adventure!

    "Mime! Mime! Mime"



    Superior heat protecter!
  • 213
    I read the rules and I am ready to journey!

    Name: Violet Cascar
    Age: 10
    Gender: female

    Appearance: Violet wears a violet coloured suit that is easy to wear. She uses a yellow belt which she has got from her mother to tie her suit. She has also a spare suit which is basicly brown and also boots which are greens. Her hair are also green and she carries her pokéballs in a bag. She doesn´t like to wear any kind of ca because it ruins her hair which are extremely sensitive and her eyes are green like her father used to have. Usually she wears her violet coloured suit when she is meditating and the spare suit as she hikes around the woods.

    History: Violet Cascar is a cousin of famous Sabrina but she hasn´t ever met her. Her mother moved into Sinnoh for a job as a scientist and she has got three big brothers who all travel around Sinnoh. She wishes to become the champion and to beat all others. Violet also loves hiking in the woods and is really good fit. She adores very much psychic and fire pokémons because they are so smart and dangerous and they also remind her childhood home where they used to have pokémons too.

    Personality: Violet is really outcoming and humouristic. She is also quite goofy and end up to mess everything. She also likes to joke around but she doesn´t like about arrogant people who think too much of themselfs. Her brothers tease her every now and then and it drives her crazy. She is really gentle and she never let her friends down no matter what the situation would be. She also likes to meet new people and she speaks a lot.

    Preferred Starter: Bonsly
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