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Katerina [Rated 14+]

LiquidThunder said:
Lol! That was funny XD, sorry if it was a bit confusing though I'll change it later ^^'. Chapter 4 will explain her plan (like I've been saying for a while now XD), but it will focus more about her own planning and what will be done, it should be a great chapter ^^.

You just need to put it like this:

I'm a bisexual, dad.

Vital comma. ^^;;

Wow. This is such a deep story. It almost brought me to tears. Poor Kit... I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sympathy with her.
Very nicey worded D_P ^^'.

From now on, I'll see what I can do about the spell checking, even though my MS Word isn't working, I can type out the next chapter on my sister's computer that does.
^^ Lance, great job!! I really like this! As the others have said, there is a few spelling and grammar errors, but you can easily fix them. Since others have gone over those, I won't. I like how you show the reporter asking the questions and Kit having flashbacks. My favorite part was the clever combination that you came up with, with Kit figuring out the combination lock was her dad's date of entering the army (exscuse my poor wording) Well, Lance, I will look forward to you adding more installments, keep up the good work!! ~origin
Wow, really moving story so far lance. Looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Dude you have a wonderful gift and I'll definatley be checking out the rest of the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 out of 10!
No its fine, I've been trying to find time to write up a new one ^^, I sort of have my hands full at the moment, and haven't had the chance to write a proper one without having something at the back of my head I still have to do.

A new chapter will most likely be posted sometime on the weekend ^^'.
This is an extremely wonderful story. The way you've swirled it past me, I can't even believe it's fiction. The story revolves around characters LT has plucked right out of real life and this makes the fiction part Vanish. LT you are a splendid author and I think you should publish a book.

I've been following this story from the first chapter and this has immensely impressed. I am proud to say that this story has won PC Tribune's Coveted Fan-Fiction of the Month.

*image removed*

Come and view this month?s issue - 03/10/05

Congrats Liquid Thunder and may this story go miles.
"Miles to go before I sleep" - Robert Frost.

~ CC
Thanks for the award ^^, I never expected this fan-fic to be a winner in a contest XD.

Here is the long awaited new chapter of Katerina, I should warn though, that this might be slightly more controversial then the other chapters.

Enjoy ^^

Chapter 4

Katerina didn't know what to feel after her father's harsh words, but she knew that it was time for him to feel the pain she felt all her life from the day she was born, to this very moment.

By the time Katerina's father went upstairs, it was exactly 5:00 as it was early summer, the day ended alot later so it was still very bright out. Her mother was now washing up, and cleaning up the mess the family made with the KFT.

She slowly walked up to her room, and silent as can be, closed and locked the door behind her. She went into her closet where of course, she found her "special toybox" and opened it slowly.

Picking up each weapon to examine it closely, she couldn't get her eyes off of that silver pistol that shone brightly in the day sun. Without even thinking, she put back all the weapons except that one pistol and walked out the room heading to her parents' room...

"So it was then and there you decided to do it?" Dave asked calmly just listening to her story now, insted of writing down notes.

"Thats right..... enough was enough for both me and my mother....."

Katerina walked down that long hallway with that pistol swinging in her right hand as she continued to step closer and closer to that door with the blaring sun showing light underneath.

She turned the chipped gold painted knob, to find her so called "father" in the bed resting peacefully with his left hand on his face, while the other rested between his legs for extra warmth with the blanket covering his fat body.

"Wake up you fool!" Katerina shouted as she struck her father on the head, with the handle of the pistol she still held.

Her father immediatly got up, holding his head in pain staring into her angry eyes, "What the hell are you doing?!", he was about to backhand her with his hand when Katerina pulled the pistol out, and held it in his face.

"What now daddy?" Katerina asked with a quick smile on her face, still holding the gun in his face.

Her father couldn't do anything except back away, and stare at her, "Y-you wouldn't shoot your own father would you? Come on we can just talk this over later." her father trembled, trying everything he can to not get his life taken away from him at that very moment.

By this time her mother had rushed to see what had happened, and when she saw that scene with her only daughter holding a gun to her father's face, she went ghost white.

"Kit what are you doing?!" she screamed, while breaking into tears.

"Mom how can you defend this sad idiot? Even after what he does to you, you can't see why he deserves this?" Katerina tried to explain to her still shaken mother...

"He abused your mother too?" Dave asked with concern.

"Of course, when you have a father who goes to bars until who knows when, and comes back dumb drunk to a caring wife, there is expected to be something going on at home." Katerina explained.

"What kind of abuse was it then?" Dave asked.

"Any kind you can think of, verbal abuse..... emotional abuse..... sexual abuse, and just plain abuse.".....

"Kit just think of what you're doing, if you do this the police will be after you, and your life will be ruined." Her father continued, clinging to keeping himself alive.

Her mother listened to what her daughter said to her, and just stood there at the doorway blankly.

"Trust me, my life is ruined enough as it is, the police mean nothing to me." Katerina spoke out, preparing to pull the trigger when her mother finally spoke out to her.

"Kit.... give me the gun." She started off calmly.

"No." Katerina responded, still holding the pistol in front of her "father's" face, that was now beginning to be drenched in sweat and tears in fear of loosing his life.

"Katerina, if you love me with all the help I try to give you, just please give me the gun. Don't kill your father, he's not worth it." Her mother spoke out to her.

"Not worth it?!" Her father interrupted in anger, even after having a gun in his face.

"Shutup!" Katerina scowled at him, bringing the gun even closer just inches away from his face. He couldn't fo anything but obey, as he know stared down the barrel of what might be the cause of his death.

Katerina finally came to her sences and attempted to give her mother the gun, when her father rushed towards Katerina to backhand her for doing what she did. Out of nowhere, her mother pulled out a gun she was carrying behind her back unnoticed from both of them and pointed it at her father, like Katerina did moments ago.

"Rick leave her alone you sick bastard." she spoke out to her husband.

"You too? But wh..." her father began.

"There is nothing you can say, after everything you have done to both of us. I always knew what you did to Kit, but didn't know what to do to you, I always feel anger, sadness, remourse towards you and your ways, I'm glad that Katerina did was she did today or who knows when it would stop." Her mother trembled with the same type of pistol Katerina had, but was black insted of silver.

The was silence in the room, with both Katerina and her mother waiting for her father to say something, but was speechless and knew he was wrong, even Katerina stood there blankly.

"Always praising yourself and saying, "hate it or love it, the underdog is on top", when you would get promoted...." Katerina mother started, laughing a little, "well guess what .... hate it or love it...... the underdog is on top!"

She said, before she shot her own husband.....
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OMG, that was totally unexpected! O.o;

...And I loved it. xD Finally you updated! *glomps* There were punctuation errors throughout the story, but it was okay. =3

I loved how you wrote the scene of Kit walking over to her 'father'. The setting and choice of words were wonderful. =3
Yes the wait finally ended with a new chapter, it might be slightly shorter then the others, but of course the surprise ending makes up for more then the length of it. But thank you all for taking the time to read it, I do it all for you XD.

I'm still using wordpad so I can't really spot the errors, sometimes with my own writing, I know whats going to happen next so its easy to miss ^^.

I didn't realize there was such anticipation for a new chapter, next time I'll be aware of this and try to find time to write a new one, seeing as tommorow is fairly free for me I'll try to type up a new one.
Good News... A New Chapter! ^^ XD

Sorry if I kept a lot of you waiting, but I was able to get enough time to write a new chapter from all the stuff I had/have to do right now.


Chapter 5

Katerina could not believe what her mother had just done, right there and then she murdered her husband.

Both of them stood there blankly looking at the motionless body that layed before them, Katerina's mother finally spoke out, putting the gun on a nearby oak night table "He deserved that... after everything that he did to both of us... he deserved to die."

Katerina was still tense but relaxed a little, " How do you expect to get away with this? I'm sure someone heard something and the police are on their way."

"We?" Her mother asked with her voiced raised a little, "We're in on this together, you were going to kill him first anyway."

"I realized that but I have nothing to live for in this miserable life I've been cursed with... you should enjoy your life while you still can." Katerina spoke out, now sitting on the foot of the bed with her arms crossed against her stomach.

"Me? I had a good life Kit, your only 15 you haven't even lived half of a real life yet so there is plenty of time to enjoy what this world has to offer." Her mother said standing in front of her with her right hand holding her hip.

"I haven't even lived that either, you know what my childhood was like..." Katerina spoke out softly.

Her mother sighed and gave Katerina a hug, for a whole five minutes the mother and daughter just sat at the foot of the bed and held each other tightly....

"Kit you should go, I'll deal with all of this." Her mother said to her before leading her out of the once "parents bedroom".

Katerina did what she always did during the day after school, stay in her room and just sit and think about how the "good life" must feel like for the average teenager. She took her anti-depressant pills that were keeping her stable but insted of the usual day dreaming, she took out a pen and paper and finally planned out what she was going to do to her highschool for all the years of pain...

"This is when you finally decided to go after your school?" Dave asked, not writing anything down but listening to what Katerina has to say.

"That's right, it was finally time for all of them to suffer.." Katerina said with a twisted smirk on her face, that was slightly hidden by her long hair.

"But what good did it do to make others suffer, even those who weren't mean to you?" Dave asked, a question that everyone including the public wanted to know.

"Why? Because the world is cruel, mean and twisted. Everyone is always looking out for themselves no matter how good intentions may seem..... everyone wants what's best for them even in a life or death situation." she continued slowly, while brushing some of her hair from her face, "Even at a young age its easily to see how crazy this society is that we have to live in... its ok to get an abortion but its not ok to commit murder."....

Katerina worked on her plan the whole night, and feel asleep in her day clothes while kneeling at the side of her bed.

She woke up in the mourning to find herself in bed with a sheet over her fragile body, she was still wearing her clothes from the day before and stood up to head for her "parent's room" to find what had happened with her father, she headed down the hall and held the chilled doorknob in her hand, due to her parents not having proper heating and the cool autumn weather, the whole house was cold.

She turned the knob and before fully entering the room she caught sight of a white piece of paper written in black pen on the groound, she brought it up to her face and read it:


Live your life..."

She brought the paper down and looked at the gruesome sight to see her mother laying on the bed motionless with the black pistol she used on her husband lying beside her. She killed herself....

Katerina just sat on the hardwood floors outside her "parent's room" with her small legs crossed and her hands covering up her face.

At least an hour went by with her just sitting there, until she finally got up while actually feeling something other then anger her whole life.... sadness.... sadness that the only person who actually cared for her committed suicide.... sadness that no one is left in her life.

She rushed to her room and put everything in place, her school wasn't very far away so after 10 minutes she finally arrived at the campus of her highschool holding a little red wagon that she had when she was younger and the plane that was in numerical order..

"Step 1: Make them feel your pain"...