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Dies Irae (Judgement Day) Upon Us

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and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    SIGN-UPS ARE NOW CLOSED! Sorry for the inconvienience.

    The world has seen catastrophic battles between three titans of the world's domains.

    It is said that the legendary titan Groundon created the land which we walk, and has the power to lower the sea levels.
    It is said that the legendary titan Kyogre controls the oceans wrath, and has the ability to expand the oceans wide mass.
    In the same way, it is said the legendary titan Rayquaza controls the sky's wrath, and is in charge of the weather we face. The sky is his haven and no one elses.
    If any of these titans went out in combat, nature's fury was shown.
    Weather grew to the extreme, land was flooded in a matter of minutes, and earthquakes and volcanoes sent ash into the sky causing destruction everywhere.

    Each time a battle ended, the world was left in a state of destruction. What were once beautiful forests had turned into barren wastelands of ash. The highest of mountains were beaten down into the earth. The sky would be black for monthes. It is also said that an entire ocean had dried up after a battle.

    Mankind did not exist in these times of chaos.

    Centuries have passed and the titans hae been in deep sleep. Mankind has civillized and knows of the titans. They know of the great battles that have taken place. Yong men grow up to be pokemon trainers, and help in the fight aginst those who threaten the peace of man.

    However man is also evil, and evil also knows of the titans great power. And evil wishes to harness this awesome power...however...Evil is blind to the grave consequences of its actions...

    The world has basically changed overnight. No one knew why at first, however after satellite images showed signs of great combat, the world has now known that the three titans have again awakened. But never before have all three awakened at the same time like this and wreaked so much destruction and devestation like this. Nature has seen the chaos and has become enraged at everything living. Nowhere is safe now. However a small band of trainers, each unique has banded toether to form a team and solve the mystery on why this great catastrophe has occured.

    You are one of these trainers. You are to help put an end to this horrific combat. Failure is not an option. If failure happens...mankind will see judgement day upon them at a very early time. Everything on Earth will be wiped out. Good luck.

    -The basic RP rules apply in this RP. No godmoding, bunnying, etc.
    -Keep swearing at a minimum. NO F-Bombs
    -Only one character per user.
    -Refer to character guide for info required (below)
    -Please stay active ,and don't drop out , that means doon't leave your character, or person hanging on, waiting for you to post. Thanks.

    Character Sign Up Sheet

    Name: (full name)
    Age: (average starting trainers age is 10, but I'll accept teen ages and maybe even below 10; gotta give a good reason why and how you can handle pokemon though)
    Appearence: (clothes, body style, detailed please)
    Personality: (How does your character behave in certain situations? Details)
    History: (What has happened in your character's past? Details)
    Your Team: (Your current team. Switches will be made available in the game later. NO LEGENDS)
    Intro Post: (What is your character doing before this chaos started?)

    Characters: (As of 2/24/09)

    Got-a-Plan-B (accepted)
    brael (accepted)
    X-File (accepted)
    Darkrai Trainer (accepted)
    Rabbit (reserved)
    dragonqueen0210 (reserved)
    DrAcO_ToRpEdO (reserved)
    Shen (accepted)
    Fai (accepted)
    Symphony (reserved)

    My Character

    Name: Travis Darrell Mura

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: November 20, 1990

    Age: 19 (1/2)

    Appearence: Travis towers above anyone he knows, at the height of 6'8''. He weighs only about 180, and is skinny. He has blue eyes, black hair which is grown out most of the time, the style is just messy. He has some facial hair, but usually keeps it trimmed. His pants are black cargo, which zip off near the knees to form shorts if needed. His tee-shirt usually is blue or black with any Metallica logo or emblem on it. He wears a gray vest over his teeshirt, which holds his belongings. These include a cell phone, iPod nano, pokedex, and other items. He wears a dark blue backpack that has other items as well. On his head he is seen sometimes wearing a dark blu ebandana as a headband, and always wears a necklace around his neck, that has a moon stone on it. This is the only posession he has left of his mother.

    Personality: Due to a rough past, he can sometimes get in an extremely darkened mood if angered or upset. When in these moods, he is a person you don't wanna always be around. But he years for company at times. When not in these moods, he is one of the most respectable guys you could know. He gives advice, hangs out, listens, and comforts. He also has a big passion for Metallica and heavy Metal in general. Travis most of the time is a rather calm person. He can be seen in meditation, and knows how to tell one's emotions or feelings. Travis usually leans to avoid trouble and rarely fights. However, he has been known to get in a few rare fights when very much angered in one of his darkened moods.

    History: Travis started his pokemon journey at 17. The only reason he started so late was that before then, he had no interest in going on a journey. He lived in Pallet up to that point his entire life. His only living relative is his grandmother. His parents have been dead a long time now, and his grandfather sadly passed away when Travis reached Lavander Town. Travis has been a trainer for about 2 years now. He traveled through Kanto and collected the eight gym badges. But the way he battled, and moree mysteriously, the way he trained caused him to gain fame. His ways of training are secret to most people he knows. He is currently trying to keep a low profile, because he doesn't want fame or glory as most trainers seek.
    His name is very well known in Kanto, and it is a little known in Jhoto. Very few know his name in Hoenn and Sinnoh, and so Travis has been making his way between the two regions as a wanderer. He has helped numerous trainers and traveled with a few trainers. One of these trainers he's traveled with was a trainer by the name of Ritchie, a trainer from Kanto. Travis held a big respect for Ritchie and hopes to travel with him again.
    In battle, Travis is one of the toughest guys around. His team may not look like much, but the way Travis trains them has perfected them. Travis is very proud of them, and does not like credit given in his direction, but at his team.

    Gill (Squirtle):
    Gill was Travis' first pokemon. The two have gone through a lot and have a very strong relationship. Travis has made a vow to make Gill the stronest Squirtle around. Gill has not evolved, which is a mystery to the public, but not to Travis. The story about this, is a mystery to the public. Travis has trained Gill to do extrordrinary things in battle, some trainers say Gill can even withstand electric pokemon. The bond between Gill and Travis is very strong and they understand each other perfectly. Gill is always kept out of his pokeball and walks with Travis.
    St. Anger (Raichu):
    St. Anger was Travis' second pokemon, and his biggest challenge to train. When he caught him as a Pikachu, the pokemon would attack him when he called it out to bond with. However, Travis finally calmed the rage in the pikachu's mind, and began to train with Travis. Travis has taught it a lot of agility and speed, and is the fastest pokemon Travis has. St. Anger evolved when Travis offered it the thunderstone. After it evolved, it became even more powerful, it's electric attacks are some of the most powerful anybody has ever seen, and also has a rather strong bond with Travis. At first this bond was a little questionable, because Travis found out about a few monthes ago, that St. Anger had a secret fear of Travis. It took a lot of bonding to finally gain the full trust of St. Anger.
    Sanitarium (Alakazam):
    Travis caught Sanitarium after St. Anger. Through rough training, he evolved and has a near perfect defense. Travis usually calls upon Sanitarium for defense, his light screen is almost perfect and impenetrable. Sanitarium will go into meditation before battle every now and then. His mental powers are getting stronger and still have a long way to go before reaching their maximum strength.
    Aerials (Pidgeot):
    Travis' grandfather had always bragged to Travis when he was young about being a master trainer. Travis always got amused by these stories as his grandfather had never caught one, or even tried to. However shortly after Travis left, his grandfather caught a Pidgeot! Travis had left a few pokeballs behind. Travis was shocked at this news as this was a rare thing to happen. And techically, the pidgeot had allowed it! The pidgeot had been injured and his grandparents looked after it. The Pidgeot was handed down to Travis after the tragic death of his grandfather. The Pidgeot can carry at least three people.
    Damageplan (Tyranitaur):
    On his 18th birthday, Travis went out with his team to a newly discovered island. Travis went for a walk and stumbled upon a Larvitar. He caught it and after about a year in training, he fully evolved it. It is very loyal to Travis and will not listen to anyone else unless directed to by Travis. Damageplan is also very territorial, it does not get along easily with other pokemon and that is one of the reasons it is so powerful in battle. If it thinks Travis is in danger, it will attack those attacking him, human or pokemon.
    Orion (Turtwig):
    Upon entering the Sinnoh Region, Travis saw a wild Turtiwg, this was a very rare sight, and the Turtwig actually challenged Gill to battle. The battle was shot with Gill easily winning. Travis knelt to the battle worn Turtwig, offering to train it to make is even better than it was. The turtwig agreed and allowed itself to be captured. It is Travis' newest pokemon. He has yet to know this little pokemon fully but e has trained him very well so far and calls on him a lot in battle. Orion has become very loyal to Travis and is rather playful. It likes to play with oter trainers and their pokemon. He especially likes playig with Gill, and looks to Gill to get stronger.

    All in all Travis owns very little pokemon, adding up to only about 20.


    Travis and Gill ran. The rain was pouring and the air was rather hot. Travis was wondering why the storm struck as fast as it did...it was weird.

    Travis knew he was in Hoenn, but had no idea what town he was headed in. There was a town up ahead, and he knew it. He was a wanderer of this area and knew the general locations of towns, but not always knew where he was going. It didn't matter. They ran through the gray mud.

    Upon entering the town, they ran into the nearest pokemon center. Travis walked to the town map on the wal.
    They were in Fallarbor Town.
    That would explain the "gray" mud. The ash thaat fell here all the time covered the terrain.

    The center was rather crowded with resting trainers, but that didn't worry Travis one bit. He walked with Gill over to the counter where Nurse Joy was tending.

    "Excuse me, but could you do a quick check up on my team?"
    Nurse Joy looked up and smiled. "Of course, sir."
    Gill leapt off Travis' shoulder and onto the counter as Travis gave Nurse Joy his other 5 pokeballs.

    Nurse Joy went to the back where she always did her check ups.
    There was a group of trainers over in the corner watching the television. The group was quiet. Curious, Travis went over and watched the broadcast.

    "...with our weekly forecast. Martin?"
    "Thank you Allison, strange weather today I must say, and it doesn't look like it will let up. We got a large amount of rain in most of Hoenn tonight, particularaly in Lavaridge. Lavaridge is on Flash Flood watch now. The week ahead is a little hard to predict actually, we were expecting high 80's tomorrow but with the sudden storm, we may be a little cooler, we'll just have to wait and see."
    "Thanks, Martin. We'll be sure to keep our umbrellas handy. Cinnibar Island is still in ruin after a 8.9 earthquake rocked the island..."
    Travis looked at the television in shock. The devastation aired was unbelievable.
    "The quake struck very sudden, and there was little warning. Blaine's gym is known to have been destroyed in the quake, Blaine is alive. at least 8 people have died, and 43 have been injured, 15 in critical condition. The island's volcano shows no current state in erupting anytime soon.
    "The earthquake of Cinnibar Island caused Pallet Town to go on Tsunami alert for most of the afternoon today."
    Travis listened even more now. His home town had a Tsunami alert?
    "The alert was lifted at 8:00 tonight, and Pallet is normal."

    Travis went to the PC telephone and dialed his grandmother.

    "Hello?" her voice was heard.
    "Hey grandma, it's me."
    "Oh, hi! How have you been doing?"
    "I've been doing fine, but-"
    "Where are you?"
    Travis laughed. "I'm in Fallobor Town. It's raining like crazy. But that's not what I called about, I heard about the Cinnibar quake."
    "Oh, yes that was a little crazy."
    "I just wanted to know if you are alright."
    "Oh Travis, I'm completally fine. They evacuated Pallet for about an hour after we recieved the Tsunami alert."
    "Right. Crazy day I guess."
    "Well, yes I guess." she laughed.
    "Hows life over there?"
    "Normal as can be say for the alert earlier. Listen Travis, I'd love to chat more but I got something in the oven."
    "Oh, sorry, I'm glad you're okay."
    "It's nice to hear from you again, try to stay in touch more often."
    Travis laughed and hung up.

    "Sir?" Joy's voice said.
    Travis turned, and walked to the counter.
    "Here you go sir, they are fine."
    "Thanks Joy. Take it easy."
    "My pleasure sir."

    The television rang out again.

    "Allison Crentley on this breaking news report from Mt. Silver, we have live footage aimed at what appears to be...Groundon...a legendary pokemon in a complete rampage. We're about to go live to Mt. Silver, in Jhoto, where Amanda is filming this rampaging pokemon."
    An aerial view of Mt. Silver showed Groundon indeed in a complete rampage. Trainers around Travis started to murmer in awe.
    "Amanda here, we do not know why Groundon has come here so far from it's home, but whatever it's doing, it doesn't look like it's gonna stop...Oh God...He's destroying a house down there, people are running away in complete panic...Oh God, he just fired a flamethrower at us!"

    The Television showed the Groundon is absolute fury. Travis looked at the pokemon's face...it wasn't fury...it was...insanity?
    Something wasn't right.
    "Oh God, we better get out of here, Daniel, get us out of here!"
    "Amanda are you there?"
    The screen went blank, and trainers erupted in talk.
    "Amanda? Amanda? Are you there...oh God...we are just getting news from Slateport Town about a tidal wave that has flooded the city. Witnesses claim to have seen Kyogre, and Lavender Town has also seen sights of Rayquaza, and is currently experiencing a terrible hail storm...oh God...something's going on...we may be in trouble..."

    Travis absorbed every moment, every word into his skull. Gill watched in awe. The ground began to shake.

    The trainers paniced. Travis got under a doorway. He looked through the window...Mt Chimney was smoking...and erupting. It wasn't big, but it was erupting.

    "Gill, something's going on. We gotta do something..."

    The volcano erupted sending lava down it's slopes, but the lava cooled before it reached the foot of the mountain due to the rain.

    The quake ceased. The lobby of the pokemon center was in ruins. The main street outside had a nasty fissure down the middle.

    "Okay Gill, time to give Oak a call..."
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  • 1,308
    Last time I joined one of your RPs, it died. Thankfully this isn't an adventure RP so I had to join.

    Name: Raizel/ Born under the name Allard Ainsworth Jr.

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Goldenrod City

    At first glance, Raizel may scream a kind-hearted individual due to his fair skin, his clean cut appearance, and long well-groomed shiny hair. However, a deeper analysis of his appearance will reveal a far different opinion. What is true about the previous statement is that Raizel is well groomed and clean with no impurities on his face, not even a speck of facial hair. Ignoring his painful injury, Raizel appears young and youthful with a face resembling a small child, a baby face if you will. His long brown hair reaches down to his back and is kept in mint condition in a ponytail that fails to do much, as his hair still remains in his face at all times hiding a long scar that stretches from cheek to cheek, across the bridge of his nose. His eyes are an ice cold blue that often stare people down into a freezing sweat. The expression on his face is equally cold and emotionless and seems permanently carved into place like that of a statue. Raizel's body is tall and well-built as he stands at about 6"1 and weighs in a solid 220 pounds of raw muscle. The body that experienced his travels is beaten and scarred with numerous injuries both old and new due to countless battles however his heavy clothes hide that fact from the public. Raizel can be considered extremely attractive to female and gay men due to his qualities described above.

    Despite being a rough and tough trainer, his clothes are well kempt as well as high quality, suggesting wealth to some degree. To begin, Raizel wears a slim fit black t-shirt with a medieval design, which has a broad sword run diagonally down starting from the left-shoulder and ending on the right side of the waist. Old glyphs and ancient writings are written on the blade, which mean absolutely nothing and are nothing but decoration. Over that he wears a casual shirt with gothic designs on it (This link can help present an idea of the base shirt: https://withoutprejudice.com/shop/shopimages/products/normal/a07-21.jpg). To support his opulent design, he wears stone washed loose fit jeans that pack a few rips and tears suggesting some use in the real world. His shoes are the Pokemon world's equivalent to Vans, containing a black and red color scheme. A leather belt with a sliver buckle keeps his pants from falling, while showing off some more money due to its custom flame design. He also sports a sliver chain around his neck with a Celtic cross pendant.

    Raizel stands tall with excellent posture in an attempt to intimidate others to do his bidding. He takes powerful, large, and loud steps to make others notice his appearance and shows no fear in walking through crowds (OOC: I mean, literally through.) His voice is deep and dark, with a hint of evil within in every word.

    Additional piece of his appearance is that of a large bag kept across his back. This bag contains various survival tools as a well as musical instruments including a guitar and a violin.

    Raizel in a nutshell is best described by this passage:
    "A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

    Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal."

    Raizel considers himself a man grounded into reality and as a result is somewhat pessimistic, preferring to expect the worst, as that is what usually happens. Seeing life from that of a warrior, he has experienced the reality of battle countless times and has become hardened as a result. He feels no fear and no remorse, coming off as cold and uncaring. Due to his lifestyle, he has learned to care for himself first and others second, if he even decides to care. (OOC: Okay so this paragraph was over-dramatic. My bad).

    He is rarely a people person unless they can peak his interest effectively whether through riches, quests or a story. Raizel has tendency to scare people due to his horrifying stories, even if he did not mean it. He has been called charming at times and can be a lady killer without even talking, however upon opening his mouth he can be revolting due to his greedy, selfish nature along with dry, sarcastic wit and humor.

    EDIT(Adding some qualities that become a central aspect of his character as of late): Raizel is a man with little tolerance for weakness. Due to his lifestyle that has centered around the struggle for survival, he prides himself as man with power and control. His pride, he believes, is his strongest quality, often stroking his already inflated ego. Any weakness, especially his own, drives him into a fury; one he can usually control unless the conditions are out of his center of control. Another strong element of his character is his tendency to jump to conclusions. Despite being fairly intelligent with a good deal of common sense having been dealt to him, he will often make a conclusion without completely thinking the situation through. He prefers to shoot first and ask questions later. Having adopted a morally gray area, Raizel often battles with some inner demons, preventing from making certain choices. He isn't completely evil or completely good, having a little bit of both in his life. Despite his stubborn, selfish nature he often found himself fighting for the side of justice. However, he enjoys committing the occasional corrupted act. During this pivotal splits, he flips a coin (literally), leaving the fates up to chance.


    Raizel's early childhood would be ideal for anyone who knows what money is. His family was rich to the point of insane. His father was corporate head working for the Johto Radio Tower and his mother was DJ. However, he was raised instead by his "Old Money" grandmother who imagined Raizel was some overly civilized reject from the 1800s. As a result, Raizel learned how to fine dine, play instruments, dress properly and sent himself by the highest standards man could possibly fathom. In the typical twist, Raizel was nothing like that and desired nothing but freedom from his grandmother's clutches. After learning the basic fundamentals of life, Raizel made the choice to leave Goldenrod, reinvent himself and then return to society under a new guise.

    The day came when he reached the ripe age of 15. Packing his bags, Raizel left in a hurry to never return. His wanderings led him to New Bark Town near the border of Johto and Kanto. Within the small village, he discovered a gold mine of Pokemon stuffed into a small laboratory. Being well aware of the Pokemon craze, Raizel made the choice to acquire a Pokemon and sent off a journey of self-discovery. Only then can he realize who he really is. Lacking the common sense to ask for a Pokemon, Raizel used his excellent physical capabilities as a result of his grandmother's desire to keep him athletic and attractive for women to steal one from the laboratory. During his escape, he bought new clothes to establish a new image and developed a new name: Raizel.

    He had one advantage over his peers: practically infinite wealth. At any time, he could take money from his family accounts and use them. He was aware of his parent's wages and took small amounts out so detection was virtually impossible. The wealth was for any expenses ranging from basic life needs to travel. With this aid, Raizel traveled to nearly every region for the next 5 years.

    The 5 years were hard yet rewarding. He managed to become a mature man that he is proud to be. Instead of being stuck-up, haughty and out of touch with reality, Raizel is a free spirit that is grounded in reality and capable of seeing the world for what it really is. The rigorous travel and adventuring developed his mind and body developing a man with true strength. During his travels, he has earned fame and glory that many dream of attaining.(and yes his family doesn't realize that Raizel=Alfred). His fame is strongest in Johto and Sinnoh as he has spent the greatest time in those regions, and as a result is a welcomed celebrity in those regions. In has been known, he is outwardly kind to his fans and a total @$$hole to anyone who criticizes him. His fame is Hoenn is not too great, likely due to his limited amount of time there. He has acquired a team of strong Pokemon and has managed place well in regional tournaments (with the exception of Kanto, a region he has just entered.) This is due to this strict training that he pushes his team through, as covered in a news story during a brief period at the Sinnoh Victory Road.


    Typhlosion- Raizel's first Pokemon that he stole from New Bark Town who spends most of his time outside his Pokeball. Extremely loyal to the point of being blind, Typhlosion emulates his master's behavior in terms of his piss-poor attitude. Aggressive and cruel, Typhlosion is also a show boater having won several championships single-handily (well he would boast that if he could speak). Typhlosion is the only Pokemon other than Dragonite and Houndoom to have joined Raizel to every region and as a result the three of developed a special relationship amongst themselves. He is argubaly the leader of Raizel's team seen ordering the others around with the exception of Dragonite who is more powerful and in some cases more influential. Typhlosion is a rebel in itself having stirred trouble with the law and also with other trainers and their respective Pokemon, having caused trouble in the Johto and Sinnoh regions several times, forcing Raizel to toss money around to avoid legal problems. Tactical and intelligent, he has taken down several foes that have had a true type advantage due to its varied move set. In summery, Typhlosion is a true fighter through and through.

    Dragonite- Arguably his strongest Pokemon, Dragonite is the calm, collected Pokemon on the team. Trained since being an egg as a result of high risk bet (He bet all his money), Raizel has raised Dragonite to become the fruitful and dedicated Pokemon he is now. Dragonite is the big brother of the Raizel Team family, and as a result well respected amongst them. He is known to be the benevolent soul and influences the others to not be like Typhlosion which works on most of the members. Having joined Raizel to every region, Dragonite has become a key battler winning some of the more important battles, particularly league championship matches. In battle, Dragonite is known to use the exact amount of effort required unlike Typhlosion who goes all out 24/7.

    Kingdra- Acquired in a trade, Kingdra is known to be the lazy one in the group who acts more like a Dragon that Dragonite does, having a distinct pride and pedigree. Having been with Raizel since the beginning of Sinnoh, Kingdra quickly took the position of the rich jock who only talks to people deemed worthy. Despite this, Kingdra shows respect to a limited few mostly Dragonite since they are the mighty dragon Pokemon and displays great fear of Metagross after watching a few battles in the Hoenn region. Kingdra rarely battles Pokemon that are beneath him, a trait that bothers Raizel to no end. However, his great effectiveness in tight situations makes him a valuable member of the team.

    Jolteon- Jolteon is esstenially the second Typholsion in terms of attitude which bothers everyone. Energetic, out of control, extremely aggressive, Jolteon loves to battle and more importantly win. Despite its flaws, Jolteon is a valued member of the team and most likely the most used battler in recent times due to being a more recent attainment from an Eevee breeder in Sinnoh who had an extra baby and gave to Raizel after hearing of his fame. Jolteon is very much the energetic child in the group that shows little maturity becoming the comedy relief tool. Popular due to his odd personality, Jolteon is the least respected member of the team but the others acknowledge his talents at the very least. He knows his place, however, which means he is often kept in line and rarely acts out, unless Typholsion influenced him to do more "naughty" things.

    Houndoom- Technically Raizel's first capture while in Johto, Houndoom is one of the oldest Pokemon in his team and one of the most reliable. A dependable yet also very arrogant Pokemon, Houndoom is a Pokemon that is aware of strengths and uses them to the fullest. Houndoom can be compared to Vegeta of Dragonball Z fame, as he believes he is the mightiest warrior in the land and reminding everyone of the fact. While this bothers virtually everyone, his power is recognized by those who have seen it. His ego is over-sized yet well deserved as he is a consistent fighter especially during Raizel's Johto Arc in the course of his adventure.

    Metagross- Raizel's only capture in Hoenn and as a result the only Pokemon he trained in the region. Metagross is one of the more deadly weapons and due to being "speed-trained", Metagross is difficult to control and rarely used even though Raizel has earned his respect long ago. Feeling little to no empathy, the steel tank beats his Pokemon to brink of death given the opportunity earning Metagross the title of psychopath who wants to kill everyone. Raizel is proud yet scared for his life when Metagross battles, realizing the pulling the tank out could cause certain death. Metagross has the desire to prove to everyone that he is the juggernaut which means everyone must be smashed, destroyed and left for dead. Metagross recognizes the team as allies but does not fear smacking them around if they get in his way which makes him difficult to use in tag battles. Raizel as realized the only way to control Metagross is to pick and choose his battles wisely, a trait that Raizel often struggles with.

    The sounds of whistles blowing, people screaming, and crowds moving disturbed the calm equilibrium that was the cruise that Raizel booked to move from Hoenn to Kanto. Kanto was the sole region that Raizel had not explored in his travels. Vermillion City was in the distance basking in the sun. Clear skies allowed the sun to have direct contact with the coastal city. Calm and cool winds brushed up against Raizel's clean face. Typhlosion stood right next to his proud trainer, preparing to leave the ship. Typhlosion despises water for natural reasons and Raizel prefers flight personally, however Dragonite would not made the flight to Kanto. So disgruntled, Raizel dealt with a long voyage from a terribly boring country to one he never been to and knew next to nothing about.

    Leaving the ship in a rush and running across the incredibly clean dock, he entered the city borders only to walk into panic and chaos. People were running around in mass hysteria with bags, belongings, Pokemon and vehicles. Trying to establish a meaning behind the chaos, Raizel pulled over a middle-aged man. The man was not as stressed as the others. He was calmly shuffling himself along the lines of people demanding escape from Vermillion. "What's going on? I never seen a city like this."

    The man stared at Raizel, shocked at the violent gesture that Raizel made. His balding head allowed his expression of shock and awe to be more apparent. "You have been on the boat for a while eh? The news probably escaped you guys. Time for a rude awakening."

    Raizel glared at the man in confusion and his face demanded explanation more than anything else. "Rude awakening? News? What are you talking about? All I see is a riot waiting to happen." Raizel was more stressed than man now, but not out of fear but of confusion and the loss of control and insanity that came from his arrival.

    The man nodded his head in a simple fashion, took a deep breath preparing for his explanation. "Yes, the news. About that. You see recently we have been having natural disasters that caused quite the mass chaos. No one knows why or how, but we have been floods in Hoenn, earthquakes in Kanto, and anything else you can think of. Some theories are about some legendary Pokemon threat since apparently some giant serpent is flying around in Lavender Town."

    Raizel nodded his head in understanding, trying to avoid some of the crowds that rushed by. "Can anyone here explain to me in further detail?" The idea of legendary Pokemon possibly being involved enticed his interest. He could attain one and with that incredible power and fame. Simply being involved in the crisis would gain him some fame. After all, saving the world could do that.

    "Ever hear of Professor Oak? He is in Pallet Town. You could try there, but the place is being evacuated due to a tidal wave threat." The man replied.

    "Well, thankfully I have a surfboard."
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    Scientist Salarian
  • 3,531
    Name: Fenton Laurel Sinclair
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: April 5th
    Age: 18

    Appearance: Fenton deviates from the typical physique of your average seventeen eighteen year old girl, her body bearing no evidence of an almost seven-year-long experience traversing across the various regions- or indeed, that she has actually hit puberty yet. Short in stature, her practically curveless figure and youthful visage often have her mistaken for a girl much younger than she actually is, especially when she dresses for show rather than practicality, which irks her to no end. Preferring to keep her dark brown, almost black tresses cut to chin length in choppy layers; her hair is thin and wispy, often falling into her face or prone to being tossed about by the wind if she allows for it to grow. If she endeavoured to make some effort about her appearance, perhaps it would elegantly frame her face, yet Fenton is content with brushing it twice a day- once after waking up, and once before bedtime. Her eyes are nothing special to behold, merely almond shape, slightly long-lashed, with brown irises encompassing her pupils. She is neither insanely attractive nor ugly, comfortably sitting amidst her fellow average girls; though many will deem her as 'cute' because of her childish features. There are no unique marks upon her face, such as moles or scars, but she is prone to outbreaks of acne if she doesn't watch what she eats.

    Typical Fenton clothing includes black shorts, skin-tight to prevent them from catching on the spiky prongs of plants and trees when stalking a Pokemon in the undergrowth- and a plain white tank top, often mistaken for a t-shirt due to to the short-sleeved bolero jacket she sports. The latter garment ends just beneath her bust (or where she believes there should be one) and is usually navy blue with a silver trim- though she has two more, in red and black, and jade green and white. During colder seasons, she exchanges it for a thick hoodie, usually a hand-me-down from one of her brothers; the baggy material keeping her warm. A pair of black fingerless gloves bedeck her hands, each one ending just before her elbow. Often, one will spy her with a pair of black Go-Goggles around her neck, or settled across her brow. Fenton is often mistaken for a boy when she wears them, which she has less qualms with than being mistaken for a little kid. Completing her array of accessories is a large black messenger bag, in which she stores her Pokedex, PokeGear and Pokeballs (along with other necessities).

    Personality: Fenton has a temper which is the same as her height- short. Though she endeavours to prevent her outbursts from occuring via channelling her frustration through sarcastic quips and remarks, she often finds herself getting worked up at extremely petty things; unafraid to utilise her fists, if she has to. She would prefer to rush ahead with things rather than sit back patiently, and cannot bear to allow others to dictate to her without a valid reason, or if they do not have her respect. Whilst a firm believer in having her own free will and using it, she understands that she cannot do what she wants when she wants, and adheres to (most) rules and regulations.

    Perhaps her youthful appearance has seeped into her demeanour at some point during her emotional growth, as Fenton is often childish and petty, and finds amusement in insulting people. However, she has a sensible head on her shoulders despite her impetuousness, and surprisingly, can keep calm under pressure... Unless you happen to say something to her that ticks her off. Sadness and other such negative emotions (that are not classed as forms of anger) are never displayed upon her face, the girl preferring to keep bad feelings bottled up within her and putting on a bright and happy facade when something is troubling her. She has a sense of humour, the girl finding herself amused at most things, and is unafraid to laugh about herself, but cannot stand when others tease her. Being called 'cute' will also result in a Fenton-shaped explosion- though when before authority figures, she will allow for the rage to bubble and then release it via punching something afterwards. A computer, persay.

    Fenton prefers the company of boys to girls, probably because of her growing up with her father and two brothers. Nevertheless, she does enjoy spending time with other females, so long as they keep her away from chick-flicks and idle gossip, and don't tick her off.

    History: Fenton is the youngest of three children, all of whom were born in Ecruteak City, Johto. Her mother was diagnosed with manic depression after Fenton's birth, and left her husband to prevent him from becoming her carer, rather than a lover, when Fenton was two years old. Therefore, she was raised in an all-male house, having no qualms with the fact that the only female interaction she received was with Nurse Joy whilst accompanying her father, an assistant in the Ecruteak Gym, to the Pokemon Center. At the age of ten, she was escorted by one of her brothers to New Bark Town, where she was presented with a Chikorita (due to it being the last available Pokemon). Thrilled with her first Pokemon, Fenton was eager to start training and battling, but the Grass-type was more intrigued with contests than fighting; often running away from Fenton when she was released from her Pokeball. Slightly disheartened by the fact that her Chikorita was into girly activities rather than the battles that she'd longed to take part in after watching her father, Fenton eventually gave her away to a member of the Kimono Girls' family, who would give her the life she craved under the spotlights. However, shortly afterward, she encountered an Aipom who had taken residence in the tree she often played in within the family's backyard, and it wasn't long before she befriended and captured him. Since then, he has remained by her side, often sitting on her head and swiping things in her hands with his prehensile tail.

    Fenton, after bonding with Aipom, set off on her quest to be the best trainer she could be, acquiring four Johto Gym Badges before accidentally spending all her money on a pass to board the S.S Aqua in Olivine City- believing it to merely be a round trip to Cianwood and back, when it was actually a one way to Sinnoh. Despite her family offering to help, she declined their assistance after discovering that there were Pokemon not native to her home region living there. Curiosity getting the better of her, she spent almost four years in Sinnoh, collecting all eight gym badges. However, she was called back to Johto after her eldest brother contracted pnuemonia; missing the annual Pokemon League. Once he had recovered, she found herself tying up the loose ends she had in Johto, obtaining all but the Rising Badge in the time before her family relocated to the Sevii Islands (one of her brothers was living there with his wife). The Sevii Islands were a new place for her to explore, despite there being no gyms. She dedicated herself to training her team, preparing them for her return after her eighteenth birthday.

    Your Team:

    Your Team:

    Aipom (Naughty Nature) - Fenton's second ever Pokemon, but her first travelling companion. He spends as much time out of his Pokeball as he does in it, his mischievious nature and gluttony for shiny things often getting him into trouble. Whilst he has not yet evolved, he has an array of different moves that make up for the types of Pokemon Fenton lacks on her team. When meeting new people, Fenton will sometimes release Aipom, as he is a good judge of character despite his antics.

    Absol (Serious Nature) - Fenton traded a Milktank for this rare 'disaster' Pokemon that one of her brothers had found in Hoenn, using him on her travels throughout Johto and Sinnoh. Fenton jokingly calls him her token emo Pokemon, as he is very much a loner, and rarely joins in with other members of her team- making him redundant for double battles.

    Kirlia (Bold Nature) - Kirlia is partial to techno dance music and levitating coconuts to throw at tourists on One Island, where Fenton resides with her family. As a Ralts, he was shy and retiring, though adopted Aipom as his role model. Now a lot stronger than he used to be, Kirlia is very competitive, especially with Aipom, in every discipline imaginary- and discipline is what the two receive when Fenton discovers that they've sabotaged yet another beach buggy/ sandcastle. He sports a strange, smooth stone around his neck; this is an Everstone that originally belonged to Fenton's brother, Tristan, and he will wear it until Fenton finds a Dawn Stone.

    Yanma (Calm Nature) - Caught shortly after Fenton failed to find a Scyther in National Park's bug catching contest. Only second to Absol in terms of sedativity, Yanma is surprisingly calm for a bug.

    Ursaring (Rash Nature) - The only Pokemon from her Johto team, sans Aipom, who has remained in Fenton's party. As a Teddiursa, he was always endearingly slow and clumsy, but his evolution has rendered him rather stupid. As her main powerhouse, however, Fenton doesn't mind the fact that he has the intelligence of a Slowpoke- he knows how to fight, and how to be a good insulator when she has to rough it on a cold night. Perhaps her most protective Pokemon, Ursaring can sense when she is troubled, even through the clouds of his low intelligence.

    Roserade (Sassy Nature) - As a Budew, Roserade was Fenton's first Sinnoh capture. He had a personality similar to that of Fenton's Chikorita when they first began to bond together, but Budew was inspired by a Roserade to become a battling Pokemon. When Fenton discovered a Shiny Stone in Mt. Coronet, she learned that her newly evolved Roselia could be upgraded further, though wished for the next change to take place after Roselia gained some experience. Roserade, in his final form, is very flamboyant and haughty, only taking commands from Fenton when she threatens to prune the boquets of roses in his hands. Usually, he will attack at his own leisure, using moves that show off his 'beautiful' physique. If metrosexuality could be applied to Pokemon, then Roserade would join that queue.

    Fenton's Other Pokemon:

    Poliwhirl - Evolved from a Poliwhirl that Fenton caught outside Violet City, Johto.

    Magby - Hatched from an egg given away by a Day Care Center Promotion.

    Toxicroak - Evolved from a Croagunk that found Kirlia's Everstone when the Pokemon lost it.

    Snorunt - Found when Fenton and her team trekked to Snowpoint City, in order to obtain the seventh Sinnoh badge.

    Fearow - Caught on a family trip to the Tanoby Ruins, in Sevault Canyon.

    Drifloon - Fenton caught Drifloon when she travelled (accidentally) to Sinnoh.

    Feebas - Hatched from an egg given to Fenton on her sixteenth birthday, though the girl was meant to receive a Seel egg.

    Intro Post:
    It was inevitable that her plans for a relaxing morning spent wallowing within the folds of the large white sofa would be deterred by something or other, though the female would have staked her life on the disturbance being caused by a bickering mass of purple, green and white, tumbling through the living area and completely eradicating any scarce forms of silence which had settled within the room. When her father scaled the steps from the beach to the family's front porch, visible from where Fenton was slouched, there had been a grim look etched upon his chiselled face, a frown as grey and grisly as the thick tufts of hair curling from his scalp which the girl only ever saw when Aipom and Kirlia had committed a misdemeanour. Gulping nervously, Fenton drew her knees to her chest and slouched further, as if to invite the sofa to swallow her up before she received another lecture about controlling her Pokemon, and how the damage costs would be taken from her rapidly dwindling savings account. This was not the case, as the glass door smoothly slid open, allowing the tropical breeze of the island to waft in and caress her bare skin with its movements- she was always cool enough, thanks to the air conditioning installed throughout the house.

    " 'Sup Da'?" She questioned in the dialect they only used within the immediate family, brown eyes peeping over the peak of the sofa as he wordlessly stalked past her. "Dun tell me, Ai and Kir've bin squirtin' water at those tourists 'gain, and one of 'em s'allergic. Or they've tried ta hijack another speed boat?" She winced as she thought of the innumerable possibilities that could have invoked her father into adopting his lecture-face, though was perplexed at his lack of response. It wasn't that bad was it?

    "I dunno where they are, Fen," her father spoke robotically, as he proceeded to open various drawers, cupboard doors and the pantry, shoving any food he could into a large black refuse sack. "Ya gotta find 'em, an' fast. I've called Tris, he shoulda bin 'ere ten minutes 'go."

    "Whassa matter?" She slid down from the seat, and padded barefoot across the wooden flooring, staring up at the man's face, which was incredibly pale for someone with a constant tan. "Lake's not--"

    "No," came his grunted interjection as he carelessly shoved various cartons and bottles into the bag. "We gotta leave the island, Fen. There's a tsunami comin', one big enough to wipe us all outta existance..."

    "Whut in the name of--"

    "Oi! Fen, got yer little firecrackers 'ere!" A second masculine voice chimed from the open aperture of the front door, belonging to a tall, ruddy-faced gentleman with reddish-brown unkempt hair spiked up all over the place, as if he'd fallen out of bed like that. In his hand were two red and white orbs, which he tossed one at a time to his younger sister. "Now ya gotta come help me get the rest in, 'kay?"

    "I'll get ya some things ta wear," Dad offered, after securing the sack with a reef knot and moving through the rooms at a brisk pace.

    "Lemme do my own packin', Da'," Fenton grimaced, not too keen on the idea of her father rummaging about in her underwear drawer, even if it was an emergency.

    Fenton and Tristan rallied up the rest of their Pokemon- who had been making a ruckus in the back yard, it was apparent, from the decapitated tropical plants and outdoor furniture strewn across the place- and then hastily packed everything that they would need into their messenger bags, backpacks, and a large suitcase for the trio to store their clothes.

    "We can cope without a change of clothes, but where we're goin', there'll be people who need 'em. Same with food," Tristan had nodded when Fenton queried as to why the family weren't simply abandoning the house completely. "Someone's gotta be prepared, eh?"

    "Mmm," she responded, pulling the retractable handle of the suitcase skyward and then dragging out of the house. The stone path leading to the porch steps was spattered with raindrops, and Fenton was greeted by a large gust of wind not indigenous to the Sevii Islands' climate. Pulling her jacket tighter about her shoulders, the girl was careful not to trip down the stairs. The path was easier to navigate, and she soon wound up at the harbour, where clusters of islanders were forcing themselves to remain calm and ensure that everyone boarded safely.

    "Ah, Miss Sinclair!" A man with a clipboard approached her, scouring the list with his pen and then scribbling something or other upon the page. "Your father told us you'd be bringing the rations down."

    "Yeah, my brother's coming too, he's got the sack full of food from our kitchen. There's not much, but every little thing helps, right?" She smiled weakly as she switched to standard speech, releasing the case and snapping the handle back down. "My dad's bringing down the Pokemon food from our store house, and that's the last of us."

    "Aipom and Kirlia are in their Pokeballs, yes?"

    "... Yeah..." Fenton narrowed her eyes. "Somehow, I doubt they'd be able to sink the ferry between them, no matter how destructive they are," she muttered drly, shivering in the rain which was slowly transforming into a deluge of water. "It's only a short distance between here and..."

    "Pallet Town. Vermilion's blocked up with other boats, Fuschia's the next on the list after our islands to be hit by the wave, they reckon, Pallet had a tsunami warning from the aftershocks of the Cinnibar earthquake, but it's been lifted, so that's the safest place we can go. Cerulean's too dangerous."

    Suddenly, the earth beneath their feet began to shake, as if something beneath them was awakening, tossing and turning and causing the land to tremour. Screams could be heard as the rain intensified, and a man emerged from the Captain's office as the rumbling ceased, a megaphone to his lips.

    "Get everyone on board, now!" He commanded, and Fenton felt strong arms push her forward, directing her to the entrance of the ferry.

    "No, wait!" She struggled, glancing frantically around her for signs of her family. "I gotta wait for my dad!" The person continued to drag her inside against her will as she tried to break free relentlessly, but to no avail; moments later the ferry was boarded up, engines whirring for the departure from the island to commence. Fenton had claimed a window seat, and was glowering out at the aqueous serpents trickling down the glass pane, at the grey sea and the trembling island, the latter becoming nothing more than a dot as they sped away. Suddenly, her PokeGear vibrated within her bag- despite the harsh conditions, she had still been able to receive a voice mail. Scrambling into her messenger bag, the girl fumbled for the gadget, eventually retrieving it amidst her necessities.

    1 New Message! It read. Clicking a button, noise crackled from the speaker, a senseless buzzing before a familiar voice echoed into her ears.

    "Fen, s'Trist! Da' an' me... 'Kay... But... Can ya hear me? Stupid wind! Ugh!" Came her brother's voice, the message distorted and choppy due to the intense weather outside. "Dun worry 'bout us, Fearow're pretty sturdy Pokemon! Da' says... Go... Ta.... Pallet... Everyone else.... Dun wait for... Just... Safe, 'kay?"

    So much for a quiet day alone, she scoffed mentally, pocketing the phone and sighing. Well, at least she no longer had the prospect of a dead father and brother weighing upon her mind, just the fact that she was now homeless and heading to Pallet Town. 'Dun wait for... Just... Safe'? She presumed that, in coherent speech, meant that they wanted her to go along with the rest of the passengers on the ferry. Another sigh escaped her unpainted lips as she twiddled the strap of her bag between her fingers, closing her brown eyes and trying to drift away from reality.
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    and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    lol so many reserved spots, lets see some sign ups lol

    but you are reserved
    Draco Torpedo

    When you three have your sign ups posted, we might be able to get this started, I allow late comers
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  • 1,308
    Just saying that my sign up is slightly edited as I added more detail to my team and fixed a few grammar mistakes.

    I hope some more sign ups get finished since the few that are present are really good lol.


  • 3,271
    • Seen Jan 16, 2017
    Crap, I forgot to reserve my spot last night. I was looking at it, but had to leave before I could reserve XD. So, I'd like to reserve a spot XD
  • 369
    I'd like to reserve a spot, but probably won't be able to write a sign-up till this time tomorrow, so if you want to start, don't worry.


    ✿ border of life
  • 444
    Heya, can I reserve a spot please?

    Seems like a pretty interesting RP. I'll have it done tomorrow at the latest.


    Can Yuo Udnertsand
  • 119
    Sign Up: Trainer
    Name: Kamten Jr

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Kamten is of the Carmel complexion and has smooth black hair that he brushes regularly, He wears a orange vest with a black under shirt he also wears black pants with orange designs on them. He wears all black Jordan's, He is about 5'10 and 145 pounds.

    Personality: Some might call him too trustworthy. He's always helping people weather it be old ladies to grown men. He thinks that everyone deserves at least one chance of trust. He is an extremely optimistic individual who sees the good in everybody. He attempts to see things from other people's points of view, including cold hearted teams such as Team's Rocket. He doesn't have a problem with speaking his mind also, if he thinks there's a problem he will speak his mind.

    Background: Sure I come from Hoenn the original region of Pokémon contest. It is also home to the great May and Harley who come from the region and are awesome Coordinators. When I do my training for contest I strive to excel like they have even thoe I failed twice at my aim towards contest wins. But I won't give up I'll just try to train harder that is my motto. I have got every badge in the Hoenn region I was going to start on Sinnoh but we moved back to hoenn before I could become a real trainer there the only pokemon I've had is Pipulp and Pikachu.


    Additional Information: N/A

    Name: Empoleon
    Species: Penguin Duck
    Gender: M
    Personality: Empoleon started his jounery with Kam as his starter pokemon recieved from his dad Empoleon and Kamten have been on numorous adventures togather and have been threw the toughest place only to get out of them Empoleon is Kamten bestfriend more then a pokemon to him.

    Name: Pikachu
    Species: Mouse
    Gender: M
    Personality: Pikachu was giving to kamten at birth as it was born the same time as Kamten they have grew up togather getting into lost of troubles once paired with Empoleon they are an unstopable duo.

    Name: Skarmory
    Species: Steel Bird
    Gender: F
    Personality: It a fast learner and it very loyal. Is a very sweet and peace loving pokemon.It the nicest of all kams pokemon. It also shares Kam feeling for trust was saved from almost being taking over by volcano ash.

    Bagon: Kamten has had Bagon a while just never got around to raising him.

    Medicham: Pokemon used to help Kamten obtain the badges in the Hoenn region it is the master for smart contest.

    Camurupt: Master of tough contest used for contest and battles rarely.


    RP Intro: "Pika Pi Pika pi Pikachu" said Pikachu. "Whats wrong Pikachu" I said. Pikachu jumped off my head and onto the sand and started glaring at the ocean.

    Suddenly,the water started rising from the beach and the sky turned black.

    Pikachu come lets get outta here that's when Pikachu started running right towards the ocean. "Pikachuuuu" I screamed while running after him.

    I let golduck out of his poke ball as we both started running into to the huge water not knowing what was going to happen.

    " Are you awake" a voice said. Come on Carrie we should tell the Officer Jenny.

    "Cough cough" I cough up a little water and see two people in front of me. "Who are you where's my Pikachu and Golduck?" I demand. Hey kid is that how you treat the people that just saved you the boy said. The girl just sat there staring at me.

    "Saved me" I then remeber what had happen earlier. Are my Pokemon ok? "Yes" the girl says and "My names Carrie" she continued. "My names Jerry what's your name?" he said.

    "My name is Kam and" "Pika" I was cut off by my Pikachu running towards me. "Hey buddy where's Golduck" I then see Golduck sitting on a rock beside me "Oh" I said.

    "So what happened to you" Carrie said. "Oh I was having fun on the beach then my Pikachu ran in to a huge wave of water we seen and ended up here" I answered

    "Well your lucky we should go back to our place so we can find out if any info is on the news" Jerry said.

    "Mom where home" Jerry and Carrie said. "Hey honeys oh who is that you got with you?" She said. This is Kam he washed up on the beach after trying to save his Pikachu from a huge tidal wave" Carrie replied. "Hes a lucky, so you guys want anything to eat" she said. "Yes" the three of us said in unison.

    After we ate lunch we turned the TV on so we could see the news there where no reports yet so I said just forget about it.
    I was about to leave when they asked if I could go with me on journey.
    "Sure if its ok with your mom" I said. Thats when there mom came out and said it was ok as long as I keep them safe she said with a smile.

    "Hmm next I think I should goto Canalava City so do you guys have Pokemon?" I said. "Yes I do come on out Mantine and Cyndaquil These are my two but Carrie doesn't have any" he said. "I know Carrie I can give you some Pokemon Staravia, Pichu, Elekid and Beedril I just caught from the Johto region so you can have them" I said. After we went to to the computer we went back to the ocean and start on a way to the Canalava city.

    Trust we have some new friends so lets hurry so we went off to Canalava city not knowing what was going to happen.
    Last edited:

    The Jewel of Life

    A Gift From Arceus
  • 434
    Sign Up

    Wow there are a lot of reservations...
    Here is my sign up.

    Name: Carolyn Silver Greentree

    Gender: Female

    Birthday: June 13, 1996

    Age: 12

    Appearance: Carolyn is exactly five feet tall and weighs in at only 80 pounds, you can almost see her ribs through her shirt. She wears a hot pink top with a black jacket and jeans. Carolyn's shoes are black tennis shoes with white laces. She has brown rimmed sunglasses and wears a necklace that has a strange crystal on it that she found while exploring recently. She wears a navy blue backpack with various items in it. Carolyn has braces that have blue bands on them. She wears a silver watch that has a sun as the background of the clock. It switches to a moon and stars at night. Carolyn's hair is blonde with dark tips and her skin is very pale. She has a small nose and hazel eyes. Her nails are painted lavender.

    Personality: Carolyn is a friendly person with a touch of shyness. Sometimes she becomes very hiper and is a serious smart-alec. Although she does not like to take chances, Carolyn is always ready and willing to help pokemon and people world-wide. Though she has many friends, Carolyn usually is quiet and doesn't mind going solo. Carolyn has a pokemon loving heart and treasures all of her team, as well as any other pokemon she meets. Carolyn loves to battle and is always up for a challenge. When she battles she demonstrates excellent skills but often gets cocky and underestimates her opponent. If she loses Carolyn almost always comes back for another fight.

    History: Carolyn was born quite unlucky; on friday the thirteenth. Despite this, she has shown much luck throughout her life. Her mom takes care of her because her dad is gone during the dat at work. She has an annoying younger sister, Kim, and would have an older brother, Tom, if he hadn't died of pnemonia when she was four. Carolyn has many friends but none of them are as close as her beloved pokemon. All the time she was growing up she came home often with some kind of pokemon saying "Mommy. can I keep it?" Until she turned ten and got her first, Carolyn was never allowed a pokemon. Once when she was five she got lost while camping and would have been dead if it hadn't been for a kind linoone to guide her back to camp. Now she is careful not to get lost and even more kind toward pokemon.

    Slash-Carolyn's first pokemon, a Charizard. He evolved both times while in a battle with a wild pokemon.

    Roti-A rotom that Carolyn found injured and nused back to health. He stayed with her afterward.

    Luna-A shiny umbreon that mated with a wild vaporeon that Carolyn calls Jet.

    Tiny-Luna's only pup, daughter of Jet. Tiny is abnormally small for an eevee of her age.

    Fang-Carolyn is currently in the search for a razor fang that she can evolve Fang into a gliscor with. He is an outgoing gligar.

    Seedling-Carolyn's newest pokemon, a bulbasaur. She got Seedling when her sister recieved him for Christmas and didn't want him.

    Intro Post: Carolyn stepped slowly into the cave, afraid that she would get lost. Her pokemon followed making loud noises as their feet hit the ground. Thump, thump, thump, thump, SCREECH!

    Carolyn: "Roti! Don't try to become rotom cut (lawnmower) on a stone floor!"

    Roti: "Rotom ro."

    The group trekked on because Carolyn was eager to see the wonders of the cavern. The marked their path by having Slash breathe smoke on the walls. After a while the tunnel opened up into a large, crystal-filled room. One of the crystals was particularly beautiful, and seemed to glow.

    Carolyn: Seedling, use tackel to get off the crystal."

    The gem didn't budge.

    Carolyn: "Okay then, Slash metal claw, Luna scratch, Roti Thundershock, Tiny tackel, Fang aerial ace, and keep up the tackel Seedling!"

    The pokemon all tried thier best to get the huge crystal out. Finally, a piece slightly larger than a quarter broke off. It seemed to glow the brightest.

    Carolyn: "Wow, this is truely beautiful! Thanks you guys!"

    Pokemon: (various pokemon sounds)

    Carolyn dug a hole in the crystal with a thin, shap stone and slid it onto a silver ribbon. She tied it around her neck.
    When Carolyn returned, everyone wanted to hear the story of the strange crystal.

    Well that is it. Hope it's enough.
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    and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730


    symphony, Shen, Fia, you are reserved.

    X-Files, May I ask for a few more details in appearence please? Other than that you are accepted. ALso, your roleplay style of first person may get a few people confused. Keep that in mind lol. Also one thing i will come down hard on is your grammer. Use quotes around dialogue please. You have been, but some didn't use them. Your transitions from one place to another are very confusing. What I'd do is use a few stars (***) to show us where your character is or whatever. It's just that they're at the beach, then their at a house. Try to have longer paragraphs ina way man. But have fun in the RP.

    Darkrai Trainer, Your sign up is good, however the way you role play can get a little confusing.
    The entire
    can get a little confusing. Just keep that in mind, you are accepted.

    Thx for joining.
    Last edited:


    where is my mind?
  • 484
    Sorry, please cancel my sign-up reservation. I'm concerned that this roleplay has a lot of people in it already.


    and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    Okay whatever, sry to see you go, thx for your interest anyway man.


    We got enough to get this started I believe, so I'll go ahead and kick it off.
    Sign ups will be open until Friday morning. Those who are reserved please put your character profile up!

    Dies Irae Upon Us

    The pokemon center's lobby was in ruins. The rain had stopped, and Travis was getting out his cell phone. He dialed Professer Oaks number while making it to the exit of the pokemon center.
    "You have reached Professor Oak's Labratory. I am either busy or not around to take your call, please-"

    Travis hung up. Looked like he'd have to fly to Pallet. So...
    "Aerials, come out!"
    His Pidgeot appeared in a flash of light and crowed.
    Travis got out some goggles from his backpack and gave a small pair to Gill as well.
    "Aerials, we got a situation. You gotta fly to Pallet Town faster like you've never flown before. Something's going on. Understand?"
    Aerials crowed in acknoledgement. Travis climbed on, and Gill jumped on his shoulder.
    "Let's go!"


    The flight to Pallet was not that long. They flew through the dark. Travis rarely did this, but this was an emergency, and it wasn't that dark, it was only 8:30. The sun still gave light in the sky. It wouldn't be long before he reached Kanto.
    Pallet Town...Home...
    When Travis entered Kanto, it started pouring rain. He was used to it, a wanderer like him could get used to any weather pretty much. They landed outside Professer Oaks Labratory. He entered the doors, soaking wet, and looking...
    Upon entry, he saw a massive crowd of scientists, aides, and other professers in wild frenzy. All research equipment was on and running. Televisions with the news were also on everywhere.

    Oak was no where to be seen.

    Travis gave his attention fo a nearby television.

    "...continue on tonights top story. The sudden strand of natural disasters has brought anarchy to the world. Here in Kanto, we have seen people in absolute desperation to leave. Vermillion CIty this afternoon was literally blocked off from the sea because of the large mass of commercial ferry transports. The large mass resulted in the collsions of at least 5 ferrys, no injuries have been reported. Some people are even turning to faith and praying from deliverance from what they are starting to call our "Judgement Day."

    "Two pokemon extremist groups, Team Magma, and Team Aqua are denying all accusations thrown at them for involvement for awakening Groundon and Kyogre. They are currently in a fued with each other, and violence may be expected from them. The two groups are responsible for awakening the two pokemon about a year ago. The battle between the two however was shortlived and not at all devastating.

    "The Seveii Islands are also in anarchy to leave after the Cinnibar quake earlier gave the islands a Tsunami Warning. Big waves were reported being see near Island Three..."

    "Travis?" a voice from behind called.
    Travis turned around. It was Oak, walking towards him. "What are you doing here?"
    "Professer, What on Earth is going on?" Travis asked.
    "We're just as clueless as you, we've never seen anything like this. We're beginning to think this awakening isn't natural."
    "I was guessing that too. I want to help out somehow!"
    "Well actually...you can." a voice said. Travis didn't know the voice. Then he saw a trainer he knewbut never met.
    Indeed it was Lance from the Kanto's ELite 4.
    "Yes, I've heard a lot about you, Travis. We're looking for a group of trainers willing to investigate this phenominon. Are you interested?"
    "I'm in. What can I do?"
    "Right now we're still researching the cause of the sudden awakening of the three pokemon. Right now until we know why they are doing this, there's not much to d-"
    An aide rushed in.
    "Professer! You must come see this! We found something!"
    "The professor ran to the stairs to the aide. "Travis stay here, we'll be right back."
    And they disappeared.
    "Okay then..." Travis said.
    "He took out his iPod then as he normally did for waits like this.

    "...And throughout the day, mankind played with grenades...
    Cold hearted world
    And in night, they might bait the pentagram...
    Extinguishing the sun...
    Wash away man, take him with the floods!"
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