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A Begining and an end


The beatles
  • 195
    This is my first fanfic and i hope you like it.

    Chapter 1
    The begining

    Its 8am in New Bark Town and two birthdays.When you turn ten in this town you get a magical animal with astonishing powers.These animals are called Pokemon.Now lets start this story already.Wake up said a voice somewhere.A boy obened his eyes his name is Shae.The voice was his mom a great Pokemon Breeder.Shae its time to wake up said Shaes Mom.Mom what time is it?Its 8am its time to get your Pokemon.As he gets ready his Mom was getting his backpack ready.Bye Mom the next time you see me i willbe a Pokemon master Shae said.He got on his bike and rode away to the Pokemon lab and waved goodbye.

    I hope you liked my story so far.
    First off its waaaaaaaaaay too short.
    Second when a person is speaking put it like this "This"
    Third when someone new speaks "Speaks"

    "Start a new paragraph like this."
    Hi there. I decided to help out your fic a bit by leaving a review. My review does contain advice, so keep reading if you want to improve your writing.

    To start things off, you should write your fic using a word processing program. Microsoft Word falls under this category. If you can't get Word, you can also search for various processing programs from the Internet. Either way, a word processing program comes with a spell-checker, to help catch spelling mistakes. Plus, you can take the time to write your fic and make it the best that you can.

    Second, there's the formatting of your fic. Put a space after each ending punctuation mark. Also, use the correct punctuation. For dialog (when someone says something), you use quotation marks: "..." And don't forget to make a new paragraph when someone new speaks. This is done to make your story more readable. People won't read a story that looks like a text blob.

    So, what does your story look like when it's formatted correctly? Like so:

    Chapter 1
    The Beginning

    It's 8 am in New Bark Town and two birthdays. When you turn ten in this town you get a magical animal with astonishing powers. These animals are called Pokemon. Now lets start this story already.

    "Wake up," said a voice somewhere. A boy opened his eyes. His name is Shae. The voice was his mom, a great Pokemon Breeder. "Shae, it's time to wake up," said Shae's mom.

    "Mom what time is it?"

    "It's 8 am. It's time to get your Pokemon."

    As he gets ready his Mom was getting his backpack ready.

    "Bye, Mom. The next time you see me I will be a Pokemon master," Shae said. He got on his bike and rode away to the Pokemon lab and waved goodbye.


    Your chapter is also rather short. You can help the reader visualize the world you're writing about by describing the characters and setting (where the characters are). Take a look at the Writing Guide v1.0 to help you out a bit.

    Don't forget to also take a peak at the rules.

    Good luck to you.
    Ihad some negative and some good advice and now heres chapter 2

    Chapter 2
    Thae Neihbor?

    Shae A begining trainer in the Pokemon world is on his way to Prof.Elm.Who is Prof.Elm he is the Pokemon Prof. in Johto and givesaway starter Pokemon.

    Morning Mom a girls voice said siting by her Mom eating breakfest.

    Hi Paige are you ready Paiges Mom said.Ready for what She asked.To get your Pokemon maybe her Mom replied.Oh right let me do my hair its a mess.Why do you need your hair done right now her Mom asked?Uh if I see anybody I want to look nice duh said Paige.Ok but be fast youl be late ok.When she got down stairs shae asked.Can you give me a ride.Her Mom just shook her head and nodded yes.

    Meanwhile about a mile or two away from the lab and home Shae is stranded with a broken bike trying to fix it.This is just my luck he said.A car went by with A ten year old girl(Paige)rideing in the front with her Mom.He didnt see his Bike has been stolen.This is just my luck as he ran to the lab.

    Hope it isnt that bad
    It's still too short. Try adding a little detail about the environment. Something like this:

    "The snow-white clouds deeply resembled pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes as Diamond drove by. It made him almost hungry to imagine it in his mind.
    The grass was another thing, too. It swayed back and forth, echoing the movements of the wind's patterns, tickling the Pokemon frolicking in it."

    Just a little detail is all I ask. It would make it seem more interesting. Also, try using locic and more adult vocabulary when two characters are talking.
    Ihad some negative and some good advice and now heres chapter 2

    Umm...no offense, but the negative bits tend to be the good advice. Really, take your time, plan, and write in proper detail. Your second 'chapter' has shown no real improvement from the first, and you've still got typos all over the place. That's bad, because it gives your reader the impression that you're either a) illiterate or b) lazy; neither is a good impression to make, so always run your writing through a spell checker and re-read what you've written before posting, because typos such as this one:

    Don't forget to also take a peak at the rules.
    (See? Even reviewers make typos when they don't double-check. ;3)

    aren't caught by spell checkers. Also, how much time do you spend on writing your fanfic chapters? Judging by their current length, I'd say that you type them out on the fly using that quick-reply box and that's just not going to cut it. Remember; each chapter should add something important to your story, either by advancing the plot, developing your characters or by providing the reader with new insight into the things that have already occurred earlier in the fic. Also, first chapters are critical for the survival of your fic; they're your first impression on the reader and usually they'll decide whether or not people will read the rest of your fic. At a bare minimum, your opening chapter should serve to introduce your main character and setting as well as a central conflict in the story (or at least hint at it) in order to establish reader interest. If, by the end of chapter two, your reader doesn't care about your character or the fate of the world he/she lives in at least a little, then that reader is most likely going to move on and find a better fic to read. Obviously, you don't want this to happen, so always pay special attention to your first chapters to ensure that you've got your readers properly hooked; then you can spend the rest of your fic steadily reeling them in. ;3

    As it is, you're not doing a very good job at it. First off, the contents of your first two 'chapters' could easily be fitted into a proper one (And, in all fairness, that chapter could also include your character receiving his first pokémon). Having countless tiny chapters in which little to nothing happens becomes very frustrating (not to mention boring) for the reader and is absolute murder on the tempo of your fic. This is something you want to avoid at all costs in an OT fanfic (I.e. a fic about a character going out on a pokémon journey) because it's the most common genre in the franchise, meaning that people will be pounding their fists into the table and yelling "Where's the innovation?!" right from the get-go and will really be expecting you to amaze them with something new and revolutionizing in the field. Stereotypical OT fics bore easily simply because there are so many of them and they're all over the place. If you don't have any new ideas to bring, you're going to need some mind-blowingly detailed characters, otherwise your readers are just going to walk out. :\

    And speaking of description: you have next to none of it. Like Hanako Tabris said: you should describe your characters and your setting for us, because we can't peek into your head and do it on our own. It's also important to note that description doesn't end at what the people look like; you also need to consider things like time, seasons, sounds, thoughts and feelings. All of these are important in giving your readers a good view of the events in your fic and in establishing the connection between reader and character. Word choices are also important in determining the tone of your fic (and thus your readers' perception thereof. For instance, compare this:
    "Shae, it's time to wake up," said Shae's mom

    With this:

    "Shae! Drag your sorry behind out of bed right this instant!" screeched the household dictator, also known as 'mom'.

    See what I mean about tone? My fictive example puts the mom in a worse light than yours, even though the information contained is essentially the same. The difference here lies in the 'collocation's of the word. A collocation is a mental association. 'Screech' and 'dictator' both have clearly negative associations (I.e. We instinctively think of those things as bad(, as opposed to 'Say' and 'mom' and thus lacing a passage about a character with such terms will make the character in question look bad by association. Conversely, and perhaps more essentially in this instance, you can give a better impression of a character by using words, metaphors, and similes with positive connotations. Connotation is a powerful tool and a great way to add depth to your characters, just as long as you don't go too far in either direction. How to say...always consider the synonyms for words you use (Check a thesaurus if you can't come up with any) and pick the word that has the right feel to it. Too much of the neutral ones you're currently using (Particularly 'said') runs the risk of leaving your reader cold. :3

    So yeah, that's about it for now. You should seriously check those threads Hanako mentioned (and that Grammar Advice thread linked to in her signature), because I've seen our dear fanfic mod lock fics better than this one for not being up to scratch.
    Exactly. If a poet got mad when somebody hated his poem once and gave up, he wouldn't be great. There are professionals on these boards, and they know how to help you. All they ask is for you to listen. I did, and I'm a much better writer because of it.
    Chapter 3
    The Lab

    Shae got to the lab and opened the doors and saw Paige and another boy with Prof.Elm

    Im here Prof. Shae said.Its about time Elm said.Sorry my Bike got ran over then stolen he said.I dont want excuses Elm said they have taken there pokemon your stuck with Cyndaquil.Thats the one I wanted Shae said.Ok heres your kids PokeBalls and Pokedex.Cool those are awsome Paige said.Oh Shae this is Paige and Jake.Nice to meet you guys Shae said.Nice to meet you also Paige and Jake said.Kids I have to tell you somthing Elm said.What is it the kids all said.You have to travel together in a group Elm said.What they said together.Why Paige said it weird to travel with two boys.You can go alone and in danger Jake said.I will travel with them i wanna be safe.Now go on your journey Elm said.Shae Paige and Jake make there way to CerryGrove City.

    Next time on The Begining and an end.
    The begining BE THERE!
    Wow, dude. Just... wow.

    Alter Ego here goes to all the trouble of typing out a large and extremely helpful review, which is a good couple of pages at my guess. You, though, are too good for it, say you don't care what he thinks, and then you proceed to churn out that... appalling piece of writing (in the loosest sense of the word). Your grammar is horrific (speech marks, ever heard of them. They happen when someone is speaking and can be found by pressing the 'shift' key, and the '2' key in unison). You clearly typed the whole thing out in the quick-reply box (word processors. Microsoft Word comes free with many PCs equipped with Windows OS's. I suggest you look into locating your PCs copy. If it so happens that you do not have one; I highly recommend purchasing it. There may be free alternatives, but I am too lazy and blinded with grammar-nazi rage to go and look them up).

    This thread is under serious threat of being locked by CWTAP and his almighty fanfic banhammer.