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Wolf's Rain - Extinction (M) [OOC]

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She's a tough little girl, and will probably be a fun character for me to play.
Finished! ^^

Name: Phoebe Dreyer
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Age: 17

Path: She tries her earnest best to continue her school, despite the threats from the gang of vigilantes holding a close watch on her. She just wants them to leave her at peace, having already lost her dog to them.

Appearance: Phoebe is a bright-looking 17 year old. She isn't quite tall, but stands at a modest 5'8". Her figure is rather heavy, and while she's not obese, she still would like to lose a few pounds to improve her looks. Her face is rather round-shaped, with high cheekbones, and a jutting, dimpled chin. Phoebe's wavy deep brunette hair reaches shoulder length at the back, and is cut at layered choppy lengths over the top and the front that skim her eyebrows. Her eyes are mostly grey with subtle scatterings of amber and carry a soft, caring gaze. In between is her rather short and snubby nose that comports more of a sophomoric appearance to her face. Her complexion is rather fair, with subtle frecklage over her cheeks.

She usually wears woolen, long-sleeved pullover, and prefers wearing them in her favourite colours, which are usually in shades of red. She prefers wearing simple jeans. Given her mild near-sightedness, she usually wears dark thin-framed horn-rimmed glasses with rectangular lenses.

Personality: Phoebe's philosophy has nearly always been that one can only live their lives sincerely by creating oneself the way they feel best inside of. As opposed to acting according to what social norms tell them, or what would be "in their genes to". She deeply values the lifestyle she's been allowed to live in a city where poverty seems like the norm and is grateful that she may develop her talents and her individuality in such freedom in the first place.

Phoebe is intelligent, careful, resilient, and kind. She had taken her carefulness throughout her childhood. She never made rash decisions and always overthought the complexity of what she wanted to achieve. Even in speaking, she used to take long moments of thought before uttering anything. She knows where risks are, and avoids or minimises them when she can. She's diligent, and takes pride in her grades. She believes that her education was a privilege that she needs to work hard for to prove she deserved it. Her cunning is also her greatest source of strength in her personality.

Her careful nature also brought downsides with them. She fears taking some risks at the prospect of losing something she loves. She's also grown contemptuous of people she thinks act shallow. That caused her to judge one of her best childhood friends as insincere when she joined a clique of popular girls and imitated their dress style and manner of speaking. She slightly lacks in confidence and used to be reliant on her older brother to stand up for her. Since he left, she wants to act more independently, but she finds resistance from her sheltering mother. She can also be prideful about her achievements and unknowingly boasts too much about them sometimes.

She's talented in mathematics, and applies what she learnt to programming and her hobby of playing chess. She's liked to go kite-flying since she was a child and still has a delta kite she takes to the fields sometimes. If the weather isn't permitting she stays at home to watch movies. She's a real sucker for romantic comedies.

History: Phoebe was born in a family more well off than most of the population. Her father and mother, Kieran and Bente respectively, had their first child 2 years before Phoebe was born: her older brother Ned. They lived in a detached house in the suburban areas of Freeze City, away from the more severely impoverished inner city, and she's grateful for that. Phoebe's father earned the family's dough as a track machine operator. Her parents were concerned for her in her early years as she didn't speak her first word until she was 3 and a half years old. At age 6, her parents adopted the newest addition to the family: a female Kunming dog whom they decided to name Maisie.

Phoebe attended the same public elementary school as her older brother Ned, though she found he often attempted to ignore her while at school. This went on for most of the time Ned and she attended the same elementary school until Ned went to Junior High. Phoebe thus felt suspicious that he didn't want to be seen with her to keep his cool status. She made friends with few other girls in her class, including Maria, whom she would later go to the same High schools with and usually went kite-flying with.

In Junior High, some of the students hawked on her about her appearance. Ned, attending the same school, opened up to Phoebe for the first time and kept her tormentors at bay. Ned explained to her that he hadn't dared to talk to her while with the classmates he hung out with out of fear of being ridiculed. The two got along better since then in a type of hate-love relationship siblings usually have.

Phoebe attended Senior High along with Maria. The two friends grew separate ways throughout the years when Maria joined a clique of more popular peers and imitated most of their mannerisms. Phoebe on the other hand had gotten interest in chess and opted to join one of the school's extracurricular clubs to play. The two grew apart from each other and eventually their friendship withered. She still feels she judged Maria too harshly into thinking she was insincere the way she acted. Phoebe combined her fondness of chess with mathematics and excelled on her grades so she could have a chance to enrol in a university later and gain the opportunity for more social mobility in a place where such a thing seems impossible for most people.

The family tried going about with their normal lives despite the spreading rumours that wolves had returned from their believed extinction and lived amongst humans. Phoebe's father continued his job despite the dangers, and Ned eventually left Freeze city to find better job opportunities elsewhere. They had to keep their dog Maisie indoors for most of the times out of fear for unwanted attention from people who thought she might be a wolf. Just 4 weeks ago, things went catastrophically wrong when she ran out through the front door that was left open. She was spotted on the street and shot by vigilantes who imagined she was a wolf. They kept the Dreyer family under close supicion since to interrogate them whether they knowingly sheltered a wolf despite their best efforts to convince them Maisie was not a wolf.

Passcode: Dingo, because inciting taxonomic controversy is fun.
Name: April
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Race: Wolf

Path: Searching for paradise and surviving.


Human form:
[PokeCommunity.com] Wolf's Rain - Extinction (M) [OOC]

Wolf form:
[PokeCommunity.com] Wolf's Rain - Extinction (M) [OOC]

April had white and very long hair until she cutted it a bit until it touched her lower back so that the human race wouldn't find it odd. She has very beautiful yellow eyes and often lies that they are contacts when humans ask her about it. She often wears her black sweater that is actually a bit too big for her and due that one of her shoulder is always exposed. April also wears blue shorts and wears black sneakers she once bought when she walked around in the city. April's skin is soft and a little asian like, she's also pretty skinny. April is considered a pretty woman.

Her wolf form is almost the same as her human appearence. Her fur is snow white and she has yellow eyes like in her human form. Her tail is really fluffy like every wolf's tail is and she's a pretty skinny wolf. She has the normal wolf forms to obviously show that she's everything but a dog, she always get humans fooled easely though.

Personality: April is a very kind young woman as long as you are nice to her. She usually acts like she doesn't care about things a lot though. It takes a lot to get April's sweet and tender side out. She sometimes likes to mess with people when they chase her in her wolf form. She would run around a corner and go inside a building, after awhile she would leave as a human and watch how the humans are still searching for her other self. Towards friends April can be very kind but she can also be what we call in Anime terms "Tsundere".

April has a very mean side too, this is due that humans have killed the ones she loved and cared about. She doesn't has a hate towards every human, but she does hate the ones that give her an uneasy feeling. April also swore to never fall in love with a human boy. April usually tries to avoid small villages because people could find out about what she really is if they keep an eye on her. In large cities no one really pays attention to each other so not to her either.

History: It was a cold and snowy night in the winter when April and her parents were hunting for food. As they killed the first rabbit, they suddenly heard a loud shot. The father immediately assumed that they were humans with guns and told his wife and only daughter that they had to run away as fast as they could towards their safe home in the mountains. He told them that he would go after them when he had taken out the humans with their guns. He wasn't going to have his family killed by foolish humans and stood in his fighting position. The mother took her daughter from the ground, holding her scruff between her fangs, and ran away towards the mountains.

The few more shots were heard when they were deep in the forest, on their way towards the mountains. The mother heard humans coming their way and knew that this meant that her husband had been killed by the gun shots that she heard earlier. She heard a man shout that he saw another wolf trying to escape and the mother knew that they were talking about her. She didn't hear them talking about a wolf cub and placed her daughter under a nearby tree, hided between the snow. The mother hoped that another flock would find her daughter after she had been killed, this was her daughter's only way to survive. The humans neared and pointed their guns on the female wolf. The mother growled a lot at the humans and jumped towards them whenever she saw her chance. The humans shouted her down and kept shouting a few times untill they were sure she was dead. They picked up her dead body and walked away feeling satisfied, not knowing that they killed a mother.

It took a few days before April was found by a young human couple. They saw her laying in the snow and the woman was immediately sold. She was so cute and looked so weak, how could she be possibly dangerous? The woman picked her up and showed April to her husband who wondered why she was laying here in the snow alone. He analysed the area and found traces of blood on the ground. He told his wife that the mother of the wolf cub had probably been killed after she hided her baby. The woman suggested to keep April because she would die if they didn't.

April was brought to a wooden house near a village. The woman laid her in a blanket and left her forward the fireplace to warm up. The woman was worried that they might've been too late but was relieved when April started moving after a few hours. She tried standing up but was to weak to do so. The woman picked up the wolf cub and layed her on her lap to give her a bottle with warmed milk, assuming that the cub was too young to eat meat yet. April drank the milk and fell asleep on the woman's lap. The man patted April while she slept as they decided on her name, they ironically called her April, the name she already had.

A few years later April was old enough to go outside herself and come back home when it was getting dark. The woman was pregnant and April often laid her head against the belly of the woman when they were sitting on the couch. April wasn't considered a dog because she was hunting outside at day. The humans in the village thought this was weird and decided to pay the young couple a visit. They knocked on the door just when April was about to go outside again. They saw April's body forms and knew that she wasn't a dog in an instant. They scolded the family for keeping a wolf and told them that April had to be killed. The man wasn't going to allow them to do so and stood in front of April to protect her. As soon one of the villagers tried to push the man away, April bit him in his hand and wouldn't let go.

The woman told April to run away and never come back. April felt sad, did they hated her now because she tried to protect them? She didn't understand and letted go of the man's hand. The villager rushed towards April but thewoman's husband was able to keep him away from her a little longer. The woman kept shouting at April that she had to leave, April didn't want to leave and tried to get near the woman. The woman pretended that she was angry and scared and April finally left, feeling lonely and abandoned.

Now on the day today, April gets money by finding people that have been gone missing. She tries to avoid doing jobs because her temperal boss could find out about what she is.

Passcode: Grey Wolf

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EG, your character is also accepted.

That means a few more sign-ups and we can begin.

It seems most of this will be centralized around Freeze City.
Dourant is certainly going to be nice to your character, though if she pulls a knife on him, he may try to take it lol.

She'll only pull the knife if she feels threatened. Plus he probably wouldn't succeed in taking it. She'd never let that happen, after all that's the last thing she has of her dad.

Though Prim might try to pickpocket not just your character but others as well possibly.
Name: Kagan
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Race: Wolf

Path: Kagan follows the path of vengeance. He hunts the humans who killed his family.



In his human form, Kagan's hair is a light shade of black, verging on brown, but not quite. He often keeps it untidy and scruffy so that it covers half of his face, only revealing the half with the red mark. The mark itself is actually a skin deformity only visible in his human form, since it is concealed underneath his fur in his wolf form. If you shaved his cheek while he was in wolf form, the red deformity would still be visible. The deformity is a strange occurrence in which a certain patch of skin becomes transparent, revealing the red veins of blood beneath. The deformity does not end there, it reaches up to his eye, causing the iris to also become transparent, which makes it seem as if he has a red eye. His other eye is actually deep chocolate brown. On one of his arms, he has a tattoo which resembles the shape of a dragon, though, again, it is only visible in his human form.

Kagan stands at 6 ft 6' and weighs about 140 pounds. His skin is very pale, even though he gets his regular dosage of sunlight. This makes his dark hair and clothes stand out even more. Most of the time, Kagan simply wears a dark brown A-shirt, along with a pair of black, Japanese-style pants, gloves, and a pair of black boots. However, when he isn't trying to appear casual, he wears a long, brown shawl, a metal-edged collar piece, a pair of metal-edged detached sleeves, and a metal plate bended around his waist. The plate also acts as a holster for the Katana that he sometimes carries for battle.

In his wolf form, Kagan takes the appearance of a deep black wolf with piercing white eyes, and a furry body. Generally, he is very well camouflaged in the darkness, which is why he only chooses to hunt at night. In his form of origin, Kagan stands at about 3 feet in height, and weighs 98 pounds. In this form, he can run incredibly fast, reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.

Personality: Kagan is a lone wolf in every sense of the word. He dislikes the company of others, generally, and will only stay with them if he has to. He even resents other wolves, especially the ones who go looking for Paradise, since he believes it all to be nothing but a fairy tale. He prefers to stay in the company of himself and his own thoughts, since over the course of his life he has learned that the only person he can depend on is himself. He is not lonely by any means, since being lonely infers that one actually dislikes the solidarity. Kagan actually enjoys his solidity. This makes him a rather selfish person by nature, and also distrusting. Although he was once the exact opposite of this, his experiences have shaped him into the person he is today. He shows no remorse for even the most terrible of his actions, and no regret for anything he's ever done. He's merciless towards his enemies, especially humans, and will not hesitate to destroy them.

While his ruthless nature is most often his greatest ally in combat and in the act of surviving, it is also Kagan's greatest weakness. Due to his solitary nature, he is unwilling to accept aid from anyone, even potential allies in his quest for vengeance. This would often get him into trouble, and because of his uncaring attitude, he ends up making more enemies than friends. He had trained himself to no longer form emotional attachments to anyone, since he knows that it would end in catastrophe.

History: Kagan's history is a long, tortured one, as he has suffered many losses along the way. It begins 27 years ago in Freeze City, where Kagan was born to two wolves, both in search of Paradise, named Jirus and Bella. The two were travellers, and were only staying in Freeze City for a while. Kagan's birth was a surprise, but a happy one at that. For most of his childhood, Kagan stayed with his parents in search of Paradise. They often met with Wolf Hunters and the like, but Jirus managed to save them every time. After travelling the country for years on end, the three eventually found themselves back in Freeze City, Kagan's birthplace. By then, they were on the verge of giving up the search. It seemed years had been wasted in fruitless effort. That's when it happened.

In Freeze City, hidden among the countless gangs that had been formed due to poverty reigning over the city, there existed a certain group of Wolf Hunters called the Executioners. Their main purpose was to eliminate all wolves in existence, since they saw them as a vermin to be destroyed. The Executioners were doing a pretty good job, too. They had made Freeze City an even more inhospitable territory for wolves, and they had bases in many other cities as well. On their return to Freeze City, Kagan and his parents encountered a troupe of Executioners. These highly-trained wolf killers quickly managed to subdue all three of them. During this time, Kagan was only an adolescent. His parents were killed first, in front of his own eyes. First, the Executioners forced them to revert back to their wolf forms, and then they slaughtered them mercilessly. This sight sent Kagan into a frenzy, and it was then that his true ferocity was revealed. He lunged at his attackers and managed to kill a couple before he fled. He left Freeze City, and scoured the land for many more years.

The more he survived, scavenging off what he could find like a common dog, the more his resentfulness for the Executioners grew. By the time he was eighteen, he was just about ready to commit suicide. That's when it happened again.

During one of his travels, Kagan met a beautiful young girl called Hira. She, too, was an orphan wolf who spent her days scavenging. The two instantly connected, and Kagan, who had been longing for someone to trust and care for, finally felt at peace. The two decided to end this endless cycle of travelling and scavenging, and settle down. The built a cottage in the countryside, and would often return to nearby cities to buy food, posing as humans. Granted, they had to steal often, but it was a good life. Of course, that was until the Executioners found them. The elite wolf hunters could instantly recognise him because of the red mark on his cheek, and pursued him back to his cottage where Hira waited. The Executioners were already there, a dead Hira at their feet. Kagan, after a battle with the murderers, managed to escape, but now the death of his one and only love hung over his conscience.

Deciding that enough was enough, Kagan finally made the decision to bring an end to the Executioners once and for all. So, he began his walk along the path of vengeance.

Although now hardened to be a warrior, he still wasn't the same person he is today. He still yearned for emotional attachment, but knew it would only end in disaster. He travelled far, and eventually found a secluded mountain range in which he chose to train. After years of rigorous training in order to become strong enough to fight the Executioners, he found a secluded little mountain village which he decided to use as a base. There, he made friends with the locals, who, although he was a wolf, gladly accepted him into their society. It was the first time he felt that he actually had some connection to humans. These people lived in such seclusion from the rest of the world that they didn't share the same hostility for the wolves. That was, of course, before it happened again.

The Executioners, of course. Just when it seemed that life was getting better for Kagan, they came once again. Initially, they had been pursuing another wolf, so they came across the village in which Kagan lived. Believing Kagan to be the wolf they were looking for, they burned the entire village in hopes of forcing him to come out of hiding. Many of the villagers died in the fire, and those who escaped were left to wander the cold landscape of the mountain. Kagan, angry beyond belief, murdered every single one of that troupe of Executioners. People he had lived alongside, and worked with, had just died because of them. Again. His friends were dead, and it was the fault of the Executioners once more.

Third time was the charm. After this, Kagan became emotionally detached and became a loner. Over time, he began to prefer the company of nobody but himself, and grew into the selfish, ruthless wolf he is today. He spends his days hunting those who have destroyed him, the Executioners, and will not rest until they are destroyed.

Passcode: Gray Wolf.

Alright, all done. Waddaya think?
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Well, in the world this RP is set in, I should think that this case would be rather common. He also lost pretty much everyone he ever cared about because of wolf hunters, so he's in a seriously bad mood right now. You have no idea how much of an understatement that is. LOL
Looks good, I'll mark Kagan as accepted!

So here's an IC question for you all:

Would you like occasional random events? Seeing as it'll be sandbox, and form around the characters' paths, it won't be as easy for me to keep everyone fully entertained unless I have some intervention in their paths, this being random events.

Lastly, what about a map? I'm not sure if one even exists, but it'd certainly be helpful as far as IC goes.
Looks good, I'll mark Kagan as accepted!

So here's an IC question for you all:

Would you like occasional random events? Seeing as it'll be sandbox, and form around the characters' paths, it won't be as easy for me to keep everyone fully entertained unless I have some intervention in their paths, this being random events.

Lastly, what about a map? I'm not sure if one even exists, but it'd certainly be helpful as far as IC goes.

I would like occasional random events. I won't be bored like that :3 or worse… get a writer's block.

A map would be helpful to probably all of us.
Gonna add on as I go wolfy. Sorry about the lateness but someone screwed me over last night.

Looks good, I'll mark Kagan as accepted!

So here's an IC question for you all:

Would you like occasional random events? Seeing as it'll be sandbox, and form around the characters' paths, it won't be as easy for me to keep everyone fully entertained unless I have some intervention in their paths, this being random events.

Lastly, what about a map? I'm not sure if one even exists, but it'd certainly be helpful as far as IC goes.

A map would be helpful and Random events sounds great :)
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