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Red Flags

  • 209
    • Seen Feb 24, 2019
    What are red flags that tell you to avoid a certain person? Anything they talk about, how they act, dress, speak, post on social networking?

    I do judge on appearance. People do keep saying, "don't judge a book by its cover", but I feel appearance reflects so much on how a person is like. Their choice in clothing, hair style, tattoos, and their level of hygiene is like that for a reason. I usually avoid people who don't shower for example. Other red flags are dressing like a "thug" (baggy jeans, chains, sagging, etc.) or having face/neck tattoos. My first impression is that anyone who dresses "ghetto", "trailer trash", have tear drop or pot leaf tattoos can't be reliable people. That's especially the case since from my experience with hanging out with those people at one point. Got backstabbed and walked all over by them years ago. I started hanging with the right people who dress and act decently and modestly, and they are some of the most supportive and nicest people around. That being said, I avoid people who try to present themselves outrageously and heinously. People dress the way they do for a reason.
    Other red flags are dressing like a "thug" (baggy jeans, chains, sagging, etc.) or having face/neck tattoos.

    This is basically it for me. If a guy that was lowriding and had face tattoos walked over to my front door, I would assume he was coming for something other than yesterday's newspaper. Culture is OK, but I reckon people should look somewhat presentable when they go out.
    People who:

    - dress like idiots
    - type as bad as 2009-2012 me
    - have bad hygiene
    - have ****** opinions
    - have bad taste in music
    - are ass lickers
    - are obnoxious
    - are shallow
    - are stupid as **** in general

    People who

    • Act below their intelligence.
    • Spend too much time worrying or judging what other people like.
    • Talks about anyone in a way as if they don't matter
    • If they say things that are really really ****ed up like generalizing whole groups of people or something
    • don't think I'm awesome
    • Type with the trendy lack of grammar unironically

    elaborate on what you mean by this
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    I wish I was shocked by the judgmentalness of the first few posts.

    When I think of red flags, I think of things that aren't the actual thing I dislike, but a sign that that thing is coming. So I don't put in things like racism/sexism, because those aren't red flags warning you of something, that is the something. A big red flag for me that's come out over the years is people who can amuse themselves by upsetting others. Most of the time the reason people can do that is a fundamental lack of empathy for other people, so it's only a matter of time until they intentionally rile me up for a laugh and then say "it's a joke, stop being so sensitive". Or if I'm upset about someone else being a jerk to me, they'll find it amusing instead of being supportive.
    I try extremely hard not to base my opinions of a person on what they wear or how many tattoos or piercings they have. While many individuals do conform to the stereotype they wish to resemble, this isn't always the case.

    My red flag is when I notice people trying to be smart when the goal is strictly for attention, or when an individual makes it clear that they think they're smarter than someone else or are looking down on them (aka being smug). These things are never okay.
    Red flags I avoid are girls that dress inappropriately, people that are too noisy and all over the place (I don't know how to explain it other than people that act like terrier breeds/Siberian Huskies), guys that are douches/talk down to girls, people (mostly girls) that always talk about one another in a negative way/gossips, people that constantly stare and never smile, people that are too immature/not smart enough for me, shallow/fake people, people that don't take care of themselves/have good hygiene when they do have a working shower/water and the big one: hypocritical people/liars.
    My Red Flags are as follows:

    - Obnoxious atheist (common on large social sites like youtube and Reddit)
    - Anti-brony (or negatively judgmental towards those who enjoy things not targeted to their age in general)
    - Enjoys bad-quality games/shows/movies (CoD, Jersey Shores, and most of Adam Sandler's films)
    - Spreads negative opinions on things he/she lack proper research on
    - Easily sensitive towards small things regarding ethnics (ones that bring out SJWs)
    - Treats the vocal minority as the only people companies should cater to *stares at Pokémon fandom*
    The largest red flag I can think of is general prejudice towards me. I present a lot of confidence and assertiveness in how I look, walk, and talk, and that can turn a lot of alpha types off before they even talk to me (shame). You know, that a-hole kind of look but if you talked to me you'd hear more abnormal things than dick talk (which in and of itself can put people off. When you're strange~).

    Most I meet either love me or hate me, and I think that's great because it means a hell of a lot less sorting and mixed-message deciphering and crap like that I don't care about. I wear sleeveless shirts, cheap sunglasses, jeans, I'm skinny and bony as hell with unwashed hair... if you talk to me you'd see I put an effort into maintaining a lack of prejudice in people. When people drop the prejudice card is when I lose that benefit of the doubt, and I'm more than happy to ignore them for it or whatever tells them I don't care and am not listening.
    I try my best not to judge people too early based on appearance or behaviour but I do have certain "red flags" which makes me a bit more aware until I feel more comfortable. Most of them have already been mentioned in the previous posts, such as bad hygiene, punk/ghetto clothing and the biggest one is if you treat people like they're worse than you in any way. I don't take that sort of behaviour very lightly.
    I have a lot of red flags that I look out for, but I'm having trouble articulating them. I generally tend to avoid people that express a negative bias towards any kind of minority aside from certain extreme outgroups. I avoid people that do things with the intent to get attention, or people who thrive off of chaos. I definitely avoid people who think sociopaths are cool. I avoid people that brag obsessively about themselves or people that talk a lot about how tough and hardcore they are and how they manipulated this or that person. Not having a well developed sense of empathy is another red flag.

    I don't really have any appearance-based red flags aside from staying away from people with bad hygiene and people with poor social skills.
    Blatant bigotry is probably the biggest one, if that even counts as a "red flag." Other than that I would say:
    • Making unnecessary, negative comments about someone's appearance. This includes clothing.
    • Elitism, arrogance, etc.
    • "You're not like other girls," or any other "compliment" that's given by insulting or putting down another person or group.
    • Lacking self-awareness and being inconsiderate to those around them. Includes being excessively loud in public, making inappropriate comments at inappropriate times, and not being able to pick up on (or choosing to ignore) another person's discomfort or lack of interest.
    There are probably a lot more, but these are the ones that seem to come up most often. I try to avoid judging people for inconsequential things like music taste or clothing style, but it's an on-going exercise and obviously I'm not always successful (I'm only human).
    -People with extremely far left or right political views. Especially those who push them on others and basically the fact they believe that their side is 8/8.
    -Religious Views would go there as well, honestly I don't care much for it other than the values its teaching. But when Atheists get all high and mighty and stuff.

    I don't really care for the negatives in people, because if others can see them in a positive light then they must be doing something right.
    Homophobic behavior is a red flag for me. I was talking to a co-worker at one of my jobs the other day, and he started to talk about the wedding that he worked the night before. He said, "I don't want this to sound gay, but the ball room was gorgeous and had all these pink and purple lights." I asked him what was "gay" about that. If it's "gay" to think something is gorgeous, then...just...I don't know. I was kind of in shock someone would think it'd make them seem gay (as if that's a bad thing to begin with) for using the word "gorgeous." :/ I'm still kind of flabbergasted as I type this, lol.
    People who smile too much.

    Seriously, what are you so happy about? There's no reason anyone should be this happy. You must molest children or something.
    Here are my red flags;

    Neck/face tattoos. Tattoos in general don't make you a criminal, but these ones tell me that you are a complete thug.
    Too much slang, really doesn't sound appealing at all. Sometimes the accent that goes with it really sounds unconvincing as well.

    I'm not trying to be judgmental here but even the look on people's face can also indicate a red flag to me.
    Red flags:

    People who swear too much. I'm not the most polite person in the world, but I really don't like people who just spit out bad words one after another just for the sake of it. I can tolerate if it has a meaning, e.g. you're mad for something or you're telling a joke with swearing involved, otherwise, just stay away from me.

    Staring. Really, there are some people (at least where I live) that just look at you from tip to toe, judging your stance/clothing/whatever. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

    People that gossip or spread rumors. This is also kind of personal since I have had people around me who kept spreading rumors about me, so I'm always afraid of people doing that again, that's why I avoid this kind of behaviour.

    In general, people who can't listen to others' opinions and/or have completely biased opinions on something without knowing what they're talking about, and expect you to think alike. I don't mind people having different views, but I avoid those who can't respect yours.