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[PKMN OPEN] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]


[font=Brawler][color=#91a8d4][i]Here comes the boi
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]


    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    The Story You Know...

    Hello and welcome to the world of Pokémon!

    My name is Sycamore and I'm a Pokémon professor! I could continue with this talk, of course, but the look in your eyes tells me that you've heard this before.
    This isn't your first Pokémon journey and it certainly won't be your last. So perhaps I should cut right to the chase.

    You've been studying up on how to become a Pokémon trainer for a few years now, situated in the quaint little town of Aquacorde. Though many of you populate the small village of Vaniville which is just a stone's throw south. Never understood why it was considered a village. There's only three or four houses there, it's more an estate than anything. Alas, I digress. Studying at the local trainers school for two years now, as is the minimum requirement, you're just itching to race out on your own Pokémon journey. Excited to leap the precipice and take your new partner Pokémon, courtesy of myself, on an epic journey of epic proportions!

    Ahh, but hold on there, hot shot. Do you have any idea where we are? What's happened? This is the Kalos region alright, but not the one you're used to playing through on that little handheld. It's been 2 years since the events of Pokémon X and Y and the young duo, Calem and Serena, rid the world of Team Flare by rescuing the legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal. Team Flare aimed to destroy most life on the planet. Believing that by doing so and leaving a select few... they could cleanse the world of filth and create a better world. In other words, they were wackos. Serious wackos.

    Their leader Lysander vanished into his exploding facility and hasn't been seen since. Team Flare disbanded and fell apart. Recently, however, the remnants of the shattered organization seem to be more organized... uniting under a new banner. Rumors of new leaders stepping forward are abounding and the name on the streets is different too. Rising from the failures of Flare, Team Cinder is looking to finish what Lysander started with some much more violent methods...

    And before you ask: no, we haven't fixed Geosenge yet. A lot of wild steel, electric, rock and poison types have taken to the new massive crater and destroyed lab.

    Regardless of evil teams and failed reclamation, Kalos is as active as it was before and a new chapter in this fantastic journey is about to come to light! With your starter in hand and a new world to explore, badges to earn and contests to win! A fresh graduation under your belt and a world of possibilities!

    Can you catch 'em all? Can you discover and defeat the mysterious Team Cinder? Can you stand against a legend capable of bringing balance to creation and destruction itself?

    A new chapter in the history of the Kalos Region is about to begin!

    ...and the story you've written.

    It has been a few months since the incidents involving Team Cinder began and the new trainers of Kalos set out on their own journeys. While at first the young trainers were focused on their own goals and ambitions, many of them have since come into contact with the vile and evil organisation. They have witnessed Cinder's brutality first hand as the group utilizes pokémon and modern weaponry to terrorize the region and to murder innocents who get in their way.

    With more than a few clashes under their belt, the operations and terrorist activities of Team Cinder growing and quickly escalating to a level of regional threat and many prominent figures and champions from across the world of pokémon converging on the Kalos region... It has become clear that the situation is escalating fast.

    You, the trainers of the region, are caught in the calm before a world shaking storm. The region of Kalos is primed to serve as the stage for an incident that will shake the very foundations of the world to its core.

    Who are you in all of this? Are you a veteran of this battle, standing alongside the pokémon and friends you've made along the way? Ready to face your personal challenges and perhaps even the threat of Cinder as it hangs over you and everyone you care for?

    Or are you a new face? A player in the background until now, standing by your pokémon and experiences thus far... ready to step forth onto the grand stage and make a stand for what you believe in?

    The story resumes as the trainers gifted pokémon, pokédex and a grand destiny by professor Sycamore step foot into Shalour town. The legendary city of awakening, where the mysterious power of mega evolution was first discovered.

    Will you rise against the coming storm and usher Kalos towards the dawn? Or will you fall to the wind and tides, spiraling towards a darkness lit by cinders?

    It's time to discover the truth.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    RP Progression
    So how is this RP going to work?

    Stages and Arcs:
    Every new area visited over the course of the RP will consist of one Stage of the RP. There will be up to six Stages in one Arc of the RP. Stages will be fairly short, not taking up more than one or two posts per character and roughly 1-2 weeks of real world time, though this can vary depending on the location. The final Stage in an Arc will always be longer and feature major story development. Each stage consists of one day of In Character time.

    JP's are encouraged! But don't waste time!:
    Many an RP has died a horrible and mournful death to the evils of unfinished JPs and people dropping off the face of the planet. We love to see in-depth dialogue and character interaction but remember it doesn't need to be a novella if you can't write that much in a timely fashion. Keep progress going and don't fall behind for the sake of your fellow players and yourself. This RP will wait for you, but it won't stop because you drag behind. There's nothing wrong with filling the IC with interaction posts between two or more characters, it adds pages, confidence and content to the RP and that goes a long way to making things feel like they're really progressing.

    Catching and Leveling Pokémon:
    You may catch one Pokémon per stage if wild Pokémon are present. With the introduction of every new stage, wild Pokémon will be provided in a list should they be available. Pokémon not native to Kalos will be appearing as well, so don't worry about limitations! You needn't ask for GM approval for catching a 'mon so long as you have a good post attached to it and it's the only Pokémon you've attempted to catch on said Stage. Their are no such thing as levels in this RP for your Pokémon, you choose when your Pokémon learn new moves as per the story. But do try to keep it semi-realistic, no stage three Pokémon with Hyper Beam by Act 2 or you will be asked to slow down a bit and potentially be forced to retcon your posts.

    Time and Place:
    All events that took place in X/Y are canon. The story takes places roughly two years after the fall of Team Flare... for the sake of the plot. Team Flare captured both Xerneas AND Yveltal, and both the male AND female protagonists of X and Y worked to set them free. If it wasn't obvious, this story will focus heavily on the legendary Pokémon, Zygarde.

    This version of "Z: A Kalos Journey" is a continuation of the RP of the same name. As such many of the characters returning to this story will have prior experiences with one another and new players joining will have considerable off-screen progress in their journeys thus far. Players began their journey in Aquacorde town, after having studied in the Trainers' School there. Now, they have progressed considerably, and are about to reach Shalour city.

    Starter Pokémon
    Just a few examples of the Pokémon available to you, see below.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    All Pokémon across all 7 generations will be available for use. You may choose any Pokémon you desire as your starter, so long as that Pokémon is a 3 stage Pokémon, and has not evolved more than once so far.

    Additionally, as a new player, you may have up to 3 other Pokémon with you already, these additional pokémon must follow the rules as listed above if they are a 3 stage pokémon.

    Returning players may shirk this limit based on pokémon they have caught and/or evolved in the previous incarnation of Z.

    Each Pokémon will start off knowing moves of its natural learn set up to level 45, with a maximum of six learned at any one time. Starters only may come knowing a single egg move of your choice rather than a naturally learned move.
    Pokémon learn moves in order, as defined by their natural learn set. They may also have an ability of your choosing from the list of abilities that they can have naturally, hidden abilities included.

    TMs exist but are very expensive. If you feel like your character would receive one or desires one and you feel as if they can afford one, consult the GM's about your decision and the move you want before buying one.​

    1. Show respect to the other players. Do not use their characters or anything of the sort, without their consent.

    2. This RP has an M rating. Meaning that romance, violence, swearing and even minimal gore and adult themes are allowed. These principles are encouraged but do not overuse them, or push too far in your writing. This RP has a more mature tone to certain aspects of the story, but don't abuse that creative freedom.

    3. No duplicate starters will be allowed, so if you want a specific Pokémon to be your starter mention it in the OOC thread before making your SU to avoid people getting their hopes up. Do be aware that nothing is stopping someone from competing against you for that Pokémon regardless. A maximum of 10 players will be accepted, and returning characters from the previous Z will be prioritized in position and starter choice.

    4. Pokémon evolution is one of the few things that must be checked for approval with the GM. PM the GM here on PC or message Jay on Discord first before making your Pokémon evolve. Mega evolution in the world of Z is very difficult and taxing, potentially harming the pokémon and trainer both, thus the process requires intense trust between the pokémon and the trainer in order to trigger. Even if you obtain the required items to do so IC, you may not Mega Evolve your pokémon for the first time without GM consent. These rules are in place to protect the flow of story and to prevent the mechanic from being easily obtained and taken for granted.

    5. Pokémon moves can be learned freely, but not too frequently... and they must adhere to the Pokémon's natural moveset. i.e. Pokémon can only learn moves in the order they would naturally, though you may ask to skip a move on the learnset due to off screen training with GM permission.

    6. Obey all the regular rules of the RP section, as well as all general rules of The Pokécommunity forums as a whole.

    7. As always, have fun and enjoy yourself!

    Sign-up Sheet


    Player Status: Are you a new player? Or returning from the original Z?

    Name: You know what to do here.

    Age: 14-21 years of age. A little older than the average, but everybody playing ten-year-olds would be boring.

    Gender: Self Explanatory.

    Hometown: Where in the Pokémon world are you from? Your character doesn't need to be from Kalos specifically. Just remember you studied in Aquacorde for the past 2 years, before setting out.

    Physical Appearance: Your character's looks and fashion sense. A picture is nice and will do fine for this section, but including a written appearance as well will get you brownie points.

    Strengths: What is your character good at? What good qualities do they have? At least two with at least a sentence describing each, bare minimum.

    Weaknesses: What is your character bad at? What are their flaws? Read Strengths for specifics on what is required here.

    Aspirations: What's your characters end goal, biggest dream or in general their reason for starting their journey? A short paragraph is ideal here.

    (Rival: Who's your character's rival? Do they have one at all? Co-ordinate with another player here... or make a brand new NPC! Leaving this space blank is also an applicable option.)

    Badges or Ribbons: FOR NEW PLAYERS ONLY. Since you will be joining a story already in progress, you may start the story with one of the following already obtained:
    - The Bug and Cliff Badges.
    - One 3rd place contest ribbon. (A ribbon is awarded for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a contest. 3 ribbons of any type are required to compete in the Kalos grand festival.)


    Starter Species and Nickname: What starter did your character receive from Professor Sycamore? What nickname did your character give their starter, if any?

    Starters Gender: Self Explanatory.

    Starters Moveset: What's your starters current move set? See the starter section above for specifics.

    Starter Ability: What ability does your starter have?

    Other Pokémon: List the other pokémon in your party here in the following format.
    Species | Name | Gender

    Roleplay Sample: An example of writing you've done in the past. Link a post from elsewhere, or write something new.

    Cast of Characters

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Jackson Crane



    Veilstone City, Sinnoh




    "3 years ago I finally got enough money to move my sister and myself away from the mess that is Veilstone to here in Aquacord town. As y'know professor, your generosity has seen us livin' with you for the times bein'. Mal, my little sis, she's been sick for the past 3 years, since she was 14. She wanted this trainer gig, not me... but if I can't pay for her meds then she'll never get better... and while you're payin' for 'em outta the goodness of your heart sir, I can't accept that while I sit 'ere doin' nothin' but tryin' to get a job at the local poké mart.

    I promise, I did some bad stuff in the past, but it's different now. I'm goin' t'make back all the money I owe ya sir, whether you want it or not. I wanna let my lil sis see her eighteenth birthday from outside of a stretcher and I want it to be because her big brother did his best. If that means beatin' every other trainer out there, blastin' through all the gyms in my way and becoming champion of the whole damn Kalos region? I'll do it sir. This is my redemption, this is how I prove t'Mal that I'm a guy worth lookin' up to."

    Starter Pokémon:
    Gaspar the Gastly. Now a Haunter.


    - Fire Punch
    - Sucker Punch
    - Shadow Ball
    - Night Shade
    - Will O' Wisp
    - Dark Pulse


    Other Pokémon:
    Teddiursa | Teddy | Male
    Houndoom | Fang | Male
    Crobat | Wave | Female
    Petilil | Petal | Female​



    Current Team - Jackson:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
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    I will join as a new player <3

    Margarita Fas | 18 Year Old Female


    Rita's ID claims she stands at 5' 4", albeit she adds to this by using low heel boots. Accompanying her slender figure is a heart-shaped facial structure. Her pale skin allows for her wine red, shoulder-length hair to be that much more conspicuous, with a strand or two always finding their way towards the center of her vision. Like her hair, midnight blue eyes pop out against the white canvas.

    The woman's chosen attire can be described as comfortable. An oversized, v-neck sweater is always coupled with short overall shorts that often became obscured by the longer sweater. The only proof of their existence was seen in their shoulder straps that were never worn, thus always hanging down. Low heel ankle boots are the norm, yet slippers were a necessity during the nighttime hours.

    A black fanny pack hugged her waist, more often than not hidden from view thanks to her sweaters.

    Growing up, Margarita acquired a very lax nature. This predicament has prevented her from truly achieving her best potential, for she is not one to strive for the highest reward. In addition, she has placed herself in complicated situations that could have been avoided had she been more careful.

    She concerns herself with only what is of interest to her and tends not to meddle in the affair of others. While this in itself can be seen as a virtue, unfortunately this also translates into her not lending a helping hand. This lack of desire to assist others has her coming off as rather frustrating and selfish. Were it not for her thick skin, the young adult would have a difficult time with such a trait. Furthermore, Margarita is not an expressive individual. While this further shields her from the harsh environment, this does not mean that she lacks any emotion. One can consider her as someone who "bottles her emotions," seeing them as a hindrance and burden unto others. To her misfortune, this easily comes off as cold and rather uncaring.

    Margarita is an honest woman. She was raised as such, speaking her mind even if it may not be what one desires to hear. Complimenting this is her patience. Afterall, carrying such a straightforward mindset does not always guarantee pleasant results.

    Despite her uncaring outer impression, Margarita carries a very strong sense of unwavering loyalty. Regardless of whether it is to her family, close friend, Pokémon, or belief, Margarita remains firm and never doubts. Her support can be limitless. Similarly, she is persistent and possesses good self-discipline.

    The sacrifices her parents have taken for the sake of their children's future ingrained in her a need to repay them, never fully satisfied. As a result, her journey is not one she took for herself, but to act as a way to not only let their efforts come to fruition, but to become a third source of income. While there are definitely better ways to go about acquiring money, her parents have dreamed themselves of being trainers, and thus hoped for their children to take the opportunity they wish they had. Margarita did not disappoint.

    She became a trainer in order to one day allow her family to leave their lifestyle riddled with hardships. To give them a better life, to her parents and younger siblings.

    Badges or Ribbons:
    - Bug and Cliff Badges

    - Nunu the male Tynamo (Now Eelektrik)
    Ability: Levitate​
    Thunder Wave | Charge Beam | Crunch | Acid | Discharge | Thunderbolt

    Other Pokemon
    - Larvesta | Nana | Flame Body | Female

    - Pawniard | Nene | Defiant | Male

    - Deino | Nono | Hustle | Male

    Roleplay Sample
    - From Sinnoh: Dimensions

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    In the words of a certain someone from a certain game: I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!
    Yes, of course I'm back in, and while she's not at home right now, I know my sister will want to come back, too! X3
    Definitely joining, been waiting for a new rp to show up! I'll reserve one and start on the sign-up right away.
    here to say I am signing up and consider this post edited soon when I get chance; new character btw so understand the priority for older ones :)
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    Oh wow, blast from the relatively recent past! I won't be joining, as I'm already in 2 journey RPs, but I wish you the best of luck and that you have fun this time around :)
    Honestly, i'm kind of tempted to rejoin now that i'm not juggling school and work. Plus Chris was one of the best characters ever

    EDIT: I might pretty it up later but everything should be golden.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    -- SU --
    Name: Chris [absurdly long named] Rodriguez

    Age: 20 (July 7th birthday boy)

    Sex: Male

    Hometown: Originally from Lentimas Town in Unova, Chris was enrolled in a Kalosian boarding school when he was ten years old. Nine years later, he lives on his own in Aquacorde town.

    Physical Appearance: Chris is scrawny young man. He stands at a respectable 5"8' and weighs around 140lbs. near Caramel skinned with dark hair and hazel eyes. He has a very peculiar birthmark on his right shoulder, shaped like a fancy letter of some ancient language.
    Common clothing items include his brown hiking boots, A poncho that was given to him by his grandmother, and a hat he purchased in Lumiose several years prior, and a few things he picked up at the boutique in Cyllage.

    - Intelligent: The Kalosian boarding school which Chris attended was a very premier institute, and while Chris wasn't the top in his class, he did achieve a B grade average.

    - Lore Nerd: Everyone has their quirks. Chris was always fascinated by the many legends and myths. From the cocoon of destruction, the brother's dragons, or the island guardians. If there is a supernatural aspect about something, Chris has probably heard of several legends related to them.

    - Heat ignorant: Living next to an active volcano lets one grow accustomed to elevated temperatures.

    - Eternal Foreigner: Be it the accent, the clothes, or just his aura, Chris isn't from the Kalos region and people tend to notice the fact that he sticks out like a sore thumb.

    - Hyper: Probably due to all the caffeine he likes to drink, but Chris is rarely ever sitting still. In fact, doing so for extended periods tends to make him exceedingly intolerable.

    - Side Quest oriented: Managed to ignore the plot almost entirely for the first season, in favor of hoarding mega stones.

    Chris studies of ancient legends and lore has driven him to look to the various places around the world. He seeks to travel there, and look at what the remains of the past might tell him. He seeks to become an archeologist!
    Of course, travelling to some less than reputable areas would be dangerous. Which is why he decided to go on an adventure, and to train the Pokemon that he received from professor Sycamore.

    "Whisper" the Doublade
    Starters Gender: Sword
    Ability: No Guard
    - Shadow Sneak
    - Swords Dance
    - Aerial Ace
    - Slash
    - Night Slash
    - Iron Head

    "Rubbish" the Trubbish
    Starters Gender: Male
    Ability: Sticky Hold
    - Double Slap
    - Acid Spray
    - Toxic Spikes
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Clear Smog
    - Belch

    Starters Gender: Male
    Ability: Mummy
    - Disable
    - Protect
    - Will-O-Wisp
    - Hex
    - Curse
    - Ominous Wind

    "Dios" the Omanyte
    Starters Gender: Male
    Ability: Swift Swim
    - Bite
    - Watergun
    - Rollout
    - Mud Shot
    - Brine
    - Ancient Power

    "Aero" the Aerodactyl
    Starters Gender: Female
    Ability: Rock Head
    - Iron Head
    - Thunder Fang
    - Ice Fang
    - Fire Fang
    - Crunch
    - Ancient Power

    Roleplay Sample:
    Here's the last post I have saved on my PC:

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    -Drew Tucker
    14 | Male | Vermillion City, Kanto

    Appearance: Just under five and a half feet and pudgy in frame, Drew Tucker is about as far from imposing a figure as one could imagine. Generous as his journey through the Kalos region has been on his body so far, his shapeless physique remains distinctly unimpressive. With the disposition of a mopey fourteen year old, Drew is prone to slouching, resulting in a permanent hunchback which he is convinced is the only reason he doesn't quite reach five foot five.
    All this isn't to say Drew is strictly unattractive. More to his frustrations than flattery, the teen is often teased for his boyish appearance. His large bulging green eyes, button nose and small mouth are features that take about five years off of his instantly recognisable 'babyface'. Despite his frustrations, his face doesn't appear to be in any rush to mature. Though, many would say puberty has been kind to him thus far. His babyface is usually topped by a scraggily mop of auburn hair, but has more recently been kept in a much sleeker crew cut.
    Thanks to the influence of Paige Manning, Drew is past his days of oversized hoodies and baggy tracksuit bottoms. He can now, more often be seen at least in a fitted hoodie and dri-fit tracksuit bottom. It's a small change, but the most significant consequence is that Drew's wardrobe carries much more variety than it has in the past. He even may throw in the odd jumper or shirt from time to time.

    Personality: Drew is the embodiment of stoicism done wrong. He keeps his cool, he's calm, but his unreactive demeanour is more a result of uncertainty than it is self control. He almost always comes across as unenthused, unimpressed, unsatisfied. Much of this stems from his deep rooted pessimism. It comes as a double edged sword, but Drew has a preference for the uncomplicated as he has little faith in the sincerity of the intricate. He has no real fascination with things like machinery or law; his attention is drawn much more by things like fishing or farming.
    Many would call him lazy, and they're probably right. He's perfectly content, just being. While he's no stranger to the phrase 'this is boring', the words 'I am bored' have rarely been uttered by Drew Tucker. If he's left to his own devices, he can be at peace with relatively little stimulation.

    While he's hurt by his hesitance, he often finds his failure to react in an instant often gifts him time to consider his next move more carefully. As he's a bright kid, Drew benefits greatly from his ability to be a rational thinker in a stormy situation.
    He's no artist, but Drew is crafty. The boy has a knack for thinking outside the box and it's come in handy on several occasions.
    It doesn't take much to keep Drew occupied. By no means does this mean he's stupid, but instead, that he finds value in the strangest of places. He could stare out at the ocean for hours and feel completely vindicated in his decision.

    Drew takes no shame in taking the easy way out. Digging for a shortcut is a key part of every task he partakes in. He's absolutely not above taking a nap on the spot if he's just undertaken any partially strenuous menial task.
    Drew has never been one to fight for any kind of 'lost cause'. Coupled with his laziness, his pessimism is easily his greatest hindrance, as he has been known on occasion to give up if he feels he has to work too hard to think of a way out. If things seem even remotely bad, he'll almost always be reluctant to put in any effort.
    Drew vs Authority
    Drew's difficult home situation has meant he has little experience receiving orders. It's something he isn't a fan of. He often gets himself in trouble when his rebellious nature takes over.

    Aspirations: Initially, Drew stepped on the beaten trail as he was forced into it by his parents, who were convinced he needed to go out and be productive. He always had an innate talent for battling, so being a trainer seemed like an easy gig. Through the hardships he's suffered on his journey so far, Drew has come to the realisation that the life of a Pokemon trainer is no walk in the park, and has considered giving up plenty of times. Being inspired by his classmates, who have left him firmly behind and have even had to save him on multiple occasions, Drew in determined to finish his journey. In short, he wants to prove that he can do it alone. He never wants to rely on anyone again.

    Brycen the Quilladin
    Vine Whip | Rollout | Bite | Leech Seed | Pin Missle | Seed Bomb

    Pokemon:(As of Shalour City)
    Scrafty | Caesar | Male
    Eevee | Nebula | Female
    Aron | Levi | Male
    Gligar | Zephyr | Male
    Horsea | Sniper | Male
    Leafeon | Salad | Male

    "I dunno...sounds like a lot of work"​
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    How many Pokemon can u have in your party before and during the rp? Is it the same limit as the games or can it be however many?
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    Your character, Chris Rodriguez, is Accepted!

    How many Pokemon can u have in your party before and during the rp? Is it the same limit as the games or can it be however many?

    As a new player the rules for the pokémon you start with are in the first post. The maximum amount of pokémon you can have in your team, as per official league rules in the Kalos region, is 6.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]
    "This is going to be so much fun! Let's go together!"
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Avril Morris / Female / 17 Years Old / Nimbasa City, Unova

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]


    Avril stands at a height of 5'6" and sports a rather fair skin complexion. Her platinum blonde hair is kept short, reaching down to just past the base of her neck. It is offset quite nicely by her sapphire-blue eyes. Avril keeps a rather slim figure, one that she can attribute to being quite active, both in her youth and now. In terms of clothing, While Avril used to dress in a rather plain fashion, she has since taken to wearing slightly more trendy clothing. These include various form-fitting tops which are often offset by a comfortable, black leather jacket. She tends to wear denim shorts and jeans on her legs, with a pair of stylish, brown leather boots on her feet. Regardless of what style she decides to go with, Avril is never seen without her beloved black, wool stocking cap. She tends to wear a strange stone that she received from her older sister on her birthday as a necklace of sorts.​


    Initially when setting off on her journey, Avril had dreams of becoming a great author. She planned to take the world by storm, creating a page-turning story based on her journey across the the Kalos region. Avril was one who believed the best story would have been filled with her own personal experiences, one that would have chronicled her victories, defeats, friendships, hardships, and the likes would have been a tale to truly set her above and beyond other works of literature that were circling about at the time. That said, her dream was put on hold and possibly even shifted as her views about the world and just what she knew began to change. Avril realized in Lumiose City that she was not emotionally or worldly experienced enough to truly craft that story she had been wanting to. Rather than focus her time on a story that truly would not be able to capture the essence of that tale, Avril has shifted her travels to be one of self-discovery instead. The girl is now deeply invested in experiencing everything that this world has to offer, all while finding just what kind of girl she truly wishes to be.​


    • Friendly - Avril is a very friendly sort of girl. She believes in putting her best foot forward and trying to make at the very least an acquaintance out of most people she meets. A people-person by far, Avril enjoys the company of both human and Pokémon alike. She is always willing to listen if they have a problem and will do anything in her power to help.

    • Physical Endurance - Because she often spends so much time on the go and outside, Avril has a very good physical constitution. She is able to run and climb for extended periods of time without feeling the slightest bit of fatigue and enjoys taking long walks as a result. Because of this, she should be capable of journeying long distances before feeling the need to rest for the evening.

    • Minor Pokémon Medical Knowledge - Avril's mother works at the Pokémon Center at Santalune City. While Avril does not have a vast knowledge of the finer details in treating Pokémon wounds, she does at the very least know how to treat minor injuries, at least making them somewhat stable enough should the next Pokémon Center be somewhat farther off down the road.


    • Naive - Avril is quite naive. Overly so in fact, to the point one would almost assume that she's innocent. Avril has a deep-seated thought that there is some good anyone, and believes that that good-hearted intent is just waiting to be brought out. Easily fooled, it doesn't take a lot to pull the wool over her eyes. Still, even when faced with the cruelest of intentions, Avril will merely shrug it off and often assume it merely had to be some sort of joke.

    • Daydreamer - Avril tends to let her mind wander on many occasions. It is not unusual to find the girl merely staring off into the distance, her mind filled with thoughts and imaginings that could make even the most avid fantasy author jealous.

    • Fear Of Dark - Avril, despite being at the age of 17, still has a deep and long-running fear of the dark. This can make exploring places such as caves a real problem. In fact, much to her embarrassment, Avril still sleeps with a nightlight, just in case something should try to go bump in the night.

    Pokémon Team

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Shino the Frogadier (Male / Bashful / Highly Curious / Torrent)
    Smokescreen | Quick Attack | Water Pulse | Ice Beam | Surf | Camouflage

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Marble the Flaaffy (Female / Bold / Likes To Relax / Static)
    Take Down | Signal Beam | Iron Tail | Electro Ball | Thunder Shock | Thunder Wave

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Lulu the Shuppet (Female / Naughty / Mischevious / Cursed Body)
    Screech | Nightshade | Spite | Shadow Sneak | Will-O-Wisp | Feint Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Radar the Noibat (Male / Serious / Quick Tempered / Infiltrator)
    Bite | Wing Attack | Air Cutter | Agility | Roost | Razor Wind

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Cecil the Shieldon (Male / Careful / Alert To Sounds / Sturdy)
    Tackle | Protect | Iron Defense | Take Down | Taunt | Metal Sound

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Mint the Jigglypuff (Female / Adamant / Likes To Fight / Cute Charm)
    Sing | Disarming Voice | Body Slam | Gyro Ball | Rest | Wake-Up Slap


    • Pokédex
    • Holocaster
    • TM Case (Flame Thrower, Ice Beam, Surf, Ancient Power, Payback)
    • x1 Poké Ball
    • x2 Great Balls
    • x3 Dive Balls
    • x1 Love Ball
    • x3 Potions
    • x1 Stardust
    • x3 Pecha Berries
    • x3 Heart Scales
    • Ampharosite
    • Odd Flower
    • 2,800 Poké Dollars

    RP Sample

    Moves, moves, moves.

    Bleep bloop. Here comes the new guy.

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    However... Even I'm able see... That there's entirely too much hate in this world of ours. Even as I am, I've always wanted to do something about this hatred, but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. But I truly believe that eventually the day will come, when all people will understand one another and live in harmony.

    His words echoed in the 20-year old Emma's mind as she gazed upon his cold, dead body, leaning up against the hardened wall. When she discovered the bodies for the first time, she gently felt her hand upon the two victim's. She felt them still warm, until it grew colder. Hard as it was, there was no longer any doubt in her mind.

    Her mother and father are dead.

    CASE FILE: One who Finds the Dark Truths

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    "It doesn't matter who they are, and what they do.
    There is only one truth, and the truth will always prevail. To find the truth, is my eternal goal in life."

    Name: Emma Kuzunoha ♉
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Straight
    Place of Birth: Aquacorde Town, Unova
    Nationality/Species: Unovian/Human
    Occupation: Budding small-time detective​

    Childhood/Family Life: Born in raised in Aquacorde City, she lives as a lone child with her mother and father. Her mother is an actress, even before her tender years as a student at High School - she had a prospectively prosperous future in the film industry. Her father is a prosecutor, even at a young age he was already noted for his sharp intellect and deductive abilities. A few years after the two met and became married, they had Emma, who has a glow with her beautiful blue eyes, even as a baby.

    As Emma grew, she often was left alone at home since her two parents were always quite busy with their work. To pass the time, she read many mystery novels, and watched different kinds of mystery television shows and movies. Overtime, the life of a detective became a passion for her. As for pokemon, while it was an interest second to mystery, she still developed a love for pokemon, just as all kids around her age.

    Things were working out well for Emma, having a normal life alongside her parents... until one dark day. The hall was dark, and the lighting was dim. It didn't seem properly renovated yet. Still, Emma found her way back home. The front door seemed, so Emma started to knock before coming inside. "Father? Mother?" she called out, creeping her way inside. "I'm home!"

    There was no answer. Calling for them louder, but again with no answer. Curious and concerned mind as she was, Emma slowly opened the door. Strangely, while the door was slightly open, the lights were off. She try to feel where the light switch was at with her left arm, turning on the lights. That's when she saw an unspeakable horror.

    She saw her father and mother slumped on in the seemingly spacious room on the wall. She gasped and clasped her hands on her mouth, watching blood run down the wall to the floor, throughout their clothing. Their eyes were closed, his father's glasses were shattered, and her mother's apron soaked with blood. She got on her knees, with her eyes welling up.

    By the time she grasped what happened with her parents, she unintentionally let out a blood-churning scream.

    The police were stumped by what happened as they surveyed the area, searching for answers, but finding no clues. Emma was distraught, living as one naturally dead... barely eating or sleeping. But one day, it was then Emma finally made a decision. To find her parents' killer, no matter what. She got into trainers school when she was 17, learning more about pokemon and how to become a trainer for adventures. She also intensively studied a wide variety of subjects from History to other affairs, with one goal in mind: to become a detective. With the hatred of crime with abnormal passion, she vowed to track down her parents' killer, and stop any amount of crime as possible.

    This was the start to her destiny.

    Education: Set to graduate under the Pokemon Trainer's School, she also studied law, and various other subjects over the years.

    Accomplishments: Her achievements are mostly based around school, getting all-around knowledgeable about the basics of Pokemon. Now, she attempts to solve case after case, gaining strength along the way. She also earned two badges during her journey.


    + Knowledgeable: She knows a lot about Pokemon, due to her excessive studying. It mostly comes to play whenever she encounters a new Pokemon; she could recall it's name, ability, and anatomy.

    + Idealistic: She is someone who envisions an ideal world rather than the real one. While one can call her naive, she is strong because she always strives to follow her goals of peace and justice for the region, and for the world.

    + Responsible: Mostly in terms of caring for Pokemon and loved ones, she's the most responsible there is. She would never put anyone in more importance than others; she treats everyone equally. Her parents have often bragged that her strength comes from her caring nature, and boldness when it comes to overcoming obstacles.

    + Left-Side Brain: She is more logical, analytical, and objective. She prefers to be more pragmatic about solving problems, then rely on unreliable eccentric and obscure methods.


    - Rash: She can be a rather rash decision maker, not thinking about real consequences of heer actions to pursue justice. To her, justice is the most important subject to be concerned with first and forth most.

    - Insensitive: She can be rather cold towards strangers, or even acquaintances. She's bluntly honest, even when it comes to discussing flaws of a person.

    - Has a certain phobia: She has a fear of spider like Pokemon, even to the point where they can freeze her in fear in place. Perhaps this fear originated from her childhood, but no one knows the exact cause.


    Species: Roselia (starter)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Emma's first Pokemon that evolved from a Budew. A pokemon who always seems cheerful and happy towards others. Perhaps Emma's polar opposite of her cold and logic-filled nature, the two seem to complement each other as a whole.

    Nickname: "Vida" - Life in Spanish
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Poison Point
    Move set: Leech Seed | Stun Spore | Water Sport | Leaf Storm | Magical Leaf | Toxic

    Species: Lucario

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Emma's Pokemon she befriended. She is brave, and compassionate and empathetic to Emma's feelings. It seems as though her power is connected to Emma's somehow...

    Nickname: "Kagura"
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Move set: Aura Sphere | Force Palm | Bone Rush | Meta Claw | Quick Attack | Foresight

    Species: Lapras

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    A Lapras Emma rescued on one of her recent cases. Her owner was previously killed, and thus, Emma volunteered to look after it.

    Nickname: "Julia"
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Water Absorb
    Move set: Water Gun | Mist | Confuse Ray | Body Slam | Ice Beam | Sing

    Species: Bagon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    A mischevious, battle hungry Pokemon Emma took along with her travels. It usually pops out from his Pokeball or from Emma's bag in a random, comic relief apperence.

    Nickname: "Drago"
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Rock head
    Move set: Dragonbreath | Headbutt | Bite | Ember | Focus Energy

    Species: Milotic

    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    A Pokemon Emma evolved in Cyllege, thanks to a dear friend. It's strengths are still unknown, but it's beauty is obvious.

    Nickname: "Titania"
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Marvel Scale
    Move set: Twister | Dragon Tail | Aqua Tail | Water Pulse | Recover​




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    Player Status: New
    [PokeCommunity.com] Z: A Kalos Journey - Rebirth [M]

    Name: Annika Jiraiya

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Hometown: Vermilion City in Kanto

    Physical Appearance: Click! She stands at 164.3 cm tall with a weight of 50.8 kg.





    Aspirations: She mainly wants to distance herself from her father, who is an important person back where she lived. Every time someone looks at her back home, they don't see 'her', rather they see 'her father's daughter'. Because of this, she doesn't have any friends, and the only people she really knows is her mother and father. She really wants a friends to share her joys with.



    Roleplay Sample:
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    Is it ok if I add her family/relatives(npc's) to the sign-up sheet? And is there still space for more people to enter the rp?
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