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The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]


Robot Maid
  • 48
    Greetings trainers! This is your favorite maid Uki speaking, bringing you back a super nice challenge!

    The Rainbow Challenge!


    • All your Pokemon must represent the colors of the rainbow (Indigo and Violet to make Purple); Red, Orange (Brown in dex), Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. Click here for a list of all the Pokemon showing what color they are.
    • After your sign-up, the next poster will choose the Pokemon for you. However, the maximum amount of Pokemon to share a type is 2. So you can either have all different types or 4 different types with 2 sharing.
    • Hacking in Pokemon is allowed if it is necessary. i.e. Let's say that none of the Pokemon you got are obtainable before the first/second/third gym. Then you are allowed to "cheat" and get two of the Pokemon assigned to you. But they must be either in egg form or at a low level!
    • Trading is allowed for eggs or to evolve a pok?mon, but they need to be traded back as soon as they evolve!
    • HM Slaves are allowed, if they are necessary for your in-game progress. No fair that you get stuck just because you can't use an HM!
    • Challenge ends when you beat the E4 and Champion.
    • You must choose either single or master challenge; single being one game and master being every region. If you are doing master, you can get a different set of Pokemon for each game if you so desire.

    Sign-up form:
    Name: Your pokecommunity nick!
    Games(s): Which game(s) are you playing?
    Challenge: Single or Master?

    Extra note: Pls, try and post updates to your run here on occasion, so I know your challenge is still alive, hah!

    Single Challengers
    Master Challengers

    Single Champions

    Master Champions
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    Take Bisharp,, Sawsbuck, Co***rigus, Serpirior, Vaporeon, Crobat

    Name: LRachelR5
    Games: HeartGold
    Challenge: Single

    I got you! Take Octillery (Red), Furret (Orange), Sunflora (Yellow), Xatu (Green), Quagsire (Blue), Espeon (Purple).

    Name: Red Mage Coffman
    Game: Emerald
    Challenge: Single
    After failing my Sun Nuzlocke on Kukui (I don't like to talk about it), I want to try getting at least one full playthrough of Sun in before Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

    Name: BlissyMKW
    Games(s): Sun
    Challenge: Single, but I'll probably end up doing all the games eventually
    After failing my Sun Nuzlocke on Kukui (I don't like to talk about it), I want to try getting at least one full playthrough of Sun in before Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

    Name: BlissyMKW
    Games(s): Sun
    Challenge: Single, but I'll probably end up doing all the games eventually

    I got you, bro! Here's your team:

    Sableye, Leafeon, Braviary, Poliwrath, Mudsdale, Pelipper

    Now, I shall submit myself as well!

    Name: UkiTheMaid
    Games(s): Alpha Sapphire (what better way to play a game for the first time???)
    Challenge: Single
    I got you, bro! Here's your team:

    Sableye, Leafeon, Braviary, Poliwrath, Mudsdale, Pelipper

    Now, I shall submit myself as well!

    Name: UkiTheMaid
    Games(s): Alpha Sapphire (what better way to play a game for the first time???)
    Challenge: Single
    You're killing me with some of the earlier ones (mainly Eevee because low encounter rate), and I can't catch any of them until after the first trial, so I'll have to starter solo Totem Gumshoos, but otherwise, this should be fine. Gives me a chance to use a Leafeon in a run.

    Anyway, as I've played Alpha Sapphire, allow me to provide you with a potential team.

    Swalot, Torkoal, Manectric, Ludicolo, Swampert, Medicham

    If memory serves, all of them should be catchable in Alpha Sapphire, so no worries about that.

    Have fun

    EDIT: Ignore the part about soloing with starter. I'm an idiot and forgot Wingull is available extremely early.
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    You're killing me with some of the earlier ones (mainly Eevee because low encounter rate), and I can't catch any of them until after the first trial, so I'll have to starter solo Totem Gumshoos, but otherwise, this should be fine. Gives me a chance to use a Leafeon in a run.

    Anyway, as I've played Alpha Sapphire, allow me to provide you with a potential team.

    Swalot, Torkoal, Manectric, Ludicolo, Swampert, Medicham

    If memory serves, all of them should be catchable in Alpha Sapphire, so no worries about that.

    Have fun

    EDIT: Ignore the part about soloing with starter. I'm an idiot and forgot Wingull is available extremely early.

    This is the first time I ever sorted Pok?mon for someone, and I tried to choose good Pok?mon, but even though I played Sun, my memory isn't all the great about it, it seems, because I thought Eevee was somewhat easier to find and somewhat early? I remember playing it and it showing up somewhat often (but then again I was reading on bulbapedia to refresh my memory and you get an egg for one at some point, so you don't really need to rely on luck for it, I suppose?)

    If you want to, I can do a "re-roll" for you with a less awful team XD

    As for my team, man, I never thought I would use a Ludiculo and yet HERE WE ARE. I'm gonna have fun with this team full of Pok?mon I never used XD
    This is the first time I ever sorted Pok?mon for someone, and I tried to choose good Pok?mon, but even though I played Sun, my memory isn't all the great about it, it seems, because I thought Eevee was somewhat easier to find and somewhat early? I remember playing it and it showing up somewhat often (but then again I was reading on bulbapedia to refresh my memory and you get an egg for one at some point, so you don't really need to rely on luck for it, I suppose?)

    If you want to, I can do a "re-roll" for you with a less awful team XD

    You might be thinking of Black 2 and White 2, where you can get a HA Eevee from someone. In Platinum, you can get a free one in Hearthome City. Gen 7, though, 5% encounter rate. The team you gave me is fine, though, even with a massive Electric weakness. Sometimes you gotta work with what you get.

    Speaking of which, I made some progress. I'm planning on going back to Melemele Meadow to grind off of Oricorio since they can't touch Gems before I advance because all of Akala Island's totems suck.

    Team Ruby

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

    Scarfed God (Wingull) Lv. 18 @ Quick Claw
    Nature: Bashful
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: Growl, Water Pulse, Supersonic, Wing Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

    America (Rufflet) Lv. 17 @ Sharp Beak
    Nature: Quiet
    Ability: Sheer Force
    Moves: Peck, Hone Claws, Fury Attack, Wing Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

    Gems (Sableye) Lv. 17 @ Nothing
    Nature: Gentle
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: Scratch, Foresight, Night Shade, Shadow Sneak

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

    Epona (Mudbray) Lv. 11 @ Nothing
    Nature: Hardy
    Ability: Stamina
    Moves: Mud-Slap, Mud Sport, Rototiller, Bulldoze

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Challenge [Revived!]

    Borophyll (Eevee) Lv. 14 @ Nothing
    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Run Away
    Moves: Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Quick Attack​
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    You might be thinking of Black 2 and White 2, where you can get a HA Eevee from someone. In Platinum, you can get a free one in Hearthome City. Gen 7, though, 5% encounter rate. The team you gave me is fine, though, even with a massive Electric weakness. Sometimes you gotta work with what you get.

    Ah, I see.

    There are so many games, sometimes they kinda blend together for me lol I've just recently got back into the swing of playing Pok? games, so I'm like "Where do I find this or that species again????"

    Speaking of playing, i need to start on my run... I'll do it tonight, had absolutely no drive during the weekend X_X
    UkiTheMaid said:
    I would like to suggest that you add the challengers list in the original post.
    Name: viper8890
    Game: Black
    Challenge: Single

    Try to give a team with no trade involved.
    Also, I'm not risking giving you a team because I'm bad at that lol

    Not a problem, but I'll accept the team if you give, and if i need any re-rolls, I'll let you know.

    You should also make it compulsory to post updates at intervals like 2 gyms or 3 gyms.
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    I've got a problem with my Pokemon black.

    UkiTheMaid said:
    I would like to cancel my previous challenge and start a fresh one.

    Name: viper8890
    Game: Emerald
    Challenge: Single.
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    Thanks Uki, now I would need a team. And to the one who gives me a team, you can give me trade evolution Pokemons for this one.