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Naruto : A New World [M] [OOC+SU]

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Name: kyoya uchiha
Nickname: the blaze storm
Gender: male
Age (must be more than 15): 16 Appearance: tall, black hair uchiha clothes and symbols
Chakra Nature (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Electricity): fire
2nd Nature: electricity
Your side (Akatsuki or Ninja Alliance): ninja alliance
Skills (Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Stamina): genjutsu and ninjutsu
History (what were you doing before?: in ninja academy
What motivated you to be a ninja or a mercenary): my father
Personality: caring, show off sometimes arrogant
Custom Jutsus:
Fire style Fire ball: uchiha's posess fire chakra

tskukuyomi: passed down with the sharingan

: lighting style shock wave: various training and copy

fire style wheel of flames: a secret fire technique only few now

-copy jutsu can copy in jutsu and imitate it
@Ash - There's very little detail anywhere in your SU and I'm unsure about being part of an existing clan (you'll need to ask JNathan about that). Either way you should look at the other accepted SU's so you get a better idea of what we are looking for.
Something weird happened, seems like the IC thread was declined today even though obviously there is an OOC thread.
It was an error by Skymin. The real reason is because of a lack of useful links for people who don't know the RP. I'm gonna re-submit it tonight though.
Edit : IC is up! First post should show you being summoned to a reunion(Kurotenshi) and how you leave your current location to travel to the Land of Tea where the hideout is. However you can skip the traveling part if you want.
For the Alliance ninjas, you guys will be reunited in a basement near The Hidden Sand village. You can also skip the traveling part if you want.
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Name: Ayame Ibaraki

Nickname: The Legendary Illusion


Age (must be more than 15): 21

Appearance (long description or picture + short description): Long black hair. Eyebrows are similar to those of Sasuke Uchiha. Hair length is up to mid-back. Basically similar features to Sasuke. Wears black and white robes. Some parts of the robe are shaded in with gray. She can be seen with an angry look most of the times, but she loses it when she gets emotional. She used to wear the regular Chuunin outfit for Konoha before leaving, and after joining the other side she can be seen sometimes wearing the black robes of Akatsuki. But normally she wears her own robes.

Chakra Nature
(Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Electricity): Fire
2nd Nature: Wind

Your side (Akatsuki or Ninja Alliance): Akatsuki

Skills (Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Stamina): Ninjustu: 4 Taijutsu: 5 Genjutsu: 5 Intelligence: 5 Strength: 4.5 Speed: 4.5 Stamina: 3.5

History (what were you doing before? What motivated you to be a ninja or a mercenary)
: Her ancestor, Madara talked to her by telepathy somehow and told her that she was the one to continue his dream. She is possible of reincarnating ninja using Reanimation and will do anything to achieve Madara and Obito's goal. However, many old firends of hers have tried to stop her. Once friend of hers, nearly persuaded her, but failed. She is a ninja who will not want to kill unless they annoy her too much. She was a Chuunin in Konoha, who many said that held the Will Of Fire. She was chosen to be in the ANBU before she left the village. Due to this, her best friend Mito Narati was put in tears and promised herself that she would become a great ninja and bring Ayame back. Her parents, Mikoto Uchiha and Shikame Ibaraki died in a battle against the last members of the Akatsuki, only when she was 8. She was heartbroken by this and swore to become a great ninja and be the best there could be. While later on the other side years after she had promised her parents that she would fight for them too and so they could be bought back using Reanimation but there was no DNA left that she could use. Since she joined Akatsuki, her Sharingan is starting to wear out.

: Quiet. She is a dark horse, so when she gets angered she will leave everything destroyed. Before she left the village, she was annoying and has a similar personality to Sakura. When angered, she would go mad and beat the person who did it. She was known to over talk when she started talking. However, after the telepathy with Madara she decided to leave the village. This completely changed her personality. She never talked much after it. She changed her personality to a person where they would stay in the shadows and be a secret. She often calls people weak and too useless so that they get angered.

Custom Jutsus
(5 maximum, describe them accurately please):

Fire Release: Infinite Illusionary Flame Tsukuyomi: Traps the target in a middle of a giant fire, with a massive crater falling down from the sky which burns them and crushes them.
It is illusionary but affects the victim IRL.

Fire Release: Amaterashiruken
: After copying a Wind Release user, Ayame copies this technique and infuses it with Amaterasu which allows here to create Amaterasu in the shape of a Shiruken.

Summoning: Susanoo's Amaterasu Blade: Ayame summons her Susanoo's Amaterasu Blade, similar the the Totsuka Blade, but out of Amaterasu. If this touches the target, they will be burned and will experience immense pain.

Inferno Release: Fiery Annihilating Dance:
Ayame spins in a circle which creates a dark red flame, which quickly expands over a short period of time. If the user has a lot of stamina, they can keep going and if the victim gets caught in, they will be trapped. This is a Bloodline Limit.

Summoning: Hellfire/Fire God: Summons the fire god which is one of the 3 legendary ninja gods. If summoned, life force and chakra will nearly fully be absorbed and hair will turn white.

Hope I get accepted xD
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Finally a new Akatsuki member lol. Speaking of which I should have my post up soon.
Actually the 2nd nature can't be Sharingan. It must be one of the elements since Sharingan is a bloodline limit. But if you could make a bloodline trait similar and weaker than the Sharingan, it would be better since I'm not too keen into getting a Sharingan user because you know, it would make you a little too strong for the RP. Afterwards add a little more history(say she could be a descendant of an Uchiha with a non-Uchiha and explain where are her parents now for example), and you should be ok.
You are accepted~
But remember, you can't use the Sharingan, you can only use techniques of it. Thanks for joining! You may post!
Name: Asina Paoi

Nickname: The Burier

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Chakra Natures: Earth & Water

Allegiance: Akatsuki

Appearance: Two side ponytails contain all of Asina's curly blonde hair, it cascades down her shoulders and shortly after. So blonde, it's bright almost like the sun, it is said it matches her sunny personality. One finger can always be seen twirling it around it while she talks to someone, or while she does anything really. Two beaming eyes stare back at anyone who is fortunate to see them when they're not a glare. She has a deep golden eye color, though most people would expect hers to be blue and are in for a treat when they see they're not. Asina is lacky, being tall and petite in stature and has a white complexion.

Even though the Akatsuki robes are much too drab for her tastes Asina still pulls it off. Underneath she is usually wearing something comfortable, like a plain colored t-shirt with a brown flak jacket over it and some shorts depending on where she'll be going for the day. She hates to get to fancy because if no one gets to see what she's wearing underneath most of the time, what's the point? Around her neck she loosely wears her purple forehead protector with the line through the Iwagakure symbol.

Personality: Despite the job she must do Asina keeps a very optimistic outlook on life. This means that Asina is often very cheery, and tends to look at things in a positive manner insider of the bad. She can be seen as the sole light that is in the dark organization called Akatsuki. She doesn't like negative attitudes because she feels, as they should be grateful for where they are. There's no use in being grumpy or angry, everything will work itself out and Asina believes you shouldn't focus so strongly on one emotion. Another trait others might have deemed as annoying is Asina constant need to make sure everything is all right. She always worried that her teammates are getting in over their heads when they go out on missions. She even learned some medical ninjutsu to utilize out on the field incase one of them needs aid. This trait has caused her to get into a bit of trouble because often she'll spy on others during their undercover mission just to make sure they haven't wound up dead. That, and she's always talking it doesn't matter why or what for, she just is.

Unlike everyone else Asina isn't really that eager to fight another ninja, as she knows it'll end in their death. This isn't being cocky, she hates the arrogant members of her team because one day she knows that they'll get beat and she laugh at them. No, she is just simply that good, good at predicating how a ninja will respond and coordinate her strategy during the battle with them. When situation calls for it Asina is a very effective leader, there's no hesitation from her to put the other members of her team in their place. She doesn't like to be taken advantage of or made to look like a fool, and anyone who tries to do either find out why she is nicknamed "The Burier". Her cheery nature isn't reflected in how she does battle, though she isn't often seen without a smile on her face regardless of how the battle is going. Once in battle she fights to kill, which results in some sort of gruesome death .

Asina didn't get into Akatsuki because of her likes, no, she also is highly intelligent and is very perceptive to what's going on about her. It only takes her moments to know to formulate a battle plan and another few to carry it to succession. A bit of a perfectionist Asina is, she doesn't like when things get out of control. When things do, Asina does, she throws rational thinking to the wild and seems to go… out of her mind.

History: Unlike a lot of people Asina didn't grow up in a clan, she was raised by her parents outside of the village. She isn't really sure where she was born but bares the Iwagakure forehead protector as that's where she really grew up to be a ninja. Asina was eager to join the Academy and train in ninjutsu, like her mother and the rest of her family. It was something that really made her happy and kept her content, which made both her parents happy. She only wanted to make them pride and succeeded by graduating the Academy at age of ten. Though, she was picked on for of course being a girl, but also for her cheerful nature. Then she was promoted to the rank of Chuunin when she was only 12, due to her curiosity nature and willingness to train from dawn until dusk.

Asina started off as Medic Nin in training and thought that's what she wanted to do with her life. Her chakra control was outstanding for someone of her age and was best suited for a medical ninjas. She tried her hardest to do her best in that field but once she discovered that she was more skilled in Earth/Doton Release techniques Asina changed her ways. This caused the medical world behind and she became more apart of the elemental ninjutsu world. The Iwagakure recruited Asina as a member of assassination squad where she honed her skills. It was there that she learned of her second nature, water/suiton.

Akatsuki recruited Asina when she was 20 years old, having spent the passed three years with them she has excelled in her abilities. They promised that she would live a better life if she would help them in her missions.

Skills: High/Above Average in Ninjutsu, Virtually None in Genjutsu, Average in Taijutsu, and High/Above Average in Stamina.

Custom Jutsus:

Water/Suiton Release: Geyser Jet: A very powerful jet of water that is scolding hot, which has the force to send someone flying back (if direct contact is made) and leave third-degree burns.

Earth/Doton Release: Live Burial: The user is able to easily manipulate the ground into giving way beneath their opponent, which creates their own grave and would cause the victim to be buried alive.

Water/Suiton Release: Muddy Water: Combined with the jutsu Earth Release: Flood Rocks the user sends a tidal wave of water filled with rocks toward the opponent, which can have various effect on the area such as flooding it.

Earth/Doton Release: Flood Rocks: Combined with the jutsu Water Release: Muddy Water the user fills the water with rocks that range from the size of pebbles to large boulders. It can be used on.
Known Jutsus: Shadow Clone Technique (Both in Earth and Water Release), Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld, Earth Release: Rock Pillars Rising, and Mystical Palm Technique.

Tailed Beasts.

Are all Akastuki members going on the same mission? And we are not allowed to fight each other right(does having little 'scuffles' count?)

Also, can't wait to start things up, finally we have some more Akatsuki members.
Well all members won't be assigned on the same mission. Imagine all the Akatsuki moving together.
You can spar between yourselves but earth-shattering fights are a no sadly.
Yeah, it wouldn't be wise of them to have all of Kurotenshi together that's asking for trouble.

I think a little sparing would be nice!

Aaaand posted as well. ^^;
Meh, I'll put a post too, before I go to sleep. Seeing as how Aki is one of the more newer members I'll just have him say something stupid(like he usually does).
Good good, when all the registered Kurotenshi are here, I'll post a slight overview for you guys. Meanwhile interactions are possible.
Same goes for the Ninja Alliance.
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