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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

"Kira wait up can I walk you to the Raikou Dorm seeing as I'm also in it" I asked before she got to far and smiled sweetly. I stood up and walked towards her with Pikachu on my shoulder, and Lucario and Buizel next to. I took out their respective Pokeballs and returned them back into them but Pikachu stared at me then at Kira and I knew what Pikachu meant and I blushed deeply. I looked at the ground and softly chuckled and looked at Kits once more with the blush visible on my face.

"Umm Kira would you maybe kinda like to do this again sometime?" I asked sweetly and blushed deeper in shock that I said that to her. Pikachu looked at me and smiled then looked around slowly
Kira and Kim
"Yeah sure I'll do it again, I need more pokemon anyways. I saw a Tropius in the forest I think!" She knew that a grass-flying type was a great mix, "I'm not sure what you'll like there but you can train your pokemon." I really hope that kid who brought us food isn't also in raikou dorm. "I wonder where that kid with the techno music went."

She took a deep sigh, Odd group of people here Rafael at least is pretty normal. "Hey do me a favor and don't go near that kid with the linoone, I don't think he is trustworthy or safe to be around."

Teal Wright
Teal sneezed, and laughed "Someone must be talking about me." He did notice that Vel was staring at the backpack,

"Vel, you don't need anything, why don't you take some berries from my bag." He really did try to get her to stop, but she didn't. "Sometimes she doesn't listen to me, I'm not really sure how to connect with pokemon either." He let Vel run up his arm onto his shoulder.

"Since Vel is weaker, I think I should teach her to be more supportive and weaken other opponents so ponyta can finish the job." He thought for a moment, "I think there's a move called sunny day, it should be easy to teach, and maybe make her thief more like an mug attack you know." I'm sure I can pay 'er in something, I have no idea what she wants, "Uh, I have no idea what to pay you, though I guess I can offer up any services, just call me at any time and I'll do any favor you ask." I hope this is a good idea.
Haru got on his knees. He liked the fact that she was short. "Holly, I don't care if you're short. I love you that much more." He looked her dead in the eyes, and they were level with each other. "Don't get taller. I like you better when you're short. It makes you that much more beautiful." He blushed as he realized that her brother and sister were watching. "I'm sorry Holly's sister and Holly's brother, but I love Holly, and that's not gonna change." He gave them a look that said, 'Try and tell me I don't love her. I dare you.' It was pretty intimidating, if you know what to be afraid of. "I'm sorry if I'm coming on too strong, it's just that I've never felt like this before. Everything is perfect when I'm around her, it's just how it is." He looked Holly in the eyes and smiled.
Wyatt Wyvern (Raikou Dorm)

Oak Town/Pokemart
Wyatt walked out the pokemon center feeling upset to a degree that he let his comrades get injured so easily. He would have rather let the fight end on a surrender then to let his team get defeated that badly. Did this make him a bad trainer? He pondered this thought as he walked around Oak Town looking for some point of interest until he saw a large pokemart. He remembered that he didn't have any supplies for battling because all he brought besides what was essential, was some money and a few mementos to his home. He walked into the store and the place was pretty decent sized. He walked up to the employee at the register and greeted them with a friendly grin on his face which was returned to him. After wandering around in the store he found a couple of potions and a few regular pokeballs. Before he even looked at a single price, he dug around in his pockets for some money until he found around 2000 pokedollars. He hadn't spent a penny since he had arrived to the island and he knew that his parents would at least send some money so after a few minutes of browsing what to buy, Wyatt picked up four pokeballs and two potions. He walked to the register and bought them for 1400 pokedollars and waved goodbye to the employee that he greeted when he entered.
Holly looked at Haru and blushed. She looked down at her Xtransceiver to see how her siblings had reacted. Amy and Chase were both looking at Haru. They were both speechless and turned to look at Holly. She looked at Haru and smiled. Kayla looked at Haru and giggled. Molly floated down to look at Haru. "What's wrong?" Molly looked at Holly and shook her head. "Nothing. I was just thinking." Holly noticed that Lumina's pokeball was shaking a little and laughed. She released Lumina, who looked around and giggled. Holly looked at Haru and started blushing more. She still didn't know what to say and looked down at the ground.
"Kira I enjoyed spending today with you even though I almost drowned but other than that it was a good day and I think I might be starting to develop feelings for you." I said that not even realizing I told her that I liked her. A few second later I realized what I said and a massive blush spread across my face and I smiled not knowing whether or not she felt the same way about me but I somehow thought she did. This was the first time I told a girl how I felt about her and it felt good to reveal my feelings to her.

"I-I know you probably don't feel the same about me but I just felt you should know" I said with a small blush on my face and Pikachu played with the back of my hair and chuckled.
Tristen S, Raikou Dorm
[Forest Clearing]

"I'll think of something for payment. Maybe I'll bully you into doing my dirty work for me later." She winked and chuckled. But seriously. That really does sound like a good idea...

Just as she spoke, the ground began to shake violently, and Tristen nearly fell off her seat. Her eyes went wide as she quickly turned her attention to her croagunk in the clearing. Her canines showed as she smiled more freely than she had in a long time.

"Magnitude 10," she whispered to herself as she stood up once the shaking stopped. Luckily, they weren't hurt thanks to how far away the small purple frog was training. Parts of the ground had risen up due to the move Earthquake, and Tristen could no longer see her pokemon from here (except for Skarmory, who was still training on his side of the field).

Moments later, however, Gabriel hopped from behind a large piece of earth, smiling with the happiest look on his face. Tristen held her arms open wide and caught him before he hit the ground. "I'm so proud of you Gabe!" She pat him gently on the head. "I told you that it was easy once you got the hang of it."

The croagunk croaked happily in reply, but suddenly changed his stance as he noticed the presence of Teal and his pokemon. Immediately, Gabriel jumped out of Tristen's hands and got into an offensive stance, as if he were ready to attack upon command. Tristen wasn't surprised at his behavior and sat down again calmly.

"Gabe, it's okay. We're not battling right now." Tristen pulled out a piece of pokefood. "Eat this. You must be tired."

Hesitantly, Gabriel walked back to his trainer, took the food and sat down as Tristen continued talking to Teal. "Sorry about that. We're not used to friendly company."

"Anyways, about your pokemon," she wiped off her arms so that the contact with Gabriel she had moments ago wouldn't poison her, "I would only worry about having your linoone as a supportive/defensive pokemon if you're going to be a specifically double battler. However, Vel needs to be able to use effective offensive moves as well in order to be a truly supportive team member."
Haru feared that he had made a fool of himself...until Holly smiled. It was perfect. Like Arceus made her smile better than everyone else's. He opened his mouth to say something, but no noise came out. He was speechless for the first time in his life. "Please Holly, make me the happiest teenager alive and go out with me. I'll never leave you, hurt you, or let anything hurt you. Never." He was dead serious. If anything wanted to hurt Holly, they would have to go through Haru first. He was Holly's new guardian angel whether she liked it or not. If anything was to touch her without her wanting it, a fist would be flying at them in seconds. "I love you." He whispered the last statement.
"Hmmm" Ryan thought. 'Looks like no one else is coming, but if they are then they will just have to do the quiz another time. I've made these poor students wait too long.'

"Right then guys, you mat turn over your question paper and begin the quiz, it isn't anything important. Just a bit of fun. So good luck!'

Ryan looked at the quiz paper and smiled as he re-read the questions that he had worked on before coming to the academy. It read:

Q1. Which Pokémon is credited for the creation of the universe and all in it?

Q2. Name What Pokémon is know as 'The Continent Pokémon'?

Q3. Which Pokémon is known as 'The Nightmare Pokémon'?

Q4. Which Pokémon is known as 'The DNA Pokémon'?

Q5. What are the main colours of Lugia?

Q6. What number in the national dex is Mesprit?

Q7. How any different forms does Deoxys have?

Q8. Which Pokémon (excluding Arceus) has the highest total base stats?

Q9. Where did the Pokémon Ho-Oh live in ancient times?

Q10. Where was the Pokémon Mew found?

Ryan smiled at the list, it wasn't particularly hard. But from this he could sort out who knew legends and who didn't.
Teal Wright
Teal just watched as the frog pokemon looked ready to fight, Did that thing cause the earthquake? "Do you think Vel could be trained to be as strong as your croagunk? I don't mean with earthquakes but its power is intense." He put Vel on the ground, "Vel, get show em your best move." Vel did a stance but then dug underground.

"Uh, Vel where did you go? Seriously come out here." Teal reached down in to the hole but couldn't feel the pokemon, "Uh, I have no idea where she went." She came back out the hole she dug and got Teal square in the chest, "Oomph" Ouch that hurt, she knocked the breath outta me, his voice was scratchy but he managed a "good job girl" She laid down on his chest as he lay there and curled up innocently.
Holly looked at Haru and thought for a second. He seems nice enough.... She looked down at the ground for a second, and then back at Haru. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Her eyes were sparkling as she nodded. "Sure... I'll go out with you." Kayla looked at Holly and smiled a little. Primrose jumped down from her shoulder and ran towards Lumina. The Litwick looked at her and smiled. "Hi!" Molly looked at Lumina for a second, then turned back to Holly. She was blushing and looking down at the ground again, smiling.
Haru just about fainted. YES! YES! YES! It was all he could do to not jump up and down with happiness. The spot where she kissed his cheek...it was magic. He would never wash that cheek again...until he took his next shower of course. He looked straight into her eyes. "I love you." Haru softly kissed her lips and stood up. "Sooo..." He didn't know what to do. He had never made it this far before..."What should we do?" He looked around at the people. Holly, Kayla, and Holly's brother and sister. They seemed pretty shocked with his actions. He hoped he had not offended them. "Apologies if I offended everyone..." He was still blushing from when Holly kissed his cheek. He rubbed it affectionatly.
Tristen S, Raikou Dorm
[Forest Clearing]

Tristen leaned back for a moment to get a good look at her Skarmory training behind them; he had just finished mastering TM58, and his aim had improved significantly. The steel bird flew over to where his trainer and Teal were sitting, and landed nearby before walking over to her.

She took a gloved hand and offered her pokemon a handful of pokefood. "Very good, Skarmory--I'm proud of you. Take a break with Gabe, okay? We'll start up after you've rested a little." Stroking his head, she shooed him off and turned back to Teal.

"I definitely think that your linoone could be trained to become stronger. Any pokemon can." The white-haired girl stood up and walked into the small clearing and ushered Teal and his pokemon to join her. "Why don't you demonstrate the moves that Vel knows? Then I can tell you what methods would be best to train her."
Holly looked up at Haru and shook her head. "I don't know what to do." She looked down at ner Xtransceiver and noticed that Amy and Chase were still there. "I'll call you back later." She hung up and noticed that her wrists were still showing. She started to cover them up, but then stopped. Kayla yawned and pushed Holly a little. "Come on! The first thing to do when you become a couple is to show off!" Holly blushed and noticed that one of her pokeballs had fallen out of her pocket. She bent down and picked it up. "I guess now's a better time than any to meet this little cutie!" She released the Deerling from her pokeball and smiled. "I think I'll call you... Daisy!" The Deerling looked up at Holly and smiled. Holly looked at Haru and smiled again. She reached over and grabbed Haru's hand. Kayla looked at Holly and smiled. She started walking in a random direction. Holly giggled a little and started following her, still holding Haru's hand. The pokemon followed after them.
She's holding my hand. She was holding his hand! Yes! He began to laugh as Holly pulled him with her. "Hey, wait up!" He had an idea and swung Holly on to his back and began to follow Kayla. "So where are we off to?" He was happy that Holly was his girlfriend, but he was confused about what to do. He had seen the glint in Holly's eyes when he asked her out, and he was happy that she meant it. "Are we gonna go on an adventure or run away together?" He laughed at his own little joke. Haru really wished they could. He took her hand and kissed it much like a prince would do to a princess. "Of course I'm good with anything."
Holly laughed as Haru lifted her onto his back. Kayla looked back at them and giggled. She looked around and sighed. There was nothing interesting to do! She looked up at Holly and couldn't help but laugh again. "Where do you think we should go?" Holly looked at Kayla and shook her head. "I don't know..." She laid her head down next to Haru's shoulder and smiled again. She looked back at the pokemon and watched them. Primrose had climbed onto Daisy's back, along with Lumina. Molly watched them with some interest and then floated over to Holly. This is the happiest I've seen her... Daisy ran a little to keep up with everybody.
Able was completely beyond Mark's control. What was he supposed to do? This isn't how he wanted to go through a battle... Able was winning the battle! Without Mark's help! He felt awful not only because Able was getting the job done like a wild Pokemon, but he felt awful because he felt like he had failed as a trainer. This whole battle was out of control. While Mark might end up winning in the end... he wasn't sure if it'd be worth it... Mark finally snapped.

"Able, Return!" Mark yelled out. Mark pulled out his Pokeball and attempted to return able, but she avoided the beam. This caused Able to snap. She flew over to Mark and screeched at him again. This time she had a more threatening look on her. Able sliced at Mark's hand and caused him to drop his Pokeball.

"G..gah!" Mark screamed out, noticing the cut on his palm. He looked at Able angrily.

"Whats wrong with you?! Have you lost your mind?! I know I trained you better then this!" Mark told her. Able made a loud buzz toward Mark.

"Train me?! You couldn't train a Pidgey! I've done nothing but lose and lose ever since I took orders from you! I wanna do things my way! Nothing you do ever works!" Able screeched.

Mark of course didn't understand what Able was saying so he was a t a loss. Snype decided to step in and defend Mark.

"Little Brat! YOU'VE done nothing but lose ever since you decided to act so damned independent! Mark's orders haven't failed when I listened to him! He's learning! How about you try learning something for a change? Snype told her. Able got more steamed.

"You shut up! Nobody asked you! This is between me and this Amatur here!" Able yelled.

"Pfft. At least I know I've had a better winstreak then you'd ever have you big baby." Snype said. That did it. Able glared at Snype and froze for a moment. Within a quick second, Able tackled Snype right off of Mark's shoulder and pinned him to the ground.

"You think your better then everyone else? You can't even see your own weaknesses! You won't even listen to reason! Do you want to go back to the wild? Fending for yourself against other Pokemon instead of the luxery of being fed and loved by a trainer? Snype said.

Able ignored him and kept slashing away at him. It didn't hurt him due to his typing though. Snypes claws began to glow a faint color as he used Punishment on Able. With all of her stat increases, this move took her out in one simple hit. She was knocked onto her back and ran out of energy to keep fighting.

"No no no! I don't wanna lose! I don't wanna lose!" Able cried out. Shedinja floated over to Able and stared down at her blankly. Like a shell of her former self. Mark remained silent. He wasn't sure what to do now. He could see how upset Able was...
Haru chewed on his lip in thought, and felt Holly's head come to a rest on his shoulder. That made him smile. He looked at Kayla. "I'm not sure. I have a few ideas, if you're up for them of course." He smiled and held Holly up. It was if she weighed no more than a feather. "I'm thinking that we either go on an adventure, or back to the academy to find something to do. I'm up for anything. What do you girls say?" He really liked the Amarosa family...specifically Holly. Again, he kissed Holly's hand. He ran up to Kayla, taking care not to drop Holly. He didn't want to drop his princess.
Kayla looked at Haru and smiled. "I say we go to the academy!" She stopped walking for a second and let the rest of her pokemon out of their pokeballs. Yuri looked around and smiled. She turned to Haru and yipped excitedly. Rosemary climbed up Kayla's shoulder and onto her head. Jasmine looked at everybody and snorted out fire. "Let's go then!" She started walking towards the academy and looked back at Haru and Holly. Holly looked around and giggled a little. So this is what it's like to be tall... She lifted her head up from Haru's shoulder and looked at Kayla.
Jimmy Vincent & Alice Crenshaw
Academy Hallways

Both Alice and Jimmy listened as Rosalyn spoke, explaining what had been wrong with her. According to what she said, her brothers would upset her to no end, and one of them was in this Academy. His name? Sage. Sage Smith. Jimmy raised his eyebrow, as the name sounded familiar to him, while Alice instantly remembered something and her eyes opened wide.

"Sage...Smith?" she asked, "That's...that's our teacher's name, Jimmy!"

That pretty much told Jimmy why the name was so familiar to him. Sage Smith, the guy who was the teacher to that, in his opinion, lame class about Berries. His face acquired a more annoyed expression, as what Rosalyn said made him like Sage even less. Alice looked at Jimmy with a confused expression on her face.

"Is everything okay, Jimmy?" she asked.