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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Cynthia nodded. She turned to Miharu. "I don't have any psychic type pokemon on me."

Miharu got what she meant immediately. "Bishamon, did you get that?"

"Yes, master," said Bishamon. "I can sense the pokemon's aura in the empty pokeball. Currently, the pokemon is in the Suicune Dorm.

"The what?"

Bishamon sighed. "The blue building. Master, you really need to pay more attention."

"Pfft, who needs maps."

"You do," Bishamon pointed out.

"Leena's in the Suicune Dorm," said Miharu, ignoring Bishamon's comment.

Cynthia smiled at Brian. "It's been a while, Brian. Who is the new student that you are showing around?"

Miharu felt a rattle in her masterball: Nightmare was finally awake. She glared down at it. "No," she said firmly. It probably looked quite strange to anyone, aside from Cynthia.

Brian smiled nervously when Sapphire said yes, but before he'd even had the chance to reply, Cynthia and another teacher approached him and her. When Sapphire said he was nervous because Leena was missing, he barely shook his head. He knew she would take care of herself. No, what was making him nervous was being around Sapphire, who he was clearly smitten with.

"Um... H-hi Miss Cynthia... This is my new friend Sapphire." he said slowly, blushing a little bit.


"Mai! Hit her with Spark!" Quin called. Both the Plusle and Mai were tiring, and she glared at Quin with undisguised venom. She began to spark and raced at Mai, who grinned and covered himself with electricity as well, and they flew right at each other, colliding in the air. The plusle stumbled to her feet, a confused look on her face as her brither watched her.

"Plai plai?" she said weakly before toppling over. Quin smiled and hurled the pokeball, catching her inside of it. The ball wobbled on the ground and dinged, and Quin smiled happily.

"I caught a Plusle! I'm gonna name her Plai!" he said, picking up the tired, but very happy, Main and setting him on his shoulder. "Let's go and get healed up now!" he said happily as he walked toward the pokemon center.
The Epic Journey to Professor Becker's Office Part 2

Alexander Becker began making his way to the path that connected Oak Town from the Pokemon Trainer Academy. His eyes darted between the map he held in front of his face and the Academy in the not-so-immediate distance. It was quite a distance away, but can still be easily seen. It was, without a doubt, enormous. Thankfully, Alexander had a map to guide him there, because even though it can easily be seen, the campus itself would be impossible to navigate through. Not to mention that the island itself is very large as well.

The problem that arose, however, is that Alexander really had no knowledge reading maps, and the further he traveled out of town, trying to decipher its meaning, the less people he saw along the way, until eventually, nobody was around for him to ask for assistance. Alexander shrugged it off. He had come quite far to turn back now, so he decided he'd make best with what he knew about maps, and proceed.

As Alexander traveled further down the road, the path began to curve and turn in all manner of directions. Most of them were hard to translate off of the map, so he just went where the immediate road took him. He was now in an area quite covered, but still with an open road, until there was a fork in the road, with no directions in sight. Alexander looked at the map, puzzled. It didn't appeared that there was anything on the map that hinted at a fork in this area. He had either gotten lost at some point, or perhaps the map was a bit inaccurate. He went with the former. He probably missed a turn somewhere down the road. Alexander shrugged. He picked the left path, seeming to head into some sort of forest. According to the map, it appeared to be called Berry Forest. To bad the map was from a different island altogether.

The boy frowned in puzzlement. He wasn't too concerned about the dodging still... but the teacher unnerved him. He seemed to be expecting something. What it was the boy would likely never know. He didn't understand the prioritization of adults anyway. Rei released another Sing with a smile, pausing to let her human rest on her back. She didn't particularly enjoy this exercise but that was all right. Misery did love company.

She continued her song, smiling again as Pala plopped down next to her, asleep. It hit somebody.


He managed to sit up in his chair again shyly, looking around the room with a little relief in his face. Ciel reached down to soothe Kinko's irritation as Brie barked at him, clearly perturbed. Ciel shushed him softly as the other boy spoke. He wanted a legendary? That was more than ambitious, that was just plain foolish. To earn the respect of a mirage Pokemon took heart and strength. There also had to be a reason.

Legendaries couldn't be captured without earning it. His father had tried apparently and failed. He himself had never seen one but his mother told him there was sometimes a guardian who flew through Viridian and watched over its children, sometimes blessing them with the power of the forest itself. He had always wondered... but never considered seeing one up close until now. It was amazing, fascinating, even terrifying of course... yet Ciel had the vaguest feeling of sadness from the Electric Dragon.

Could he ask about that? No... that was an odd question, one no one but maybe himself, the dragon, and N would get why he asked.

He thought of another and asked quietly. "What is it like to be acknowledged by a mirage Pokemon?"


Ash sneezed and grinned to herself. Well they seemed to get more into it now. People always seemed to like things more when they were at an end. She clapped her hands loudly. "All right kids! This class is officially over. You have now experienced one method to actually defend yourselves. Someday you will have to protect your Pokemon and you might- might- remember this. If you don't, well, I tried. See you all later!" She sat back down on the beach again, spinning her Pokeball patiently as the students began to scatter, some relieved, some not.

Her class would likely be despised by the end of the week. Huh... rumors sounded like fun. She clutched a Pokeball in her hands, smiling to herself. It was so peaceful...
Ethan Thervick

Ethan reached up and slowly placed his only pokeball upon the Pokemon Center's counter, a guilty look upon his face. Upon noticing that he was once again in the pokemon center for the third day in a row, Nurse Joy quickly shot him a rather stern look. Averting her gaze, Ethan quickly turned away from the counter before she was able say anything and made his way over to one of the near-by tables, pulling up a chair and plomping himself down into it, allowing his thoughts to wander.

Quil had better be Ok....Five days on the island and we've already been pounded 3 times. Must be a new record.

Ethan had been at the island for about five days. The day after his arrival he had taken the entrance exam to the academy and set up temporary residence within Oak Town. After that, all hell had broken loose. On his third day, he and his Quilava had wandered into the forest and angered a group of wild Mankeys. On the fourth day, the two of them had gone BACK into the forest for revenge, in which case they were quickly overwhelmed and driven out of the forest once again. Most recently, on this day(The fifth day) he had recieved his entrance exam results. Upon learning that he had just barely passed, and that he was placed into the Raikou dorm, he had instantly grown furious and went around challenging every Suicune trainer that he could find, losing each battle and eventually pushing Quilava to the point of collapsing from exhaustion.He was due to start class tomorrow and already his clothes had been torn to shreads and he was covered from head to toe in bandages.

Upon hearing his name called, he quickly pulled himself away from his thoughts and walked back up to his counter. The piercing look still upon her face, Nurse Joy slowly placed his pokeball back upon the counter. Shifting nervously at her look, he cautiously reached out and grasped the ball.


Ethan tossed the ball into the air and released Quilava from it. Crouching down, Ethan gave the pokemon a good pat on the head.

"How ya' doin', buddy?" He said in a rather cheery tone.

Quilava replied with a quick growl and then the two of them walked over to the nearest vending machine. Putting a quarter in the machine, Ethan purchased a Soda for himself and a small packet of pokemon food for Quilava. Finding a nice spot under a tree outside, he poured the food into a bowl for Quilava and set himself down beside the tree.

(Basically my way of entering the rp now that I've been accepted. Wasnt sure how to start out so I simply wrote this up in the hopes that someone will come along and begin to roleplay with me, or something of the likes.)
Lucia Francisco Bernavard​

Lucia finished hanging up the last item of clothing and looked around her new room proudly, "Well, all done with that."

Roberto just nodded his head as Lucia looked back at the map, gazing to see any landmarks she should familiarized herself with. "Let's see... the center! We'll need to know where that is without a map. Come on Roberto!"

Lucia walked out of the building with the Roberto right behind her. Using her map she managed to orientate herself and pointed forward, "Okay Roberto, it's this way!"

After having to stop every so often to correct a wrong turn she managed to find the center. It looked slightly like the one in Saffron, there was Nurse Joy and there were trainers here as well. Lucia looked around earnestly while Roberto's body tensed as he prepared himself to carry Lucia in less than a second if need be.

Lucia found a nearby empty seat and sat down in it. Instead of sitting in the other seat Roberto leaned against the way, his eyes constantly moving around the room. Lucia giggled and poked Roberto, "Calm down Roberto, no one knows who I am yet, and they wouldn't try it in a pokemon center." The Scizor merely grunted as Lucia relaxed in her chair. "I can't wait to meet some new friends, maybe they'll be different from the ones in Saffron?" She said hopefully to Roberto who just sighed in return.
Byron was satisfied with the punishments, light as it may be. So he let both boys back to their seats. Gen trotted back and listened to Maxwell humming a queer little tune. Luckily there was an empty desk in class that doesn't have hole right in the middle.
Just like that Byron asked for the other kids, who have not yet finished cracking their stones to collect the slightly shattered stones.
"You kids just loaf around for the next 5~10 minutes, I need some time to recover from clumsy Gen's extreme fault" said Byron

Zoroark gave a small snicker at Kiyoko's explanation. Sounds like a very common and simple goal in mind for a mate. Good work. All that's left is to find her.

N blinked at Jimmy's question. Didn't he just explain earlier his life story (OOC: Or at least the events of black and white) about the quest he had obtained Zekrom from? Didn't Zekrom just introduce himse-. . . technically Zekrom only introduced himself as Zekrom Dragon of ideals. Go figure.

Then the shy boy Ciel asked that question. Acknowledged by a Mirage Pokemon?Oh, the boy meant about Zekrom. It wasn't every day he heard Legendary Pokemon referred to as Mirage Pokemon.

"I guess I should answer both of those questions together," N said as he looked at them.

"Obtaining a Legendary Pokemon is. . . not an easy thing to say the least. It took me quite a while to be able to find Zekrom. I'd have to say it was at least somewhat exhilarating to see the fruits of my efforts gain such excellent results," he began.

"A Legendary Pokemon is. . . very difficult to find, let alone be able to be caught if he or she doesn't go with you willingly," N began. "I know there are a impressive number of them that will sometimes inhabit the skies. Some dwell in volcanoes. Some exist in other dimensions. Some continue to travel the world on their own. Some live on remote islands where they won't be disturbed. Some dwell in caves. Some live in the stars of space. Some even travel through time. There are even those that stay hidden in their temples."

His face took on a much more serious tone. "I will not stop you from pursuing your dreams, but I must warn you. Hunting a legendary pokemon is a very dangerous endeavor. There are some legendary pokemon who would decide whether or not a person would be worthy to be their trainer. If a legendary pokemon denies you, do NOT provoke their anger. Zekrom and Reshiram themselves nearly destroyed the Unova region before. Darkrai could put you to sleep forever and all you would dream would be never ending nightmares. Giratina could drag you to the reverse world and you would never be able to escape his wrath. Groudon could cause the land to suffer a drought, Kyogre could flood your home, Celebi could send you to another point in time, Mewtwo could blast you into oblivion. . . And I don't think I need to explain what Arceus himself could do if you angered him now do I?"

After a moment of silence, in which even Zoroark held a dark serious look on his own face, N gave a smile to the rest of the class.

"If that's everything, you're free to go. Have a safe day everyone. If you still have questions for me, I'll be right here for the next few minutes," N said with a cheerful smile. "Don't hesitate if you have anything on your mind at all."


Kenshin was relieved she was okay. But his glad expression turned into one of fear again when she asked about that pokemon.

"I. . . I. . . I don't. . . know," Kenshin said timidly, slowly beginning to shiver. "I. . . I've never heard something that. . . ferocious before. I-I have. . . a r-relative who. . . trains some. . . p-pretty strong dragons. . . and. . . none of them. . . were. . . as scary as. . . that thing."

He looked at the Academy and then back to Olivia. Whatever the heck that thing was. . . it had scared the poor boy out of his wits. Combusken just stood next to Kenshin, worried about his trainer.

". . . W-W-What should we. . . do?" he finally asked.


So there was a special kind of mystic power involved. Takumi seemed to glare at the enchanted ball with a fierce intense gaze. This was amazing.

He looked at Austin when he blurted out his next question.

"You seriously find this surprising?" Takumi asked. "Pokemon are creatures with unique and interesting powers and properties as well. Humans are known to have psychic, telepathic, and telekinetic powers as well. There are even some rumors that some pokemon are aliens. Even some ruins in Johto named Alph that are said to have certain mystic properties. You never suspected this kind of possibility?"

He didn't wish to wait for an answer from Austin. He turned his attention back to Elizabeth to see what she had to say about all of this. About any of this. But in truth he wanted her to continue talking about these enchanted objects.

. . .

There may be something among this knew knowledge of enchanted powers that would help him succeed in his own agenda as well. Be it the Lugia Dorm or. . . his real enemy.
Kiyoko, Chapter 3: Class

Key Features


Kiyoko looked dumbstruck for a second, then moaned out in complaint. Heeyyyyyyy, it's not that simple!! It's just... Hard to explain what I want... He stopped talking, taking notice to N's speech about legendaries. He had no clue why, but it had caught his attention. he tilted his head slightly. W-wait... Could a pokeball really capture a legendary...? Could legendaries really be captured...?? This sent a shiver of fear down little Kiyoko's spine. He blinked his eyes, and the silver glow was in them once more. He watched Zekrom; watched his aura. No real reason, except that he simply felt like it.

The Seviper had already slithered it's way about halfway down the squirming boy when Mark's ball hit it square on the forehead, sucking it inside of itself. This caused Daniel to fall into the ankle-high mucky water, with wide eyes, flailing about for a moment before realizing he'd been rescued.

He quickly spotted the Pokéball, and before managing to say anything, the serpent had broken its way out of the ball once again, hissing angrily. Daniel quickly kicked himself away from it with a yelp, managing to get up on his feet and stumbled backwards, the Seviper's attention now focused on the Poliwhirl, Meditite and Raichu in front of it, not to mention the two Pokémon on Mark's shoulders.

Speaking of Raichu, Alexis sitting behind Len had narrowed her eyes, her anger and determination clear. She did however stay on Len's back, so as to not electrocute everyone by accident. "I can't just let you guys fight! Get in close, I can get him from back here!"

As Len went in for some close combat with the serpent, it hissed angrily and spat a blob of poisonous goo towards them. Len however, managed to dodge it, being a water Pokémon and all, he wasn't as slow as the others in the water.

As they got in close with it, Alexis saw her moment and swung her tail overhead, it being very long and the bolt at the end of it looking very deadly and very sharp, sent it slicing across part of the Seviper. It hissed angrily and stretched out, trying to bite at Len, but Meden's shield seemed to protect him fairly well.

(( I'll let you guys control the Seviper as well, just so we won't get horribly stuck with this xP ))

Daniel meanwhile, was standing a little further away, slightly behind Oscar, his legs and his entire body shaking, his breath shivering as he tried to figure out what had just happened and recollect himself.
Ethan Thervick

While taking his quick break under the tree, Ethan slowly began to grow bored.....His familiar itch for mischief whelling up inside of him. For a moment, he considered playing a prank on Nurse Joy. The sheer thought of her piercing stare, however, quickly turned him away from that idea.

Looking up from his drink, he soon noticed as a girl walked in front of him and his Quilava and into the Pokemon Center. Seeing this as his chance, he quickly began formulating multiple different means of 'Fun' within his head, discarding those of which he could see any serious flaws.

Having decided on a means of action, he chuckled to himself slightly as he imagined the look an the girl's face if his scheme were to succeed. Waiting until he was sure she had gone into the Center, he reached up and grasped a pair of twigs from the tree above him. Breaking them, he then slowly carried them over to the door of the center. Placing each stick upon the ground on an opposite side of the door, he then took out Quilava's empty pokeball and used it to hammer the twigs in place, taking extra care in the hopes of not being heard.

Once the twigs were in place, he reached down to one of his shoes and undid one of the shoelaces. Tieing each end to one of the sticks as tightly as he possibly could, he then made a move towards the door. Cracking it open ever so slightly, he muttered a single command into Quilava's ear.

"Quilava, use smokescreen".

Nodding back up at its master, Quilava then stuck his mouth up to the door and took a rather deep breath. Exhaling as hard as possible, he then let out a rather large jet of smoke, all of it aimed at the inside of the Pokemon Center. Then, grabbing Quilava within his arms, he dashed out of the way of his make-shift tripwire and crouched down, awaiting the flurry of people to run out of the building.

(Grieger, this was directed at you in case you didn't realize. I had already roleplayed sitting beside a tree outside the Center.)
Lucia Francisco Bernavard
Lucia looked around trying to see if there was any one around who really stood out in the crowd. Everyone looked so... boring. She sighed and looked at Roberto, "See anyone interesting?" The Sizor shook his head. She sighed once more when suddenly smoke began to pour into the center. Without wasting another breath Roberto immediately grabbed Lucia in his arms and held her against his chest. He immediately began to flap the wings on his back furiously as he blew the smoke out of the door.

He didn't stop until all the smoke had cleared and he place Lucia down. He turned around with his pincers open, ready to attack anything that stood in the smoke, but there was nothing but a small trip-wire. Roberto let out an annoyed cry as he looked around, trying to find who set this trap for Lucia.

Lucia frowned, "No one should know I'm here yet..." she muttered to herself. If someone did know she was here and they were enemy of her family than it would be best to have a description of them. "Did anyone see where that smoke came from or who started it?" She asked. The other trainers shook their heads. Roberto narrowed his eyes and pointed toward the door. "Oh, alright." Lucia grabbed her things and watched as Roberto sniped the trip-wire and jumped back expecting something to fall from above. When it didn't he practically pushed Lucia out of the center as he cast his eyes around the are, readying himself for an ambush.

Lucia just looked around and sighed sadly, It looked like even here her family's reputation had followed her. Still, it meant she would now know how people were going to react to her. Roberto pushed her along as he lead her down the path away from the center.
Ethan chuckled as he looked out from his hidden position, inable to contain himself while basking in the glory of his own success. As the trainers exitted the building, several of them had fallen due to the trip wire, others on top of those whom had already fallen before. Staring out into the clutter of bodies, he scanned the area for the girl whom had been his original target.

Rather than find her amongst the bodies, as he had expected, however, the girl had come erupting out of the center in the arms of her scizor. Rather irritated that -ANYONE- had managed to evade his playful trap, he decided to take things one step further. Poiting at the girl, he looked down at Quilava and gave him a quick command.

"Hey Quil', cover those two in smoke....Will ya'?" He said rather playfully to his partner.

Nodding back up to his master, the Quilava quickly focused his attention towards the girl and her pokemon. Taking in a deep breath, as he had done before, he let loose a rather large cloud of smoke. Giving the smoke a moment to settle in, Ethan then reached into his bag and grabbed a small box of berries that he had been saving for use in a battle. Deciding that the need of the now was more important, he grasped a handful of Oran berries and tossed them into the girls direction, hoping to splatter her and her pokemon in a load of juice.
Ruby and Kat wrestled and bounced around until the teacher announced that the session was over. Kat sighed. This class was very fun for her! "See ya Ruby." Kat said as she walked back to the school. As she passes Ash, she cheerfully said "Have a good day Ash!" She then walked away. Psy bowed to the pup of darkness. 'Goodbye.' Psy then danced towards Kat. She reached up and Kat grabbed her paddle like hand. They walked in silence, not conversing with anyone until they see Kilik. Kat decided to go to the Power Plant and find an Electric Type.

Meanwhile, Star was waking up. She could hear footsteps, so she jumped around the kids. Some tried to pet her, others sneered at her strange rings. Still others grabbed out a Pokeball, then they noticed her collar. They sulked away. After the flood of kids, Star practically sprinted to N's room. She still wanted to meet him. She reached his room, and saw him and two Pokemon still there. Star sat for a sec, and panted. After she recovered, she went to N. "Hi! I'm Star! My trainer and I are a big fan of the Prince of Team Plasma. We heard you were working for my fellow Pokemon, so Kat forgave your grunts for trying to take Royal. Aaanyway! Who's the Zoura?" Star switched her attention to Kyioko. "Who are you? I'm Star. You have strange coloring... Like me! We're different. Good different! I like your eye color." Star grinned at the Zoura, not noticing her babbling.
Kiyoko, Chapter 3: Class

A New Face


Kiyoko directed his attention to an Umbreon girl, who had come up and bombarded him with questions. U-umm... He bowed his head, out of respect. Namae wa Kiyoko desu. My name is Kiyoko. This seemed very awkward, and... Strange. Um... Thanks...?

The Seviper managed to break free from the Pokeball of course. He wasn't weakened at all so it would only be a miracle if the Seviper was caught... and an interesting addition to Mark's team that's for sure. Nonetheless, Seviper's eyes were turned toward Len and the others now. This thing should be running after being out numbered like this but it must not have been angry after having it's dinner interrupted. When Len closed in, Alexis used her tail to attack the Seviper. Afterwards it lept in to bite Len.

"Ah!" Len said as he tried to block the bite. The reflective barrier did it's job to stop the force of the attack a bit but Len was still bitten by the attack. Of course, it didn't hurt as much as it normally would have. He ended up getting bit in the leg by Seviper.

"Gyah! Get offa me!" Len yelled, trying to shake his leg off. "Hang on Alexis!" Len said as he used one of his hands to use water gun on the Seviper to blast him off of his leg. He quickly grabbed Alexis' foot afterwards so that she wouldn't fall in.

While the Seviper was distracted by Len and co., Mark ran over Daniel to get him up from the swamp. He was sure Snype and Thyme wanted to help with the battle but he needed to make sure either way.

"Geez, your a mess. Comon get up Daniel." Mark said, picking him up from the ground. "You alright?" Mark asked.

Snype kept an eye on the battles going on currently, mostly at Len.

"Darn it I wish I had some kind of projectile... but I don't want to put Mark in danger by getting its attention..." Snype said.

Kilik Chambers

Kilik could tell Alice felt generous for those that were helping her. That made Kilik happy inside, well, mostly for being part of something. The Grimer got mad at Pierce for taunting him. Pierce was just snickering from his reaction. "Ya want some too, eh? Take this!" The Grimer shot a poisonous Sludge Wave at both Pierce & Alice's Solosis. Pierce tried to block the attack with Sand-Attack, but it still got through as he got hit by the sludge. That hurt. Kilik noticed that the Solosis seemed more hurt than before. Oh boy...he got poisoned! Pierce seemed okay, thanks to him being a ground-type. "After I'm done with both of ya, I'm taking down the girl." Grimer said, "Ya are so doomed!"

That Grimer was getting on Pierce's nerves. He didn't let it go to his head though. Time will come soon...

The Solosis launched a Psywave at Grimer, & Alice threw a Pokeball at it. As it started shaking, Kilik quickly took the time to get to Solosis on Mistress, grab his backpack & take out an antidote. "You'll be alright." He assured the Pokemon, slowly applying the antidote on to him. That should do it. "He should be alright now." He smiled at Alice. He felt important somehow. This class wasn't so bad.
Maxwell Leggingsteele
Mining Class


Maxwell sat at the bench still humming the tune, although a bit quieter now. Suddenly he noticed something that he had completely forgotten about due to all the ruckus eariler. He was hungry, and not just "morning-snack" hungry, REALLY hungry. So hungry that he quietly bent over his bench in pain from not eating anything. What could you say? Maxwell had a craving stomach that needed to be maintained to work properly. He slowly raised his hand,

"Excuse me Mr. Byron, but I'm really, really hungry. So hungry that it hurts in fact! I need to go and get something to eat, but it will take about 5 minutes so I don't think there is much worry here..." he said. Quickly, he rose up from the chair and started to walk towards the classroom's door. He opened it just as quickly as he had gotten to it and walked out.


As Maxwell ran towards the cafeteria, he felt a Pokéball in his pocket shake. He didn't even have to look at it because he already knew who it was. Wilson. The little Swinub got hungry about the same time as Maxwell and needed to eat almost as much, sometimes more. At home people used to joke about their stomachs being linked together. In fact, that wouldn't really surprise Maxwell very much.

As he arrived at the cafeteria, Maxwell quickly took a plate and loaded it full of food. He grabbed a soda can as well and proceeded to try and find a table when he suddenly saw someone familiar. It was Brian whom he had met at the field trip some time ago. Maxwell smiled as he thought back at their battle, which he had only won by a slight margin.

"Hey Bri!" he said and waved at the young trainer. But then he saw that Brian was with someone else, a girl he didn't know, a young woman and... Cynthia, the Champion of Sinnoh. Wait WHAT?! The freaking Champion of Sinnoh, HERE?!! Maxwell almost dropped his plate and soda in astonishement. He then started to get nervous, maybe he shouldn't have revealed himself like that... Hoo boy, this was going to be one hell of an experience. He could tell.
Star laughed. "That's a nice name. Why are you here? I mean, who is your trainer? You don't look wild. Sorry, I talk a lot." Star giggled "Do you mind if I hang around you guys? I am really bored, and my trainer wants to train Royal and Psy today." Kyioko looked a little nervous, or scared, or maybe upset that she is here "If you don't want me to I-I can just go..." Star was hoping they would let her stay. Other Dark types are more funt to hang out with!
Lucia Francisco Bernavard​

As the two walked from the center Roberto suddenly grabbed Lucia and braced her against his chest. "Robe-" Her speech was cut off as smoke suddenly surrounded the two. The Scizor held her tight and quickly began to flap his wings in an attempt to blow away the smoke. Lucia heard some splattering noise and saw Roberto grit his teeth. Lucia reached for a pokeball, this had to stop now!

"Samuel, stop whoever is creating this smoke with Shadow Ball!" She shouted as she released the Absol from his pokeball. The Absol cried out as he was released and didn't waste any time as he ran out of the smoke. Samuel looked around and saw a Quilava was the culprit behind the smoke. Samuel took a deep breath and fired two Shadow Balls in quick succession at the fire type.

Lucia was busy coughing as the smoke irritated her throat. Roberto immediately tightened his grip on her and raced out of the smoke all while still flapping his wings as fast as he could to dispel the smoke that clung to the two. He managed to make it out and quickly placed Lucia behind him as he raised his claws in an intimidating manner. Roberto's mind was already racing but he was prepared to use Protect if things truly got out of hand.

Lucia looked around for Samuel, but didn't see the Absol. He must still be attacking whoever ambushed us, Lucia thought to herself.