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Fanfiction Lounge

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What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!

Umm...my dad pestered me until I read a book on physics called Black Holes and Baby Universes. I actually understood about half of it. ^^;

Well... I'm not sure if it makes me a nerd or a fantasy buff, but I finally struggled my way through The Silmarillion. Yeesh- I can't go three words without running into something along the lines of "fell fiend". It's probably a good thing that my idol authors are Mark Twain, O'Henry, and Hemingway, because I would have to shoot myself if I wrote anything like that on purpose. No offense to Tolkien, because for him it got the job done, but I could never pull that off. Ever.

Oh geez...my best friend would rant at you right now. She's read The Silmarillion several times...and frequently yells at me to read the LotR books...which I just don't want to do...

Who here is actually interested in taking Astinus's suggestion and re-starting the ill-fated "Character Chat Thread" as a social group?

Me! I could figure it out, if you want.
I never notice my grammar mistakes until a few days later. ._. That's why I have betas. XD

What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!
Harry Potter. I quite like the books and the movies (though not the fourth movie! :X)

Who here is actually interested in taking Astinus's suggestion and re-starting the ill-fated "Character Chat Thread" as a social group?
Sounds like a good idea. On the other hand, I won't come to that social group very much because I'll be quite busy once school starts again.
I created the group, Thesis. Anyone who's interested, go on over to Social Groups and find the one called Character Chat.
Kc, you aren't exactly the best with grammar either. XD

Ha ha.....ha. I am getting better. But those were sticking out like a sore thumb, sorry to pick on you Bay. Normally I make spelling mistakes. My sentences usually make sense, usually.
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Ha ha.....ha. I am getting better. But those were sticking out like a sore thumb, sorry to pick on you Bay. Usually I make spelling mistakes. My sentences usually make since, usually.


-cough- Sorry, couldn't resist.
What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!

Reading pretty much anything sci-fi or fantasy, besides some well-known best sellers, pretty much makes you "nerdy." I can't think of anything in my reading selections as being particularly more nerdy than any of the rest of it.

In terms of nonfiction, I've read a variety of books on the English language, the most publicized of which would have to be Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Either one of those or E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation would probably qualify as "most nerdy."
What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!
Uh, I've read Fermat's Enigma, a book about a mathematical theorem. I think what gets me the most nerd points when people see me reading it is The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins, because it's a really freaking huge book about evolution (and really good, by the way).

But this is about fiction. So in that department, I've read the entirety of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, currently ten books, which are urban noir fantasy mystery novels about a wizard in modern-day Chicago and are mostly nerdy for the pop culture references all over them. The main character evil plays Dungeons and Dragons at one point.

...actually, my boyfriend lent me Snow Crash at one point, and I really need to read that (I only got around to the first chapter). Now, there's a nerdy book.

(And yes, I've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels, but that doesn't really count because everybody has read it. Except Astinus. :<)
What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!

I've read a lot of nerdy fantasy/sci-fi stuff. Hm...This is tough. I would have to say Pendragon (the entire series). I love it! I mean..where else can you read about some random kid who flies across time and space saving the universe?

I don't think the series itself is nerdy, it's more the way I interpret it. I see an idea and it really gets me worked up ("Woah...people on this planet have an advanced computer network/system that allows them to live inside dreams!" or "How the heck did one corporation take over that planet?"). It just makes my mind go insane thinking about all of this cool stuff.
Whoops. I meant Infinite Improbability Drive. It's a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference, so I didn't expect many people to get it...hilarious books. Too bizarre for words, but still hilarious.

Oh, definitely. If I may say this, though, I kinda prefer the first one over the others in the trilogy. I just found the humor to be funniest in it.

I need to move on to Adams' other books, though. I've heard Dirk Gently's awesome.

;_; I'm...not the nerdy outcast...! -cries in joy-

Definitely not. =3 Welcome to the internet.

The world is cruel to Pokemon fans...-sigh-

It is, but you're in good company. *pats* You can always use the internet as an outlet to your fandom. It's healthy!

Or something that will lead to years of therapy. One or the other.

(That said, I'm in the same boat. Only close friends and family know I like Pokemon. And only a handful know I write fanfiction about it. XD;)

What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!

Other than various fantasy and sci-fi novels, probably Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar, a book that explains various philosophical outlooks (and even the process of theory) through humor. In other words, it's one part joke book, one part philosophy text.

Or the entirety of the Exalted corebook. Exalted as in tabletop gaming. ♥

But if we bar non-fiction and not-quite-what-you-had-in-mind, then probably the various sci-fi and fantasy books. We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, The Dispossessed but Ursula K. Le Guin (as well as The Lathe of Heaven and a number of her short stories), A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin, currently working on Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler... Basically, if it has future socieites, aliens, spaceships, or kingdoms, I'll probably be interested.

Oh. And the script of an episode of Space Cases online, if that counts. I loved that show.

Tempted to join that social group, by the way.
That's...bad. They may be the best softcore science fiction novels in existence.
Well, now we just have a difference of opinions here. I have my specific science fiction books, and I read nothing else from the genre. And if that doesn't make me a nerd, well "stereotypes suck".

Ah, school really cuts into my writing time.
This is why I'm a college drop-out. :D

What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!
A 3000 page book on John Adams. But that's nonfiction.

The nerdiest piece of fiction? Well, that falls to a fanfic my friend wrote about computers. I learned way more than I wanted to know about those things from that fic.

Who here is actually interested in taking Astinus's suggestion and re-starting the ill-fated "Character Chat Thread" as a social group?
I find it hil-effing-arious that the one suggestion of mine that people followed was a way to save their precious precious character chat.


(And yes, I've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels, but that doesn't really count because everybody has read it. Except Astinus. :<)

The more you people try to shove it down my throat to read it, the less inclined I am to actually do so. *runs far far away with her OSC books*

...I need out of this fandom.
The more you people try to shove it down my throat to read it, the less inclined I am to actually do so. *runs far far away with her OSC books*

...I need out of this fandom.

I am going to guess that Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy topic has come up before.
No, I just hate people who chase after me and go on and on about how I should read such-and-such because "it's best book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11" The more people do that, the more I spite them by not doing so.

It might be a really awesome book, but let me decide if I'm going to read it or not.

Besides, I have a nice wonderful stack of books to read that I'm looking forward to reading. (Siddhartha and Sister Carrie, wut wut.)

As for the "let me outta this fandom!" comment. That's just in general.
No, I just hate people who chase after me and go on and on about how I should read such-and-such because "it's best book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11" The more people do that, the more I spite them by not doing so.
I have that happen to me too. XD There are times I'm willing to read a book my friends recommended, but other times I ask them to stop gushing over how great that book is. ^^;
I have that happen to me too. XD There are times I'm willing to read a book my friends recommended, but other times I ask them to stop gushing over how great that book is. ^^;

I dont have friends so i dont have that problem, XD

well except for you guys, and if I get annoyed I can just turn off the wireless card on my laptop.
What's the "nerdiest" thing you've ever read, in terms of fiction? Book, fanfic, manga, I don't care, just pick!

Eh...maybe "Paradise Lost" by John Milton? It isn't exactly nerdy, but it's a classic, and it's the author's take on what happened before and during the first few chapters of the Bible. God and Satan's respective armies toss mountains at each other. It's epic stuff. That and it was written in the sixteen hundreds, so it's like impossible to understand (most of the sentences in the book are a page long each).

A close second would be "Red Mars." It was written in the late nineties, and it described technology we are just now figuring out we may use when we go to Mars for the first time. That's called foresight. Pretty dense read though... I can't say with a clear conscience that I enjoyed it.
Instead of being the brat that I am and mock mock mock people, I'm just going to interrupt this conversation with a problem that I'm having.

>______________________< (To gain attention to this post.)

I just found this old short story that I started a few months ago, and after reading it through (Holy typos, Andy!) I decided to start writing it again. Unfortunately, I've recently been writing in another fandom than what the story is set in, and I changed my writing style for that fandom. The writing style for the recently-written fandom doesn't fit the style that I have for the story I'm writing now.

So, my problem is keeping writing styles separate. Does anyone have any suggestions aside from rewriting everything over?

Or should I just curl up in a corner and cry because my life can be summed up in two words?
So, my problem is keeping writing styles separate. Does anyone have any suggestions aside from rewriting everything over?

Oh...geez...I do that all the time, but I really don't know how to explain it...what I'm about to say is going to sound off-the-wall crazy, but it works (for me, at least), okay?

Imagine that someone (other than yourself) is reading your story aloud. Now imagine that someone else with a different voice is reading the other story (the one with a different style).

Take a while to get used to these individual personalities. Analyze the writing style from an objective view, rather than reading your own work. Heck, name the voices/personalities/styles if you want.

Eventually, when you sit down to write, you can think, "How would ___ phrase this?" It is easier to keep one writing style seperate from another if you can imagine them being narrated by different people.

Yeah, I know it's insane (probably clinically so)...but it works for me. That's how all of my muses came to be - variations on my writing style. -shrugs-
Well besides all of you guys: my sister, my parents, my girlfriend and my best friend know I like Poke'mon and write Poke'mon fanfiction. And the best part is my girlfriend likes me being the geek I am, and I'm proud of it, lol =)
*Cries in corner*
Why can't I find a girl like that?
*talks quietly to self* Well, there is Rhee. But she likes funny more the geeky *laughs to self*
Maybe I'll meet a new person at school this Wednesday... *done talking to self*
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