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The Elemental Stones V2.0

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Name: Yuuki Mitsukai


Village/Element: Seiteki Village/Lightning

Embedded Spirit: Zapdos

Pkmn using: (Pichu)Raichu, (Electabuzz)Electivire

Appearance: Yuu-chan has honey blond hair that reaches about mid-back and dark, molten gold eyes. She's not very tall, and is often mistaken for younger than she actually is. Her favorite colors (which are probably influenced by her element) are yellow and gold, but she prefers brighter hues of them to match her own personality. She can often be seen wearing a black camisole with a yellow lightning bolt running down the middle and a matching yellow miniskirt. Her sneakers are yellow and black too, with gold trimming lining the bottom. If it's too cold out for just a tank top, she pulls on a yellow jacket.

Personality: Yuuki, much like her choice of color, is bright and optimistic. She's quick to trust people (which at times can get a bit dangerous) and she believes that everyone, despite how terrible they may act, has some good in them. She can get a bit hyper-active at times, just like a little kid, which is why people always mistake her for one. She's a people person, and hates being by herself. She also loves making friends, and is the epitome of naiveté. She dotes on her pokémon, treating them more like equals instead of battling partners. Some people like to say she's too soft, at times.

History: Yuuki hasn't exactly lived a peaceful life, what with all the war going on, and ever since her mother died at birth, she's put all her effort into being overly positive and hopeful for the future. She was very lucky that the people of Seiteki Village were so kind to her, taking her in as a sort of adoptive daughter. Her mother and father were very well-respected in the village as decent people, and because of that, Yuuki has the assurance of a safe place to rest and a decent meal every night. She tries not to let her dark past get to her, but every once in a while, her happy-go-lucky façade breaks down, and she can't help but get upset.

Ability: Extra Fast
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@Pilup: Accepted.

@Lightning Rider: You had a typo or something there, just wondering ebcause your mother doesn't get killed by a stranger, she does giving birth xD
This looks really awesome, but I can't figure out what's been taken and what hasn't. ^^; Would you mind telling me what types haven't been taken? Thanks.
@Cosmiclefairy: Accepted, but Genger is primariyl ghost type =/ I would prefer you use a primarily poison (Or pure poison) type over than Gengar. Also, your pokemon are still basic form and lower levels (see rules), but it was easier to ahve final forms stated, because of the different eveelutions etc.

Awww, no gengar-san? oh well, i'll ust make the appropriate changes.
OOC: Sign-up updated to be Grass rather then dark, slight changes to appearance made in order to reflect the fact that Dark is no longer the home city, and Pokemon and embedded spirit have been swapped for obvious reasons. 0_o I can't believe I didn't see Killer's sign-up....
Hope this is alright...

Name: Tsukiko Date, is often addressed as 'Tsuki' or 'Tsuki-chan'(The latter only by her father, as she hates how childish it sounds.)
Age: 14
Village/Element: Soukutsu Town, Ghost
Embedded Spirit: Gengar (:D)
Pkmn using: Shuppet(Banette), Fuwante(Driftblim... are D/P Pokemon okay? If not, I can change this one.)

Appearance: 'Short and stout' is, all and all, a pretty accurate way to describe Tsukiko's appearance. (Although if you ever called her that, she would probably give you a good punch in the face.) That being said, she certainly isn't ugly, and if anything, her slight chubbiness lends a certain 'cute charm' to her appearance. (Which, ironically, she hates because of her tom-boyish nature.) Her hair is dark brown, wavy, and cut at about chin-length, which, along with her large, cocoa-brown eyes and 'baby face', only lends further to her much-hated cuteness. She is also pale in complexion, often giving the impression of some kind of porcelain doll. (Something else about her appearance that she hates.)
Being a bit of a tomboy, Tsukiko's attire mainly consists of boy's clothing, usually in the form of t-shirts, large hoodies, and baggy pants. She also tends to wear a lot of black, which she claims to be completely unintentional. At the base of her spine, she has a strange birthmark that looks like two upside-down 'v's turned slightly on their sides, which she is always sure to cover up. (Not that she has much of a problem, considering where it is. XD)

Personality: When Tsukiko was revealed to contain the spirit of a Gengar within her, it came as little surprise to the other villagers. Tomboyish Tsukiko is mischievous, mean-spirited, deceitful, and extremely confrontational: Hardly what you'd call a 'nice person'. Being very spoiled by her father has certainly not helped matters, either: She also has the constant need to get everything that she wants, and, should anyone refuse her wishes, won't bother even thinking twice about making them miserable. (Usually via cruel jokes and vicious pranks.)
Not surprisingly, she has very few friends(At least, true friends: Her 'friends' mostly just consist of people who simply don't want to be on her bad side.) other than her Pokemon.
This is a shame, really, considering that despite her tough exterior, she does have a soft side to her, and if anything, merely acts the way she does because she feels extremely insecure about herself. (Not that she would tell anyone that.)

History: The only child of a rich merchant, Tsuki is and has always been but one thing: Spoiled. Her entire life, she has lived with the luxury of being able to get almost anything she wanted, and has always been and still is her daddy's 'little darling'. That being said, she actually has never gotten to spend much time with her father, and, although she loves him dearly, is actually much closer to her nanny, Hanako, who has basically been a surrogate mother to her. The two are very close, but in the past few years, Tsuki's 'rebellious teenager phase' has proven to be quite hard to deal with, leading to occasional feuds. One such feud led to Tsuki getting her own Pokemon in an act of rebellion(Her nanny and father thought she wasn't mature enough to handle them, which was probably true.), and well... one thing led to another, and now Tsuki has found that she loves battling, and can't see herself without her two trusted Pokemon. Surprisingly, she has proved to be quite the trainer, and has one several *small* competitions, although not all have exactly been won fair and square. *cough*Shecheated/bribed/etc..*coughcough*
Recently, her father has revealed to her that she was, indeed, one of the Chosen Ones, and, although Tsuikiko protested immensely, she has been sent to Seiteki Village with the others.

Ability: Can turn invisible for a short period of time. (Which refuses to do, strangely enough: After an incident when she was four, she's been afraid that she might turn invisible forever if she does it again.)
Other: She likes food. :D
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Ok, cosmiclefairy, its good now ^.^

Sakuya, its near the bottom of the very first post... it'll ahve all the elements listed and if they're taken or open... ^.^

And ACC, you're accepted. And btw, when I read the power thing I thought I already ahd the sunlight one in, ebcause I believe I was going to add that, but then forgot too... then I read that you had put it in, so thanks. However, please next, (and this includes everyone else who signs up as well) that if you want to add to the power, please PM me first, ok? Thanks! ^.^

And umm ACC, thanks. ^.^

edit: Kasedilla, you're accepted. ^.^ *updates list*
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KS- Ok, the post was updated. I hope the extended background and personality were what you were looking for....not sure how to expand the appearance except by drawing a picture.

Ash Jr- Thanks for the support. :)
WIlliam: You're accepted.

Lightning Rider: Please add more, I know you can.

And AJ, please fully switch your signup to ice, and NOT steel.
Here's my signup. ^^; Tell me if I need to fix anything.

Name: Allison 'Ally' Takuya

Age: 14

Village/Element: Tori Village / Flying

Embedded Spirit: *editing*

Pokemon Using: Taillow [Swellow] / Masquerain

Appearance: Allison [who prefers to be called Ally] is a normal heightened teenage girl. Being from a village with not much sunlight, she's is almost pale skinned, much to her dismay. Moving onto physical appearance, Ally has long blonde hair that is usually in a ponytail or braided, depending on her mood. Her eyes match with her hair, being only a darker shade of yellow/gold. They show her courage, vigor and strength tremendously. Moving onto her clothing, Ally wears a simple black t-shirt with a red jacket overtop that flares out in the corners. Around the sleeves is the emblem of her village, a small wing that interlocks with the other wings all the way around. Her normal blue jeans curve around her waist and have slight holes in the knees from being worn so much around everywhere she adventures. Her tennis shoes are a light grayish color with many marks of names of her friends that she randomly drew, along with hearts and stars from being randomly bored. Around her neck is a cross shaped necklace that her little brother gave her on her sixteenth birthday. She also wears a watch on her left wrist and a bracelet on her right wrist.

Personality: Allison is a friendly person, always willing to help others if needed. Of course, she knows that there are limits to what she can do and knows when she needs to stop or when she needs to continue on pursuing her goals. When she's not doing something of merit, she's been known to be a very nonchalant person, not really caring about the things she can't control. Considering that she is a chosen child, Allison is a pretty intellectual person, knowing and having many formulas and math in her head that swarm around her all the time. She's also a bookworm, always wanting to read and be alone as she reads about more mysteries or just world events. Whenever she's in a dire situation, Allison is good to hide her emotions and she's very level headed and keeps a calm appearance about her, knowing that if she were too lose her cool, everyone around her would probably lose their cool and start worrying as well. Allison is also one of those people that has extreme diligence and doesn't want to stop working on something that she knows she has to finish. Even though she does know her limits, she is a human and sometimes will reach out beyond her limits and hope that she can reach and just do what she needs to do.

History: Born in the Tori Village, Allison was always raised to love Flying type Pokemon. She knew about her mother's death from when she was born and even though her father told her many times that it was destiny that her mother was to die with Allison was born, she hates him for saying that. She almost feels as if it was her fault that her mother died. Because of this, she doesn't really like to be around people when she's doing things dangerous. She doesn't want them to die the way that her mother did. Eventually, Allison's father remarried to a beautiful, kind woman that Allison respected but never saw as her mother. They had another child, named Koji, whom Allison took upon herself to protect. Even though they were only step siblings, Allison knew as an older sister, and that Koji had her blood running through him, that she had to protect him from the true hatred of the world. It was her duty and since he was born, she protects him from bullies and people who just want to hurt him in her eyes. It was about two years after Koji was born that Allison became apparent of her inner spirit. Lugia was a legendary Pokemon that she knew had a good leadership, not to mention, determination. Now she knew why she was the way she was.

Ability: Strangely, Allison sprouts wings from her back when angry and can fly short distances.

Other: N/A
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Sakuya, your sign up is almost good, but, your age HAS to be 14, as well as you can't have Lugia (its primarily psychic) and Altaria (Primarily Dragon) and sorry, but Masquerain is mainly bug, but I'll let you take it, since I don't think Piggy555 will have it.
I don't see a problem changing my pokemon, but I don't know what my spirit would be....there aren't any normal/flying pokemon that I really like and Flying's a hard one to actually have a pokemon to fit with. :/ I mean, Psychic's already been taken, right? What's the problem letting me keep Lugia? Unless you really don't want me too, of course. And sorry about that age thing. I thought it was 14 or older. XD *edits*
You bring up a good point (with Lugia) but I suggest you change Altaria, ok? Also, since you plan on using Lugia, avoid being psychic-y, ok? I hope you understood that. Anywho, everything is better now. ^.^
Already changed Altaria to Taillow/Swellow, since I seem to like them more anyway. And I won't act Psychic-y. XD That's a funny word, but I won't. Promise. I'm only using it for the Flying ability. ^_^; Thanks for understanding.
Its ok. And yah, sounds wierd "psychic-y..xD"

Anyways, we only need I believe four more elements left? Good, I hope they get fileld up soon so we can start. Although I am sure we can start very soon anyways, and just have the others come in later.
Alright, thanks man, you're now fully accepted. Also, Lightning, remember your pokemon are basic pokemon right now, like 5-ish. *ahem* let the RP'ing commence!!

IC: It was dark all around. Pitch black, but I could hear footsteps running in a hallway from afar. I tried to run near them, and see if I could figure out what it was, when out of nowhere, he came back. I shook my head, "Not again" I tried to wake up, but this time I couldn't. I felt locked up now, when suddenly I awoke, but with words being spoken to me in my head with a hollow yet bold voice saying "Go, go to Seiteki Village, meet up with people you know.". When I snapped out of it and saw my surroundings, same as everyday; the black, cold emptiness of the woods. Dead trees, rotten trees, and trees that were dead and rotting on the ground. I shook my head again, making sure I was awake. I stood up, and felt fluff being rubbed aginst my feet. I jumped back half-scared and looked down only to see Eevee. "Oh, hey, sorry about that Eevee.". The small brown fox-like Pokemon had just stared at me happily with a basket containing berries. I grabbed a few and eat a couple then called over Houndour, and then we all ate.

After we ate, the effect of the dreams still hungover me, and I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. I walked around a while, and decided to go to this place, see if I could figure anything out. But wait, which way should I go? I sighed and realized it was time to sneak into the village, although it wouldn't be sneaking due to ti being morning now. At least I got some sleep.

I entered the large city, my neck extending to look for some sort of map of the seventeen villages. Finally, near a road, was a map on the ground. "Random.." I muttered. I picked it up, and digested the map. "OK, so I am here, and I have to go over, that way, OK, not much. Just a few hundred kilometres to the North or something." I sighed and turned around and walked along the barren road to Seiteki village.
Cain started walking. He didnt want to let his pokemon strain themselves by walking with him. He was walking down a barren road that was supposed to lead to Seiteki village. But the only person who told him that was the old man who said he had a Mewtwo inside him.

Cain got tired and went towards a tree. He took out a pokeball and unleashed his Abra. He needed some company if he wanted to travel to Seiteki village. But once he let Abra out he noticed all he was doing was sleeping. As usual. The only attack that Abra knew was teleport which was very useless
I looked at the vast horizon and saw that Seiteki was only 1 mile away. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the border. I needed some company so I let out Fukamaru , who was as happy as always. "Okay , we're here Fukamaru. Don't run around okay?"

The little dragon nodded as it followed me into the village. I noticed a bench and sat there for a bit , eating a Snickers bar.
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