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2016 US Presidential Elections Thread [Trump Wins]

I'm sure some BLM members are virulently anti-white, but I honestly find it difficult to misconstrue its overall purpose - to defeat disproportionate police brutality upon black people and realise racial equality in the justice and law enforcement system. None of that requires one to be anti-white, or racist at all. I mean, were abolitionists anti-white? Tbqh the degree of social change they advocated for goes much further than what BLM is advocating for now. Not sure what the argument is associating BLM (as a movement) to anti-white racism.
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I'm sure some BLM members are virulently anti-white, but I honestly find it difficult to misconstrue its overall purpose - to defeat disproportionate police brutality upon black people and realise racial equality in the justice and law enforcement system. None of that requires one to be anti-white, or racist at all. I mean, were abolitionists anti-white? Tbqh the degree of social change they advocated for goes much further than what BLM is advocating for now. Not sure what the argument is associating BLM (as a movement) to anti-white racism.

From what I can tell, the only plausible reason for your final sentence is that by associating BLM with such a viewpoint, it knowingly causes further friction between them and the general public. By painting all BLM supporters as being anti-white, it's of course going to cause much more resistance from those they're trying to reach. At best, it's a foolish assumption based on outliers within a movement. At worst, it's a deliberate tactic of warping perception to support the status quo.
So what are your thoughts if Gary Johnson wins the election instead. After watch this video, it sounds like there's a chance for a third-party candidate to win the election, leaving those who dislike both Trump and Clinton satisfied.
So what are your thoughts if Gary Johnson wins the election instead. After watch this video, it sounds like there's a chance for a third-party candidate to win the election, leaving those who dislike both Trump and Clinton satisfied.

I highly doubt there is any chance of that happening. Both Trump and Clinton have enormous followings and the US' political system is very much a two party system without much allowance for outside parties to have a shot.

Remember youtube videos are rarely good sources.
So what are your thoughts if Gary Johnson wins the election instead. After watch this video, it sounds like there's a chance for a third-party candidate to win the election, leaving those who dislike both Trump and Clinton satisfied.

Johnson is polling at 10% nationally, with about 2.3% chances of getting one single Electoral Vote, let alone 270. So, with a winner-takes-all electoral system, voting for Johnson is akin to not voting, or voting for the Spaghetti Monster- a waste of a good vote.

Also, Johnson's positions including cutting the budget by 43%, cut corporation tax to 0% and replace income taxes with a 23% sales taxes (who hit poorer people more, as they spend a larger share of their income in consumption);
supports displays of Confederate flags, abolish the Department of Education, end public education and instead give vouchers for young kids to go to basic and high school, and ban public loands for college students (tuition? Hope you have deep pockets!);
wants to remove all regulation about energy, do nothing about climate change, fracking is good;
wants to leave parents to choose whether to protect their kids from vaccinable diseases;
is against all tariffs or trade restrictions of any kind;
wants to completely privatize health care (aka kill Medicare, Medicaid and any sorts of subsides, if you can't pay out of pocket, you are free to die on the streets);
supports cutting unemployment benefits, raising retirement age to 75 and privatizing Social Security;
wants to give no federal funds for a public mass-transit system, but build more highways for private cars instead;


So yeah. You know Bernie Sanders? Then picture the opposite in everything except in legalising drugs.
Johnson is polling at 10% nationally, with about 2.3% chances of getting one single Electoral Vote, let alone 270. So, with a winner-takes-all electoral system, voting for Johnson is akin to not voting, or voting for the Spaghetti Monster- a waste of a good vote.

Also, Johnson's positions including cutting the budget by 43%, cut corporation tax to 0% and replace income taxes with a 23% sales taxes (who hit poorer people more, as they spend a larger share of their income in consumption);
supports displays of Confederate flags, abolish the Department of Education, end public education and instead give vouchers for young kids to go to basic and high school, and ban public loands for college students (tuition? Hope you have deep pockets!);
wants to remove all regulation about energy, do nothing about climate change, fracking is good;
wants to leave parents to choose whether to protect their kids from vaccinable diseases;
is against all tariffs or trade restrictions of any kind;
wants to completely privatize health care (aka kill Medicare, Medicaid and any sorts of subsides, if you can't pay out of pocket, you are free to die on the streets);
supports cutting unemployment benefits, raising retirement age to 75 and privatizing Social Security;
wants to give no federal funds for a public mass-transit system, but build more highways for private cars instead;


So yeah. You know Bernie Sanders? Then picture the opposite in everything except in legalising drugs.

I'd argue on an issue to issue basis Johnson is probably the worst choice. Similar in liability to the British Johnson.
Meh, I can't fathom how a third party could ever win, and this late in the game even. Most voters are pretty much locked in on who they want to vote for I think. Having a new face would have a couple people scratching their heads but it won't change much of anything I imagine.

Mr. King certainly has a... way with words, doesn't he? What are the thoughts on that? I thought it was funny as hell. I think the aftermath is even funnier. All the folks don't bat an eye when Kanye West goes all like "N this N that" (I would use the N word, because I'm allowed to because of my skin, apparently, but I wouldn't want to offend Whitey) but when Don King says it on accident everyone flips out. That's Hella funny. It's even more funny that he's black and talking about good ol' Michael J. I don't think I'll worry too much about that. I mean, what can you do? You can't control what the guy says.
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Remember youtube videos are rarely good sources.

You should also remember forum board opinions are just forum board opinions too. Not factual. Also there are quite a few YouTube videos out there that actually work on fact data, not just opinion alone.

Hell, when you come to think of it. If you want true data, see outside news sources. Non regional nor national, since ABC, NBC, and many others in the US are bias to what you want to hear and say. If you really want to avoid bias and listen to professional news stuff, look to Japanese cable, a lot of their sourced stuff is pretty good.
Johnson has a snowball's chance in hell. All the third party candidates do since they have to take extreme positions and that's only going to appeal to a minority of voters. Especially in this election where it seems like there is a great concern regarding stable or otherwise properly hinged candidates. Half of all the worry and attacks are against the suitability and temperament of the candidates so for someone to be seen as advocating what is essentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater is not going to play well with the electorate.

If he somehow were able to manage to win though, I think it would be worse than having Trump win in most ways except that I don't think Johnson would have any support from Congress no matter how Congress swings.

If you really want to avoid bias and listen to professional news stuff, look to Japanese cable, a lot of their sourced stuff is pretty good.
I've lived in Japan and watched their news and while they don't have the over-the-top, bombastic style of other news outlets, they have their own problems regarding what subject matter they choose to cover and how they portray it, i.e., they often go for conventional, unchallenging depictions of events, just like many other news outlets.
My Expectations today:

I don't even know what to expect from this debate. What will it accomplish?

I was listening to the news this morning and they were interviewing a couple from Georgia who were voting for Trump and all their stated reasons were things that weren't based in reality, just their feelings. Like, they feel that immigrants are taking all the jobs even when immigrants are taking jobs that existing American citizens don't want. How is a debate supposed to help inform the voting public when a bunch are making their decisions based on fantasies instead of reality?
My Expectations today:


pretty much

my school is hosting the debate and it's already crazy here, oh my goodness, Netto help

a cop saw the button my friend made for me that says "Tenorio 2016" (Tenorio being my sock monkey) and he just saw the big "T" on it and mistook it for a Trump button and he complimented us for being Trump fans and he's stationed on the street right outside my dorm and 911 send better help
I don't even know what to expect from this debate. What will it accomplish?

I was listening to the news this morning and they were interviewing a couple from Georgia who were voting for Trump and all their stated reasons were things that weren't based in reality, just their feelings. Like, they feel that immigrants are taking all the jobs even when immigrants are taking jobs that existing American citizens don't want. How is a debate supposed to help inform the voting public when a bunch are making their decisions based on fantasies instead of reality?

Ya conservatives in the US also dont understand that immigration increases real wages lol, even if they take "MUH JOBS!"

My predictions are that Trump will absolutely destroy Hillary. Even if he has worse ideas, he will still win. I dont think it will even be close because of Hillary's health and Trump... being Trump. I have two homework assignments for two different classes, so ill be watching the whole thing and looking at everything they say. Im pretty excited!

I want to see if Trump can make me change my pre-registration from the Libertarian Party to the Republican party when i turn 18. Im considering it simply to have a say and because the LP has been terrible recently. Johnson and Weld are a joke and fake libertarians.
It's been noted that challengers tend to do well in the first debate (I guess since they share a stage with the incumbent and that lends to their credibility) so I wouldn't be surprised if Trump appears to come out on top. I'm happy that Clinton isn't very arrogant (as I've seen her so far) and is also a woman, because it'd be very easy to act as if Trump doesn't belong on the stage (like how Al Gore would have possibly treated him) and that would really synergize with the fallout from the "basket of deplorables" comment.

Trump might be able to hype up Clinton's health, and if she tries to dodge and assert that it's irrelevant, he might be able to point a finger at her and denounce how all she does is hide things from people. That could play out a number of different ways.

Also, as the race stands, it seems like the election will be decided in Colorado and New Hampshire. If either one defects to Trump he'll have his 270. This is all based on the analysis on 538, btw.

I have a test on Wednesday, so as HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE as the debate probably is (and will be lol), I have to abstain even though it would be very fun playing debate bingo and a drinking game at the same time. Ahh who am i kidding
Watching now. Clinton just asked everyone to go online to fact check. Smart. You can't really rely on the moderators or networks to do that properly. She's been doing it pretty well, and Trump seems to be a little bit angry and uncontrolled.

Although it just devolved into bickering for a moment. Clinton is sometimes coming off as dismissive and Trump as whiny.
This debate is just... weird. Most of them are. I've been taking notes, and half of them don't even make sense.
Clinton's website was pretty smart, great way to think ahead.