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What is Love? (Baby don't hurt me)


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  • 792
    Now, we often have over generalized concepts or definitions of what love is.
    I am using love in the romantic sense as well.

    For instance, let's say someone defines love as,"when two people really care about each other."
    Is that really a complete definition, and beyond that, do some of you actually think it is not a prerequisite?

    There are hard philosophical battles that we have to go through when we consider what love is, or even what it means to us.

    To give a more simplified subject some scrutiny, I will use the example of the concept and definition of a 'chair' we sit on. What constitutes a chair? One might say, "It is something we sit upon", and we have a mental imagery of either a lazy boy, dining chair, etc. Does it need to have 1, 4, or even 48 legs? Can it be any object that fulfills the function of an object to sit upon? For instance is a tree trunk or another person a chair; you can sit on them? The short answer is that we have intangible ideas of what attributes are associated with a certain concept. There is really no clear definition of a chair, but we all understand what is meant when someone refers to the object. For instance, if a police officer says, "please sit on one of the chairs in the interrogation room." We know what they mean, although we cannot conceivably define what a chair is. Basically, for more complex situations, we can extract truth from what we know or observe by analyzing an institution at its most basic form without drawing to it our subjective ideas of what we commonly associate with the object or idea.

    Here are just some quick question, that may seem simple, but many may make you struggle:
    (Please suggest more questions for me to put on here in bold if you would like to add more parts to analyze. There are literally millions of questions we could ask about this subject.)

    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!)
    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ?
    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia)
    Why are some people wrong?
    Does love involve two people?
    Does love involve certain genders/sexes?
    Why do we seek love?

    Please don't go into a same-sex marriage debate by the way.
    This is not about people's rights this is about what constitutes love.
    I know it's hard not to talk about. Try to be objective and open to discussions.

    I will let you know I have a prejudice against polygamy with my upbringing and society, but I would consider including that under the umbrella of "love", but I would first like to analyze it further. I don't condemn it or condone it since I know that I am not equipped with all perspectives and knowledge to make a logical argument for either side.

    Have fun!
    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!)
    I've never been in love, but I imagine it's similar to the feelings you get when you see your waiter arriving with your food.

    I define love as the betterment/happiness/presence of mind you feel when seeing/talking to/being with someone/something you 'love' that pervades your mind and supersedes nearly everything else.

    I don't believe romance is related to love, or necessary for it at all.

    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ?

    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia)
    When people confuse romance with love, when what they love is the idea they have built up in their head as a relationship instead of the person beside them. Hollywood has exacerbated this issue a bit.

    Why are some people wrong?
    I think those people are wrong because they are disillusioned into believing that love is truly defined and their soulmate is someone who meets those standards.

    Does love involve two people? Does love involve certain genders/sexes?
    Not entirely, only ones self is required for that love to be. I believe it encompasses everything. If it exists, it can be loved even if it's not real. There are no set combinations of people, no set standards, it just is.

    (omg if you're just talking about love between people I'm so sorry)

    Why do we seek love?
    Adults are a mess of sadness and phobias, and love has a great way of purging all of that. I think it's the best way to give meaning to our otherwise meaningless and pointless lives.

    ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚ I really suck at squeezing my thoughts and opinions into definite answers so I'm sure this might not be what you're looking for. o (◡‿◡✿)

    The movie 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' helped shape my opinion on what love is. After Clementine erases Joel from her memory she feels scared and empty as if confronted with some truth about our lives. She explains that being with her is "not a concept, she's just looking for her own peace of mind". When she's with Patrick, who tries very hard to be romantic, her mind is not anywhere close to peace..therefore shes not in love. Her and Joels relationship doesn't work perfectly because she hates boring couples, and the idea of being one, but she still loves him very much. Her idea of what romance should be got in the way, and with her impulsiveness, she decided to end it. A decision she would soon regret when she is devoid of genuine love.
    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!)
    Love is a strong attraction (be it an emotional, mental, etc.), to anything that is. Obviously there's different degrees and categories, but yeah.

    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ?
    I would think so. Thus really no one can define it incorrectly (see below).

    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia)
    No, but I think the way people perceive love can be different than others, which leads us to believe that they are wrong. What is generally accepted as the definition(s) of love may not be the same as one's own definition, and thus thought of as incorrect (social norms).

    Does love involve two people?
    Of course in one form, but it is certainly not limited to people, and not even necessarily two people.

    People can have a love for objects or activities, pretty much anything you can think of. I would see obsession as a form of love, albeit seen as a more negative association.

    In the case of people, two people can be in love, but it's definitely not limited to that. Marriage (monogamy) is limited to two people, but marriage is only one form of love (most of the time). Marriage is love, but love isn't necessarily marriage.

    Does love involve certain genders/sexes?
    I don't think so. An attraction to one person is not inhibited by their genitalia, (or which gender they associate with for that matter). Love is broader than the sense of just romance and marriage.

    Why do we seek love?
    We seek love for the same reason I think we seek pleasure. It's a feeling/state that brings us more positive sensations. Sorta what Keiran said, love really does give meaning to life. There's that old cliche that one hasn't lived until they've loved or something like that.

    Not very deep analysis, but just the things that came off the top of my head. As you said love is very broad, ambiguous, etc., but that's what allows it to find it's way into everyday aspects of life.
    Ugh, too many questions.

    I think love is kind of an umbrella term for a lot of different feelings, like the pain when someone you like to be around isn't around, the euphoria you feel when you're with that person, or the determination to do the right thing for that person. Normally I say love is goodwill toward someone, however little it is, but with "romantic love" I'd say it's when you prioritize that feeling toward someone above most other things.

    Anyone can feel love. It might not always be healthy for a person or the object or their desires, and someone's view of reality might be skewed, but the feeling is there. People just aren't always the best at realizing when their feeling of love mutates into some other creature that's more self-centered like lust or jealousy because their actions might not change all that much (e.g. a jealous person will still want to be around you like they would when they loved you free of jealousy.)

    I don't know why people seek love. Validation? And sometimes people don't seek love. I think love has a good reputation, it sells well, so people want it. It's also easy to mix up love with other feelings that might already be driving someone (like lust).

    I've never been in love, but I imagine it's similar to the feelings you get when you see your waiter arriving with your food.
    That is brilliant. :o
    A true love is while you desire to share the whole lot with a character, emotions, feelings, bad times good times, sex, material possessions, aspirations and dreams you would bound a shot for them, all their faults are beautiful and they sense the similar way you act. Love is a real two way link.
    Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. a guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration?

    Nah but srs, I think love is about opening yourself up to others and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. It's when you don't want to be away from someone for too long. Some people might believe love is necessary for a happy life, while others can be perfectly content with their life without feeling the need for a girlfriend or boyfriend.
    Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. a guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration?

    This has disturbed me a lot.

    For me, love cannot be explained in mere words. Love is that chill down your spine when he looks at you. Love is that weird feeling you get when you watch a romantic movie. Love is everything that builds up this whole world. Plus, I got that from a movie, so don't judge me. I'm eleven. I don't know what it's like to fall in love. A crush, maybe, but love? Nah.
    What is love?

    Absorbing question. Can "love" be defined under a properly encompassing definition, or is it too subjective to the point that its ambiguity cannot be defined?

    I am personally of the believe that "love" can be defined, but given how "encompassing" refers to a sense of broadness in this regard, it's hard to be too specific. "Love" essentially means a feeling in which you'd give your life for a person, someone you care enough about to put above yourself, someone you share an inseparable bond with that you want to be with, no questions asked. Yes, that's a long definition, but in my eyes, it's true to life. Is there anyone you'd give your life for, someone that means so much to you that you'd die for them, even if it means leaving them? And what do you all think the definition of "love" is, if it has one at all?
    This seems more like a discussion question than a simple poll to me, so I'll move it over to OC&D :)
    The definition of love:
    1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
    2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
    3. sexual passion or desire.
    4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

    [PokeCommunity.com] What is Love? (Baby don't hurt me)

    Sorry, couldn't resist with the title.

    Love can be different for a range of people, but for me, it is having that knowledge that you want to be with that person for as long as possible, for them just to easily slow into your life like they were there all the time.

    I could go on, but you see where I am going with this! :3​
    Love is the sensation experienced when a trail of thoughts makes a gland in your brain release certain chemicals that affects your system and makes your body go "awyeah".

    The reason for this is because humans - like all animals - are selfish. When we feel love towards our child, it is because we want to protect and care for them. Because evolution needs us to do that so our genes can be carried on. When we feel it towards a mate, it's because we feel like they will be able to give us good children. Unconsciously or not. When we feel it towards a friend or other family member, it is because we want to care for them so that they will care for us in return. Because we need them to lead a good life = survival. We are selfish, chemical beings.

    That's what I believe ;) It's of course much more fun and dramatic to think of it as having to do with fate and whatnot. I mostly do that.
    I think you need to have felt romantic love in some way before you can be expected to give a knowledgeable explanation of it. But at the same time, I think real love is something you can't quite quantify or put into words easily.
    This seems more like a discussion question than a simple poll to me, so I'll move it over to OC&D

    andy you dum we have a thread for this

    So, merging!
    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!)
    I'd have to say love is an emotion where one has deep respect for another person, cares for another person and wants to keep them close. I think love is strictly emotional, whereas sex is the physical act of one particular branch of love, in-the-moment. When you're having sex (and enjoying it), you love that person for making you feel good, and want to keep them close until you've reached your climax (and ideally until they've reached theirs). But that love can instantly die down after the deed has been done.

    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ?
    Sure. Everyone has their own experiences and thoughts. People with very bad track records in romance could define love as a pointless emotion that only brings on heartache and loneliness. Those with severe family problems could deny love altogether, doubtful of ever being able to recreate it. I define love the way I do because of how I've perceived it over my 20 years of life. My direct family is loving and do a lot for me. Any person I've had romantic feelings for I've wanted to keep close and have cared deeply about.

    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia)
    I don't think so. Maybe some can define love with improper guidance (ie. pedophilia), but love is very subjective and we all have our own idea of it. I can't really begin to think in the way a necrophiliac does, but that doesn't stop them from doing their thang. I am sorry for these people for having an unrealistic idea of love, assuming that pedophiles truly want to settle down and marry a child. I'm not sure if all pedophiles feel that way, seems to me like it's a power-trip sort of thing, and they just want to screw someone they know they have absolute power over.

    Why are some people wrong?
    No one is absolutely wrong about their genuine definition of love, some are just misguided.

    Does love involve two people?
    It seems like it should. The deep care for someone and that care given back. It just seems not genuine if the other party also deeply cares for someone else, who you don't care for and vice versa. But hey, whatever you're into. I'm not one for polygamy myself.

    Does love involve certain genders/sexes?
    Yes. Both. In any combination.

    Why do we seek love?
    We as humans are social creatures and therefore depend on social acceptance and need to feel loved, otherwise we do grow quite bitter and/or depressed. I don't know what I'd be like without my family. I think it's a state of mind. We have this concept of love, we all feel it, in whatever form, and we all seek it. Especially if you get a taste of it. I think the good ends up outweighing the bad.
    "Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful." Bob Marley.
    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!)

    IMO love is something meant to be for one person in your life only once....people say you can love once and again and again and again... but i think you can only love once other than that it might be called "used to that person"..and yeah there i a difference..
    when you love someone you find it hard if not impossible to move on them you find yourself thinking about them all the time what they used to do what they used to love how they used to laugh..you notice the very small details about them.....you smile without a reason when you think about them...other than that when you move on a person you thought you loved i think you didn't really loved that person...you just "thought" you did...it's not just caring for the person it's bigger than that it's CRAZZZYYY >.< lol

    Love is something brings two people meant to be together no matter what it takes..time,place people they meet and leave as long as they meant to be togeter they will..that's why don't ever feel weird if you see two old people in love and together ^^

    okay enough emotions there :P lol

    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ?

    yeah it's different from a person to another depends on how they see it and how they want it :)

    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia)

    yeah sadly there are people do but we can't call it love in that case ..pedophilia is that case when a person doesn't find love in his\her live so he\she tries to convience themselves they did or it's a worst case of pervertion...you don't know either to feel sad for those people or pathetic or angry! but of course no excuse to that.

    Why are some people wrong?

    maybe because they still didn't experiance real love..or maybe they did but they loved the wrong peron...i don't know but while we think we're right we still can be wrong!

    Does love involve two people?

    Love isn't just a romantic feeling it's a big word includes lots of people (family,friends normal people you don't know which is weird lol,things and lots others
    but romantically yeah it's only two people....we don't want threesome and triangle of love for god sake lol

    Why do we seek love?

    because we need it,it gives a meaning to our lives..it also makes us a better people than who we are!..it's great i hope everybody tries it ;)

    the world need love but no not saying i'll be a person with a big heart and love everybody (every woman to be exact..boys huh) BEHAVE YA HEAR!!! :P lol
    With all of that in mind, how would you define love? (this is quite broad, but it's a good way to get the mental struggle started!): Love is bunch of chemical reactions conducted by hormones and stuff. It also give our lives meaning and junk.

    Can anyone define love any way they would like to ? Probably, sure...

    Can anyone define love incorrectly? (i.e. pedophilia) no dude, that's just weird

    Why are some people wrong? Probably because they see love as having boyfriends with no trust and loyalty.

    Does love involve two people?: Sure...

    Does love involve certain genders/sexes? hey as long as you're not hurting anyone it's okay to love someone of the same gender (NO HOMO)

    Why do we seek love? companionship and stuff...