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What does PokéCommunity mean to you?


[color=#95b4d4]ユービーゼロイチ パラサイト[/color]
  • 8,875
    I assume that most of us joined here to simply chat about Pokémon, but for a lot of us PokéCommunity has grown to so much more than that. What is this forum to you? Is it simply somewhere you drop in from time to time when you're bored, or is it right at the centre of your life, as an online home of sorts? Where does it lie in your list of priorities, and how does your PokéCommunity life compare to your offline life? What would you think and do if this place shut down?
    PokéCommunity means lot to me. I can chat about Pokémon with other people. I can share my opinion about Pokémon. I can join fan clubs. I can write stories about Pokémon.

    PokéCommunity - Best forum I never seen!
    When I joined, it didn't mean a whole lot to me. Now I find myself spending more and more time here, and it has become front and centre in my online life. Facebook and Twitter have both gone by the way side and my first port of call on the Internet is first to PokeCommunity then to Mibbit to chat on the IRC. It's definitely my online home now.
    PC does mean a lot to me... I care about the community and the people and all my friends that I met here. I like the place; it's always been my favorite website. There's just so much to it that I don't really need to go anywhere else online. I even get the news from here. PC is basically everything I need and want online. :3 I'm not sure what I would do if PC ever shut down... go off to BMGF? (ohgod even the thought of doing that makes me slightly ill) I would be trying to help save it till that point though, I am sure. ^^;
    To me, PC is a place that I feel I will always be able to come back to, no matter what. Other forums have had things happen that made me want to leave, but so far, that has not happened here, nor do I think it ever will. I care about the community, I care about the people, and I love visiting here. If PC ever shut down, I swear, I don't think any other community could compare. ^__^
    At first PC was very unimportant to me and I didn't pay attention too it..
    Three years later I have met some wonderful people (Some of whom I've sadly lost contact too and would love to talk to again) and made some amazing friends.

    I don't really compare my internet and offline life; they're very different things and the people I associate with in each are too different too eachother. PC is like an online home to me, it's one of the first places I check when I come online and like I said, the people I've met are amazing and I can't imagine how different my life would be if I hadn't met all of them. I'd be quite unhappy is PC shut down, making sure I had other ways to talk to my closest friends, but, I cant see that happening anytime soon o:
    Just a place I stop by when I'm really bored or trying to pass time. Which is at least once a day so it serves its purpose. As for where it lies on my list of priorities I would say no where really. I don't put any importance on it. My Pokecommunity "life" is pretty nonexistent as of now. If Pokecommunity shut down I don't think I would be affected at all. Everyone here that I have an interest in talking to I can already through other means. So really nothing would be lost besides an extra thing to do when I'm bored.
    PokeCommunity is really important to me. Being the first forum I ever signed up on I was such a noob back then, now I look back now and looked at how much I've changed. I always roam to other forums but in the end - PC was the very first forum I found and I am proud of that. Back then when I was hopeless noob, I didn't think much of it. But I've gained more and more friends the longer I stayed on here and it was also because of PC I've learnt so many things as well that help me in real life too!
    PC actually means much more to me than I was intending it to.. lmao. PokeCommunity is home base for plenty of drama I've had in the past few years, both inter and intrapersonal. But at the same time, it's somewhere that I can always come back to in times of boredom and post in random polls such as these and interesting topics in OC.

    All in all though, I like PC. Don't regret joining at all. Made some really, really great friends on here. Makes me wonder how my life would have turned out if Kwesi had never founded the place, or if it had never picked up in popularity like it did.
    I never took PC seriously when I first joined. I was 12.

    Then I met some people who I've been really, extremely good friends with. I stopped coming to PC a while back, and also stopped talking to my friends for a while. I just started coming back to PC a week or two ago, and started catching up with those friends and I can say with confidence they're some of the best people I know.

    I can't imagine what I'd be doing if I never started being addicted to the internet and having such great people in my life <3
    Ehh, PC used to be a very cool place for me.. But as I have seen it grow, I have also seen alot of people that I knew leave.. so actually as they left I think my interest in PC dimmed.. I guess i would have to say I have very little interest in PC..now, there are few people here that I like speaking with.. and those that I do are rarely on at times when I am, Back when I first started.. and that was back in '08, on a different account.. PC was a big priority of my online social life.. Seeing as how I had a very small offline social life..I would be on PC as much as possible.. I do still enjoy some things about PC, but I'd have to say.. I'm not as attached to is as i used to be
    Pokecommunity means the world to me for half a year, and then I forget about it for half a year. D:

    No, seriously, I come on and off here like randomly for short bursts of time XD

    It is the first forum I joined, so it's awesome in that respect, and it's also awesome because it's like, the best forum in the universe.

    And Pokemon is awesome.


    (Nothing else to say here >.>)
    Like almost everyone said, PC is basically my life.. I have a life but PC is like a home, a family, etc. It's more than just a forum, it's a place to go and meet new people. Through PC I've met better people on here than I ever could in real life.
    If this place shut down I would be upset, but I have all of my close friends on here on MSN and or on othr forums.
    PC means a lot to me. I don't want to say that it's the center of my life, but I can't think of another way to describe it. I'm on here quite often through the day (though I try not to be).

    It's grown to be more than just a forum that I'm on. Through the years, it's become the central location for my friends and me to be and get in contact with one another. Whenever I'm feeling low or lonely, I come here and there's always some member on that I know and can talk to if need be. So PC helps keep my sanity in a crazy world.

    There's quite a few happy memories of this place. If it shut down, I'd be upset, but I do have contact information for a lot of my friends elsewhere, so...
    When I first joined, PC was what Deviantart is to me now, a means of being able to make my own Pokemon game and get in contact with those who could assist me in doing so. I lurked the Game Dev section for a good year, marveling on the magnificent games, back in the day, such as Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Malachite, knowing that my dream could finally be realized. When I finally got here, I sort of just commented on games and never bothered to try and convince my parents to buy/pirate RMXP. I eventually started getting involved in the speculation with Black and White and I really began to enjoy the discussion there, although not abandoning Game Dev. I was a pretty bad 'noob' at the time and I started to enjoy PC more once I matured and became Karpman, as I had forged some real friendships, not just acquaintances from the Game Development and Challenge Boards, like PokemonOI and Redsaber were. I've lost a lot of my motivation to post and discuss stuff, but I'm still really enjoying my time here, even though I've only now started to try and make a fangame. I'm really glad that I was able to be accepted into the battling community and constantly have fun battling and chatting with all of the CBC Users, going on irc and hanging out with the irc crowd is p great, too, especially when I'm the only one in my timezone, awake. PC has become an escape for me, a place to access and hang out when real life is giving me a headache, or just talk to many of the great friends I've made here.
    It's meant a lot of things over the years, but now I see it as a place to simply relax and post, change my signature/avatar and catch up with some old friends. I don't feel the same about PC as I used to, which would've been an act of heresy had I been writing this two years ago.
    When I got kicked by Bulbagarden (my first Pokemon forum) I came across PokeCommunity while looking for a new home.

    The people here are friendly (and some I didn't get on with at first) and I have actually gotten more involved in Pokemon-related stuff which is a good buildup to when I eventually get Pokemon Black.