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Unnatural [PG-13]

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Niger, atrum vel malum. Sumo.
  • 134
    Name: Calvin
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Pokémon: Donphan
    Appearance: Looks like an average Donphan except for his red eyes
    Personality: Calvin was the hot headed type. He has a high temper if he's temted. Though when he was'nt, he was alway very brave. He took on any test of bravery thrown at him.
    History: Calvin was born in Johto in the city of Goldenrod. He always the way he was now. He wasd alway quick temperd. He got in lots of fights as a kid, once accidently hitting his Dad. He didn't get his first pokemon until 11 because his parents were afaid he might hurt it. It was a Magby. They got together great. He actual evolved in a matter of months. Calvin was a natural. He could beat anyone in a battle. One day he saw a strange man. He had a black shirt with a big red R on it. He came right at him. Calvin quiclly brought out his Magmar, but was quickly defeated by the man pokemon. He then attack him with the ame pokemon. Calvin fell straight to the ground. He couldn't believe this was happening. "Who in the heck do you think are you?" He didn't answer. Al he saw has a Drowze. He he went to sleep...
    Other: None


  • 1,075
    • Seen Dec 13, 2013
    Attention: OOC thread is located here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=3818216#post3818216

    Sorry for being so late with this post. Whenever I get a chance to go on the computer for July, it's barely enough to judge everyone's sign-ups and create one of my own (poor excuse, I do know that, but at least the RP won't die, if you're still interested). However I'm starting to have some free time, and I made a sign-up sheet, inside the spoiler tags. Unfortunately I'm still in a rush, but I'll do what I can.


    Now for rating sign-ups. If you have "Pending," I'll give you a chance to improve. If you don't meet the requirements, your status will be changed to "Denied" and your sign-ups will be ignored.


    I'm still busy right now, so I don't have the time to start us off (I just wanted to make sure I could start the RP today). If anyone is willing to, may you create the opening post? Sorry for the inconvenience, I planned to make the first post but stuff keeps on occurring.


  • 247
    [[OOC: Thanks for ignoring my signup :(]]


    The sky wept.

    Rain battered the beach with unyielding intensity, and wind kicked up dust and forced out a brutal trunade unlike any Elric had ever experienced. The zodiac he was present on neared the shore from the deep, jet-black sea as the rain pelted him relentlessly - almost too much for him to tolerate. What short hair he did have since joining the military was being forced back due to the extreme weather, and his skintight black wetsuit was probably going to be stuck to his body from the moisture - great.

    Finally, after what seemed like hours, the zodiac's engine came to a stop and Elric was able to step out to the beach. The night-vision goggles strapped to his forehead seemed to have more weight to them than usual, but it was probably just an anxious kind of weight; one that Elric did not need to carry with him for his mission. His sharp eyes scanned the rock face ahead momentarily, searching for an entrance; a deep fissure was ahead that he could squeeze through, it looked like. Perfect.

    But... Something was wrong with this scene. As lightning entered Elric's ears, the rain seemed to change... It grew thicker, more sloppy; it painted whatever it hit a deep crimson. It was raining blood...? In disbelief, Elric began to shake his head, and look upon the scene a second time...


    Elric found himself shaking his head from one realm of thought to another. As he woke from a drugged slumber, immediately, he sensed something amiss. His vision seemed to be more spaced apart; like his eyes weren't where they should be; and he was in a prison cell. That was no good already. Attempting to force himself to get up, he found that his limbs were stiff and uneasy - he found it very difficult to rise onto two feet, like an unseen force was holding him down. Every part of him seemed... Heavier.

    As he rose, his drifting gaze met with his hands - rather, his paws. Two appendages had receded on each paw, leaving him with 3, and a jet black fur had sprouted about the foremost parts of both, along with a rather deadly looking steel barb on the backs of both paws. Sonic blue fur drenched most of the rest of his body, save for the vest of banana yellow that coated his midsection. Also of note, his legs had reverted to a digitigrade formation, making it very difficult to stand, let alone move them; he also felt that he was very hot with his new fur in the dank dungeons he was now present in, but he also felt the urge to hang his mouth open - he seemed to have lost his sweat glands as well, somehow...?

    Needless to say, Elric was fearful. Very scared of his new appearance - not that he hadn't dreamed of what it was like to be a Pokemon, and that he actually liked the idea of becoming one - but the fact that he had no idea where he was and that he had unwillingly contributed to some sick experiment. Once again in disbelief, he struggled to stand on his new, unusual legs, feeling the weight of fur on his body and of strangely developed bones for purposes that had not occurred to him yet. One of them being his tail, which on a normal Lucario was meant for balance - unaware, Elric almost toppled down to the floor again, before catching himself on the steel bars that separated him from freedom.

    "What the hell is going on here...?" he rasped, finding using his vocal cords difficult; probably since his throat had undergone some form of change as well. His voice sounded deeper and more defined than his normal speaking voice, but what worried him was the fact that he would never find the urge to speak to himself as he just had. It was entirely possible that whatever had happened to him during his dazed slumber had affected his nervous system. A worrying prospect.

    "He-...Hello...?!" he attempted, barely registering an echo down the hall. Maybe if he was lucky, there would be no Rocket grunts around for him to deal with during his inevitable escape from the wretched bowels of this dungeon.


    when the sky is bright
  • 544
    • Seen Jun 9, 2011
    The first thing Opal noticed was that her rear end seemed to be on fire.

    One part of her brain - the part that she could think in - was screaming frantically about this fact, and telling her to find some water, pronto. The other part lazily observed this fact and somehow knew that nothing was amiss. Thus assured, Opal's eyes began to slide shut again.

    And flew back open. Wait, what?!

    When finally she did jump to her feet(her legs seemed shorter than they should be...) in alarm, she found a situation even more pressing. (More pressing than a burning backside? her thoughts screamed. Girl, you need to fix that priority list!)

    She was in a cell. Like a prison, but much less clean. Opal wrinkled her nose at the smell of mildew that permeated the air...

    Which brought her to her next observation. Her face was shaped strangely...her nose seemed too long, her mouth was...stretched...and her eyes didn't seem to be where they should. She reached up to feel her head and froze at what she saw.

  • 777
    • Seen Mar 11, 2023
    Larx's eyes slid open slowly. Carefully, as if he thought he was being watched. What he saw was peculiar. Unfamiliar. Wrong. He blinked twice, adjusting to this new setting. It was dark. He found himself on a cald flooring, and the air around him was of the same temperature. And there were black bars, sealing him in from the outside world. Odd. He didn't recall falling asleep in a prison cell. In fact, he didn't recall falling asleep in the first place.

    As soon as he attempted to stand he became fully aware that something was, indeed, wrong. He could not rise onto two legs. When he tried, he fell back onto his hands. And yes, he did try more than once after the first frightening fall. Growing impatient, Larx glared down at his hands, only to find something quite different from what he had expected.

    Paws. But, more interesting than that, claws. Red claws. The color of blood. Upon further inspection, small spaces of this crimson color seemed to move, ever so slightly, like a current or a miniature river. They weren't just the color of blood, he figured. Blood ran through them.

    Curiously, he lifted one of his paws and scraped a small mark on the floor with the tip of his newfound weapons. Larx's eyes widened, though he actually felt as calm as ever. And then, for some unknown reason, he heard a humored voice laughing sadistically in the back of his head. Larx smirked slightly at this. He wasn't sure why, even. But all the same, there was something he found pleasure in, simply by glancing at those curved claws...


  • 83
    Deigo snorted. His eyes slowly opened...everything seemed dark. His face was pressed against something cold...and hard.

    He felt himself begin to rise. Was he standing up? It was hard to tell. He couldn't feel his legs. They must be still asleep, he thought.

    He knew he was standing upright now, but everything was completely dark. The musky smell of a basement filled his senses.

    He moved forward, trying to figure out were he was...when his forehead came in contact with something hard. CLANG! Deigo fell backward, dizzied and surprised. "Ow! What the heck...?"

    As the lights left his eyes from the pain, he began to make out what was around him. He was in a dark, small room...bars stretched from one side of the room to another. He moved towards them, confused.

    "How...did I get here? Were am I?" Deigo franticly searched his memory for a clue, but...everything was about as black and empty as the room he was in.

    He looked down. It was odd, he still couldn't feel his legs. It was too dark to see an outline, but still...why couldn't he feel them? What about his hands? Why couldn't he feel those? He tried to move them up to his face, but he felt nothing. Where were they? Did he still have hands? Arms? Legs?

    Deigo began to panic, moving around the dark room. He bumped into the wall, then the bars again. If he didn't have legs, then how was he able to move? Deigo was confused. Very confused. He wished that a light would go on...he could see light in the distance, in other rooms, but why not his?

    Deigo moved to a corner of the room and got closer to the floor. He calmed himself. The room he was in...really resembled a jail cell. Deigo's heart skipped a beat.

    Jail cell...?! He began zooming around the room again, more frightened then ever. "Hello? Is anybody there?" he called, his heart racing.


    Stand Up and Scream
  • 258
    His eyes opened but nothing seemed to change. Spike looked upon a black ceiling but he didn't remember falling asleep to this color above him. In fact, he couldn't remember much of anything as his mind began to race to find an answer to where he was. He went to push himself up but something was odd. He couldn't feel the ground. Something was missing and he felt small and heavy.

    With each attempt of trying to maneuver to a standing position failed he realized that the things that were missing were his arms and legs. This sent his mind into frenzy. Many thoughts flowed and churned through his head. "What happened," and "when did I become a cripple," he asked himself over and over again.

    He attempted again to stand and it sent him into a spiral into cold metal. He was now on his side and he saw iron bars protruding from the ground. "And now I'm a prisoner."

    He looked into the room that he was separated from and saw a few metal boxes and machines that had multi-colored lights blinking upon them. He needed an answer. He rolled backwards and again ran into metal. This time it was the back wall. He lay upon the hard, cold ground in defeat when he noticed a small puddle near him. He slowly inched his heavy body to look upon himself. What he saw was not what he expected as his body was in a cone shape. Two points, one on his head and one at his other end, protruded from his body that was covered in spikes.

    "This is going to take awhile to get use to," he said to himself trying to grasp and put together what his reflection showed him. He rolled his body back to the front of his cell to see if anything or anyone was around to give him an answer. He waited in silence when he heard a voice shout, "hello, is anybody there?" He yearned to answer but nothing came from his voice.

    the bitter end.

    .only slightly insane
  • 1,709
    Ryuu slowly opened his crimson eyes. He looked around, he was in a cell, outside were two men in black uniforms, Team Rocket his mind answered for him, and for some odd reason he felt a contempt for these men, but he couldn't grasp why so he stayed put, pretending to rest. He rested his head on his paws. Wait... paws, he inspected his body, he had cream colored fur, and nine long tails protuding from his hindquarters.

    If he were to find out how this happened he would have to play along with these "Team Rocket" people until he could figure out a better solution. Then he noticed in similar cages all around him there were other pokemon. Some were asleep, and others were just coming to their bearings.

    How did this happen? He wondered a grim expression entering his face.
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