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3rd Gen Hoenn/Kanto Journey Journal - Want to share your travelling stories?

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Started over Pokemon FireRed. Started with Bulbasaur (Brutus). Caught a Rattata for the box and Pidgey (Ero). Trained both to level 10, about to take on Derek (rival) at the E4 entrance.

Bulbasaur/Brutus lvl. 10
Pidgey/Ero lvl. 10

Notes: I picked 'saur so that I could have Arcanine on my team without too many conflicting types. So far my planned team is Venasaur, Arcanine, Pidgeot. We'll see what happens!
Started a new game of Sapphire today~

-Named my character "Sapphir" (stupid character limit...)

-Rescued Prof. Birch and obtained a Torchic

-Battled and won against Brendan on Route 103

-Obtained a Pokedex
Bought a copy of Firered and Emerald for me and my brother. he doesn't really like them... (he's a 6 yr old kid. he'd prefer the graphics in black/white rather than in emerald D: what a shame...)


In Firered:

There are a bunch of pokemon I would like to have in my emerald. So I decided not to restart for now and rebuild later.

my brother caught a Chansey. I was like o: O: O: i never did that when i actually had the copies of the game in my past, so i was totally shocked. i started ranting about how chansey was so difficult, then my brother was like "psh i can do it" and the first chansey he saw, he did it. i was so angry/happy.

i'm going to send it over to my emerald once my gba cable and other gameboy come. and start making chanseys with seismic toss! maybe even use a blissey for the battle fronteir.


In Emerald:

i caught a feebas!!! it was so much easier than in my past.

i got a liechi berry because of a lucky stroke of Mirage Island actually being open o-o i'm planting it right now and taking exceptional care of the plant~

and that's it

-Trained Torchic to level 16 (team is now Combusken and Ralts)

-Battled and defeated Roxanne

-Took back the Devon Goods from Team Aqua grunt

-Obtained the Pokenav
I just started a run on Ruby, hacked in a Jirachi and Deoxys cause I've always wanted to raise them like normal pokemon, I also hacked in a mew cause it fit with the team.
I restarted my Emerald, chose a boy and named him Devlin. I then caught a Wurmple.
This afternoon, I had made up the decision to re-discover the roots of my past and plugged in my copy of FireRed into the GBA port on my rather large and blue DS. Now, I have not played the original Pokemon, In ages, So all the knowledge that once filled me of which Gym Leader I shall fight in what order has flown out of my head and fluttered out the window. So, this will be an experence, once over.

As I start out, going through the hoops, maddly butten mashing away to get past Oak's Begining speech, I had made it (thank god) to the character naming segment. I desided upon TAOPAI, being that, well, that is my current handle at the moment. As an odd turn-of-events, I desided to name my Rival Gary...Being this is , technically, a game that sends us back to Kanto, why not go ahead and pick, none other than Gary Oak.

And so, with Oak's final words, I was lowered down into the world of Pokemon, once more. To begin my journey anew. As awake from my pixalized bed, I stumbled to the first place I knew to go. The PC across my room. as fast as that blue hedgehog, I snatched the potion and ran down stairs, nearly tripping over my NES. As I made it downstairs, Mom was waiting for me, in downstairs. What a wonderful mother a boy could have. She tells me something about young boys, I didn't catch all of it, before looking towards the TV to see the horrible movie 'Stand by me'. I shudder as I watched Cory Feldman's career circle the drain. My mother says something about Professor Oak, I imidiantly snapped back into reality and rushed out the door.

I ran and ran and ran until I had lost where I was going. I saw a patch of grass ahead. Surely, he'd be waiting for me there, ready to give my hands on training. I swallowed, ready for the most intense training I would ever have...When, I hear "STOP!". I am jogged from my dream and look behind me, as I see a winded old man run up to me. It took him a while to speak, he was trying to hard to catch his breath. He told me that I should not go into the grass, Ill-equipped. I giggle with glee as I readied myself to be given A case, or something and booted out into the wild, where I could begin my journey. He told me to follow him. Here is comes, I thought. He turned away and...began walking..back into..town....Okay, not much of a disappointment, buuuut....whatever floats your boat, old man, I thought. He lead me into this....rather small lab. I was unimpressed, But, I saw three Pokeballs to my right. Yes, I thought, it's almost time.

And then, I looked to my left...And who did I see?....Him...Gary Oak. The vile little snot who laughed at me, when I said I would be the greatest. The goblin who threw popcorn and soda at me at my 3rd grade talent show. That nasty little worm who had the GALL of tie me to a tree, while him and his friends beat me with sticks, like a pinata, chanting 'Tao rhymes with ow! Tao rhymes with ow!'. My eye twitched as he rudely hustled his grandfather up. I could not even listen to the professor, anymore. My eyes burned with hatred, unseen by many, unheard of by the Gods themselves. Even then, I was only thinking of my wrath and how sweet it would be.

I was snapped back into reality, once more, when he told me to pick a Ball. YES! Finally, I get to get my pokemon and start my awesome journey into the land of Kanto. Gary whined, I didn't care. I Rushed to the table, grinning so much that I thought I was drooling. I inspected each one....And a frown fell upon my face, when I realized: 'Each one is weak against the other. The Grass pokemon Bulbasaur is a balanced choice, Indeed...But, GARY would pick The fire lizard Charmander, Just to spite me! The water turtle Squirtle was indeed defensive, due to his shell being as hard as rock....But, this acursed boy would pick Bulbasaur, knowing his grass moves would conquer me. And, If I chose Charmander, that evil, evil child would chose Squirle. I squeeked a bit, measuring my options. I caved in and chose Charmander. Of Course, Gary picked up the Pokeball with Squirtle. That loser. I tried high-tailing it out of there. He stopped me by walking in my way and challanging me, RIGHT OFF THE FRIGGAN BAT, to a battle....Gary -mumblemumble.- Oak.

There we were. LOCKCED in an epic battle. A battle that would determine the outcome of my WHOLE journey. I had to beat him. He went first, A tail whip. My Charmander just looked at it, confused. I ordered it to scratch. It hit, knocking the Turtle for a loop. I grinned, I was going to win. The Squirtle Tail whip'd once more. I laughed as My Charmander went for a scratch, stealing most of Squirtle's HP away, leaving only a good 5 or 8, perhaps. I wasn't sure...I could taste victory....Then...Squirtle tackled Charmander. I watched as my defenseless charmander stumbled to his back, wincing in a harsh pain. I began to desend from my cloud, actually thinking I would be able to beat Gary.....That is when Charmander got right back up and slashed the Blue monster across it's face. I watched at it went down, for the count. My jaw hit the floor as I watched Gary run away, with his tail between his legs.

I had beat him. I DID IT!...HOLY MOLEY! I was joyfully laughing, pumping my fist in the air and dancing about, when I noticed my Charmander flashed blue. I walked over to my little Charmander, I had named Blaze, and proceeded to inspect him. He leveled up? Interesting. I placed him back into my ball as I held my head high and walked out into the world, ready to re-visit the world that I had left behind, so long ago. :'3
So I've been playing my Pokemon Emerald here and there. Mostly when I'm travelling via public transport or such.
I just beat May on route 110 and caught a Minun which I'm now leveling to match my other pokemon in order to beat the next gym eventually.
Well, I finished EV'ing my Starmie and Metagross.

And I must say, it was well worth all that time I spent. I dominated Tucker twice on my first run with those 2 pokemon alone. They complement each other incredibly well. Or maybe I was just lucky. But who knows?

I also crushed Greta just barely with those 2 pokemon because of horrible typing and had to end up with a in-game used Zapdos to beat her last pokemon, Shedinja, because of my lack of having any times.

Then, I also beat Lucy just barely with my Zapdos, and I'm starting to realize that Zapdos are amazing pokemon. I'll need to get one from my Firered later after I get a working link cable -.-'

I'm working on the Battle Pyramid with one stage done.

Besides Battle Frontier news, I'm starting to breed Chansey and it is annoying me because I cannot get a decent one. I know IV's really don't have a major major impact in the Battle Frontier as they do in 4th gen/5th gen competitive battling because of the difficulty to breed them , but I do know it has a huge difference from 31 IVs then 15 IVs or so...

Later then, I got a Chansey that seemed really good so now I am EV Training it. Battle Pyramid here I come!!!


Meanwhile, in Kanto, I had just beaten the Elite 4 and my rival, Ivan, with an incredible pokemon called Blastoise. Sadly, I have to fill my pokedex to 60 now if I want my Raikou to transfer to my Emerald. And I do have a lot of Kanto pokemon missing from my Emerald so no big there I suppose.

After I am done with Raikou and pokemon, it's time for Suicune and I will be done restarting my Firered.
I have G-R-E-A-T Memories from Fire Red...

I over trained my Pokémon way too much in Pokémon Fire Red...

My starter (Charmander), was a Charizard before I left Mount Moon! However, I *ONLY* trained Charizard so it took forever to beat Gary and his Blastoise...:(

I also have yet another great memory...
I had Fire Red and my friend had a Lugia, so he traded it over. (It was from an "event", level 30.) I then trained it to level 100...I spent all summer non-stop playing...I then finally reached level 100 and on the way learned Psycho-Boost.
A different friend, at the time, had Pokémon Emerald...And had trained his Rayquaza to level 100. We then had a battle: Lugia vs Rayquaza. I won, with Lugia. He then asked to trade Lugia for his Rayquaza. I said yes, so I obtained Rayquaza. I sometimes wonder where that game cartridge is...

...Anyways, good memories!
I just took a fresh start on Fire Red and chose Charmander, who annihilated Gary's Squirtle with about 3 scratches (yay critical!). I did the whole parcel - Oak thing and received the pokedex and the pokeballs. So, i said goodbye to Pallet Town, and caught a Pidgey on the way to where I am now, the Pokemon center in Viridian City!

And now to level up pidgey and charmander a bit to fight Gary for the second time :)
I just took a fresh start on Fire Red and chose Charmander, who annihilated Gary's Squirtle with about 3 scratches (yay critical!). I did the whole parcel - Oak thing and received the pokedex and the pokeballs. So, i said goodbye to Pallet Town, and caught a Pidgey on the way to where I am now, the Pokemon center in Viridian City!

And now to level up pidgey and charmander a bit to fight Gary for the second time :)

Charmanders a bad one for the first gym. Squirtle is a lot stronger throughout the whole base of the game.
Started over emerald this morning

- Chose Treeko
- beat zigzagoon
- Caught a tailow
- Caught a random zigzagoon
- Traded for a Pikachu on my ruby
- Trained my lv. 5 male pikachu to lv. 8
-Trained Tailow and Treeko to lv. 8
- Saved, about to play later.

im gonna use ashes team from the hoenn anime
Put down my emerald for a while to focus on Black, now i grow bored of black and going back to emerald, something to keep me busy, any way I just took a break and decided to update

After showing wally how to catch to catch a Pokemon, I decided to take my fathers advice and challenge the first gym:

-Made it to the petealberg forest
-Trained all Pokemon to level 10 before going to far
-Male Pikachu lv. 10
-Male Treeko lv.10
-Male Tailow lv. 10

-Beat Aqua Grunt in forest
-Treeko made it to level 11
-got through petalburge forest and got some berrys and made it throguh the route before rusburro, (destroyed those twins in the double battle :D)
-Team now level 12
-About to explore the city before I take on gym.
Well, I lost my Pokemon Ruby game, so I can't play that. But I can tell you of a little bit of my Pokemon Travelling stories from Pokemon Ruby. : beat the first gym leader easely using my Water starter. (I believe he was in stage 1, Mudkip) I don't remember much of my stories, but here's a funny thing: When I was going to challenge Groudon, I didn't know the Legendary pokemon reset trick, so I just charged into battle, lost to Groudon, but you know how the drought that comes-up when Groudon awakens? The world went back to normal, and the characters outside the cave of origin said stuff like, that I saved everyone or something. (My character's name was Landon, my sister's idea for a name, she named him while I was away from home.) Groudon quitted! XD! My team was so great, I had (I think) no difficulty beating the Elite Four and the champion! XD! My Starter evolved to Swampert before going there, While I was using Swampert I think I beat them by keep using Muddy Water. Or was it Mud Shot? I forgot!
Traveling Log: Pokemon Ruby

Fortree City.
Martin checks over his pokemon, all healed up. Giving the strange little trinket known as an experience share to his Absol, nicknamed Abbie, he headed to train. His goal was to get Deedee the Dodrio and Abbie to catch up with the rest of his team levelwise. He enters the grass, and a wild counter immediately starts. Martin grins and sends out his lovely DeeDee. The dim image of a pokemon slides in front of him, and Martin can't help but notice something different. The light comes back on, revealing a Marill. Martin grins and is about to select Tri Attack...when stars start flying. It is only then that Martin realizes that the normally blue Marill is green. Screaming a fanboyish scream of excitement, Martin felt his body begin to tremble. Shiny. 1 in 8192. Panicking, Martin immediately throws a masterball...
click. click. click. DING!
The Marill is caught. Martin names it efficently then stores it away. After, he heads abruptly to his PC and withdraws the green Marill. Looks like his team just got one more member.
Oh, here's another traveling story:
Safari Zone.
First time.
Martin meets a Wobbufet, jigglying back and forth and announcing it's name. Martin recalls when he was younger and how at the end of his favorite show, a few years back, at the end of an episode, there would be a pink and blue haired duo announcing monologues and the Wobbufet always coming up at the end and announching it self, bring Martin to tears laughing. For nostalgic purposes, Martin decides to catch it. Safari Ball. Fail. Safari Ball. Fail. Safari Ball. Fail. Eventually the Wobbufet fled. Frustrated, Martin hunted some more. Eventually it came back. Along with another series of failed captures. Once more it got away. Soon, Martin's balls ran out and he was out of the game. He went back again and again to catch that Wobbufet. But everytime...FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. Upset, Martin realized he was never going to catch it, and noticing how he was nearly broke with his crazed obsession to catch the little critter, he left. But, he promised that he'd return...and that he would catch that Wobbufet!
And he did. More fails. He soon left again, and once more promised to return...as he moved on, he wondered exactly: How does one catch a Wobbufet? Currently, Martin has not answered that question and is working to get enough money to pay for enough Safari runs to ensure at least three Wobbufets. Until then...
Ive been playing Emerald now in the middle of Victory Road. Ran out of repels, Wild Pokemon appear to much, this is torture... Hope I make it out alive! Well at least I am getting some training finished :P
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