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The Rainbow Connection [LGBTS Club]

I love how as soon as we started talking about looking at guys we got a ton of posts. lol

Well, it wasn't directed at me, but I was playing Guild Wars a few days ago, and a girl mentioned that she was bi, and 3 of the guys there said "That's hot" or something along those lines, and the other said "Why are you bi? That's weird." and made some stupid joke about doing both sexes at once.

After hearing that, I mentioned that I was bi, and as I expected, they didn't think it was so hot. To them a girl being bi just means she's willing to have a threesome.

Meh, not that big of a deal, but it was actually the only thing I could think of. lol

Ok I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I find it hard to take it seriously when an actual girl claims she's bi because of that. XD

That doesn't mean girls can't be Bi, it's just a stereotype of being bi. :<

Ok I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I find it hard to take it seriously when an actual girl claims she's bi because of that. XD

That doesn't mean girls can't be Bi, it's just a stereotype of being bi. :<
I doubt it was a girl anyway. Guys do that all the time to troll or get free items. lol

Heck, I practically had a mini-relationship with a guy on that game, when I was like 13, to get stuff... and I've played female characters ever since. lol
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Some guy said some homophobic things to me today.

I was wearing a sticker on my shirt that was of a rainbow-colored GOP elephant, so he called me a dike.

So, when was the last time someone made ignorant remarks directed at you?

I hate that. Heterosexual people often do not want to support LBGT rights because of the backlash. I just want to let you know that I am glad that there are people like you that exist. Gay people cannot be accepted by alienating themselves from the rest of society (straight people). Without support from straight people as yourself, would not be able to be incorporated. I loathe that you should have to put up with that.

The last remark that I really remember, was when I hugged my ex. His cousin said, that it was the most disgusting thing he had ever saw. Then he wanted to fight me; I met him 3 minutes prior (I will spare you the whole story after that). I really don't get it. But I am from the redneck capital of the world, lol.

Who else just hates the feeling that you get when the guy (or, for our lesbian friends, girl) you have been crushing forever decides to rant about their opposite sex love interests to you?

Haha, it's no better than when they rant about their same-sex love interests to you. It might even be worse, knowing that you could have a shot but don't.

Who else just hates the feeling that you get when the guy (or, for our lesbian friends, girl) you have been crushing forever decides to rant about their opposite sex love interests to you?


Ahah, ohhh yes. But we can still hold out hope..! I agree with Raichu though, at least they're not talking about same sex crushes - that way it's because of you rather than because of their sexuality. :/

Who else just hates the feeling that you get when the guy (or, for our lesbian friends, girl) you have been crushing forever decides to rant about their opposite sex love interests to you?


Bahaha. Any of my love interests in general, I do NOT want to hear about who they like! idk if anyone else gets this way, but I don't really cry about things anymore. I just get really, really sick. I've vomited because of stuff like that. :| I just don't wanna hear it. But at the same time, I'm one of those people that tend to like my best friends, so v___v; As much as I don't want to hear it, I'm compelled to. Otherwise I'm being a bad friend, ya know? But yeah, I think we can all agree here, gay or straight, we just don't wanna hear about that haha.

I hate that. Heterosexual people often do not want to support LBGT rights because of the backlash. I just want to let you know that I am glad that there are people like you that exist. Gay people cannot be accepted by alienating themselves from the rest of society (straight people). Without support from straight people as yourself, would not be able to be incorporated. I loathe that you should have to put up with that.

The backlash eh...I haven't dealt with it too much, other than being alienated and people thinking I'm gay because I support it. That's like saying if I was alive back when African Americans were slaves and I supported their emancipation, then OBVIOUSLY I must be black! (Maybe that was the wrong example but YOU KNOW!)
By god it feels like I've been gone for quite a while
I still want to throw in my answer though.
If you're gay/lesbian, have you ever had a crush and not known if they were gay/lesbian or straight (or someone had a crush on you and not known that you are gay/lesbian)? And if you're straight, has anyone gay/lesbian had a crush on you (or vice versa)? For both sides, how did you handle it?
I did crush on someone who I didnt know their orientation at the time, I found out in the end though when they began to talking about the who they are crushing on (gutted!). I have a few people crush on me too though who didnt know I am gay, it really did not end well for one of them which I find really quite sad. Thats life though I guess.

but I felt like a perv when I was on the basketball team, because I showered with all these guys that I thought were cute, lmao.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who did this. In that situation I always thought I was pretty disgusting.


Who else just hates the feeling that you get when the guy (or, for our lesbian friends, girl) you have been crushing forever decides to rant about their opposite sex love interests to you?

I concur. It especially doesnt help when they seem to have a new love-interest for every season. I guess I should be thankful to at least spend the time with them.
Have you ever been the 'Gay Best Friend'?

YES ODDLY ENOUGH. My best friend thinks I am secretly a gay black man, namely Kingsley from YouTube. He seems to be quite convinced. Coincidentally, my gay best friend is around here somewhere. And he is probably embarrassed by this post now<3
I used to play for a basketball team, but everyone on my team were annoying idiots so I didn't really like them as friends or anything else.

and can I ask anyone here who is male and homosexual, Have you ever been the 'Gay Best Friend'?

I'm closeted, but one of my friends keeps nagging me, saying that she thinks I'm gay (is it that obvious?). Anyway, she practically begged me to be gay so we could be gay best friends. She moved schools, so that's over with, but I don't think she would have got what she expected. For starters, I hate shopping.

I think that's really superficial.. you're either friends or your not.. being gay shouldn't have anything to do with it unless they're wanting to take that friendship to the relationship level.
>_> Why would you want to be labelled anyways? I thought we were moving away from that.
I think that's really superficial.. you're either friends or your not.. being gay shouldn't have anything to do with it unless they're wanting to take that friendship to the relationship level.
>_> Why would you want to be labelled anyways? I thought we were moving away from that.

You say that like it's a terrible thing or something. I don't see why you have to make it a big deal. I don't think it bothers gay men to be the "gay best friend." It's like being the token black guy, or the Jew of the group, etc. It's not meant to be offensive. Just one of those terms that use stereotypes in a funny way, not offensive way. Like learning to laugh at yourself. That's just what I think though. I can't speak for everyone. But you seemed to overreact at the term.
I think people generally don't like it when you make assumptions about them based on stereotypes. If you don't fit that stereotype, then someone trying to treat you like that may be really annoying.
Ctrl.Alt.Geak said:
In that situation I always thought I was pretty disgusting.
Haha aww, you shouldn't feel disgusting. It's normal, everybody perves lol

Have you ever been the 'Gay Best Friend'?
Good question! No, I haven't, myself. I don't think I'd like to be either, it's just not really the sort of person I am. What Kura said is technically true I guess, but the term 'gay best friend' is one of those more fun affectionate labels that doesn't really mean any harm. I wouldn't be offended if someone called me their gay best friend.

Impo said:
one of my friends keeps nagging me, saying that she thinks I'm gay (is it that obvious?)
I wouldn't stress too much about this if I were you. I doubt that it's anything you're doing that makes her pick up on the fact that you're gay. If you're more comfortable staying closeted for now, don't come out just for fear that everybody knows anyway (although coming out is something that's of course recommended :P)

I went through the same thing. I'm not an effeminate person, and before I came out I had everybody fooled except for one friend who made it clear that she knew and was waiting for my 'gay confession'. I think some people just have an impossibly fine-tuned gaydar and could pick up on things that normal people cannot. So don't worry, I doubt you're being obvious, it's more likely her than you lol
I can see where both Kura and Syd are coming from.

Yeah, no, I'm not your "gay best friend." I'm your best friend who just-so-happens to be gay. I don't really like labels like that, honestly. HOWEVER, I understand we sometimes need to take things halfheartedly. Like Syd said, it's just a moment where you play into the stereotype a bit; it's term made out of friendship, not of discrimination.

Does that mean I'm gonna go shopping with you and gossip about our friends in a sassy demeanor? Probably not. For one, I know nothing of women's clothing. You don't want me along... I'll get bored... :]

But to answer the question, yes, I've been the "gay best friend." Both online and offline. Haha.
I went through the same thing. I'm not an effeminate person, and before I came out I had everybody fooled except for one friend who made it clear that she knew and was waiting for my 'gay confession'. I think some people just have an impossibly fine-tuned gaydar and could pick up on things that normal people cannot. So don't worry, I doubt you're being obvious, it's more likely her than you lol

I have a terrible gaydar. v_v There can be a guy doing the most stereotypically gay thing ever and I will still assume otherwise. We had a guy on colorguard/danceline at my old high school, and people would make fun of him and call him gay and I would defend him and be like "just because he's on guard doesn't make him gay" but lol he was gay so I'm silly. :<

Does that mean I'm gonna go shopping with you and gossip about our friends in a sassy demeanor? Probably not. For one, I know nothing of women's clothing. You don't want me along... I'll get bored... :]

Um excuse me Larry, what did we JUST get done with the other night? Well we weren't shopping but the sassy gossip we were all on that. :| hmph.

Yeah, no, I'm not your "gay best friend." I'm your best friend who just-so-happens to be gay.


You say that like it's a terrible thing or something. I don't see why you have to make it a big deal. I don't think it bothers gay men to be the "gay best friend." It's like being the token black guy, or the Jew of the group, etc. It's not meant to be offensive. Just one of those terms that use stereotypes in a funny way, not offensive way. Like learning to laugh at yourself. That's just what I think though. I can't speak for everyone. But you seemed to overreact at the term.

Oh! It's certainly NOT a bad thing within the lines of friendship- however it IS a bad thing when others outside that friendship catch on and want to discriminate for it. :/ It's a sad thing to see and it happens often when people want to see you as "the GAY friend" instead of just "the friend." I don't think that should stop ANYONE from having fun and wanting to label themselves as a lighthearted thing.. but I can also understand that others may want to take it the wrong way... soo.. one way to deal with it is to just be yourself.. :3 being gay is certainly part of your identity but there is no need to deliberately publicize it unless you are ready to deal with the negativity that may come from it. (publicize= different than coming out of the closet)

All in all no one wants it to be a hurtful thing. Right? ;o;
Have you ever been the 'Gay Best Friend'?
I'm too am closeted myself, so I dont really think I can qualitfy, but whenever my best friend had LGBT related questions she would only ever come to me to ask. I dunno maybe she was onto me haha.
I was just sitting in the student center and saw a news clip about an app that's now out on the Android market: "Is My Son Gay?"

The app itself is a 20-question survey of "Yes" or "No" questions designed to identify your son's sexual preference. Via rue89, and translated into English by resident HuffPost French speaker Alice Hines, these questions are:


I like how if you wanted a girl before he was born that affects his sexuality. e___e;
Those stereotype questions are messed up. Nobody can determine sexuality by behaviour. Only when they actually fall in love. Besides, why wouldn't they just ask their son? Things like this piss me off!