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Years of Lies [IC] [Best Veteran Q2 '12]

-I stood up, dusting off the back of my jacket with one hand and stretching slightly. The tiny flame in my hand seemed to melt into it, and dissappeared under the skin. I sent her a questioning look, slightly confused. I didn't think she would have allowed it that easily, but what the hell, if it gave me a better chance of surviving, I was okay with it. Walking over to her, I stretched once more before lowering my eyelids lazily and placing my usual frown back on my face.-

"Okay... well where is this... place of yours? Also, thanks for agreeing to teach me..." As I saw the butterfly, I tilted my head to one side. Usually, when I was around my element, I had an annoying habit of absorbing it without thinking about it at all. Fire was a source of food or energy for me, seeing as my element was fire, so absorbing it was like eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on its size.

I wasn't absorbing this fire, so I guessed it wasn't even fire to begin with. He'd find out later on.
Chapter 3- Mammon - Underworld

I watched as the human boy got to his feet. Only now did I realize his height, as well as the length of his jacket. Let's hope that thing wasn't flamable. That, would be too funny. I hopped up to my own two feet, with my shoulders rolling. The butterfly was still perched calmly on my finger. I was a little shorter than Raike, but that was to be expected. The male demon servants were the abnormally tall ones. Seven feet...

I allowed the butterfly to leave its perch. "No prob! I think it'll be fun! Have you ever teleported before? Or are all those machines in the Gods District?" I shrugged, and watched the butterfly circle Raike, before landing on his bare neck. It wouldn't hurt. Just a tingling sensation. Still watching, the butterfly sank in and took the form of a tattoo. Without warning, I grabbed his hand. "It wouldn't be safe if you didn't have that tattoo. Let's go~" Using my other hand, I snapped my fingers. A few seconds later, everything we saw around us, seemed to flip like panels. It was like a washed-out effect that ran from the floor, right to the sky. Soon, we were standing in nothingness. A black air with no light or color. Still holding his hand, I knelt down in the space, and grinned. "Hey, watch this." I took my left hand, and ran it over the bottom of my shoes; without raising my feet from where they stood. It was pretty cool. I looked around for a moment, my eyes glowing a dark red. "ASHURA. Stop hiding the freaking door!" I shouted. Immediately, a red demonic symbol etched itself infront of us as if someone was drawing it before us. Once it was finished, different parents began to spin. Indifferent, I pushed the space, and the symbol broke away in two; opening a double-door.

We were now standing in what appeared to be a weaponry room. A huge, empty space of red floor while on the walls... Hung an amazing collection of swords, knives, and other hand weapons. *Continues*

There were not any guns, however. Nothing automatic. Blades and maces and even a flail. I grinned, slipping my hand out of his. I sat down on the raven-black bed off in the corner. If he thought this was my room, he guessed correctly. Stretching out, my dress became engulfed in a black smoke. When the smoke disappeared, my outfit had changed. Basic black jeans and a loose, punk-style shirt that fell at my thighs. A long line of fabric was missing from my right shoulder, as well as the left side of my stomach. I began redoing my ponytail. "Show me what'cha know!"

There were not any guns, however. Nothing automatic. Blades and maces and even a flail. I grinned, slipping my hand out of his. I sat down on the raven-black bed off in the corner. If he thought this was my room, he guessed correctly. Stretching out, my dress became engulfed in a black smoke. When the smoke disappeared, my outfit had changed. Basic black jeans and a loose, punk-style shirt that fell at my thighs. A long line of fabric was missing from my right shoulder, as well as the left side of my stomach. I began redoing my ponytail. "Show me what'cha know!"
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"Well, I did attempt to fix one before... but that didn't turn out too well...why?" I answered her as the butterfly morphed into a tatoo on my neck. It was my first real one... well I wasn't really sure what it was. I was about to ask more about it when she took hold of my hand, saying that it wouldn't be safe if I didn't have it, so I decided to let it be. I stared at our joined hands for a second, then looked back at her with a questioning expression, but I soon turned my attention to the floor, which seemed to be dissappearing from under me.

It looked like the water at the beach when it was abating, leaving the golden sand in its place. After this affect dissappeared, I saw that we were in a blank space, no color, or any type of detail or design. As I watched her pass her hands under the bottom of her shoes, I smiled lightly; this was getting kinda weird. I watched her seeming to be looking for something, and then she yelled, "ASHURA! STOP HIDING THE FREAKIN DOOR!" and as she said it, some kind of red symbol seemed to be carving itsef from the blankness. When it was done, she walked forward and pushed the symbol, splitting it and half and forming double doors, which opened up to some kind of huge armory, with tons of weapons lining the walls. A jet black bed was positioned off in the corner, and as she sat down on it and began to stretch, she was covered in a black smoke. When it cleared, she was wearing more modern casual cloths, which I grinned at.-

"That's better, haha." She then requested that I "show what I know" so I shrugged, deciding to start off with the basics. Pointing my pointer finger as the ceiling, a tiny white flame appeared, hovering over the tip. In a quick flicking motion, the flame flew from my hand, growing in size until it was like that of a television, heading towards the wall. Now I applied his own methods, holding my palm toward the wall. For a moment, only a barely visible circle of flames appeared, but then it surged forth, growing to the size of a telephone post, taking the color of silver, and also heading toward the wall. I hoped she had the walls reinforced... a couple thousand times.
Chapter 3- Mammon - Underworld

"Shush, not like I can help you train with a dress! Besides, I believe you didn't want me to 'ruin' it." I grinned, and watching his performance. Tapping into his thoughts, I could only laugh when he questioned the strength of these walls. He was about to realize the weird truth. I watched the flaming circle and larger flame, 'hit' the wall. But it didn't seem like the wall and the fire made contact. Instead, the flames just sorta... Poofed! Disappeared. I jumped off the bed and stretched out my limbs. "Alright... Looks like I won't be very bored with this. Ever tried to make a whip out of fire? I love whipping the other servants..." I grinned widely.

I did each step in the movement so Raike could follow along. Normally, I would just need to manifest the whip, but he hadn't had more than enough years of learning. With both my knuckles pressed on their sides, (Like if you were gripping a driving wheel!) I began to speak out my simple instructions. "Oxygen is a flames food. So, you need to make sure it has that food, while also being protected from breaking. Whips may sound basic, but they require focus. You better be focusing!" I laughed. "Energy is within everything, which makes magic reality. It would take a red color for you, but it isn't visible in the Overworld. Imagine your right fist, pulling this energy out as a sort of tube." I did exactly as I instructed. A shimmering red tube of light connected from my left fist, and extended as far as I could reach to my right. To finish, I opened my right palm and cupped the opened end. When I removed it, it was like I was holding a sword made of that red light. Proudly, I smiled. Now you just allow the flames from your body to come in through the handle...." Suddenly, the light sword was filled with an aggressive fire. However, it stayed within the tube's area. "There. It may take a few tries, but here's your co-...Hot flame sword!"
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Kerin's eyes darted around as Marisa began to point out the strange animals. Yeah. The moth was weird all right. And... the white crow? Raven maybe? Maybe a Magpie or something. Well, whatever. Kerin could easily kill any animal with his bare hands. Unless these were super demon scary animals, which then Kerin had no idea at all.

"Does Ms. Moth have a name?"

"Alice. Her name is Alice."

Kerin sat down at the table and began to munch on the snacks he had put down. He heard the song change again, bobbing his head to it as it got into the beat. Yeah, these were his kinds of songs. He couldn't really imagine what kind of music Marisa was into, probably not drum and bass. Okay, so, party. Maybe casual conversation might help. He swallowed what he was eating and clicked his tongue a little, then coughed. He could feel the blood capsule slowly wearing off. He felt fine, but it would be 2 or 3 hours before he would start having to go back to kitchens and demand raw steak or something. Still, these chocolates were good.

"So, Bern," Kerin started. It still felt funny to say. "Um. Tell us about yourself! And no lies, right?" Kerin laughed a little. He kind of regretted asking as soon as he did. She probably had some elongated story that would be some kind of dark horror movie. He blinked then grabbed another handful of food.
Chapter 3 - Amelia Kunjui - Angel District

"H-hello," I squeaked. Where were Pewita and Kaito when I needed them? I should have stayed in my room... Now I had to sit down and eat supper with Shizuka! I mean, I had nothing against him because... Well, he was my ally, right? Then again, I wasn't much help. I was just a frail girl, while he was... Mysterious, silent, strong... I was mostly with him, because I had no choice. Had I even seen him smile? Probably not. He was kinda scary for an angel... It was nervous-making enough already, and then I had to go and kiss his cheek! He was an ally who could kick my butt with his wings tied behind his back! Why the heck did I kiss him?! Was he going to think that I was trying to seduce him? Was he going to call off the alliance once he got the information he wanted? I was scared.

I took slow, delibrate steps forward in an effort to appear unfazed. Two words; not working. I was beginning to miss my dresses. Atleast they would cover up the knocking of my knees! He could totally tell that I was nervous just by a glance! To recover, I wandered around. Looking at the artworks and bouquet designs, I erased my unease long enough to sit in the seat opposite from him. What was going through his head? Was he laughing at how pathetic I was? Or ticked off that I was playing dumb about what happened? What if he was mad? I ceased with the fiddling of my utensils the second I realized I was shaking them like maracas, He gave me a look which asked; "What's wrong with you?" A good or bad question? I couldn't tell. Suddenly I got a ping. A thought which contradicted the rest. Was he worried about me? I inhaled deeply, and spoke my mind.

"I-i'm nervous because I think I made you mad!"
-I looked slightly dissapointed when my flames aimed toward the wall just dispersed. I kinda wanted to see something explode, so yeah, I was kinda pissed. Pouting, I watched her demonstration, her hands positioned like she was driving an SUV. Then she extended her right hand as far as she could reach, as if she was pulling something out of a tube or cylinder.

As she extended it, a red light seemed to run from her left hand to her right. When she opened her right hand and held the open end, she paused, and a moment later the red sword burst into flames, making it look like she was holding a flame sword. Now, it was my turn, I positioned my own hands like I was driving. As I extended my left hand, I concluded that my own would be longer, since I had a longer reach. The red beam materialized like her own, but stopped halfway, of course I didn't notice since I was looking at her. When I let the flame flow from my own body, it ran smoothly until it reached the end, and began flaming out in all directions.

This caught my attention, and I quickly severed the flow of flames.-

"Ah... I'm gonna try that again... that never happened." Closing my eyes this time, I duplicated the process again, this time the red beam reaching my other hand. This time however, I decided to add my own touch to it, causing the flames to wash over my right fist, and enlarge, creating a medium sized sphere. Soon objects resembling spikes began to appear along the surface of the spear. Grinning, I held it up for her to see. Of course it was much heavier then it looked, but that wasn't much of a problem for me.-

"Well, it's not like yours... but it's still affective!" I said while grinning.
Chapter 3- Mammon - Underworld

I watched, sword at my side, as he tried. I immediately noticed that the light wasn't fully connected. "R-" Too late. I held in laughter when the flames shot out the open end. He was quick to start over from scratch. This time, he made sure that the light extended out. However, he didn't do the process the same way as me. He added a sphere at the end with what appeared to be spikes. I blinked, and looked around at my own weapons. What kind of weapon was that called again. My eyes scanned over a until they found the flail. I suppose it was something like that...

I grinned back at him. "Alrighty. A whip... Take your free hand, and grip it back beside your other like on the first step. Then just crush the energy there." I demonstrated this, and the millisecond I crushed the energy in my hand, the sword's 'blade' went limp and nearly touched the floor. "There. A whip." I grinned evily, and snapped the fire whip up. The end was about an inch from his eyes. "Juuuust to let you know, any injuries inflicted here heal automatically~" I snickered, holding the whip at my hip. "Anything in particular you'd like to learn?~"

Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

"You want... Me to talk about myself?" Well, wasn't that I direct way of getting information... But I complied. They would have to answer to me as well, in the end. Calmly, I walked over and sat myself down. Marisa squealed happily, running over and climbing onto Kerin's lap. Fang also decided to sit at a chair, but he was cautious about the cat underneath the table. That cat wasn't going to hurt him... Not anyone. With a deep breath, I talked about myself.

"I'm fortunate to have the life I do... People always expect me to be an outcast... No family... Maybe not even a home... But that's all because of how willing I am to participate in these games... People say that I'm only participating so I can have more fame and fortune... Not true. Even before I was of age to participate, I lived in a house much bigger than many. My father is a dark arts magician. My mother is a priestess..." I reach over and take a small piece of chocolate between my fingers. "I went to school like every other person my age, but I was kicked out when I was eleven." Fang furrows his eyebrows at me curiously.


Well, they were listening... That was a good sign. "Two reasons. The first was that my IQ was much too high to be attending school... The second reason was that I pretended to put a curse on this bully in my class... It was just for fun, you know..." My eyes glaze over as I remember what happened. "He died." I stick the piece of chocolate on my tongue. There is a long period of silence, and I continue my story. "My mom thought I was overtaken by the Demon Lord. She thought it was a curse. My father researched. He had me perform tests and stuff..." My eyes clear up and the corner of my mouth arches. "When he had me go into a demon crusification circle, Vergil popped out of my body." I take my closed hands, and open my fingers. "Pop."

"Vergil? Whose Vergil?" It's Marisa this time.

I smile lightly and look over in Shiro's direction for a moment. The white raven opens its wings immediately, and takes flight over to the table. He lands on my shoulder, but I don't pay it notice as I answer. "Vergil is a Demon Servant of the Demon Lord. So, my mom was close." The moth on my hat is now fluttering over by Marisa, which makes her giggle. "But I only saw him that day. I didn't see him again until after the second games. Him, Mammon, and the others." I pause for a moment, looking at the raven. "Oh. Mammon isn't dead, by the way."
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Kerin rested his head against his hand and raised his eyebrows at every single point Bernkastel made. Oh boy. Kerin suspected he had the most boring life out of everyone; Fang had a sister that did stuff in the Population Games (plus he was a vampire), Marisa had crazy parents and grew up in an orphanage, Shiro probably had some psychopathic background including drugs, killing her parents and doing... other stuff, whereas Kerin was a... a mistake. A walking mistake. He blinked a few times, pulling himself off his train of thought and continued to listen. When Bernkastel was finished, he really didn't have much to say.

"W-wow," he stuttered. It was all he could really muster. Wait, no, he had another sentence. "That's um... that's quite a story." He was right then. Elongated, horror-movie like, crazy, etc. His eyes dart around a little as the animals shift their position. Okay, this was kind of freaking him out. Were they planning an attack or something. He stifled a cough and sat up a little, trying to keep at least some of the animals he could see in his vision. Though... Kerin really didn't have anything else to say. He just hoped to god she wouldn't ask him.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

"..." I looked at the three vampires with a blank expression. Wow, was probably because Kerin had been expecting something a little more horrifying. Life-changing. The raven on my shoulder was eyeing Kerin as well. The cat under my chair... The moth had settled on Marisa's hand. The lizard was keeping its distance, but by the way Kerin was looking around at them, he was a little nervous at their presense. When the raven flew off my shoulder into the nearby chair, I spoke up.

"They're not going to do anything unless I give the order. They're like Mammon... Demons from the Underworld." I looked down at the raven. "Don't you think you'll be less bored if you were humanoid, Vergil?" The raven eyed me suspiciously, before a white smoke engulfed it. Just as quickly did it appear, did the smoke clear away.

Now sitting in the seat, was not the raven, but a person. A boy looking to be... Eighteen? He wore something that resembled a school uniform. Black and white. A staff was crossed over his lap along with a silver book without a title. This demon's eyes fastened to the table. Eyes the color of blood, were behind these white, rectangular-framed glasses. His face held boredom. No, he was emotion-missing. Like nothing could surprise him.

"Hello... My name is Vergil... I manipulate wisdom." His voice was quiet, but monotone. I smiled lightly at him, before turning to Kerin. "He's the reason why I was so knowledgeable. He knows everything." Vergil nodded slightly in response. When Marisa opened her mouth to speak, he stopped her. "Before Marisa asks... The egg came first, not the chicken."
"I know," Kerin nodded. At least he thought he knew. "It's just... there are so many of them around." Bernkastel then said something about Ver... Vergil? That was the demon she had mentioned before! So it was still apart of her or something like that? The crow blew up into a puff of smoke then rematerialised as a boy. A boy probably the same age as Kerin. Funny, he was wearing school uniform kind of deal (something Kerin would have used to wear on the odd occasion himself). He was practically grayscale aside from his eyes; they were a blood red, like Bernkastel's had been briefly on the helicopter. He put two and two together and blinked. Was it coincidence?

"Hello... Vergil," he said it slowly, making sure he said it properly, like the first time he had said Bernkastel. He didn't look all powerful, but thanks to those comic books that Kerin used to read, the quiet and childish ones were always the most sinister, right? Well, maybe. He gave Vergil a small smile. Well at least they were changing the subject around. He didn't feel indanger though, Kerin felt remotely safe. Bern was their guest, and now Vergil was too. Might as well show some hospitality or something. "Uh, do you eat? Do you want some of these?" Kerin grabbed another handful of whatever was in front of him.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

Vergil blinked blankly at the food set out on the table. I myself, was trying not to eat too many of the chocolates. "Yes, I eat... Thank you." He nodded slightly, reached out, and took a few chips. Silently, he nibbled on them, swallowed, and opened up his book. "Bernkastel wants the vampires as allies this year. She wouldn't hurt a hair on you." I twitched at Vergil's words, and kicked him from underneath the table. "Ow. She kicked me..." This made me even more embarrassed, so I shoved my witch hat to hide my face. Vergil continued. "Oh. We didn't make her eyes turn red. That's all her."

Once I had calmed, I pulled my hat back up. "Yes. It... Runs in the family...Oh, and if we're not lying... I hate you, Vergil." I gave him a blank look, and he returned it right back.

"No, you don't... You love me. A lot." He said that straightfaced! Ugh Vergil... I slowly lowered my forehead to rest on the table. Vergil was much too talkactive today. "... Anything else you want to ask?" I managed to say.

Fang grinned, scooped up a handful of chips, and placed them on the spot before him. "Are your other demon wh-" "Servants," Vergil corrected. "Demon Servants this fun?" I looked up. "Maybe Alice. Mammon... Lucifier is boring, and Zane is stupid." I heard the cat hiss under my chair, and the lizard was probably hoping that looks could kill. I cracked a smile, but it was wiped when Vergil pinched my hand. Right... No smiling.
"Um, why?" Kerin blinked. He was useless. There was nothing he could offer at the moment, his priority was Marisa. And even if she wasn't here, he couldn't do anything. Except punch someone so hard they turn inside out. But couldn't any of her summons do that anyways? This boy was probably super strong and then there was Mammon. And the snake? God knows what else she had hiding up her sleeve. God probably didn't anyway. As Vergil said some funny things and Bernkastel did some funny things, Kerin just blinked back at them. And the comment about the red eyes... okay, that was freaky. Kerin was just thinking that. Surely a god of knowledge or whatever he said he was... yeah, he probably could read his thoughts. Oh great. Nothing was secret now. Not even that. Kerin coughed again, moving his though direction around.

"I got nothing," Kerin made a face. And then, Bernkastel smiled at her familiars. It was... a little warming. Much better than her slate face before. Then it was gone. Oh.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

I heard a few chuckles escape from Vergil's throat, and I immediately did a doubletake. Vergil? Laughing? Oh. He must've heard something funny in someones thoughts. Damn demon...

I blinked, looking at Kerin as he asked why my eyes changed color. "Oh... Complicated... My father is a demon, but my mother is an angel. That's why my wings are different and I have white flecks in my eyes. Then, my great grandfather was a vampire, so... And before you ask, I don't have fangs. Or a lust for blood. My eyes change color under certain conditions." I answered quietly, swiping another small chocolate. "Anyways... What about you three? Anything I should know about in terms to your fighting ability? You already know about me... And I don't have much interest in your past."

Fang was the first to respond; leaning back in his chair, chuckling nervously. "Uh, well... I don't know magic, I suck at physical combat, and I can't wield a sword to save my life. Firearms, dartguns, and other long range stuff is my strength." I rub my temples. Firearms were impossible to get in the arena. Long range weapons were not popular, either. If he got a bow and arrow, maybe he'd be worth something in terms of fighting- "But! I can set traps. I can make cages and snares out of anything." Alright, nevermind. That was kinda useful.
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Kerin screwed up his face. Firearms? He hadn't touched one ever. Dartgun? What the hell did that even look like? Traps? Well, he caught a fish once. Maybe. He felt eyes move towards him and Marisa. Oh god, what the hell could he say? Lying wasn't going to get him anywhere. He scratched his face. He remembered someone talking about how districts pick out the weakest in their masses? Yup, that was him. Marisa was rated top tier, she surely had something she wasn't mentioning. Okay, well, he might as well say something before the crickets started.

"Well, uh, I used to beat up the bullies in my old school and a ," As much as he tried to make it sound impressive, it really wasn't. Well, whatever, just say it you stupid. "Well, I was told that I was meant to do some kind of magic but, well, yeah, and I've never held a gun or a sword in my life." Kerin looked down at his hands and at the scars on his knuckles. They didn't have that "thumbprint" skin pattern on them anymore; he had scraped the skin off one too many times. They were now pretty much permanent scars. Though he hadn't punched anyone since like... last month.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

There was a long pause after Kerin explained what he could... Um. Sorta do. He didn't seem too keen on his physical combat ability. "Physical combat, huh... I suppose I'll have to train you three, right?" I smile warmly at the vampires, and Marisa raised her hand excitingly. Alright. She made it to second place on the survey... Was she going to tell us the reason. I nodded at her, and she was practically bouncing in her seat.

"Oh! Oh! I dun know much magic or hand fighting, but! Uuu! I can see the future!" She beamed happily.

It took a few seconds for her words to settle in, and I lowered my eyebrows in confusion. What? The future? Yeah right. "Um. Marisa?" Marisa pouted on cue, crossed her arms, and lowered her chin. "It's true! It's true! Hey hey! Kerin-sama, remember at that building when I said that the games were going to be different? Or when I was telling Amelia to get out of the way even before Natruo blinked an eye? Hau au..."
"Well, I'm strong!" Kerin added in his defence. Bernkastel didn't sound extremely impressed with his 15 seconds to say what he could do, but who could blame her. Kerin didn't lie though. He had broken several bones in the human district. Several dozen probably. Bah, whatever.

"Oh! Oh! I dun know much magic or hand fighting, but! Uuu! I can see the future!" Marisa piped up. Kerin slowly moved his eyes down to the bouncing girl in his lap. Wait, what? "It's true! It's true! Hey hey! Kerin-sama, remember at that building when I said that the games were going to be different? Or when I was telling Amelia to get out of the way even before Natruo blinked an eye? Hau au..."

"Yeah..." He said slowly. Well, he kind of remembered. But, wait, he thought that was just her saying something. He blinked a few times. Well, it surprised him that he didn't seem too surprised. Probably because too much had happened today in too less of time. "Wait, does that mean you can see what's going to happen? How far can you see?" He furrowed his brow. "Can you see everything? Even... who, uh..." he didn't bother finishing the sentence. Asking a small girl about death was just a little too much.
I thought to myself for a moment, allowing the flaming flail to dissipate, before going over the participants of the game. "Ryuu" I thought, frowning slightly. The guy wasn't too smart, but even with that, his strength would be very hard to overcome. I was, and still am the strongest of my district, yet my strength is not yet enough to overpower Ryuu. I was pretty fast though, and very skilled with free running, which would include scaling walls, climbing trees etc.

" I don't know... but I need to get stronger... what I'm thinking about right now is Ryuu's strength. That is something I won't be able to deal with alone... unless you have some method that could make me stronger... or even faster. If not, then can you teach me to simply enhance my own features by creating... oh, I don't know, flaming claws or blazing wings... something like that."

I paused a bit before speaking again, clearing my throat. " I also foresee that I'm going to have to ask for an alliance with Bern if I'm going to survive this thing. No matter how strong I get... there is no question in my mind, that I'm going to need her help... as well as yours." I spoke with a surprisingly serious tone, crossing my arms and closing my eyes. They say a thing called an Aura can portray peoples true feeling and intentions. Mine, if bl was visible in the underworld, was probably and uncertain yellow.
Rain. That was the first thing that greeted Ryuu as he came out of the helicopter as it landed. But Ryuu didn't mind the rain. It was like a cleansing for him. He enjoyed it as it drizzled all over his body, causing him to be soaked quickly. He brushed passed those with an umbrella as if he weren't there. He didn't need one. He didn't care. He was in his own little trance now, his bloodlust often making him oblivious to other things around him, only the battlefield was pictured in his mind. It was a rather unusual trait, but also a very useful one. By shutting off the rest of the world, he could focus on the things that really matter.

Well, matter to him. As such, the rest of the journey he made from the inside of the plain building to his room was as if it never happened. At least, Ryuu couldn't remember how he got there. All he could remember is how he stared down a few faces, but the looks he gave were blank. Full of emotion from looking at them, but in reality, blank.

Ryuu was in his room. He observed it, again, blankly. To him, it looked like shadows of black and white. All he could truly see was what was important. But he knew he shouldn't get agitated like this so far away from the actual fight. He calmed himself, and finally looked around his room with his plain normal eyes.

"Could use a demon's touch." He said to himself, outloud. Immediately, he began grabbing object and hurling them across the room, breaking them. He hated it when things seemed to organized. He would rather jump into chaos than planning. In the midst of it all, things just appeared much more clearer to him. That's the way he always was. He felt that when things were calm, something was wrong, or out of place. That's why he knew only in fights, only on the battlefield is where, for Ryuu, things are truly calm.

And this "rearrangement" of his room? Think of it as the "calm" before the storm. Natruo was the storm. A very big storm.

Big he may be, but Ryuu was fast, and when he gets his adrenaline truly pumping, he can get an even higher sense of things. That's what Ryuu would use to his advantage.

Besides, there was something terribly wrong with the others in this Reaping, in Ryuu's opinion. Some of them seem to forget exactly what they were doing here. Ryuu want to remind him. But that would have to come after his fight with Natruo.

Ryuu began tapping his foot impatiently. He could feel his blood boiling. He remembered something, and took out the capsule Marisa had given him. He examined it, but it made things worse, as he knew not what to do with it.

Damn it. He thought to himself, getting impatient. His bloodlust was getting the better of him. He wanted to fight, now. He decided to wait at the designated area for Natruo. Ryuu swiftly got up and proceeded towards the door. He was in a certain mode he often referred to as his "Rage" Mode. It was something he developed earlier, when too much adrenaline had rush up to his brain. Many of normal thoughts were abandoned or temporarily discarded, and in its place were thoughts only of fighting, and strategies that come with fighting, including having extra time in his head and actions to think of possible attack patterns, or moves he could perform. So it came to no surprise, whilst in this form, what happened next.

Ryuu approached the door, and without stopping to open it, rammed his body right through it, crashing it to the ground. In this "Rage" Mode, it seemed, Ryuu had forgotten how to open a door.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

The little girl in Kerin's lap was happy that she was getting attention. No kidding. See the future? I looked at Vergil for confirmation, and he gave a single nod. Well... That was... Um.

"Au! It depends. Hey hey! Fausto's gonna die tonight and a pretty lady is taking his place! I saw Mammon kill him!" She smiled brightly. "If he's dead tomorrow, you gotta believe me!" I facepalmed. She knew about that?! Great. I sighed loudly inside my palm. "Can you see the beginning of the games?" I asked. She blinked at me for a moment, and within ten seconds, her face was as pale as a polar bear. "Y-yeah..." She stuttered, quickly grabbing Kerin's hand tightly.