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Digimon: Synchro Awakening (M) [IC]

Katharina von Kuranse
Day One =Da Mon


"First of all, please just call me Wes. Wesley sounds too formal for my tastes," said Wes, turning the music coming from his iTouch off and taking the earbuds out of his ears. "And my pants are usually on thank you. I just like them a little baggy. Makes me comfy, unlike these stupid dress pants they make use boys wear. Ugh I hate them."

Katharina let out a sigh. "Right...I forgot that people in this country like to, how they say: 'Look Fly', as well as give such short-stature names," Katharina bowled, as she returned her notepad back into her lab coat. "Do not worry, I suppose we have that in Germany too. Well, I am sure we do anyhow. Anyways, I shall respect your wishes, Herr 'Wes'."

"Besides, one would think such a nerd like you would even take off that darn lab coat every once in a while. Honestly girl... Science isn't everything," said Wes playfully, except for that part about science. Katharina then gave him a more, serious look. "I think you should stop and smell the roses every once in a while.

"...Herr Wes, Are you asserting that science does not involve a hands-on approach? Because my dear bagged-happy friend, you are quite misinformed," Katharina said meekly. "Science is everything. In fact, do you know that you are made out of tiny little particles called atoms? Z'at, Herr Wes, is science. Science is absolute; anyone who shall think otherwise, needs to be put on a rack, and made fun of, and be called horrendous, hideous, and other alliterations that begin with the letter 'h', names repeatedly."

Katharina then fixed up on wearing her lab coat, as she soon saw Wes walking away. "Say, I'm heading towards the cafeteria to get some grub. Would you like to join me? Or is there an experiment more important than me?" he asked playfully as he pointed with his thumb down the hallway, still smiling.

"Hmmm..." Kathrina mumbled in deep thought. "I have two possibilities. One, to continue my quest to find the ultimate answer of the question of two plus two, observing the outer lengths of this universe, all the way to the deepest of organisums...or to consume disaccharides along with lipase and protein, thus providing myself with energy and the building blocks for my metabolisum... eating building blocks with a friend that wears baggy pants...Hm. Very well, Herr Wes. I shall accept your offer. Shall we go?" Katharina, with a small smile on her face, then followed Wes though the hallway, on the way to the cafeteria.

Wesley James Stevens
Day One: Act I: Scene III:

"It isn't so much about "looking fly" as it is being comfy for me. Honestly, I could care less if I looked fly or not, " said Wes as he walked through the halls to the cafeteria with Kathy. "And I know I'm made out of atoms, but honestly, I would rather not think about it too much. I agree with you that science is cool. Neat things are always happening, and even I would like to learn more them. But you see, there are other things to think about, like food. Especially now, because I'm hungry!"

Several shouts were then heard as some of the jocks that Wes knew walked by him, shaking his hand, calling him a bro, asking what he was doing with that "nerd girl." Wes just shrugged at the last bit. "She's a friend."

The jocks simply walked away as Wes continued walking, as if nothing had happened at all. Honestly, he was kinda use to it by now.

"I wonder what they have to eat today for breakfast... Hopefully something good, and thanks for coming along. Been a while since someone actually sat down and ate with m-"

The beeping of Wes' virtual pet was loud, and it caused Wes to stop in his tracks. Taking it out again, he saw a message.

"You've got those moves like Jagger playa. ;)"

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!" said a rather surprised Wes, pressing the play button and immediately putting the virtual pet back in his pocket, blushing as he did so. "I swear... Sometimes I think that thing is alive."
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Katharina von Kuranse
Day One =Da Mon


Coming through the halls, Katharina and her friend past up a few jocks, as well as some new faces; one, that she saw a person that was really angry as he pushed and shoved through other people. Katharina didn't think of him too much, however; instead, she especially payed attention to what her friend pointed out: That sometimes he thinks that his virtual pet was still alive. Katharina made a small chuckle.

"Sure, and someday, you'll sprout wings, wear high heels, and become one day...how you say, a 'porn' star. Come now, Herr Wes. A virtual pet alive? Z'at's impossible you know," Katharina pointed out as she took out her own virtual pet. "However, with this topic, I must add that this, my own virtual pet, does intrigue me. One day, I was speaking with another, and then out of the blue, it too, made a message I have never seen of before...it was something like...uh...how you say...'DON'T WHAT ME?'...or something."

Her virtual pet beeped again, as Katharina played with the buttons until she got to the message page. "WATCH OUT FOR THOSE SPIDERS! STEP ON EM' INSECTS IF YOU SEE ONE!" it messaged. It was more like a warning, surprisingly.

Katharina surveyed around the halls of the school, searching for any eight-legged fiends. However, she saw none. "...But... I do not see any arachnids..." Katharina sighed, turning back to her virtual pet. "And to confuse the fact that arachnids are mere insects ... This thing must be broken, I assume. That, or my virtual pet needs some serious virtual medication, should there be such a thing. THIS GIVES ME AN IDEA FOR MY SCIENTIFIC QUEST! I'll call it: KATHARINA: Cyber Health Woes! From your Head, to your Toes!"

Ivy frowned at the name but didn't think too much of it, dragging Day away to the class room. Day was cheerfully oblivious to the obvious harm she had caused. "Bye Lucy!" she called after the other. "See you later!" Ivy suppressed a groan. She had the spazziest friend ever. Day twisted around to walk and giggled innocently at her friend. "That guy sure was silly," she stated, going to take her seat in the back. Flutes had been in the back since they had been here. They needed more room.

Ivy shook her head and sat down a few seats away. They were in the same row due to the pure size of the band. She grabbed her clarinet and assembled it, playing a few notes. Nearby, she heard DAy doing the same, looking actually focused. She sighed with relief. Day was the teacher's problem... for now. THere was a soft buzz and a beep from her pocket. She shivered. Ivy was scared. She hoped everything worked out.


Xavier glanced at the chatting seniors and away. Why couldn't he talk about those sorts of things? Sometimes he'd like to... oh wait, it was because he had no friends. Wilson warned against them, said they were a hinderance on the mind if they weren't on their team. X hated those sorts of statements but he commander was the big cheese. Nothing he could do. Besides, the group, his bloody family, did do those things, did talk about movies and study together. It was just so much less often.

He decided to let out a snort towards Sammy's group as the teacher walked in. "Study? You out of your mind? Trust me dude, I am too cool for that."
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Wesley James Stevens
Day One: Act I: Scene IV:

Facepalming himself after what his pal had said about him becoming a porn star, Wes just shook his head in dismay. "Man... She needs help," were his thoughts as more and more people began shuffling past him and Kathy.

"Don't you think I know that Kathy? It's just so odd how it responds to things sometimes... I mean, this morning it beeped part of the song Moves Like Jagger. Tell me, do you know of any school programs that can do that?"

Wes then tilted his head in thought, listening to what Kathy had said about her own virtual pet. Becoming surprised, he took his out again. The little pet was there, just looking content... Until it began dancing on the screen, beeping a few times. That didn't look right at all...

"Yours too huh? Meh, technology nowadays... It amazes me," said Wes, becoming curious about this new development. He then placed the virtual pet back in his pocket, reminding himself to look into it later.

And then Kathy went on about ANOTHER experiment. This caused Wes to facepalm again as he walked up to the cafeteria.

"C'mon. Let's get something to eat before you blow something up."
"Dack!!" Haru blurted as he felt himself be shoved out of the way and hit the lockers with a resounding metallic crash. When the jocks came to talk with Wes, they threw Haru off to the side before either Kathy or Wes could see that he was there. When they all left, the boy could see that both of them had walked off without wondering what caused the noise. "Not cool..."

Getting up, Haru charged for the cafeteria and caught them before they entered the cafeteria. "Hey guys..." Haru said a little more irritatedly.
Katharina von Kuranse
Day One =Da Mon


Kathy saw the face of someone who was irritated. She stared at him awkwardly. "I...know of you, don't I?" she asked. "I know of your name...um...I want to say Herr Hamburger? Nein...Or maybe Herr...hammack? Gah, I know it begins with the letter H..."

She then took out her notepad from her lab coat, as well as putting away her virtual pet back into her pocket as well. She flipped through her notes. After a few seconds, something clicked her mind.

"Ahhhh, THAT'S IT!" she realized. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but...are you not Herr Hydro-Alcoholic Applications of Polyvinyl Acetate Phthalate, that is also known as hydrochlorothiazide? IF SO!! I HAVE A BARRAGE OF QUESTIONS TO ASK OF YOU, HERR HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC OF POLYVINYL ACETATE PHTHALATE THAT IS ALSO KNOWN AS HYDROCHLOROTHIZIDE!! Ah, well, first of all, thank you for responding to my letter! Second of all, I MUST ASK YOU! You, as a drug; how did you materialize into a human being?! THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH!! Third of all, is it true that if you are not in room temperature, you can not be stable and you explode from the inside?! PLEASE TELL ME!! OR NEIN, NEIN, NEIN, WAIT!! I have heard that Hydrochlorothiazide is used to treat excessive fluid accumulation and swelling of the body caused by heart failure, cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, corticosteroid medications, and nephrotic syndrome. CAN YOU NOT ALSO CURE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? For you see, my dad is a drunk, and I think he really needs it! Ohhh wait, WAIT! BEFORE YOU ANSWER! LET ME GET MY PEN READY!!"
Lucy scurried down the hallway with the strange girl's words in her mind. See her later? Not if Lucy had her way. She wanted to stay as far away from that girl as was humanly possible. Such a strange person. She scared Lucy. The device in her pocket buzzed again. She slowed down and pulled it out.

"What a weirdo! :O" she read. What? This was the first time her pet had spoken to her with actual words. Something compelled her to speak back.

"Yeah... Um... You can talk?" Lucy mumbled quietly as she walked in the classroom. A moment later, the pet buzzed again.

"Just now figured that out? :P" Lucy was not impressed. She looked at the pet, who was sitting down and staring at her with an amused expression. Lucy cocked an eyebrow at the pet.

"So... You... You are smart? Like a human?" Lucy asked timidly. She had made it to her classroom and sat down at her desk in the back of the room. She was in remedial classes, and this one was English. A language she could speak well enough, but was having a little trouble with the grammar. The response she got shocked her.

"Smarter than the human I'm talking to now. Honestly. Were you born in a shed or something? Yes! I'm very smart!" the pet replied. She took on a very agrivated expression.

"It was a van, actually..." Lucy mumbled quietly to the pet. She turned from an agrivated expression to one of surprise and sadness. The reply came a few minutes later. Lucy was very surprised by her response.

"... Wow... Sorry about that... Hm... So, are you ever going to give me a name?" the pet said. Lucy thought about it a moment.

"I'm sorry... I need to give you a name... Hm... How about Samara? I just made it up on the spot..." Lucy said. Samara wagged her tail and Lucy saw the compatiblity go up from 11% to 14%. All from a name?

"I like it! Samara!" Samara said happily Lucy grinned and set the device on the desk. She waited for the class to begin. English was a class she loved. It was very interesting to her. And she was getting good at it! That was the surprising thing. She was now only one grade level below where she was supposed to be, the highest out of all the other subjects.
"Dack!!" Haru blurted as he felt himself be shoved out of the way and hit the lockers with a resounding metallic crash. When the jocks came to talk with Wes, they threw Haru off to the side before either Kathy or Wes could see that he was there. When they all left, the boy could see that both of them had walked off without wondering what caused the noise. "Not cool..."

Getting up, Haru charged for the cafeteria and caught them before they entered the cafeteria. "Hey guys..." Haru said a little more irritatedly.

Wes was surprised when someone he recognized ran in front of him. Before he could speak though, Kathy went on a scientific rant that caused Wes to once again... Wait for it... Wait for it... FACEPALM!

"Ahhhh, THAT'S IT!" Kathy had realized. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but...are you not Herr Hydro-Alcoholic Applications of Polyvinyl Acetate Phthalate, that is also known as hydrochlorothiazide? IF SO!! I HAVE A BARRAGE OF QUESTIONS TO ASK OF YOU, HERR HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC OF POLYVINYL ACETATE PHTHALATE THAT IS ALSO KNOWN AS HYDROCHLOROTHIZIDE!! Ah, well, first of all, thank you for responding to my letter! Second of all, I MUST ASK YOU! You, as a drug; how did you materialize into a human being?! THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH!! Third of all, is it true that if you are not in room temperature, you can not be stable and you explode from the inside?! PLEASE TELL ME!! OR NEIN, NEIN, NEIN, WAIT!! I have heard that Hydrochlorothiazide is used to treat excessive fluid accumulation and swelling of the body caused by heart failure, cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, corticosteroid medications, and nephrotic syndrome. CAN YOU NOT ALSO CURE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? For you see, my dad is a drunk, and I think he really needs it! Ohhh wait, WAIT! BEFORE YOU ANSWER! LET ME GET MY PEN READY!!"

"You dork! It's Haru! Haru Matsumoto!" said Wes, half playing and half serious, as he rubbed his forehead, which had gone sore from the numerous facepalms. "Honestly, I worry about you sometimes Kathy."

"Haru playa! What up?" asked Wes as he extended a fist, expecting a fist bump. "Shouldn't you be in class man?"
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*** Haru ***

Haru did nothing as he stammered through the whole of Kathy's science rant. He knew well enough that this was a constant practice for her... at least, it was typical to go into a rant about science. Never once did she really seem to forget his name and then start interviewing him like he was a science term, though. He wasn't sure if it was to tease him, greet him, or because she had finally cracked. Although, in a way, Haru could imagine all three being true. He did his best to ignore the rant and acknowledge Wes, as well.

"We really need to pull you out of that science book...*yawn* it's looking like your sanity might depend on taking a break from the logical," the boy said as he hesitantly fist bumped Wes' fist. It probably wasn't what the other boy was expecting, but he was still in a loop from when Kathy mentioned her father. Parents were the last thing he really wanted to talk about, but he wasn't going to say that openly. "I'm alright-- life takes you down some mysterious roads. The last one I was traveling down made me a little late. A few more minutes won't hurt me anymore than the last five."

Who said Haru was bad at English class? Not Haru. He could use words in an eloquent, alternative way. He could have said 'I should, but I decided not to,' but instead he got creative with his vague answer and made it sound like anything could have happened. In fact, he was actually fifteen minutes late, not only five. "So, er, how are you two?" Haru asked, maybe a bit uncomfortable with being called a "playa." But it was Wes; it was like Kathy and science, and him with tardiness. One way or another, it's going to happen.

*** Hiroshi ***

Hiroshi cursed to himself as he peered into Haru's next classroom and didn't see him inside. Great, he was skipping again. What was up with that kid, anyhow? He completely bailed on the test in English that morning, and now he didn't seem to be going to show up for this one, too. The only reason why he was caring was to find out what Haru's percentage was before his own glitch happened and was also dropped to thirty-nine percent. He knew that his own percentage was in the eighties before the glitch happened, but what was Haru's? How could such a slacker be able to compete with Hiroshi? No one could be closer to their virtual pet than him!

Walking through the halls, he kept a close eye out for Haru. He decided to try the gym first; it was a popular place for kids trying to hide out to go.
Haru did nothing as he stammered through the whole of Kathy's science rant. He knew well enough that this was a constant practice for her... at least, it was typical to go into a rant about science. Never once did she really seem to forget his name and then start interviewing him like he was a science term, though. He wasn't sure if it was to tease him, greet him, or because she had finally cracked. Although, in a way, Haru could imagine all three being true. He did his best to ignore the rant and acknowledge Wes, as well.

"We really need to pull you out of that science book...*yawn* it's looking like your sanity might depend on taking a break from the logical," the boy said as he hesitantly fist bumped Wes' fist. It probably wasn't what the other boy was expecting, but he was still in a loop from when Kathy mentioned her father. Parents were the last thing he really wanted to talk about, but he wasn't going to say that openly. "I'm alright-- life takes you down some mysterious roads. The last one I was traveling down made me a little late. A few more minutes won't hurt me anymore than the last five."

Who said Haru was bad at English class? Not Haru. He could use words in an eloquent, alternative way. He could have said 'I should, but I decided not to,' but instead he got creative with his vague answer and made it sound like anything could have happened. In fact, he was actually fifteen minutes late, not only five. "So, er, how are you two?" Haru asked, maybe a bit uncomfortable with being called a "playa." But it was Wes; it was like Kathy and science, and him with tardiness. One way or another, it's going to happen.

"Meh. My first class doesn't start for another thirty minutes. Hey, taking night classes is a thing of beauty," remarked Wes, shrugging his shoulders. He was wanting to say something about Haru not being in class, having heard the rumors about Haru not doing so well in school, but Wes decided not to. He did consider Haru a friend, and so he kept his mouth shut about the subject. Just then though, Wes' stomach grumbled loudly, surely being heard by Haru and Kathy.

"And Kathy and I were fixing to eat before you bumped into us. Want to join us? My treat. Parents sent me another store-bought credit card already filled with enough money for two students for the rest of the semester."

The virtual pet in Wes' pocket beeped loudly again, and so Wes took it out, seeing a new message.

"Is cheese part of the meal. :3 I likes the cheese. XD"

Wes blinked a few times before pressing the feed button and putting the virtual pet back in his pocket.

"Haru, has your virtual pet been acting funny?" asked Wes, growing even more curious about this. "I know mine is, and even Kathy here has said something about hers."
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Haru blinked suddenly as the conversation suddenly changed to their virtual pets and food. Funny? Haru could fill a book with the things that have been odd with his own virtual pet. Whatever sort of malfunction was going on, it wasn't anything normal. That was certain. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his own virtual pet and looked at it as he spoke. "Well, now that you bring it up, it has been a little strange..." Haru started, about to talk more than he usually ever did on a normal school day, "At first I thought nothing about it. I don't know, maybe that there was a malfunction with the programming. The pet got progressively... stranger the closer I bonded with it. At first it was just simple things, like advancing messages from "I want food" to "I would like it if you'd play with me now!" It eventually started to send me good morning messages every day before I tried to feed it and play with it. It even included a heart with each and every one. She has also been telling me that she's a girl. *yawn* This morning the device encountered a glitch, and the percentage I developed with her dropped from sixty-five to thirty-nine. The same happened to another kid that's been harassing me about the virtual pets, and at the very exact same time, too. I tried growing the percentage again, but when I made it to forty percent it was knocked back down to thirty-nine. The pet seems to be unaffected, though, just that the percentage is being kept at a fixed maximum all of a sudden. That's not the oddest part, though. After the glitch happened, I decided to ask how she felt. And I mean how she felt; feelings. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but she came back with a response. She said-- *yawn (I can't tell them it felt sad; they'll wonder why and I'll have to explain EVERYTHING to them! Just need to lie...)* She said she felt happy, and that she loves that I spend so much time with her after school. She's been getting... more whimsical? It's hard to say exactly."

Haru snapped out of his rant as soon as the device in his hand started to vibrate irritatedly. Looking down at it, the pet seemed to have sent her own input. "Why would you lie like that? That doesn't seem to be a good thing to do to your friends. Oh, and I'd like some food, please! <3" she messaged him, making him realize just how long he was talking.

"Oh-- but listen to me go on!! I guess I didn't get that much sleep last night!" Haru added suddenly, laughing awkwardly as he pressed buttons to feed the virtual pet. He made sure that they couldn't see the message when it first appeared, but it took a second to get rid of it in his haste. He was surprised how they haven't been trying to ask him about the rumors going around about him and his grades. "Perhaps I'm just being a third wheel and getting in both your ways! If Kathy doesn't mind it I'll join, but if not I'll just bring my tardy self to class! Heheheh... eh..."

The device beeped as a percent was raised, and then beeped again to state that a percent was lowered. This thing is going crazy. Something is most certainly up today, Haru thought as he waited for Kathy or Wes to say something. He was already at the edge of his nerves trying to calm himself in front of the only two people he relatively knew. But if he ran just then he'd look like he was trying to hide something. He was hiding things, naturally, but he felt like he had them better hidden with him right in front of them.
Post 1

Light As A Feather, When I'm Floatin' Through, Readin' Through The Daily News, Measuring The Hurt Within The Golden Rule, Centimeters Of Ether I'm Heatin' The Speaker, Motivational Teacher With Words That Burn People, Seeing The Headlines Lined With Discord…

These lyrics flowed through Zach's headphones as he woke up. Generally he wouldn't wake up in such a peaceful manner. Usually – "Come on!" His father interrupted the brief moment of piece that Zach had, then started rapping his knuckles on the doorframe of Zach's small, gently sunlit room. It made an irritating, sharp, percussive noise. "Get your ass out of bed. I came in hear and woke you up twenty minutes ago. You're going to be late." He put emphasis on every word that had to do with time. He acted as if punctuality was what made the world spin. He believed that too. Zach's thoughts however were completely contrary to his father's.

"Yeah. Yep." Zach rambled in a half-awake sleep, his eyelids sealed close by the rheum that he had gathered in his sleep, yet he managed to sit up. His father began to let out an extremely unmelodic riff as he left the room.

He reached behind him and grabbed a few times at his tan-orange digital game before getting a good enough hold to bring it back around to look at it. The LCD display showed a weasel like creature bobbing up and down on the screen. He started to feed it and play with it enough so that its stats were filled and went to put it in the empty pockets of his school uniform that he was about to fit himself into.

Zach got dressed at his own pace, then proceeded through his morning routine and ate breakfast. He didn't take long to eat a bowl of cereal and go out the door.

His shoes clicked on the concrete as he looked up at the sky. He only lived three blocks or so away from school but he didn't really count, or care. Just get to school and get through the day.

He began to push open the door when he felt his pocket vibrate. He reached into it and looked at the screen of the device that it came from. He cupped his hand and put it at the top of the screen to block the sun and squinted. He saw a pixilated message that covered the space where normally there would be his virtual pet. His hair fell into his face as he did this and he tried to blow it out of his eyes.

"Is your father always so aggravating?" Zach looked up at the hallway before him and tilted his head to the side. He laughed.

"This reminds me of that metaphysics book I read last night. Will computers ever think?" He quoted the title of a chapter in the book. "But, yes." He answered the pet's question, not at all expecting a reply. He continued to walk on with the device in his hand. He let his fingers drum on the side of his leg as he walked. He casually walked to his first class saying hello to a few friends on the way.

His device vibrated again as he was waiting outside of his homeroom and gave him a surprise. He gazed at the screen and once again saw a message in place of his pet.

"That's rough. :I" As Zach read the message he read it as if the language it was written in was completely foreign to him.

"What the hell?" He brushed his hair back again and looked at the screen, performing a double take. "You can hear me?" The pet didn't respond except with the action of blinking on the screen. "I'll take that as a yes. Alright that's just really weird. I didn't think that was possible with the technology we have." He laughed as he was stared at by some of his colleagues that went by.

He was the only one waiting outside of his class at this point. It was too early for people to want to. Normally, Zach wouldn't go directly to his class but he was extremely amused by his pet. He decided not to get to into it too much because he knew he wouldn't be able to put it down. He waited and leaned against the doorframe of his homeroom as the hallways began to fill up with a myriad of people. Some of them looked at their virtual game devices with their eyes fixed to the screen while others used theirs for something to play catch with as they walked down the hallway with their friends.

He looked at the masses mostly with indifference on the other side of the hall but his view was interrupted by an ensemble of strange looking people, they all had odd colored hair and one was giggling as she was being dragged by the tallest in the group. Zach's head turned and followed this odd group. His gaze tracked them until they were almost out of his sight, when the lavender haired girl collided with a kid who appeared to carry himself in a more careful manner than was necessary. As soon as he was hit he flipped on the girl. Not that she pay much heed to it. She simply said sorry and continued to be dragged along by the tall girl as she had to wheel her feet in a backwards motion to keep from falling. The kid whom she collided with however did just the opposite and fretted over the little creases in his uniform that were probably there in the first place. He passed by and scowled at most of the people he passed. When he left earshot of Zach, Zach laughed and muttered,

His 'Digivice' as it was called, vibrated again. He pulled it out of his pocket, again he saw a message, "That was a bit unnecessary."

"Yeah, that guy seems like an ass, but I'm not one to judge." He looked upon the screen once more before putting it in his pocket. He began too look forward to reaction with this pet. It had a personality of its own instead of having predetermined answers decided by a random number generator.

The rest of his day was rather uneventful for the first half of it before lunch started.
"X...Xavier! Oh for god's sake pick up the damn transmitter!"

"Nyah?" Xavier's head rolled over and there was a small crack. He always slept through English class. It was easier to learn at home where your resident Sheryl could explain it with hand gestures and storytelling. Okay it was unorthodox but so what? He still got it... eventually.

Alex's static-filled tone in his ear was grumpy. She always was when she had to use the protocol required communicators. "Were you sleeping again? I swear, no wonder Day has so many issues..."

"Hey those are her and her alone," he mumbled underneath the teacher's droning on. "What is it anyway?"

"Emergence in twenty," came Alex's quick reply, and he heard the distinct rustling of fabric. She must be getting her D-Syn. Smart move. Xavier let himself swear. Foully. Of course, this time the teacher caught it.

"Is there something you'd wish to share with us Mr. Shay?" the woman asked coolly. Of course she was also in a bad mood today too. God. Xavier stood up and looked out the window, where a grey light was shining outside. It was spreading like smoke, likely covering the school by now. Outside, it began to darken and the air felt cold and thick.

"Yes ma'am," Xavier said cheerfully, coldly. "I'd like to say this:" He coughed and then shouted. "Get down!" Then he rolled to the floor as the windows exploded and odd, shapeless creatures began to invade the room. Xavier couldn't help the cackling that left his lips. This made school so worthwhile.


Alex let out a irritable snarl as she ran through the hallways. In one hand she clutched a stave nnd the other was her pure red D-Syn. She let out a furious snarl at the sight of nearby students staring around dumbly. "Are you people stupid?" she shouted. "Things are breaking! We are being attacked! Evacuate!"

"Who died and made you queen?" one boy said and she whirled around to punch him in the face. He backed up into the other, who stopped snickering and fell backwards.

"Keep your trap shut unless you want it bashed in," she sneered. "Now get your pansy rear ends out of here before they come."

"Who?" the other quavered out.

Alex snorted and spun her stave, the weapon three feet long and tipped with metal. "The Viran." As she spoke, a grey large catlike creature crashed through the hall, snarling at the sight of them. She let herself turn and glare. "Ya want a piece of me tough guy?" she snarled. "Bring it!"
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Katharina von Kuranse
Day One =Da Mon


"Ohhhh... relax," Katharina laughed after the two responded to her long squabble. "I was making a joke. You have heard of jokes, have you not? In any case, I know exactly on whom you are, Herr Haru. Though, I must admit! Herr Hamburger sounds more appetizing of a name!"

Katharina then noticed her friends playing with their virtual pet. They mentioned on how it seemed as though that the pets they possessed was acting weird for them. Of course, Katharina also noticed that her pet was acting weird too; like a few minutes ago, it mentioned "spiders", when there were none.

"I suppose I must agree with you two that these virtual pets are quite strange in their behaviors to be...virtual," Katharina greed, as she took out her own virtual pet from her lab coat pocket. She held it firmly in front of her face, and shook it gently so that maybe it could say something, or type out another message. "This pet of mine...it is highly irregular. For instance, Herr Haru, I have already told Herr Wes that it one time, messaged me: 'DON'T WHAT ME!', and please excuse my tone of voice; I am merely copying my voice to suit its tone. In another instance, it once said to watch out for spiders, when z'ere are clearly none in these halls. However, I can not speak for your country on how clean you keep these schools, but, it is true. I must wonder, perhaps this device is eaither broken, or...how you say, 'demented'. I suppose I shall find out some other time."

She then lowered her virtual pet device, as she turned to the two boys, with a determined small smile on her face. "In any case," she said. "Shall we proceed to the cafeteria? Though...I must be honest with you, I do not care for your country's...mystery meat. It is... scientifically questionable at a glance."

As she turned to walk in the lunch room, however, Katharina then heard windows shattering. It surprised her, as she stumbled over, and accidentally dropped her virtual pet. She then looked up towards her two friends. "Z'at was..." she mumbled, still on the floor. "Z'at came from the windows...! But what on earth could make such a...bedlam?"
Samuel Pearsynn
Defiance Emergence-y


I just ignored the comment made by everyone else as I walked away. Yeah, like I was going to say sorry to anyone. Perhaps she should not have run into me, then there would not be a problem. I can't believe that anybody would even be stupid enough to run into me. That's when the stupid little digital pet began to beep again. I took it out of my pocket with a sigh; might as well tend to it so that it wouldn't bug me all day.

'Wow, I can not fathom how unbelieveably rude you are.' Was the message that was showing. I wasn't sure how this thing knew exactly what was going on, but it probably just said something to do with its "friendship" meter. It was like at zero percent. Perhaps it was somewhere in the negative numbers, but I hadn't checked since the day I got it, and I really didn't care.

"Yeah, well, get used to it. You stupid little program."

'No need to yell at the program, jerk.' Was the next message to pop up.

"Do you want me to chuck you out the window?" I countered with a growl. I couldn't believe it; I was starting to argue with a computer program.

'Sure, go ahead. Chuck me out the window. I'd like to see how that turns out for you.'

"Fine." I raised my arm to chuck the device out of the nearest open window, when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Don't do it," I turned to see one of my teachers, standing behind me with an irritated look on her face.

"Well, maybe if this program would stop being so uncooperative-" I began.

"Well, may that be a lesson to you. You need to cooperate with others nicely for them to cooperate with you." I started to open my mouth to say something, but was cut off again, "Now head to class!" The teacher pointed in the direction of my classroom, but I lingered for a moment. I was debating whether I should counter this woman, but I ended up deeming it pointless. Nevertheless, I'd be having her fired at the end of the day.


"Is there something you'd wish to share with us Mr. Shay?" Said the same idiotic teacher from earlier. I was beginning to dislike her, well, more than I had. I was interested to hear what this idiot had to say though.

As I turned to look at the boy, my gaze hesitated on the windows. There was something outside... "Yes ma'am," The boy said cheerfully, "I'd like to say this:" He coughed and then shouted, "Get down!" Whatever it was that I had seen caused the windows to explode. I was one of the first people to react since I was probably the only one besides the boy that had seen it. Although, the way he said it made it sound like he knew what this thing was.

When I got down, I flipped my desk and used it as a shield. Broken glass shattered as it made contact with my desk-shield, and then I could hear some kind of commotion. Something coming into the room. The boy that had yelled "get down" was cackling now.

"What the hell?" I said, puzzled. I had no idea what was going on, but I planned on finding out.
Wes had just opened his mouth to say something about the "mystery meat" as Kathy had put it, but when he heard the glass shatter, he began looking around, wondering where the noise was coming from. He then leaned down and picked up Kathy's virtual pet, handing it to her as he stood up, lending a hand to her.

"Something tells me that we need to worry about food later!" Wes shouted, trying to have Haru and Kathy hear him over the chaos that was happening in the hallway. "And we better do it quickly! I'm afraid this wind storm is fixing to get worse!"

At least, Wes thought it was a wind storm gone wrong. Looking outside, the sky had considerably darkened, and it had gotten a little cool. The lights had gone out by this time, and Wes was now worried about his friends. His own safety concerned him too, but he was more worried about Haru and Kathy!

"We need to find a safe spot, and we need to do it NOW!"
Lucy screamed in terror when the window next to him burst and several odd creatures came into the classroom. He leapt away from his desk as the other students began to panic. Lucy's virtual pet beeped furiously and Lucy calmed down. He dashed back and grabbed Samara and dove under the desk.

"Don't panic!" was Samara's frantic message. Lucy took several deep breaths and calmed down as students ran screaming out of the classroom. Lucy looked over and spotted someone else under a desk near him. It was so loud, so scary, but Lucy was strangly calm. He crawled out from under his desk, and remaining near the floor, began crawling toward the other student.

"We need to get out of here!" Lucy said to the student urgently, looking up at him with imploring eyes. He nodded, but didn't move. Lucy grabbed the student's arm and pulled him along. The two of them made their way to the door.

"Hey, thanks!" the student said, but Lucy was already gone. He had taken off down the hallway. The student shrugged. He turned and ran the other way. Lucy was heading the wrong way to get to the exit. Why he was going that way, he wasn't sure, but he was.

"Yes! Go, fight, fun! Let's go take them all out! I'll smash them!" Samara said happily. She was grinning.

"Um... You can't do anything. You're stuck in that machine..." Lucy pointed out, which shut Samara up really well. Lucy didn't want to deal with it.
Haru flinched as he heard the glass shatter, and then the lights went out. Something was wrong, and people were going into a panic. The hysteria in the air was almost as thick as the cold air that was circulating. Suddenly, Haru's device began beeping. He expected a message, but instead a voice came out. "Haru! Meanies are heading your way!!" a female voice (not exactly a child's voice, but it sounded like it had the innocence of a child) sounded. The hairs on the back of Haru's neck stood up. He could very well feel a certain hostility now, and it came from multiple directions. The strongest one was coming from the cafeteria.

"What the-- Kathy, don't tell me this is another prank!" Haru said hurriedly as he tried to search in the darkness for the "meanies" that the voice warned him about. He couldn't see anything just yet, but his eyes weren't entirely adjusted to the darkness. He'd need a moment to let his eyes get accustomed, but there was none. Wes was right; they had to find a place to go that instant. Thinking hurriedly, the boy thought of all the places he knew that were great places to hide and provided tactical advantages. The first one was the more obvious choice. "Guys, let's head for the gym," Haru said in the darkness, taking steps back down the hallway. He sounded much more confident now. After all, if he sounded scared it might make Wes and Kathy a little more unsettled than they already were. He had to be brave, he thought to himself over and over as he pulled and flipped open his cell phone from his pocket. It was a wonder why he kept it with him, as he never gave anyone his number, but now it was provided a quick light source. It wouldn't last long, but he could always flip it closed and then reopen it. But he also had to be careful about its use; using it just then no doubt revealed his own presence to not just his two acquaintances.

"At the very least we'll be able to post up and find things to protect ourselves. I'll run ahead and guide the way. Follow the light from my cell!' Haru instructed, running headlong into the crowd of people and fought his way through. At certain intervals he reopened his cell to let the other two know where he was and which turns he was taking. He gave himself away now, so he was a target with a bull's-eye on his back. It might have been dangerous for him, but at least he made him a focus. That was, however, assuming they'd be more interested in a glowing light amidst the darkness...

Akira Hinata

Falling asleep during an invasion? Totally cool :|b

What a time to skip class! Akira hadn't been outside for more than 20 minutes (so he figured) when he heard the shattering of glass. He nonchalantly gazed up at the building, just as the lights went out. The noisiness of the people inside seemed to increase tenfold, too.

"This is...?" Without batting an eye, Akira stood up, his gaze failing to leave the building. "Can't be a party. I can tell when there's one a mile away." The device holding Akemi beeped. This was a sign that she was not pleased with what he had to say about the situation.

"Are you stupid? Something bad is going on and all you have to say about it is how it's 'not a party'?!" Akemi had a point. Akira sighed.

"Well, then, what do you suppose I do?" The device beeped again.

"What are you supposed to do?! Help those people! You're a shrine guardian, are you not?!" Again, Akemi's words were truthful. Akira looked down at the device, then back at the school. He could feel a slight pain in his stomach. Which was strange, considering Akira rarely showed feelings toward much. But right now, even he knew that just standing around while others needed him was wrong, and Akemi was right. Though he wasn't good at his job, Akira was still a shrine guardian, and warding off evil spirits--or whatever was going on inside--was his utmost duty.

"All right. Akemi, I won't be able to speak with you for a while. Got it?" He put the device away so it would be safe, then took off his geta sandals. They would limit how fast he could run, after all. No sooner were they off did Akira begin sprinting toward the school, his necklace bouncing back and forth against his chest. The pain in his stomach seemed to be more painful, and now a headache had taken hold of him. But this was no time for self-pity.

As Akira entered the school building, he noticed quite a few people out. He felt his eyes grow heavy, the headache and stomachache worse than ever. Surely whatever evil was within the building was nothing he had faced before.

"<Show yourselves, demons!" Akira shouted, holding his pendant up. "I am Hinata Akira of Hinata Shrine, and it is my duty for me to send you back to the world from whence you came! Or something like that,>" he boldly stated (the last part muttered, of course). However, though he had blatantly revealed his presence, there was nothing around. Perhaps the beings were all elsewhere? Whatever the case, Akira couldn't just stand by shouting threats in his native tongue. He had to get to--

Akira's legs were heavy. His eyes couldn't stay open any longer, and he found himself falling face forward toward the ground. It then struck him that he had stayed up late last night and had failed to get any rest while cutting classes (he was too busy arguing with his pet and making sure he wouldn't miss all his classes). This was the consequence. His fate.

"Akira, can you hear me? This is no time to sleep! Wake up! Akira? AKIRA!!!" Close by, Akira heard a voice not his own. This one was feminine, but it didn't belong to anyone he knew, though, so who was it? The last thing he felt was something shaking, as if trying to keep him awake. The device, with Akemi in it, perhaps? Akira began to reach for where he kept the device, but his arm wouldn't allow him to move. With that, he lost consciousness, now completely vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Sammy Bridgevale
Episode One: A New World Awaits! Awaken the Bonds!

Today's English lesson was... boring. The teacher's sour mood made the whole class next to unbearable for Rylie and Grace, but Sammy cruised through it all, writing when she said write and reading when she said read. Sammy's mood did not lift the teacher's at all; this was most obvious when she snapped at Xavier for... something. Sammy didn't see what.

"Is there something you'd wish to share with us Mr. Shay?" she said coldly, narrowing her eyes at Xavier. He looked out the window briefly before looking back at her.

"Yes ma'am," he said. Sammy almost laughed. What a cool guy, talking to the teacher like that. "I'd like to say this:" he coughed. That's what he wanted to say? "Get down!" He then rolled as the windows he had been looking outside briefly exploded and odd things started to seep in. And Xavier was... laughing? What?

"Quick, Riley!" Sammy grabbed Riley's arm (she was closest to the window), pulled her back and pushed her and Grace back to the wall. He wasn't sure what exactly he was doing, only that he was making sure his friends were safe. His virtual pet beeped furiously in his pocket. Now was not the time, little man! He then joined Rylie and Grace, kicked down a desk to 'protect' them and despite the weird situation, pulled out the little guy and checked the screen.

"Sammy! Sammy, it's not safe!" words appeared on the screen and the beeping was almost a voice. Sammy frowned, but nodded at the little guy.

"Quick, out of the classroom!" Sammy pushed Rylie and Grace towards the door, who eagerly obeyed his command and left the classroom, as well as some of the other classmates. What confused Sammy most was Xavier. Who was laughing! Did he just remember a joke or something?

"What are you doing, man?" Sammy said to him, a funny look on his face.