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The Uprising: Liberating the Katsu Region

  • 93
    Sheila clunked to a stop and grinned.
    "You already recognize me, huh? Psh, and here I thought I was sooo easy to forget." She said sarcastically. Sheila was meaning to poke fun at herself for being so gaudy looking with tattoos...usually people remembered those, and not her voice.

    She listened to Issac and Beo, then blinked her heavily mascara'd eyelashes in confusion. "Decide? Decide what-- oh, oh, grub?" She said, answering her own question with a thumb on her chin. She'd remembered back to what she had been overhearing Issac and Beo talking about before she caught up to them.
    "Well, I don't know if it's still around anymore. But back when this place was," she lowered her voice, putting a hand to the side of her mouth in an obvious, comical whisper, "ya know, nice,"
    Sheila straightened back up and got louder. "They had the best hot wings restaurant! We could have ourselves an eating contest in celebration of our first day." She made a thumbs up. "I think they had the non-spicy stuff, too, if that doesn't sound good. But that's just what I like to eat."

    Wolf in the Rain

  • 982
    (OOC: *sings* Cause this is Filler, Filler night
    And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike...)

    "Yeah, same." Chris leaned back in his chair, before springing up onto his feet. Swiping a toothpick from off of the table, he unwrapped it and placed it in his mouth. "Right. Let's go, Greg."

    Not giving Greg a chance to respond, Chris darted out of the restaurant, stomach full and a slight smile on his face. He looked left to right down the deserted street before heading right. None of it really looked familiar, but eventually he would have to find something familiar, and from there, he could at least try and find what remained of the city he once loved.

    Crossing his arms to shield himself against the ever growing cold and wishing he had never given away his jacket, Chris continued down the street. He looked left to right, hoping he would see something that he recognized, and from there, find what he was looking for. After about five minutes and no luck, Chris finally turned to Greg for help.

    "Hey, Greg… You ever been to Chipper City before?" Chris asked, placing a hand behind his head and grinning. "… 'Cause I have no idea where we are..."
  • 16
    • Seen Jun 7, 2011
    "You hold it down here you hear me? Don't allow anybody to come near this place." Jason stared into the dark black eyes of Xavier, his beloved Scizor that would do anything for his caretaker and best friend. X simply nodded.

    "Yo too, Pierre, don't let me down. All of you need to keep this place intact until I get back alright." From Pierre, the powerful Rhyperior, to Essence, the calm Gardevoir, they all nodded in agreement to Jason's command. All of his pokemon were present and out of their resident pokeballs except for the rebellious Soze, who had wandered away hours ago. Jason payed no attention, he always did this sort of thing. Barry leaned against a wall in the back of the room, just smiling at Jason's obvious love for his Pokemon.

    "Come on Rhinestone, let's try to get going before sunset. We both know that you'll find someway to try and stay here for as long as you can." With that, Jason returned all of his Pokemon to their respective Pokeballs that were going on the trip except for Charlie, the female Garchomp that was to be his transport. Without another word, Jason walked to the door of his house, stopped, gave a final wave and headed out the door, embarking on his long journey.


    Casual Player, Silly Username
  • 1,294
    As soon as their food was gone, Chris left the place in some sort of hurry. Greg sighed as he hastily caught up with him. However Chris kept his pace as he walked down the street, braving the cold in just a shirt, forcing Greg to jog slightly behind him. On the plus side, that helped him warm up a little. Chris eventually stopped,

    "Hey, Greg… You ever been to Chipper City before?" Chris asked, placing a hand behind his head and grinning. "… 'Cause I have no idea where we are..."

    "Indeed I have," Greg replied, taking another look at the surroundings. His family would often come here on days off: do some shopping, get something to eat, there was a cinema too, but there was no way it could have survived in the dump the place had turned into now.

    What the people did for entertainment was beyond him. Things in Katsu must be really bad if people still decided to stay here. He snapped out of his hypothesising and answered Chris's question.

    "We're at the West side of the city, why where do you want to go?"


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    (OOC: Don't try this at home, kiddies. There was much torturing of Liacri involved in order to obtain the rights to bunny her character so thoroughly. I mean, er… Always be sure to ask permission before bunnying! I just thought that I should get us moving again -.-' And sorry about the crappish post… I'm doing NaNoWriMo, so my writing is a little… yeah...)

    "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that it's necessary for us to move on," Isabel said with as much politeness as she could muster, glancing down at her watch. "There are a few people my companion and I would like to speak with as soon as possible, and it would probably be better to get there sooner than later."

    Isabel turned and briskly continued on in the direction she was previously headed, Audrey skipping along close behind her.

    "Are you excited to see your family too, Sabey?" Audrey asked with her usual obscenely bright voice.

    "Yes," Isabel said, forcing herself to smile. "I just hope that my parents didn't decide to move in the past few years…"

    "They wouldn't do that!" Audrey said with a grin. "You've always had such a nice home. They'd never leave it!"

    "Not to mention they probably wouldn't have any better place to go," Isabel muttered under her breath, looking around at the rows of closed shops that lined the streets.

    The two continued on in relative silence, Isabel silently contemplating the chances that her family had decided to leave and only speaking when forced to respond to Audrey's random happy outbursts. They eventually managed to get out of the city, suddenly finding before them an entirely different landscape. There was little else but green grassy hills all around them, broken only by a plain gravel road and a few farmhouses that stood along it. There was a good mile that needed to be walked before they reached their respective destinations, and the length was almost enough to kill Isabel when coupled with Audrey's incessant chatter. The two finally made it, stopping in front of two medium-sized houses resting relatively close together when compared to the great distance between most of them along the stretch.

    "There's your home," Isabel said, pointing to the closest of the two buildings. "Would you like to say hello to your parents while I do the same with mine?"

    Audrey looked over at her house with an excited expression, though she seemed reluctant to leave Isabel's side.

    "Do you wanna come visit my house and I'll visit yours later?" Audrey asked, suddenly bubbling over with enthusiasm as she looked up at the taller girl. "We could have a sleepover or something!"

    Isabel struggled to stop herself from giving an annoyed sigh.

    "We don't really have a whole lot of time left before we should head back to the rest of the Uprising," Isabel explained slowly. "So it would probably be most efficient if we each visited our own homes alone."

    "Okay Sabey," Audrey said reluctantly, then immediately perked up again. "I'll see you in a little bit, then!"

    Audrey skipped up the driveway to her house, radiating her usual carefree happiness. Isabel sighed and continued down the road to her own driveway, feeling some excitement stir in her as well as a bit of heartache. Her parents still most likely didn't know that her brother ended up joining PXS, and she was debating whether it was necessary to tell them or not. She started up her own driveway, eyes fixed on her feet as she continued to weigh her options.


    Isabel's head snapped up, her eyes falling upon a woman in the doorway. The woman gazed at Isabel, looking somewhat disoriented and confused at the sight of her. Her hair was a somewhat pale shade of brown, with a complexion nearly as fair as Isabel's. Her pale blue eyes glinted as she examined Isabel.

    "Mom," Isabel croaked, feeling tears sting the edges of her eyes. She began to quicken her pace up the driveway, just barely restraining herself from sprinting up to her mother and throwing her arms around her.

    "You! Her mother shouted coldly, bringing Isabel to an abrupt stop several feet away from the steps leading up to the deck.

    "What are you doing here?" the woman demanded, taking a few steps toward Isabel and glaring coldly down at her. "You should never have come back. Go away! I never want to see your face again! Your organization is ruining everything, and your terrible parents are… are…"


    A man appeared in the doorway behind the woman, placing his hand on her shoulder and gently turning her around. The woman burst into tears, clinging to her husband and muttering inaudible nonsense to him, to which he replied with: "I know, I know" as he led her inside.

    The man reappeared a moment later, apparently having successfully placed his wife in a place where she could hopefully collect herself. Isabel stared at him with her eyes and mouth wide open, still stunned by her mother's words.

    "Dad… What happened to…?" Isabel felt herself grow cold and numb.

    "Your mother has been having some… psychological issues lately," her father said dismissively with an obviously-forced smile. "Just the shock of seeing you must have thrown her off a bit. She'll be fine in a little while."

    Isabel could only manage to nod, completely unsure of how she should respond.

    "Come on inside," her father said, opening the door wider and gesturing for her to enter. "I'll get you something to eat and we can catch up."

    Isabel obeyed silently, passing by her father and walking in the direction she remembered to be the kitchen, examining the interior of the house as she went. Everything looked to be about the same, except more tired somehow. It was obvious that not as much of an effort had been put into keeping the rooms perfectly tidy and presentable, but it was still basically the same as when she had left it. She sat down at the kitchen table, running her fingers over the familiar burn marks on it from when her mother had tried to take up bead-making and nearly burned the house down. She looked out the back window, feeling a nostalgic sadness at the complete absence of Eeveelutions, not that she had expected otherwise.

    "What would you like to eat?" her father asked, opening the refrigerator.

    "Whatever you have is fine," Isabel said, continuing to look out over what used to be their ranch, suddenly desiring to take her PokeBalls from their hiding place and letting her Pokemon see their past home as well.

    Her father took a container out of the refrigerator and took off the saran wrap, placing it in the microwave and turning it on. He took out two plates and placed them on the table along with two sets of silverware. He put two cups and a water pitcher on the table as well, then taking the container out of the microwave and putting it on the table as well. He sat down at looked at Isabel with a smile.

    "So… How have you been doing these past few years?" he asked, scooping some steaming casserole onto each plate.

    "Pretty well, actually," Isabel said, attempting to sound casual. "I've been able to travel to a bunch of different regions."

    "That's great," he said with an encouraging smile.

    "And how have things been around here lately?" Isabel asked, taking an experimental bite of the food on her plate. It was pretty bland, but warm and pleasant unlike most of the meals she was expecting to have on her journey.

    "Things have been… difficult," her father said, looking down at his plate. "But we've been very fortunate. Many other places were harder hit than this area."

    "And work has been?" Isabel took another bite.

    "I quit my job," he admitted. "Working in law enforcement just wasn't right for me. But I got another one at a general store in Chipper City. Your mom managed to find part-time work as a waitress, too."

    Isabel nodded and continued to eat, unsure of whether she should be relieved or saddened by the news. She quickly looked the man over, noticing how his black hair was longer than usual and less tidy than she remembered, poorly-trimmed facial hair appearing in patches across his face. His dark blue eyes were lined with deep circles, as if he hadn't gotten a decent amount of sleep since she left. She didn't exactly care to bring up the Uprising with him, nor did she think it would be beneficial to bring up her brother. Right now, Isabel just wanted to leave. She quickly downed the rest of her meal and stood, giving her father a pleasant smile.

    "Thank you so much, dad," she said with as much cheer as she could manage. "But I really should be going."

    "Are you sure you don't want to stay? For a few days, maybe, or even just tonight?" he asked, standing as well.

    "I really should be going," Isabel said, looking down at her watch even though she hadn't spent nearly as much time here as she had planned. "Though would you mind if I took a few things from my bedroom? I could use some extra clothes and things like that."

    "Of course," her father said, looking relieved. "I'll get you a bag."

    Her father disappeared into what she remembered to be the guest bedroom, reappearing and handing Isabel a tattered old duffel bag. Isabel thanked him and went upstairs into her room. She opened the door and sighed. It was dusty and dark, as if it had been cleaned once over the years and never dealt with again. She went over to her dresser and pulled out any pieces of clothing she thought would be of any use, going into her closet and doing the same with shoes. After stuffing a meager amount of supplies into her bag, Isabel straightened up and exited the room, not caring to be overwhelmed with the memories it held. She went back downstairs, surprised to find that her father had cleared the table and now lined it with canned food and a few toiletries.

    "Dad… You don't have to do that," Isabel said with wide eyes, walking over to the table.

    "I know," he said with a smile. "But I figured that you could use some help, and this is the least we could do."

    He took the duffel bag from Isabel and began carefully packing the items inside. He zipped it up and handed it back to her. Isabel swung the considerably heavier bag over her shoulder, taking care not to crush her own backpack with it.

    "Thanks dad," she said, feeling a bit of warmth spread through her again as her eyes stung a bit.

    "We love you and we're so proud of you," he said, pulling her into a firm hug for a long moment. Isabel savored the sensation, aware that it could be the last time she experienced it for various reasons.

    "Good luck," he said, holding her at arms length and looking her over with a distant hope in his eyes.

    "Thank you," Isabel said, inclining her head and quickly making her way out of the house.

    She began walking back in the direction of Chipper City, her mother's words pressing into her once more. Did she really think that the Uprising was making things worse? And what did she mean by "terrible parents"…?

    "Sabey!" Audrey shouted, running up to Isabel and flinging her arms around her. "Did you have a good time with your family."

    "Yes," Isabel said with a faint smile, looking down at her childhood friend. "But now we really need to get moving."


    After a few inquisitions of various refugees, Isabel finally managed to locate the area where the Uprising had been assigned quarters. Isabel ducked into the tent, surprised to find that very few members were there. She looked down at her watch with a frown.

    "Where are they?" Isabel muttered to herself, looking back into the swiftly-darkening city.
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    Wolf in the Rain

  • 982
    (OOC: Why was writer's block invented?)

    "We're at the West side of the city, why where do you want to go?"

    "Well, you see." Chris muttered before letting out a grin. "I kinda wanted to go check out the Gym, ya know? See how much things have really changed?" With a sigh, he put his hands behind his head. Yeah, he had battled the leader of the gym. Really, he just wanted to see the leader again, partly for the sake of it, but partly re-assurance that he was still alive, that someone important, even if he vaguely knew them, had survived the government's wrath.

    "But I suppose that would be kinda stupid, right? I mean, we're really not supposed to be here. Arceus, I'm still the same stupid kid I always was. Hiding from the government and I wanna go sightseeing." Chris laughed before walking down the street. "Oh well, next time maybe." His eyes glanced towards the darkening sky as he continued walking. Clouds, once a brilliant white, were dimming along with the setting sun as the moon began to take its place.

    "I guess we should just head back, then." Chris sighed, continuing walking. Suddenly he stopped, looking around frantically for a moment before turning back to Greg. "Yeah... Why don't you lead the way?"

    <Next time, after all this is over. I'll go>
  • 16
    • Seen Jun 7, 2011
    Hours passed as the two powerful trainers rode on their pokemons, an Arcanine and a Garchomp, across the vast plains that stretch out to the North. Neither Jason nor Barry had much of an idea where to travel to, so they decided on going to a rather big city that had a good chance of having Resistence members roaming around. Chipper City. Jason had only been there once, soon after when he first arrived in the region.

    "Umm, so where to?" Jason hopped off of Charlie and looked back instanly at Barry when the sound of his voice reached his ears.

    "You tell me." Jason looked around, having no clue of where to go next.
  • 5,114
    • Age 31
    • AU
    • Seen Feb 18, 2023
    "Bye, Isabel!" Ashi waved as she watched the Uprising leader skip off, Audrey skipping closely beside her. She turned back to Joshua and Sar and nodded. "Well that's good. We'll get a room there too. Josh could stay with you if you wanted."

    Josh felt himself go a little red. He rubbed his face a little and shook his fingers through his hair. "Sounds great," he made a kind of sarcastic smile. He wasn't trying to be sarcastic, he actually wanted to stay with Sar, but any other time Ashi would have been trying to separate the two. "Let's go then."

    "It's just a short walk then," Alastor nodded and walked with Ashi in the general direction of wherever they were going. Josh turned to Sar.

    "Um, let's go?"


    Casual Player, Silly Username
  • 1,294
    "Yeah... Why don't you lead the way?"

    Greg sighed, "I suppose I should. Okay, this way," Greg turned in the opposite direction and retraced his steps. If he found the grill, then they wouldn't be far from the camp.

    Chris's words still played in his head. He didn't want to tell him, but he really doubted the gym leader would still be here. Greg just hoped he had fled the region instead of having to perish at the hands of the government.

    "Who knows, if we make some sort of change, we can do all the sightseeing we want!" Greg said to Chris with a laugh, before noticing the place they eat, "Okay, we take a right from here, and we should be back with the others in about five minutes."

    Greg yawned loudly, "Wow, I'm beat. Good thing we're heading back, that way I can grab a good piece of ground to sleep on..." he gave Chris an accusing look, "Dammit, why do you have to be such a gentleman?" he asked with another laugh as the entered the campsite.

    [OOC: Just keeping this here ball rolling... *whistles*]

    The warden

    I'm back!
  • 767
    (OOC: Joint post from me and (can't read or writ his name on my pc, don't heve the needed characters :P, but he used to be Fire Lord) Ichiro)
    Paul glanced around, there were a lot of shops but most of them were closed and so far he hadn't seen any where they could get anything to eat. "I don't really know, I haven't seen any where yet but I'm sure we'll find some where, lets head back into the middle of town."

    "Sure, I'm not too fussed about where we go. Might as well start there and work our way around town." Iago replied.

    "Yeah," Paul said setting off towards the centre of Chipper city "What do you want to eat? I think a ham and pinap berry pizza wouldn't be bad."

    "Hmm," Iago rubbed his chin, "I can't think of anything else, and what you said sounds delicious!" He looked around for any sign of a shop that sold pizza's. "So where do you come from, Paul?"

    "Me, this is my home, I used to live here in Katsu a fair bit to the north of here, it was my home until three years ago, when..." He paused for a second then started afresh "after that I moved Hoenn, where I lived where ever I could until today. So Iago, where do you come from?"

    Paul looked into a side street as they passed, "Hey, it looks like we could be able to get something to eat there." and pointed to a takeaway about halfway down the street.

    Iago looked to where Paul pointed and headed towards the shop, thinking about what he was going to say. "Kanto, Celadon City to be exact." He had never been really forth coming about his past. "I suppose we can't discuss certain things here, can we?"

    "That would be wise" Paul said, glancing around at the mere suggestion that someone could be listening in on there conversation, but there was no one within earshot. "For now I suggest that we eat and talk later somewhere a little quieter."

    A small bell chimed as Paul pushed the door open, turning away from Iago, a man walked in from another room, presumably the kitchen and stood behind a counter as he waited for Paul and Iago to order. Paul looked at the boards over the counter showing all of the foods sold in the takeaway, the vast majority of it was fast food, burgers, pizza, chips and kebabs. "So Iago what do you think your having?"

    Iago took a quick glance over the board, letting his eyes drift to something that he would find somewhat appealing. "A Vegetarian Kebab, please" he addressed the shop owner. He dug the money out of his pocket, paying in full before turning to Paul; "Are you still going to have a ham and pinap berry pizza?"

    "Yeah, sure." Paul said to Iago before ordering and paying for his pizza, "Guess there's nothing to do now but wait around here till our foods ready." Paul looked outside, it was getting dark already, it had taken longer to find food than he had first thought.

    Within ten minutes both Iago and Paul and their food in front of them, hot and smelling delicious. Iago motioned Paul over to a slightly dusty table where they could eat, the eyes of the owner drilling holes in the back of their heads. Iago unwrapped his Kebab, taking a bite of the delicious food; not realizing how hungry he was from the walk. In-between mouthfuls he managed to as Paul "So, how old are you?"

    Paul picked up a piece of his pizza, it was red hot which was to be expected, as it had only just come out of the oven and took a bite from it. This was possibly the last cooked food he would have for some time, since he didn't know what to expect of the Katsu region anymore. Just then he noticed that Iago had said something to him. "Oh.. Yeah, I'm sixteen, I will be seventeen in just a few months though. How old are you then?"

    "Wow," Iago exclaimed, "you seemed a bit older than you are, but thats probably due...." he stopped, not wanting to upset Paul. "I'm nineteen, so only a couple of years older."

    Paul looked up at Iago, placing down the piece of pizza he was eating and frowned in confusion. "Due to what exactly?" He asked.

    "Due to...." Iago struggled to come up with a word that would fit perfectly, "....due to... hardships. You were in the..." he whispered the next word, "...liberation, weren't you?"

    Iago's words, sent Paul into something of a daze, "hardships" he thought to himself, it barely scratched the surface of what he had been through. Not just in Katsu but even after he had left, surviving alone had been hard, and he guessed it had changed him, maybe even aged him somewhat. He was only sixteen but in Hoenn he had been working in construction for about a year, he was quite sure that if his employer had ever found out his real age he would have been out of a job. Also he couldn't count the number of times that he had broken the law just to survive, that was something he wouldn't of considered before. "Yes, I was..." Paul faltered for a moment. "...and I'm back to finish the job off."

    They both sat in silence while they finished their meals, chucking the rubbish in the bin and thanking the shop owner for the meal as they headed out into the night. It was quite dark by now and the temperature was slowly dropping further so they headed back to the campsite.
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  • 1,717
    • Age 34
    • PA
    • Seen Aug 19, 2020
    "You already recognize me, huh? Psh, and here I thought I was sooo easy to forget." She said sarcastically. Sheila was meaning to poke fun at herself for being so gaudy looking with tattoos...usually people remembered those, and not her voice.

    Beo watched as the girl Issac called Sheila landed next to them, apparently she was a member of the uprising as well so he really had no reason to dislike her at the moment.

    "Decide? Decide what-- oh, oh, grub?" She said, answering her own question with a thumb on her chin. "Well, I don't know if it's still around anymore. But back when this place was," she lowered her voice, putting a hand to the side of her mouth in an obvious, comical whisper, "ya know, nice,"
    Sheila straightened back up and got louder. "They had the best hot wings restaurant! We could have ourselves an eating contest in celebration of our first day." She made a thumbs up. "I think they had the non-spicy stuff, too, if that doesn't sound good. But that's just what I like to eat."

    Beo looked to Issac waiting to see what he thought of the idea but looking to the sky he realized it was starting to get dark out, and he figured Isabel would want them back to camp soon.

    "Actually guys I think we may need to head back... As hungry as I am i'd rather not make Isabel angry, she scares me" Beo joked "So shall we head back then, maybe someone will have something to eat there?" Beo asked the two of them waiting for a response.


  • 1,308
    "You already recognize me, huh? Psh, and here I thought I was sooo easy to forget." She said sarcastically.

    "Oh how I could forgot you?" Isaac winked with it being dangerously close to flirting.

    "Decide? Decide what-- oh, oh, grub?" She said, answering her own question with a thumb on her chin. "Well, I don't know if it's still around anymore. But back when this place was," she lowered her voice, putting a hand to the side of her mouth in an obvious, comical whisper, "ya know, nice,"
    Sheila straightened back up and got louder. "They had the best hot wings restaurant! We could have ourselves an eating contest in celebration of our first day." She made a thumbs up. "I think they had the non-spicy stuff, too, if that doesn't sound good. But that's just what I like to eat."

    Isaac was considering the idea. He wasn't huge on wings, preferring seafood to virtually anything else. In fact, Isaac was used to preparing his own meals but was unable as they were no rivers or oceans around to actually fish up some food.

    "I guess we could---" Isaac began before Beo rudely interrupted.

    "Actually guys I think we may need to head back... As hungry as I am i'd rather not make Isabel angry, she scares me" Beo joked. "So shall we head back then, maybe someone will have something to eat there?" Beo asked the two of them waiting for a response.

    "Awww man," Isaac moaned as his stomach growled. "I guess it can't be helped. I don't her angry at me either….especially since I am a rookie," he continued nodding his head in a yes motion indicating his agreement with Beo. Looking down at his stomach, another roar came from the void that it was within Isaac. "But do you think we got some food on the way? I don't know if I could make it to camp…." Isaac said with a nervous laughter finishing his speech.

    Wolf in the Rain

  • 982
    Greg yawned loudly, "Wow, I'm beat. Good thing we're heading back, that way I can grab a good piece of ground to sleep on..." he gave Chris an accusing look, "Dammit, why do you
    have to be such a gentleman?" he asked with another laugh as the entered the campsite.

    "What? You can't handle a night out under the stars? Afraid something might come and get you?!" Chris laughed back. It's not like the girls had it much better than them anyways. The only difference was they had a tent in case it rained or something, and hopefully that wouldn't happen.

    The pair soon reached the tent, the first ones back from their extremely long quest for a meal.

    "So... Now we wait." Chris said. Walking over to his stuff he pulled out two blankets, one thicker than the other. He quickly unfolded the thinner, spreading it over a preferable spot of ground.

    "Dibs" Chris grinned, laying down onto the sheet, positioning his backpack so his head rested upon it. With a relaxed sigh, he closed his eyes.

    "Wake me when they get here."
  • 93
    Sheila looked at Beo, not at all phased by his interruption, and waited patiently as Issac and Beo discussed the topic of how to solve the problem of their empty stomachs.

    "Hrm." Sheila said, looking over at Issac. Hunger wise, she'd live if they went back to camp, but Issac didn't seem quite like he would. "How about... we stop by a PokeMart on the way back. We could just grab a couple of energy bars, maybe a premade sandwich or something like that. It'll take a few seconds, and I'd assume that it would be preferable that we all come back alive than totally on time," She winked at Issac, then looked at Beo.

    "If you want, you could head back and tell everyone we're on our way while I show Issac the way to the PokeMart. Or we could go as a group, no problem, we can make it snappy either way."

    Sheila scratched at her neck a little, waiting for Beo to respond. This coat was sort of itchy...or maybe it was just her dislike for covering clothing in general that made it seem that way.

    (ooc: We can timeskip through any food-getting, is anyone wants.)


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    (OOC: Yeah… I'm just gonna skip to the next day. We're currently at the meeting point mentioned before and we will be heading to a PXS base.)

    Isabel frowned up at the early-morning sun, glancing down at her watch impatiently. Most of the members had already gathered around, now nonchalantly milling around the small stands that lined the town square while keeping Isabel within sight. It was apparent that many of them had already formed rather strong attachments to one another, which worried Isabel a bit. They needed to have dedication to the cause of the Uprising alone, and growing fond of others merely weakened it.

    She crossed her arms and turned back around to face the fountain reaching high up from the middle of the street. She remember playing around the large stone structure with Audrey when they were little. They would always choose a Pokemon to pretend to be from the large assortment that had been carved into it to pass the time as their parents shopped. But now the symbol of her childhood was hardly recognizable. When the government had ordered that all Pokemon be exported from the region, another law soon followed stating that all books containing information as well as any artwork that contained the creatures deemed illegal were to be destroyed. The fountain had not been spared, and now it was merely a roughly hewn chunk of rock with holes to allow water to dribble weakly out.

    Isabel glanced around the square, able to clearly see on the faces of her team members that they were growing impatient. None of them knew what the group was planning to do that day, but that was an extra level of precaution on Isabel's part. An ignorant prisoner would be of no use to their enemies. Not even Chris knew where they were headed.

    Annoyance flickered over Isabel's face as she glanced down at her watch once more. It was now several minutes past eight in the morning, which was the time she had agreed to meet someone who would play an essential role in the Uprising's work against PXS. His tardiness didn't impress her, and she began to question the wisdom of giving him such a delicate task. After all, he was still just a kid.

    Snow Phoenix

    The transient snowman
  • 982
    "Heeeey!" Charlie hollered from just up the road.

    He wore his PXS uniform sloppily and a part of each sleeve veered awkwardly to the left. His pants also harbored the same defect, but to the right. One of the shoelaces was undone and an awkward curl stabbed for attention. Overall he was a mess from his frantic atempt to arrive on time.

    He ran tangent to the fountain and turned sharply as to stop in front of Isabel. "Sorry for being late," Charlie finished with a blush. He, inbetween pants from running the long distance, straightened out his clothes in front of this grand lady while waiting for a response.


    restless spirit
  • 1,748
    Isabel sat on the edge of the pool surrounding the defaced fountain. The feel of the city was completely different than when the group had entered it the day before. It seemed as though, while very few stores had managed to stay in business, people were having little problem making a living by running market stalls. Citizens of the city seemed rather happy. Very few possessed the depressed expressions that had appeared dominant before, and most of those wearing them were obviously refugees. Isabel figured that most people who could afford it now lived outside the city and only came in to go to the market, as the rise in strangers passing through probably didn't seem particularly attractive to most and the government was more than willing to use their homes as temporary housing for those made homeless by PXS.

    Isabel herself was casually flipping through a newspaper, absorbing as much information about the current going ons of the region from both the words in print and the ones spoken by the people milling around her. It appeared as though PXS was greatly hated in these parts as well and was very nearly constantly discussed, now having greatly surpassed the government's exportation of Pokemon as a conversation topic. She began to wonder if the population of the Katsu region had simply gotten used to the absence of Pokemon in their lives and no longer desired to have them, but immediately shrugged it off. The Uprising's mission at the moment was to stop PXS from taking over. The issue of returning Pokemon to the region would be dealt with later, assuming they were able to successfully complete their first task.

    "Heeeeey!" an all-too familiar voice shouted from across the square.

    She sighed and flooded up her paper, quickly picking out the source of the call with a quick glance over the bustling crowd. Isabel looked over the boy as he ran up to her, eyes widening in surprise before she could catch herself. Without saying a word, she unzipped her duffel bag and took out one of her brother's old jackets and chucked it at Charlie.

    "Put that on right now," she hissed under her breath, expression cold and harsh as she tried to keep herself from scolding his stupidity in wearing his PXS uniform around so many people. "Head north out of the city immediately. Most of us should meet you there in about twenty minutes. Just keep walking and don't stop until Chipper City is out of sight, and try to be more subtle going out than you were in entering."

    Without a word, Isabel turned sharply and headed back down the street the boy had come from moments ago. Assuming that the members of the Uprising remembered the orders she had given them, they would each spend a few more minutes "shopping" before making their ways out of the city in various directions and eventually going north to meet together once more. She just hoped that they were all competent enough to do so, but she knew that such expectations could be too high for a few of them.
    Last edited:


    moral support penguin
  • 119
    Audrey's fingers tapped incessantly against the surface of the water. A single touch yielded a ripple which she watched until it vanished, more light dips made an expanding pattern of circles, and gentle slaps against the surface made a variety of waves and splashes. Blindly, she toyed with the water, focusing entirely on it and flatly ignoring the hunk of rock that looked down on her. Biting her lip, Audrey stared even more fixedly at the water, pouring her energy into the harder strikes against it and refusing to look up at the places where images of Pokémon had been unevenly hacked away. Water splashed up against the hem of her sundress, completely tearing her mind away from what she didn't want to think about.

    Her disappointment quickly vanished, and she continued to play with the water. After seeing Chris again and meeting Sheila and Isaac and everyone else who she really needed to officially meet yet. She'd gotten to see Ashi again yesterday, and met Josh-Ashi's-brother and Alastor-Ashi's-friend, neither of whom Audrey really knew but whatever, she was just happy to see an old friend again, especially someone from the old Uprising. And if they were her friend's friends, then they were her friends too. And on top of all of that, she'd gotten to go see her parents again after a really, really long time. She'd been so happy to visit with them and tell them about what she'd been doing and what Keith was up to because she'd gotten to see him back in Hoenn, too. Audrey smiled to herself, fingers dancing across the surface of the water as she savored the memories of the day before. It was so good to be back with the Uprising, and so good to see her family again. Yesterday had been a good day.

    Wrapped up in her thoughts and water splashing, she hardly noticed Charlie or his brief exchange with Isabel before the girl next to her began to walk away. At this, Audrey's head jerked up, and instantly she ran off after Isabel, sneakers flashing as if in agreement with her plaintive calls. "Sabey, wait up! Sabeyyy!"


    Resident Hoenn Fanatic
  • 10
    • Seen Jan 14, 2011
    Alan cautiously approached the other trainers clustered near the fountain. He was always anxious about going outside in Katsu, having been in the region for only a few days. Seeing they were beginning to head away, he quickened his pace.
    "Hey, wait up," he called out, his voice containing an edge of anxiety. He didn't want to be left behind in this strange city. It seemed so lifeless without Pokemon; that was something he would have to get used to.

    The warden

    I'm back!
  • 767
    It was just past eight in the morning and the main street in Chipper City was filled with busy market stalls, it somewhat relived Paul that many people were still able to live a normal life in this severely disrupted region. Still a there was a bleak reminder of the state of the region, a large fountain, that Paul though could have once been quite a remarkable sight but was now disfigured beyond recognition stood in the center of the street, in the morning light it cast a long menacing shadow over the market stalls.

    Paul already had most of the supplies he needed for at least a week, however he wandered around the market musing over the produce on offer, maybe he would wind something he could use. He passed a stall selling berries and bought a bag of berries, some for his breakfast and the rest he planned on giving to his Pokemon later.

    He continued on, moving towards the fountain now as he headed out of town to where the Uprising would meet, it wasn't the most direct route but Isabel had instructed them to split up and meet again later. As he was passing the fountain he saw several other members of the Uprising but he largely ignored them, they were supposed to be acting like they didn't know each other.

    "Hey, wait up," A voice that Paul didn't recognize said from somewhere not too far behind him. He stopped and pretended to tie the laces on his boot while he looked to see who was speaking. It was a teenager, about the same age as Paul, no maybe a little younger. Somewhat unsure of what to do about this new arrival, Paul took a quick glance around, no one was paying too much attention to either of them, it was probably best if Paul found out what he wanted, which was likely to join the Uprising, before they attracted any attention. Paul stood up and whistled to the boy.

    "Over here mate." He shouted waving for the boy to come over to him.