Going for LGP! My bf's brother is getting Eevee so I guess we'll see what's the differences are. Although since you can link pokemon go to the switch to transfer Pokémon I guess it doesn't really matter which one you get
Actually it does. Determines what starter you get and what Pokemon are available to you in-game.
LGP exclusives:
Sandshrew/Sandslash(including Alolan forms)
LGE exclusives:
Vulpix/Ninetales(including Alolan forms)
Meowth/Persian(including Alolan forms)
If you have Pokemon GO and have those Pokemon caught, you can then transfer them to the GO Park area of the game where you can catch them again for in-game use. If you don't have Mew on Pokemon GO, you'll need to buy the Poke Ball Plus accessory that has Mew pre-loaded. For those who don't play Pokemon GO, knowing what Pokemon are available is worth noting as that may be a determining factor along with what starter you'll get. If it were me, based on what I know so far, I wouldn't be buying the games. However, if I opted to get the Switch and the game, I'd be hard pressed to pick a version.
I'm leaning Eevee because I adore Vulpix/Ninetales to death but Alolan Sandslash.... is quite honestly a swiss army knife. Its immune to Poison Types(which Team Rocket and Koga has), destroys Grass Types, Ice Types, Dragons, Flying Types and Fairies, can battle Rock and Ground Types(although has to watch it on the Ground retribution) and has to take care around Fire and Fighting types. Just tack on Pikachu starter for Water Types, a Water Type for Fire and Ground(say Blastoise seeing as you'll need one for Brock anyway. Mega Evolution too), Alolan Raticate for Ghost&Psychic Types, Kanto Sandslash for Electric and Clefable for Fighting and Dark Types(which may be in Team Rocket this time around). That team right there yields a Super Effective counter to everything but Normal and Bug(but resists them). That team right there would outright dominate Let's GO Pikachu.