My cousin and his wife came over for dinner one night in the second half of last year (I don't remember exactly when it was but it doesn't really matter). We had disconnected my Super Nintendo because there was no room for it in the furniture system we have set up for my consoles. So it was just sitting somewhere in the room, and my cousin found it. I wasn't in the room when this happened, so my mother called out "Andrew, is it alright if Josh has your Super Nintendo?"
I was in shock. How could somebody possibly ask that question? Who does that? It's unspeakable. But I was so taken aback that I said "uh, sure!" So we packed up my SNES, all of the games I had for it, and both the controllers, and they left with it... so much regret. Socially, it's impolite to say no to such a question, especially when it's in front of everybody at a family gathering. I still look back at that night in disbelief sometimes...