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- Posts
- 16
- Years
- Seen May 3, 2009
nah sry=( gyrados is alli have cept lugia which im trading someone else pretty soon
I'm interested in a few of your shinys, are you interested in any of mine?
Bulbasaur -Lv. 1 UT Japanese- Serious
Charmander -Lv.1 UT-Sassy
Squirtle - Lv.1 UT - Lax
Oddish -Lv.22 UT- Relaxed
Ponyta - Lv.13 UT - Quirky
Psyduck - Lv.8 UT - Lax
Evee - Lv.1 UT - Sassy
Horsea - Lv.18 UT - Hardy
Mr. Mime - Lv.42 UT - Quiet
Dratini - Lv.19 UT - Adamant
Chikorita - Lv.1 UT - Naive
Cleffa - Lv. 12 UT - Quiet
Magby - Lv.1 UT Japanese - Sassy
Treecko - Lv.1 UT - Hasty
Zigzagoon - Lv.3 UT - Docile
Ralts (Nicknamed Ribbon) - Lv.5 UT - Lonely
Smoochum - Lv.35 UT - Gentle
Swablu -Lv. 17 UT- Modest
Zangoose - Lv.15 UT (Pokerus) - Modest
Lairon - Lv.40 UT (with PKRS) - Modest
Metagross - Lv.100 T - Adamant
Piplup - Lv.1 UT - Quiet
Shinx - Lv.3 UT- Brave
Glameow -Lv. 40 UT- Gentle
Floatzel -Lv. 22 UT- Lonely
Budew - Lv.6 UT - Bashful
Stunky - Lv.28 UT - Rash
Giratina - Lv.70 UT - Lonely
Cresselia - Lv.50 UT - Jolly
Gible - Lv.15 UT - Modest
Corsola - Lv.50 UT - Sassy
Skorupi - Lv.26 UT - Adamant
Absol - Lv.52 T - Adamant
Lickitung - Lv.34 UT - Adamant
Cubone - Lv.4 UT - Rash
Vulpix - Lv.24 UT - Timid
Tell me which ones you are interested in and I'll pick the ones I want from your list
Can I please have the natures on your following shinies:
Snorunt (boy or girl?)
What is the natura of these ones?^^
akatsuki35 said:Could I know the natures on these: Kyogre, Latios, Regirock,treecko, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Elekid, Spiritomb, Shinx, Kecleon, Nidoqueen,Chansey, Phanphy:
Here are SOME stuff I can offer: (all shiny)
UT Bronzor
UT Zangoose
UT Ralts adamant
UT Heatran
UT Magby
UT Lickitung
UT Registeel
UT Onix
UT Swellow
UT Nincada
UT Beldum
UT Lotad
UT Gastly
UT Bagon
UT Riolu
UT Ninetales
What about shiny minun, shiny bagon and shiny ev trained carnivine for treecko, mudkip and torchic shinies?