Thunderbolt, 95 Power & 100 Accuracy > Thunder, 120 Power & 70 Accuracy - I choose Thunderbolt over Thunder as long as I don't have Rain pounding to the ground, since Thunder is far too unreliable for me, and even though it usually ends up making me lose the battle (that's probably my nooby fault anyway c:), I feel that safe is far better then unsafe. Having a 30% chance of missing isn't worth it for an extra 25 power, and Thunderbolt usually does the job. If I'm acting really strange, I would use a Galvantula with Compound Eyes for 100% accuracy as well, but Galvantula is ugly and is horrible, in my opinion.
Flamethrower, 95 Power & 100 Accuracy < Fire Blast, 120 Power & 85 Accuracy - Even though I'm now kind of contradicting myself, I always use Fire Blast over Flamethrower for it's extra power. Anything under 80 Accuracy, I shall always choose the other option. If it's between 80 Accuracy and 100 Accuracy, I usually pick said move as long as it has more OOMPH! Flamethrower is usually far too weak if it is against a type that it is neither weak or strong against, such as Normal, but Fire Blast is the one that packs the punch and could win the match for you. I also use it because at the server, Fire Blast HAX obviously loves me and I have recorded only 3 misses in lots of matches against others.
Since I can't actually do the '<' evaluation with 3 different moves, I'll just type them out and make my option bold.
Scald, 80 Power & 100 Accuracy - Surf, 95 Power & 100 Accuracy - Hydro Pump, 120 Power & 80 Accuracy - Oh poop, I'm contradicting myself again ... Scald is quite choice that is usually hidden away in a dark, locked room, but I like it. It's got lower power and the same amount of accuracy as Surf, but the effect of burn does truly make up for it. Even though I did say that I would always choose the move with 80 Accuracy to 100 Accuracy over the weaker move with 100 accuracy, in my opinion Scald is a lot better as Hydro Pump and a 20% chance that it may miss and the 30% chance of burn stays with the opponent until the Pokémon is down.
Ice Beam, 95 Power & 100 Accuracy > Blizzard, 120 Power & 70 Accuracy - This one is another Thunderbolt/Thunder, I'll always choose Ice Beam over Blizzard unless there is hailstorm crashing down with the wind whooshing in your ears. As I have already previously said, having a 30% chance of missing just isn't worth it for an extra 25 power, and Ice Beam usually does the job anyway.
I swear I won't contradict myself again this time!
Okay, I will. n~n
Sludge Wave, 95 Power & 100 Accuracy < Gunk Shot, 120 Power & 70 Accuracy - Gah, curse me! >-< Before I go shred myself to pieces with my stapler, this is why I have contradicted myself once more. Even though Gunk Shot has below 80 Accuracy, it has a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent, 20% more then Sludge Wave. In my opinion, that extra 20% makes up for that fail of an accuracy, making it between 80 Accuracy and 100 Accuracy.
Okay, now my fingers are bleeding. n~n That's my opinions on some of the moves that are slightly hard to choose from, and I shall now shred myself with my stapler. >->
~ Meaii