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Dimension's End [G]

RolePlayGirl 11 is Pending
There are some problems...
1. How can Tifa move away from you're character to Bransife, when you're in bransife and Jane is you're nieghbour
2. "Bad team guy" erm surely I told you that the "Bad team guys" were Team Hurricane.
3. You're History is very confusing.
Thanks big bro! I'll make my SU now. C'mon, I said I'd join :) I don't break my promises ;)

Password: Question: "What was the third and tenth word in the Plot?"
Answer: started, and everything.

Name: Emma Violet Robbinson

Nickname: Em, Emmy, Vie, Robbin, and Robby.

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Personality: Emma is a very sweet girl. She will do anything to protect her friends and family. She is very cautious and weary whenever she meets someone mysterious or impolite. But she is open to anyone who is kind. Emma has a British accent and loves to study the coltures and ways of many different places. Emma has a passion for Pokemon and Pokemon battles. Emma will never back down from a battle. Emma is a little mysterious, though. She might disapear at times because of her training. Emma is a huge joker. She loves to make people happy by making them laugh. Emma knows karate and is into gymnastics. Emma is very courageous and adventureous. Emma is always curious about everything, but she knows when to let something go. She is also very inteligent, and a great encourager.

History: Emma was born in Pallet Town, Kanto with her mother and father. Emma grew up in a peaceful place until her father was threatened when she was ten. Her father was beaten and taken away by a group of people. They threatened to kill Emma and Emma's mother. Her father agreed to work with them, and was sperated from Emma. Her father now helps them with their evil plans. Emma never felt the same again. Emma had an urge to get revenge. But the urge grew farther from her as she grew up. She knew if she tried to go after her father unprepared, her father would not continue to live.

When Emma was thirteen, she discovered her mother was apart of a secret agency. Emma had snuck onto a plane when her mother was being transfered to investigate something. Emma's mother parashooted out of the plane. Emma did the same. It was the first time she'd ever parashooted out of a plane. But her mother found Emma sneaking around. Emma was told to go home, but of course, she didn't. Emma had snuck of the plane to her home and helped her mother. Emma was the one who saved her mother. Emma has been training with her mother ever since.

Emma has now moved to a new region, eager to solve the mystery of her father. Emma has seen signs of a strange group called 'Team Hurricane.' Emma has decided to tag along with other pokemon trainers and get her first Pokemon to try and stop this team.

Pokémon Species: Snivy
Moveset: Pound.
Level: 5.

RP Sample:
RolePlayGirl 11 is Accepted!
Chef30 is Accepted!

TiTaN.JuStIn has 2 days of Reservation left...

If he doesn't do it in those days or he applies, if no one else reserves, we can start.
Sorry to make you wait, everybody. Here's my delayed SU.

Name: Will McHanson

Age: 16

Gender: Boy

Appearance: Will is 1.72 meters tall. His skin is tanned brown and his hair is black and short. His nose is round and his eyes are unusually gray. You can usually see Will wearing dark blue jeans, black jacket, black & white sneakers. He looks quite thin, despite the fact he weighs 68 kilos. Will likes to wear glasses and headphones, especially his bright red ones.

Personality: Will is one blabbermouth if he starts to talk. He's quite cheerful, but sometimes he can get quite depressed. Will doesn't like people who are calm and quiet. He likes jokes, even though his jokes are pretty bad. P.S. Will has a strong will to finish his adventure. And he doesn't like to talk about his past.

Will likes cheeseburgers, funny jokes, pranks, pokemon battles and strategy games.
Will hates quiet people, raisins, street fights, villains and really attractive women.

History: Will was born in a rich family in Kanto. His father was a scientist and his mother worked at a grocery store. Will's dad, Mr. McHanson rarely came to see him, so spent his time with his mother quite a long time. Not until something horrible happened. During the age of 6, his mom was beaten by a thief at the grocery store and had serious head injuries. Mrs. McHanson had partial amnesia for some time, but she was able to recover. After the incident, Will's mom totally changed. She became more nervous, more harsh and more… greedy. She would order her son to do anything she wanted. Adding to this situation, his dad never returned. Will became quite depressed. At the age of 8, how would he manage to endure this situation?

Will went to school at the age of 6. His dad planned to make him into a famous scientist, but his mom wanted him to be a pokemon trainer. Before the incident, Mrs.Hanson wrote some notes for her son about her feelings, her thoughts and her suggestions. She wanted his son to read these notes if she dies or disappears.

Will attended school with no interest. Every child in his class would ignore his or have fun with his belongings. Will looked so depressed. But during his third year, a boy and a girl came to his class. Michael and Joanna. They became friends with Will and helped his in his studies. Will was happy to have these friends. Together, they would spend time having fun and doing homework.
Will spent his school days with Michael and Joanna for 6 more years. Then one day, he discovered some sheets of paper in his mother's room when she was scolding his 13 years old little sister, Violet. Will was 15 years old and he finally saw his mother's former appearance in his mother's notes. Will was shocked and happy. Tears came out from his eyes and he ran out of his house. Will was happy now. He would become something his mother wanted him to. He would become a pokemon trainer. He later met Michael and Joanna in the streets. They also left school because they too decided to go on a pokemon journey. All three went to Professor Oak's lab in Pallet Town. There they got their respected pokemon: Will got a Bulbasaur, Joanna got a Squirtle and Michael got a Charmander. They heard from the professor that there was a new region called Bransife suggested them to start their journey there. The three teenagers headed to Bransife , not aware of what would happen there in the future.

Pokemon species: Bulbasaur

Move set: Tackle (for now)

Level: 7

Rp Sample: ****** ***** Chronicles (sorry, this is a story/rp between my friends which is related to some game and that's the only sample I could find. P.S. I'm lazy.)

TiTaN.JuStIn is Denied

1. No Password (Key thing that made you Denied)
2. You don't get Bulbasaur from Professor Oak.
3. Your history, It had potential, but no, I thought you was going to do this brilliant thing where his friends are actually Team Hurricane people and like you will battle them out of Treason to his friendship.

The R.P. is now OPEN
"Thanks Mrs. Thompson!" Kybolt shouted as he sped down the road with his bicycle. The Spring had just started, but there was Pokémon everywhere, Deerling Twins sharing a water spring, A Starly group flying over head.
The moist air massaging his lungs, the warm sunshine beamed over his face,
He looked at his new Pokéball "Come on out, Piplup!" He said as a beam of bright light let out the Piplup, it perched itself on the back of Kybolt's bicycle.
"..lup" Piplup cheered as it felt the cool breeze on its face.
Emma was walking on the dirt road. Emma looked at her Pokeball. Inside was a Snivy, who Emma had decided to name Ivy.

"Well, Ivy, let's take a quick look at you." Emma said, her british accent showing strong affects.

The Snivy came out. Just like any Snivy, it was a proud one.

"Hello, Snivy. I'm Emma Robbinson. Would you like to be called Ivy?" Emma asked.

The Snivy appeared to love the name. But of course, it didn't show it by rejoicing. It smiled, though. That was one thing. Maybe it wouldn't be as snobby and proud as other Snivys. Emma could tell that this one was special.

"Pleasure to meet you." Emma said.

They both shook hands. Emma wish she could've gotten a picture of that. Then Emma saw a boy on a bike ride by her. The wind flowed through Emma's hair.

"Excuse me!" Emma shouted at the boy. "Do you posibly have a map? I am very new to this region. Me and my mum moved here a week ago."
Yay! This is gona be fun :)


Tifa was walking along the road, the cool breeze making her shiny hair flow to the left. Tifa sighed in Joy with a smile. Tifa looked at her pokeball, "Im so happy my Ninetale's got a baby, now it's time to re-start all over."said Tifa in a very American accent. Tifa took out her pokeball from her belt, it had a blue bolt of lightning on it to remember it was her pokeball. "I think me and you are gona be best buds just like your mother Solar Flame."said Tifa quietly as she let her pokemon out, "Hi there buddy," said Tifa as she put her hair behind her ear and waved to the little Vulpix a bit. The Vulpix didn't seem shy at all, "Do you mind if i call you Lunar flare?"asked Tifa hoping she would like her name. "Lunar for short." said Tifa quickly after that. Lunar nodded and curled around Tifa like a cat. Lunar knew Tifa from birth that's why she was confident with her. "C'mon Lunar, we'd better get going."said Tifa as she smiled at Lunar and then Lunar jamp on her shoulder, Lunar smiled in delight and Tifa started to walk along the dusty road.
Piplup was enjoying himself, "Piplup" He pointed at something, Kybolt looked where his Pokémon was pointing, he saw a girl with a snivy. The wind flowed through her hair.

He pulled up and put down his foot and turned on the brakes

"Excuse me!" She shouted at Kybolt. "Do you possibly have a map? I am very new to this region. Me and my mum moved here a week ago."

"Yeah, I have a map." Kybolt said taking off his backpack and started rummaging through, He found a map and gave it to the girl, "So, Where you from? I have a contract, I've been asked to conquer the GYMs.
Name's Kybolt, The Sinnoh and Hoenn Pokémon League Champion."
He sighed "Team Hurricane took my old bag, and Pokémon, now I got this little guy."

The Piplup jumped off, "Piplup!" shouted the Pokémon
Kybolt jerked his head towards the back of his bicycle "Hop on."

Sora sighed as he started to walk along the road, there was a nice, cold breeze going on making his hair move only a little. Sora kept on walking, his egg in his hands. "Din't worry little buddy i'll make sure you hatch safe and sound." whispered Sora to the egg, it was pretty warm already. Sora kept on walking, then he saw Tifa walking along, Sora was in surprise, his cheeks blushed just a bit. Sora ran over to Tifa and stood next to her, "Hi Tifa how are you?"said Sora kindly looking at Tifa. Sora knew Tifa from before, he was in love with her actually. " How are you doing?"asked Sora trying to make a good impression of himself.
"Yeah, I have a map." The boy said.

He dug through his backpack in search for a map. He finally found one and handed it to Emma.

"Why thank you very much." Emma said.

"So, Where you from?" The boy asked.

"I am from Pallet Town, Kanto." Emma said, smiling.

"I have a contract, I've been asked to conquer the Gyms. Name's Kybolt, The Sinnoh and Hoenn Pokémon League Champion," Kybolt said. "Team Hurricane took my old bag, and Pokémon. Now I got this little guy."

"That's so sad that they ust took your Pokemon like that. I am very sorry," Emma said. "Wait... You were asked to defeat the Gyms as well? I also have a mission to defeat the Gyms."

Ivy was a little weary of Kybolt. Ivy stood, back straight, trying to make an impresion that he was tough. Emma held her hand up to her chest. Ivy was trying to size up Kybolt and his Piplup.

"Hop on." Kybolt said, motioning towards his bike.

"Thank you very much." Emma said, smiling.

Emma held out her arm to Ivy. Ivy ran up Emma's arm on to her shoulder. Ivy was ready to attack in case she was needed.

"Oh yes, I forgot to introduce my self." Emma said. Emma cleared her throat. "I am Emma Robbinson. I think I might go to Uinana Town. Oh and thank you for the ride. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"
"I am Emma Robbinson. I think I might go to Uinana Town. Oh and thank you for the ride. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Nah." said Kybolt as they went down a long path and then took a sharp turn, then two Team Hurricane Grunts appeared
"Hey, you!" The female grunt pointed at them.
"Uh oh." Kybolt said.
"Your not allowed on private propriety!" The Male one said as he put a suitcase into a truck
"This isn't private propriety." Kybolt replied
"Uh, Yeah. It is. The WHOLE region is the Hurricane's!" The Male hissed.
"C'mon Jake, let's go." The female tugged the male's arm.
"Fine. But'll be back for you... Cameron" the male said
"Never say my name again." Kybolt harshly replied.
"Oh yeah? Whose gonna stop me?" The male one grinned evily.
"Jake, let's go!" the female said as she tried to pull the male,
"No!" the male resisted.
"Jak-" the female was cut off
the male picked the female up, strangling her "I have no time for games, Sarah, now leave!"
"Sir-" the female choked out
the male tightened his grip "Not while I am disguised!"
He put her down "Grrr, let's go!"
the girl nodded and started to drive away, Kybolt went out and went to the town center "Weird" he whispered
"Nah." Kybolt replied.

"Are you sure?" Emma asked.

They then ran into some Team Hurricane grunts. They seemed to be aruging. Ivy just about jumped off the bike to fight, but Emma held her back. Ivy raised a fist up to the grunts. They said some things, but that wasn't what caught Emma.

"Cameron?" Emma thought.

This was strange. Well, it was good they didn't seem to notice who Emma was. Emma wanted to ask Kybolt what that was about, but Emma decided to let it go and stay silent. It wasn't her buisness. For all she knew, Kybolt may be a secret agent like Emma was. You never know.

"Weird..." Kybolt whispered.


Emma looked at the trees. The nature caught her eye. It was beautiful. Too bad Team Hurricane just had to ruin it. Emma tried to clear the awkward silence by starting a conversation.

"Well... Do you like this region so far? You know, besides Team Hurricane?" Emma slightly laughed. It probably wasn't anything to laugh about, but Emma just wanted to lighten the mood.
Striker walked began walking down a path with is Pichu on his shoulder with a smile. "If it's ok with you Pichu, I'm going call you Shocks." Striker told his Pichu.
"I like that name." The Pichu said happily.
Striker was quite happy for having the ability to understand Pokemon speech. He continued and spotted a boy with a Piplup and a girl with a Snivy. "Um... hi..." Striker tried to say. "Can... Do you... can you tell me which town have a easiest gym?" Striker Studdered.
Striker sighed... He never was good at talking to others. Striker flashed a smile to Shocks. Shocks responed with a cheerful cry.
"Well... Do you like this region so far? You know, besides Team Hurricane?" Emma slightly laughed

"Eh, It's good. Not as great as Sinnoh, but good." Kybolt said

Emma's attempt to break the thick air, wasn't doing it.

Kybolt sighed, "My Name is Cameron Numbilis, I hate that name, it's the one my father chose and I don't like him, I hate him. I use my stage name everywhere...
The Reason I don't like him because he is..." He gulped "...A Team Hurricane General..." He sighed "I am nothing like him..."

He sped on.

The air was still thick and hot so he tried another conversation,

"What is your favirote pokémon, Emma."

A boy came up to them

"Can... Do you... can you tell me which town have a easiest gym?" he Studdered.
Kybolt said "Uinana town, the place we are in, I heard their building the gym so it's a construstion site gym with rock pokémon the Leader is Hiriasho."


Tifa kept walking, the longer she walked the colder it got. Then Tifa heard some one running, she turned to look. It was Sora. Sora came up and walked next to her, "Hi Tifa how are you?" said Sora. Tifa just kept walking. "How are you doing?"asked Sora, Tifa looked at Sora, he was holding a pokemon egg. "What pokemon is in the egg? did your dad finally let you get a pokemon?"asked Tifa as she just looked at Sora not smiling. Tifa had already gotten far on the road, they were almost at Uinana town. Then Tifa saw a girl and a boy on a bike heading to Uinana town, they were to fast to talk to though. Tifa watched as they passed by, then Tifa looked back forward and she could see Uinana town in the distance. "Almost there." thought Tifa as she took a deep breath.
"Oh... Uh... thanks." Striker studdered. "Then I guess... I... should go get some Pokeballs and get some training done... Oh! Do you... know where I could catch... some Grass and Water Pokemon without a rod?" Striker decided to ask.
"I need to some how become less shy." Striker thought to himself.
Striker looked at his Pichu and his Pichu smiled at him.
After he got his anwsered, he asked them a question. "Hey, would one of you two like to battle me?" He managed to ask.
Striker felt that it was a hot, but he didn't mind, he was used to the hot weather.