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Worst/best game in a series?


  • 231
    After replaying again lots and lots of times my all time fav series, I can now finally convince myself with the best and worst game of it. WITHOUT SPINOFFS

    For instance, I'm a freak when it comes to the Metal Gear games (which DOESN'T include spinoffs) I have to say that, in my opinion, MGS1 is the best, and MGS2 is the worst.

    Why? MGS1 has everything I love, a story that leaves you wanting more (hence the hype for MGS2 back then), the characters, the story twists, the gameplay, everything that makes a great game.
    MGS2? to me it was just lame. The story is not that good and solves absolutely nothing, just leaves holes everywhere. The gameplay is not too shabby considering that it comes from MGS1, but it was a big disappointment for me.

    What about you guys? which are your fav series and worst and best games in it, feel free to tell why you think that, but remember that it's not really a review, so dont go crazy haha
    Uhhh... I guess I'd need to think which games are even my favorite series. :P

    One that I LOVE is Bioshock. I think the first is the best, while I find the third the worst. Mass Effect, second is best. First is worst. Donkey Kong Country, Tropical Freeze is best (tied with 2), Returns is worst.
    I'm a freak for Final Fantasy. But it is true that not every game in the series is a masterpiece. Going by solely main series games, in my opinion FF X was the best followed closely by XII and then I taking third, and so far the absolute worst game in the series would be Lightning Returns. With XIII-2 being a close second and then III coming in third from last.
    Donkey Kong Country, Tropical Freeze is best (tied with 2), Returns is worst.
    Nah, Returns is fantastic and honestly has some of the best level design in the series. (Returns' Forest - Cliff - Factory worlds combo is seriously the highlight of the whole series) DKC1 is the very definition of mediocre with its level design either being the most basic and straightforward stuff or full of annoying gimmicks.
    Unless we're counting DK64 because that game is straight up bad.

    Good call OP on MGS. MGS2 sucks, but I personally consider MGS3 to be the peak of the series.

    Wario Land best: Wario Land 4
    Wario Land worst: Wario Land 3
    I have a series that is an easy one.

    Animal Crossing

    Best: New Leaf
    Worst: City Folk

    I've played the series since the GCN version, and in fact, was hopelessly obsessed with the GCN version when I first played it. It's hard for me to believe that I'd ever put another AC title above it, but objectively, I have to say that New Leaf is the best. However, it is the one and only game I can say that is actually better than the GCN version.

    Personally, I got burnt out on New Leaf pretty quick, but I think that's just because I'm burnt out on the series. New Leaf hit all of the notes right. There's still much room for improvement, of course, but with New Leaf it was obvious that a lot of effort was put forth into making it great and a new experience.

    City Folk, on the other hand, is the very opposite. Reviewers and fans all around seem to rag on it for being "more of the same", but the problem runs much deeper than that. I think the only place any effort was put into in terms of the game were the graphics, and it's obvious that even in New Leaf, much more effort was put in that category. City Folk suffered from poor design choices, mainly from laziness. Such as villager interaction. Villager interaction had been taken down a pint in Wild World, but in City Folk it was a disaster. One-phase conversations, that were very repetitive.

    I could go on and on about CF... But it now doesn't have to be anything more than a bad memory. Thankfully.
    I feel that in my opinion the Final Fantasy series peaked with 6 & 7. The worst is 14, easily. Even worse then 13.

    Also Castlevania! Best was Symphony of the Night worst was 2. Fact. Totally not an opinion.
    The Legend of Zelda

    Best: Twilight Princess - Great story, great controls, great gameplay, great music, etc.

    Worst: Skyward Sword - That's not to say that this game is necessarily awful, but compared to other Zelda games it just doesn't stand out as being any good. I personally don't find the story that intriguing, the controls are below average, the mechanics for things like Shields having health and the awful flying, and the music can be repetitive and mediocre.

    Edit: 600th post. Hooray!
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    Let's see:
    Fire Emblem:
    Best: While I enjoyed 8 a lot , even though I haven't reached the end, 4 is without a doubt the best one, sure there's some minor nags like the lack of trading and rescue but it has the better story and the level design is genius and difficult yet satisfying.
    Worst: Awakening: This game is broken, on normal it's really easy, but on hard mode and above it becomes a RNG/luckhaxfest, it is really easy to get screwed by the RNG on a level up, which on Lunatic and up leads to it being impossible to beat just chapter 1. The story is really generic, many of the characters have only one personality trait and Emmeryn's death is the dumbest story related character death. The music isn't memorable, the level design is REALLY badly thought out as the maps are more focused on looking pretty instead of being practical and overall there's a huge focus on quantity over quality.
    Best: Digimon World Dawn/Dusk, it's really good, unless Cyber Sleuth comes to the west it will likely stay as the best one for a long time. Many people think it's too grindy but most of it can easily be taken care off with a good strategy, digivolivng and degenerating at the right time and smart use of the Digifarm, the positioning system is really nice and the music and spritework makes any wild encounter fun.
    Worst: Digimon All-Star Rumble is bad, I expected so as the only reason I bought it was to support the franchise in hopes that it would make a Decode or Cyber Sleuth localization more likely, it controls bad, the story mode is a chore, and you can get through most battles with Impmon spamming the auto-aiming flames and physical combo leaving the opponent no chance of escape.
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    I would say that Bioshock Infinite was no where near as good as 1 and 2, I know that it doesn't follow the same storyline and that for me is probably why I don't like it. It tried too hard to be "unique" and it ended up feeling like I was playing a bad rip of the first two games.

    Bioshock 2 was the best in the series because you're a big daddy, that is all there is to it lol. Although the first one had an amazingly sad ending.
    Final Fantasy is my favorite series (for the record i played them all including Mystic Quest except for 11/14/Tactics). Final Fantasy 6 I consider to be the best game in the series for maxing the potential of the Super Nintendo in terms of upgrading over FF4 and FF5, which were tough acts to follow. The detail of the graphics they put into that game during that time were uncanny. The story was an emotional work of art, the characters were easy to like, the music was top tier (Uematsu). And it was fun...like suplexing a train! (FF7 is my personal favorite in the series for lesser reasons but falls short to games like FF6 and FF4 in terms of "the best".)

    For my worst. Easily FF13-2. Don't get me wrong to those that like the 13 series, the graphics and sound are amazing, just so many things went against it's favor, most notably the game play and the story that kinda tanked whatever progress FF13 had going for it. I don't like talking negative so I'll leave it at that, lol the DLC was cool fighting Gilgamesh n Ultros etc...
    Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game series I ever played. I have extremely fond memories of playing the second game over and over and reading about all the cut levels and toying around with debug mode and making the game almost break. It was freaking awesome. Sadly though, Sonic just isn't how I remember it anymore... I used to wonder if there was a Sonic 3 or Sonic 4 and wonder what that was like, and now I feel happy I was sheltered from the truly bad games in the series. But thankfully they didn't ALL suck, and I was introduced via Sonic Gems Collection to what I think is the best Sonic game ever made: Sonic CD. I never really had a Sega CD and thus never even knew of its existence, but to me it's the best game in the whole series. Just what makes it the best game, despite there not being Tails or Knuckles? There's a lot of factors, the first being the way each level is designed. There's technically 4 different levels in one, and you can freely go from each with the exception of the Good and Bad Future versions, which you can only pick one of. You can see the effects Robotnik's (he's Doctor freaking Robotnik, anybody who says otherwise has never played a true Sonic game) influence has on the world, and you have the power to either let the world rot away or demolish the machines ruining the world in the present time and bring a good future to that part of the world where both technology and nature flourishes. Also, there's the music. The freaking music. The music is the easily the thing that just ties the whole game together. The music in each version of the stage is a remix of the present theme (except for the Past themes, which are left untranslated from the Japanese version - did I mention the American version has different music than the Japanese version? The Japanese version has more pop tunes in it, while the American version is pretty much rock and roll, and both versions have awesome tunes in them) and it's awesome. The level design is also what sells it, as each and every level is different, and no two are alike in any way. The game is just awesome, and I'd easily recommend it to anybody who likes platforming games.

    But the worst game with the name Sonic plastered on the cover.... is Sonic '06. I've never played it, I've just watched my brother play through part of the first level (his friend gave him a copy of the game to play through on a dare) and give up when he ran out of lives and had no idea he was supposed to save. I heard about it's nasty reputation, but I didn't think it could be THAT bad. Being horrendously broken doesn't necessarily make a game unenjoyable. But I watched pokecapn's lets play of it and it's nothing but a train wreck. Everything Sonic CD got right, Sonic '06 got wrong, and THEN SOME. Every tiny thing in Sonic '06 is terrible. The level designs are uninspired, with you having to play through them no less than 3 times on 3 separate characters, the music is ear-splittingly bad, each character just sucks with different abilities that either break the game or are dull and aren't nearly effective enough, and my God the physics engine is busted. Not busted as in funny things happen, though sometimes they do, but busted as in you can't freaking play it without pulling your hair out. And the story. My god, the story. I've read fan fiction that was better than this. The game freaking endorses shipping Sonic the Hedgehog with some orange-legged human chick that looks like she was yanked right out of Final Fantasy, and the entire story relies on absolutely everybody being a total moron. Even the main bad guy. And did I mention Princess Uncanny up there kisses Sonic to bring him back to life? Yes, she kisses Sonic and brings him back to life, and somehow had a demon stuffed inside her that could be released just by her crying. And the main boss is the red bird from the Hyrule Shield recolored to look blue. And the game ends by just retconning itself. I feel really bad for the people who got this game for Christmas or as a birthday present, as it's just horrible in every way. I think Sega should have been forced to give out refunds for that one.

    Continuing on, Pokemon is another series I grew up with, and it's hard to pinpoint the best game in the series. But if I had to guess, it would be either SoulSilver or Black version. SoulSilver was everything I loved in Pokemon Gold and Silver ratcheted up to impossible levels. Your lead Pokemon follows you around like Pikachu did in Pokemon Yellow? You infiltrate the Goldenrod Radio Station dressed like Team Rocket and your rival runs into you and busts your disguise? All the music is redone beautifully and you also get to listen to 8-bit versions of the songs? You battle along side your rival in Dragon's Den?! It's the best thing ever!! And Black Version completely bars you from all the old Pokemon until the end of the game, establishing an entirely new region with entirely new Pokemon that not only has seasons in it that change the layout of some places but has the deepest story yet in a Pokemon game, and has mobile Pokemon sprites with no height limit that move around as if they were really alive!!! It's freaking awesome!

    But the worst game in the series thus far that I have played is Pokemon Y. It's not a bad game; it does try to be good, but it's mediocre. Everything's too crowded together, you're led to hate people even though they don't really do anything bad, Lysandre isn't given nearly enough detail, Professor Sycamore freaks me the heck out acting like he's flirting with you, and in general the game feels like it's lacking polish. The models the game has are almost dead in comparison to the sprites Pokemon Black had, and there's palette errors and noticable things like only important characters being given a model and everyone else (even the freaking Elite Four) having a static image as they battle you. The game really needed another year in development. It should be noted I'm tempted to say Alpha Sapphire, but I've never seen that game be played before so I can't judge on it.
    A few for me that immediately come to mind...


    Best: It's difficult to say, but I'm actually going to go with Prime 2. The original Prime was fantastic, but there was a lot of backtracking involved, and very little direction. Echoes provided some much needed direction to your adventuring, a fantastic antagonist in the form of Dark Samus, and significantly less backtracking. The scenery wasn't quite as spectacular or memorable, but the bosses were a huge improvement, and the dark world mechanic was actually quite fun. It's been done to death in video games before this, but the impact it had on the light world encouraged me to explore everything, and the rapid loss of health gave me a sense of urgency whenever I was there. The soundtrack was also much better.

    Worst: Other M. I don't really need to go into too much detail here...Other M is a sexist, poorly-written, poorly constructed pile of garbage that completely destroys Samus Aran's character, and I refuse to consider it a canon entry to the Metroid series. It takes the fantastic gameplay of the Prime series and the classic Metroidvania gameplay and turns them into something barely recognizable. In short, it does nothing right. The next Metroid game will make or break the series for me, because if this is a note of things to come...

    Final Fantasy

    Best: XII. One thing I have always hated about later Final Fantasy titles is the romance aspect. It's poorly written, robs the unfortunate female protagonist of what little personality she has before that, and it completely supplants the world-shaking events of the main plot. FFXII was everything I could have ever asked for in a 3D Final Fantasy: the world took precedence over the characters, the story was filled with political intrigue and sympathetic villains (I still consider Vayne more of a protagonist than the actual protagonists) and at no point was perspective lost. Vaan is a common complaint of FFXII, as he did absolutely nothing, but to me that didn't matter - the characters were of secondary importance to the plot, and it was more than engaging enough. No teenage angst? I can live with this. The battle system was a huge step up from previous titles - I loved tinkering with the Gambits - and, best of all, it slotted nicely into the rest of Ivalice's history. FFXII was a great part of something greater, and I enjoyed every second of it.

    Worst: IX. Between XIII and IX, I'm going to have to go with IX, because it's unbearably boring. Coming off of VIII, which I adored, it felt like a giant step backwards. None of the characters really appealed to me, the battle system was unbearably slow - and it's aged terribly - and the world never really grabbed me in the same way that other titles did. FFXIII was truly diabolical, but it at least moved along at a steady pace, and became somewhat enjoyable once it opened up a little and let you explore Gran Pulse to your heart's content. FFIX, by contrast, remained tedious from start to finish. I had to force myself to finish it, and that is never a good sign.


    Best: Symphonia. Symphonia was my all-time favourite game for the longest time, and it remains the best instalment in the Tales series in my opinion. No other Tales title has had such a fantastic cast, amazing villain - Tales games seem to shirk their villains quite a bit - or engaging world since. The battle systems have improved, but that's about it. Symphonia barely shows its age other than graphically now. It's a shame about the sequel though.

    Worst: Abyss. God, I waited YEARS to play this game. It never came out on PS2 over here, so I didn't get to play it until the 3DS port came out. Either it's aged terribly, or it was never a very good game to begin with. The plot was uninspired and predictable, the cast was bland and unimaginative - with the exception of Jade, who had his moments - the villains were underdeveloped (which is unforgivable to me) and Luke...I just wanted to strangle Luke. Everything about him was poorly done. Vesperia had less direction, but it had a fairly good cast. Abyss had a poor cast and a dull story.


    Best: Disgaea 4. The story of Disgaea 4 is a great one, filled with more subtle, political humour than the slapstick that marks other entries in the series. It's more mature, but it still has that Disgaea charm, marked by constant breaking of the fourth wall and utterly ridiculous statements that are said with complete and deadly seriousness. Valvatorez was such a great protagonist. The post-game is also the best so far. It's a CRAZY timesink.

    Worst: Disgaea 2. This was awful coming off the second game! Barely any humour, a horrid story, and no significant upgrades in the gameplay. Every other Disgaea has brought something new to the tables. All this brought was a terrible cast of characters that have made for some horribly expensive DLC in future titles. It's not funny, it's not fun, and it's utterly forgettable. Definitely the black sheep of the family.

    The Legend of Zelda

    Best: Link's Awakening. I still love this title even now. For a Gameboy title it's impressively large, and whilst I'm picking it primarily for the nostalgia value, no other Zelda game has been so enjoyable to me every time I've picked it up and replayed it. Marin makes a much better love interest than Zelda does any day of the week. Being electrocuted for stealing and then being referred to as "THIEF" by everyone never got old either. xD

    Worst: Skyward Sword, for two reasons. One is the world, which isn't so much a world as it is a series of tiny areas you hop to and from. Skyward Sword is TINY even by Zelda standards, and extremely disappointing in its lack of originality. The second reason is the motion controls. Don't get me wrong; swinging the Wiimote to swing your sword is awesome. It felt right, it felt good, and it made combat so much more entertaining and enjoyable. It's the one good thing about this game. No, the problem lies in everything else. Wave your Wiimote to control your bird. Tilt your Wiimote to control your angle of descent. Shake your Wiimote to shake things off. Point your Wiimote and have it act like a compass needle. None of this worked. It was excessive. Exhausting. Poorly handled and it made controlling the game outside of combat a chore and a nightmare.


    Best: Portrait of Ruin. What made this memorable were the boss battles. Stella and Loretta, as annoying as they were, opened up the game and made it amazing. Purify them and you then get to fight Brauner. Beat him and then you go on to fight Dracula and Death. At the same time. That fight is the highlight of the entire franchise for me: two of Castlevania's staple bosses, typically the hardest ones, in a room, together. One throwing fireballs, the other throwing scythes. Teaming up for combo attacks, just as you have for the whole game. Priceless.

    Worst: Dawn of Sorrow. Aria of Sorrow was a great game...its sequel, not so much. The symbol-drawing was ridiculously contrived and highly aggravating, the villains were throwaway at best, and it felt like a half-arsed, cobbled-together sequel just for the sake of having a Castlevania title on the DS. Disappointing.


    Best: Meruru. A lot of people say Totori is better, but I disagree. Meruru was a hugely likeable protagonist, and it's great watching her evolve over the course of the game from a spoiled Princess to one who genuinely cares about her people. The cast returning from Rorona and Totori have matured and gotten much better as characters, having the history of two games behind them, and the exchanges are light-hearted and often quite funny. Watching the overworld map evolve as you develop the kingdom is a fantastic mechanic to track progress, and the battle system and alchemy systems reach their peak here as well. The soundtrack is also much better, and the endings more satisfying. As good as Ayesha and Totori are, neither have Meruru's scope.

    Worst: Rorona. Rorona Plus mercifully fixed a lot of the problems Rorona had, but it doesn't change the fact that it's the weakest instalment in the Arland trilogy, and one of the weaker ones in the franchise as a whole. Rorona and Sterk just can't carry the game by themselves, and there aren't many memorable characters otherwise. They go on to be memorable in later titles, but in this game, even in the Plus version, they're severely lacking.

    ...there are more I could go into, but I'm tired of writing at the moment. xD
    I think you're underselling Skyward Sword. It's weird because imo it had the highest highs and the lowest lows of the series so I could actually see why one wouldn't like it, but I'd hardly call it the worst because frankly, it has the best dungeons in the series. (TP is the only 3D Zelda I haven't played so I can't comment on its dungeons) They're very well designed.

    Personally I'd consider Phantom Hourglass as the worst but it's such a minor title that I kinda don't want to, so I'd put Wind Waker instead.

    EDIT: Also Super Metroid is the best one. An actual contender of being the best game ever, even.
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    Man the only thing preventing me from saying for sure that Metroid Prime 2 is my favorite of the Prime trilogy is the fucking Spider Ball Guardian. That thing is such a huge bitch to deal with >=(

    I kinda flip-flop between picking Symphonia and Vesperia as my favorite Tales game. Worst though for me easily goes to Dawn of the New World.....as you guys have probably heard me say many times before.
    A lot of these make me feel old. Prime 2? twilight princess? What happened to Link to the Past and Super Metroid? Bah!

    Anyways, how about something within the past decade for sake of recognition?

    Killzone 2 is the best of the series, while Killzone 3 is the worst and effectively terminated the entire franchise. Seeing how they tried to bring it back, they realised they failed terribly and everyone decided not to play it after the first few months of ownership. People are still playing Killzone 2 six years later. Goes to show you how suck Killzone 3 is. I couldn't even find a match to play in! The menus suck, the gameplay sucks, the story sucks. Killzone 3 'are teh suck'. It seems some of my favorite games take a wrong turn on the third iteration.
    I'll try this out. It's gonna be long though, haha. And it's all personal opinion here. So here goes nothing!

    Starting off with my favorite series. I think the best in the series for me is Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. And I know a lot of people will disagree with that entirely or say "y no ORAS instead," but I can always return to RSE with no issues. I've played the games to death, but they've never lost interest to me. I even have two copies of Emerald and Sapphire, the latter being French. It's an adventure that never gets dull to me, despite the cries of "too much water" and all the other things "wrong" with the games. I enjoy them to the fullest with every playthrough.

    As for the worst in my opinion, that honor goes to Diamond and Pearl, mostly, if not entirely, for the poor running speed. Thankfully, Platinum fixed it and saved the region of Sinnoh from the slow motion tragedy that it was. Sinnoh isn't a bad region itself, but there are a number of knit-picky things I didn't like about it. The color of the grass I thought was ugly (don't ask), I felt some of the HMs were just made to make exploration more tedious (Defog? Really? I know it has its uses now, but...), and other things. Regardless, it's still nostalgic to me and I played it to death, but with later releases, it makes it harder and harder to return to. I probably never will, unless it's just to kill time for a few minutes.

    The Legend of Zelda
    Hello, I am cliche and my favorite in the series is Ocarina of Time. And I'm not ashamed of that either! I didn't get this game when it came out. In fact, I was introduced to the series through Super Smash Bros Melee. Anyway, when I finally got my hands on Ocarina of Time, thankfully given to me for free from my babysitter, I was awe-struck. Sure, it took me til my senior year of high school to get over my fear of ReDeads and actually beat the game, but it was a spectacle the whole way through, even if it was 2010 and the game was incredibly dated. I kind of tie Twilight Princess with this game though, but I'm not gonna waste more of your reading time. Is anyone actually reading? lol

    Worst in the series for me is Zelda II. It's hard as shit and I could never quite get the hang of it. Is that an adequate reason to hate the game? Probably not. But I haven't had quite the same frustration with any other Zelda game in the franchise and I've played almost all of them. So maybe I'll hate something else more if I try it out in the future, like the DS titles, but for now, it's Zelda II. It has great music though. I'll give it that.

    Kingdom Hearts
    So I'm not really done with Birth By Sleep yet, but I think I can safely rest it atop Kingdom Hearts II as the better KH game in the series. I love the decks and melding (even though I caught on to melding at the very end of Ven's story ooops) and it's just fun to play. Using magic and items is so much easier than in other titles that I've played (I usually stay away from magic altogether because it's so inconvenient to use) and it just makes the fluidity of battles so much smoother. I could go on and on about the battle system (hell, I didn't even mention some of the things involved, it's such a big topic), but I like the characters a lot. I'm not a huge fan of the Disney places you visit in this game, but I think everything else makes up for it.

    The worst KH game is usually considered Re:Coded I've noticed, but I haven't played it, so I'm gonna put Re:Chain of Memories here. I've tried to like this game. I really have. I have tried on more than one occasion to play and understand how to even play this game and still can't. I even plan to try again when I pick up KH1.5, but I can almost guarantee you that I still won't know what I'm doing. Either I'm stupid (I know other people have beaten this game before...how?!) or this is just too complicated of a battle mechanic to figure out. I can't be the only one that can't figure this game out right? RIGHT?

    Jak and Daxter
    OBVIOUSLY. The best. Is. Jak 3. I think I've said that plenty of times in numerous threads that it's the best in the series. It's a great blend of the platforming from the first game and the third person shooting from the second. Plus, I think this is where Jak's character really shines the most out of the trilogy. Which reminds me, I need to get that HD collection soon...hm. Oh. Music and story and characters and blah blah blah it's great, go play it.

    Worst in the series, again, is something I myself haven't played (I don't think I could bring myself to), but for now, the crown is going to Daxter. Like with CoM, I tried to like this game. The fighting mechanics are pretty fun, but the game falls into a black hole of blandness. It's hard to really immerse yourself into the game because you're...exterminating bugs? Yeah. Sounds great. There are games like Animal Crossing that can make mundane things like paying off debt fun, and that's great. But Daxter doesn't make exterminating bugs fun at all. It's just not. It never will be. The lack of music is really dull, too. Coming from a series with generally good music and this game having...hardly any is just unpleasant and makes me sleepy. The game has actually put me to sleep before. I got tired playing it and went to bed once. That's quite the feat there.

    That's all I've got for now...I'm sorry if you wasted your time and read this. Before anyone tries to dispute me on anything, remember, it's just my personal opinion. I'm not about to sit here and fight about it. lol
    Best: Majora's Mask
    This is the best game ever, in my opinion. It has a great story, very original level design, and the gameplay is very customizable due to the multitude of usable weapons and masks.
    Worst: Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
    Maybe I should forgive this one for being so early in the series, but I can't. Nintendo had enough sidescrolling even back then, LoZ didn't need it.
    Elder Scrolls
    Best: Skyrim/Morrowind
    These two are tied because, while Morrowind has more varied quest design, Skyrim's actual gameplay is better.
    Worst: Arena
    Bethesda wasn't used to the series, and as a result this game was simply not enjoyable.
    Dragon Ball games (Which aren't really a single series, but whatever)
    Best: Xenoverse
    Customization and fantastic gameplay? Yes please.
    Worst: Kinect
    It's Kinect. It couldn't have been good.
    Best: X and Y
    Mega evolution was already a good addition to the series, but the pokemon added in these games, while few in number, were refined enough that there was not a single one I actively disliked, which hasn't happened since... Ever.
    Worst: Yellow
    Seriously, I could forgive the forced Pikachu, the incessant anime references, and even the fact that it's nearly as glitchy as Red and Blue, if I could only evolve my damn pikachu.
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    bioshock infinite is the worst
    which is unfortunate because the era its set in is such an interesting one but it's just let down by the plot (particularly the last quarter)

    i'd also have to say that ff xiii (and really, both sequels) are the worst in the franchise due to both the game mechanics and the terrible characters
    as the main protagonist, the character the game & its sequels are centered around, lightning is remarkably unlikable and was not a good choice to lead the series
    none of the characters are really, which is a shame
    even the villains are inherently dislikable and disengaging, which really put me off even bothering to complete the first game
    it's just a disappointment to the whole franchise, really
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    The best in the series is Burnout 3 Takedown by far. the takedown mechanic felt so natural in a arcade racer and adds to a thrilling experience when playing this game. I played crash mode in this game above anything else like the races. Something about being able to successfully cause the biggest crash and racking up the cash for a gold is oddly satisfying.

    Burnout Paradise isn't the worse, but it wasn't a favourite of mine having played the other games in the series. Yeah the open world concept is pretty cool although if you don't have internet on the PS2 it's nowhere near as fun as playing online. The open nature makes the game feel pretty boring because there's no clear objective so all I do is drive around doing little.
    • Like
    Reactions: Her
    Mario (2D Platformer)
    Best: Super Mario World
    Introduced the most of any Mario game I feel. Introduced Yoshi and also had a insane amount of content for a early SNES title
    Worst: New Super Mario Bros
    Seemed to be a bland version of older games, but did add a few interesting power-ups.

    Mario (3D Platformer)
    Best: Super Mario 64
    Huge areas to explore and also managed to introduce many iconic areas and bosses. The controls was really the first game to nail 3D exploration in gaming.
    Worst: Super Mario 3D Land
    Same reasons as New Super Mario Bros, this time with ridiculous amount of nostalgia baiting.

    Mario Kart
    Best: Mario Kart 8
    Best roster in the series to date, managed to take all the few good ideas that 7 had and married them with much more interesting course design.
    Worst: Mario Kart 7
    The roster was a joke, the new courses were drab and the online was a huge step down from Wii.

    Mario (Mario and Luigi RPG series)
    Best: Partners in Time
    I liked the implementation of the Bros items, the story actually had some big stakes and the pacing was by far the best in the series.
    Worst: Dream Team
    The dream areas were tedious and painfully repetitious. The Luiginary abilities sound cool until you realise how much they're used and how samey the puzzles are. The shoe-horning of motion gimmicks irritated the flow and didn't enhance the game. Most of the characters were just rehashes with many past characters appearing for mere cameos.

    Best: OR/AS
    Managed to fix most of the teething issues of the Hoenn games while adding most of the flare that X/Y bought. There were also smart choices that enhanced the game, such as changing many areas to make them feel completely different and introducing the national dex before the elite 4. The amount of legendries available is also ridiculously good and it also doesn't isolate new players with the nostalgia pandering (something that X/Y suffered from, and they weren't even remakes).
    Worst : B/W
    Unova was a boring, boring region. Being forced to use either ugly, redundant or boring new Pokémon was ill-judged. The story was trying way too hard to be deep or intellectual. The entire game was also on-rails, making it feel less like a adventure and more of a tour bus than anything.