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[Other FULL] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

I sighed, my manly man contest with this new kid would have to wait. Time was not something I had a lot of. " Nevermind kid. We can settle this later." I said gruffly, I then answered the girl's questions, "Elise is afraid of water." I answered, "It made her pass out." Its my fault, I brought her here. I thought sadly, I'm a terrible person. "Anyways, we are going to the graveyard. We think that Oz is there, and I want to have a violent talk with him." I was pretty pumped to go, I hadn't been in a good fight in a while.

Kion Gavin[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Writing with one hand and no other was surprisingly hard. Writing with your weaker hand was even harder. "Tch...This isn't gonna work," Gavin said to himself. He threw his pencil to the side and crumbled up the paper that he was writing on. Gavin sighed, grabbed a hoodie from his closet, and made his way out of his room, and then outside. "Well...I guess it might just be the time to let out some frustration..."

Gavin put on the hoodie but didn't zip it up at all. He just needed to conceal the fact that he only had one arm, or it would be easy to tell that it was him. He tied the hoodie around his neck and made his way into the forest. He walked for a while, because he didn't want to be too close to the school and possibly risk the safety of the students. He looked at the trees thoughtfully and regretfully, knowing what he was about to do.

Gavin put his pointer finger on a tree and started to say "Agi", but he stopped himself. He thought it would be better if he tried some minor Chi Spell. He scanned his mind for a suitable one, but to no avail. As such, he put his pointer finger on the tree's body once again and whispered, "Agi." The beam shot clean through the tree, and fire started to climb up the tree, luckily only burning the surface rather than burning through the entire tree itself. It would only be a matter of time before the fire reached the tree leaves and eventually erupted into a forest fire.

Gavin couldn't leave, though. He needed to be there when...or if...the academy authority figures arrived. As such, he took to a spot slightly away from the tree and put his hand on the ground. "Atlantis Dime!" (Translates to "Atlantis' Demise") he said, creating a small dome of water around himself. He didn't let up, though, the water would simply collapse if he left it alone. "Shu Beat!" (Translates to "Shu's Breath") This created a small dome of air around Gavin, essentially turning the dome of water into a bubble. Finally, he touched the the water that lay outside the air bubble and said, "Suita," causing the dome to freeze. Gavin was now encased in a dome of ice, which would supposedly keep him safe from the flames and smoke. As such, he sat down with his legs crossed and closed his eyes, meditating in wait.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13] Yorick Amherst Lee - Pool => Graveyard

It seemed that Frio also thought that Oz may have returned. Nodding in agreement of his plan, Yorick prepared himself to go until another boy approached them. "Is there a problem?" he asked. Before Yorick could answer, Frio explained the situation to him. They were soon approached by another person, the girl from breakfast. She had a similar scent to the first boy that nearly drowned. She said they looked serious before asking about Elise.

As Frio explained further, Yorick thought about what she said. Had he really looked serious? Perhaps it was because they were going to confront such a dangerous person again. Then again, this time they were only going there to talk, but it may very well lead to conflict again. Yorick brought back his usual smile and turned to what was now a group. He first spoke to the boy still dressed in swimwear. "I have yet to meet you, student in the middle. I am Yorick Amherst Lee." He considered asking him and the girl he was with for their names but realized there were more important matters. He then addressed the two of them. "After this is over I would like for you to tell me your names, but for now I shall go on ahead. I am fast so I should be able to dodge Oz's attacks until you all arrive should he deem talking unsatisfactory." With that, Yorick took off running.

He remembered the path to the graveyard well and quickly managed to find it, but on his way he noticed a fire in the distance. Had that person from yesterday who has camping allowed his fire to go out of control? Yorick considered investigating but thought that there would not be much he could do so he continued on his way. Further down he noticed a familiar scent. It was difficult to place at first from the interference of the smell of smoke, but it did not take long for him to place it as Cheryll's. Yorick approached her and greeted her. "Hello, Cheryll. I would like to have a conversation with you, but I am busy at this moment. At the request of Frio, who is on his way here, I must speak with Oz who may know the whereabouts of a missing Lycan boy. If you wish to join us you should speak with him when he gets here." With that Yorick left, continuing on his way.

After a little longer, Yorick reached the graveyard only to find that Oz's scent was nowhere to be found. Instead, sitting in front of him was the Lycan boy he had come to find. Relieved that there would be no fight against Oz, Yorick approached the Lycan. "Hello, fellow student. Frio has asked for my assistance in locating you. He will be here momentarily with two others, a boy and a girl." When he finished, he remembered something. "Ah, when we last met I forgot to ask what your name was. What is your name?"

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]Raka Chaudri - Fairytale HQ

Raka had interrupted the Commandeer as he was reading documents but didn't waver in her resolve. She waited for a response, knowing full well that he had already told her to stay at the base. Silence ensued for a few moments before the commandeer spoke. "Actually...that's not a bad idea." Raka stood there a little surprised as the commandeer rubbed his chin. "Go with him but stay out of sight for ANYONE, you hear me? If Ryuu knows that you've been there for a little bit then he'll get suspicious that you'll be the next one to attack the school. I want you to spy on Solo and tell me what he up to." The commandeer ordered her. Raka felt a little relieved that her request had gone through, but that disappeared with what he said next. "Please ask Oz to teleport you." Damn.

Raka exited the room wondering how she would ask Oz, the same Oz she had glared at not five minutes earlier, to teleport her without him pulling something stupid like teleporting her a hundred miles above the academy or something equally ridiculous. The guy was just petty like that. As she left the room Magoichi came up to her. "What did he say?" He was probably hoping that she had been sent to bring him back or something.

Raka turned to him with a serious face and said, "I'm being sent to spy on him." She turned to a hallway leading to her room so that she could get some equipment before the mission. What she needed, however, was something that she couldn't allow the other members to see. Reaching her room, Raka turned to Magoichi. "Shouldn't you be training for the next battle?" Her intensity as she spoke seemed to surprise him considering how friendly she had seemed recently, but he nodded and left. Raka stepped inside and shut the door, getting started on gathering what she needed.

The commandeer had told her not to be spotted by anyone, yet she needed to have measures in place for if she was spotted anyway since there was always a chance of failure. To rephrase that, all she needed to do was ensure that the one who would attack the academy tomorrow was not seen today. So the simplest answer was to be a different person today than she would be tomorrow. What easier way to do that than to change her gender, or at least what it was perceived as? She opened her closet and found a large sealed bag on the floor that contained anything feminine of hers. Raka opened the bag and pulled out a form-fitting camo jumpsuit that while not exactly feminine did no favors in masking her gender. With it she could stay hidden among the abundant trees of the Youkai realm while maintaining a definitively female shape if spotted. After undressing and removing the bandages binding her breasts she put on the jumpsuit and put her regular business suit back on over it, that suit still managing to hide her figure. She then got her staff, thin gloves, and finally a black mask that covered her entire head. The staff was to stay hidden until she absolutely needed it since she had to keep as little from her appearance today recognizable from her appearance tomorrow.

Once she had all she needed, Raka headed to Oz. She didn't plan on wearing the mask or gloves until she was already there since there was no need to be anyone other than the suit-wearing Indian man here in the base. Reaching Oz with her appearance unchanged she looked him straight in the eyes. "I need transport to the academy. It would be best if you didn't try anything funny since you and I both know making the commandeer angry is a bad move and making me angry isn't a much better one."
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"Solo" the Lycan


5-4: The Many Conflicts of Morality

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

"Hello, fellow student. Frio has asked for my assistance in locating you. He will be here momentarily with two others, a boy and a girl. Ah, when we last met I forgot to ask what your name was. What is your name?"

"Solo," he replied lazily, stuffing the journal back into his magical bag. " So fruity-something is on his way, then... I don't suppose one of the others is Eva? I'd like her to be here as well." He glanced around, thinking to himself in silence. That timid girl, this freaky guy, frooty, and two others... That's five people here. His expression was somewhat of a frown. I only wanted two of them here... This is dampening my plans... He rubbed his chin quietly, glancing over his shoulder. It looked like someone was approaching. Must be them, he thought plainly. "I don't suppose I could ask for just Fry and Eva, huh?"


Milly watched, clutching the side of the pool as two of her class mates almost drown, both being saved by each of her closest friends. It was the first incident which alerted her to the presence of Chris whom had taken to stay at the side of the pool. He had been the first to save the original drowning class mate after which he had placed the boy on the side of the pool before doing his own laps and climbing back out and returning to his louging position, only after him giving her a wave however. Milly grinned and waved back, pausing briefly to watch the second student being saved by Volt and pulled away to the nurse's office, before she climbed out of the pool on their teaching allowing them to play once they had finished their warm up.

Finding her way over to where Chris lay, she joined him without asking permission, flopping down beside him with a huge smirk.

"Nice job back there" Milly giggled as she tucked her legs under herself and looked at Chris. "You gonna sit of the pool all lesson? Is the kitty afraid of the water?" she was teasing of course, but she couldn't help it. She knew he was a good swimmer, almost tied both volt and herself, but a little bit of fun wouldn't do any harm. Besides she needed a little fun before detention which was gonna happen straight after class.

"Anyway, how you findin' your new class? People to your liking?"
Christian Davidson

Chris watched as Milly came over and sat down next to him, commenting on his actions earlier. "Saving someone from drowning was no big deal," he thought, but he'd take any compliments he could get. He smiled at Milly, still dazed from how she was dressed, and nodded, "Thanks, hun. I'm glad you had decided to stick around instead of run away from me." He kinda chuckled at his comment, turning into a slight laugh when she teased him about not being in the water.

"I can get in the water at anytime," he continued, "Mom got me used to the water at a very early age. I may be able to at least tie you and Volt's times." He took a look around at some of the other students, noticing that a few of them have wandered off for some reason. "I don't think I made a good impression this morning, though. Ah, well...maybe I can work on that later on." It was at this time that he looked dead in Milly's eyes and smiled. "You wanna just splash around or whatever? I'm feeling kinda bored."

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Milly Kaiko

Milly shrugged as Chris commented on the other classmates, she couldn't really comment herself. Most of her time had been spent with Volt and very rarely had she even bothered to approach of the others in the class. As this realisation hit her however, Milly felt herself sink down a little. So use to being the girl whom everyone knew, it was new experience to be an outsider to the class, though she reasoned it was down to her decisions. Sighing a little, Milly refocused in on what Chris was saying, almost missing the offer to swim completely, before she nodded and put on a mischievous grin.

"Bored?" She began, cocking her head to one side and wrinkling her nose at the boy next to her in a mockingly horrified manor. "Is my company not interesting enough for you?" Here Milly stood placing her hands on her hips and fixing Chris with a narrow eyed stare. "Very well, I'll race ya and see if you really can keep up with me and Volt. Though I warn you" Milly waggled a finger at Chris. "I'm pretty good and don't let Volt tell you he won. I only let him win." Here her lips pulled back in a brilliant full grin before she turned and ran back towards the pool, not wanting to give her new opponent any chances. A cheap trick true, but it worked.

"Ready, steady go!" Milly called over her shoulder, as her feet reached the pool's edge and she leapt gracefully back into the water, cutting into the rippling surface with only the smallest of splashes.
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll was drawn from her thoughts by hearing Yorick's voice. "Hello, Cheryll. I would like to have a conversation with you, but I am busy at this moment. At the request of Frio, who is on his way here, I must speak with Oz who may know the whereabouts of a missing Lycan boy. If you wish to join us you should speak with him when he gets here." before she could respond and tell him that it was not Oz in the graveyard he had walked away and out of earshot.

I guess I'll just head back to the pool she thought a little worried still, but she was sure that Yorick could take care of himself. Smelling smoke in the air she turned her head towards the forest seeing smoke come from it, and what looked like flames. I can't help but think that Gavin is behind that...so I won't tell, I'll wait to see if a teacher notices she thought with a determined nod. After all she didn't want to get her friend in trouble. She had also decided that next time she saw Allister she would tell him the truth, and hoped he would forgive her for lying.

To her luck she soon spotted Allister walking away from the pool. Running over to him Cheryll sighed. "I lied, it wasn't my sister. It was Janie who texted me. She pretty much dared me to go see what fell in the graveyard...I'm sorry for lying to you" she looked down at the ground as she finished her apology before adding softly. "also, I think Gavin set the forest on fire"
Christian Davidson

Chris shook his head as Milly ran for the pool to get a head-start on their race. He smiled and walked to the end of the pool, leaping into the water as far as he could. He swam as fast as he could to try and catch up, but she was a fast swimmer. Chris had a bright idea and dove under the water. He could propel himself faster under the water than when he was on the surface of it. He saw her shapely form from the bottom of the pool and swam fiercely to the wall, quickly surfacing right next to her with a quick chuckle.

"You're all about speed," he laughed, "and yet you're scared enough of losing that you had to have a lead, huh?" He made a small kissy-face at her and started swimming back to the other end, knowing she'd catch up to him. He dove back underneath the surface to prevent her from splashing him to distract him.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android

He watched Milly approach Chris, and he broke a little, feeling a bit neglected. Ignored? What was it? But he ignored it at first; probably didn't notice him, he reassured himself, but then he heard the word "hun." He leaned in on that word, his ears perking up quickly like a dog's. He... said... hun? Hun, as in honey? As in... Milly? He quickly became irritated, his expression fell flat as he eavesdropped without a word, until the race was mentioned. This was when he looked interested, piqued. He stood up without a word, and dived last, serving seemingly no purpose in the race that was in progress. In fact, Sorae simply doubted winning entirely; it seemed like the others were too far ahead were they very aware of his existence.

Then why did he dive in?

He noticed Chris had chosen the underwater as his choice of propulsion. Sorae, instead, preferred the above water approach; he swam quietly and potently, trying to attract and detract attention at the same time, as if he didn't know which one he wanted. He flipped underwater and hit the pool wall with his foot, surprised that Milly was still there. He put up two fingers, his index finger and his middle finger, at the same time, and moved them away from his head, as a greeting gesture, before continuing. At this point, his hair was even more drenched; what used to be spiky was now all down, reaching down to his collarbone at this point. It also seemed to take a lighter color because of whatever they put into this pool, if they put anything in it. It was now, more noticeably, blue. He then lunged towards the other side, in hopes of a win, although he knew the odds were playing against him. He grinned, a shark-like, toothy grin. Just how he liked it. He sped away towards the other side.

Allister Curtis

Allister had been walking around the school looking for Gavin when Cheryll came running up to him, she sighed loudly before explaining herself to him
"I lied, it wasn't my sister. It was Janie who texted me. She pretty much dared me to go see what fell in the graveyard...I'm sorry for lying to you" she looked down at the ground as she finished her apology before adding softly. "also, I think Gavin set the forest on fire"

Allister was furious, not with Cheryll though - his already foul mood had been worsened by Janie manipulating his friend.
"Don't worry about it, but you shouldn't obey her orders like that. It will just make her think she has power over you - which she doesn't, especially with Yorick, Gavin and I around. Speaking of Gavin, you're probably right about that fire. I'm thinking he probably has it contained but I'm going to go knock some sense into him anyway." Allister laughed as he ran towards the flame, trying to hide his mood from Cheryll, as soon as she couldn't lo longer see his face though he reverted back to his previous expression.
I'm going to make her pay one day... but first I need to make sure Gavin knows what he's doing.

Allister reached the forest quickly enough and headed inside. After about another two-five minutes he was already being bathed in the smoke the flames produced.
"Purgare caeli". The spell was designed to shift the smoke away from Allister's body so he wouldn't breathe it in, but he wasn't skilled enough with the spell to completely dissipate the smoke in the area so his vision was still obscured.

Allister tried to find Gavin by following the heat of the fire but it had now spread to the point that there were several intense areas of burning forest.
So, that method is out. I could use a wind spell to try and push the smoke away... but that would make the fire worse. Allister removed his jacket, hoping he wouldn't get the white shirt below too dirty with ash, and continued to wander through the flaming forest in search of his friend, who had chosen arson as his method of retaliation against the school.
I didn't think he'd jump right into burning a forest down...

A figure soon seemed to be standing before Allister, but this person was definitely not Gavin - in fact, when he considered the events of the day and of the previous this person standing in a blaze they probably didn't start with not even a look of fear was quite suspicious.
"Who are you? Allister said to the yokai before him.

Takumi Makkusu - A New Adventure

Thanks to my stern voice, the boy thinks I was here to cause trouble. Way to make a first impression, Tak. He does mention something about Oz in the graveyard. This struck me surprised. When did Oz return? The guy spells nothing but trouble. I'm still wondering what Oz is short for. Last time I saw that Yokai, everyone was nerely unconscious, & I stood up against him. I'm glad I didn't die.

Now he's back & at the graveyard again. He could be causing trouble again. I fear him, but I can't just let him do as he pleases. I could at least figure out what he's up to. I have to do something useful. Moving on, the other boy called himself Yorick. Such a unique name. The other boy carrying the girl explained why she wasn't awake: she hates water. I don't know what Yokai she is, but I might guess. When Nami arrives, the boy drops the whole act & explains further about the situation. Yorick decides to move ahead, leaving me with Nami, the boy & the girl, named Elise.
"I'll come along. I want to know what this Oz is up to," I join, keeping my voice low. "I'll be right back." I run off to get my clothes & change into them, afterwards coming back. "Well, what are we waiting for?" I question a bit excited. I'll let the boy take the lead. I still need his name.

"Also, my name is Takumi. Yours?" There, that's out. Now to follow the boy's lead.
Milly Kaiko

In the moment where Milly collided with the pool's surface, it's warm water leaping up to press against her chilled skin, a wolfish grin pulled back her lips. From every experience she had with her own species, though she had rarely spent time with those whom were not pack, races for fun always seemed a dominate part of their life styles and after years of being raised for speed the new promise of another race set the girl's heart to a pace which a normal human could not withstand.

Pushing through the water with an ease which came to Milly's muscles as breathing was to her lungs, the girl pushed on through the water at a surprising pace. Ever drawing closer to the first point of her game. It was only when the first splash sounded that Milly faltered in her pace, risking a glance back over her shoulders as her gaze sought out Chris' face in amongst the bobbing ripples of blue tinted water.

However, the face which greeted her caught the girl off by surprise, though regardless of the shock Milly grinned instinctively at Volt as he passed her and touched the far side of the pool. The challenge was there, not needing words to be evident to the small wolf as she paced water, her small nose wrinkling slightly as she laughed and returned her own greeting gesture back to the boy.
It was here however, mid laugh, that Chris resurfaced just a few inches away from her elbow at a rate which caused Milly to swallow a bitter tasting mouthful of pool water. Spluttering slightly, Milly fixed Chris with a resentful glare before it was quickly replaced with another giggle as the boy teased her before, like Volt, he made his quick retreat.

"Just scared of a challenge." Milly coughed, as she watched Chris dive back under the water's surface. Meaning to follow her friend's examples Milly got ready to push off the side wall when she froze, her nose lifting up towards the sky as she breathed in. The scent of distant smoke tinged the air, it was faint, but strong enough for her wolf nose to pick it up. Frowning slightly, causing the skin to pucker in between her brows Milly tried to catch her friend's gaze from across the pool.
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll relaxed when Allister wasn't mad at her. I'm glad he's not upset, I don't know what I'd do if I made one of my first friends mad at me she thought looking up at him a smile forming on her face. As Allister walked away Cheryll called after him, though she wasn't sure if had heard her or not. "I promise I'll be more careful!"

As he disappeared from view she walked back to the pool and took a seat in the shade. She noticed some students doing a race in the pool and watched them for a moment before opening her book again and quickly losing herself in the pages.
The wolf kid took off before the rest of us, slightly worrying me. I was about to follow when the boy went away to get changed. He introduced himself as Takumi, as if I had asked. Still, I remembered that it was considered good to reply with your own name, "My name is Frio." I answered, "I don't want to waste anymore time here." I was anxious, not nervous. As I walked past the pool, Elise shivered, and I felt a burning sensation on my shoulder.

I re-positioned Elise on my shoulder and ran quickly toward the graveyard. No time to waste, Yorick could be in trouble. I set Elise down, hidden behind a gravestone. I looked at my shoulder and saw that it was slightly burned from where she was carried. Why would she be hot? I wondered briefly. Though I gathered my thoughts and focused. Instead of some old man (who I assumed Oz looked like) I saw Solo himself, waiting patiently. I moved my left arm, attempting to stretch it, before realizing that moving it caused me a lot of pain. This is a very nasty burn, it doesn't make much sense. I tried my best not to show it, and approached Solo.

"Solo what the hell are you doing?" I said, "Where did you go?" I knew his answer wasn't going to be good, though I felt obligated to ask. "Also, why did you fall out of the sky? I mean, isn't there less obvious ways of doing things?"
"Solo" the Lycan


5-5: The Many Conflicts of Morality

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Solo glanced over as the group of students approached. His attention was only fully given when he'd heard a familiar voice.

"Solo what the hell are you doing? Where did you go? Also, why did you fall out of the sky? I mean, isn't there less obvious ways of doing things?"

"I'm certain there is, but don't you think if I'd had that option I'd have taken it?" He paused. "I can't answer your other questions just yet." He pulled the little black stick out of his pocket, balancing it on his index finger carefully. "You are one of the people I need here. But I need one more." He climbed down from the tombstone and approached a few steps. His facial expressions gave nothing away of his intentions, emotions, or feelings. Just the usual, gloomy, annoyed expression he always has. "I needed you here... And Eva. The rest of you I could care less about at this moment. I'd like some privacy to speak with you fruit-whatever, and Eva. Just the two of you." He crossed his arms, leaned against the tombstone, and closed his eyes. "It's extremely important, and I only want the two of you to hear it."


Kion Gavin - (Burning) Forest [PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Gavin noticed that the fire was spreading about as far as he expected, and fast. He wasn't perturbed, though; this was what he needed to have a truly firm grasp on Youkai Academy security. He probably would've been angry if he hadn't been sitting and trying to suppress hostile emotions. The dome was starting to leak from the intense heat and the mage started to reinforce it. However, he stopped when he heard footsteps in the grass.

"Are you the one that did this?" One of the voices said. Gavin remained quiet. "Are you with Fairy Tale?" Gavin again remained quiet. He wanted to see how they would handle the situation, and he could see pretty well out of the frozen dome at this point. One of them was a mage, the other seemed to be an elemental of some sort, probably water or fire. The elemental laid her hand on the ice dome and, just like that, the dome turned to water and fell. None of it landed on Gavin thanks to the air bubble he had up, which dispersed soon after the ice turned to water. Gavin quickly stood up and waited for the others to act. They seemed to be doing the same. They were actually quite firm in their position, and in reality, Gavin had no idea how strong they would be. He knew that they would attack at some point, though. As far as they knew, he was an agent from Fairy Tale, which was fine with him. The more they wanted him dead, the better.

Of course, he couldn't afford to die, and the first strike is the most important, so he put his hand out and started to speak an incantation. "Meh ii chotto cah ala dos doc mekis een marsh maka sheen mahalak duun koor es mand effig on mes des corin dees..." The two were getting nervous, and it showed. They were thinking something to the effect of, "we need to act...and now!". Their eyes met and they nodded, splitting up to both sides. Gavin remained unmoved and continued to speak. "Jeen mes coro oa nos tre mina been oss dore kin gin..." When the two were at both of his sides, they attacked, one with electricity and one with ice. Then, suddenly, the ice spikes melted and the electricity moved off course. While the two were shocked at this, thinking Gavin's incantation was protecting him, in reality Gavin did very little. All he did was increase the heat in his arm (which he found was possible due to the correlations between the demonic flames and emotion, hence why he meditated prior to their arrival) so that the ice would run off course. As for the electricity, he didn't do anything there. The electricity ran off course thanks to the polarized air and water that surrounded Gavin.

Gavin simply snickered. He was having fun, but he was a little pissed off that the security couldn't...or wouldn't...dispatch a member of Fairy Tale ASAP. If he actually were a member, they might have been dead already. As such, he needed to teach them that lesson while they were still caught off guard. He raised his hand to the sky and tried to reach inside for the demon that showed up a couple times before. He closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and his arm shook with tension. Then, finally, he opened his eyes, which were now red and gleaming, and he yelled with a booming voice that could only belong to Satan himself, "Ma-Aga!"

Water shot out from Gavin's hand, and quite a bit of it. It was as if he'd been hooked up to a fire hydrant, and he felt the pressure. Once he'd used enough, he took a deep breath and waited for the water to rain back down, drenching the three of them in water and extinguishing most of the trees in the immediate area. He then put on one of two rubber gloves he had in his pocket and, running further into the forest, aimed is hand at them and yelled, "Raimehameha!" The beam's path didn't matter, it was the electricity around it that did. The sparks danced on the water, eventually finding their intended targets and shocking them. Gavin wasn't sure what happened to them, he just knew that they weren't dead. With that in mind, he retreated deeper into the forest.
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Christian Davidson

Chris poured on the speed as fast as he could. He saw that Volt was ahead somehow. He didn't realize that he was even racing! His heart pumping harder than ever, he pushed himself even harder to catch him. At the end, Chris surfaced and tagged the wall...at about the same time as Volt did. Wiping the water from his face, he turned to the guy, "Dude, you're fast! It took a lot out of me to even catch up to you."

He turned to look behind him in time to catch Milly's glance. She seemed perturbed by something. Without hesitation, he swam back to where she was. "Is there something wrong?" he asked her, curious and a little concerned. He turned to look around slowly and he noticed a faint wisp of smoke in the air. "Something's on fire, it looks like," he stated, pointing out the obvious.

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I frowned, "If Eva is that girl that stayed over our room." I rubbed my arm, since I was shirtless, I was certain my burn was visible. "then you probably won't get your wish. don't think she is here anymore." I looked at those behind me, Elise was still passed out, and I didn't want her leaving my side, not when Solo could possibly be a danger to her. I noticed that the ground under her was blackened, an odd sight. I turned to everyone and feigned an assuring smile, "Leave us alone." I said, "I can handle myself." I lied.

I turned to Solo, "Elise stays with me. Right there." I pointed to Elise, this was non-negotiable. I hope I can fight him. I thought, my arm getting worse in pain. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, freezing over the left shoulder, numbing the pain. It looked a bit like a shoulder pad, and would offer a little bit of protection there as well. I still won't be able to use this arm, I hope this goes peacefully. I clenched my fist, luckily there was plenty of moisture in the air if I needed it, and I could still play defensively with one arm.

Sorae flipped himself over on to the poolside after Chris gave him the compliment. He grinned. "They don't call me Volt for nothing, you know..." his voice fading away after seeing Milly sniff at the air and the fire in the distance, and hearing the obvious. Time to break the first rule of Youkai Academy... again. Not like it matters, anyways, seeing as I already have detention. Still, though, might wanna hide... actually, I should. Sorae quickly slid behind the chairs overlooking the pool, breathing quietly and taking off his headband. This made his hair fall to his collarbone, all straight, which came as a moderate surprise for Sorae. Maybe I should keep my hair like this... no wait, focus! Sorae took out a coin. Something with a good sense of smell, please, for once, just once... He laid a coin on the ground, pressed a finger on it, opened his third eye and summoned a... a... well, I guess that's sort of what I asked for. Sort of. Although I thought I would summon a dog...

A star nosed mole blinked at him from the floor.

Sorae sighed. This would have to do. He let it burrow beneath the school after whispering a command into it's ear. "Find out what's happening." Then, he tied his headband again and returned. His hair was still at his collarbone, and it was still straight; the water in it made sure of that. It dripped quietly as he returned to the rest of the group. He looked at Ryuu with a quizzical look. Doesn't he know what's happening? Unless it's more Fairytale... awww, more? Are you kidding me? It's only been, what a day? He turned back to the rest of the group. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's another attack," he said, irritated. "However, it seems like a lot of people have cleared out... so they can probably handle it. In addition, Ryuu ain't doing anything, so it's probably a weak one or something. Although... it still doesn't make sense why he's ignoring it. Surely he would address it..." He spoke his thoughts out loud. He plopped down, cross legged, on the floor again. "I don't think I have enough energy for some more lions, though," he said under his breath. "Anyways, I have an inside source gathering information, so, uh, you'll have to wait, I think."


It goes without saying that the mole found it's way to the source, moles having a remarkable sense of smell, finding what seemed to be a mage. The mole was pretty sure that it could show Sorae what he was. He seemed to be the one causing the forest fire, but the mole wasn't sure if it was dangerous -at least, to Sorae. It then left when it picked up a second smell... or feeling? It was a perturbing cold, which piqued it's curiousity, leading it to dig into a snowman/lycan/unidentifed(s) confrontation. Or so he thought it was a lycan. He wasn't entirely sure. It watched quietly from a corner before returning quietly, seemingly to itself without notice. It began a return to the pool, where it popped up directly where it was summoned, and scampered over to Sorae. Holding a stick, and a leaf, for shade. Thus the beginning of a game of charades, where Sorae figured out that there was a mage. Somewhere. Which was causing the fire. Then it shivered and used some extra fur around it's neck as a scarf. ...Snowman? It made sense to Sorae, but that took him a while. And then it reared on it's back legs, where it was trying to imitate the lycan, noticing how futile using the leaf for shade was, ripped it in two as ears. But it seemed like a neko, so it made Sorae look at Chris strangely. He said to the mole, "neko?" It shook it's head, but then thought. It could be a neko.

The mole sighed before simply exhausting it's intelligence and going under a chair for shade.