this game wont work for me which sux cause it looks awesome. Question, how do you activate your acoount
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LoL just passed WoW on xfire in terms of hours played. I guess a lot of people like this game.
So, not one, but TWO epic games in the past 24 hours. Both in the Twisted Treeline. (I seem to function a lot better in 3's than 5's lol)
I was Maokai. My buddy wanted to be Warwick, as he wanted to see how good with him he was. We were paired with an Ashe. Our opponents were an enemy Warwick, I believe a Master Yi, and a LeBlanc.
Our Ashe was notably absent from all team fights, and would constantly miss her arrow. It was frustrating to see that I had more kills than her.
So we committed to one last team fight. We caught LeBlanc out of position and began to focus her. As we did, the enemy Warwick (who by the way, got quite fed because we kept focusing their really bad LB) comes out of the bush to attack. I immediately switch to him, while my teammates continue chasing LB through the jungle. LB eventually does die, but by that time, Yi's gotten them very low before he dies, too. I die quickly because I can't fight a fed WW 1v1, and my team falls shortly after. He barrels into our base, destroying our base turret, our inhibitor, and our nexus turret, and our Nexus is looking like it's going to be destroyed. He's gotten it very low, but Ashe spawns just before it's destroyed. She fires her arrow, but it hits him JUST as the Nexus blows up. If the arrow had hit, he was surely dead, seeing as he was at less than 20% health. It was surely the most epic loss I've ever had.
Now, for the most epic win.
My buddy's little brother decided to invite me to a TT game, and brought his friend along. I decided I wanted to be Rammus, because despite maining him I never really play him that often.
My buddy's brother picks Urgot and his friend picks Yi. I take Fortify/Flash and we start.
Our enemies: Tryndamere, Garen and Malphite.
My first thought while the teams were loading was "Damn, they're so hard to kill whereas Urgot is squishy without tank items and Yi's just overall not that durable. However, I figured they were all very melee-oriented, so I had a definite advantage.
We lost first blood to their Garen, because it became very apparent that our Yi was awful. Our Urgot was also 12 years old, so I wasn't expecting much from him.
We lost our top turret VERY quickly, due to how aggressive the Garen was being, and how much he was fed by our Yi. I stayed resolute, knowing I was extremely favored against them late game, so I stacked four Doran's Shields (trust me, it worked) to counter their AD-heavy team. +400 health, +40 armor, and insane HP regeneration really did help, because I was attracting their attention so hard that my team was able to kill them by the time I was dead. We were about even by the time I went 2/5/2.
Then I managed to finish Thornmail, and all hell broke loose.
Urgot and I decided to push bottom lane. Tryndamere and Malphite were there, and I played extremely aggressive, knowing full well neither of them could kill me and we easily had Malphite and could pop Tryndamere's ultimate. I Powerballed in, taunted Tryndamere (apparently he still got his ultimate off though), and Earthquaked. We ended up getting Malphite very easily, and I think Garen came in, too, and we got him as well.
It snowballed hard from there. I was denying them map control so hard due to how constantly I was ganking them while they tried to push. I ended up building Sunfire Cape and Guardian Angel quite fast after that.
I 2v1'd Malphite and Tryndamere twice. The first time, I'd decided to ping the dragon for my team, heading along there myself. I found them already there, both at full health, and knew my team would back me up if I committed. I blew all my cooldowns, destroying both of them while the dragon was attacking me. We got the dragon soon after.
In between the first and second 2v1, I'd decided to push the bottom lane while my team distracted them. My team got two of them very low, and Malphite was already dead. I managed to get their inhibitor turret and the inhibitor itself, then went right for the nexus turret. I'd started to take fire from it, and seeing Tryndamere and Garen come for me, I knew I was fine because my team was already on their way around to get the turret with me. I got it extremely low, but by the time I was at 40% I forgot I lost my GA proc and didn't want to be free gold. At this point, the entire enemy team was blowing all their cooldowns (including Malphite's stun ult, just on me) to kill me, but I managed to Powerball behind the Nexus and Flash over the base wall. My other two teammates died, but I knew I was in no danger.
The second 2v1 happened when I had already been on a 10-kill streak by that point and decided I was tired of hearing them complain about their inability to kill me (it didn't help at all that my 250+ armor score was being countered by ATTACK SPEED, of all things), so I barreled past our minions pushing bottom and went straight for their Nexus. I met Malphite on the way, getting him extremely low, but unable to kill him as I went right back to poking the Nexus. Malphite came back on me when I was at about 65% health, and Tryndamere joined soon after. I ulted, W'd, taunted Tryndamere, and once they got low enough, Q'd them both. I "died", but my GA proc kept me alive as I poked their 30% Nexus to death, by myself, while my team was doing God knows what.
After the game, I checked their build. Not a Last Whisper in sight. Just a bunch of Phantom Dancers and Infinity Edges. Cute.
So yeah, going 14/5/9 with 100 CS is pretty good, I heard.