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Help & Advice Thread

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Lately I'm feeling not good, I was trying to think like nothing happened, but as the time goes, I become downer than before when seeing what happened that it disturbs my online activity lately... this has happened for weeks already, that I'm feeling uneasy to the point that I was making mistakes... I wish I can be out of this state ASAP, I don't want to become crazy (in a bad way). What should I do to stop feeling down anymore?

I recommend seeing a therapist. If it's something that's been going on for a while and you're becoming increasingly negative, just having a session or two with a therapist or councilor might give you some mental exercises to break out of that :3
^^ These people have sound advice. Something I found helps is to have someone to talk to. Not someone to whine about your problems to, but someone to... talk to. About anything. And everything, if you really want. Someone who isn't going to tell you what you need to do to feel better, or explain what they did in that situation... someone who is going to listen. And talk back. Without barking orders at you. When I saw a therapist, all he did was talk to me and it made me feel immensely better. Then I got a new one, and she tried all that mumbo jumbo I mentioned up there and I wanted to punch her in the face.

I'm not sure if this question is acceptable, but I will ask anyways.

So, for the past few months, I've had absolutely no PMS symptoms before my period. I'm not pregnant; I've simply had no symptoms beforehand my my menstrual cycle. Funnily enough, this seems to have started around the time I stopped taking birth control. Does anyone know why this may be? I was under the impression that birth control curbed PMS symptoms, but I have been off the pill for around five months.
Hello [: Dunno if you still need help, but I figured I'd post anyways. I'll put it in a spoiler since some people don't want to read about menstruation haha.


@Starry, I do agree with the idea of a therapist if all else fails. They definitely help (though some are total flops to be honest, most know just how to do their job and are incredibly helpful if you're willing to cooperate). Otherwise I also agree to make sure you have someone to talk to, like a close friend or sibling. Shoving away your problems, ignoring them, or trying to pretend they don't exist is not a solution. Sometimes it's good to distract yourself by doing something you love, like a hobby or just hanging out with friends, but you must embrace it eventually and face it head on. (Edit: I should mention, the sooner the better.) Whether that means talking it out, getting professional help, or simply having a more positive outlook; that depends on you as a person. Everyone is different. [: I hope you feel better really soon~ Truly.
Help! Some heavy stuff fell onto my foot and bruised the bones in my toes very badly. It hurts a lot and I don't know what to do for it. Please help! I need an answer right away as I'm in pain.
Help! Some heavy stuff fell onto my foot and bruised the bones in my toes very badly. It hurts a lot and I don't know what to do for it. Please help! I need an answer right away as I'm in pain.
It's been a bit since you posted, are you still in pain? If so it's probably best to schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as possible just to see if anything was broken. Also put some ice on it to ease swelling [: (not too cold; make sure to put a cloth or something between the ice and your foot)
I need advice please!

Hi all,something is happening on Monday and I need ALL of YOUR advice on what to do. Ok,first let me explain the situation....

Im a very shy guy but I do what needs to be done,except this one time,you see,I've just been too chicken to hang out with my crush,on a side note she loved the letter and was bragging about it but back to the situation at hand..

The chicken level has gotten SO bad that my best friend has to ask her friend to give me a hug. I feel so useless,I can't do ANYTHING relating with my crush without my friends help.

You may be wonder that a free hug is good and dandy,but NO SIR,it makes me feel subhuman and less masculine,like i'm in pre-school. I just don't feel like i've earned or deserved it at ALL because I never went in person.

What should I do?
Let her hug me or stop her from hugging me? I just feel so out of control,frustrated and angry,I also may or may not have stabbed my hand with a scissors in frustration........
Let her hug me or stop her from hugging me?

Go hug her first. Gain some control and do something you want to do. It'll take a lot of nerve. Just think that whether you initiate it first or wait for her to do it, it'll happen anyway. So relieve some of your frustrations and show her that you're thinking of her, too. She'll both enjoy and appreciate it.
Hi all,something is happening on Monday and I need ALL of YOUR advice on what to do. Ok,first let me explain the situation....

Im a very shy guy but I do what needs to be done,except this one time,you see,I've just been too chicken to hang out with my crush,on a side note she loved the letter and was bragging about it but back to the situation at hand..

The chicken level has gotten SO bad that my best friend has to ask her friend to give me a hug. I feel so useless,I can't do ANYTHING relating with my crush without my friends help.

You may be wonder that a free hug is good and dandy,but NO SIR,it makes me feel subhuman and less masculine,like i'm in pre-school. I just don't feel like i've earned or deserved it at ALL because I never went in person.

What should I do?
Let her hug me or stop her from hugging me? I just feel so out of control,frustrated and angry,I also may or may not have stabbed my hand with a scissors in frustration........
Hey man, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this regard. It's just the effects of love is all; you should not in any way feel less masculine for being nervous around a girl. Hell, I think everyone has at one time or another been flustered by the opposite sex, so you should have nothing to worry about in that regard (:

Here's what I think you should do, my man. If she's hugged and been bragging about this certain letter that you've written, she obviously fancies you at least at a friend level. More than a friend though? Don't really know to be honest, girls can be weird like that. What you need to do is start building your confidence around her. As such, I would probably ask your friend to stop asking her to give you free hugs. Try to work in daily conversations with her. Find a common interest that you have between her and go from there. Or, if you are having some difficulties trying to find a common interest, find something that she likes and have her steer the conversation. Ask her how her day is, or how a specific class is going if you share one together, or if she's watched any good shows lately. Start taking these baby steps to build up that confidence.

When you do feel like you can hold your own in a conversation with her, just take that chance and ask her to hang out! It doesn't necessarily have to be a date, but it can be something that you two are both interested in! This will continue to build that confidence with her. Overall though, just remember this: you are NOT a chicken and NOT a preschooler for falling head over heels for someone. It just shows that you care for this person and that you're nervous about making a right impression. Just take it nice and slow, and it overall will be a very rewarding and character building experience for you (:
Help me! Milk is hurting me

I've got a problem but I don't quite know what's going on here. Every time I drink milk it hurts my stomach. It's not the lactose. I drunk lactose milk and still got sick. Plus, I eat ice cream all the time and never get sick from it and ice cream is made from whole milk. So, I don't get what's in the milk that could be hurting me. It would have to be something that's just in milk and taken out before ice cream is made. And it would be something that's in all milks no matter what. But what could it be?
Hey, I was wondering if I could ask this here; it's sort of personal and I need some advice on what to do. It involves love advice.

I knew a girl my freshman year of high school named Devan, and this past summer her father retired from the Army to teach ROTC in Utah. So, she's moved away and I don't think I'll be seeing her again 'til after high school. For a while in first semester we kept contact through Facebook, but around Christmas our communication sort of died. Recently I got back on FB to find both her and her BFF's (the only connection I had to her) accounts deactivated. Essentially, I've lost most communication with her; however, I have her phone number memorized and only need to get service on my phone to call her.

The problem is, even with her moving away, and even with losing some communication with her, I still have a strong love for her. It worries me to wonder if she's alright with no way of me knowing, and I have some eerie thoughts regarding her that plague me. To describe my feelings about her, I wrote a letter to her and put it on my website here (it'll explain some things). When I was a freshman I was a nasty ugly overweight klutz, but now I've vastly improved in my build, posture, cleanliness, and personality. I think that maybe if I saw her again that bright intelligent mind of hers'll click and see me for what I really think of her.

What should I do to resolve my feelings for her? Please don't tell me to let her go, because I've tried and failed that twice already. She found me funny, and did anything but hate me as much as I embarrassed her. From what I hear she was anything but nice to some in band, and I hope maybe that was a good sign as to what she thought of me.
@Konekodemon; I have a similar problem, I get really bad stomachaches if I drink straight-up milk, but not when I eat dairy products such as ice cream or cheese. Those are perfectly fine. The other day, I had a starbucks cappuccino drink thing, which you mix with warm milk, and after drinking that I got quiiiiiiite the violent stomach ache. .___. I think it's still just a reaction to lactose though, are you sure the milk you drank was lactose-free? If so it could have been something else that made you sick that time.

@®ock§mashGod; That is quite the complicated situation; it's sad that simply moving away can cause such a significant problem.

One thing I'm unsure about: Were you planning on sending her that letter or were you just using that as a way to lay out/explain your feelings so we (or you?) could better understand it?

Anyway, my opinion: As long as you still have communication with her (even if that just means a phone call a day or something), I personally believe you should still pursue her. I know there's a lot of crap about long distance relationships, and yes they're really ♥♥♥♥ing hard, but when you really love someone, what's a little waiting? Plus, maybe upon sharing your feelings with her, she'll make more of an effort to create more bridges between you, for example giving you her email or something. (I have no idea what her reasons might have been for deactivating her facebook account, but in any case there's definitely other ways to communicate online if she really wants to)

If you truly love her then I say call her and get back in touch with her, with the eventual goal of telling her your feelings and see how she responds. Even if she doesn't love you back, it will provide some more closure, and make it a whole lot easier to "move on" if you need to. Giving up on her has probably proven to be next to impossible because you've hardly dipped your toes in when the still, vast sea is staring you in the face, you know? Your heart yearns for you to jump in, even though it may be cold, and there's no use fighting that, honestly.

And if you truly love each other, you will be together one day, no matter how much distance is between you now. And you'll never know if you don't try, really. Again the worst thing that can happen is she doesn't share your feelings, in which case you really just have to respect that and give her the space to grow on her own. I know it hurts dude, ugh I've been there. But the world will keep spinning. It always does.
So I feel a tad awkward about this but I really need some help.

So recently I found out I have clinical depression and a bad case of social anxiety. I get really upset about everything and I never want to leave the house. I get scared to go to school because I feel like people will judge me on who I am. I find it hard to function and even talk to others so I spend most of my time on Youtube or on forums. I hate this stuff and it makes me very sad.

I guess... I'm just scared...
@The1mm0rt41One - Perhaps I make it sound a bit simple when it really isn't, but I'm going to give this a go anyway.

The thing about fear, is that it is an unpleasant feeling but it is by no means something that has to rule your life. The thing to remember is that even if you do get judged, it's all meaningless. Everyone on this Earth has something wrong with them in some way, shape or form - there is no such thing as perfection. Every person who judges somebody else is also flawed, so why should it matter what they think of you?

Walk outside with your head held high, remember that the only person whose opinion truly matters is your own and that whatever problems you may have you're an amazing person. You don't have to do it all at once, take baby steps but really the only way to deal with fear is to face it head on otherwise it's just going to take your life over - trust me I've been there, well at least to a degree.

I also recommend finding a close friend (even an online one) who you can trust in confide it or perhaps a therapist. Honestly both would the best option.

Good luck!
So I feel a tad awkward about this but I really need some help.

So recently I found out I have clinical depression and a bad case of social anxiety. I get really upset about everything and I never want to leave the house. I get scared to go to school because I feel like people will judge me on who I am. I find it hard to function and even talk to others so I spend most of my time on Youtube or on forums. I hate this stuff and it makes me very sad.

I guess... I'm just scared...
I know how you feel dude, except I've gotten nothing diagnosed. I guess I'm afraid of someone telling me that my sadness and feeling of worthlessness and constant anxiety is nothing short of a disease. You know? I don't like looking at it that way. I know depression can be that way, but I'm scared to be told that it's that way for me. I don't want it to run my life and I want to believe I can conquer it.

Gimmepie is right about having people to talk to. Close friends and therapists are both really good ideas when you're feeling like this. Friends will often offer support while therapists often offer solutions; both work wonders.

I'm going to suggest a few other things too. Keep in mind I don't know you, but I know these things have worked for me and countless others (through observation and study).

-Do things that make you smile. I know people with Depression often have a hard time with this, and they can lose interest in things that they once enjoyed, but if there's anything at all in your life that makes you happy and makes you feel meaningful, hold onto it. Don't ever believe it's a waste of time. Ever.
-Make sure you focus on your achievements as well. Getting things done and being successful, even if it's in very small things, can make you feel a lot better about yourself. Having a job is one example; working hard and getting that paycheck feels sooo nice. Either way, for work and school, do your best and be proud of what you've done, but don't stress yourself out. Finding that balance works wonders on your mental health. I know it's super hard to get going at first (trust me, I know, it's the bane of my existence currently) but you can definitely do it, and after you force yourself through the first hurdle, you'll look at your accomplishments and feel pretty awesome. The rest comes naturally. Not to say it'll be easy, but it's just much smoother sailing, if you know what I mean. It's like how when you first push a big heavy rock, it won't budge at first... but once you get it rolling, it'll continue to roll and roll without much effort. When you're just sitting at home (like I have for the past 2 years), getting your life going feelings like getting the first push in that rock. But you just gotta keep pushing until finally, you're rolling.... [:
-Take care of your body. Exercise works WONDERS! One of the many many MANY things that exercise helps is your outlook. When you're exercising regularly, you're releasing endorphins, which can help you be much happier about life in general, and keep your stress levels down. Similarly, eating less junk can keep your body feeling lighter and less gross. I know when I eat a lot of junk and don't exercise, I just feel like there's a huge lumps in my body (mostly in my stomach, chest, head, and legs), weighing me down... and boy do I feel hopeless. My boyfriend and I are going to start running for about 15 minutes every day when it stops raining; even simple things like that help waaay more than most people realize. Never ever underestimate exercise!! *-* It is also a good idea to get into other various good habits, like getting 8 hours of sleep each night (again, highly underestimated), drinking lots of water (in fact, replacing anything you drink with water is typically a good idea), and limiting computer usage, too. If you're not into any of these habits, I know it might sound silly or difficult, but I promise you won't regret it if you just try.
-Realize we're all human!! I know this might seem weird and silly or whatever but, realizing this is something that's seriously helped with my anxiety! We're all humans with emotions; even the "popular" kids at school, and the people who answer your business calls, and your teachers, and the guy passively scanning your items at the grocery store... we all have favorite colors and foods and have good and bad memories, and we are all fighting our own battles. We all have fears and get scared sometimes, and that's perfectly fine. What's not fine is fearing the fear: thinking it's justified, and that we're below others and consequently hiding, unable to progress further into our lives. You just gotta smile and realize no one out there is better than you, or smarter than you. Everything around you was created and achieved by humans with resources you could gain yourself, they just had the initiative to be aggressive about it. And if you want to achieve things too, you have to get up and do it yourself. You want something? Go get it! Chances are, nothing's actually stopping you but yourself.

Whew, lots of typing. I hope this helps! I know feeling down about life is just the absolute worst and it's hard to see any light. But things can only get better right? <3 I look forward to my life getting better, and you should too. Just know there are people there for you and life isn't as big and scary and complicated as it may seem. Sure things can suck, but things always get better if you let them. Remember that rainbows only ever come after a storm..... as cheesy as that sounds. Good luck, and remember to keep smiling, always.

Oh yes, and know you are going to get knocked down sometimes. Everyone does. (EVERYONE!) the trick is to get back up. :D If you get knocked down 50,235,628 times, get up 50,235,629 times. Cry on someone's shoulder if you have to, take breaks watching your favorite show or listening to your favorite songs or even just taking a long walk or staring at the ceiling if it helps, just never give up. ^__^ Relentlessly pursuing what you believe in and what you want is all worth it in the end. And you can definitely do it!

[PokeCommunity.com] Help & Advice Thread
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So, right. I've been debating on where to put this, and note, longpost ahead.

Now first off, I'm a lesbian for those of you that don't know. Not that it matters, I just don't want people looking funny or anything. One thing that might be relevant is, lesbian relationships tend to move really fast. It's pretty much a standard truth. Some joke that a month or two is like a year in lesbian time.

Now I've been dating my current girlfriend for about four months now. More than a month ago I was forced out of my apartment due to things outside of my control; namely my room mate trying to screw me over. And I was forced to return to my parent's place for the first time in years. Our relationship, my girlfriend and I's, was close. Honestly, I did and still do love her very much, like I've never felt for anyone before. I thought I'd loved someone before, but it never felt like this. She said often that she felt the same.

Which is probably why it's hurting me so much right now.

Thing is, she lived with her ex, trapped in a lease according to her. So I never went to her place, instead we spent time at my place. I believed her because I loved her. So when I told her I was forced to move, she said, well, maybe we should find a place together. It made sense. We were both in bad situations, and I felt we could handle it. I agreed.

Then her grandfather went into hospice, she was really down about it. Then it happened. She went two days without responding to any calls or texts. When she finally got back to me after almost three days she explained she had 'shut down' because her room mate, aka evil ex, had hit her. She'd run to her mothers and was staying with her. I took this as even more incentive to find a place together. I comforted as much as I could. I was a bit protective at this point.

Then things changed.

Now we get to our main issue. I have not seen my girlfriend in six weeks.

Yep. Six weeks.

I started to hear from her less and less. She would barely text me. I would go days without hearing a thing. I was worried. She said it was because of her grandfather. She was depressed, and spending a lot of time with her grandparents. Thing is, we would make plans and she would somehow end up standing me up. A couple times we made plans and she didn't even tell me she wasn't coming. There were whole afternoons waiting for her to show up. Valentine's came and went and I had to throw the flowers I bought for her away because they died. I still have her gift and card on my dresser, signed. We were supposed to do something the Sunday after Valentine's (I worked the day of), but she said she 'overslept' then she never showed, even though I told her she could come over whenever worked for her.

Over and over she's stood me up.

Two weeks ago her grandfather finally died. She called me the morning of, crying, and on the way over to see the body. I tried to comfort her as I could over the phone. I even offered to drive her there.

After he died she shut down even worse apparently. The one day without talking turned into days. I have not heard from her since this last Sunday. I've sent a dozen texts, no response. I've even talked to her best friend over facebook, asking if she'd heard from her. The best friend said she'd talked to her a bit today.

I'm wearing thin here. You don't do this to someone you love. You have to understand the things that are going through my head. Am I being played? Is she cheating on me? Does she want to break up and just doesn't have the heart to or know how? Did I do or say something wrong? Is she avoiding me? Is she lying? The last text I said was saying that if she didn't want to talk to me, say so at least.

I've asked a lot of different people and I've been getting varied responses. Some say that this is a classic case of depression, that she needs time and support. But six gorram weeks? Others say she is playing me like a fiddle.

What do you guys think?

Thing is, I'm a bleeding-heart-hopeless-romantic here. I believe love IS patient. And hell knows I have been patient with this, nearly two months patient.

EDIT: Also, this is bringing back MY depression. I mean, hell, I think I've slept 12 hours a day all week this week. Which is not right.

Also, if I'm not being played, what do I do? (note I do not know where her mom lives, or, ♥♥♥♥, if she's even really there).
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