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Gilded Halls ★ IC

Nathan Steele​

"Wyell... A-ah reckon tha' goin' to thuh pool would be perty naice... H-hang on... I need tuh get muh swimsuit on..." she said, making his wish come true. He heard the words he wanted to hear and would get to see her in a swimsuit. Best thing that happened to him since he came to this school. And he didn't regret it one bit since only good things happened when he was here like meeting Alicea. He was glad that he already established a good connection with her and he deeply hoped that no men would turn around her which would be difficult seeing her incredible beauty. But he was ready to fight anyone in this world that dared to seduce his Alicea, the woman he wanted for himself, the woman that would become the next Miss Steele. He would have no problem marrying such a wonderful girl.
She took what she needed from her bag and went the bathroom, closing the door after her. The moment of his life was coming. He'd get to see the woman he longed for in a swimsuit. That was maybe nothing for some guys but that was a great undertaking in Nathan's history. When she emerged, he couldn't help but let his jaw drop. There were no words to describe her amazing beautiful beauty and sexiness. He definitely had to keep this woman for himself only. She had a beautiful ponytail that he really loved.
"A-ah don't wont tuh get burned... G-gimme a second an' Ah'll be r-ready..." she mumbled, blushing a bit.
Nathan's eyes widened even more. In front of such a beautiful creature of God, he couldn't hold the truth anymore. He had to say what he really thought of her.
"You are so incredibly sexy. You are pure beauty!"
Nathan seemed very... let's say effected by her modest two piece. She didn't understand why he reacted the way he did. Sure, her suit exposed her thighs and some of her stomach... But it was fair less revealing than most of the suits she had seen back home. She thought it looked pretty mild. She shook her head weakly, finishing applying the sunscreen. That's when he made her eyes widen, and made her blush VERY deeply.

"You are so incredibly sexy. You are pure beauty!" His words made her shiver a bit, and she put down the bottle of sunscreen. She was very uncertain how to respond to this declaration. It made her blink and do a retake. She definitely should have gone with that navy one piece a few months ago. But then again, she had a feeling he would say that regardless of what she was wearing. And, well, she did feel very similar about him. She could just imagine what he would look like without his shirt on. Fortunately, the bell rang, distracting her from her present thoughts. Wait... the bell? The BELL!? She hastily reached into her bag and pulled out the schedule. oh NO! There was a class today!

"O-oh mai g-goodness! W-we gotta git g-goin' to clase... C-come on N-nathan, we're g-gonna be late..." she said, hastily slipping on her sandals and standing up. "Er... W-we cane go swimmin' a-after clase, r-righ'?" she added softly, looking at him curiously.

Nathan Steele​

He was still in the state of complete amazement and admiration toward his roommate when luck decided it wouldn't be on his side anymore. The bell rang. It chose the worst ever time to ring. Why was this happening to him? What did he do that was so bad? The moment where he was contemplating the goddess in front of him and preparing to go swimming with her was the exact moment the ****ing bell decided to ring. Why him? He sighed, knowing that missing the first class ever in this school wouldn't be a very smart move. So he had to head into the class, even if he didn't want to. At least, not now. He smiled in his head, he wouldn't leave not without showing this well-built body of his. All of these hours spent training would finally pay off.
"O-oh mai g-goodness! W-we gotta git g-goin' to clase... C-come on N-nathan, we're g-gonna be late..., Er... W-we cane go swimmin' a-after clase, r-righ'?" she added softly, looking at him curiously.
Now that he had her eyes fixed on him was the perfect moment to make his move. "Ok, let me quickly put another shirt on." He removed his shirt making sure that Alicea got a clear view of his toned chest without making clear that he was only doing this for showoff. He dug in his belongings and found a black shirt who had his favorite band logo printed on it and put it on. He looked at Alicea. "I'm ready now!"
Dominic "Dom" Irving - Feeling Confused

Dom's face was still a dark shade of red. What the hell... He kept thinking the same thought over and over and over. His head was clouded with an image that had been seared into his mind. Ughhh... I thought this was a school for the gifted, not for a bunch of sl*ts and rich kids.

Those two girls... Dom just couldn't get the image out of his head. He shook his head. No, this shouldn't faze me. Most of the girls back home liked to get down all the time... This shouldn't bother me.

But he couldn't help it. Every time Dom thought about those two girls by the tree... he shuddered. It was so foreign to him. The boys back home used to talk about "dem kinky h*es" would do weird things but, Dom was never interested in that type of stuff. He just stayed with his sports but, now that those were at least temporarily out of the way, how would he go about things now?

He sat there. Looking at the spot where the two girls had been moments ago. Then a thought occured to him. Where did Evan go?!

Dom stood up to look for his roommate but, before he could even take a step, the bell rung. Ahhh sh*t.. He looked around quickly He'll probably just go to class anyways. Dom completely missed the blacked out Evan, right next to him, as he walked to class.

It was her... the red hair, those long legs. No doubt about it she was one of them.Dom quickly looked away from the girl and wound up staring towards the ground. Damn it! Why'd I get stuck in class with her? His face turned a bright red color as he strode towards the front of the class where he found four sets of beakers. One was filled with sand, another with water, the next with a single leaf, and the last one with a box of matches.

We are part of nature, nature is part of us. Within each and every person is the ability to control nature, to a limited degree.

Choose your beaker wisely. Not every road leads to success.

What the hell? Dom grinned This school gets stranger by the second. It's probably some freaky religion mess, I'll just go with it. Dominic grabbed the beaker with the single leaf residing inside of it, then found himself an empty table in the back of the room.

Dom looked around the room, especially trying to avoid looking at the girl he had seen earlier. Near him, he found a skinny red haired kid and a tiny little white boy dressed in baggy pants and a hoodie. Dom gave a small laugh. Back home white kids like that, looking like they tried to be gangster, were called w*ggers. He looked away, that red haired girl was near another guy with freckles and blonde hair.

He relaxed a bit, but his face was still at a slight blush. Alright, pull it together! Class time. Academics weren't really Dom's forte but, he enjoyed studying and he tried hard at everything in school. This was kind of different to him though. What was he supposed to do with a beaker with a leaf? We are part of nature, nature is part of us. Within each and every person is the ability to control nature, to a limited degree. What type of cult stuff was this?

Dom once again scouted out the room. There was a new boy with the w*gger and the red head. While Dom's mind drifted off he came in unnoticed by him. Blue-blackish hair huh..? We got all sorts of people here. He observed the beaker of sand once again. Just a normal beaker containing a normal leaf. Dom looked around the room to see what all the others were doing. All he found were a bunch of teenagers socializing. Well... sh*t
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Selena Bravo - Room 1, Classroom 1A

Many students were heading to class at this time, especially Selena, who had dressed nicely for her very first day of class. She had her sunlight, her water to last through the day, and her chlorophyll-filled brain to sap some knowledge from the classroom. It became a short walk from her room to the classroom, there wasn't a need for a map to get there.

She finally found the classroom with the door closed. Did it start already? Selena tried grabbing the doorknob but all of the sudden her vine from her right wrist sprouted out of random, wrapping the doorknob tight, tight enough for Selena to open the door. Without control, she tried to retract the vine, while it sprouted a red flower.

"Stop it!" she whispered to the vine. Meanwhile, a young boy who was heading to the same classroom as Selena, stopped in a shocked manner as he saw Selena's vines on the doorknob. Selena glanced at the boy, who dropped his books in front of her, and started to run away in a scared manner. Selena grumbled at the boy, and at her vine. Eventually, the vine retracted, and the door was safe to open once again.

The moment when she didn't want to show off her ability...it had to at the wrong time. It was for the sake of not harming anyone, especially that she cannot control it.

Opening the door, she spotted several other classmates...many of them took their seats, and others were in groups. Shyly, Selena walked towards the row with the best sun illumination, where it had two students, one in the front and one in the back. Selena decided to sit in the middle, right next to a young guy who had a beaker and matches. He was attempting the lesson as indicated on the board. She quielty sat next to the boy, pulled out a notebook and pen, and began to watch the boy do the work as told.​
Alicea looked at him urgently, but he seemed to understand. Yeah, they had to get to class as soon as possible. She smiled weakly when he began to speak.

"Ok, let me quickly put another shirt on." And with that he pulled his shirt off. Alicea's eyes roamed over his toned and muscular chest, making her blush slightly. Was he making her blush on purpose? The poor girl was so flustered she didn't even think about changing out of her swimsuit. Oh well. The fact remained that they had to get to class. God knows they were already late.

"I'm ready now!" he said as he pulled on a shirt with some band logo on it. She nodded at him, shaking her thoughts from her mind for now.

"A-awright, le's go..." she mumbled, walking out the door, leaving him to follow. Because he was totally right behind her, right!? She walked down the hall, heading toward the classroom. 1A... Yes, she had found it. She walked into the room and her face fell. It looked like a lot of people were here already. Except the teacher... Maybe she and Nathan weren;t late? She looked shyly down, too late remembering her she was dressed. Wait... Why did everyone have a jar? She looked at the board and read the instructions, and snatched a jar with a leaf and walked toward a pair of empty desks in the back of the room and plopped down, putting her head in her hands, blushing very hard. She took several deep breaths, trying to relax and focus. What kind of crazy witch craft stuff was this? Controlling elements? Well... With her powers she could understand that it might be possible. Still. This was just insane. She pulled the leaf out of the jar and set it on her desk. Then she looked at her leaf and stared at it. She was trying to control it like she did when she made water boil... But she just didn't seem able to get it. Slowly... Slowly the leaf began to smoke. Her eyes widened, and the leaf caught flame as she withdrew her power, but it was too hot. She cried out in shock, the leaf burning on her desk, causing a real fire hazard. Oh god! She was going to burn down the entire school at this rate!

"W-whut in tarnation!?" she cried, her eyes wide. She didn't know her powers worked on things other than water! She hadn't meant to set her desk on fire! "H-help!" she cried fearfully, scooting back, throwing her hands up. Oh my god she was so frightened!
→ Jamie Lane ● Flame, on.

"Yes, I'm Ginny or Ginevra. I'm just so fortunate to be his roommate." Her sarcastic tone matched his own, "Who decided to just toss his damned duffel right on top of me, which started a fight. Then he ran away like a baby when I beat him." He didn't bother retorting; just as he opened his mouth another boy walked up to Ginny.

Skank, Jamie thought, turning back to Kevin and the task at hand. "I gotta make that happen again," he said, thinking back to the flaring flame. It had flared up the most when he had been thinking about Ginny, now she was right next to him.

"Maybe anger really does help the fire," Jamie thought out loud, "Are you having any luck?"

- - - - -​

Finally a familiar face entered into the room, it was Matthias. As he looked up at see Kevin he extended his arm and gave him a friendly wave,"Hey Kevin". "Hey there Matthias," Kevin responded also raising his arm to give a friendly wave.

Kevin sat and watched Jamie's roommate take a dig at him before she headed off to help someone else with the lesson. Kevin continued to watch Ginny until his concentration was broken by Jamie's question. "Are you having any luck?"

"Huh? Oh … Um … I haven't really tried anything yet, I suppose I should try to do something," Kevin responded as he leaned forward in his chair, peering into the four beakers in front of him deciding which one to work on. He peered into the beakers, concentrating on which one he should try first, he picked up the one which contained the sand and pushed the rest to one side as to give himself room to work.

- - - - -​

Kevin seemed interested in Ginerva, of course it seemed that all the other males in the room had eyes for her. Kevin snapped back to reality, which Jamie was glad for - he had actually been enjoying himself before his roommate arrived.

"So if fire is anger, then sand must be like... toughness? I'm not really sure how this works," Jamie tried to work out what kind of person Kevin was. He wasn't the usual suck-up, like some of the other boys seemed to be - he was hard to read, didn't give much away. If he hadn't have said, Jamie wouldn't have penned him down as a trouble maker.

"Have you seen the pool yet? This place is like luxury," Jamie remarked, trying to bring up some casual conversation as they worked, "I'll race ya sometime." He winked, jokingly.

"Heh, that's probably not the best idea to be perfectly honest." Kevin shakily responded looking over at Jamie.

The pool was a no-go for Kevin, because of his power he would fry himself and anyone in the pool with him if he got in. The question stood now as how he was going to explain to Jamie that he couldn't get into the pool.

"Scared you'd lose?" Jamie teased, he was pretty confident in his swimming - even if he wasn't a pro he was quicker than your average teenager.

Just then, like a massive weight was lifted off his shoulders, Kevin immediately relaxed, "yeah, that's it. I'm not a very good swimmer… but anyways did you make any progress with your matches?"

Picking up the beaker and resting his fingers just above the sand, Kevin watched for any signs of movement and much like he anticipated, nothing happened. "How in the world are we supposed to do this? I have no idea what to do" Kevin thought to himself.

- - - - -​

Jamie held a freshly lit match, hoping to show Kevin, rather than answer. He was determined to get it. Intending to use his anger to his advantage, Jamie thought of the fight with Ginny - he though about how she shoved him, how she belittled him, and let the anger flow.

The flame grew - larger this time, and it showed no signs of diminishing. The fire expanded so much, the match appeared to be topped by a flaming golf ball. Jamie focused more, control the fire he reminded himself, however it was too late. The flame engulfed what was left of the match, singeing the tips of his fingers and causing him to call out in pain.

"Son of a-!"

Kevin watched as Jamie made the flame on the match grow much larger than normal, he watched in amazement as the giant flame danced atop of the match. It all seemed to be going well until the flame became too much and burned the tips of Jamie's fingers.

"Whoa, you okay there dude? How did you manage that?" Kevin asked.

"Guess I just found my inner fire," Jamie quipped, cringing at his own cheesey joke, he wasn't too sure how he did it, really. It seemed as though emotions were a big help though, and something to focus on. "Right, try this," acting the expert, Jamie quickly took Kevin's hands and wrapped them around the beaker.

"Now... focus? Think of something strong or... something," his explanation was fairly useless.

Kevin was in a slight bit of shock when Jamie grabbed Kevin's hands and placed them around the beaker. "I hope he's not getting an ideas" thought Kevin. Jamie explained that he should focus on something strong in order to presumably move the sand.

Closing his eyes Kevin began to think of heavy, strong earthy materials. He envisioned moving large boulder, shattering sheer rock and generating landmass all with his mind. With his eyes closed, Kevin couldn't see anything but unknowingly to him, small grains of sand began to jump around inside the beaker. He continued to focus but ultimately keeping his cool. He learned in the garden that by remaining calm and collected, Kevin was able to activate his power. He assumed doing the same here would yield a positive result.

Jamie brought his eyes level to the beaker, watching as individual grains of sand started to stir and move, bouncing around the surfaces like raindrops on the road.

"Kevin..." he whispered, "I think you might have it."

Hearing Jamie whisper, Kevin couldn't help but smile. He slowly opened his eyes still trying to maintain his concentration. For a brief few seconds he could see the sand jump around inside the beaker before he broke his concentration and everything reverted back to normal.

Releasing a quick breath Kevin sat shocked looking over at Jamie."Wow … uh … that was unexpected". Kevin knew about his electric power but never has he been able to do anything like that before.

Jamie couldn't help but agree. Controlling sand and fire was totally unexpected, let alone being told to do it in lesson. This was the stuff of fantasy and make-believe, nothing like a normal school. It was then clear to Jamie, he wasn't at this school for being bright, being good at swimming or for being a troublesome kid - he was here for his ability, and chances were that so was everyone else.

"There's something not quite right, about this school." At that moment, a girl screamed, her face full of panic as fire spread across her desk.

Joint post with WooliestSteam1

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Nathan Steele​

Nathan knew he successfully pulled his trick when she blushed. Apparently, she couldn't help but let her eyes roam over his muscular body, he was actually kind of happy that he decided to pass hours doing muscle building instead of playing video games like any normal teen. But again, he wasn't a normal teen. He had a power that nobody else had or nobody from his entourage had. Maybe there could be another person that controlled iron even if he didn't believe it too much. He looked at his hand and transformed it into iron. It was still slightly amazing for him even if he was used to it. I already used it 2 times, gotta slow down on the transformations.

"A-awright, le's go..." she mumbled, interrupting his daydreaming process. He didn't even have the time to answer that she was already gone. He quickly exited the room, not without locking the door and taking his key. She was still in the hall with her two-piece on and the view it gave him was simply amazing. Her "back" was totally delightful to admire. He shook his head, blushing madly. How could he have so much dirty thoughts about a girl he just met? Maybe the fact that she was walking in front of him in a 2-piece bikini. Then how come she goes to class in a bikini? He didn't have the time to stop her as she already entered the classroom.
He followed her inside and looked at the board. So he had to choose a beaker from the ones available. He always liked and was weak to fire so he chose it and went at an empty desk in the end of the class.

"W-whut in tarnation!?" "H-help!" someone cried. He looked up to see Alicea with her desk on fire. Could breaking the desk possibly fix the problem? No, he had to let her use her powers to fix it or otherwise she would never progress with them. He would only intervene if things were really messy and they would get even messier with him.

William Coenen

& Ginevra Morrigan - Classroom 1A

A joint post with Mac

Ginny was appreciative of the help and she took Liam's hand and carefully rose from the chair. Her rump protested at the movement but she did her best to manage the pain and put her best foot forward. With a weak smile, she took his offer to lean on him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder as they approached the front of the class room. She could have gotten up here by herself, but it wouldn't have been pretty.

The beakers were sitting there and she gave a bit of thought to which she wanted. She then pointed to the one filled with water, "Could you please be a dear and get that one for me? I'm afraid I'd drop it in my current condition." After this lesson though, she knew that she'd be visiting the nurse. The nurse already, now that's just sad, Ginny. After her inner scolding, she put on her best smile, "Which one are you going after?"

Will's face froze in his attempt to keep it from turning red, and he looped his arm under hers and took a light grip on her waist as she got a hold of his shoulder, he could tighten up if she lost her balance but best to err on the side of caution. Can't keep my mouth shot one way or the other can I? Opening in a sentence? Insert sarcastic remark. Girl having trouble? What's wrong are you okay? And what has it gotten me till now? A whole lotta nothin'.

When Ginny asked him to grab the beaker for her he smiled. A dear, yeah that's me, just a big sap, oh well I wouldn't have it any other way. Hold on...if I'm just going to grab it for her why did I need to bring her here? Maybe I'm better looking than I thought. He grabbed the beaker with his free hand, making sure to balance it carefully and keep his hand perfectly still. "Actually it's funny you ask. Water was the one I was thinking of trying out too, I kind of have trouble um...concentrating and I figured if I could get my thoughts to flow like water I wouldn't be such a scatter brain. What about you? Any particular reason you chose water?" He thought he heard someone scream but he didn't notice much, his focus was narrowed right then and he didn't really notice anything besides Ginny unless he looked right at it.

"I understand being scatter-brained. I've had that problem quite often myself but I've found it just feels good to focus and I really worked on it over the years." Ginny smiled as he took the beakers in his hand, "I guess I could have just asked you to bring me a beaker, I guess… but I didn't want to get one without actually observing them at up close." She frowned a bit, "I'm sorry for causing you any trouble."

As she was escorted back to the table, she grimaced as she slowly sat down again, "Thank you so much. I'm Ginevra, but you can call me Ginny." She offered her hand for a shake, "I really appreciate the help, you know.

Will kept his sort of bashful smile up and relaxed when she explained about the beakers. "Oh it's no trouble at all, I like to help people who are having trouble within reason, especially girls. I'm sure you're no weakling and I know the whole chivalry is dead thing but...I just can't agree with it, someone doesn't have to be weak to need help, and what's wrong with being polite. Besides your...well I'm sure you know but you are." Beautiful, Gorgeous Voluptuous "Very pretty, I've never seen hair like yours before, if it were any redder it would be scarlet or crimson."

Will took her hand firmly but gently and shook it, not as hard as he would a guy's but he believes a good handshake is important in a person, he definitely didn't want to let go of her hand it was so soft, but he did. "Ginny it is then, a beautiful name indeed. And don't worry it's no trouble I know what it can be like to be stuck in a bad situation with nobody wanting to help. Besides, not like I made much headway on the water. I don't know if I said this already but I'm William, people usually call me either Will or Liam, either one is fine I like nicknames."

Will sat back down in his new seat, he couldn't think of anything else to say, and his mouth was starting to get dry, it was a big accomplishment that he had held it together as long as he had. But Ginny seemed nice, even nicer than Selena had been. I wonder why she seems to have a problem with her roommate, they both seem nice I'd expect them to get along. Will stared at his beaker of water, still accomplishing nothing. Man I want to control water and all but right now, I'd much rather swim in it, although I guess the odds aren't good I'd have the pool to myself with the way today's been going. I wonder how long class goes for?
Matthias & Selena – Classroom 1A

With a look of intrigued confusion on his face, Matthias pulled out the box of matches from his beaker, lifting it up and turning it around in his hands, studying it in the bright sunlight beating down on the school and through the window he was sat against. As far as he could tell, there wasn't anything different or weird about the matches. They were, just that. Matches.

He opened the box and pulled out a few of them, placing them on the table in front of him before closing it again. He then picked up one of the matches, taking a deep breath and calming himself down, just like he did when he was using his ability. He swiped the match along the box's side, lighting it, and held the flame up in front of him. He stared intently at the small flame, blocking out every thought other than 'I want to make the flame bigger'.

The flame slowly burned down along the match without it changing the least and Matthias let out a little huff, waving the small stick to put out the fire, picking up another match to try again. Just then, however, a girl seemed to sit down next to him, preparing a notebook while watching him quietly. He blinked in surprise and looked to her, the first thing he noticed being her yellow-goldish hair with just a single, green streak down the front. He blinked again before snapping out of it, offering her a little smile. "... Uh, hey there. I don't suppose you wanna work together with this?"

After watching carefully of his work, the boy glanced at Selena and smiled, then he had offered her to work with him. Her first initial thought was that he would scold her for glancing at his work...or at least that's what guys back home would do if she snooped at their schoolwork. But this guy looked...cute, extreeeemely cute. Creating a quiet shriek as he looked at her, Selena let out a slight vine sprout in defense, but does not show to the boy. She wasn't even expecting the boy to say something to her.

Slowly, she smiled as well, "Sure, I guess...what is it that you're working on, exactly?" Although she knew what the lesson was from the board, she went ahead and asked anyways, just to carry on the conversation.

With blackish blue, spikey hair and baby blue eyes, the guy also had a weird accent. It was way different from Ginny's, and much different than Liam. He may also be European, just like Selena. After a few seconds of spacing out, she snapped out of it and decided to move her desk closer to his.

"Um, I'll be moving close if that's alright." she said, dragging her desk with her body, "I'm Selena, by the way." Smiling awkwardly, she began to offer her left hand for a handshake, hiding her right hand as it had the vine outside.

"Oh, yeah, sure thing." He replied to her wanting to move her desk closer, offering her another little smile. He felt the slight surprise reaching his concious as the girl shuffled her desk closer to her, introducing herself as Selena. She reached her left hand out, causing Matthias to raise his left hand as well, giving her hand a little shake and almost knocking the beaker over in the process due to the awkwardness of using the 'wrong' hand. For him, at least. She must be left-handed, he thought.

"I'm Matthias. Call me whatever you want though. As to what I'm doing..." He glanced down at the matches in his right hand, then up at the board and the beakers on the desk. "... You know, I'm not quite sure. I, uh..." He coughed quietly, lowering his voice a little, in case the other students would react... oddly, to the news, lowering a little down. "... You do know this is a school for people with... uh, abilities, right? Me and my room-mate figured it out pretty quickly. So... erh, I think they want us to try and... control an element? Or at least affect it."

He held up the box of matches again and gave an awkward little smile, sort of trying to tell her that it was okay to have an ability, though within himself, he was worried that she -didn't- know, and would freak the heck out, which would be a shame, since she seemed like a nice girl, if a little shy. Then again, who wasn't when meeting new people?
"Alright..." Selena replied to Matthias, "Matthias... mind if I call you Matt?"

Selena did realize that the school was for students with special abilities. Which means, everyone...well, anyone at this school had a special ability pertaining to them. Selena's plant manipulation would be more of a special one, since it can only affect anything that grows in the ground. But, how do any of the students handle them? How can they control it? The impulse of her thoughts inside her mind made the vine from her right hand retract itself. Meaning it was safe for Selena to use her right hand.

"My roommate and I found out we have powers too, but I alone didn't realize that it was a school for students with abilities." She said in a lower voice, "He has eagle eyes, or at least that's what I assume so." Glancing around the classroom quick, Selena showed her right hand and snapped her finger, growing a daisy out of her wrist. "I grow plants."
She pulled out the daisy out of her wrist, hurting her just a bit but she was used to it. Then she placed the daisy as a mark for her notebook.

As Matt held the box of matches with a smile, Selena's eyes widened, was he going to burn something? Was that a part of the lesson? She quickly glanced at the board, which had a picture of a flame, drawn perfectly on the board. The lesson was mainly for the students to master the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. She didn't want to freak Matt out, only because she barely met the guy. She watched Matt while she continues to drown in fear of fire.

"Yeah, go ahead." Matthias replied, nodding his head. He'd never really had a nickname before, aside from his dad calling him stuff. He had completely forgotten about the lesson as he listened to her explaining that she had the ability to grow plants, his brows raising in surprise. He hadn't pegged her as a plant-user, but that was definitely a cool ability to have. "Wow. That's pretty awesome. I can move stuff around with my mind. Telekinesis. It's a nice party trick." He then paused for a moment, blinking. "... Oh. Oh! Your room mate has to be William, then! I met him in the library, seemed like a nice guy."

He gave another smile at the established connection, though trying to block out the fact that William had told him about Selena and her... hrm, escapades. As far as Matthias knew, Selena seemed like a nice girl, and he didn't really care which way she swung. Returning to the lesson at hand, he picked out another match from the small pile on the table. "Okay, so... uh, I suppose the lesson is about us affecting an element. Or try to, at least. And I figure that with my ability, I can manipulate both water, earth and plants to a degree, but fire is... different. You can't really catch gas. So... it'd be the most interesting for me to try."

With a flick of his wrist, he lit the match, holding it in front of him with the small flame gently billowing back and forth as he narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on making the flame bigger... or smaller. Or do anything, really.

Selena finally gained a bit of confidence as Matt became pretty impressed of her plant ability. To continue, she held a pencil horizontally, and grew a small vine...wrapping all around the pencil from the tip to the eraser.
"I barely got to know the guy..." Selena replied, "But I will since I'm living with him during the year. Never lived with a guy almost all my life except my grandfather. It's..gonna be awkward!" And an awkward smile she formed once again in Selena's face, she was trying to maintain a conversation as much as possible. She couldn't resist the cuteness in Matt, especially the blue eyes. They were like pools of water...like the swimming pool from the outside.

"Heh, I know what you mean. I've only ever lived with my mom and my sister, girl-wise. And let me tell you, my sister was a pain in the -butt- to live with." He gave a little grin at her before looking back to the match in his hands.

But her pathway to daydreaming ended quickly as she spotted a small fire on the match Matt just lit up. The small flame, a size of a coin, was getting bigger slowly...or at least for Selena. As the flame was close to the vine-wrapped pencil, Selena squealed out of her desk, and dashed out of the classroom as if she also had a speed ability. It was obviously noticeable to the students around the classroom who were heavily concentrated on their lesson. Selena hated fire. She can withstand the heat from the sun, but not actual flame. She pulled the door open several times until the doorknob opened to exit the room. Her heart was racing inside, her vines inside her body started to inflame, the thought of fire was stuck in her head. If this was the lesson for her today, she would immediately decide to opt-out.

At first, Matthias didn't seem to be able to do anything with the flame, it simply hovering there on the match. He took in a deep breath of air to steady himself, but something unexpected happened. He could smell something. Not really anything he'd ever noticed before, but it was a... sweetness, mixed with a bitterness that was hard to describe. He wasn't sure where the scent came from, but it made all of the muscles in his body relax, giving him just that much more clarity than he'd had before. The scent, warming his chest with a pleasant feeling, also seemed to give Matthias the push he needed, the flame growing ever so slightly bigger, causing his eyes to widen in amazement.

He smiled and looked to Selena as if to tell her what had just happened, but at exactly that moment, a look of terror was struck across her face and before Matthias could act, the girl kicked back her chair and made a run for it. She fumbled with the classroom door before pulling it open and darting out. Matthias was unable to form any coherant thought, and only as the match burned out and made him wince in pain and drop the match did he snap back to reality.

"... Fire and... oh, god damnit." He cringed at his own stupidity, tucking away the matchsticks in his pocket before getting up and darting through the room himself, giving no regard to what the other students might think of him. Just as he exited the room to run after Selena, he heard another girl yelling out behind him. Something about a fire.

Will was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice scream and loud footsteps. That's Selena! But I wonder what could have...Oh, someone must have been messing with the matches too close to her, of course she'd be afraid of fire. He stood straight up out of his chair in time to see Selena flee out of the room and Matthias go after her, he was about to follow them but he looked back at Ginny and could tell she hadn't really recovered yet. I'm sure Matthias will treat Selena right, I can tell he's a nice guy. Besides...Ginevra isn't looking too good-I mean she looks GREAT-but she is gonna need a trip to the nurse when class is over, and if she's fatigued enough to approach ME of all people about it there's no way she's gonna walk that far on her own.

He sat back down and felt he should explain himself in case how suddenly he had stood up startled Ginny. "That was my Roommate and a cool guy I met in the Library, I hope they're all right. Speaking of which, are you gonna be able to get to the nurse all right after class? I mean...not that you need MY help but you should probably get somebody to help you over there...That gigantic guy could probably get you there in no time, I'm sure he's a lot stronger than I am." Liam didn't really have bad self esteem, but he didn't think much of himself either, and putting himself down when he made a stupid or embarrassing remark was his way of trying to save himself and mainly the person he was talking to some embarrassment."
Ginevra Morrigan - Classroom 1A
"Thank you." Ginevra did her best to be humble when people gave her compliments and not be one of the girls who thinks Pssh, I know. She knew she was pretty, but she also knew that she worked hard on it and did her best to exercise to stay fit. "And I am quite aware of who Selena is." Her grin returned and she laughed for a moment, which was stopped by Selena's scream and quick flight from the room. "Oh... should have known that her and fire wouldn't get along. She, uh, showcased her ability with me privately earlier."

Her face flushed almost as red as her hair, "By the way, I know you saw us kissing..." Quickly, she waved off any reaction from him, "But it's alright. We weren't trying to hide anything... but we did get a little carried away later, I guess." She looked down at her lap as she felt the pain throbbing inside of her. Definitely going to go after this class. Maybe I should ask him for help? I don't know... Ginny was still trying to figure out some things, especially since her first few hours at this school had gone completely differently than she had planned.

Absentmindedly, she rubbed her chest a bit which was still slightly sore from Jamie's duffel from earlier. "Sorry, I got lost in my mind a bit there... my roommate decided to throw his duffel onto the bed which I was on when he came in... and it hit me in the chest." She then focused her mind on the beaker in front of her, "Anyway, it seems like... we're supposed to try to do something with this element that we've picked."

It took much of her concentration, but Ginevra eventually calmed down and stared intently at the beaker of water. At first, it did nothing at all. She frowned and closed her eyes and took a deep breath, counting back from ten. When she was done, she slowly opened her eyes and it was her and the glass. It was like no one else was in the room. All sound had been drowned out by the nothingness. The water began to churn inside of the beaker counterclockwise at a slow pace which sped up after each successful rotation.
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Liam was surprised Ginny had noticed him there, it seemed as if she and Selena had been in their own little world. "Wow, and I thought I had good eyesight, you saw right through me, I'm beginning to wonder if your 'ability' is mind reading. Don't worry, you don't have to tell me, I'm sure a lot of people here kept their talents a secret for one reason or another, I only saw Selena's because she was startled to see a boy singing to himself in his own little world on what is now her bed." He listened attentively to Ginny's every word, noting her mention of her earlier meeting with Selena. Dude, stop looking at her, you're such a stupid little boy, you like to think you're mature and smart but all you're good for is throwing rocks. "Yeah I was just thinking the same thing, it's too bad I didn't have a chance to warn Matthias, but he's nice so I'm sure she'll be fine."

He felt his face flush and his cheeks burn when she mentioned the kiss. "Actually, all I saw was you two holding hands, I didn't know about any kiss. And I'm sorry I noticed whether it was a secret or not, just because you weren't hiding it doesn't mean it's any of my business. Besides...thanks too...well various reasons I have a hard time not looking at something interesting or surprising, I've been really trying not to stare and eavesdrop so I disappointed myself there. You know...I can't help wondering if Selena has plant pheromones, because she smells amazing...inhumanly so, I wanted to just ignore you guys and keep walking to the pool but...I felt drawn in even though I wasn't a part of it, she's definitely a special girl." His face burned hotter but then cooled when he remembered that he had missed out on the pool thanks to his own bashfulness. "I wonder when I'll actually make it to the pool."

He laughed a bit when she seemed to snap out of her own thoughts. "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you it's just that usually I'm the one apologizing for getting lost in thought. You're right, you have an enticing accent. We should focus on the lesson......wait a minute, which part did I say and which did I think? "What I mean to say is it's nice talking to you but I've never done all that good in school, I should work on changing that here." Will dared to watch Ginny a moment longer while she began to stare intently at her beaker, it remained impassive for a bit longer and then out of nowhere began to move, letting out tiny little splashes as if fish were struggling inside. "Awesome! All right, time I gave it a try.

Will finally focused on his own beaker again, imagining the water moving. Nothing. Clearly he was getting nowhere just trying to order it. Water is focused and steady, yet the ultimate in relaxed, it merely flows, going around what will not yield. His thought process still caused no results until his thoughts began to move on their own. He thought of when Selena burst into their room, the exciting, heart throbbing scent that swirled around her and then calmed to a relaxing sweet aroma. And next how he felt when he was helping Ginny to the front of the room, it wasn't long, but something about how soft her skin was, the fact that she needed his help and more so than anything the mutual, yet innocent physical closeness with another human being. Will's eyes shot open when he felt wetness on his index finger, he looked and the water from the beaker had made what looked like a thick thread of moisture between the glass and his fingertip, it was perfectly still. He got a look of pure awe on his face and turned to tell Ginny, but one look at her and his mind wasn't on the water anymore. So he ended up turning to her just in type for water to splash onto his head, which he then dropped on the desk and pursed his lips. "Why do I bother..."
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Evan Kyong – In a Hedge

(huff huff huff what was going on when she pulled down her pants PANTS! s*** goodness i can't move bend over reach mmph come on roll roll roll. pants lets take a look f*** theyre ripped but not as badly as her insideshahaha goodness im so dirty haha youre a comedian dont you know that goodness look at them. aww bullocks theyre ripped but my shirts alright just a little dirty and theres dirt in my hair and my armpits and everything ugh. what was that no i guess its time for class and i look like crap oh what do i do just stand up already.

that fresh air smells nice. i needed that stretch, maybe ill go back into my dorm and change into new clothes or something. s***, ill be late if i dont hustle myself. come on, left, left, left right left, go go go, move your dirty little ass private kyong! ahh, so theres the pool, and the washroom - there it is! good get in there and make yourself look good.

you sir, are a badass. guess what you'll be dreaming about tonight, ha - is that blood? damn it'll scar or something - hey watch yourself evan! take your time. breathe. don't wear yourself out this easily. my nails, they're so dirty...

Who were those girls? And the tall one - she was really, really, wow. Oh crap, I'm gonna need to change out of these pants. To Valiant House ... um ... this way! It's empty. Man am I going to be late - and the lift is going taking so long ... aww damn Dom isn't here! Well, time to take my sweetass time and freefall into my bed -

umf she was so beautiful wasnt she and her hair and those legs and those lips and kissing and kissing me i swear i could almost smell her oh s*** its ten forty six f*** go go go hustle damn it forgot to put on a new pair of pants and calm your s*** down!

Evan dons a pair of tan cotton trousers and calms his s*** down. He makes his way to Classroom 1A.


(She looked pretty sweet.) Evan steps into the room. (What is going on...) Evan steps out of the room. A boy and a girl rush out, almost trampling him.

There was a fireball in one corner and objects levitating in another. There were the students, and they all seemed to be concentrating intently on beakers making strange things happen - there was sand and water and fire and they were flying about and spinning and doing jumping jacks and everything. And then he realized, that girl he saw from the tree, the one running down the hallway - she had vines coming out from her wrists. (And ... and she must have made those flowers bloom too!) And Dom did have strange prosthetics. And now these kids were doing, they were manipulating sand and fire and water...

Evan walks outside and sits down by the steps. (Does that mean I can ...?) He picks up a dandelion and stares at it intently. It stares back. (Oh, it's useless...) He cups some dirt with his left hand and throws it in the air. It falls some feet in front of him, scattered on the white stone pathway like chocolate chips. He puts his face in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

(The students here, they all have powers. Supernatural - well no, not quite - but ... powers nonetheless. Some of them can move objects around, by what seems to be sheer will. Others can toy around with the elements. Dom, well ... Dom has his legs. I'm sure that there are powers that I haven't seen yet.) He sighs.

(Including my own.)

Evan finds a small rock and whips it at the sky. It disappears somewhere behind some hedges. He heads back to class.​
Alicea watched the fire, deep in thought as some people started staring at her. Honestly, she was probably freaking out WAY too much over a small little flame she herself could put out. She saw Nathan watching her, which made her blush, not even sure why. She hook a bit, thinking. Maybe she could put the fire out herself? She shivered and tried to access her power, but... It escaped her! She couldn't use it, which frightened her even more! She closed her eyes as no one offered her any assistance. It... Was probably better that way. She was a bit upset, obviously, but this would make her learn. She looked at Nathan and slowly began to calm, then turned back to the fire, lowering the temperature of the air, of her desk, of the fire itself. After a few moments, it slowly began to die down. Alicea began to shiver and shake, her eyes focused on the flame. Her power extended, making the fire die more, though after a short time she felt a bit tingly, then numb in her arms and legs. Finally, the fire died, and all that was left was a very large scorch mark on her desk.

"S-sorreh 'bou' tha' y-y'all..." she mumbled, shrinking back into her chair and rubbing her arms, shaking and shivering with cold. She was freezing now, and just wanted to disappear she was blushing so hard. How had she lost control of her power so badly? She just wanted to run, to get out of this classroom and away from everyone else. She was so shaken about having her power revealed to everyone in that manner. And the fact she was wearing nothing but a two piece swimsuit, sitting there trying not to attract attention. Which would probably attract more attention.

Selena Bravo & Matthias Winston - Lounge

joint post with Sir Bastian

Her level of fear died down as she was far away from the classroom and from the small fire. Selena stopped at the lounge where most of the students were getting together (or probably skipping their first lesson), and took a deep breath. Matt was right behind her, who wanted to see if Selena was alright. Course, as for him, he wasn't aware that Fire + Plants equals a stir of chaos. Selena then turned around and faced Matt, her eyes a little watery from all the screaming and squealing. She wiped them off as she eyes Matt's blue eyes.

"I'm sorry about that." Selena said, "As a plant manipulator, I have Arsonphobia...which is the fear of fire." She stared up the ceiling window to regain the energy from the sun. "I mean, I can tolerate the heat from the sun, but the heat from live fire is something out of the question. Sorry, I just tend to be emotional after a scare like that..."

Matthias came to a stop just as he caught up with Selena, taking in a few deep breaths from the sprinting that he'd just pulled off. He shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. "No, no, look, I'm sorry. You did tell me you could control plants and stuff, so I should've figured out you weren't a fan of fire. I completely understand you acted like that."

He gave her a small, apologetic smile, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck a little awkwardly. He knew he wanted to make it up to her, but he wasn't exactly sure how to. He glanced back out of the door, across the pavement that led to the main building of the school, then up at the ceiling window, and then back to Selena. "... So, uh, yeah. Can I make it up to you somehow? Aside from promising to keep it in mind in the future."

Selena then smiled...but it wasn't one of those awkward smiles she had made in the past. It was more of a sympathetic smile. She rubbed her left arm and started to blush a little. "Well, I'm the one who should be sorry. I have extreme emotional issues that goes within my ability. When flowers bloom, I'm happy. But when I'm sad, I grow weak. When I get mad, my chances of killing someone skyrockets. I grow poisonous vines." Selena explained, "There's not much you could do to make it up to me. I should've warned you in advance that I was afraid of fire. I'm too shy."

She took a deep breath, glancing at the students who were lounging around, maybe they decided to skip class on the first day..or awaiting another lesson.

"Let's get back to class, shall we? I'll...try to control my fear of fire while I work on another element. You can tell me how yours went." Selena happily said, blushing a little more on the inside. "Deal?"

Matthias listened to her explanation of her powers relating to her emotions with interest, nodding his head slowly. He didn't know why, but he absolutely loved learning about others' abilities, how they worked and how others used them. "I'm... kinda the same. When I get really angry, my power kinda... uh, goes out of control. So I've been taking lessons on learning to calm down, you know... counting to ten and all that."

He followed her glance around the lounge before looking back to her with a look of skeptic worry in his eyes. "... Are you sure? Honestly... since there's no teacher, I think we're allowed to study wherever we want, and I'm kinda thinking... maybe it'd be best if you practiced on another element somewhere other than class. A couple other people were trying out fire, and I wouldn't want you to freak out over it, you know?" He gave a little smile, tucking his hands into his pockets in a semi-awkwardly casual manner. "Hey, I'd even bring you a beaker and give you a couple pointers on the way if you need it. Besides! Helping you with your element should help me with mine inadvertently."

Selena loved Matt's offer. She wanted to stay away from fire as much as possible, but she also wanted to stay in the classroom at the same time. It was probably for the best for her. She would be better off going for an element that pertained to her, like air. Working with oxygen and mastering her photosynthesis should be something she needed to work on. Earth would also be a good element, mastering the growth of flowers using the soil provided. And water, not really. She'll drink all the water in sight.

"I like your offer then," She replied, "Alright, let's go get the beakers then! There are benches and tables outside so we could work on our elements there."

The one thing that impressed Selena was Matt's ability going out of control when angry. Could he also have anger issues as well? This became an opportunity for Selena to get to know him better, and possibly become another male friend for her...aside from Liam as her roommate. Selena and Matt both walked back to the classroom to retrieve their beakers, as their professor remains absent in the classroom.

---Time: 11:30am
---Weather: Sunny and hot

New Arrivals

The reception desk was empty, Ms Fallcrest had been asked to escort one student home. Riley's parents had had a change of heart, and couldn't stand him being so far from home.

Unfortunately, she was not there to greet the arriving students, instead there were a selection of name gift bags, containing maps of the school as well as odd bits and pieces that might be of use.

A note sat beside the bags, addressed to the new students - it had already been amended after incidents during the morning.:

- - - - -​

To all new students,

Welcome to Gilded Halls. As you may be aware, this school is unlike most others - we don't issue a set of rules, we expect our students to use their own moral compass. Please be aware that unruly behaviour will be noticed and will not be tolerated.

In your gift bag should be your room card-key, the living quarters are found just outside. For Valiant Hall please follow the corridor to your left. Past Valiant Hall is the River Lodge building, which should be noticeable by the wooden decking outside, and the stream going past.

We wish you all the best at Gilded Halls. You are excused from the first lesson, however you may attend if you find you have time.

Sir K Night
Ginevra Morrigan & Evan Kyong - Outside Classroom 1A
Ginny's laugh was musical as she watched the water dump itself all over Will and she patted his arm, "Gotta keep your concentration, hun." She shook her head and then grimaced again as the pain shot up her body and she knew that was enough. "If you'll excuse me…" She left her beaker there as she carefully stood up, determined to do this on her own. Her eyes darted around the room, everyone was busy with the lesson and no one seemed too concerned that she was limping towards the door.

Her ability to walk had gotten a bit better, but an intense soreness was building from the center of her being and radiating outwards with occasional shoots of strong pain coursing through her body. As she exited the class, she paused to rest outside the room against the door. Her eyes noticed a student coming towards her and she smiled at him. He was a cute Asian teen who looked around her age. As he came closer, she waved to him and did her best, "Hello there."

(Hello there.) He had seen her, across the hallway, just leaning there casually. He wondered why she didn't move. She smiled instead. He had continued to walk, closer and closer and closer. Left, right, left. Something tensed up inside him. He had a million thoughts whizzing around in his head, and yet he felt like he was thinking about nothing at all. He felt like he was on the parade square. Left, right, left. Perfect timings and perfect form. Thirty inch paces, one hundred twelve paces to the minute, arms and back straight. Wrists cocked. Chin up. Eyes looking ahead – into hers. Almost face to face.


She was pretty.

Evan knew that already. He also knew that her hair was red, that her eyes were blue, and that she was brazen. That, or that she had no idea what she was doing. What he didn't know was her name. She could be dangerous. She was still pretty though. He tried to smile.

Not really sure what to say, Ginny simply smiled at him as they stood apart from each other. Seemingly suspended in silence, she tilted her head a bit, "I'm Ginevra or Ginny, whichever you prefer is fine with me." Her eyes locked onto his, "And what is yours?" The pain was turning into a dull ache the more she didn't move and she took that as a small show of mercy from whatever gods there were. She knew that she couldn't linger here long, though, so she'd be excusing herself shortly.

Evan had sensed it too, and he didn't want her to leave. "Evan." He was at a loss for words. Standing there rigidly, he decided that the best thing for him to do was to relax. So he did. "Why aren't you in class?" he asked. He leaned against the wall, facing her.

"Uh..." Ginny looked down and her face flushed red, "I was in there for a bit, but I had to, uh, step out." She slowly glanced up at him, "To the nurse." It had taken a bit for her to admit it, but she decided there was no harm in sharing. "I, uh, got injured... earlier." Her face still shone red and she glanced down the hall, "A friend I were... exercising... and... yeah." She found that she couldn't explain it, it was all too embarrassing.

Evan felt like he knew what she was talking about, but gave her the benefit of the doubt. "Hey, so am I!" He raised his balloon of a left hand. His left temple magically began to throb again. "We should go together." He couldn't suppress a sheepish smile, so he turned his face away for a moment, hoping that she didn't notice.

Not even thinking it was possible, Ginny's face was now the deepest shade of red, not too far from her hair color. She shook her head and looked at him again, "Alright, don't let my limping along slow you down, though." She recalled the map which she had studied earlier, "The nurse's office isn't too far."

This sounded like a mission. His - no - their objective was to get to the nurse's office. And he shouldn't leave her behind. In fact, he didn't want to. "We'll go together. Come on." He gestured for her to follow and brushed against her shoulder as he passed. It was soft.

"Okay, I apologize in advance for being a bit slow today." Ginny smirked, she wasn't used to walking slowly due to her long legs, but there was always a first for everything. "Wait, weren't you going to class?" She indicated the class door with her thumb, "It's right there... but now you're going to the nurse?"

"I learned everything I needed to know already." He thought he winked, but he wasn't sure. "I figured it out in the first five minutes or so." That was a lie - seconds, more like. And he felt like it came out a bit arrogant, not self-deprecating as it sounded in his head.

"Oh, right." Ginny decided to just let it go and headed off in the direction of the nurse's office. She hoped beyond hope that there were separate partitions so she could have her wounds treated in private. The wink had caught her a bit off guard, but she brushed it aside, not exactly knowing what he meant by that.

He didn't know what he meant either, but he was pleased with the way he was carrying himself. And the way she carried herself, it seemed. She had a slight bounce to her walk because of - or maybe in spite of her limp.

They walked in step down the empty corridor, heels ringing mellowly upon white tiles.
a joint post by mac and blahisuck.
Quinton Song - Arriving at the Gilded Halls

Quinton stepped out of his parents' car and took a deep breath. Even though he never had any problem sitting cooped up inside his house for the most of his life, it was nice to smell some fresh air in other places than his backyard. The fifteen year old looked around for a bit; trying to familiarize himself with what would essentially be his new home.

"Hey there Snow White, don't forget this." Quinton could hear his father's voice as he lobbed a backpack full of different things such as writing utensils, paper, clay etc. Quinton had never been good at sports, so the force of the backpack – even though it was gently thrown – made him keel over. His father just let out a hearty laugh while getting gently smacked by Quinton's mother.

"Don't mind him," she said, "You know how much he likes to tease."

"Yeah," Quinton smiled happily at his mom. He was pretty excited for all of this, and he couldn't hide that fact in any way.

"Now, be safe, sweetie, we'll miss you so much," his mother hugged Quinton tightly, her eyes were moist and it seemed like she was about to cry any minute.

"Yeah, and I'll miss you too," her son responded.


After having taken a heartfelt farewell of his parents and gotten everything in order, Quinton entered through the gates of the school along with a slew of other students. Far too shy to try and strike up a conversation, he decided to focus on his surrounding instead. The architecture made him stare in awe, his mouth gaping wide open at the tall pillars around the door. He didn't mind the fact that there was nobody to greet him in any kind of way when he entered. He was too preoccupied with ogling the very high-up ceiling.

"This is amazing…" Quinton quietly whispered as his gaze wandered to the perfectly white floor tiles that were seemingly gleaming with perfection itself. He stopped for a moment and looked down at his shoes, they were a bit dirty and he didn't want to soil the pretty floor, so he began to tip-toe his way forward instead. Everything was just so pretty and clean, it almost became too much for Quinton to take in. it was then that he noticed the other students were gathering around an area. He wondered why this was and decided to investigate. As the skinny teen made his way up to the other students, he noticed a bag with a name on it.

"Quinton Song" it read out.

Quinton grabbed the bag and opened it up, inside was a map which showed him the locations of classrooms, the library, the entrance hall, and nurses room, everything! Along with the map were some other miscellaneous things, such as a card key for his room and whatnot. The card reminded Quinton that he had a room to visit and drop off all his stuff in. To be honest, he was getting a bit tired from all the things he was carrying. He started tip-toeing in a bit of a rush because even though he was excused from the first lesson, he still wanted to try to attend it just to see what it was like.


Taking the directions told to him by the introductory letter, Quinton tip-toed hurriedly towards the Valiant House where Room 5 – his room – would be located. While transporting himself to the room, the teen thought about the fact that he would maybe have to share a room with someone. This made Quinton a bit nervous, what if he didn't like his roommate? What if his roommate didn't like him? What if- What if- Quinton calmed down and decided it wasn't something to get worked up over right now, he hadn't even gotten to the freaking room yet!

A sigh of relief came from the skinny teen as he entered the elevator and pressed the "up" arrow. With a small "ding", the lift started to climb up its shaft while that type of cheesy music you only heard in them was played. After another "ding", the elevator has reached its destination. Quinton picked up his stuff once again and headed towards Room 5 with his map in hand. Looking at a map and balancing some stuff on you proved to be quite difficult, something that made itself apparent when he almost fell over because of his items out-weighing his muscles.

When he finally arrived, Quinton popped in the card-key and with a "beep", the door opened. He went inside to find two very neatly made beds, but no signs of another person. Hmm, maybe he did have the room all to himself? Or maybe his roomie just hadn't arrived yet? Whatever the case, the dark-haired teen packed up his stuff, took out a blue hair tie and put his hair up in a ponytail with it and changed his shoes into ones more suited for being inside. It was time to get to class!


According to his schedule, Quinton had Elements 101 in Classroom 1A. It sounded like an interesting class, but he had no idea what they would do in it. The closest explanation he could come up with was that they'd control elements? But didn't everybody here already have special powers? Would they be gaining MORE? That sounded ridiculous! Nonetheless, Quinton was intrigued, and he made his way to the classroom quickly with his briefcase in hand.

The door seemed closed – which wasn't too much of a surprise – and Quinton hoped that he wasn't too late or something. But after a while of thinking, he was too late, he had just arrived! The class must've already started, or maybe it had ended already? Oh no… Well, only one way to find out… Quinton thought as he opened the door. Inside, he saw a bunch of people sitting at desks with beakers in front of them. As he had completely opened the door, the skinny teen felt watched. To him, it felt like everybody was staring right at him, surveying him with their eyes. Deciding if he'd fit in or not. This feeling sent chills down Quinton's spine and his face quickly shifted from pale-white to tomato-red. At the realization of this change, he quickly slammed the door shut, too embarrassed to do anything else.

"Whyyyyy…" he said quietly as he pressed both palms of his hands onto his forehead.​
Will continued to stare to stare at the beaker like he was angry at it until Ginny patted his arm, he offered her a warm smile in return. "If you'll excuse me." The words he had been dreading the whole class, besides the fact that he wanted to talk to her more he really doubted she should head to the nurse on her own. He followed her out to the door, impressed she was walking as well as she did. Well, I guess she's feeling better maybe- Midway back to his desk he heard a thump against the wall and walked quickly back to the door. Look at you, talk to a pretty girl for a minute and your following her like a lost puppy, what do you care if she wants to be stubborn? When he opened the door he saw her walking down the hall with another student, some Asian guy. Wonder where he's from...judging by the way he walks somewhere militaristic...Korea? He had a pang of what he figured was jealousy when he realized the other guy must be taking her to the nurse, he couldn't help it. I all but offered to take her...ah well, what matters is she gets there, we go to the same school I'm sure we'll talk later.

Liam decided there was no point staying in the classroom any longer, he could practice the water thing on his own, and if the result of looking at Ginny was any indication, he wouldn't be able to manage it in a classroom full of people, so he went down the hall a different direction than Ginny and her new friend it was time to get to his real destination.

Finally, the Pool!...oh...guess not.

Liam made his way down the hall, he saw some smaller guy and waved to him, but he seemed to be in his own little world, like practically everybody was when they first got here. Must be a kid who arrived late, guess he's got more on his mind than meeting another student right now. Along the way he saw Matthias and Selena walking together and decided to get back at Matthias in a small way for earlier with his own embarrassing wink. "Hey buddy, glad to see you two getting along, it's nice to know my first friend and my roommate don't have any problems. You guys probably don't wanna stay in there either huh? Don't worry I'm not looking to tag along, just passing through, have fun." And with that he kept walking. Good sign, them becoming friends, maybe we can all hang out later, but for now it's time I had some fun.

Will squinted at the bright sunlight when he made it outside.I guess good eyesight DOES have downsides. He began to make his way to the pool, admiring the environment enveloping their school, his school. But he would only stare at the English countryside for so long, about halfway to the pool something caught his eye, a strange little mixture of colors. When he approached it he could tell it was a plant, it was small, and he had never seen the likes of it before. The plant was small, it couldn't have sprouted very long ago, it had a stalk thicker than your average flower, strong, yet still daintily pretty. It had thick pink petals and a light brown, yellowish center, and when he leaned in he smelled something sweet with just a hint of bitter,enough to smell alive. "That's the same smell as Selena...did she plant this by accident? Or change an already existing plant by being near it?" When he put his hands near the plant to feel it a small vine came out from under a petal and smacked his hand, it burned a little bit but not too bad, then the plant closed it's bloom as if it felt guilty.

Will decided SOMEBODY had to see the plant, but he had nothing to put it in - LIGHTBULB ATTACK! - There was a garden not too far from the pool, and when he got there he saw strange but beautiful petals everywhere as if they had rained down, and the smell made him feel things he wasn't familiar with. But it didn't take too long for him to find a small gardening shovel, a trowel or whatever it was called he didn't care, and a pot. When he made it back to the plant the petals had opened again, but they closed as he approached, as if scared. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure not to hurt you if I can avoid it." He dug a whole bigger than he needed to under and around the plant, making sure he didn't hit any of the roots, then he gently lifted it by it's powerful stalk and set it into the pot before scooping some more dirt to recover the roots. When he was done he wiped his forehead and sprinkled some water on the plant, he didn't want anyone else to see the plant before Selena, so he walked over to the outside of the dorms and went up to the first window. At least Room 1 is easy to remember. He slid their window open and left it on the windowsill above Selena's bed where it could share her son, and then a little note next to it that read The SECOND most beautiful plant I've ever seen, maybe one day it will grow into it's own. He wasn't sure if she'd get what he meant by saying the plant was the second most beautiful. Maybe it's better if she doesn't, don't want her getting any ideas...or do I? Ehhh, oh well it's done now.

He finally made his way to the pool and without a second thought, or taking any of his clothes off he dived in and merely sank to the bottom and thought. The Water was always a great place for Will to think, it relaxed him and he could hold his breath a whole 10 minutes if he needed to. So he sat indian-style at the bottom of the pool and thought, about everything, but mostly Ginny and Selena, and he hated himself for it.