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[Legends: Arceus] Would you like more Legends games?


🦆 quack quack
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    • Seen Feb 23, 2023
    To mirror the Let's Go thread, would you want to see more games done in the Legends style?

    If not, why? If so, in which region? Do you think there are tweaks that could improve the experience even more / "save" it?
    I'm always up for more spinoffs, and I think Legends: Arceus was a pretty good one overall...it was just made very, very badly. I think if they were going to make another one, they would need to re-balance the supporting systems and make them meaningful additions, rather than just pointless additions that were added solely because every open world game has them. This game did not need or benefit from fall damage in any way. Visually it was an absolute mess. Crafting was horribly unbalanced and not particularly useful beyond simple Pokeballs, the battle system was a disjointed mess, wild Pokemon would follow you regardless of level disparity, the world itself was empty and pointless (although having it split into areas was definitely the correct choice and one Scarlet/Violet should have implemented in my opinion) and anything and everything of note was locked behind the postgame...this would all need to change for it not to be another half-baked disaster.

    As for which region...either Unova or Kalos would be good choices I think, for a proper narrative focusing on either the creation of Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem or the war that took place in Kalos respectively. These are the most interesting aspects of Pokemon lore that have yet to really be properly explored in a game and would be a good foundation point for a Legends title. Although Johto might follow on better from Legends Arceus given the existence of the Sinjoh Ruins, there could be more to explore there, and also the creation of the Legendary Beasts, since I imagine the original tower would be standing. Celebi gives you a convenient way to get to that time period too if you're going to be displaced again...and would also tie into a Let's Go Johto game, the way Legends Arceus kinda tied into the release of Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
    I love the idea of exploring historical regions. I am a history nerd, so that is just right up my alley. I'd especially love to visit historical Kalos and Galar! Perhaps a new region based off of Ancient Greece!

    However, that's assuming this game is something that can necessarily be used as a template. The story was very specific. Still, I hope they'll find a way! And while some of these other historical regions could use a lot more cities and towns, I hope they still keep to the primitive nature of dealing with and capturing Pokemon that Legends:Arceus had.
    I do agree that some of the game's decisions (fall damage, crafting system) felt a bit tacked on and didn't really do the game a lot of justice but over all I mostly enjoyed the basic gameplay.

    I think that the rank requirements were a bit repetitive at times but I can see it as an incentive to explore the world which, fair enough, I guess.

    I personally would like more if they went for a more bright, cartoony aesthetic a la LGPE - I think it's a shame the last few games seem to be allergic to bright and saturated colors - but I would be mostly OK if they kept the general art style.

    I do however truly think that the plot needs to be completely retooled because this game had so many racist / pro-colonialist undertones that I barely felt comfortable enough playing the game to the end - and I only played it to the end because I truly believe that Game Freak made the plot the way it is out of ignorance and not malice.

    If they do move on with this spin-off franchise, I sincerely hope they never touch "hey, we're discovering this new region" ever again because that way lies a minefield they're simply not equipped to deal with the same way that Pokemon couldn't deal with ethical questions in the past (e.g.: BW / BW2's underwhelming story that's only really seen as good in the context of a Pokemon game).
    I do however truly think that the plot needs to be completely retooled because this game had so many racist / pro-colonialist undertones that I barely felt comfortable enough playing the game to the end - and I only played it to the end because I truly believe that Game Freak made the plot the way it is out of ignorance and not malice.

    If they do move on with this spin-off franchise, I sincerely hope they never touch "hey, we're discovering this new region" ever again because that way lies a minefield they're simply not equipped to deal with the same way that Pokemon couldn't deal with ethical questions in the past (e.g.: BW / BW2's underwhelming story that's only really seen as good in the context of a Pokemon game).

    Look up the history of Hokkaido…GF is a mainland Japan company, to them this is the righteous course of history. I try not to think about it when I play, but it is like a US-based company making a game barely bothering to veil that the plot is pushing Manifest Destiny
    Look up the history of Hokkaido…GF is a mainland Japan company, to them this is the righteous course of history. I try not to think about it when I play, but it is like a US-based company making a game barely bothering to veil that the plot is pushing Manifest Destiny

    I'm aware of that, but colonial powers as a whole also tend to have terrible history lessons (as well as some colonies for that matter) which severely downplay the horrors inflicted on first nations, so that's mostly why I believe it was done out of ignorance - your average person is just taught a widly incorrect / softened take on history and never critically analyzes that take because "surely, school wouldn't teach me wrong, would it?".

    In particular, from what I can gather online (which I will admit might be wrong) Japanese History classes, much like American classes, have a tendency to gloss over a number of things, such as mostly glossing over Japan's involvement on WW2. And that's a massive, international event with a plethora of outside sources. So expecting that system to tell what truly happened to indigenous people / identity groups outside of the Yamato Japanese is ... not likely.

    To make things worse, much like the situation on the West, it seems that there isn't a lot of Ainu representation in general and most of the representation that is there is focused on stereotypes / the past, so I have seen at least one people of Ainu descent say that while the game representation wasn't good it was better than nothing ...

    It's just a messy situation altogether :x
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    I'm aware of that, but colonial powers as a whole also tend to have terrible history lessons (as well as some colonies for that matter) which severely downplay the horrors inflicted on first nations, so that's mostly why I believe it was done out of ignorance - your average person is just taught a widly incorrect / softened take on history and never critically analyzes that take because "surely, school wouldn't teach me wrong, would it?".

    In particular, from what I can gather online (which I will admit might be wrong) Japanese History classes, much like American classes, have a tendency to gloss over a number of things, such as mostly glossing over Japan's involvement on WW2. And that's a massive, international event with a plethora of outside sources. So expecting that system to tell what truly happened to indigenous people / identity groups outside of the Yamato Japanese is ... not likely.

    To make things worse, much like the situation on the West, it seems that there isn't a lot of Ainu representation in general and most of the representation that is there is focused on stereotypes / the past, so I have seen at least one people of Ainu descent say that while the game representation wasn't good it was better than nothing ...

    It's just a messy situation altogether :x

    Yeah…agree with everything you say there. I think every country other than China and perhaps Russia downplays Japan's WWII atrocities tbh, the U.S. gave the Japenese equivalent of Mengele amnesty.

    Some good will come, at least, in that the likes of myself who never even heard of an Ainu before PLA was released now have done, I guess? (Mostly because I'm a faux-smart nicknamer and decided to give them all some combo of Japanese and Ainu words as their names this time).

    I do think it would have to be more like how in the original games Prof. Oak programmed 151 Pokémon into the 'dex despite allegedly not knowing what Pokémon lived in Kanto i.e. people exploring their own native land and cataloguing. That's why I like whoever mentioned Johto as a possibility, as you could be messed around by Celebi at the Ilex shrine (thus also making Celebi available in a current game for the first time ever, like Manaphy, Shaymin, and Darkrai in Legends)

    Region? Any that has interesting ancient lore besides Sinnoh (Johto, Hoenn, Unova, or Kalos)

    I think Kalos would be probably the best candidate, since it was the first region that only got two games (no third versions or DLC), plus we saw none of the starters and very few Kalos Pokémon in Legends Arceus (the only Kalos Pokémon they put are those with Hisuian forms)

    Of course, if there is another Legends game, I hope they do take the time to polish it as it deserves. I would also like to see Abilities, and a world that feels less empty and more alive, with wild Pokémon doing more varied things than just roaming around aimlessly. And improving the Dex research tasks with more objectives variety would be great too.
    Yes. It'd be awesome and getting more lore on each region is also great. Pretty much any region would benefit from it imo - as long as it's done well. I just love Legends and can't believe L:A is a year+ old already!

    This should be the new spinoff series. It could even be the replacement for the generation 'remakes' if everyone wants to continue to be butthurt whiny babies about how remakes are done now (which I have no issue with in any way whatsoever but clearly this is literally only me). Which of course seems to clearly be the case right now currently.

    I'd rather have Legends Johto/Ho-Oh/Lugia/Celebi instead of Let's Go Johto for the next Johto remake which is still clearly the next remake according to current patterns
    Heck no, I don't. A "Legends" styled game, as least based on how Legends Arceus was presented, is a boring grind game with no pay off. It has way too much dialog and cutscenes, barren empty space that makes the world look lifeless, way too many quests, and grindy objectives, such as having to do the same thing repeatedly multiple times. This also includes catching several Pokémon of the same species just to complete its Pokédex entry. It also took out all the Pokémon essentials, such as Abilities, EVs, IVs, and the whole competitive scene. A lot of the Pokédex is missing in the game, which is horrible if you love variety regarding your teams. It was fun at first, but gets boring and repetitive really fast. It's just boring overhyped and overrated trash. The only way I might get into a "Legends" style game is if the games are fully voice acted. Otherwise, count me out! 😩 I feel if Pokémon wants to go in that direction, they really need to start adding voice acting to their games. It might would have had a much bigger impact on me if it did.
    As long as they make the research tasks far less grindy for us poor completionists out there, and tweak and polish the game more than they did with L:A, sure.
    The core of a good game was there, but as always with Game Freak they always need to at least eff something up =P

    Legends: Mew, Victini would be me first picks for the cover mythical if they stick with those.
    But Legends Mew would probably mean another Kanto game and we already have too many of those, and another game in Unova is pretty unappealing too.

    So region-wise... Johto, Hoenn, or Kalos I guess, as Alola & Galar are too recent comparatively imo.
    Yes i would love another legends style game where they could improve upon what worked and refined things(less grindy, stupid fall damages, more trainer battles, better graphics). That said idk what region you would base it on, I feel like sinnoh was an easy choice due to sinnoh being very lore heavy from the start. Maybe kalos? Around the time when that weapon was made/ first fired?
    I wouldn't mind another game. As for mini gripes stated above- the dex missions & the fall damage (EVEN WHEN ON A POKÉMON) was a HUGE buzz kill for me. Other than that, I apprecated the game for what it was, & had fun. I'd love to see a Unova or Jhoto based one next!
    Hell. Naw.

    PLA would have been way more interesting if it had been an actual frickin' period piece, not an isekai with modern elements (up to and including discrimination) and time travel thrown in just because. It's pretty much screwed the timeline to a point I no longer consider PLA part of my canon except for the actual period piece elements (such as Laventon's contributions, the existence of the Galaxy Team as a precursor to Team Galactic, and the extinct Hisuian Mons). If future Legends games follow the formula of the MC and some other character(s) getting yanked into the past because destiny said so, I'm not getting those either.

    I'd much rather have new games set in the far future, or revisit a region at the time the main games in their generation take place. I've been clamoring for a Kanto/Johto sequel that lets us see what happened to characters who aren't Red and/or Blue for ages now. It would be awesome to do that with other regions as well, but I'm as biased for the two original regions as Game Freak themselves are.
    The world of pokemon is so expansive and I feel like more Legends games really helps give depth to all the lore we've gotten over the past 20 something years of the franchise.

    I'd love for a Zygarde legends, Celebi, maybe more Regi's stuff. There's so much potential!
    I would. They don't even need to take place in the past exclusively either. Like I can see an Alola Legends game based around Ultra Beasts and taking place in the far future.
    Not a chance. They are a waste of development time and resources. Fully open world doesn't fit the Pokemon series at all. Not to mention, Legends is not even an actual Pokemon game, just a pointless side game. If GF wants to give us side games instead of focusing on giving us better mainline games, I'd much rather a new Mystery Dungeon game that catches up to gen 9.
    Legends of Arceus actually brought me back to Pokemon! The last main game I bought was S/M. My life got busy and I didn't see the point in keeping up with the game consoles. Now that I have a bit more time on my hand, I specifically wanted a more adult version of Pokemon. "Something that I feel like I could die in." I got my wish and I'm really enjoying it!

    I am also the person that plays Skyrim to pick mountain flowers and read all of the lore though.