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[Event] Smash Bros: PC Edition (Finished)

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    Smash Bros: PC Edition
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Event] Smash Bros: PC Edition (Finished)

    Event inspired by the Smash Bros. franchise. Image from Rodolfo Guerreiro


    "Greetings roleplayers of the Pokecommunity! We are the Watchers, the omnipresent observers of the universe and we seek entertainment! We have stolen your favourite characters and taken them to the fabled island of Smash where they shall fight for our amusement or else we shall not return them to the stories from which they originated."

    The Watchers are a strange, omnipotent race that watches the world for their own enjoyment. Lately though, things have gotten dull for them so they've decided they have to do something about that. They have kidnapped your favourite characters and only you can help return them to the stories in which they belong!

    How can you that you ask? That's easy. As your character's creator and writer you need to use your imagination to guide them across the island of Smash through posts in the IC section. Your favourite character will have to fight against and alongside the characters of other roleplayers in an all out skirmish where the more creative and entertaining a battle is, the more it will improve your standing with The Watchers and give your character a chance to escape back to the roleplay they belong in.

    The Island of Smash

    Smash is a strange island that floats in the midst of space-time surrounded by a haze of nothingness. The island is covered in thick foliage, the oldest of the trees being as thick as skyscrapers and equally as tall. You could build houses on them if you really wanted. A mountain range stretches beyond the reach of even those trees, rising out of the center of the island, the tallest of them a blazing active volcano. Throughout the island you can find raging rivers, dazzling waterfalls and the ancient ruins of buildings built by the warrior race that once lived on Smash.

    There is no day or night on Smash, only a bizarre and untraceable half-light that seems to emit from no source. It is as though Smash is surrounded by an eternal sunset.

    How to Escape

    To escape Smash you must win the favour of The Watchers by providing them with the most entertaining and creative battles between your characters as you can. You will earn points for every post you make with your points representing your favour with The Watches. The roleplayer that wins the event is the one whose character earns enough favour with The Watchers to escape. Your points are determined by the following system

    Single Post (ie. Travelling alone to another part of the island) – One Point
    Joint Post (ie. Two characters arranging a truce) – Two Points
    Battle Post (ie. A joint post in which your characters fight it out) – Four Points
    Creativity Bonus – A score of 1-10 points is added to each battle post by each of the Watchers.
    Balance Bonus – At the end of the event, each Watcher will also add an additional score of 1-30 points to each person's total score based upon how fairly the roleplayer has played in regards to their character's power.​


    For the sake of fairness and enjoyment, rules have been determined. We ask that you make very effort to abide by these rules otherwise you will no longer be eligible to take part in the event.

    1. Do not godmod and do not bunny other people's characters (if you do not understand these terms make sure you check up on RPC rules)
    2. Be respectful OOC
    3. Nobody on Smash can die in the usual sense, any character that dies is simply respawned elsewhere on the island.
    4. You cannot teleport around the island (unless that is an ability of your character). This means that travel posts are required if you intend to move around to other areas on the island or that travel must be included in other posts.
    5. Don't argue with The Watchers​

    Accepted Players

    Participants in this event will each receive an emblem for their effort. The winner and runner-up will also each receive a special emblem for their success.

    1. Gelius3 as Sneasel (Pokemon Earth and Sky: Return to Lethia) - 2 Points
    2. Cayo as Flame (Trumpets: A Hoenn RP) - 3 Points
    3. Logical Cabbage as Delare (Darkrai's Night of Terror) - 1 Points
    4. Veevee as Vincent "Lord Emburn" Havanikoe (Magical Aura Gijinka Saviours) - 1 Points
    5. Varys the Galvantula as Willard Welm (Tales of Altaria) - 3 Points
    6. Grimace as Sang Glass (Lunea's Veil - A Dark Pokemon Tale) - 6 Points
    7. ANARCHit3cht as Eris (Beyond the Gods) - 5 Points
    8. Rune Alchemist as Velvette Haziel (The Gijinka Project) - 3 Points
    9. Necrum as Sovereign (Pokemon Odyssey: A New Beginning) - 0 Points
    10. Nakuzami as Ophelia Olette Young (Cross my HEART) - 0 Points
    11. Oddball as Riley (Begin Again) - 3 Points
    12. Callandor as Zephaniah Xylon (Lancaster School of Battle) - 1 Points
    13. DreamOrDestruction as Layfe (Sekirei: Wings of Fate) - 1 Points
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    So... What was this all about?

    Sang walked in a manner that, had it not been for the scalpel in his hand, that routinely went slicing into trees, could have been a relaxing country walk. Although Sang was really far from relaxed - he wasn't sure quite what it was, but something about the place he seemed to be stuck in was unsettling. Frightening, even. Something about the scale of the trees, the light that didn't seem to come from anywhere... It was all very suspicious.

    He'd read a book with a setting a little like this once - not so much the eerie half-light or the apparently completely untouched nature, but more the suddenness of it all, and the sense of danger he had - the characters had all been made to fight to the death on an island, presumably for the amusement of the people watching. That said, whilst that theory was all well and good, it wasn't exactly like that stuff actually happened, regardless of how fun it might be - it was much more likely that he'd gone and gotten blackout drunk and whoever he'd been with had dumped him in the middle of a forest for a laugh.

    Tch. He hoped they enjoyed their laughter - they wouldn't be able to when he got ahold of them.

    It did occur to him, briefly, that the marks he was making in the trees were quite easy to see: the idea being, of course, that he wouldn't go around in circles - that said, what was stopping somebody from following him? The forest seemed thick - you could probably get away with anything here. Of course, if that was the case, it wasn't like he was unarmed. If some forest-dwelling nincompoop was eyeing him up, well, the black market always needed more organs to sell.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Event] Smash Bros: PC Edition (Finished)

    Willard Welm​

    Willard Welm was not familiar with the trees surrounding him. They were too foreign. They were too leafy. And they were too thick for his liking. Willard tried to circle one tree and figured that it was at least two-and-a-half man at its widest. The light that seemed to pour from the thick foliage of the trees was unearthly and artificial; it's as if it just shone everywhere, without a real source point. Willard took his wand out; in an unknown place, he needs to be wary of his surroundings.

    "Hello?" he called out, listening intently for any sound. However, the forest was silent. There was nothing answering him, not even the sound of the flying creatures he knew back in Altaria. He poured mana down his wand, tendrils of lightning crackling, giving the area around him additional illumination. He missed Germaine; the passive Magnemite had been his companion ever since he hatched for Willard. He wondered where he was now but realized that there are far better questions to be asked.

    Where am I? Willard continued his cautions walk among the trees, peering every now and then beyond to check for safety. He was never the cautious person, his mother once told him. He is reckless and charged headlong along everything. But there was something different now. Something tamed him. Something wilder than Willard Welm ever encountered.

    And that scared the Electric Knight. For anything wilder than electricity could never be controlled.

    The Snow Queen​

    Frost encroached upon the bark from where Velvette's fingers touched, the half-girl and half-Pokemon hybrid surveying where she is. She couldn't exactly remember how she got to this forest, the last thing she recalls being her escape from the research facility she woke up in with skin as white as freshly-fallen snow and enhanced abilities a human could only dream off.

    She leaped forward, her increased strength and agility easily carrying her over several meters in a single bound, and landed softly on a lake with a waterfall, the turbulent waters stilling as they froze over at her touch. Looking up, she thought that the falls were quite high and would prove a good vantage point to get the lay of the land.

    Nodding, Velvette levitated herself up, admiring the half-light bathing the forest around her in an orange glow. As she rose, powdered snow began raining down below her, the natural humidity of the falls freezing in her presence and coating the grass below in thin sleet.

    "What a wonderful place." She whispered to herself. "Pidgeot would have loved this..."
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    "We will waste no more time on this wretch... unless it is my sword being brought across his neck." As Eris began to regroup with her comrades around Zosmius she suddenly found herself collapsing onto her hands and knees. She watched as Thaig spoke to her, but his lips made no sound over the deafening hum; and soon after that a bright light that arose from nowhere obscured the entirety of her vision. The ground seemed to melt away even as she tried desperately to rise back to her feet. Just as quickly as it had begun, it was also then over.

    Eris fell from the sky, her descent somehow slowed by a magical force. Although she was not yet conscious he face contorted in a variety of painful expression, her body twitching ever so slightly. Landing on the ground with a soft crunch due to the leaves and twigs underneath her it would be another few minutes before she had awakened. Almost immediately after her eyes opened she jumped to her feet, grabbing her sword. 'Wh-how... what even happened?' Her mind still hazy she decided the only thing she could do was traverse this unknown land. And as she did, it all slowly came to her. "Kasimir!" she cursed his name loudly although there was probably no one around to here it. 'I was at Mount Cassiel... we were fighting demons. And then *he* showed up.' The feeling she had felt since birth began to return now, or rather more accurately, she began to notice it once again. 'Thaig! I must find Thaig!' The connection she had with him was noticeably weaker, and all the more annoying for it. It seemed to pull her in no real direction, simply an ever constant reminder that she was not quite whole--that, for the time being she was even more alone than she cared to be. Shaking her had she cleared her mind of such thoughts. It would do no good to think them here.

    Instead, Eris had decided that her focus would have to be on survival. She trudged through the dense foliage for what felt like hours due to the soreness of her muscles, which was saying something due to her divine nature. She pondered her fatigue, her worry, and all the other human traits that she had begun to recently experience and came to a disdainful conclusion.Whatever this place is... it's not Gaia. I can not even feel the energy of those before me. I am little better than a human in these strange lands. Hearing running water, she cut away the foliage before her with her blade. Far from its intended purpose of carving demon flesh, but it seemed to work well enough. Once on the other side, she found herself at a bubbling brook that had opened into a small pond. Extremely parched, she knelt down to take a cautious sip of the water. She found it to be, if not completely clean, cool and refreshing to her otherwise dry throat. Taking a seat on a rock, she removed her boots and let her feet dangle into the water below, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. Is this really what's it like for all those humans?

    The repetition of walking and cutting at the trees was beginning to get to Sang: it was becoming harder and harder to focus on the task in hand, as his restless mind wandered here and there between various points. At times, it wondered where it was going, although given the disorientating effect of the seemingly artificial light, it soon gave up on this, instead concentrating on things like remembering the setup of a snare he had seen once - something to do with a noose, he thought - and how to make off with a corpse - or some pieces of it - without getting sent down for murder. Mostly, these issues simply went around and around in circles, distracting him from what he really should have been concentrating in: the road ahead.

    Suddenly, and without even knowing quite why, he stopped.

    Perhaps subconsciously, he had been thinking about where he had been going, and his brain percieved danger ahead - in the form of a girl with a sword - and stopped him short. Or perhaps he'd just gotten to the point where he'd gone so deep into his own thoughts that he'd forgotten to walk. In any case, he was glad he'd stopped - with a scalpel in his hand, it was possible she'd have a go at him with that sword of hers.

    It did occur to him, vaguely, to wonder why a person would lug something like that around with them in this day and age. It could be a prop, he supposed, although it looked pretty real to him, and he couldn't see any cameras. Maybe this was one of those 'forest-dwelling nincompoops' he'd been mildly concerned out - if he'd known they were toting swords, he would have been a little more worried.

    Even with the risks, though, it was far too enticing a possibility to pass up - she looked like a pretty healthy specimen; not much to get you high or drunk in the forest (although that could be another possible explanation for a woman being alone in the forest with a sword), so the bits he could sell - the heart, the liver, the lungs, and such, would likely be in good condition. And if they weren't... Well, it might be fun to have a poke around, anyway. If he failed to find a way out of the forest, maybe he could eat her... Although that was perhaps where he should draw the line on that front.

    Sang tucked the scalpel in his hand back into his coat, with the rest of his things, and took a breath, figuring out what it was he needed to say to avoid getting beheaded.

    ... Eh. He'd improvise. It'd be fine. But he had to strike whilst the iron was hot - and, more importantly, before whatever else might be eyeing the girl up made its move. He walked, quietly, with only the soft clink of the metal objects concealed about his person, and the crunch of the leaf-litter. Not the quietest approach, sang had to admit, but it did the job. He'd stopped a meter or so away from the girl, so he'd at least have some warning if she turned out to be particularly murder-happy, and spoke: "Better make sure there's nothing hungry in that river, or you'll lose your toes."
    I kept jumping from branch to branch. It's hard to find a good opponent. I saw a small lake. I decide to do my Faith Leap (Lol reference) to dive on the lake. Then i decide to swim towards the surface. When i come to surface, i start to breath and i look to the sides. There was a small waterfall and a little cave behind it. I swim towards the cave and try to enter it. When i reach inside, i could see a small cove. In there was a warm place, enough to camp for the night.

    For now i don't need a place to sleep but yes to find an opponent. When i leave i start to run towards east. I reach to a clearing. I climb an apple tree using my claws. Then i pick up an apple. I start chewing it. 'Hmmmm... Not bad' I thought.

    I felt like to watch the landscape. Sooner or later i will find someone worthy to fight. Then i heard someone talking loud. I threw my apple away. I swing on the branch before going to the ground. I start running towards the voice.
    OOC: This is a joint post of sorts with Grimace, as is his above post. We'll probably have another post each to finish off this interaction. In that regard, is there any preferred method of "joint posts" to be carried out as opposed to interactions such as this?

    Eris kicked the water playfully with her feet, splashing it about. Despite her situation, this moment was particularly relaxing for her. She had wanted to just strip off her armor and dive into the water, fully embracing the cold water but had decided it against for one reason: It would leave her particularly vulnerable. Besides, there was no time for fooling around--she still needed to ascertain her whereabouts and devise a strategy on how to break free from whatever infernal spell Kasimir had cast on her. The denizens of Gaia depended on her. While she appeared to be the only of her kind to have been transported here, she simply could not leave the job of slaying Kasimir and his demonic kin to ones who were just simply not as competent as herself.

    From the distance behind her she heard the rustling of leaves being stepped on, and the sound of metal clinking around. She assumed it was armor, probably a demonic entity sent by Kasimir to slay her. When they had approached and spoke, it did little to ease her mind. "Better make sure there's nothing hungry in that river, or you'll lose your toes." This struck a sour tone with her. While she realized she didn't even make such an observation, she took great offense to what she assumed was an attack against her character. Without putting back on her boots she drew her sword, jumping to her feet so as to face the man who had approached her.

    "Hold your tongue, knave. You think I would take notice of such things?"
    Eris rose the sword so that point was at the man's throat. "Who the hell are you?" Her eyes narrowed. "What is Kasimir's game this time? What has he sent you to do?" The accusation was cursory, and if her words were not threatening enough, she gently pushed the tip of her blade into his throat. "Speak quick, or I'll cut your tongue from your mouth." The contempt for Kasimir shone brightly in her eyes, a glimmer of her desire to end the pathetic beings life. If anything, her agile moves and pointy sword would send this man running, and that'd be a pain as once she incapacitated him, she would have to back track for her boots which--she glanced over towards--she left sitting on the rocks.
    Thanks for the background gimme!
    Also PM if you want to be the one In the bushes. After all how dangerous could a little Riolu be? >:3


    Riley the Riolu
    Force Palm | Aura Sphere | Bone Rush | Dig | Shadow Ball | Dragon Pulse

    Riley snorted. What the hell happened? He had been with Delta... but how did he end up here? Did that imbecile drop his Pokéball? Riley sat on a fallen log humming for a few moments. Riley could feel something watching him. The aura around him was filled with the gazes of a thousand eyes, but then again he also felt alone... more alone than he had felt in years. Delta wouldn't have just abandoned him, would he? They practically grew up together in that big mansion next to the beach... No. Something had happened while he slept. Something... Perhaps the invisible things that were all around, had taken him. The question was why... no matter what Riley knew he definitely wasn't in Kanto anymore.

    Something rustled in the bushes behind him. Riley leaped to his feet and stood facing the Bush, preparing to face whatever came out.

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    joint post with Grimace c;

    Oh good. She was a murder-happy crazy. Well, she'd have to be, Sang figured - he couldn't just meet a normal person in the middle of the woods. Besides, what kind of sane person lugged a sword around? Or pointed it at complete strangers? Despite the imminent threat of having his head cut off, though, Sang fixed a smile, and spoke in a calm tone, which seemed somewhat out of place all things considered.

    "You know, I think you'd find people a lot more forthcoming if you didn't wave swords in their faces," Perhaps as the one with the sword in his face, that was not the way to go, though, "But for the record, my name is Sang. And I assure you, nobody, least of all a Kasimir, has sent me to do anything."

    Hopefully pleading ignorance would at least get her to remove the pointy end of her sword from its position sticking in his throat. That was a rather important thing to keep in one piece, and really, he couldn't exactly afford to have anything else removed - he was operating half blind as it was; unable to talk would make things even more difficult.

    It wasn't so much the words that he said that got Eris to believe him, but rather the pathetic look on his face that showed he truly was innocent. Words were easy to fabricate, so it always helped to look for other clues so as to ascertain their validity. The man spoke frenetically, probably due to his fear among other cues. She lowered the blade from his throat, but still wielded it menacingly--just in case.

    "So you really have no clue who I'm even talking about? That is quite odd. I suppose I can trust you to not stab me in the back while I go and put my boots on?" Eris didn't wait for an answer and she stepped back through the river to the rock her boots had been resting on. Although she had reholstered her sword, she still didn't know whether or not she could trust the man, Sang. Without taking her eyes off of him, she quickly put her boots back on.

    "So tell me then, from where do you hail? Do you come from Mt Cassiel, or perhaps the deserts of Gavril? You certainly don't seemed to be suited up for either of them--but I doubt one as spindly as you is from Raphael." She paused for a moment--she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh, I'm Eris by the way." She said it casually, but mostly because she felt obligated to. There was no complementary gesture such as extending her hand outward in greeting that accompanied this.

    Sang rubbed at his throat, somewhat annoyed by the conduct of the woman - yes, he'd been half expecting it, but it didn't mean he had to like it. And her mention of stabbing her in the back, his rather forced smile became just a shade more genuine - it was tempting, very tempting, and she'd look a lot more attractive, in his opinion, bleeding out and drowned in the river, but he kept this to himself - it would make nothing but trouble at the current moment, after all. If he could get her to drop her guard around him, perhaps then he could strike, but for now, the risk of her getting him with her sword, before he got her with his scalpels was quite high.

    "No, I have no clue what you're talking about - but I suppose whatever tribal politics you're involved in don't reach the outside world."

    He didn't recognise the places she was talking about - was she from some other region that he hadn't been to yet? That was certainly possible, but then again, if she was from somewhere else, where was this?

    "If you must know, I come from Littleroot, in Hoenn." He supposed she wouldn't know where that was, just as he had no idea where Mt Cassiel was, or the deserts of Gavril, but it was probably worth a shot. Probably.

    "Littleroot?" Eris thought for a moment, but nothing came to mind. "Are you mad? No such place exists in all of Gaia! I would surely know of it, if it did..." Peering off into the distance Eris began to continue on her little adventure. She stopped once, and without looking back called out to the man, "Follow me if you want to live. Or don't, I don't care. But a jungle such as this is surely no place for one as inept as you."
    Delare the Chandelure
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Event] Smash Bros: PC Edition (Finished)
    The Island of Smash

    Darkness, Declare thought as she woke up. W-where... Am I? W-why... Do I feel so... Dizzy... She shook her head as she tried to snap out of her daze, but she felt lightheaded.

    "Think you, think. Where are you now?" She told herself.

    Last time I could remember, I was outside Master Darkrai's lair, awaiting another mission and... She saw a brief flash of image of the dark swirls that guarded the place, and then the darkness she was in. Frankly it was beautiful, but she couldn't savor it without knowing where exactly she was at. What she needed was some light. Delare composed herself and summoned her orange flare, which lit up the place she was at. She found herself inside a cave with brown rocks, and she shivered as she heard water dripping slightly. She decided it was best to head on the opposite way of the water. She slowly made her way cautiously to the other side of the cave, and she nearly passed out again as she saw a crystal clear lake ahead of her. The place looked like it was dyed in shades of green, blue sky, sunlight out, the flowers blooming brightly... This place sickens me, Delare thought to herself. Maybe I should head back inside the cave, at least the darkness was comforting...


    "Tch, like I'd do a thing like that for a reason like that."

    Whilst Sang had been planning to go along with the-- Eris, the 'inept' comment was really the last straw - Sang could take a lot of things: physical abuse, blackmail, threats... But he liked to think he at least had his pride, as it were.

    Now? Not so much. He'd have to kill her at some point, that much was certain, but not, he thought, before he concocted some good plan; perhaps there was some less obnoxious person in these woods who could be made to help with this - seemed likely. It was a big place, after all, and there couldn't just be one w-- Eris living in it. And even if there wasn't, was it then not likely he could set up some kind of trap, and have her fall into it?

    In any case, Sang made sure that he was walking in the opposite direction to that which she had taken, and resumed carving on the trees when he reached them, only this time, he carved arrowheads onto the lines, all pointing back towards the clearing, and back to Eris. There was still quite a large chance, of course, that somebody following the marks would ignore this sudden change, but it was also quite possible that somebody who simply stumbled across the arrows would assume he was moving in that direction.

    After a while, he stopped, having had a thought. Was there another way to deal with her, other than simply setting up some trap, and waiting around? Well, yes, there was one other thing he could think of - presumably, for all her swords and insults, Eris still had fears - maybe childhood memories of changing every shadowy shape into monsters... Wouldn't it be fun to try to bring those out? Sure, if he got caught, he was probably in for it, but he could think about that when it happened. For the time being, he turned on his heel, and came back the way he came, making sure to be quiet as he did so - he knew the general way she went, so he'd go that way, and hope for the best.
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    I was running faster as i could to reach the voice. I run again into the deep forest. I could hear more voices while getting near the forest. But something forced me to stop.

    I heard a something. I quickly stop and see a Chandelure. I quickly leap into the bushes and hide. If it finds me im screwed. I'm not going along Fire Types.

    Now i shut my mouth and keep quiet to see if i hear anything and to see if i am not found. However i was hungry. I see an orange on the floor and pick it. I start to eat the orange. Yet i tried to not make noise. I peek and see if the Chandelure left.
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    Eris watched as the man had trudged off in the other direction, seemingly offended by her remark. "Well, suit yourself. I won't go looking for your body." She mumbled this softly, saying it more to herself than anyone else. Drawing her sword, as she might likely need to it traverse the dense jungles she pressed onward, seemingly alone. Despite her rather apparent indifference, it upset her that he chose not to come along, she was in a foreign land and some company--even if from a man she did not outright like--would have been nice to keep. She paid that sentiment little mind, however, for it would no good to keep her mind bogged down on rather trivial matters. There was one thing and one thing only she had to focus on: finding her way back home.

    After walking for what seemed like a good hour, Eris decided to take a short break; it was not from exhaustion, but rather because she had the eerie feeling that she was being followed. There was the occasional crunch of leaves, the snapping of a twig. Small signs that indicated that SOMETHING was about. Still, no matter where she looked she saw nothing other than than the small woodland creatures that called this place home. Finding nothing, she decided to press on assuming the noise merely came from those very same creatures she witnessed scuttling about the floor and among the canopy.

    It was not long before she came to a clearing of sorts, massive cobbled ruins looming overhand. Time had definitely taken its toll, nature running rampant through the manmade structure. It had many different levels, the highest of which was cut off from the staircase that had been ripped asunder by the vines that managed to break their way through. Walking up the first set of stairs, she reached out to feel the stone, it was surprisingly warm. This place was very strange indeed.

    So, the very person who had called him inept was wandering around with a weapon drawn? Was she frightened? Seemed fairly likely - the forest was dense in places, yes, but there were stretches that were comparatively easy, too. Well, if she was, then following her in secret was having the desired result, and if not? he'd simply have to try a little harder.

    On that front, he had considered several times throwing something at her - a stone or a stick perhaps. But that was hardly frightening - it was more annoying than anything else, and besides, it would give away his position, and end the game rather early. But if not that, then what could he do? Simply keep following her might eventually work, he supposed, but that was a rather passive solution.

    Before he could think of a more active one, however, the monolithic trees thinned, and in their place, bizarre ruins. Tch... Looked like he really wasn't anywhere near that dingy region he'd been sent to work - he hadn't been there for very long before... Whatever this was happened, but he was fairly sure that there was nothing so ancient there.
    Flame woke up, tired as usual. Triqu must have accidentally dropped me somewhere. Flame thought.

    Flame stood up, unfamiliar with his surroundings. Last he remembered, he was back in the Oldale Town pokemon center. This place was not a pokemon center.

    Flame was in the middle of a desert wasteland. He looked to one side and saw a volcano. Another side there were mountains, another was a forest.

    Where am I? Flame asked himself. He considered his options. He could go to the volcano where he'd be stronger than normal, or go to the forest that had food and possibly water.

    Forest it is. There were no energy sources at the volcano.

    Flame made his way to the forest and when he figured he was about three miles away, he looked down. Out in front of him was a void, filled with nothingness. Flame decided he wouldn't discover what was down there.

    Flame then turned ready to head back, as he had no way to cross from island to island, and saw five little monkeys going berzerk. They were brown and muscular but about half of Flame's size.

    When Flame made eye contact, the fellow monkeys attacked, five on one. With a quick fury swipes, they were dust. They were weak, but Flame sensed that there was more danger to come. These miniature monkeys were just the beginning.

    Flame had to become much stronger and resourceful. Fast.

    Vincent Havanikoe

    "Hmm... ugh... why is this bed so hard?"

    Vincent, barely awake, began to feel around with his left hand. Everything felt so hard, except for something that felt a little leafy. Then he brought his hand down on a small, pointy pebble.

    Vincent bolted upright almost instantly. "What the heck was that?" he groaned. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He scooped up the stone in his hand, then to toss it in a tree.

    "Wait a minute... this isn't Chihara." Panicking, Vincent looked around. Where was he? How did he get here?

    He was in a dense forest, next to some old, crumbled ruins. He definately didn't fall asleep here. Vincent tried and failed to make sense of the situation.

    Maybe I should take a walk. I could find something about why I'm here... Vincent thought, as the sense of panic began to fade away.

    Before leaving, he let out a cry for help. If he found someone, maybe he'd have a better chance of surviving in these woods.

    "Hello? Is anyone else here?"
    Layfe x Mystery x Beginning
    So where the hell was he now? These were the thoughts that had immediately ran through Layfe's head as he woke up on some strange island. Last thing he remembered was stumbling into some trash can and falling, after that he drew a bit of a blank. Getting off the ground he quickly got to his feet and dusted off his jacket, it was still a bit torn but it didn't matter seeing as he had more important things to deal with. For example, once again, where the hell was he currently? Could it be some sort of Sekirei ability? He didn't really know many others so it was a possibility that one of them could use a form of teleportation like him.

    "I'm in quite a situation aren't I...?" Layfe muttered to himself aloud as he looked at his surroundings. The place was fairly tropical he supposed and the sun was at a weird sort of twilight, he guessed he was on some sort of island. He didn't have much experience with islands despite being on one for, what seemed like, a brief time. From what he had read about them though, they were usually surrounded by large amounts water or more precisely the ocean. That meant he was pretty much screwed as there was no feasible way to make it off with his ability unless a cruise ship or something passed by and he doubted that this island was known about to the public.

    Picking a random direction he decided to start walking into the wooded area in an attempt to get a feel for the geography of the area. A few ideas had ran through his head about exactly how he had gotten here none of them rather pleasing. The two most prominent being that one, Minaka had decided to mess with him for giggles and drop him and probably others on some random dangerous island as a game or, and this was really far fetched, another alien race had taken him somewhere. The only reason he considered this one possible was because he was living proof that aliens did exist, so it was possible that he had been kidnapped though he doubted it.

    "Hmm, I should probably get to higher ground to scope out the island a bit." Looking upwards he spotted a large tree, and by large he meant humongous. While he didn't doubt his ability to easily climb it, it'd be a pain if he was to do it the normal way. A shadowy energy began to come out of his sleeves and with a bit of concentration formed into a long chain. Throwing it up with all his strength he expertly wrapped it around one of the branches he saw. "Going up." The chain quickly began to retract upwards and with his hand firmly grasped on it he was quickly yanked upwards. Going up pretty high he perched himself up on the tree branch and realized quickly that these trees were truly humongous as he still couldn't see past the canopy.

    "Hmm, I'll probably have to reach the end of the forest if I want a better look." He stated aloud to himself as he rubbed his chin in thought. From his current perch he could see some sort of ruins in the distance, a mountain range, and could make out some what looked like a volcanic area right after it. He loved having such excellent eyesight it had helped him quite a bit so far after all. Closing his eyes he decided that he should probably get moving, his ears twitched a bit at the sound of activity. Well, the ruins were probably his best bet in what to explore as of now. They should hold some information as to what exactly was going on here.

    "Well, let's see what's in store for me this time." Jumping down from his perch he fell and fell until he landed right into the shadow of the tree he was in and began his journey. Seeing as he was in a densely forested area with lots of trees and things to give off a shadow he'd be there in under a few minutes if he went full speed.

    Riley the Riolu and Willard Welm
    Force Palm | Aura Sphere | Bone Rush | Dig | Shadow Ball | Dragon Pulse

    Willard patted his robe as he emerged from the bushes. There were no clear paths to anywhere as Willard could see so all he could do was try to see if he could go anywhere by barreling down the forests and into the greenery.

    It was a bad thing as there were thorns everywhere that keeps on snagging Willard's precious robe. I'd have to ditch this soon if this keeps on happening. Willard groaned a curse as he separated a part of a bush that was blocking his way…

    And was surprised to see a Riolu looking at him, apparently alarmed. "What the…?"

    Riley was surprised to find a human emerge from the bushes for once. Riley cocked his head and stared at the man. He was older than most trainers, but still young. His head was covered in strands of silver hair that appeared as if it was going to eat his face. Riley was quite confused as to why the man was wearing what he took to be a dress. Of course, and probably for the best, Riley was unable to speak english. However as Riley continued to stare at the newcomer, it was apparent that the Riolu's thoughts were reflected in his facial features …

    Willard saw confusion on the Riolu's face as he emerged from the bushes. It seemed to check Willard out, from head to toe. "Are you with an Entwined? My partner seemed to have been lost in the woods." Willard patted the last of the leaves from his robe. "Or somewhere on my way here."

    Riley couldn't decide what to make of the strange man. Riley did however understand that the man was lost, just as he was. Riley grunted and sat back down on his fallen log. Was he not the only one who ended up here? Could it be that the invisible eyes had taken people from all over the place? Riley was unsure. He did know that the man wasn't a threat. So he had no reason to attack.

    "So, you can't talk? This will be hard," Willard sat down beside the Riolu. "You remind me of my own partner, Germaine. He was a Magnemite and now I am not really sure where he is. Do you have a partner yourself?" Willard asked. He stowed his wand away, feeling safe around the Riolu. He still is not sure why they were in the island. "Uh, I'm Willard Welm by the way."

    The man asked if Riley had a partner. Riley nodded sadly upon being reminded that he was alone. The man however, also mentioned being alone, something that made the Riolu wonder exactly where they were. Without second thought Riley leaped to his feet and climbed nearby tree. A small gasp escaped his throat when he realized that they were on a rather large floating island. Suddenly the branch he was standing on broke, causing the shocked Pokémon to begin to fall...

    Willard deftly caught the Riolu in mid-air, cushioning the blow. "You need to be more careful. If you're an Entwined, I don't think your partner will take it lightly if you injure yourself." Willard set the Pokemon down on the hard ground. "Did you see anything?" He felt foolish for asking as the Pokemon had absolutely no way of answering him. "Oh yeah, we can't speak to each other. Let me just go up." Willard started to climb the tree, surefooted. Soon enough, he was on the treetops and found that they were stranded on a giant, floating island. "What is this place…?"

    Riley cried out loudly as he fell, but was saved by the man in the dress. The man asked what he'd seen, but upon recalling that Riley was unable to speak anything but the Pokémon language, decided to climb the tree himself. Riley heard the man gasp, and suddenly was very aware of two figures heading they're way. Being the emanation Pokémon Riley could tell that the two felt as confused as Willard and he did, but there was something else... something dark about the two. "Ri!" Riley whispered as he ran up the side of the tree to meet with Willard.

    Upon awakening, Zephaniah was instantly aware of the unfamiliar surroundings. This wasn't the first time he had been drugged and woken up in the wilderness before though, so he wasn't overly stressed. Part of his families coming of age ceremony involves something similar. At least this time he was fully armed and had his survival gear. He took stock of his surroundings. Leaning up against a very large tree, he appeared to be almost completely covered by a short, but thick bush. Zephaniah waited a moment and concentrated, trying to hear anything at all that might give him a clue as to his whereabouts. After a few minutes of perfect stillness, he gave up. Zephaniah wasn't sure what he was looking for, but it didn't matter anyway. All he heard were the normal forest sounds. Rustling leaves, small mammals moving about, and insects. He heard nothing to indicate danger, and he had apparently been there long enough to have a sore rear. So he stood up, grabbed his Zanbato and rested the flat of the blade on his shoulder. Zephaniah did a few stretches to loosen up and began walking.

    After a few minutes, he came across some odd marks in the trees. They appeared to be small slash marks made by a small blade. The first signs of civilization he'd seen so far. He looked over the marks trying to discern which direction their creator was moving when they were made, but to no real avail. So Zephaniah decided to go with his best guess.

    He had been walking for awhile when it suddenly hit him. It wasn't getting darker. He had assumed it was early evening when he started out, but should have definitely been getting dark by now. He was suddenly on much higher alert then he was before. Something was wrong here. He grasped his Zanbato harder now, just waiting for some demon to jump out at him. He kept moving though.

    Finally, he reached a change in scenery. Following the marks had lead Zephaniah to a small rushing river. Zephaniah had never been the best tracker, but even he could tell someone had been here. Most likely just one person by the look of it. Beyond that though, he couldn't tell much else. He looked around and found nothing. A large rock, a small pond, but nothing useful and this aggravated him so very much. Finally, he came to a decision. This space was obviously unnatural, so Zephaniah decided to cleanse it. He took off jogging in a random direction. As he was doing so, he raised his sword behind him and started concentrating. This was very cumbersome and caused him to slow down a bit, but Zephaniah wanted to be far away in case the fire spread quickly. Assuming it spread at all. Zephaniah was still jogging when he suddenly yelled, "Fire's of Heaven! Bring down your wroth upon my foes!" In this case his foes being this infernal forest. Off in the distance Zephaniah saw a small vortex of white hot flames connect the void, which Zephaniah just noticed was their in place of a true sky, with the ground. Now he just had to wait. And of course keep away from the forest fire he hoped had started.
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