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[Other FULL] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Girl's Dorm
The image of the tiny girl whipping and waving her faux-sword around the room would stick around in Ashling's mind for quite some time, as an image of such things being used for something besides combat. Of course those movements could do nothing to actually hurt somebody, the way Eva held it was perhaps the clumsiest and her attempts at mimicking swordsmanship were flimsy at best. But she didn't care. To her roommate, it seemed to be an object of fantasy and wonder, to have fun with and mimic those she held to be great in the kind of reckless abandon many other children would have had. Though, approaching the other students with such a thing drawn would have provoked quite the ruckus, but Eva's approach of the door ended slightly before Ashling's skull was shacked by a sudden turn.

The hit hadn't hurt at all, and the shrieking that the smaller woman did immediately afterwards had probably injured more people than the sheath ever had, but as Eva sputtered her apologies like water from a geyser, Ashling noticed something. She'd given Eva the sheath to swing around, thus it was her own fault that she was struck, and also the reason for Eva's eyes mimicking a kicked dog. That simply would not do, and something had to be done. With her head slightly turned from the blow, Ashling winced at brought her hand up to her opposite ear, retrieving from it, with a bit of wriggling, what appeared to be a golden coin.

"Ah...now look what you've done." Ashling teased the puffy-haired roommate with a clear smile on her lips, as she took back the sheath by its center of mass and ran the golden coin between her fingers. "Do you have any idea how long it takes for these to be restored? Oh well...no harm done, and you did it hit out, so you take it." She said, as she re-tied the sheath to her belt and flipped the coin through the air so that it would land on Eva's hand. However, instead of landing like a firm, relatively heavy galleon, it puffed up into nothingness.
Youkai Academy [IC][T]

Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll managed a small smile as Frio introduced himself and even complemented her, but she grew more nervous when he said she should have a lot of friends. She went quiet a few minutes watching the sky get darker before she finally stood up. "It...it was nice to m...meet you" she stuttered "b..but.." She sighed pausing "I....I don't....h...have f....friends" she managed to get out nervously before running off in the direction of the girls dorm.

I tried....but I'm no good at talking to people she thought sadly as she returned to her room. Looking around she saw she still didn't have a roommate which relaxed her slightly. Grabbing her Pj's Cheryll went in the bathroom and quickly showered and changed before outing a bandaid on her knee. With another sad sigh Cheryll laid down and put her glasses on the nightstand and quickly fell asleep.
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In Front of Boy Dorm

Kakusu was still as he felt something poking him in his ribs. A burnt smell prevailed through Kakusu's nose although he had no burns on his body, something that was expected since he was a Yoko. He lay there for a moment, with his eyes closed feeling nothing but pain and the nudging of somebody who was probably no doubt testing if he was alive. He quivered for a split second, to exhibit a sign of life and then coughed up a cloud of smoke and cinders.

Kakusu slowly opened his eyes and everything was blurry and hard to distinguish although he could see a boy poking him now,. Kakusu struggled to get to his feet and succeeded for a moment before succumbing to soreness in his legs and falling again. He slowly sat up, making sure not to irritate his legs and observed his surroundings He could now make out the boy looking frightened for some odd reason and they appeared to be in front of the dorms, though it made a little bit of sense, he must have fell out the window or something.

Slowly getting to his feet, Kakusu attempted to run but clumsily staggered over to the doors and ran to retreat into his dorm, regaining the ability to run although it made him a little dizzy. The boy that he saw was definitely the one who screamed in his dorm, although Kakusu didn't even know if he was his roommate. It was so idiotic of him for is introduction to go that way if so…

Kakusu opened the door of their room and sat on his bed, waiting to see if the boy would come into the room. If so, then this boy was his roommate and he was off to a bad start.

Evan Lee Gildred [PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Eva giggled nervously, as Ashling down played the incident. She certainly didn't seem mad and that relieved him to no end. He was so nervous that she would scream at him and make a scene due to his clumsiness, but that wasn't the case at all. In fact, she had even tried to cheer him up, her little illusion vanishing in his hands before it hit. His eyes widened as it did so, this little act giving him but the slightest insight into the type of Youkai his roommate was. That didn't matter to him, though. What did matter, was that he was quickly becoming rather fond of his roomie and hoped they could become quick friends. He didn't have many of those, even back home. Nobody ever chose to hang out with Eva the "boy", maybe things would be different for Eva the "girl".

His eyes rising to meet Ashling's once again, he persevered through his nerves and tried his best to maintain contact. "Y-you're very kind and I can not thank you enough for your pardoning me," he sputtered and found himself bowing once again. Maybe he was laying it on a bit thick, but he was truly thankful for her kindness. "I guess we should get ready for bed, tomorrow is our first full day after all." He smiled at her, his lips causing slight dimples to form in his cheeks as he did so. "So, before I hurt you, or break anything," he said with a jovial tone. "I'm going to go take a shower and let you get settled." Grabbing a pair of pajamas and a towel, he left the room and closed the door behind him to give the girl some more privacy as she unpacked. The halls were becoming quickly less dense as the other girls set in for the night. Everyone was surely waiting with either anticipation or dread for the first day of classes. Eva decided he was more on the side of anticipation. He loved schoolwork and it was one of the few things that he figured he wasn't a total screwup in.

The showers were nearly deserted, only a few other girls here and there doing the same thing he was in the process of; getting ready for bed. Quickly finding an open stall, he ducked in and undressed, the door securely locked so as not to have any unwelcome, secret breaking visitors. He ran his hands up to his head and nimbly undid the "little balls of yarn" as people had a tendency to refer to his hair style. Hair cascaded down his body and its full length rested just over the curvature of his back where it met his rear. Turning on the water and stepping into its warmth, he lingered and let the water run over him and wash away his worries. His hair would take forever to dry, but he cared little. Right now, nothing worried his mind. Not school, his deception, fears of being caught, or even bullies. It was like he was hypnotized by the water and his soul soothed. About fifteen minutes passed, before he decided that it would probably be best to finish up and get back so that he could fall asleep at a reasonable time.

He dried off in the stall, and did everything in private. This was one of the few times where he was most at danger to be discovered, should he slip up. Folding up his dirty uniform, he slipped on his clean pajamas, a soft, pink cotton top and silky, black shorts before finally stepping out into the public partition of the shower rooms. A few of the girls made space for him at the sinks and he quickly went to work finishing for the night, brushing his teeth, blowdrying hair and scrubbing his face. He couldn't help but look at the girls on either side of him, noticing the differences between them as he did. He didn't look for the reasons most boys would have and quickly found that funny in his head. Where as other boys may have killed to be in this room, he simply thought it another part of his nightly routine. He didn't stand out at all. His size, legs, hair, face, almost everything was the same except when it came to his chest. Girls his age were far more developed in that regard than him and it did give him the slightest bit of insecurity. Trying not to dwell on the thought, he finished and made his way back to his shared room, his hair still down, but dry and ready for bed.

As soon as he entered, he stored the dirty clothes and laid out another uniform for tomorrow. Most people would wait until the morning to do so, but not Eva. He always insisted on being ready and if he wasn't early, he considered himself late. Crawling under his blankets, he stared at the ceiling, his mind racing with what await him and the others. The once all encompassing calm of the shower had been broken. Now there was only his thoughts. He knew not if sleep would actually come that night, but he closed his eyes.
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She walked always with the words, "I don't have friends" then running away. I sighed, pulling blades of grass out of the spot where I sat. Then I looked up at the orange sky, the days were so much longer here, I liked it better.

She left before I could say to her, "Me neither." But I still muttered it to myself. I liked her, she was a lot like me, alone. "I suppose I'll see her again tomorrow." I stood up, my clothes now grass stained, and walked toward what I thought were the dorms. "Maybe I'll see all of them in class, I forgot to ask so maybe they are." I nodded, "And maybe others too."

Once I got in the boys dorm room, it took my an hour to find my room. Once I got inside I wasn't very tired, and I couldn't think of anything to do, so I did what I always do when I can't sleep. I worked out, I did about 50 push ups, then 20 one handed. Then I did the standard leg lifts, curl ups, and stretches. I looked outside, not very much light, but I wanted to do a little running so I grabbed my journal, wrote the room number in it and ran outside. I ran until I found the school track, then did a mile on it. It didn't really feel like I was pushing myself, so I did another while sprinting the straights. That tired me out, and I felt out of breath, so I jogged back into where the dorms were and checked my journal. It was now completely dark outside, but I could see under the moonlight a note that said to call my sister.

"No, no she is going to be worried, I'm late calling to check in..." I frantically looked for a pay phone, when my pants started to vibrate. I jumped suddenly, unaware that there was also a tone playing. I pat myself down and pulled out a cell phone. "When did I get one of these..." I answered it and my sister was on the line.

"I've been calling for hours, why didn't you answer?"

"I didn't know I had a cell phone..."

"I took all the money you've been giving me and put it into getting you one and a plan. You have enough money saved up that you won't have to worry about the fees for a while." I never thought the money I gave her was going toward something for me. Though I probably should have. "You also have a separate account for luxuries, I slipped the bank card into your wallet. It only let's you take out 20$ a day, so don't be careless."

"Thanks, but I gave you all my money, why didn't you spend it on something?"

"It's your money, I just put it away until you could live alone. I must say all that overtime and extra hours plus bonuses really add up." She changed the subject, "Make any new friends?"

"Yea I made three." I heard the words please hold and a tune for a few minutes.

Frio's sister put the phone call on hold and almost cheered, she called her parents and told them the good news. "Frio has friends!"

"That's nice honey," Her mother said indifferently, "I'm glad he isn't useless." Frio's sister felt anger growing in her stomach, her mother and father were so apathetic toward Frio, it was no wonder he never enjoyed company.

She didn't answer, just hung up and switched back to Frio's call.

I heard my sister's voice on the other end again. "Sorry, had to call mom and dad to tell them."

"Were they happy?" I said, hoping it was what they wanted.

"Uhhh, yeah they were excited." I sighed relieved, I'd always wanted to make them happy. "So who are they?"

"Well I remember the names well, but I also wrote them down so I couldn't forget. Cheryll is my favorite name, but there is also Elene, and Elise." There was a long pause before his sister responded.

"Wait... Those are all girl's names." She sounded shocked.

"Yea, and they were really nice, but two of them kicked me while I was napping." She told me to wait again.

"You are saying you made nothing but female friends?" She repeated.


She sighed heavily, "I'm not really sure what you did, but I really hope this isn't a bad sign."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, just go to bed, it is late. I don't want you taking any girls into your room got it? I'll visit the academy on weekends to make sure you are not getting in trouble."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye" And then she hung up. I walked to my room as instructed, found my room, then layed in bed until I fell asleep. Which didn't take long because I was pretty tired, I think there may have been another in the room, but I didn't pay attention.

Takumi Makkusu - Life Is...Cheese

I got startled when I saw the body move. Zombiiiieeeee I quickly back away from the Youkai as he tries to get up. Oh cr**, this is it! He's gonna turn to me & kill me! Uhm, but does anyone actually know I'm a human. Maybe, just maybe... I just gotta keep up the charade until I can find a way out of this school.

I saw the boy was having trouble getting up & heading into the dorms. I might guess he is my roommate. I hope he doesn't find out I'm a human. This guy can use fire at his own free will. How do you not anger him? I'll just have to keep it cool.

Hee hee, cool...

I slowly walk back into the dorms & head back to my room. Sure enough, the Youkai was sitting on one of the beds. I-I guess he can have that one while I take the other, it makes no difference. I avoided eye contact- I don't wanna make any contact with any monster, but if I have to for survival, then I must. Still avoiding eye contact~ Nice wall. "I-I guess we're r-roommat-tes..." Why was my voice high? I am not doing so well.

I am gonna die. I am gonna die today.
(OOC: I guess not being around for the weekend was a mistake, seeing all the posts...)


Seeing the girl going on about how beautiful the night was- which it was- he noticed she was diverting her gaze as she spoke, blushing. He smiled warmly, but she seemed to be embarrassed. Did she know that he had noticed her gazing at his eye? That probably was it... ack, why'd he have to go ahead and readjust his headband?!

She began to speak once again, trying to cover her blush. "Yeah, we should probably go. I'm gonna go grab a shower and get changed. Then we can head back to dorms." She climbed out of the pool. "I'll see you in a few!"

"Alright! I'll get going, too."

Climbing out of the slippery pool (And tumbling once, but discreetly enough so no one- at least, he hoped- would notice), he walked towards the changing rooms, once again going through the motions. Untying his headband. Putting wet clothes in a bag. Showering. Getting out, this time with blue cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt, and sandals. Tying headband. He then walked out of the changing rooms, and his stomach grumbled. Crud, he thought, might as well go to the cafeteria.

"Hey Milly, wanna come catch a bite at the cafeteria? I'm getting hungry." His stomach grumbled once again, and his face quickly turned red. Getting hungry? I already AM hungry!

Classroom to Dorm Room

Chapter One: Part Seven
Reluctant Beginnings

Solo shook his head. "There's no way to restore the past. Humans will never change, and I have no intention of changing my opinion either. I'll never forgive those... Bastards." He sighed, and stood up as he was finally allowed to leave. As he was about to exit the room, he turned and spoke to the teacher, saying, "You know, I could have left at any time. Consider yourself honored. Now, I gotta go mark my territory, since some wise-ass decided to group me with someone." He then left, changing into his natural wolf form right in front of the teacher, and using the slight boost of speed in this form, bolted back to his dorm. If those girls were still waiting, there's no way they could catch him now. The grey blur shot through the halls and out the door.

Solo finally reached his dorm, seeing the other kid who must have been Frooie or whatever, out cold. At least he didn't take the top bunk. With a great leap, the grey wolf landed on his bed up top. He glanced at his bag, though decided against unpacking. "I'll worry about it tomorrow..." and with that, closed his eyes to sleep.

Girl's Dorm
Ashling gave Eva a smile and a goodbye as she departed for a shower, the door closing behind the tiny, clumsy girl rather firmly. She didn't want her gone, necessarily, but having the space to do some stressful unpacking was more than welcome, given most of the day she'd had. There was always the hope of tomorrow, though, as she pictured her dorm room nice and tidy with a brief illusion, before the young woman gave a sigh and got to work with unpacking all of her things. The majority of it were clothes and other necessary gear for her to day to day life, for training required that she changed clothes more times in a day than even a model, with the sweat gathering on her skin and no wings to cool her off as she went. That rule really was trouble, save for those who already looked like humans, but the majority of them didn't need to learn how to associate amongst mankind regardless.

The unpacking was as swift as Ashling could make it, though she had few items to decorate the walls of the dorm room besides her tapestries, and the closet was swiftly packed close to bursting with all of her outfits, before she deemed herself worthy to retire in a set of pajamas and allow the next day to sweep her into its arms. Though she wanted to dream of other silly results of the rules, like the Lamia that would have been required to buy entirely new sets of clothes just for their human forms, or the Fairies that would need to get used to an entirely new form, including just getting used to gravity, none of those would come, as her head rested upon the pillow, with a halo of golden hair resting around her.

The night would be ruled by horrible visions that would force her awake in nothing less than twisted sheets and a mess of hair. There had been some preliminary reading on humans before, and what they were scared of creeping around them, that they believed Youkai to be the monsters, even if the exact legends were twisted. This knowledge was perhaps the only truth that her parents had ever told her; that Youkai were people, too, each with their own fears. There was a small comfort to be found, in the knowledge that facing these inner-demons was just part of enlightenment, but there was also a phrase she heard somewhere, that would scare her more than any wound. What did monsters have nightmares about?
Milly Kaiko
(wanted to let Milly eat but looks like everyone else is going to bed :P)

When she was out of sight back in the changing rooms, Milly once again took a shower before retrieving her stuff from her locker and getting changed. The floor was cold under her bare feet and made her shiver more now, making her hands unsteady as she tugged on her top and shorts. When she was at last done, she made sure her hoodie was zipped up and her wet hair was tied back, away from her skin as to avoid the damp strands chilling her skin.

Wrapping her swimming stuff in the towel, she crammed the load into her rucksack before shouldering it and slipping on her shoes. Treading outside, she looked up into the dark sky, her green eyes focusing in on the pale light of the moon and lapping it's silver tones up jealously.

"Beautiful" she breathed, the word slipping over her lips in little more than a whisper as her whole body froze, taking in the moon, which now hung in the sky. Stars scattered around it like glitter on a dark velvet background.

Glancing back down, she looked back towards the swimming pool. It's surface once again as smooth and clear as glass, no longer distuded but the rippled given off by her and Sorae.

In this moment of silence however the girl pondered over the time. It was getting late and they had an early start tomorrow morning but then she hadn't eaten either. Remembering this, her shoulders dropped.
nothing beats dinner. It's best meal of the day. But as if on cue, as this thought drifted through her mind, she heard Sorae's voice.

"Hey Milly, wanna come catch a bite at the cafeteria? I'm getting hungry."

Milly chuckled and walked through the gloom to where the voice was located, until spotting her friend. "I can tell." She giggled, hearing his stomach growl loudly as she drew level with him. "Sure, I'd love to join just hope it the cafeteria is still open." She said, reaching into her bag and pulling out her phone to check the time. "It's getting pretty late but fingers crossed." She shrugged with a lazy grin before starting down the dark path which lead to back to the main grounds. Here and there the black tarmac illuminated in pale pools of yellow light which emanate from old street lamps with lined the path's boarders.

"You looking forward to tomorrow then?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder, briefly slowing to see if Sorae was following. "I'm kinda curious what our lessons are gonna be like." It was then however, when her phone which was still gripped in her hand, let out of loud bleep. Glancing down, she frowned, her heart sinking a little. Lights out was about to happen back at the dorm, she had completely forgotten!

stopping in her tracks she looked back with a disappointed face. "Rain check on the food." she sighed, her shoulders drooping slightly as she spoke. "Lights out back at the dorm in a lil while." She sighed, readjusting her bag on her back with a twitch of her shoulders. Pulling her bat, woody, up and over her shoulder she then put on her best grin.

"I'll catch up with you tomorrow after class, alright?" she asked, wrinkling her nose as she giggled. "see ya tomorrow Volt and thanks for an amazing afternoon. Was fun. " she winked at this, though she really didn't understand why and mentally cringed before she turned and moved off towards the girl's dorm without another word.

I cannot believe I just winked...why did I wink?!

When she got back to the dorms, she shouldered open the door and walked up the plush stairs until she reached her floor. When she got to her door, she fished out her keys and stumble into her room, as the latched unlocked and swung back to once again revealing her new home for the semester. Sighing happily, she kicked the door closed before she pulled her wet clothes out and draped them over the radiator. Dropping her rucksack to the floor in a crumbled heap without a second glance, she then spent a good few minutes looking for the perfect place to prop woody up on display. Settling for a prime corner which was directly opposite the bed, she placed the bat there lovingly and stepped back a few paces to admire her decision.

The pile in the middle of her room remained untouched however, bar when she fished through some bags to find her favourite sleeping T-shirt, a band T-shirt she had got a few years before. Getting changed, she eyed the mountain of belongs with tired eyes before choosing to ignore it. Turning on the spot, she padded over to her bed and climb under the covers. Her muscles welcoming the soft mattress's embrace eagerly. Kaiko fell asleep quickly, being more tired than she had realised, with a smile on her face.
It had been a good first day to say the least.
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Kakusu blankly stared at the boy, who entered the room and seemed to be avoiding Kakusu, until Takumi broke the silence.

"I-I guess we're r-roommat-tes..." the boy said with extreme edginess within his voice.

Out of dread of starting a conversation, Kakusu seized his night garments and dashed to the bathroom to get space from his roommate. He quickly changed and brushed his teeth before retreating back into his room, deciding to wake up early enough to take a shower.

As he re-entered the room, Kakusu looked at the boy with a confused but sad glance before getting into the bed he was sitting on previously. The scent of ashes was no longer coming from Kakusu's skin, probably absorbed into his skin no doubt. He had never been in Youko form since he felt comfortable in his human form, although this seemed unusual to some. It was weaker and less agile but Kakusu had become accustomed to it and most objects were made for humanoid shaped creatures.

Burying himself under the covers, Kakusu closed his eyes but remained in thought. He wanted to explore the campus tomorrow although he predicted that it would definitely be uncomfortable to go survey alone while the area itself would be crowded. He would either have to make some companions or go at night. With that final thought, Kakusu fell into a deep sleep.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Ryuu Higoroshi
Chapter 1: 3C's Homeroom teacher
Classroom 13

Ryuu blinked a few times from Solo's words and the way he left Higoroshi's sensei classroom. "Ppft… heckler." Ryuu chuckled as he made his way back to his comfortable chair. He took his lunchbox out of his leather, old school teachers bag and opened it. He smelled the flavor of the noodles that was hidden inside this particular box. "Hmm… Duck flavor." Ryuu almost started drooling from just the scent.

He took the chopsticks he had brought with him within his few fingers and started to consume his dinner. He heard noise coming from a floor below him but didn't bother to take a look, it probably was a fight in the cafeteria. "Let the other teachers take care of it this time…" the somewhat lazy teacher thought. He had taken care of enough fights this day.

After a few hours of preparation for his next lesson he started to yawn. He had a suprised look on his face when he took a small glance on his watch and noticed it was 10.30 pm already. "Wew! Time to get some rest!" Ryuu stretched himself before he stood up and made his way to the teachers dormatory.

He opened the door of his rather… manly looking room and without changing his clothes he immediately hopped into his bed to get some rest.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Maya Nami Kyuuketsuki
Chapter 1: The roommate
Dorm room

As soon as Nami had been brought back to reality by Elene's soothing violin play and her very wise comment, She immediately thought about a decent apology. Nami didn't often got drown in her deep thoughts and this was one of these rare moments that she did. "I'm very sorry, I guess my thoughts caught my attention for a few minutes." Nami warmly smiled, the sound coming from the violin was very pleasing and chimed beautifully in the ears.

"I must say that you're pretty good at playing that small intrument you got there…" she said after Elene admitted she was a Soprano and asked if she wouldn't mind joining in at some point. "Ofcourse I wouldn't, in fact i'd love to." Nami spoke, but she had seen what time it is and reconsidered her decision to join in right now.

"Perhaps I could join in at some point tomorrow, since it's pretty late right now." Nami pointed at the clock at the wall and smiled once again. But instead of doing what she said she would do, she joined in at the violin playing with her voice and song a little bit. The voice was pretty soothing and it wasn't bad at all, and same went for Elene's violin playing. As if two Vampires had been trown out of heaven and were making beautiful music together. Even though that, Nami was waiting for Elene to join the song she was singing since it was pretty known. Nami was getting pretty curious for Elene's voice.


Takumi Makkusu - I Thought I Was Rude

No, really. I thought I was the rude one, from what I've been told back home. My new roommate flaked on me to the bathroom to get ready for bed. He was in bed soon after. Not even gonna mention his name to me. Not even a single word. I can see now that some monsters are quite rude. Maybe i'm just going way over my head here. I went to see what time it was.

Is it that late? I don't feel the tiniest hint of the sandman. Is that another Youkai? What could I do for part of the night? I'm not a fan of bedtime if you haven't already guessed. I guess I could play some video game. Good thing I brought my 3DS. It's red with cool games!

I don't bother to change in my pj's. I don't need them. Going to play Unchained Blades~

This is ShinyDiamond informing that Takumi fell asleep at 1 AM without covers over him. His 3DS is near his hand still. I apologize for his energy. Anyway, this is the end of the post, so I thank you.
Elene Merlin
Girl's Dorm
An understated smile crawled across Elene's lips as she managed to garner an apology from her roommate, though she did not turn her eyes to face her, nor raise her voice to speak. Her precise movements were instead focused on the violin and its bow. Although it was certainly one of the finest instruments most would have ever gotten to lay their eyes upon, it was something a little less classy than the apex of all; which just so happened to be the very thing she wanted. A golden fiddle upon which she could play her tunes would have made a fine possession indeed, but even her wealth had not stretched so far; some more awards would perhaps be sufficient to obtain the instrument beyond all instruments. After all, she was the best fiddle-player that's ever been.

Nami's compliments were likewise fitting, so Elene had no comment for them beyond taking personal note of the time; but that was a problem for Marilyn more than herself. A few more songs, then she would depart for slumber. Though when Nami began to sing, she flinched mentally; she was one of those singers and not particularly the kind that Elene had learned. She allowed Nami to sing her lyrics as she wished, only interrupting her when one violin song came to an end and she placed a hand on the other Vampire's shoulder. "Not bad at all, Nami." She smiled. "Allow me to show you how I do it."

With the reprimand out of the way, Elene began to play a song of her own choice, one whose music would dance with her voice as lovers split by sky and earth, rejoining for a blissful moment to bless the ears of all who would hear her performance. Like Sirens had come to bless her lips, while a thousand Fairy hands came to play the strings of her violin with such speed and eloquence that it could not have come from just ten fingers. Words taken from the music sheets of pure Muses, a song she'd practiced since childhood and the one that had brought her one of her true friends, and it deserved nothing less than all of her effort, to form the beautiful song.

As the last notes slipped into the aether, Elene closed her eyes and breathed deeply for a few moments, as her silver locks shifted to brunette and her eyes changed to the color of soft chocolate, allowing Marilyn to return for just the moment. "I need to sleep...sorry..." Marilyn muttered to the new person standing opposite her, who she would perhaps get to meet in the morning .She quickly packed the violin away, but with not as much grace as Elene would have done, and sluggishly changed into her pajamas without care for the other person occupying the room. Sleepytime took Marilyn away, as soon as she climbed between the sheets.

"Alright then, sucks about dinner. Guess it's time to hit the sack, though, so I'll see ya after class tomorrow!"

Jogging the way back to the dorms, he began to undo his headband. By the time he arrived at the door and fumbled for his key, he had placed his headband in his pocket, his third eye slightly visible, but as almost always, closed. Unlocking the dorm room, he entered, scouring the fridge for food. It had some things, and he fixed himself a ham and cheese sandwich, made from ham and cheese he had found in the fridge and some bread that he had found in his suitcase that he had saved from breakfast that morning.

It was okay. Not anything amazing. Okay.

Showering, changing, brushing his teeth and finishing up, he put on his pyjamas and got under the covers. Exhausted from what the day had brought, he quickly fell asleep. His last fleeting thought... was...

Best first day ever.

Chapter 2: The dark figure


A woman voice is heard in every dormatory and in the school, she sounds very peppy.

"Good morning students from 3C!
Rise and shine and get ready for class!"

"Today the local school mall is opened from 1 pm till 5 pm, feel free to stop by!"

"You'll have two classes today from your homeroom teacher Higoroshi-sensei, Youkai studies and Youkai history.
Class ends at 12.30 pm today, make sure to make this day another usefull one! Oh! and class starts at 8.30 am! hehe I almost forgot~ have a nice day!"

The woman was finally done speaking and interupting the lives of these students. She trew away the note she was reading from into the nearby trash bin and while doing that she saw a dark figure infiltrating the school and cassually making his way to the graveyard, what was happening...?


Priority Mission: Go to class!

Go to school till 12.30 am and find out why the teachers are acting careful. The graveyard is off-limit.

Things to do:

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Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll yawned as she sat up and looked at the clock 7:00. "It's to early." She whispered to herself as she got out if bed shivering as her bare feet touched the cold wood floor. Running a hand through her messy white-blonde hair Cheryll yawned again and grabbed her hairbrush and her clean uniform. "Just because I don't want to be here...doesn't mean I'm going to slack on my education." She muttered exiting the room and entering the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later Cheryll was washed and her teeth and hair brushed and she was dressed in her uniform. Glancing at the clock again seeing the time at 7:15 the girl sighed again just as an announcement came over the PA system.

"Good morning students from 3C!
Rise and shine and get ready for class!"

"Today the local school mall is opened from 1 pm till 5 pm, feel free to stop by!"

"You'll have two classes today from your homeroom teacher Higoroshi-sensei, Youkai studies and Youkai history.
Class ends at 12.30 pm today, make sure to make this day another usefull one! Oh! and class starts at 8.30 am! hehe I almost forgot~ have a nice day!"

Once the announcement was over Cheryll nodded to herself as her stomach growled. "Time to go eat" she muttered grabbing her bag that was full of books and left her room walking to the cafeteria. Once there Cheryll quickly got a plate of bacon and eggs as well as a cup orange juice and sat down at a table. Setting her large book on Youkai history on the table she started to read absentmindedly eating her breakfast as she turned the pages of her book.
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Takumi Makkusu - One Tiring Morning

"Shut up already..." I threw a pillow at nowhere when the intercom kept yammering. I just wanted some sleep, but I guess even Youkai's...where was I going with this? Oh, that's right! I wanna marry my bed...

I didn't care what time it was. I was only brushing my teeth & combing my hair.

ShinyDiamond: Takumi is not good with a comb.

Sleepy... I am so tired right now, I don't even bother to take the sand out of my eyes. I only barely manage to open my eyes to check the time. Is human, regular time the same as Youkai time? 7:15 AM. I didn't pay attention to the intercom what time class starts. I should ask my roommate later. I'm just too tired. I'm still in the same clothes- I should take a quick shower! My brain barely comes up with that.

After showering & drying off, I'm still tired. Sure, the water felt good to my skin, but my eyes only managed to focus enough. The saand is out my eyes. I'm hungry.

I'm not sure how long it took me to find the cafeteria. A decade? I need breakfast to function my brain better. Pretty soon, I got my food, very strange food. I got bacon, fish, pancakes, & milk. What's this red stuff? I hope it isn't blood... I shudder & choose what I eat. I'll eat bacon, pancakes & milk. Like I said, I'm in a school full of monsters. I'll just eat in peace here.

I hope.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Ryuu Higoroshi
Chapter 2: 3C's Homeroom teacher
Teachers dorm -> Classroom 13

Ryuu woke up from the woman speaking through the intercom and soon found out she didn't tell his students what equipment they had to bring with them and to which classroom they had to go. "How troublesome…" Ryuu stood up and pulled on his teacher suit, he had no time to shower and proceeded to the school building. There he saw some dark figure making his way to the graveyard.

"Hey! Who are you!" he shouted at the person, but he ran away and Ryuu found it too troublesome to chase him. "I'll inform the headmaster about this…" Ryuu immediately suspected fairytale, but didn't want to make a fuss of it yet. Once he reached the room where the microphone to the intercom stands, the woman stood up and glanced at him. "Higoroshi-sensei! I-" Ryuu interupted the woman. "I saw it, don't tell anyone yet." he glanced at the microphone, then at the Neko lady. "Can I lean it?" he asked her. The woman nodded and stepped back as Ryuu took his seat.

"Hello, this is a message for the students from 3C." a voice chimed through the whole school and every dormatory. "Your first class will be Youkai species, don't bring any equipment except for a pencil and I expect you to be in classroom 13 at 8.30 am, this was Higoroshi-Sensei." Ryuu left the audio room.

He made his way to the 3th floor of the school, the floor where the headmasters room was. Ryuu knocked and the door strangely opened out of itself. "Whats wrong Higoroshi-sensei?" the headmaster smiled.

"Fairytale." Ryuu only said and the headmasters smile faded away. "I see… don't do anything…" He turned around and glanced at a photo on the wall. "I'll send the right people."

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Maya Nami Kyuuketsuki
Chapter 2: food!

Nami got complimented by Elene and immediately stopped singing. It was Elene's turn to show what she got, and she really did. At the moment she started singing Nami listened carefully to the beautiful voice, it was litterally like music in the ears. Elene stopped quickly and it kind of dissapointed Nami. "That was good… very good." Nami commented.

Elene's hair changed colors, same went for her eyes. Seems like she was going to her human form and the difference in personalities was pretty obvious. She went to sleep and wished Nami good night. "Y-Yeah… good night~" Nami went over to her own bed and as her hair changed to black and her eyes changed to sparkling brown, she pulled on her pj's. Nami fell asleep the moment she pulled her blanket over her thin body.

Nami woke up from an intercom speech. As soon as it was finally over she got out of bed and pulled on her uniform. She yawned and glanced at the sleeping Elene before she left the room. She really needed some blood right now, to the cafeteria!

She left the girls dormatory and proceeded to the cafeteria inside the school. The woman behind the counter was a little bit groomy but gave her pancakes and a blood bag. "You look like you don't eat much…" she said to her. "I'm not a big eater in the morning, around dinner I get hungry." Nami took her food and smiled at the woman, even though she didn't smile back.

On a table not far away from her she saw Takumi sitting. "Great! Then I don't have to sit alone~" Nami thought and made her way to his table. "Good morning~" Nami greeted him and sat down. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked him, but clasped her fangs in the blood bag before she got an answer.


Kion Gavin - Boy's Dorm

Gavin's awakening was not a pleasant one. He woke to a burning sensation engulfing his body and a loud voice covering the dorm. The flaming embrace was comforting to him, being Beelzebub's servant as he was, but it was paradoxically painful. He opened his eyes and jumped off of the couch, which was covered in a growing sea of inferno.

"Aqron!" Gavin yelled, pointing his hands at the fire. Aqron (/awk-rOn/) literally means "water area". Promptly after uttering the strange word, the sigil on the back of Gavin's hand changed from red to blue, and the fire that was spewing from his hands started to spray water over the couch, extinguishing the flames. Gavin sighed and then looked to see who the cause of the incident was. He finally found out who was causing his hellish powers to activate. It was a boy who looked like fate smacked him in the face and ruffled his hair. He was the human. Gavin did not stop the boy, though; he did not want to risk burning the dorm down. He simply waited until the boy left and returned to his room.

Gavin took a shower and changed his clothes, and he returned to his room to do some more preparation. He brought a spell tome with him, and he headed out to the cafeteria. He didn't really know where it was, so it took longer than expected to arrive there. When he finally arrived the, there was a moderate amount of youkai already eating. Gavin made his way into the lunch line, picking up a tray, a spoon, and a fork. The lunch lady looked at him for a moment in confusion.

"What are you, hun?" She asked. Gavin was taken aback by the question, it wasn't something that you normally get asked- as a human, at least.

"I'm a...a mage, ma'am," he said hesitantly. She promptly put some food on his plate. The food looked unexpectedly normal: pancakes, sausage, bacon, and toast. It made sense, mages weren't really that different from humans in terms of diet.

After getting his food, Gavin returned to the central area, looking around for a place to eat. He found an empty table, since he didn't really feel like meeting any eccentric characters at the time. He looked at his food. He didn't feel hesitant so much because of the surprises that may have laid inside (as he was almost sure that the meet was not that of cow or the like- at least, not the ones from his realm), but rather, because he felt that eating the food would mean the denouncement of his humanity.

Instead, he looked around. He saw the human from before at one of the neighboring tables, and his eyes widened. His face tensed, and he grew a terrifying scowl. The mere sight of that human boiled his blood. He clenched his left fist as fire danced from it, filled with his rage. He picked up his fork and lunged it into his sausage, blood splashing from the punctures. He put the sausage up to his mouth and furiously bit off half of it, exposing the mangled insides of the sausage.