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  • Undead, concentrated sparkly, and no personality... I think you're right. He really IS Edward Cullen. And he never ages. That's got to count for something.
    I looked at your sig, and, okay, now I'm curious. How does Ash Ketchum = Edward Cullen?

    (Thanks to you, I now have a mental image of Ash glittering in the sunlight. With fangs. This will amuse me for quite a while.)
    As you are online, I must ask you the customary question "Did you finish the MST yet?" Because I've got the next chapter done and I'm working on chapter four, which had its first half basically write the MST for me. (I don't know why but the Erika and Misty scenes slowly convinced me there's the potential for a yuri pairing there. Perhaps it's the influence of the BlainexErikaxMisty weapon orgyfest in chapter three).
    I wanted to let you know that I read a couple of your stories, and I really, really liked "Victory"! It was such a cute idea! I didn't want to put this as a review though because the story's from a couple of years ago (and I don't really have any useful feedback, other than really liking it).
    Wow, that's a really good idea! I never thought of that. It would require more effort and time, but it would definetely help me review and prevent future mistakes.

    I'll have to organize my computer a bit before I get started. I don't want to mix up stories!

    Thanks for the advice!!
    Yup, I agree- completely hypocritical. Sorry about that...

    Actually, I find it hypocritical that I review stories at all because half the people I review for are better writers then me. But I know I always like recieving reviews because it means somebody read what I wrote. So even though I suck at spelling (I would be dead without spellcheck) and I'm not amazing at grammar, I review stories so the author knows the story has been read, and I try to be as helpful as possible to improve his or her work.

    So I don't mean to sound hypocritical (obviously), but I guess I naturally am. Thanks for letting me know though- about grammar, I mean. I'll spell it that way in the future. Hmm, maybe I'll go edit those...
    Oh yes I do. Yes I do indeed. xD

    MASTER is like an acid trip combined with a fire and a harem- but unfortunately it brings only the annoyances and none of the benefits of one sort or another that usually belong with that combination. xD
    Dude. Did I have anything to do with the new sig? Because if so, I feel zetta awesome. So zetta awesome that I'll begin stealing Minamimoto's catchphrase again. Because where he is, he doesn't need it anymore. xD
    It's still kind of "WTF" as to how Misty dying would kill Ash, or why there's a time limit on the blood, since it's not really a poison. I mean, even if it were timed to kill Ash at a certain point, Misty wouldn't be able to activate it if she was dead since her influence over it would vanish. So it's still in Ash's best interests to just kill her and be done with it, and she still pulled him into a plot hole.

    Not to mention the fact that if death really occured that way, I'm pretty sure Ash wouldn't feel it unless Misty basically damaged every cell in his body at once on a cellular level, so the scene where she causes him extreme pain is kind of off. As is the requirement of the blood drop, since Misty is obviously able to control water molecules in the air. Why can't she just make his cells asplode manually? And then there's the fact that what Misty explicity says is that she's "shifting the balance of water" as opposed to manipulating water already present. So yeah, still a giant plot hole that the story falls into.
    You are online. I am online. I spam profiles. I must therefore spam yours, while harassing you with "Did you like chapter two of the MasterT3k?" shiz.

    You see, you are vaguely funny. And therefore that means you must know something about funny. So if I can suceed in making you laugh, I am a proud person.

    Also I have finished part three, so if you have read part two, I can send it to you. And it has an orgy in it that defeats yours and Asty's, between Blaine, Erika, and Misty. Because nothing says "love" like the words "staff", "sword", "long", and "skilled" being used over and over in the same fight scene, within proximity of each other.


    Okay. You would shoot me. Then someone would report me. And then a staffer would be like "WTF?" and then get distracted by our lesbianism. Which is why the amount of males looking at my profile has risen. WHOO!

    Dur. I know you want... I mean, love me. It's just everyone needs a little assurance once in a while. And a hug, especially when their room is freezing. And I seriously need to take a picture of me in the jacket I'm wearing. It's the sexiest thing. All black and awesome.

    And there's this random tub of butter sitting on my desk.

    It's time to clean my room! Because, on looking to see what is on my desk, there's: two mint candies, a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, a bag of peanut M&Ms, three Rice Krispies Treats, three empty soda bottles, two forks, a knife, the tub of butter, a knife, an Indiana Jones book, a picture of Angel, and Ender.* The last two things are obviously to blame for all the food items. It's sexy time for them apparently. Indiana Jones is just there with his whip. 8D

    Card has, I believe, said that if gay marriage is legalized, then he will overthrow the government. Because his lover George Washington wasn't for no gay marriage when he rode off to war. That's not what America was built on, and that's not what America values. And Sailor Moon fights for justice in the name of the moon.

    Oh gods. Card and Washington getting it on because Sailor Moon will "punish them in the name of the moon". >_> That picture of Card will forever haunt me. Unfunf. Ride that general, Card.

    But, seriously, in all the books that I've read by Card, there's only been one maybe two marriages that weren't screwed up in anyway, where there's no/little problems between them. I mean, even Val had to deal with Jakt being jealous because Val was and will always be closer to Andy than to her own husband. As for Novinha...holy piggie on a stick, that woman goes through so much and really doesn't get any closure. Everything is just crap, crap, crap for her.

    I noticed that I sound rather intelligent talking about these books or Card in general. The sad thing is that I'm pulling this all out of my ass. This means that I am awesome.

    The crap that was on my fingers was actually International Delight Southern Butter Pecan dairy creamer. It was nasty and warm and sticky. Now my hands smell like frosting, because I was decorating a cake today, and the frosting got all over my hands. The amusing thing was that my first thought on seeing my hands covered in frosting was "Wonder if Jax would lick it off?"

    "So You Are Going To Be Attacked By Giant Ants", and it's all cheesy, with the creepy guy in the suit who smiles all the time, and the only information that the kids pick up on is "Knock a bugger in the head and then suffocate the thing! (Bonus Points if bugger is actually kid-in-a-mask!)" and Peter is like "Yayz! I is gonna beat up my brother!" And then there's Wiggin lovin' going all around as Val watches from the doorway.

    That book is so messed up.

    As is obvious, I am feeling mucho better-o. Of course, after everything happened at work, I punched a stone wall a few times, splitting a knuckle. Better than punching a manager in the face, though.

    *This doesn't even cover all that's on my desk. That's the abridged version! Unabridged version is $9.99 (plus tax in the state of Connecticut and California).

    I'm just editing this because I'm tired and should be asleep, but I thought it would be really kinda fun to just kinda sit here and ramble. It would be better if VMs had scroll arrows on the side, so that people are like "WTF, how'd she get a message that scrolls to the left, to the right, to the front, to the back. Let me see that Tootsie Roll!" And now I am reminded of how much I love 90's stadium hits.

    Speaking of songs, it took me until tonight to finally look up the lyrics of "Blinded By The Light" to learn that it is "revved up like a deuce" instead of "ripped up like a..." Well...a word that rhymes with "deuce". Same with "Bennie And The Jets". Bennie does not have electric boobs.

    Fun note!: Almost four hours later, the tub of butter is still on my desk. XD I am so bloody lazy.
    Not right now. Maybe later. It was just...ugh. Horrible. I was going to quit on the spot. ;___;

    But yay. I'm loved. Thanks.
    Jax...I need a hug. ;_; I had a crappy day at work and I wanna crawl in a hole and die. Can you reassure me that I have something to live for...that doesn't include Andy?
    And at 5:40 pm when I start this VM, I see that I missed you by twenty-one minutes. So...I'm awesome like that. ERGH. And if it wasn't for MasterZman and Ebon Blade, I would finally have two profiles on here with nothing but me. >( CRUUUUUUDDDD.

    Card sounds like he should write posters against incest. Like "Kiss your half-sister AND WIND UP BRAIN-DEAD!" or "Strip down to your underwear in front of your sister AND GET YOUR ASS KICKED BY A FREAK OF NATURE!!!!" or "Like your brothers in a non-incest way AND A TREE WILL FALL ON YOU!"

    And...your rap gave me a chuckle. Just never do that again. No more rapping.

    Make the partial-scarf into a harf/scat, a weird baby of a hat and scarf.

    As for work pictures, I have one that's really dirty-looking. I would say it's not safe for work, but I took it at work. This means that my workplace is awesome enough that we have not safe for work things hanging around the store. (By the way, I can't get the smell of that "love juice" that was on my hands to go away. I washed my hands many times, and I can still smell it.)

    Don't worry about last night. Not only was I busy trying to get through my friends page on LJ (having three communities that update at least twenty times a day means that I don't get through my friends' list as fast or as well as I used to) and other more-awesome-than-you people to chillax with, but it's not like I'm one of those "pAy AttEntIOn tO mE!!!!11" type of people. I'm understanding. It was your first (fist time? Nice typo) time signing into MSN, and you had other obligations to fill, like your RPG, which is important to you. And stop feeling guilty, dangnabbit! *smack* Christ on a pogo stick... >> I'm not going to make you give up what you want to do to keep me happy. You have your things to do, I have my own things to do.

    And the public service announcements Andy and Angel grew up on consisted of "The buggers are coming. EVERYONE DIES!"

    And it all depends on what Bill is willing to do to make Angel want to join in. 8D
    I don't think Val is either non-human, distant, or with a penis. >_> Until she gets married. But even then, there are questions raised.

    You have no idea what my mouth can do. =P

    And Angel goes "Damnit! He's whining again!" and heads to the bar. (Ha. And now there's a commercial on for Angel Soft toilet paper. XD)

    Personally, I dream about leaving and traveling a lot. I wanna go somewhere. On the plus side, I'm learning how to drive so I can actually go somewhere. On the downside for the rest of the people on the road, I suck at staying in my lane. XD I have a problem with my left eye so that it crosses towards my nose on its own unless I force it to focus. So when I'm driving, I either have to drive with my left eye kinda squinted, or I tend to drift to the right. But my eye freaks people out when I talk to them, because I also have the ability to raise only my right eyebrow.

    ...She's a super freaky girl! In her super freaky world...!

    Well, I beat the first five stages of Space Invaders Revolution, so now I have five more locations to save. So far, Will Smith hasn't shown up, but I'll keep my eyes open in Greece. Especially if that Fresh Prince theme song starts up. Or maybe I'll have better luck in LA. XD

    Um...y'know, when I was outside collecting carts and freezing my chin off, I remembered that you used to make scarves. And I had the fleeting thought that I could ask for a special Jax-scarf. Even though it would be crooked. ._. But I (lol, wasn't originally capitalized) would cherish it forever!

    And then I would pay you back by making something with toothpicks, because I can actually make things with toothpicks. =D

    I am so weird weird weird. x.x

    Nono. The whipped cream happened an hour after the milk. And look forward to a lot of pictures. I'm going to do a picture post on my LJ once my camera fills up again, since I mostly have pictures from work. And it's always a good idea to document yourself slacking off at work.

    I'll put out a personal ad for the replacement. Or I could look through the adult classifieds in the back of the newspaper I get to see who can join in. I'm sure there's someone out there.

    Actually, I've been waiting for you to go back to college. I miss our MSN convos. ;_; And on the semi-plus side, everyone's hours are being cut at the ghetto supermarket, so I might actually have more than one day off! So once I know my schedule, I'll let you know what day you might be able to look forward to sexy sexy weird weird me.

    And your OTP is much saner than mine. See, Andy would explode into flames, either by someone setting him on fire or by walking into a fire, and Angel would just laugh at him until Andy sets him on fire for payback. Then they'd roll around together, and someone would have to make a "flaming" joke. XD

    The more I hear about it, the more I think Bill and Andy should get together.

    Oh! And wave to Went the next time you're on my profile. :'D Higher staff are indeed watching us.

    Edit: About the MST thing, if the coding is too much for your fingers, send it my way with a key, and I can do it. My fingers have a nice build-up of muscles from work, so they won't be sitting there going "waaaahhh" when faced with thirty pages of code. And I wanna keep your fingers in working order. x3

    Fivehourslateredit!: Why do people quote a really long post and then respond with one line and two smilies? x_x Do they easily forget what post they are responding to? Huuuuurrrrrrrrfffffff ah duuuuuuuuurrrrr...

    Neardeathedit!: I was eating some cheddar Chex mix, and my mom goes "Hey, it was on the news that that might be contaminated with the poisoned peanuts! =D", so a few hours later, I'm sitting on my bed with pains in my stomach. Cue Astinus freaking the hell out and searching online for salmonella symptoms.

    Then I realized...I was hungry, and my tummy was complaining about that fact, since I didn't eat as much as I normally do. :B
    Thank you. Thank you for nearly making me die of embarrassed laughter, which then caused me to choke and nearly die then too. And all I wanted to do was come here and change my sig. This is how you repay me for the best night of your life...so far? By killing me? Necrophiliac.

    I'll try to keep my nails trimmed better so this doesn't happen again. =P

    Would you like me to fondle...I mean kiss...I mean lick...I mean...damn. What shall I do to make it all better?


    I'm quite sure Andy sits up at night and whines about how it was so horrible that he lost that little pixelated ball because he wasn't fast enough moving the paddle. And Val, because Val's just like "lol okay Andrew, be retarded so I can continue loling", is just like "Andrew, shut up, 'kay?" And Andy's like ";________________________; I shall write a book about that Pong ball", and he does, and it changes the world and starts a religion.

    (And and I could either make a Twilight reference, or a reference to one of my favorite 80's songs... I'll go with the latter.

    You tell me that you want me
    You tell me that you need me
    You tell me that you love me
    And I know that I'm right
    'Cause I hear it in the night

    I hear the secrets that you keep
    When you're talking in your sleep
    I hear the secrets that you keep
    When you're talking in your sleep)

    Wednesdays are awesome, because the store is dead, so I wander and do nothing. Except save Los Angeles from Space Invaders.

    I also fail at crafts. ;; But my hands are used to being cold. They have little circulation. And my coat is large on me, so the sleeves are long enough to keep my hands warm.

    I'd like to test that statement.

    Satisfaction guaranteed! =3

    And...I dropped milk on myself. XD

    EDIT: I was lurking the Bastardic Battle School (There's your title!) forum, and decided to have fun while lurking your forum. So I have a picture on my camera of my fingers covered in whipped cream. I shall spam you with pictures when I am not lazy! Bwameowmeowmeow.

    Editedit: zomg. That picture sounds like it came straight out of the beginning of a porno. Yay me! XD

    Editeditlasteditbecausei'mgoingtogoplaythesims: I think the male of our threesome has left. x.X

    Editediteditedit: I lied. :0 No Sims for me. I found sf_drama. I found very lulzy things on there that must be sent in private. Because, obviously, lulzy wank is more scandalous than you mentioning that I possibly wounded you during sex. :'D
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