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The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

Alter Ego

that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    The pok?mon adopters' club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Banner made by: Random Plushie
    with artwork by: Light Azumarill​

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Well, the idea of a club for us adopters was mentioned recently and since no-one else has expressed a desire to assume leadership of one, I will.

    So, what's this club about you might ask? Well, you might have noticed that there has been a recent influx of cute little pok?mon in people's signatures (Such as the ones in mine). Well, the adoption thread is, at the moment, closed because certain people (You know who you are...<_<) can't seem to be bothered to read the rules.

    The purpose of this thread is to act as a place for adopters to post the full information sheets of their pok?mon (So as to save space in signatures), discuss things that concern them (Nicknames, personalities, perhaps movesets or just comments on the beautiful pictures that Light Azumarill made for them.), and to discuss and develop the plot for the adopter RP, of which I will hopefully be able to post a first draft within a few days, rather than clogging up the actual adoption thread.

    The only perequisite to join this club is that you have at least one adoptive pok?mon, I would also be happy to have a couple of co-owners since I will probably not always be here to look after this thread. So, without further ado, I declare this club opened.

    Member list:

    Owner: Alter Ego
    Co-owners: Clow, Light Azumarill
    Regular Members: Kayota, Minako, Rioku, Satoshi-san, deoxys and celebi master, Random Plushie, Fls4eva, Agent9, Charon-chan, Vampiric Angel, Jordan, Mort Rainey, Obelisk-kun, Coolmaster, ybur_angel, *~Rayquaza Freak~*, Mitzykitty

    Oh, and one more thing;

    The Rules (Read or suffer):
    1. Follow all of the standard PC rules, some of the below is just there to highlight things that I deem especially important.
    2. No bashing or flaming of any pok?mon or members. I really hope that it isn't necessary to point this out but I will do so anyway; You are allowed to disagree with or criticize the opinions of others, but only if you do it constructively. Also, even though you might dissaprove of, or even actively hate, a certain pok?mon that has been adopted by someone you must still respect the fact that not everyone sees things the same way that you do and that their opinions are just as valid as yours.
    3. Keep the discussion on topic. I know that it's easy to get sidetracked when discussing things, but I also know that it's equally easy to get your thread locked for doing so. I know it might seem like a fun thing to do at the moment but trust me, it's not worth it in the long run.

    Say no to The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    The Adopter RP has started!

    Indeed, the RP has now been officially started. A list of those approved has been added to the end of the RP, so to those concerned; now is the time to make your entering post. As for the rest of you, I'm still accepting sign-ups until otherwise stated so if you're interested but haven't had the time then it's not too late. Just post your sign-ups here at the club as you would have otherwise.

    ~ Alter Ego

    Regarding questions and complaints


    There are a lot of very simple questions that keep getting repeated over and over again. This is both tiring and furstrating for those who will have to answer, usually me or Light Azumarill, and as such, Clow has most generously agreed to handle such matters. So if any one of you has any basic questions in need of answering please read the rules, and if that doesn't help ask Clow, if he can't answer them for you then he will turn to me or Light Azumarill. But whatever you do do not post the questions in here. This the Adopters' Club, not the newbie help thread. Thank you.

    ~ Alter Ego

    Adopter RP sign-ups:

    Sign-ups for the adopter RP have now officially started! Anyone interested please read the plot and fill in the form; Both provided below. The tentative starting time for this RP is sometime this weekend, although this depends on how long it takes to get a name for it. A list of accepted characters will be added to some point of the starting post of the RP for easy reference.

    ~Alter Ego

    Public Note

    To all those who would do what has been discussed here on this post please note that Light_Azumarill is trying to draw quite a few pokemon pictures for all and trying to keep everyone happy. I don't see how nor why she should have to put up with demands from people here. She is taking time out her own day to draw these pictures and i would like to see some more appreciation for what she is doing. I don't mean this as a shot at people who are respecting Light_Azumarill but at the impatient. Nobody needs to take demands for something they have done of their own accord.

    As for me i will continue to sit patiently and wait for my Kabuto picture with the common respect Light_Azumarill deserves from everybody here and is getting from a good majority of the people. It's just the minority who are spoiling it.

    I hope Alter_Ego can see where i'm coming from and the other here who respect Light_Azumarill for what she is doing.

    ~ - Jirachi -

    I saw this in the adoption thread and thought it worthwhile to put up here as well. - Jirachi -, if you're opposed to this then tell me and I'll remove this, but I agree with the opinions expressed above whole-heartedly; Melissa is doing her best and I think that certain people (You know who you are...<_<) could use a reminder of the fact that they have no right to demand anything of her. Let's see some respect.

    ~ Alter Ego

    Evolution Special Next Week!

    Next week only (maybe once or twice after, but not everytime), there will be evolved pokemon mixed in with beginning stage pokemon. This is for a better mix and for those that want a specific stage without getting the beginning. Now, if you would like to request or make a wish for a certain pokemon then do so in the club thread. Thank you!

    ~ Light Azumarill

    Official Topic:

    Just discuss whatever concerncs adoptive pok?mon or the Adopter RP and it's fine by me. But try to keep it at least somewhat relevant to the club's name. ^^ Oh, and as our special bonus topic of the moment we have...*Dramatic drumroll* hair colour!

    Pok?mon & Items Wishlist:
    The pok?mon and items you want to see up for adoption will be listed here, along with the names of the people who wished for them. This is to make it easier for Melissa to keep track of all wishes, thus increasing your chances for getting them fulfilled. Only first-stage pok?mon will be provided unless there is an Evolution Special to come. Please note, you are free to put pok?mon onto the wishlist, but do not expect any of the requests to be fulfilled until the new adoption thread gets opened up. Thank you.


    Absol - Kayota
    Bulbasaur - Clow
    Deoxys - deoxys and celebi master
    Eevee - Kayota
    Houndour - Rioku
    Mawile - Random Plushie
    Poochyena - Kayota
    Smoochum - Fls4eva
    Scyther- Satoshi-san
    Sentret - Rioku
    Spheal - Rioku
    Swablu - Fls4eva
    Totodile - Satoshi-san
    Vulpix - Clow



    Treath of Shadows (Adopter RP)

    Generations ago, a powerful criminal organization known simply as 'The Underground' unleashed a full-scale attempt at pok?mon-powered world domination, evoking a furious resistance from the good trainers. The ensuing battles caused massive damage to the environment; Lush forests were burned to the ground, great cities lost in earthquakes and floods, and lands laid to waste by frost and storms. In the end, the 'good guys' prevailed, although just barely, and the casuaties had been tremendous. Enraged and bittered by the loss of their homes and their loved ones, the ordinary people began looking for a scapegoat and found it in none other than the pok?mon. After all, if it weren't for their immense power none of the events would have occured. The trainers and pok?mon objected to this of course and attempted to put up a resistance, but their numbers and resources had been drastically diminished by the conflict and the mob quickly gained the upper hand, resulting in nothing short of a bloody witch hunt in which no pok?mon or trainer was spared. The rapidly diminishing pok?mon population was pushed to more and more secluded areas of the world and just as it seemed like the end was nigh for the pok?mon a miracle occured: The legendary Jirachi appeared, granting the surviving pok?mon their greatest wish: To live in peace.

    On that day, Jirachi created a second world for the pok?mon in which they would be free from human persecution. Sensing that there might be a time when the two peoples would need to unite however, Jirachi left behind a pair of portals to connect these two worlds. In the pok?mon world, the portal was located at the very peak of a great mountain in the center of the world, while an equally deep crater simultaneously appeared in the human world to conceal the portal's twin. Both the crater and the mountain are steep and treacherous places, their natural protections enforced by mysterious guardians. The only way to open the gate between the two worlds is to have a human descended from the last trainers standing on one side of the portal and a pok?mon descended from the tame standing on the other. The purpose of this is to ensure that the worlds cannot interact with each other until both humans and pok?mon have proven that they have the courage, strength, and cooperation skills required for a peacefull coexsistence.

    Well, neither party seemed to show any particular inclination for uniting the worlds. The humans, left in their scorched and dying world, began focusing on salvaging what they could, tempering their harsh environment with extreme technology while the pok?mon, in their lush and idyllic new world, began to return to their old, wild ways, although they always made sure to teach their young about the dangerous and volatile nature of humans.

    As generations passed, the few surviving pok?mon, namely those with unusually long lifespans, from the exodus began taking charge of the pok?mon world, gaining the title of 'elders' and managing their people with the knowledge gained throughout the ages. The word of the elders became law, but the only law they seemed inclined to enforce was that none would trespass on the mountain that lay in the center of their world and as such, the pok?mon noticed little change in their routines and remained content.

    Meanwhile in the human world, a powerfull corporation called Waiwai Corp, passed from generation to generation of the very people who brought about the great calamity that split humans and pok?mon, assumed monopoly position in the market of life-improving technology. Exerting the power and wealth of this position in a world where life was almost completely maintained by artificial means, Waiwai Inc's leadership efficiently ussurped political control from the hastily gathered provisional government, rapidly nearing their original goal of world domination, although this time by more subtle means. But even with their objective practically achieved, they were still not satisfied. Craving for ever more power, they then turned to the now almost ancient lore from the time when people and pok?mon still coexisted in search of something, anything, that could give them a clue about how they could harness the power of those legendary creatures. Their research paid off, culminating in the discovery of an actual pok?mon; a Gardevoir encased in ice in the wall of an old mine shaft. Knowing now that the stories were indeed true, this ruthless corporation has now turned its attention towards finding the portal and opening it, hoping to gain absolute power through the enslavement of pok?mon.

    Meanwhile, equally disturbing things are beginning to occur in the pok?mon world as sightings of 'shadow pok?mon', creatures born of negative emotion and bent on annihilating all happiness and contentment they find, grow ever more numerous and the elders refuse to have any of it. Dismissing the sightings as rumors and hearsay rather than admitting that the presence of a splinter in their perfect world.

    Well, this is where our heroes come in. This RP would be divided into three sections;
    In the first part, the pok?mon heroes (Our adoptives) will realize that, despite the elders' warnings, the only way to save their world is with the help of humans and would have to work together to climb the legendary mountain with the aim of opening the portal.

    In the second part, a group of humans (The trainers) will become painfully aware of what the corporation is up to and realize that the only way to stop them is if they can get to the pok?mon first and persuade them to help. They would then have to discover the whereabouts of the portal and make their way to it.

    In the third part, the two sides would be united and begin the actual struggle towards their respective foes. Perhaps discovering that these events were manipulated by an unknown third party. Hey, there wouldn't be any suspense left if I gave you a straight answer on this, would there? ^.~


    RP Rules (Read before signing up):

    1. This is an adopter RP, so only adoptive pok?mon from Light_Azumarill's thread will be accepted. For the human section, only the sign-ups of people who have adopted a pok?mon will even be noted. However, being an adopter does not necessarily mean that you're accepted since this is a rather complicated RP and will demand some skill from the RPers part to succeed.

    2. If you join I will also be expecting you to attend. Which means that I will be expecting you to make at least one IC post a week. If you're going to be absent for a longer period of time then inform me beforehand, if I don't see those weekly IC posts or an excuse for their absence then anyone will be free to control your character(s) at will, although they should still be controlled in accoradance with their personalities.

    3. No powerplaying/godmodding. It seems that many people have trouble comprehending this rule so let me make this simple; If I see a character doing as much as raising an eyebrow without it's creator's consent then the person responsible will be banned from the RP, unless the owner of the character decides otherwise or the owner has already violated the above rule. Another thing that is also considered godmodding is having your char miraculously dodge every attack or automatically hit with every one of their own attacks. No character is perfect. Godmodding is a huge pet-peeve of mine and I have no tolerance whatsoever for it. You have been warned. <_<

    4. Everyone wanting to join will have to add the phrase 'PH33R Cradily' to some point of their sign-up post. This is to make sure that you actually read the rules.

    5. Isn't it neat to have a rule number 5? ^^

    6. Follow all PC rules. Self-explanatory.

    7. Each RPer can have a maximum of 3 pok?mon characters in addition to their human one, but please don't take on more characters than you can properly handle.

    Sign-up Sheet:

    Species: (What's the pok?mon in question? No Legendaries)
    Name: (Including nicknames)
    Gender: (Male or Female obviously)
    Appearance: (A picture will do obviously, although if your adoptive has any special features that aren't included in it then please list them in writing)
    Personality: (So many people do so many things so horribly wrong with this field. Please, let's see at least two lines of fluent text, alright?)
    History (Optional): (Just to add a little backstory to your character if you like. Be creative but don't overdo it. ^^)
    Attacks: (Can obviously change during the course of the RP as you char levels up, but try to at least inform me when they do.)
    Other (Optional): (If there's anything you didn't get to express in the other fields then feel free to put it here.)
    RP Sample: (Yes, I'll require one from everyone, including myself. It doesn't have to be a novell but try to make it at least reasonably long. Samples from any RPs you already are/have been in are accepted, but please provide a link to the source in such cases.)

    Most of this information can be taken from the sheets that you already have, so please do a proper job on the rest. ^^
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    I foresee.... A bright future
  • 427
    I Will be another/ the other Co-owner though I only have one at the time a great on a might add {Aw stop it you} the Cubone said (lol) I would be happy to join soon as the list up dates I'll adopted a second. And then a third and Then 1352...... ok maybe no that many (XD)
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Aww...bless your little pok?mon-adopter's heart Clow! ^^ Alright, we have a co-owner. I was thinking of having three or four at most, depends on the interest. Oh, and I'm posting my team here. Will update it when necessary.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 17
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Quirky
    Ability: Cloud Nine
    Mud Slap
    Future Sight


    A cheerful. playful, and outgoing, if also rather dense and annoying, pok?mon. Marsh seems possessed by an infinite curiosity for the world around him and can often be found pestering those around him with questions, often embarassing or personal ones, a habit which has led him to trouble more than once, although his lovable smile and innocent demeanor often saves him. Marsh isn't really trying to offend anyone though, he's just too blunt at times and all too often says too much of what is on his mind, but he would really like nothing more than to be friends with everyone. He is, however, capable of making an utter nuisance of himself and is often bugging Kindle and telling her to 'lighten up and enjoy life'.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 16
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Adamant
    Ability: Blaze
    Swords Dance
    Rock Slide


    A stubborn, strong-willed, gutsy, reclusive and rather introverted pok?mon. Kindle is extremely suspicious of strangers and will not hesitate to peck them if they come too close for her liking. She is fiercely protective of those whom she loves, mainly her trainer, and can actually be affectionate with them, but this also leads to the regrettable problem that she will try to keep them away from anyone she considers a treath. Even though he annoys her, Kindle does have a soft spot for Marsh, although she would never admit that.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 15
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Quirky
    Ability: Suction Cups
    Bullet Seed
    Mirror Coat


    A friendly, caring, and playful pok?mon. Limu is a good bit smarter and far more sensitive than her friend Marsh and tends to get upset over his more tactless remarks. She hates speaking ill of anyone or hurting their feelings and often tries to act as a mediator when arguments spark. She is not beyond making harmless witty remarks or teasing others, particularly Marsh, a little, but she tends to put much more thought into what she says and does. She is also slightly concerned about the focus of her powers, particularly the move 'Toxic' and is a bit scared of Kindle's temper.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 15
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Impish
    Ability: Levitate
    Shadow Ball
    Destiny Bond


    An energetic, mischievous and utterly shameless prankster. The way Missy sees it, the whole world is a glorious playground, and she's certainly not going to miss out on a second. She is nearly always playing pranks or inciting arguments between those around her, be they friends or otherwise and there are precious few who don't consider her a nuisance. Missy particularly enjoys teasing Kindle, partially since the Torchic has such an amusingly fierce temper, and partially since Limu is usually too smart and Marsh is usually too dense to give of a desirable reaction. Despite her tendency to annoy, Missy is really a caring soul deep down...very deep down.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 14
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Hasty
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Thunder Wave
    Heal Bell

    A very friendly, loving and caring, although notoriously clumsy, pok?mon, Chaucha is always doing her best to help everyone around her, often seeming to be in a constant state of motion as she attempts to help everyone and everything around her at the same time. She always means well, perhaps a bit too well, and gets upset and hurt if people react towards her attempts with rudeness, which is why many who are annoyed with her don't express it as they don't have the heart to be mean to the loving little Chansey with her world-embracing view on life. Chaucha generally seems rather clumsy and scatterbrained, mostly because she tries to accomplish way too many things at once, and her attempts to help often end in disaster, but she is determined to try her best nonetheless and does so with a cheerfull smile on her face. The occasions when Chaucha is the depressed or angry are very rare indeed, but when they do occur, one must act with the outmost caution around her, or risk ending up at the wrong end of her psychic powers.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 14
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Bashful
    Ability: PickUp
    Iron Tail

    A friendly, curious and intelligent but rather shy and withdrawn individual. Kuro is obviously struggling between his strong desire to see the world and his innate dislike of being in the spotlight. He dislikes fighting with others and is often rather submissive and compliant with others, but he can be truly brave, even to the point of recklessness, if his friends are endangered. Kuro looks up to Kindle as an older sister and confidant, always trying to get her opinion on matters. He is a fairly capable and resorcefull pok?mon, but more often than not his own shyness and low self-esteem hold him back from his true potential.

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)


    Level: 13
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Naughty
    Ability: Swift Swim
    Dragon Rage
    Aurora Beam

    Coming soon...man, that really makes me sound lazy, doesn't it? ^^

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    (Nickname to come)

    Level: 11
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Mild
    Ability: Levitate
    Calm Mind
    Hidden Power

    Will be up sooner or later.
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  • 1,079
    • Seen Jun 8, 2013
    *joins* :3 May I? ^^ I've gotten two, and I've recently adopted a normal egg.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Of course you can. ^^ Hang on...*Goes of to edit member list*

    Oh, and please post up the info sheets on your pok?mon (Unless you really consider them classified information XD) and edit the list whenever necessary.
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    I foresee.... A bright future
  • 427
    The Info is here
    Ok my pokemon
    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 13 (hey you only have one it levels faster lol)
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Bashful
    Ability: Rock Head
    Bone Club
    Skull Bash
    Skully is a Clam sweet and good natured Cubone. Un-like most Cubone Skully Loves to make friends, and has no sign of a temper at most times. She may be friendly but when she meets someone that doesn?t want to be friends with her she just tries not to be in there way and spend time with someone else.
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    [O n d i n e]
  • 582
    • Age 32
    • Seen Oct 3, 2008
    Okay, I'm here to join~! ^__^ As you can see, I've adopted a Mareep from L_A's center. =3 +pets Puurii+


    [O n d i n e]
  • 582
    • Age 32
    • Seen Oct 3, 2008
    Thank ya. L_A must be happy with the success of her adoptions ^^ They're alot of fun. XD

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Minako said:
    Thank ya. L_A must be happy with the success of her adoptions ^^ They're alot of fun. XD

    You can say that again. ^^ Ohh...I can't help smiling whenever I see my adorable little Lileep. (I'm only human ya know. How could anyone resist does adorable little eyes? And she's waving at me too...^^ *Goes of to fawn over his Lileep and wishes that he could come up with a good nickname*) Anyway, I have to say that I'm impressed by the speed with which Melissa creates such high quality art (I could never draw something that adorable, not without weeks of back-breaking toil and labour anyway.), and the thread is doing awesomely. I think the only adoptive pok?mon at the moment are Caterpie, Weedle, Seel, and Registeel. O_O Give Melissa a hand folks. ^^

    EDIT: Correction, Weedle has now found a potential adopter. And the only egg left is one containing a Normal pok?mon.
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    Inuyasha pwns
  • 139
    I will join also AE I have lots of cute pokemon in my sig*points down at sig* So its only natural that i join this club ^_^. So any ways here is my team

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level:10 Gender: MaleNature: ImpishAbility: TorrentAttacks:
    Tackle,Rapid spin,Water gun,Withdraw

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Blue flame
    Level:10 Gender: FemaleNature: GentleAbility: Flash FireAttacks:

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level:9 Gender: MaleNature:LaxAbility:LevitateAttacks:Hypnosis,dreameater,curse,Night shade

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level:9Gender: FemaleNature: RashAbility: InsomniaAttacks:peck,confusion,hypnosis,aerial ace
    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 6 Gender: Female Nature: Timid Ability: Pressure Attacks: Gust Powder Snow Aerial Ace Hail

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Caterpie Wormy
    Level: 6Gender: Female Nature: Gentle
    Ability: Shield Dust Attacks:TackleString Shot

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 6 Gender: Female Nature: Jolly
    Ability: Overgrow Attacks: Tackle Growl Magical Leaf
    Skull Bash
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    Resigned. March 2005 - May 2012
  • 1,218
    • Seen Dec 16, 2016
    ok I'm here to join too, as I adopted Weedle.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Excellent, more members. ^^ *Goes of to edit list*

    Oh, and I was wondering wether poor ol' Registeel would ever get adopted, it had been there for almost two weeks now. ^^

    Your adoptives are cut too Rioku, particularly Talon. But Lileep is still the definition of cuteness for me. ^^

    Welcome to the club everyone. ^^


    Inuyasha pwns
  • 139
    Im adopting a legendary egg and a Caterpie too just because theres more room to put all of my adoptions now! Thanks for the new space Alter ego. Now i dont have to worry about how much space is left in my sig. And if Seel is still there tomarrow ill probably adopt that too.
    Edit: oops forgot no post of mine is good without it ^_^
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    Inuyasha pwns
  • 139
    No you just leave the piture and name in your sig you put everything in here including pic and name. If you still dont get it just look at my post above and at my sig to get what im talking about ^_^

    deoxys and celebi master

    Fluffy,Destroyer Of Worlds
  • 128
    Ok. Didnt no what to do. :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level:13Gender: Female
    Nature: ModestAbility: Levitate
    Secret Power

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 13Gender: Male
    Nature: GentleAbility: Overgrow
    Vine Whip

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 13Gender: Male
    Nature:BraveAbility: Levitate
    Aerial Ace

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 12Gender: Male
    Nature: CalmAbility: Torrent
    Ice Ball

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 12Gender: Female
    Nature: MildAbility: Blaze
    Rock Slide

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 12Gender: Male
    Nature: AdamantAbility: Clear Body
    Rock Tomb
    Shock Wave

    The pok?mon adopter's club (Step right in and feel the love XD)

    Level: 12Gender: Female
    Nature: AdamantAbility: Static
    Quikc Attack
    Rolling Kick
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Yes, that's correct. You are certainly allowed to keep your precious adoptives in your siggy. But posting the movesets and suchlike just takes up so much space that I thought it would be better to store it all in one place and update as time goes by. ^^


    Inuyasha pwns
  • 139
    So Alter Ego Any idea what the first topic is gonna be about?
    P.S. Hope you dont mind that i added you to my friends list ^_^