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Battlefields of Blood and Tears (PG-16)


Challenge God
  • 1,824
    (OOC: Good lord I had a lot to say. Sorry about what you're about to read)

    "All right, guys, lets split you up into groups." Mr. Rodgers, the Gym Teacher said. "Go, Dragonair!"

    He lobbed the customary Pokeball into the air. The slender Pokemon burst out of the ball with a brilliant flash of blue light and cried its name.

    "Dragonair! Make yourself straight!" Mr. Rodgers commanded.

    The dragon Pokemon landed in a perfectly straight line. This was how teams were chosen. Everyone to one side of the Dragonair would be the Blue team, and everyone to the other would be the Red team. This time, Zero was part of the blue team.

    "So, who wants to battle first?" Chelsea asked the small crowd. A couple of people shouted "Zero should go!" but everyone just ignored them. They all knew that the ultimate choice rested with Zero. If he wanted to go first, he would.

    "Well, it looks like they're sending Dannewitz out." Zero stated, craning his neck over his team to see the reds. Sure enough, Dannewitz was making his way to the small square that the battler stands in. Dannewitz was generally regarded as the second best battler in the class, behind Zero.

    "You know what? Georg, why don't you fight him." Zero decided. "I'm probably going to win if I fight him. Besides, its good practice for you. I'm not always going to be there to fight your tough battles. You guys need to fight some of them too."

    "Whatever you say, Z" his tall, lanky friend responded. Georg was another one of Zero's close friends, but just didn't understand battling like Dannewitz did. Zero oftentimes thought that they were sort of a combined Zero. Dannewitz enjoyed Pokemon as much as Zero, and was a great battler. Georg, on the other hand, understood him the best. Georg was the only person (besides Chelsea usually) who could truly understand what was going on in Zero's head without words.

    "Actually, I'm glad you made that decision." Mr. Rodgers said. He had apparently been listening in on the conversation. "Zero's right. He's not going to be there for you guys for much longer. Including this class. Zero, I have a note for you from Principal Steadman. You're wanted in his office."

    Zero sighed in relief. A couple of his friends cheered for him, a couple of the kids said "finally, some muttered "good riddance", and Chelsea gave him a big hug. "I'm so proud of you." she said. Everyone knew what was happening.

    Zero handed the three Pokeballs to Mr. Rodgers. Houndoom looked at him with a very sad face, Starmie, having no face and therefore unable to make facial expressions, was pointed straight at him. And of course, Drifblim was just sort of floating there. But Houndoom had enough expression for the three of them. They weren't going to see Zero for a very long time.

    "Actually" Mr. Rodgers said, pushing the balls back to Zero, "you need to take these with you." This caught Zero off guard, a position he was rarely in. Students oftentimes got in trouble for letting their Pokemon out of the Gym. Surely he wasn't in trouble. Was he?

    With a puzzled look on his face, Zero returned the Pokemon to their balls. He knew they hated it in there, but now he wasn't sure that he was getting his ID. He figured he should be on his best behavior, because the faculty might be holding his card from him, waiting to see how he reacted.

    He knocked on the Principal's door. "Come in" a warm voice answered through the large oak door. Zero politely opened the door and stepped inside. He was really anxious when he saw his parents in the room, even more so when he saw his mother crying. But then he looked at his dad's face. A smile. What a relief. He was sure once again. He was getting his ID.

    "Welcome, Chris, have a seat" Dr. Steadman said, gesturing to the middle of three armchairs facing his desk. "Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson, will you please?" he gestured again. The Jacobson family sat down at the desk and began listening to the Principal of the school.

    "Now, as I'm sure you are aware, young Chris here has been chosen, due to his academic success and battling prowess, to represent Farragut, and really the whole state of Tennessee, as one of the few lucky trainers who receives their Trainer ID early. I understand your family must be very proud of you. But, and I'm sure I speak for them as well, you must be careful. You heard Mr. Ayala's speech in your first class. The world out there, despite all the joys of Pokemon, can be a very dark place. The criminal organization known as Team Globus is operating in every state, even Tennessee, I'm afraid."

    Zero wasn't really even listening. He understood all this. He watched the news, listened to his parents talking at the dinner table, he knew all of this. He really wanted to get his trainer ID so he would be able to finally end these last minute lectures every adult seemed to be giving him. He was happy though. Ever since walking in the door, he realized that the meaning of bringing the Pokemon with him must mean that... he was taking these three Pokemon with him to start his journey. It really made sense. After all, the world out there was a very dark and dangerous place. It would make sense for him to take the Pokemon with him. That way, he would already have some experienced Pokemon with him from his very first step.

    "So, why did I ask you to bring the Pokemon with you?" Steadman asked Zero. Zero's attention was fully on the Principal now. "Well, every trainer receiving their ID early is to be granted one of their SPB Pokemon as their first partner. But be warned. You may only take one of them with you, not all three. Make your choice carefully."

    "ONE? Are you serious? But I've bonded with all of these guys!" Zero shouted. He was furious. There was no way that they were going to separate his team from him. They all worked in harmony. They were all so different, but combined they made the perfect team. How could he make this decision? He shouldn't have to!

    "I was afraid you would react this way. Well, lets put it this way. Every six weeks, as you should well know from your time here, the Pokemon offered for a SPB team are returned into the pool. You, being the top student in the class, always had first pick for your three Pokemon, and as a result, these three have been together for a long time. However, you can either take one of the three with you, or none of the three. If you choose the latter, they will all be returned to the pool. And I'm sure that plenty of trainers that don't understand friendship and bonding like you do would love to have any of these Pokemon on their team. They think that the Pokemon's pure power is what wins battles. What I'm trying to say is, if you don't take one of them with you, they'll get separated anyway. So, you might as well take one with you. You can't have all three, because it is customary for a trainer to start with only one Pokemon. Giving you all three would be doing all the past trainers, including your parents and myself, an injustice. I can tell that you're taking this hard, so I'll give you until tomorrow morning to make your decision. Sleep on it, and come back to me first thing in the morning. I'll hand you your trainer ID then."

    Everyone stood up. The meeting was apparently over. Zero was going to need a long time to think this one over. did he take Drifblim, the stoic flying tank? Or did he take the energetic Houndoom, who despite only being able to learn a few types of attacks, could really pack a punch. And then there was always Starmie. Starmie, the expressionless starfish that could win a fight against Pokemon much larger than it.

    Before he knew it, he was eating dinner. Dinner was silent tonight, his parents understood that he needed some time to himself. Then, he was crawling into bed, still without an answer. Looks like this was going to be a last minute decision. Zero slept well, knowing that if his decision was this hard, any of the Pokemon would make an excellent choice. Everything was going to be all right.

    He awoke the next morning, in quite the happy mood. Today was the day. He jumped down the stairs to the smell of delicious pancakes. Clearly his mom understood his mood today.

    "Well, honey, did you make your decision?" she asked, right as Zero shoved a particularly first bite into his mouth. Unable to speak, he simply shrugged. He really needed to make a decision.

    Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out a Pokeball at random. Swallowing, he released the Pokemon from its container.

    "Well, Orion, looks like its going to be you and me for a bit." he told the starfish. He had chosen Starmie. It was a bit of an unorthodox way of choosing, but it would work. Besides, he thought he might be able to go back during the summer holidays and ask his teachers if he could use the other two members of his team. He didn't want to go back halfway through the semester, that might break apart someone's team, but after the school year ended, that could work right there. Grinning as he finished the last of his pancakes, he walked out the door, releasing his other two Pokemon from their Pokeballs. Walking with them out of their balls was the least he could do for them.

    "Blitz, Sentinel, I'm going to miss you guys. I'm going on an adventure with Orion. But, I promise you, I'm going to be back for the two of you. You just wait." he told his Pokemon. Drifblim stared ahead, calm as ever, and Houndoom jumped up on him and gave him a nick lick on the face. Clearly they were holding him to his word. The four friends began their walk to school.
    Last edited:


    Artist and Writer
  • 698

    The Noob Hacker:



    Marina E. Silver

    7/10/11 R.I.P
  • 721
    I smiled as Mr. Kimono entered the room. "Alright class, today we're going to discuss what you have to do if your Pokemon is injured and your not near a Pokemon center. Does anyone know what to do?" he said looking at the class smiling when my hand shot into the air as I heard several students behind me groan. "Rebecca go ahead and tell us."

    "If your Pokemon is injured and your not near a Pokemon center your supposed to do what you can for it's injuries and keep it as comfortable as possible until a Center can be found" I answered with a smile.

    "Perfect answer as always. Next question. What can you do for your Pokemon's..." Mr. Kimono started but stopped as a student entered the room. "Yes?"

    "Principal Johanson, needs to see Rebecca Johnson right away Mr. Kimono." the red headed boy said handing Mr. Kimono a pass.

    "Alright thank you" Mr. Kimono said as the boy left "Rebecca go ahead and take your things and head to the office" he added handing me the pass.

    I stood gathering my things before heading to the door hearing people whispering all sorts of different reasons I was going to the office but ignoring them all. Once I made it to the office the secretary Mrs. Hoffer looked up at me "Go ahead in Rebecca your parents are already in there" she said gesturing to the door. I nodded confused. Why are my parents here? I thought opening the door and seeing my parents sitting in front of Principal Johanson's desk.

    "Ah Rebecca go ahead and take a seat we have much to discus" he said pointing to the seat between my smiling parents. "I bet your wondering why I pulled you out of class aren't you Rebecca?" he said as I sat down.

    "Yes sir, I'm curious as to why my parents are here as well." I said glancing at my parents. Did I do something to get in trouble? I thought worriedly.

    "The reason your down here Rebecca is. Your one of the three students that get to receive their Trainer ID's early. You've been selected due to your excellent grade's and skills in battling."

    "Really. I get my Trainer ID" I said with a smile on my face.

    "You sure do sweetheart, and your mother and I couldn't be more proud." My father said a proud smile on his face.

    "To start your journey you get to take one of your gym team with you" Principal Johanson said.

    "Only one?" I said not wanting to break up the team that trusted me.

    "I'm sorry Rebecca but you can only choose one. Tomorrow morning come here first thing and tell me which one you choose alright." he said just as the bell rang. "That's all Rebecca I highly doubt you want to miss your AP Pokemon Research so go ahead and head back to class"

    "Yes sir" I said standing and giving my parents a quick hug before leaving the room and walking to my next class all the while thinking. How can I choose.

    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    Raphael pulls out his first Pokemon. Before him now stood an Ivysaur. Raphael could guess that the headmistress already knew his team, moves, and strategies. This led him to hypothesize that she had a Pokemon that could counter every one of his Pokemon. He would have to think outside the box on this one.

    Raphael threw out Bronzong, a pretty obvious choice.

    "Bronzong, Stealth Rock." so started the first attack of the battle.

    Rocks with a glowing purple outline appeared on all sides of Bronzong. With a movement of the Pokemon's arms, the rocks swiftly floated towards the headmistress' side of the battlefield.

    "Ivysaur, restrain it with Vine Whip." was the first move of the teacher, her aged voice surprisingly carried a lot of power.

    Raphael waited until the vines were coming towards Bronzong before reacting.

    "Use Gyro Ball to smash through those vines." Raphael told his Pokemon.

    Bronzong started glowing in a silver light. Picking up speed, it attempted to go through the approaching vines. However, the vines caught Bronzong, and swatted it down for minimal damage.

    "Razor Leaf" commands the teacher.

    The leaves sprang forth from the Ivysaur's bulb, quickly coming at Bronzong. They meet their mark, but do next to no damage. Neither Pokemon had a very good damage advantage over the other, but Raphael thought he could force her to switch eventually.

    "Bronzong, Payback. were the next words to leave Raphael's mouth.

    Bronzong's arms began glowing a mysterious purple. With its limited speed, it came upon Ivysaur. It raised its arms.

    While she was waiting the headmistress commanded her Ivysaur: "Sunny Day."

    Before Bronzong could make its full charge, and orange ball shot forth from the bulb on Ivysaur's back. Soon the gym was intensely illuminated as the ball exploded into light in midair.

    "Now dodge that Payback." she said.

    Ivysaur, with very un-Ivysaur-like speed, jumped away from Bronzong before it could make full contact.

    "Charge at it with a Gyro Ball." Raphael told Bronzong.

    Bronzong commenced its Gyro Ball and headed for Ivysaur. Once more, it dodged with ease.

    "Solarbeam." the headmistress said.

    A white light shone in Ivysaur's bulb. In seconds, it was released. Engulfing Bronzong. Once the beam had dissipated, Bronzong lay smashed against the gym wall, leaving quite a dent.

    "Payback." Raphael told his Pokemon.

    Bronzong, its hands glowing again, floated upon Ivysaur. Again and again it swatted, again and again it missed. Ivysaur was ducking, side stepping, and back stepping with ease. One swing, Ivysaur stepped backwards and the blow hit the floor. A side sweep, a quick duck from Ivysaur countered it.

    "Enough of this game, Vine Whip. She said to the Ivysaur.

    The Ivysaur latched onto Bronzong's torso with its vines. Up and down Bronzong went. First up, then down to the floor. Once more Bronzong was raised.

    "Bronzong Earthquake." Raphael commanded.

    Once Bronzong's arms hit the ground it began to crack. The rumbling took Ivysaur off balance. Then a large uprising of earth took it into the air.

    Now, with a chance of victory in sight, Raphael began to get pumped.

    "Brongzong, lift it higher with Payback."

    Bronzong went up, and juggled the Ivysaur with its arms.

    "Now send it down with Gyro Ball."

    With a rush of silvery light, Ivysaur was plummeting.

    "Ivysaur, pull it back down with Vine Whip." the headmistress commanded, her voice considerably louder than before.

    Bronzong had no time to react to the fast moving vines, they grabbed its arms and stuck fast. Then Bronzong went down, fast.


    Quickly, a white light once more enveloped Bronzong. What was left was a fast falling and smoking metal mass.

    "One last Earthquake." Raphael said to Bronzong, knowing its fate.

    Bronzong didn't really need to use the move to cause an earth shaking crash, but it helped make it damaging. Once the body hit the floor, a huge crack came towards Ivysaur. Launched off its feet again, it hit the wall hard. Once the dust cleared, it appeared as if both Pokemon were out of the match.

    Both battlers recalled their Pokemon, each with their second in hand.


    Challenge God
  • 1,824
    (OOC: Hope you don't mind me doing it exactly like you wrote. Just changed a few characters saying what around. Also, would you like the battle to be game style, where everyone is allowed four moves, or anime style, where there are an unlimited amount of moves that can be learned at a time?)

    The trip was over in no time. Zero knew it would be. The chance of him enjoying his trip to school was about as likely as any of the jocks of his class to get chosen as another of the three representatives of Tennessee. He knew who one would be, the top student from Farragut's arch rival school, Bearden. Joshua Burnett was a senior at Bearden, and was toe to toe with Zero in all fields of Pokemon. They would always be the last two standing in an East Tennessee High School Pokemon Trivia meet. They would always be the last two battling in any matches between the two schools. Zero hated the fact that Joshua would be getting the achievement with him, but it just made sense. Besides, the rivalry had to be kept alive.

    Zero opened the front door to his school. He headed to the nearby Principal's office, forgetting to put his Pokemon back inside their balls. He quickly knocked on the door, and opened it after hearing the "come in".

    "I see you chose to leave your Pokemon out of their balls." Dr. Steadman told him.

    "Oh, sorry sir, didn't even realize it. I just wanted to be with them one last time, and its not the same if they're stuck in those little balls."

    "Yes yes, its perfectly fine. You have been with these Pokemon every semester for the past three years, if my memory serves me right. You've raised them well. And besides, they didn't get to do any of the usual activities they get to do usually. You took them home with you, remember? Its good that they still got some exercise." the principal told him.

    "Well, I've made my decision." Zero sighed. "I will take all three Pokemon. But, for now, I'm just going to take Starmie. I stayed up half the night trying to make my decision, so I feel that because it was so hard, any of them would do well. But, I've picked Starmie. Its just... Do you think that once I've adventured some, maybe... I could come back this summer holiday and battle the other two? And if I beat them, I would be allowed to capture them? I would be perfectly all right with replacing them with two new Pokemon. It would really be sort of like a trade. That's legal, right?"

    "I suppose," the man said, writing something on a form. "However, now is not the time to talk about this. You're going to be late for your first class of the day. Hurry." he told Zero.

    Zero rushed to his first class of the day. Ms. Wolfe, the AP Pokemon Nutrition teacher, had just started talking. "Oh, Zero, so glad of you to join us." she said. Zero always got a feeling that this teacher didn't like him much.

    "Sorry, Ms. Wolfe," he apologized, taking a seat near the back.

    "Now, as I was saying. In order to make food for a Swablu, what two berries would be the main ingredients?" she asked the class.

    Zero of course knew the answer. It was a Pamtree berry and a Wacan Berry but before he could answer, there was a beep as the loudspeaker came on. Dr. Steadman's voice could be heard all throughout the school.

    "Attention, students of Farragut High School. Your fellow classmate, Christopher Jacobson, has just officially been made a trainer. Congratulations to you and your family. I'm sure they are very proud. From this day forward, Christopher will be representing our school and state as a trainer. That is all."

    Zero wasn't embarrassed. Most people would be around this time, but everyone knew he would be chosen. Nothing new had happened. He did get plenty of different looks from his fellow classmates. Some looked at him with disgust, some with envy, some with awe. The jocks bumped into him purposefully in the hallway, and before long, he was walking to his SPB Gym Class. For some strange reason, all the Pokemon were inside their Pokeballs.

    "Uh, Mr. Rodgers, where are all the Pokemon?" a student near the back of the pack asked. It seems that everyone was just following Zero to class, so he was the first one in.

    "Well, Andrew, we are having a special class today. Everyone go sit in the bleachers for now."

    Zero really just hoped he wasn't about to be part of some big stunt. Slowly, other classes began filing into the gym. Teachers and students alike sat down in the bleachers, many of them shooting Zero glances as they did so. Zero was afraid that he was going to be part of some big stunt. Oh well.

    Before long, the bleachers were full, the room was loud with chatter, and there remained only three adults on the court. Dr. Steadman, Mr. Rodgers, and Professor Ayala were all standing around the middle of the court, on the large Pokeball on the floor. Dr. Steadman spoke:

    "Now, I'm sure you all are wondering why you're here. As all of you should know, one of our students is leaving this school, pursuing his dream of becoming a full fledged Pokemon Trainer. I of course, am speaking of Christopher Jacobson."

    All eyes were turned to Zero as the principal continued.

    "Yes, Christopher will be beginning his first day of being a fully licensed Pokemon Trainer tomorrow. His trainer ID came to me this morning. However, there is one final thing he must do before he can go. The world out there is tough. It is not completely full of high school student level trainers, no offense to anyone here. It is full of other full fledged Pokemon trainers, most of them adults, most of them with years of practice. There are many who wish harm to everyday Pokemon trainers like Christopher here. It is for that reason that he will be faced with one final test. Before he can be handed his Trainer ID, he must battle on of our school's most esteemed Pokemon Professionals. I am talking of one of my good friends, Professor John Ayala."

    There was a cheer from Ayala's students and many of the faculty. Professor Ayala simply raised his hand in acknowledgment. "So, I'm going to have to fight my teacher." Zero told Dannewitz.

    "Yup, looks like it." his friend replied. Looks like the school was in for a treat. It was bound to be a good battle, Ayala wouldn't embarrass Zero, and he was the best student in the school. But many of the students were yearning for Zero to be defeated by someone, even if that someone is a veteran Pokemon Trainer. They just want him beat.

    "So, now, Christopher Jacobson, will you please report down to the court." Dr. Steadman continued. "You will be on my right here, and John will be on my left. I will be directing this Pokemon match. It will be a three on three match. You may return any Pokemon to its Pokeball during the match, but they can only return to the field once inside their Pokeball a single time."

    By this time, Zero was on the sideline of the court. Mr. Rodgers came over to help him get his three Pokemon. He then walked to a bag and pulled three Pokeballs out of it, taking them to Professor Ayala. Both trainers took their respective places on the court.

    "All right, lets have a good battle. Trainers! Send out your first Pokemon now!" Steadman yelled, excitement in his voice.


  • 6,896
    Kris Kollyns
    March 3rd, 2011
    The first serious battle, part 2...


    "Go, Croconaw!" The gym teacher let out his next pokemon, a Croconaw. I saw that coming due to Zoroark's Illusion, but now my only pokemon were weak to it's water type attacks.

    "Cinder, start with Aerial Ace." Cinder leaped into the air in Croconaw's direction and generated winds that seemed to slice the air as he went.

    "Ice Beam!" Croconaw opened its mouth and realeased a light blue blast that chilled the air around it, including the air Cinder was soaring through. Frost began to accumulate around Cinder, slowing him down just a bit, though not enough to stop the attack. Cinder rammed Croconaw in the stomache, sending it flying back a few feet.

    "Now, Dig." As Cinder bounced off of Croconaw's stomache, he aimed at the ground and began to dig as soon as he made contact with it. Dirt began to fly at first, before Cinder was too far down to send any out. Croconaw just stood there, waiting.

    Somehow the gym teacher knew when Cinder was about to emerge, and he commanded Croconaw to use Ice Beam. Croconaw launched another beam that froze the ground. Cinder ran into it, before bouncing off of it, stuck.

    "Dig some more, emerge with Flame Wheel!" Cinder began to tunnel again so Croconaw didn't know where he would come from. He appeared a few seconds later from behind Croconaw, engulfed in flames that melted the ice. He rammed Croconaw, sending it a few feet into the air. "Now Aerial Ace!" Cinder launched himself at Croconaw. The fact that he was so close to Croconaw and launched himself with such speed and force sent Croconaw even further into the air, almost hitting the ceiling.

    "Come back down with Hydro Pump while spinning!" Croconaw did as told, spinning in a circle while launching a Hydro Pump. It looked a lot like Cinder using Flame Wheel...except with water and much more force and a much wider radius.

    "Protect!" Cinder summoned a greenish barrier that blocked the water, keeping him safe from this move. It faded quickly though, and Croconaw struck Cinder with Aqua Tail right before it landed. Cinder was thrown back quite a ways, but managed to get back up. "Aerial Ace!"
    Cinder once again ran in towards Croconaw with amazing speed, generating huge winds as he went.

    "Crunch!" Croconaw opened its jaws just as Cidner was about to make contact, so Cinder ended up in Croconaw's mouth. Both pokemon were hurt from the attack, but when Croconaw used Hydro Pump while Cinder was still in its mouth, it was all over for Cinder. He landed just a few feet away from me, and I recalled him and let out Corenid.

    "Ice Beam!"

    "Earthquake." Croconaw launched a blast of ice while Corenid caused the ground to shake, violently. I saw some people in the stands holding on to their seats to keep from falling out, since I was used to it I easily kept my balance, and the gym teacher was too professional to fall over like an idiot. He was also probably used to it, too.

    Croconaw began to tremble, before it collapsed completely. Corenid easily dodged the Ice Beam by taking a step to the side. The gym teacher recalled Croconaw and let out his final pokemon; Nidoking.

    "Stone Edge." Corenid launched a flurry of sharp stones at Nidoking, slicing him badly.

    "Earth Power."

    "Earthquake." Both moves combined to make the ground shake incredibly violently. Neither pokemon faltered and the blasts from Earth Power almost all missed, except for one which didn't do much. "Crunch." Corenid crawled over to Nidoking and wrapped his jaws around Nidoking's arm. Nidoking tried to shake Corenid off, but Corenid was holding on for dear life.

    "Hyper Beam!"

    "Let go and use Stone Edge, close-range!" As Nidoking opened his mouth and began to generate a white light, Corenid let go of his arm and ducked low to the ground, before launching another flurry of sharp stones. Nidoking staggered backwards, causing his head to aim towards the ceiling just as he launched Hyper Beam. The ceiling was wrecked and Nidoking had a paused status.

    "Earthquake, Stone Edge and then Crunch." Once again the ground began to shake, at the same time yet another flurry of sharp stones was launched at Nidoking, from close-range again too. Lastly, Corenid wrapped his jaws around Nidoking's arm.

    "Hyper Beam again!"

    "Swagger!" Corenid taunted Nidoking, raising Nidoking's attack while also confusing him. Nidoking's eyes began to glow purple and he didn't know where to launch his attack, so he just launched it everywhere. Corenid barely dodged it, along with me and many people in the bleachers. This gymnasium was a complete wreck, maybe it would have been better to host this battle somewhere else.

    "Use Earthquake one last time!"

    "PROTECT!" That Nidoking knew how to do. He produced a barrier that rendered the violent shaking of the earth useless. "EARTH POWER, HYPER BEAM!" Well, this guy didn't seem like he really wanted to lose.

    Nidoking made the earth tremble yet again, causing many bursts of energy from the ground. These also went all over the place, but one managed to hit Corenid, causing him to stumble backwards. Nidoking seized that moment to use Hyper Beam, just as his eyes returned to normal; signaling he was no longer confused. He loosed a huge balst of energy that sent Corenid sailing right by me and into - or through, but I wasn't sure - the wall. That created a large dust cloud that cloaked Corenid; I had no idea if he had survived the attack.

    When the cloud cleared, Corenid was standing - just barely - and there was a large hole in the wall that went to the hallway. Well, at least there was now space for another door, not that this place needed one.

    "Try Earthquake, one last time." I said calmly. I hoped that this last move would work.

    "Protect." Nidoking attempted to summon another barrier, but failed. He was shaken by the enormous earthquake and he collapsed. Nidoking had fainted, seconds before Corenid. My pokemon and I had won. That was both amazing, and tragic because it brought me one step closer to leaving Corenid and Midnight.


    Bone breaker since Gen I
  • 64
    • Seen Apr 3, 2011
    Prologue – Post 3
    March 3rd, 2011

    1 week before you start your journey

    Vergil didn't sleep at all the night that he had to choose the pokemon to take his journey. He arrived at school at 7:00 which was early for him. He went to Headmaster Sindone's office to talk to him.

    "Goodmorning Vergil."
    "How are you?"
    "Listen let's cut the ****. I just came to tell you I chose Grovlye to take with me."
    "Good choice."

    Vergil stormed from the office angrily. He didn't feel like conversing today. He just wanted the day to be over and get his Trainer ID. He didn't grab any materials for first hour. The bell rang informing the students that class had started. Prof.Groth started talking but Vergil payed no attention. He was drowned in thought.

    I wish today would just be over. All I want to do is get my idea and go on my journey. I wish I could bring Lucario and Skarmory. It's unfair to them that I can't.

    Vergil then could smell something strong. It seemed to be some kind of perfume. He recognized the scent but, was to busy thinking to remember exactly what it was.

    "Hi Vergil.
    "Hey Chelsei."

    The scent was Chelsei's perfume. It wasn't an overwhelming scent if anything Vergil was relieved by it. It reminded him that at least one thing remains the same.

    "How are you?"
    "Is something wrong?"
    "I just don't wanna talk right now."
    "Well if you want to some other time I'm here."

    Vegil whited out for the rest of first hour. About halfway through class the loudspeaker apparently came on and announced that Vergil was recieving his Trainer ID early, but he had no recolection of this. The only thing he remembered fully was the bell ringing. Vergil was reluctent today of going to S.P.B gym class. He knew he would be battling, but it would be this last battle using Lucario and Skarmory. He went into the gym and sat silently for Mr.Dunaway to talk.

    "Everyone your probably wondering why I had you sit in the bleachers. Well as you heard in first hour Vergil will be recieving his Trainer ID early. We will be testing his strengh today."

    The students whispered amongst themselves.Vergil payed no attention he was more curious about this test.

    "Vergil please go gather your team."

    Vergil went into the the locker room and sat down for a moment, and thought to himself.

    Am I really ready for this? Well I am the best in my class.

    He then got his pokeballs and looked down at them.

    "Lets go guys."

    Vergil then headed back into the gym. Ready for what would be one of the hardest tests of his life.​


    Artist and Writer
  • 698
    Marina E. Silver:

    The Noob Hacker:





    Bone breaker since Gen I
  • 64
    • Seen Apr 3, 2011
    Prologue – Post 4
    March 3rd, 2011

    1 week before you start your journey

    You may split this into two different parts.


    Vergil returned to the gym and everyone anticipated what was going to happen now. As was Vergi. He then looke to Mr.Dunaway who was standing oppisite to him in the center. He had a large smile on his face, and then he spoke.

    "Well Vergil. I'm sure you sere curious aboout this test."
    "Well naturally."

    Vergil then saw Mr.Dunaway reach for his belt which had three pokeballs. He then realized what this test was. It was a fight and Vergil knew it wasn't going to be easy.

    "Go! Galvantula!"

    Vergil grabbed his pokeball and clicked it. It grew about three times larger. Vergil's hand started shaking. He was nervous without a doubt.

    "Come on! Grovlye!"
    "Galvantula use Signal Beam!"
    "Grovyle dodge it!"

    Vergil was trying to out speed the Galvantula and decifer what exactly to do.

    "Grovlye use Aerial Ace."
    "Haha nice try but Galvantula is part Electric type."
    "I know."
    "Galvantula Bug Buzz!"
    "I can't dodge that. I'll have to finish this up fast."
    "Use Bug Buzz again!"
    "Grovyle use Screech to drowned out the sound!"

    The sound waves cancelled eachother out allowing a gap to attack for either side.

    "Alright Grovyle finsish this with Aerial Ace!"

    The Aerial Ace was strong enough to knock out the Galvantula but Grovyle was hurt. Vergil knew this would only get worse. He had to devise a plan.

    "Good Job. Now go Scolipede!"
    "Hm more bug types. How fun."

    Vergil had time to think while Scolipede was getting set. Thats when he realized he could use the beams of the gym to his advantage.

    "Scolipede use Double Edge!"
    "Grovyle jump to the top beams of the gym!"

    Grovyle moved with speed and precision to the steel beams holding the gym's roof.

    "Hm quite the tactic, but not good enough. Scolipede use Rock Climb>
    "Grovyle stand your ground!"

    Grovyle waited for Scolipede to almost reach him.

    "Now move!"

    Grovyle barely managed to get out of the way and Scolipede hit the steel beam with it's head.

    "Now Grovyle Aerial Ace!"
    "Scolipede us Protect!"

    Scolipede deflected the already weakend Aerial Ace.

    "Damnit I should have seen that coming."
    "Haha Scolipede Double Edge!"

    The Double was extremly potent and damaged Grovlye severly. Luckily Scolipede recieved recoil damage.

    "Thats it. Grovyle to the top of the gym again."
    "Ha again. Scolipede Rock Climb!"

    Scolipede rushed after Grovyle.

    "Now Grovyle move!"
    "Yet again good tactic."

    The Scolipede hit the steel beam and knocked it's self out. The battle was almost over but Vergil was sure the next pokemon would be the strongest.

    "I'm sorry Vergil. Go Flygon."

    Vergil was relieved and teriffied to see a Flygon.

    "Hm a Dragon-type. This should be interesting."


    Artist and Writer
  • 698


    Bone breaker since Gen I
  • 64
    • Seen Apr 3, 2011
    Prologue – Post 4 and 5
    March 3rd, 2011

    1 week before you start your journey

    The battle between Vergil and Mr.Dunaway was very heated, and even though Vergil defeated two of his pokemon he was a disadvantage.

    "Flygon use Dragon Pulse!"
    "Grovyle dodge it and counter with Leaf Blade!"
    "Flygon Protect"

    Vergil knew he wouldn't be able to break Flygon's Protect so he would just have to distract it.

    "Grovyle use Dragon Breath!"

    Vergil got lucky and landed a drect hit on Flygon but it seemed unphased.

    "Flygon! Flamethrower!"
    "Grovyle move quick!"

    Grovyle wasn't able to dodge the attack and was now at the brink of defeat when Vergil devised a strategy.

    "Flygon finish this with Aerial Ace!"
    "Grovyle wait for Flygon to come in, and then jump on it's back."

    Flygon flew in and Grovyle jumped right onto it's back.

    "Now Grovyle use Leaf Blade!"
    "Flygon shake him off your back!"
    "Grovyle hold on tight and use another Leaf Blade."

    The Leaf Blade barely managed to knock out the Flygon and Vergil defeated Mr.Dunaway.


    Artist and Writer
  • 698


  • 6,896
    Kris Kollyns
    March 3rd, 2011
    Final farewells...


    As soon as both pokemon were inside their pokeballs, the crowd began to cheer. Or at least about half the crowd, the other half apparently wasn't on Team Kris. Oh well. The gym teacher walked up to me, shook my hand and congradulated me, then he whispered something to me;

    "My father is much tougher than I am. But before you leave New York on your journey, go battle him once you obtain more Pokemon." I half wanted to say 'No duh', but the other half was just a bit thankful for the advice, though the 'No duh' half seemed to be overpowering the other.

    I slowly handed over Corenid and Midnight's pokeball, almost wanting to forfeit my ID just so I could spend another year or two with them, almost. I walked out without glancing back. It was time for me to get on with my journey...


    When I got home I was greeted by my parents and sister, Krystal. She had a few friends over, whom were also here to say good-bye while hanging out with Krystal.

    "No fair. We all still have to wait another year until we get our IDs." Krystal said with her hands on her hips, giving me an envious look.

    "Almost all of us." Destiny spoke up. She already had her ID, since she was a few years older, but she was currently taking a break from her journey.

    "Well, i've gotta go pack so...well, just in case I hole up inside my room until tommorow, bye." I said as I began to walk to my room.

    "Bye." Krystal, Destiny, Damian and Luna all said at the same time. They probably figured this wasn't the last time they'd see me before I left, especially Krystal. They were probably right too, but whatever.

    I walked upstairs and got together everything I thought I might need, which for the most part I already had ready. I scanned my room to find anything else that could be of use, only picking up a few more things. It looked like I was ready, and I didn't plan to hole up in here for the night, so I guess I would be seeing them sooner than later.

    I glanced at my watch, i'd been up here for almost an hour. It felt like much, much longer than that, but oh well. It seemed today was full of a lot more gloom than I had imagined, though I had no idea I couldn't bring Corenid and Midnight with me. What would happen to them? Would they be given to some other student to use?

    I stopped thinking about that and grabbed my bags, somehow finding a way to carry all of them in one trip. It was time to pack my car, a brand new, jet black...what was it? I wasn't very good with cars. I figured it might be something like...a Mustang? Something...well something that looked cool. Well, I guess i'd have to ask my dad that later...I walked down the stairs and out to my car, stuffing all of the bags into the trunk and backseat.

    Everyone came outside and Krystal and my parents all gave me a hug. My mom kissed me on the cheek, which I didn't mind since I knew I wouldn't see her for a while. Then Luna came up to me and gave me a hug and Damian just gave me a high five. Destiny, completely emotionless and secluded as she was, actually...smiled. Should I be scared? I decided to not be scared, but if she ever smiled again, probably.

    "See you...whenever." Krystal said before giving me another hug.

    "Okay, can we stop with the hugs?" I said with a slight laugh. "I gotta get going." I opened the door to my car and gave one last smile to them, before getting in the driver's seat and shutting the door.


    Challenge God
  • 1,824
    (OOC: Not really sure how to end this one, so it seems sort of abrupt. If this is fine, I'll just recover with the next post, otherwise, tell me when/where you want it to end and I'll edit it. Also, I forgot it was supposed to be two posts, so this one is helluh long.)

    "As the challenger, it is customary for you to send out your Pokemon first, Christopher!" Professor Ayala instructed Zero. Zero knew this, but... wasn't Ayala the challenger? He considered pointing this out, but decided it was too much to deal with, and instead, he pulled out his first Pokeball.

    "All right! Let's show 'em what we got, Sentinel!"

    "Bliiiim!" the Blimp Pokemon screamed. Zero didn't know why, but it seemed like his Drifblim was a lot more focused. It could sense that this was an intense battle.

    "Right-o! Come out, Weavile!" Ayala screamed, his youth returning to him.

    Zero knew something like this was going to happen. Ayala knew all three of the Pokemon that Zero would be using, and as a result, probably had an excellent counter for each of them. It was going to be tough to get around such a fast and strong lead, but Zero had a plan of his own. He just needed a little luck. He did know that his Drifblim was packing the Aftermath ability, and that Weaviles had about three times the attack power than the special attack, so he hoped that they would both go down at the same time. Starmie was his ace, and he thought that Starmie could win him any 1v1. He just had to get into that situation.

    "Weavile, lets open it up with an Ice Punch!" Ayala roared.

    "Drifblim, use Fly to dodge it!"

    The Weavile's fist became surrounded in an icy light blue glow as it sprinted towards the large Ghost. Luckily for Zero, the Weavile just couldn't jump high enough, and Drifblim was up in the rafters.

    "Fine, if we can't beat him up close, Weavile, use Ice Beam!"

    Zero was ready for this, and so was Drifblim. With a swoosh, Drifblim flew well under the beam that fired from Weavile's mouth and slammed its body into the Pokemon. Weavile was knocked back a few feet.

    "Weavile, Night Slash!"

    "Sentinel, Ominous Wind!"

    Weavile's movements were so fast it appeared to be teleporting to Drifblim. But Drifblim didn't care. Drifblim's eyes glowed bright blue as it opened its mouth, releasing a purple gust of wind. The Weavile landed the Slash right across Drifblim's face. Thankfully, Drifblim had lots and lots of health, so Zero could get away with attacks like this.

    Zero looked at Ayala. A puzzled look swept across his face. "Does Zero know that Drifblim will be gone in just two more attacks?" Ayala thought to himself. "What is he up to?"

    "Weavile, try another Ice Punch!"

    "Drifblim, use Fly again!"

    This time, Ayala was ready. "Now, Weavile, before he gets too high up, hit him with a Shadow Ball!"

    Weavile opened his mouth as a black blob began to form. Drifblim was already out of range of an Ice Punch, but the black blob still connected. Just as Zero thought, it barely phased him. Weavile did not have much Special Attack at all, so attacks like Shadow Ball and Ice Beam weren't going to do much.

    "Drifblim, come down now, this time counter his attack with an Ominous Wind, like we practiced!" Zero yelled to Sentinel. As the Weavile was getting ready to launch another Night Slash, Drifblim swooped into it again, knocking it back. But this time, it immediately pushed back with all its might using its arms. Instead of forming the wind with its mouth, it used its arms. Not only did the attack land squarely on Weavile, but it also pushed Drifblim back, out of range of the Weavile, who expected Drifblim to be right there next to him. Drifblim appeared ecstatic about this, because it let off a scream.

    "Excellent. Mission complete, Sentinel." Zero said.

    "You can't get away from me. Weavile, quick use Ice Punch! Then use one last Night Slash" Ayala roared.

    Weavile once again charged at Drifblim, and this time, punched the blimp before it could fly away. Zero could tell that Drifblim was about done.

    "Drifblim, you did exactly what I wanted! Use Baton Pass!" Zero shouted, throwing two Pokeballs in front of him. The first one returned Drifblim to his Pokeball, and the second one released Zero's second Pokemon, Houndoom. Weavile's Night Slash did little damage to the Dark Type dog.

    "Hah, looks like you have me at a disadvantage now. But let me warn you, My Weavile can still pack a punch, even if faced with a type disadvantage. Ice Punch!"

    "Heat Wave before he can get to you!"

    "There's no way that your Houndoom will outspeed my Weavile!" Ayala yelled. He was wrong. Houndoom let out all his breath, and the entire Gym got hot and humid. None moreso than the area right in front of him, which also had a Weavile in it, now fainted from the attack.

    "But. But how?" Ayala questioned.

    "I baton-passed Houndoom some extra Speed and Special Attack. That roar from Drifblim? That was him letting me know that his stats got raised. I just had to get you in the right situation to use it. Your overconfidence looks like it got the best of you." Zero explained.

    Half of the crowd let out a loud cheer, half of them let out a loud groan. The bleachers were about as even as the battle.

    "Hmph, well I'll give you that one. Great Strategy. But, you won't be able to defeat my next Pokemon nearly as easily. Go, Golduck!" Ayala yelled, switching Weavile in for the Water Type Duck Pokemon.

    "Golduck!" it cried.

    Zero was in a dilemma. He could use his one switch, and send out Drifblim or Starmie. Drifblim had a move still in reserve that would do plenty of damage to Golduck, but it was almost out. Starmie, while not having any strong moves against Golduck, could resist all of the moves Golduck would be throwing at it, while still doing some nice damage with Psychic. Houndoom had just taken one hit from Weavile, and had buffed up stats, but it was really weak to Golduck. In the end, Zero chose to keep Houndoom in.

    "All right, let's show him what we got!" Zero yelled to his faithful Pokemon.

    "Good luck outspeeding this one!" Ayala yelled. "Golduck! Aqua Jet!"

    Golduck surrounded itself with water from its mouth, and then jumped into the air, similar to a rocket. It then slammed into the Houndoom. It was a solid hit, and Houndoom was panting heavily, but it wasn't out by a longshot.

    "Now, while he's close, use Thunder Fang!" Zero yelled. Houndoom's fangs began to glow yellow, and sparks of electricity surrounded them. It then bit down on the Golduck's beak. It was a good hit. Golduck jumped back out of range, but electricity was still visible around its body. It appeared to have been paralyzed. Now was Zero's best chance.

    "Houndoom! Return! Go Drifblim!"

    Where one second a Houndoom stood, the next it was a floating Ghost-blimp. Zero was going to try to take advantage of the Golduck's Paralysis, even though Houndoom probably would stand a better chance. He knew Drifblim was going down in one hit no matter who it was too, so as long as he could keep the Houndoom who was weak to water in its Pokeball, the better.

    "Drifblim, use Fly!"

    "Golduck, keep your eye on him. See him? Hit him with Hypnosis!" Ayala roared.

    The Golduck, on one knee, slowly closed his eyes. It then fired waves from the glowing dot on its head that went right at Drifblim. The Blimp fell out of the sky.

    "Good, now before it wakes up, use Psybeam!"

    Golduck once again closed its eyes, this time firing a rainbow colored beam at Drifblim. It hit its target, and Drifblim fainted.

    Zero sighed. Drifblim put up a great fight. He was really hoping that Ayala wouldn't have any Special Attacks on Golduck. Unfortunately, he was unable to take advantage of Drifblim's Aftermath, or use his Thunderbolt Attack. Zero really hoped that Golduck would use a special attack to try to get Drifblim out of the air, and because of his paralysis, it would be easier to dodge. Looks like he should have gone straight into Thunderbolt.

    "You put up a good fight." Zero whispered to his Pokeball, after returning Drifblim. By now the Baton-passed effects had worn off Houndoom, but, Golduck was still Paralyzed. He was going to have to beat Golduck the way it was.

    "Go, Houndoom! Use Dark Pulse!"

    "Golduck, shake off your paralysis and use Hydro Pump!"

    Houndoom shot black energy out of his mouth as Golduck shot high pressured water out of his. Zero was lucky that Golduck was weakened because of the paralysis, because the two attacks hit each other and bounced off.

    "Golduck, Aqua Jet!"

    "Houndoom, one last Thunder Fang!"

    Golduck hit Houndoom hard, but the dog bit down on Golduck's head. Golduck was down.

    "Two down, one to go." Zero thought. But, Ayala hadn't played his counter to Starmie. He had a feeling it was coming out next.

    "You've put up a good fight so far, Christopher. But, its all over now. You won't get past this one's defenses. Go, Magnezone!"

    "Oh god." Zero thought, as the large Magnet came out.

    "Magnezone!" it cried in a robotic voice.

    "Magnezone, use Thunder!" Ayala commanded.

    A large bolt of thunder crashed in through the roof. Luckily, because of its unpredictable nature, it missed Houndoom by inches.

    "All right, use Super Fang!" Zero yelled, grinning. He may not get past his defense, but Super Fang could do half of its health. No matter what. Houndoom leapt forward, bearing his fangs, which were glowing white and nearly twice their size. The teeth pierced the Magnet's iron body, and it cried in pain.

    "Magnezone, use SonicBoom!" Ayala yelled, a hint of desperation in his voice.

    All three magnets glowed white, and the Pokemon whipped around in a circle, sending a shock wave straight into Houndoom, as well as the stands. Luckily, the gym had a protective barrier up, and the attack disappeared as it hit the wall. Many students didn't see this coming, and screamed as the attack approached them. The teachers just chuckled and told them to sit back down.

    Needless to say, Houndoom was out. Zero pushed a button on his Pokeball, and with a red flash of light, the dog was returned to its capsule.

    "One on one, wouldn't expect anything less." Ayala yelled across the court.

    Zero didn't know if he had an advantage or not. Magnezone was at half health, but Starmie certainly didn't stack up well against it. "It all comes down to this" Zero thought as he commanded his star Pokemon (no pun intended) to come out.

    "Mie!" it cried, releasing beautiful droplets of water as it did so.

    "Heh, you'd make a good contest coordinater, with an entrance like that!" Ayala laughed. He was right, too.

    "This is no time for games, Rai! Start things off with a Surf!"

    "Magnezone, Discharge!" Ayala cried.

    Magnezone's big red eye glowed blue, A beam of electricity shot out of it, as Starmie came crashing down riding on a huge wave of water summoned from nowhere. The Electric move pierced through the waves, parting them, and Starmie was hit hard. It was going to take more than that to stop Magnezone.

    "Starmie, Ice Beam"

    "Magnezone, Ancientpower!"

    Starmie shot a beam of ice out of its jewel, but Magnezone covered itself in rocks. After Starmie's attack was over, Magnezone launched the rocks at the starfish. Starmie successfully dodged most of the rocks, all the large ones at least, but Magnezone suddenly sent a wave of electricity coursing through its body.

    "Well then, I assume you know what that means." Ayala yelled at Zero.

    "I'm assuming that its very similar to Drifblim's Ominous Wind attack." Zero answered.

    "Right you are. You're going to be a great trainer someday, Christopher. I haven't felt so alive in a Pokemon Battle in years." Ayala told him, chuckling.

    "Well, sir, I intend that day to be today!" Zero yelled back. "Orion! Lift it with Psychic!"

    Magnezone's body was enveloped in a blue aura. It began to float higher and higher, til it was amost even with the ceiling.

    "Magnezone, hit it with a powered up Thunder!" Ayala screamed up to his Pokemon.

    "Orion, release it! Use Recover, fast!"

    Starmie released the magnet Pokemon from the incredible height, just as a dark thundercloud appeared in the hole where Magnezone's previous Thunder had hit. Magnezone came tumbing down, moving as fast as the bolt of lightning. It hit the floor with a sickening crunch, as the thunderbolt hit Starmie, who's gem was glowing brightly, and whose body seemed to be getting healed as it was getting hit with the electricity. The thunder ended, and Starmie was still up, making Zero the victor.

    The crowd cheered. They didn't care that it was Zero anymore. They had just witnessed a great Pokemon battle. His friends came running down out of the stands and had to be restrained by Dr. Steadman and Mr. Rodgers while Zero shook Ayala's hand.

    "Great battle, Professor." Zero said, shaking his teacher's hand.

    "What a great battle indeed." Zero's professor replied, nodding as he shook his student's hand. "I never thought that I would lose to a kid. I guess its a win-win situation though. If I win, then I win, but if you win, then whoever taught you must be a great teacher, and that is me. I do have one question for you, though. How did your Starmie recover through all of that thunder? You would think that it would be paralyzed from the attack, at least long enough to break its concentration." Ayala asked.

    "Rai has the Natural Cure ability. Normally, Pokemon with the Natural Cure ability can rid themselves of Status Problems when they switch out. But I've trained mine to be able to use its ability while still fighting. It just can't be using any offensive attacks while it does so, that's why I broke the Psychic attack so early. You see, offensive attacks require much more than defensive ones. They require aim, precision, power. But, if all you're concentrating on is healing yourself, it allows you to do more while you do heal yourself, if you know what I mean." Zero responded.

    Professor Ayala nodded. "Very good. I expect no less from my star student. Thinking like that will take you nowhere but up. And here's Principal Steadman now, to present you with your official Trainer ID!"

    Sure enough, the principal was walking towards them, smile on his face. "What a great battle we have all just witnessed." he told the audience, who was now silent and listening, a rare event to witness in this school.

    Steadman spoke, "I hope you all can take something out of this battle that you have just watched. Nobody moreso than Chriistopher, here, who as of now is an officially licensed Pokemon Trainer!"

    Zero shook his hand as he was presented with his ID card. Who would have thought that one would have to go through all this, just to get a little plastic card. But it was all over now, and starting soon, he would be adventuring all over the great state of Tennessee.

    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    The headmistress and Raphael shared a quick glance and a nod before they both called forth their second Pokemon simultaneousness.

    "Come forth, Haxorus." the headmistress called.

    Raphael let his Pokeball open and return to him without saying a word. Now Electrode stood before a mighty greenish-brown and black hulk. The Dragon's eye's were eager, like it wanted nothing more than to crush its enemies.

    Instantly and unavoidably, the rocks outlined in purple previously summed by Bronzong dug into Haxorus' skin. The thing barely winced. The rocks then floated back to their original position. Because of the hazard, the headmistress would have to be weary about switching, where Raphael could do so freely. A luxury he wouldn't take lightly.

    First thing to do was to clear the Sunny Day.

    "Electrode, Rain Dance." started the second round.

    Electrode spun and rolled in a complex series of patterns. The orange illumination above quickly dissipated into an orange mist, before being dispelled completely by a dark grey raincloud. In an instant rain poured from the small circular cloud. The rain hit the Haxorus' scaled skin gleamed like polished metal in the heavy water.

    "Dragon Rush." the headmistress commanded, she seemed to regain herself from the last round.

    The Haxorus started running, each step leaving a deep thud and a slight rumble. The huge beast soon was surrounded in a purple, gold, and blue-like mix of color, gaining speed as the aura intensified.

    "Get out of the way." Raphael told Electrode, not very worried that it could fail.

    Despite the dragon's speed, it wasn't fast enough for Electrode, who easily rolled out, appearing behind it.

    "Electrode, respond with Thunder." Raphael commanded.

    He knew the attack wouldn't do much, but he felt he could stall out Haxorus' power with Electrode's constant dodges.

    The lightning exploded in a brilliant show of light coming from the red and white Pokemon. It radiated throughout every raindrop and puddle, it inevitably connected with Haxorus, who didn't seem to mind.

    "Dragon Rush, again." the headmistress declared.

    Electrode got ready to perform another rolling maneuver.

    Haxorus re initiated its charge. This time it had much more speed. Still, no match for the speedy Electrode.

    "Reverse." the headmistress, a direction command, not an attack.

    With incredible agility, the huge Pokemon changed direction and came right back. The blood lust growing in its eyes.

    "Electrode, roll out and use Signal Beam." Raphael said, still not doubting the reliability of his Electrode.

    However, as Electrode attempted to do another dodge, it was stopped by the tail of Haxorus. Haxorus proceeded to ram into the ball-shaped Pokemon. But it wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. It charged over to Electrode, picked it up, just to throw and charge at it again.

    Raphael waited until his Pokemon was picked up again to command. "Now, Signal Beam its face, get its eyes."

    Electrode released a close range red and green thin DNA shaped beam into the dragon's eyes. Haxorus wasn't immensely hurt, but its grip lessened.

    "Roll up on its back." was Raphael's next move.

    Electrode broke free and leaped onto the thing's back.

    "Crush it." the headmistress told her Pokemon.

    Without hesitation, Haxorus began to fall backwards. Raphael anticipated that it would flip over on its way down, attempting a tackle-esque move.

    "Stay on its back and keep using Signal Beam." was Raphael's retaliation.

    As expected, Haxorus flipped. But Electrode managed to stay on its back, firing off beams every moment it could. The barrage of attacks made Haxorus distress for the first time that battle.

    "Launch it with Dragon Rush, then Outrage." the headmistress commanded, she seemed to work well with her Haxorus' attitude.

    Lifting itself up, Haxorus freed itself from Electrode. It proceeded to attack the airborne Pokemon with a Dragon Rush. Without the ground beneath it, Electrode couldn't hope to dodge. That move was followed by several orange and red blasts erupting from the dragon's mouth, further cementing Electrode into the school.

    At last, the blasts had stopped, Elctrode wasn't holding up well, and fell from the new hole in the ceiling.

    "Electrode, Thunder." Raphael used as a desperation move.

    The electricity hit its mark, until abruptly cut off. Electrode had hit the floor. Knocked out, it didn't even get the chance to use its signature Explosion.

    Recalling Electrode, Raphael pulled out his last Pokeball. This was the time that he and Donphan would be put to their first, and perhaps ultimate test.


    Artist and Writer
  • 698



    The Noob Hacker:

    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    Raphael waited a few seconds before he sent out his last Pokemon. He tried to regain his calm. He let the anticipation hang in the air as he regained his composure. This was it. If he wanted to win, he would have to take out Haxorus with taking minimal damage, meaning that he couldn't use Double Edge, leaving him with two damaging moves that were weak against dragons. But Haxorus was caught in an Outrage, and would be confused eventually.

    Wordlessly, he let the ball open by his side. Once Donphan had materialized, it made sure to let out a defiant roar, even in the face of the hulking dragon before it.

    The headmistress didn't have to say a word to keep her Haxorus launch the second stream of Outrage blasts.

    "Protect." was Raphael's start, a fairly logical move.

    A transparent green hemisphere expanded from Donphan, until it covered most all of its body and more. The orange and red beams broke apart into star shaped patterns as they hit. After the barrage was over, the shield disappeared. Haxorus still looked as if it could go for another couple of rounds before the confusion set in.

    Another blast erupted from its mouth.

    "Donphan, avoid them." Raphael told his Pokemon.

    Donphan started running to its left, the constant blasts not even a meter behind it. Haxorus seemed to be getting a feel for its opponent's speed, as each blast got slightly closer.

    "Donphan, charge at it with Thunder Fang, run in a zigzag." Raphael commanded.

    Donphan did as told, making sure to keep each left and right movement disproportionate. This time, the blasts didn't come too close to it. Yellow, cackling electricity came from Donphan's mouth like the foam of a rabid animal. Once it got close to its foe, Donphan leaped into the air, landing squarely on Haxorus' chest, where it bit and held fast.

    All the while, Haxorus kept attempting to hit with Outrage.

    "Donphan, keep up the Thunder Fangs." Raphael told Donphan.

    The two Pokemon grappled for awhile on the ground, tossing and turning. Missed Outrages going haywire all about the gym, the constant grunts and roars of the Pokemon, Sparks flying from Donphan's mouth.

    In due time, an Outrage hit Donphan, sending it flying a little ways off of Haxorus. Donphan managed to land on its feet, and skid a little bit before coming to a complete stop. It lifted its trunk and roared to show that it could go on.

    However, Haxorus wasn't as confident. The Outrage had finally taken its effect, as now the beast was clumsily stumbling about like a drunken man.

    "Giga Impact." was the first command the headmistress had spoken in awhile, as it appeared, she was going to let out Haxorus' most powerful moves now, as it couldn't go on much longer.

    Clumsily, Haxorus managed to pull off the beginning of the attack. It began to run in its tyrannosaurus-rex like fashion. A red aura began to build around it. It slowly grew from pink to crimson as the beast gained speed.

    Raphael knew Donphan could probably use Protect now, but that would put Donphan and Haxorus toe to toe, not to mention it would take out the possibility of it doing serious damage to itself in confusion.

    "Donphan, wait to dodge." Raphael told his Pokemon.

    Donphan prepared itself, bunching up its muscles like a jungle cat ready to pounce. Soon, Haxorus was upon it, charging wildly.

    "Now!" Raphael had to yell over the sound of the Haxorus' stomping feet.

    At last, Donphan sprung, but Haxorus kept charging on. It was completely oblivious to the headmistress' commands to reverse direction. It wasn't long before the dragon collapsed in a rather pathetic attempt to turn around. Now was the chance, it was either take it out now, or lose.

    "Donphan, batter it with Iron Tail." Raphael commanded.

    Donphan charged and did as told, hitting it constantly with its silver glowing tail. The Haxorus silently took all of the blows. Then, it got back up, and turned around. Donphan backed off.

    "Hyper Beam." the headmistress told it.

    A blast from that close could've taken out Donphan. Haxorus attempted to conjure the beam, a small orange ball forming in front of its mouth. It suddenly turned to nothingness as the beast's eyes closed shut, and it fell to the ground in front of Donphan, it was out.

    The headmistress took out her last Pokeball, not wasting any time to throw it.

    "Weavile, go." she said.

    A moment later, a Weavile stood in front of her. It readied itself for the battle to come, sharpening its claws.

    "Focus Blast." the headmistress said.

    Weavile put its claws together. A small red and white ball started forming between it. Slowly, the ball expanded. In due time, the ball was released and it continued to grow as it did, forming into a red and with meteor.

    "Protect." Raphael said.

    The shield reformed around around Donphan. The blast exploded into nothingness as it collided with the shield. But as it cleared, Weavile was already charging forth, with amazing speed.

    "Weavile, Night Slash." the headmistress said.

    A transparent black mist surrounded Weavile's claws as it charged forward. As it neared Donphan it raised its claws.

    "Donphan, block it with Iron Tail." Raphael said.

    Donphan's glowing tail and Weavile's claws clashed. However Weavile was far faster. It easily parried away Donphan's blows. Eventually striking Donphan on the back.

    "Slash." the headmistress said.

    Weavile was attempting to rake at Donphan, as Donphan tried to parry the blows with its tail.

    "Donphan, Thunder Fang." Raphael said.

    Donphan whirled around and leaped upon Weavile. It began its bite.

    "Weavile Focus Blast."

    The close range blast made Donphan fly from Weavile's body. It landed on its back, and rolled over a few times.

    "Weavile Slash."

    Weavile raced over to Donphan.

    "Donphan, send it away with Double Edge." Raphael said.

    Donphan rolled into a ball and rolled towards Weavile. A white trail was behind Donphan. As it got near Weavile it launched itself upwards, and got out of its ball form. Then it charged downwards at Weavile.

    "Weavile, Night Slash."

    Weavile leaped up and slashed at Donphan's underbelly.

    "Donphan, Iron Tail."

    Using all of the muscle power in its body, it flipped over. Donphan's glowing tail hit Weavile squarely on the head. Weavile fell to the ground.

    "Double Edge."

    Donphan went down fast. Donphan's head hit Weavile's chest. Then, it sprung off.

    There Weavile lay, completely knocked out.
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    Challenge God
  • 1,824
    "Christopher Jacobson!" Dr. Steadman announced to the crowd one last time as the two shook hands. Half the crowd, Zero's friends included, roared as he waved to them. The other half was a mixture between booing and screaming things like "thank god you're gone!" and "good riddance, nerd!" Zero wouldn't miss them, but he sure would miss all of his friends. And his Pokemon. Zero would miss Drifblim and Houndoom the most. He could always stay in touch with his friends, but his Pokemon were a different story. What if they got a bad trainer, that didn't use them properly? He shook that out of his head, thinking that some of his friends would take his Pokemon, since they had been around them and knew how they battled. That was the thought he needed to have as he handed Mr. Rodgers his two Pokeballs. It was just Zero and Orion now. Mr. Rodgers sensed this sorrow, and smiled warmly at Zero as he obtained the two Pokemon. The transaction was made, and Zero headed home from the school for the last time.

    He ate out with his friends like he was supposed to the previous night. They had Japanese food, just like Zero wanted. Zero sat at the center of the table, surrounded by Chelsea, Dannewitz, Georg, Mindy, and Josh. The had a great time, full of laughter and jokes, but also silence. His friends were really going to miss him. They knew how dangerous it would be; this may be the last time they got to see Zero. The night went by in seconds, and before long, Zero was back at his house, alone, packing his bags for his journey. He had Orion out of its Pokeball, and it was walking around Zero's room, getting comfortable with where it would be spending the night.

    Zero's mom ended up doing most of the packing. Zero told her that he remembered everything, but being a mom, she didn't believe him, and dumped out all the stuff he had just packed. She repacked it all, making sure that he did remember everything, and letting him know when she would think of something he would forget. Zero would sigh, and let her continue on with her nagging.

    He didn't sleep well that night. He dreamt of Team Globus capturing all of his friends and Pokemon. All he had to fight with was a Magikarp, and they were using a Dusknoir. Magikarp was useless against it, and as a result, they won. Red was on the sideline, jeering at him, saying how he would always be better than Zero, that he should just quit his journey now so that nobody got hurt. And then, it was finally morning, Zero woke up, ready for the day to start.


    Artist and Writer
  • 698
    ultragon has been kicked from the roleplay for not following the rules and being inactive.
    Marina E. Silver has asked to drop out.

    The Noob Hacker:


    I, Royal, am joining this roleplay as a trainer as well.


    Selena Salvatore
    Chapter 1 – Post 1
    March 4th, 2010

    Being one of the three chosen trainers from Louisiana is difficult to say in the least. Really, you have to go out on your own for what – the rest of your life, with people expecting you to become some kind of 'hero'? No – there're no heroes in this world, no triumphing of good and evil – and Jo knew that when she became a trainer.

    Selena stretched lightly on the grassy plain of her parents' ranch, her chosen partner, Wartortle, sitting by her side. She had beaten her principal yesterday in a Pokemon match – her first real Pokemon match as a trainer. She was excited from the beginning, but when her Pokemon Research teacher retold the class the story of the four New Yorkers who began their journeys two years ago, with two of them having terrible ends, Selena wanted to scream for her to stop.

    Selena knew the story all too well, since Michael Crawley was her cousin. Selena's mother was Michael's father's sister. Their family is big, and only two have gotten their trainer IDs early – Michael and Selena. The two shared common traits - their personalities, their love for Pokemon, and their physical traits – brown hair and brown eyes. Selena and Michael were the only ones in the family with those traits – all the others had hazel eyes and black hair.

    Selena sighed heavily as she looked up at the clouds overhead. She was going to begin her journey whether she wanted to or not – this was for Michael – she would stop Team Globus.

    Selena turned her head to Wartortle, and he was looking at her, worriedly. Selena smiled. It was sad she could only take Wartortle and that she had to leave Heatmor and Zweilous at school. They all have been great friends for a long time, and it was sad that they all had to separate. Wartortle and Zweilous both evolved in battles Selena was in during school because they trusted her, and they were all friends. But now, they were gone from her forever, or so Selena believed.

    "Are you ready, Wartortle?" Selena asked.

    The turtle Pokemon nodded its head excitedly, its white and fluffy tail wagging softly.

    Selena pulled herself up and sighed again. "Alright then, let's hit the road," Selena said. "We have to do a lot of training before we can battle the gym leader."

    Wartortle jumped to his feet with a grin. "War," it said. Selena pulled out her arm, and with a slight jump, Wartortle pulled itself up onto Selena's shoulder. A grin spread across Selena's face and the two friends walked for Selena's car, a brilliant red Jeep. The two of them would be doing a lot of driving – driving from Covington to Baton Rouge, where the Louisiana Gym is located.

    Once the two friends got in, Selena checked her bag - $500 cash from her parents, a credit card, a debit card, a case of five Pokeballs her parents gave to her, and a photo that almost brought tears to her eyes. It was of her and Michael… the photo was taken when Michael visited Selena's school over a year ago with his team. Selena was younger in the picture and had her team of Graveler, Squirtle, and Deino. Michael had his Feraligatr and Swellow with him.

    A ragged breath escaped past Selena's lips as she lifted the photo and hung it on a string around her rearview mirror, somewhere where she'll always be able to see it.

    Then, she revved the engine of her Jeep to life and put it into drive. Today and for many days on, she would make sure Michael's memory lived on.
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  • 6,896
    Kris Kollyns
    March 4th, 2011
    Brooklyn birds...


    Welcome to Brooklyn, New York. A place you get to after hours of non-stop driving through the night, becoming so tired you actually want to get in a car crash just so you can stop driving. I hadn't had my lisence for that long, and this was the longest i'd ever driven myself.

    I got out of the car and shook myself awake. I was at a store where I could buy some pokeballs, which I knew I would need pretty soon. I walked into the store, the sudden change in lighting made my eyes hurt a bit. I looked around, there was maybe one other person here and the cashier looked ready to drop herself.

    I walked back a few aisles until I spotted the pokeballs, five dollars each. That seemed about three dollars too much, but whatever. I only bought five pokeballs, which already came to twenty five dollars. I hoped pokeballs wouldn't cost this much everywhere.

    I walked up to the cashier, placed the five pokeballs on the counter, and pulled out my wallet. The cashier scanned all of the pokeballs, told me the price I already knew, and then I gave her a precious twenty five dollars. Rip off. I took all of the pokeballs, put them into a pocket on the inside of my hoodie, and left.

    It was around dawn, and the sun was just coming up. So I assumed it was around five, six a.m. I got back in my car and went to a local park, hoping to find some pokemon there. Luckily, since it was so early, no human life forms were there. The first thing I spotted was a flock of Pidove. Along with the Pidove were some Taillow and Pidgey. Just a bunch of birds, figures.

    "Cinder, lets get us some more pokemon." Cinder appeared in a ray of white light, ready for battle. "Flame Wheel." Cinder was engulfed in flames as he hurled himself at the flock of birds. Almost all of their heads turned as the flames lit up the area. Cinder landed directly in the center of the birds, sending flames all around him. At this point, most of the bird pokemon had taken to the skies, but there were still a few stragglers.

    I counted two Pidove, one Pidgey and one Taillow still in front of me. I commanded Cinder to use Flame Wheel again, and the Pidgey and one Pidove took off. Now I had my targets. "Aerial Ace and Flame Wheel, just like you did yesterday!"

    Cinder took on the same tactic he used against Croconaw and raced in towards the two bird pokemon with Aerial Ace, before bathing himself in flames and burning the air around him with Flame Wheel. He slammed the two pokemon, both slicing them with air while scorching them.

    "Piii!" "Taiilll!" The pokemon cried in unison as they were thrown back a few feet.

    "Cinder, concentrate on the Pidove first. Use Flame Wheel." Cinder launched himself at the Pidove, sending flames sprawling around it. The Pidove let out another cry as it tumbled backwards. When it got back on its feet, it flapped its wings and created a gust of wind. Cinder stood his ground, only moving about a foot from the winds.

    "Aerial Ace." Cinder cut through the air and threw himself at the Pidove. The Pidove was thrown into a tree, hitting it head on and fainting from the impact.

    "Now use Flame Wheel on the Taillow." Cinder turned to the Taillow, once again engulfing himself in flames and ramming his opponent. The Taillow flew back a few feet, before it recovered and began to flap its' wings.

    The Taillow had created a somewhat violent swirl of wind that it shot at Cinder. "Can Taillow even learn Gust?" I asked myself, not even bothering to tell Cinder to dodge. Cinder sat down and let the wind blow over him, which only did enough to blow Cinder's fur around.

    "Aerial Ace." Cinder soared through the air, sending the Taillow flying on impact. The Taillow twisted, managing to flap its wings and begin to fly. It used Gust again, creating a stronger wind this time. I could actually see the wind now, and Cinder was sent flying into a tree. I lost sight of him for a moment, before his head popped out of the leaves.

    "Aerial Ace again." Cinder flew out of the tree and rushed the Taillow, knocking it out of the sky. It spun as it fell to the ground, creating a cloud of leaves and dirt when it hit the ground. The Taillow had fallen unconscious on impact. I pulled out two of the five pokeballs I had bought earlier and tapped them on both of the unconscious birds. They both disappeared in scarlet light.


    OOC: Sorry if I took down the pokemon too easily. I assumed they would be really weak due to the moves they knew. Okay, think I fixed it. Hope it's better.
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