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League of Legends

  • 447
    I personally think Shockblade Zed looks the best. despite the splash art making him look like a sailor or something, the in game model looks so much better, and the hint of blue in his shadow's abilities looks really cool in high detail in my opinion.

    if I get on league later I'm gonna experiment with a few Yi/Rengar builds, then decide which I want to main for my Jungle role, I already have Sejuani, Kha'zix, Jax, Ryze, Morgana (try morgana jungle, she's REALLY strong) technically Leona, Diana, FIddlesticks, Udyr and Hecarim in my jungle pool.

    But my problem is there is NO guarantee I am going to get Jungle every single game. I desperately need to learn some laning mechanics and efficient/situational farming. Map awareness is no issue to me, the whole time I spent jungling have given me the eyes of a hawk on the minimap. I roughly know the cooldowns of most champion's abilities.

    My champion pools for each lane is very small:
    Support: Thresh, Janna
    ADC: Ashe, Caitlyn, Graves
    Mid: Galio, Ziggs
    Top: Susan, Renekton, I guess Udyr/Gangplank too

    As I was writing this, my thought are turning to Riven, maybe I should pick her up in the jungle, then transition to lanes, as she can mid and top aswell? thoughts?

    Bidoof FTW

    [cd=font-family:carter one; font-size:13pt; color:
  • 3,547
    if I get on league later I'm gonna experiment with a few Yi/Rengar builds, then decide which I want to main for my Jungle role, I already have Sejuani, Kha'zix, Jax, Ryze, Morgana (try morgana jungle, she's REALLY strong) technically Leona, Diana, FIddlesticks, Udyr and Hecarim in my jungle pool.

    As I was writing this, my thought are turning to Riven, maybe I should pick her up in the jungle, then transition to lanes, as she can mid and top aswell? thoughts?

    I don't want to be that guy... but jungle ryze, leona, or morg... really? Quite sure those used to be a thing but in this new meta lordy no :/ . Riven is definitely better mid and top than in the jungle, but most of the time it depends on your skill with the champ, so whatever you're good with/most comfortable with should be what you do. Jax also isn't really the jungler that he was earlier in S4, he is much better in top lane than in the jungle.

    Also, anyone seen Azir midlane recently? I see it every time an azir is played and they always do badly... He would be so much better in the top lane because of his kit and how he stops ganks pretty much instantly with his wall... But hey that's just my two cents.
  • 447
    its fine man, my elo, the amount of people who underestimate their power makes up for it. Leona is like a slightly weaker, but more tankier jax with more hard cc (and her 'empower' is also a stun) it's just something I like to pull out if my team lacks any form of engage. Ryze i dont really jungle since season 3 anymore anyways. He's like a backup top laner for me, except I run +833 mana at level 18 runes (every rune is scaling mana) so it forces me to play safe and just farm under tower and hope for lategame.

    I guess I'll give Riven a try then, I see a lot of CDR rushes on her (liek brutalizer into CDR boots) but isnt she also the sort of champion that if she gets behind she generally stays behind?


    [font=Cambria]Hidden From Mind[/font]
  • 1,080
    Riven jungle isn't that bad. Her problem comes with her VERY long early clears, and the worst sustain in game. Until about level 7, she can't really clear that well. Also, her ganks pre-6 are subpar, but her ganks 6+ are pretty good.
    I never really enjoyed playing her mid lane. She just seems to be to low of a sustain champion to be able take all of the poke from current meta champs like Zed and Talon, when she brings very little poke for herself.
    Her top laning is pretty good, as she out damages most other champs in levels 2-3. However, as most champs hit a power spike at level, and she doesn't really get that much from it, she then becomes less effective. Her level 6 power spike insane thought. It becomes nearly impossible to trade with her (Renekton, Fiora, Jax, Nasus, Darius, Garen, and Aatrox, please go away now. You know I love you all, but please, stop beating up my Riven :( ).

    I think the biggest draw to play her mid is her HUGE snowballing potential, and great roaming. I truly believe that the top 5 champions that snowball the hardest are (In order) Fizz, Talon, Riven, Nasus (Dat q), and Zed. Rengar, Kha'Zix and LB are pretty far up there, but not like insanely hard snowballers.
  • 447
    Nasus is more susceptible to kiting than Tryndamere, just want to point that out, nasus is more an anti carry, He does, however, destroy anything without some sort of dash or escape. Vayne can kite him for days, Ashe can kite him for days even with wither on her, Caitlyn can AA nasus outside of his wither range (unless he is ulting), Tristana...is Tristana and really needs a nerf.

    Nasus is my 2nd strongest champion, he has plenty of counters, and for me, his main strength is his ability to destroy towers easily, the amount of games I have won from behind by backdooring is huge.


    Aspiring something
  • 5,724
    Selly Jr said:
    Mid: Galio, Ziggs
    I would just like to point out that Galio is very versatile in what lanes he can be in. I've had great success in top lane, as most of the champions up there don't have a very good poke, and I just hover behind the minion wall and spam Q all day. Once they're at low health, zoom in with your E, ult up, and you've either burned their flash, or have a kill. The only thing I seem to have trouble with is taking towers. Man, Galio can't take a tower to save his life, haha.

    Another thing Galio can do is play support. He's not the greatest at it, but get paired up with a Kog Maw, and you have endless poking potential. Your ult can then be used as a guarantee escape for your ADC, or guaranteed kills. Although, the kill steal will happen once in a while. His shield and E make for a great escape combo for your ADC, and Q will slow down anybody still chasing.

    I think Galio is one of the most versatile champions out there. The only thing he can't seem to do is be an ADC. Although, I've never tried, haha. Hmm...
  • 447
    Yeah, there used to be times where I pick Galio top lane. Tbh I think I need to play him more, my only real issue with him is his q, it's the projectile speed, to me it seems really inconsistent. I like playing ap top lanes, used to play a lot of chogath, Vlad and some Lissandra too thinking about it. I am a terrible Vlad, but more often than not my opponent had no idea how to deal with a Vlad on lane, so you just farm up and be a split pushing terror.


    lover of milotics
  • 11,151
    Here's my ADC champion pool that I used for ranked:

    Jinx, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Tristana

    Mostly I use Jinx as an ADC because she's pretty versatile on any sort of team comp, especially on AoE team comps which is my personal favourite, but everyone on Solo Que just picks carry champions without a tank, haha. Still though, she has decent range, and her ultimate blows people up; she's good fun! Caitlyn is pretty good for sieging because of her long range, and for her early game pressure. Early-Mid game advantage is why I sometimes pick Miss Fortune too, because despite her not really scaling that well towards late game, she's really phenomenal mid game enough that games can end pretty quickly. I usually pick her against other ADCs like Vayne or Kog Maw; you know, the ADCs who are pretty weak early game. Trist because she's Trist; her range and power is ridiculous end game, and if anything, I think they should nerf her draw a bead or rocket jump a bit, haha.

    Here are the rest, which I won't explain, but, in a nutsheel, I just think that they're generally safe picks all round:

    Mid: Lux, Annie, Ahri, Orianna
    Support: Sona, Janna
    Top: Renekton, Lulu, Garen
    Jungle: Vi, Amumu
  • 9,535
    • Age 29
    • Seen May 11, 2023
    Morgana (try morgana jungle, she's REALLY strong)
    I found this pretty interesting especially given the emphasis on how strong she is, can you explain how the standard jungle path/ganks work out? I really love Morgana as a champion and I use her a lot in Support, Mid, and even Top, but I've never been brave enough to try jungle. My first thought was "how on earth would that work...", but then thinking about how much high aoe damage she has combined with her passive spell vamp I reckon she'd have an easy time clearing camps (may struggle early but I think she'd catch up quickly with her soil's scaling?) and sustaining the jungle, and with the insane range on her Q and the great follow-up with her ult I can see her ganks being incredibly effective... I'd certainly love to see her in action at least and I'm definitely interested to try her - maybe you can let me know when you're playing it some time and I'll spectate? :D
  • 447
    I found this pretty interesting especially given the emphasis on how strong she is, can you explain how the standard jungle path/ganks work out? I really love Morgana as a champion and I use her a lot in Support, Mid, and even Top, but I've never been brave enough to try jungle. My first thought was "how on earth would that work...", but then thinking about how much high aoe damage she has combined with her passive spell vamp I reckon she'd have an easy time clearing camps (may struggle early but I think she'd catch up quickly with her soil's scaling?) and sustaining the jungle, and with the insane range on her Q and the great follow-up with her ult I can see her ganks being incredibly effective... I'd certainly love to see her in action at least and I'm definitely interested to try her - maybe you can let me know when you're playing it some time and I'll spectate? :D

    pretty much, max Q first, and she is a GANKING jungler rather than a farming jungler, Having said that, once she gets spirit stone she sustains in the jungle very nicely. If you see the enemy jungler, just run, Morgana is very weak early.

    As for clearing, Personally, I'd avoid taking the Golems and the big wraith guy (I forgot its name, >_>) nand jsut focus on ganking and/or counterganking.

    Once you get Spirit of the Spectral Wraith, thats a time when you should consider farming, jsut so you can get the item stacked from 30 AP to 80 AP. your w is your main jungle sustain, as it hits AOE camps and thus heals you more.


    [font=Cambria]Hidden From Mind[/font]
  • 1,080
    So, I learned something today: Rengar, even through multiple nerfs, and even a rework, is still op. I mean, he can have a 14 SECOND STEALTH. 14 SECONDS. Like, wth, if that's not op, then I don't know what is. Played a game of Rengar top yesterday, took 4 inhibis, like 10 turrets, and ALMOST completely backdoored for the w. GB + Emp. Q = 2.1 as, plus my 400 ad, I shreded the nexus down from max to 900 in the time it took for them to back and kill me. Almost got the w at that point, but we through hard. Highest killing streak in game: Me, with 23. I had 29 kills. That game was pretty much just one big long kill streak for me.
  • 502
    Here are the rest, which I won't explain, but, in a nutsheel, I just think that they're generally safe picks all round:

    Mid: Lux, Annie, Ahri, Orianna
    Support: Sona, Janna
    Top: Renekton, Lulu, Garen
    Jungle: Vi, Amumu
    You described these as safe picks but I don't know if I would call Amumu a safe pick he he. He get easily bullied by agressive junglers with fast clear times who can counter jungle well such as Lee Sin and Udyr. This being said most people see Amumus and immediately make it their goal to make sure he has the worst game of his life and never gets blue buff.
    And one should also not listen to metal while playing league because it affects your game mentality... Welp lol

    Yeah I usually either play with classical music other nothing at all. Anything else distracts me too much, although without music it's easy for your mind to wander.

    Just wanted to throw this in: I recently started leveling a new account since my old one got hacked and (do)rito can't recover it (grr). Because I'm not new to the game in the slightest, I now understand the importance of runes that I didn't when I started playing. I mean, they literally just make your champion stronger for reason. You just have an immediate over people without runes from the start. Because of this I decided I'm not going to buy any champions until I have full runes, because I can easily just play champions on the free rotation. Another mistake I made while leveling initially was buying tier 1 and 2 runes. They'll probably only help you win about 20-30 games until you can buy the next tier. So my advice is just wait till level 20 and buy tier 3 runes because they will last you your entire LoL career.

    I say save your IP for runes (if you want to buy a few champions just to focus on them and get good at them, choose a 450 IP champion. A champion that is 6300ip isn't necessarily any better than one that is 450. It just means they are newer.), and wait till level 20 when you can buy tier 3 runes. Just a word of advice for new players who intend on staying for the long run.
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    lover of milotics
  • 11,151
    You described these as safe picks but I don't know if I would call Amumu a safe pick he he. He get easily bullied by agressive junglers with fast clear times who can counter jungle well such as Lee Sin and Udyr. This being said most people see Amumus and immediately make it their goal to make sure he has the worst game of his life and never gets blue buff.

    Well, that's why I never pick Amumu into them, haha. I usually pick Amumu when the team is lacking magic damage, or if we're going into an AoE team comp. Plus he has good clear times himself. Another thing, I don't understand jungling as much as probably the next person, but, it's not a good idea to use the same clear route everytime, no?

    Mmm, well, lemme rephrase what I said: when I say 'safe picks' I mean the champions that I'm most familiar with, and understand the matchups.

    That's how I went to Gold, basically.
  • 502
    Thinking back to when I used to play a lot more and I was on my Silver 1 account I probably could have easily gone gold if I didn't mess around so much with what champions I played. It wasn't that I was doing troll picks, I just didn't like playing the same champion over and over. Except Lucian. I had like 75 wins as hi. In ranked .
  • 447
    The thing I find hard with runes is what to do, like, I think like this:

    Do you make pages to cover your weaknesses early? Or do you go for late game power?
    I have 2 rune pages for ryze, one for pure late game power if I feel confident enough that I can survive in lane (all scaling mana), and the other for a very mobile enemy team, or if I want to be safe (move speed, hybrid penetration, armour and magic resist)

    I go onto one of my smirks and see that I have no runes against someone who has a full rune page, it is a terror, but if you do win you feel great :D

    Bidoof FTW

    [cd=font-family:carter one; font-size:13pt; color:
  • 3,547
    Do you make pages to cover your weaknesses early? Or do you go for late game power? I have 2 rune pages for ryze, one for pure late game power if I feel confident enough that I can survive in lane (all scaling mana), and the other for a very mobile enemy team, or if I want to be safe (move speed, hybrid penetration, armour and magic resist)

    I go onto one of my smirks and see that I have no runes against someone who has a full rune page, it is a terror, but if you do win you feel great :D

    Have you ever had a smurf? When you just start it, you go into a lane and do the things you'd normally do as a level 30... But wait, you find yourself needing to back earlier than normally? Did you play incorrectly? Did you use abilities too much? Maybe, but the main problem is your lack of early game damage and sustain because of runes and masteries. Runes specifically are meant for your early game sustain and damage (as a jungler, at least).

    For example, the basic jungle runes are Flat AD reds, AD quints, Flat Armor Yellows, and Blues are usually some form of MR or CDR. The reason for this is because your clear time is usually based on auto attacks, so if you have extra AD then your early clear times will be improved. Also, camps deal physical damage so if you have extra armor to start off you'll be taking less damage.

    But there are also champions that don't scale well into late game, so you'll need scaling runes like if you don't do well in late game as Ryze then scaling runes like mana, ap, or magic resist can help you.

    So to answer your question, I use early game sustain and damage runes, mainly flat dmg or armor
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    Aspiring something
  • 5,724
    Holy crap, I just went 13/0/36 with Galio. It turns out, he can carry a team. Well, I had someone else deal the damage, but when I was paired with someone, we were practically unstoppable. It feels so good to have the enemy team complain about you on the end chat, haha.

    As far as rune pages go, I must admit I don't really have a competitive one. The closest thing I have is beginning mana regen since Galio is mana hungry beginning game. Heck, I don't even really know how to browse the shop with the runes. It's all a little confusing at first.