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PC Review Challenge (April '11): so i herd u liek reviewing

JX Valentine

Your aquatic overlord
  • 3,277
    Yes, I know the old thread was in the main forum, but do I really have to select a prefix? :(

    It's that time of year, kids! Time to review the crap out of this section! Although the challenge is largely the same, there's been a few minor changes to how things work (just to make it easier on everyone), so make sure you read through before copypastaing your app into this month's database, mmkay?

    PC Reviewing Challenge '11

    Do you love the forums? Love writing? Think you can give awesome advice? Then welcome to the Reviewing Challenge! In this month-long reviewing blitz, race against the calendar to submit twenty-eight reviews in a single month. Why? To help the forum? To improve yourself and those around you?

    More like because you can, am I right? ;D

    How to Play

    Step One
    Sign up! Sign ups are done right here in this thread. Anyone what wishes to participate only needs to make a post with the following form filled out (except for the last two fields):

    [b]Best Way To Contact:[/b]
    [b]Reviewing Style:[/b]
    [b]Custom Challenge Rules:[/b]
    [b]Request Queue:[/b]
    [b]Completed Reviews:[/b]

    Note! Last month, we included a name field on the form. This month, we're not because we've realized that's rather silly and redundant. So... yeah.

    To clarify, the contact field covers PM, VM, IM (with specifics – username, which program, etc.)... basically any information you think someone would need to get in contact with you. Reviewing style is a brief description of how you review (e.g., strengths/weaknesses, areas of focus, that sort of thing).

    Finally, custom challenge rules are basically anything else you want to add to the challenge's general rules (which we'll get to in a moment) that make it your own challenge. These could include anything from a word count/higher review count to "cannot use quote tags." Anything you'd like!

    You don't have to worry about request queue or completed reviews until after the challenge begins. The first is a handy list for all the review requests people sent to you that you haven't gotten to yet, and the second is a list of reviews you've completed to keep track of how many more you still need to do.

    As a note, the deadline for signing up is the last week of April. That's right. You can still join the challenge while it's going on; you just can't join in the last week because that would be rather silly, wouldn't it?

    Step Two
    From the first day of the month to the last day, it's your mission to submit at least the same number of reviews as there are days in the month to any active story (read: has been updated within the past month) before the month is over is over. Example: If the month is April, that's thirty reviews that month. If it's February, that's twenty-eight or twenty-nine. Either way, you just need to submit one review a day to reach the minimum requirement for the emblem. Easy, right?

    To make it easier, people have the option to send you requests to review their story. That way, writers can be guaranteed at least one review, and you can keep a steady supply of things to cover going. To keep track of your review requests, simply edit your profile and slip it under request queue.

    If you run out of things under your queue, you still have one other option, and that's to simply review as many stories as you can starting on the first page. The forums have plenty of active stories out there; all you have to do is take your pick!

    Do you have to stop at one review a day? Nope! Do as many as you'd like! In fact, doing multiple reviews a day means you'll hit the monthly review goal a little bit quicker, which means you can breathe easier later on.

    Step Three
    Completing reviews! What defines a complete request? Can you go back and review other chapters? Well, potential participant, the answer is it's up to you! Of course, you can't multipost and write reviews for individual chapters in separate posts without a break in between (see rules), but you can most certainly come back and review the same story later on. The only stipulation? The author has to post an installment between your reviews for it to count. Otherwise, it'll just be lumped all together as one big review of the story up to that point. Sorry!

    Once you're done with a review, there's one other thing to remember. Right after you hit submit and are brought back to your freshly posted review, copy the URL in the address bar and skedaddle to your profile. Hit the edit button, paste the URL under completed reviews, and save. That makes it easier for the judges of the challenge to come along and verify whether or not you've written the minimum number of reviews for that month. After you hit that shiny number, you can choose not to add any other reviews to this, but it's absolutely mandatory to do it for the ones that you want to count towards your review goal.

    Step Four
    Wait! The challenge ends on midnight of the first day of the next month, whenever that would be for your time zone. (i.e., February's challenge ends on midnight of March 1, April's challenge ends May 1, and so on.) If you complete the challenge any time before this point, judges (mods and helpers if they need any) will go through the profiles and mark down every member what wrote at least the minimum required reviews. After that, they'll hand out a shiny emblem to everyone what succeeded as a job well done.

    That's right! Everyone what beats the challenge will receive this dashing emblem:

    [PokeCommunity.com] PC Review Challenge (April '11):  so i herd u liek reviewing

    On top of that, the people what finish twenty-eight reviews will also have bragging rights and the satisfaction of making the forum an awesome place to be.

    But yeah, you're probably going to just be in it for the emblem, am I right?

    The Rules
    Of course, there's a few general rules to keep in mind:

    1. Yes, you must submit the same number of reviews as there are days in the month. Because this month is April, that means you'll need thirty reviews for this to count. This is absolutely mandatory to be considered for the emblem.
    UPDATE: Potentially edited down to twenty-nine reviews due to april fool stuff.

    2. The rules of both PC and the FF&W are completely in effect here. If you're not familiar with them, read them before signing up! The rules of the FF&W are included in a sticky at the top of the main forum; the general rules of PC are located at the top of the site itself.

    3. Although it's included as a rule in the FF&W's batch, it's got to be reiterated here, too. Reviews must be constructive to count. What does this mean? A constructive review – praise or criticism – is simply a review that points out specific parts of the story and talks about what the reviewer's thoughts on it.

    For a clearer example, this is a one-liner:

    This is a great story! Can't wait for more!

    Notice how it says nothing about the story? Yeah, we're not accepting those at all. Same thing with this:

    It was awkward at times, so maybe you should proofread. Still, keep up the good work!

    Notice how this doesn't say anything about what exactly made it awkward or what parts were awkward at all, so it doesn't end up being particularly helpful because the author has no idea what you're talking about? We're not accepting those, either.

    There's a variety of ways to submit constructive reviews, though, so long as you point out specifics and go into detail. Answer the questions of what and why with everything you write. The what is the part of the story; the why is your reasoning for pointing it out/why you think it works or needs to be fixed.

    For more help, check out these guides to reviewing. They should give you a much more detailed overview of what is and isn't good reviewing, so they should point you in the right direction.


    4. There are very few instances in which reviews just won't count besides the ones that aren't constructive. These instances include:
    - A. A review submitted to a story you know will be closed due to a violation of PC or FF&W rules. If you see a story that violates one of these rules, report instead of reviewing. This is to encourage people to avoid being terrible people to the community.
    - A review that violates PC or FF&W rules itself. Thread necromancy (posting in a thread whose last post was made over a month ago) will not be tolerated. Same thing with flaming or posting anything considered not constructive.
    - A review to a member on the Black List. The Black List is a pretty harsh punishment that will be explained in further detail below. Let's just say someone made it clear that they don't want to be productive members of FF&W's society, so we're just going to pretend they don't exist until they decide to play nice.

    If a member is added to the Black List for any reason after you've submitted a review to them, you may still count your review if you choose to do so unless the fic violated board/forum rules. For example, if you submitted a nice-lengthed review to an author what told you that their writing is perfect and HDU even criticize them, you can still count that review if they're not already on the Black List.

    Other than those simple rules, you can modify your own, unique challenge to your heart's content, as explained in the first section. Have fun!

    A Last Note: For the Requesters
    To those of you thinking of recruiting a participant to review you, a few special rules for you:

    1. Pay attention to what form of contact the participant specifies in their profile. Use only that method to ask politely to review your fic. Include a link to your fic and a quick summary to give us an idea of what we're going to be getting into.

    2. Do not send us fics that haven't been updated in at least a month. This would mean we'd be breaking the rules to review you, and if we end up doing that, then that particular review won't count towards our review goal. Sorry!

    3. After a participant reviews your work, remember to contact them again if you'd like them to review future chapters. Participants will take you off their request queue once they're finished looking at your story, so it's a good idea to get in touch with them in order to be put back on.

    4. Remember that you requested them to review. Try to be as courteous to them as they are to you for this reason. Writers what decide to take hostile routes against the participants (flaming, starting drama, et cetera) will be Blacklisted from requesting during this challenge and every other future challenge. So, it's just a good idea to play nice, you know?

    Black LIST
    The Black List is, as I've mentioned earlier, a group you don't want to hang out with. These are people what violated the rules in one way or another, be it by causing drama (challenge rules), spamming (board rules), plagiarizing (FF&W rules), or anything else that shows they really don't want to be productive members of this society. There's ways of getting off this list. However, it's not as easy as it sounds, and not everyone has this ability. (If your name has the words "permanent entry" next to them, you might as well stop right here because whatever I'm about to say doesn't apply to you. Sorry!) To get off the Black List, all you have to do is show us you're not going to do whatever it is you did to get your name blacklisted in the first place. For example, if you got on here by causing drama, don't cause drama.

    In short, if you're a cool member what wants to hang out with us and not cause trouble, awesome. You won't get on this list. If you're the kind of member what wants to cause trouble for one reason or another, yeah… no.

    1. MeerFall (Offense: Causing drama in response to a review written for the challenge. Details: Added February 10, 2011.)
    2. GirlieNinjaRose (Offense: Plagiarism. Details: Added February 24, 2011. Permanent entry.)

    Wait! I have a question!
    Any questions or comments can be asked in this thread. Discussion can take place here, too!

    Participant List
    (Ordered alphabetically. All links go directly to participants' profiles.)
    Bay Alexison
    Dialga's Song of Time
    JX Valentine
    Mizan de la Plume Kuro
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    Having another reviewing challenge after only a month seems like SPARTA! to me, but I digress because we've already proven that most of us here are either masochists or sadists anyway.

    Best Way To Contact: VM or PM. (Disclaimer: I'm not actually under any obligation to do a requested review, and April's going to be one hell of a month for me anyways, so yeah... You can try if you want, but I wouldn't bet on it.)

    Reviewing Style: Me? I'm a reviewer who uses quotes when necessary to illustrate a point or keep your attention from being distracted by the big wall o' text that seems so daunting. Because I know, from experience, that most writers take one look at a wall o' text review, try to skim through it, and end up missing out the important bits the reviewer spent the better part of an hour writing. My specialties include: critically analyzing your characters (on request), poking flaws in your logic, finding glaring/subtle clichés in your plot, making humorous asides which I think are funny but other people find distracting, and, of course, picking apart your fic bit by bit and smacking you in the face with all sorts of grammatical terms that you may or may not be familiar with. Okay, that last part's an exaggeration, but you get the gist of it. I do grammar, characterization, and plot, the three basic elements of a story that I can think of.

    Custom Challenge Rules: Derp? Nothing really...

    Request Queue:

    Completed Reviews [0]:

    1. Name of Fic [Author] (Review Type)
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    We're full of awesome, Mizan. Don't you ever doubt that. *sage nod*

    Best Way To Contact: ANY WAY YOU WANT IT, THAT'S THE WAY YOU NEED IT. :V *shot*
    Reviewing Style: I have two different reviewing styles. The first and most straightforward is writing a grammar/syntax review based heavily in quotes. Meanwhile, the second and more common nowadays is a paragraphed review like this, wherein I don't quote but still point out specifics about language, plot, and characterization. The latter three are really my strong suit, so I'll probably be focusing more on those than grammatical issues for the challenge. Also? Don't be intimidated by the concrit or the review length. I'm a completely honest reviewer, so I'll say exactly how I feel about your story while at the same time being completely objective. In other words, I'm not the kind of reviewer who will flame you into the ground.
    Custom Challenge Rules: This time around, my aim is to be as concise as possible. Pointing out everything is not necessary, and going over five pages is most definitely not. In other words, reviews will be a maximum of five pages in Word. (Single-spaced, twelve-point, TNR font.)
    Request Queue:
    - Our Not-So-Glitchy Story by mew_nani
    - The Middle Ground by FlaafyFTW
    - Never in the Wrong Time or Wrong Place by Grovyle42(Griff8416)
    - Best of Luck by miley810

    (Yes, I realize I started in on the review challenge without sitting down for these ones. Sorry about that. Will get to them soon!)

    Completed Reviews:
    - Prufessa Motha****a Oek meets Professor Oak and buys some Milk by The_Noob
    - Freewriting and Fragments by SeleneHime
    - Mudkip Wonders by Mudkiip (chapter 1)
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    Doing this again, wee~

    Best Way To Contact: VM or PM

    Reviewing Style: I mostly review about the plot that happened in the chapter/one shot, characterization, and sometimes description. I rarely talk about grammar because that's my weak point in ducking and I don't think I'm the best judge of it. In terms of constructive criticism, I explain the parts that I love and parts that I think needs improving, so a little of both the good and bad.

    Custom Challenge Rules: None. I'll just try to get through at least one review per day.

    Request Queue:
    1. Breaking Through (FrozenFlame): Expected review to be posted either on April 1st or 2nd Completed April 2nd
    2. Never in the Wrong Time or Wrong Place (Grovyle42(Griff8416)): Expected review to be posted April 8th
    3. Sinnoh Stories - The Legend of Volkner. (IanDonyer): Expect review on April 15
    4. Breaking the Fourth (Mizan de la Plume Kuro): Expect review April 3rd or 4th. Completed April 3rd

    Completed Reviews:
    1. Breaking Through (FrozenFlame): One Shot
    2. The Retelling of Pokemon Colosseum (bobandbill): April Fools Chapter Special
    3. Best Laid Plans (Ian Donyer): Chapter 5
    4. Freewriting and Fragments (SeleneHime): One Shot- Dragonheart Prelude
    5. Breaking the Fourth (Mizan de la Plume Kuro): Chapters 1-3
    6. All in a hard night's Work- Spongebob Squarepants fic (The Noob): One Shot
    7. The Key (IanDonyer): One Shot
    8. Shipping Satire: Proud to Be Your Slave (Bus Driver is a Fruitcake): Prologue and Chapter 1
    9. Freewriting and Fragments (SeleneHime): One Shot- Pokemon: Chronicles of Erana
    10. Close Quarters (Simon Alexander): One Shot
    11. Prufessa Motha****a Oek meets Professor Oak and buys some Milk (The Noob): One Shot
    12. Best Laid Plans (IanDonyer): Chapters 7 and 8
    13. Shipping Satire: Proud to Be Your Slave (Bus Driver is a Fruitcake): Chapter 2
    14. Golden Scoop for Dawn's Heart (Simon Alexander): One Shot
    15. Freewriting and Fragments (SeleneHime): Unnamed fragment
    16. Best Laid Plans (Ian Doyner): Chapter Nine
    17. Unova: Broken Ways (Kjt): Chapter One
    18. Ending Sunrise (Legendarian Mistress): Chapter One
    19. Champion Game (Misheard Whisper): Prologue
    20. Man-Eater Bugs (Caliban): Poem
    21. Unova: Broken Ways (Kjt): Chapter Two
    22. 8.23.09 (Haruka of Hoenn): One Shot
    23. Champion Game (Misheard Whisper): Chapter One
    24. To Dust (Lily): Chapter One
    25. To Dust (Lily): Chapter Two
    26. Champion Game (Misheard Whisper): Chapter Two
    27. Untitled (Rekky): One Shot
    28. Anima Ex Machina (JX Valentine): Chapter 17
    29. Champion Game (Misheard Whisper): Chapter 3
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    Yes, I know the old thread was in the main forum, but do I really have to select a prefix? :(
    Don't worry, ma'am. I'm still your slave.

    Best Way To Contact: iduncurr

    Reviewing Style: It's random, depending on how I feel. I try to be general, though my specialty is characterization

    Custom Challenge Rules: Try to do more than half the total amount of reviews needed for this challenge between the dates of the third and the ninth. DONE

    Request Queue:
    Never in the Wrong Time or Wrong Place - Grovyle42(Griff8416)

    Completed Reviews:
    1 The Advent of Darkrai - felhight (Chapter One)
    2 Freewriting and Fragments - SeleneHime (Dragonheart Prelude)
    3 The Sonium Region - Impo (Chapter One)
    4 The Tale of an Amnesiac - shadowmoon (Chapters One and Two)
    5 Best Laid Plans - IanDonyer (Chapter Six)
    6 Breaking Through - FrozenFlame
    7 The Key - IanDonyer
    8 The Sonium Region - Impo (Chapter Two)
    9 Alabaster Daze: Unova Chronicle - IanDonyer (Chapter Five mostly)
    10 Shipping Satire: Proud to be your Slave - Bus Driver is a Fruitcake (Chapters One - Three)
    11 Best Laid Plans - IanDonyer (Chapter Seven)
    12 Brifo - Hybrid Trainer (Chapter One)
    13 Close Quarters - Simon Alexander
    14 The Pokemon Whisperer - Fearless Love (Chapter One)
    15 Best Laid Plans - IanDonyer (Chapter Eight)
    16 ~WINGS~ - Lady Minchi (Prologue)
    17 Mudkip Wonders - Mudkiip (Chapter One)
    18 Best Laid Plans - IanDonyer (Chapter Nine)
    19 Champion Game - Misheard Whisper (Prologue)
    20 Champion Game - Misheard Whisper (Chapter One)
    21 The Sonium Region - Impo (Chapter Three)
    22 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Angel Feather - Yuki's Sword (Chapter One)
    23 Champion Game - Misheard Whisper (Chapter Two)
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    Awright, round 2!

    Name: icomeanon6, or Anon for short.
    Best Way To Contact: PM, please.
    Reviewing Style: I'm pretty good with spotting mechanical and grammatical mistakes. Overall I try to focus on how well the writing flows, and how well realized the characters, setting, and events are.
    Custom Challenge Rules: I may regret this soon, but post a chapter/one-shot of my own during the month. >:D

    Request Queue:

    Currently empty.

    Completed Reviews:

    None yet.
    *Casually slips in late*

    Best Way To Contact: Doesn't matter, I look at everything! :3
    Reviewing Style: I try to be as detailed as possible, but with a month of reviewing to do I might slack a little. ^-^; Grammar isn't my strong point though, so I won't touch on that (much).
    Custom Challenge Rules:

    dear self,

    if you don't finish all of the reviews this time, you won't get tea for a week. yes, you saw that right. a week. and I'm taking away your new Ladytron album.

    with love,
    Request Queue:
    Completed Reviews:
    1. Misheard Whisper's Excuses for Poetry
    2. Feathers and Poetry by Mizan de la Plume Kuro
    3. The Tale of an Amnesiac by Shadowmoon
    4. The Key by IanDonyer
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    Well, guys, in most timezones, it's April 1st. And what do we get for applesauces but a word-swap prank. PC, you make me want to punch a kitten sometimes.

    But in any case, officially the challenge starts today, but if you want to hold off until tomorrow because of how hilarious this is for the ducking forums, I'm perfectly A-OK with that. (Alternatively, you can show off your hardcore masochism skills by taking on the challenge anyway, and you get... I don't know. Probably masochism reviewer cred.) We can even lower the minimum review count to twenty-nine if people are really having a difficult time figuring out what the crap all of the substituted words are supposed to be.

    Thoughts on the matter?

    Edit: But either way, "ducking" is now going into Jax's lexicon as an explicative. Any time you see me use that word today, I'm not actually referring to what we do on these forums. I'm referring to the fact that PC makes me want to punch kittens sometimes.

    Ducking forums.
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    Wait. You mean we don't actually do that here on PC?

    I'm for letting the challenge start date be the 2nd instead of today. There's no way that we can properly review anything if words have been changed around and we don't know what anyone is talking about.

    It'll be like dogs and cats living together!

    Plus it might be obnoxious for some people to read fanfics when the skin's changed to puke green. The skin might be harsh to some people's eyes after a while. So there's ancrazy concern about this prank. (B l a c k* font on puke green? Ouch.)

    And yes, if we do change the date, then the review count should probably go down by one. It just makes sense for that to happen.

    *This continues to disappoint me.
    I tried skimming through a couple of stories and decided I'm simply going to wait until I can legitimately read it. Two reviews in one day wouldn't be that hard for me personally, but I'm not sure about anyone else. I just don't really think it would be fair to writers that I'm guessing what words are supposed to be there and what aren't. I know most of the inserted words are obvious, but I like to be safe. XD

    But either way, "ducking" is now going into Jax's lexicon as an explicative.

    Actually I thought it was an explicative until I got a better look at the first letter. You can imagine my wtf face when I saw the title of our section. we know where my mind is now.

    Although I do approve of the word taco for this event.
    Also! The B L A C K List will henceforth be known as the Stunfisk List. This is according to the rules... that I've just made up.

    Wait. You mean we don't actually do that here on PC?

    We do?! Why was I not given my fair share of kittens when I joined? Is it because you don't trust me with sharp objects? :(

    I'm for letting the challenge start date be the 2nd instead of today. There's no way that we can properly review anything if words have been changed around and we don't know what anyone is talking about.

    It'll be like dogs and cats living together!


    Seriously, my thoughts eeeeexactly. Although it'd be hilarious to watch someone try anyway. I say the challenge should start tomorrow for everyone but bobandbill.

    Plus it might be obnoxious for some people to read fanfics when the skin's changed to puke green. The skin might be harsh to some people's eyes after a while. So there's ancrazy concern about this prank. (B l a c k* font on puke green? Ouch.)

    And this is what's keeping me from doing review blitzes on Serebii. Or it's one of my many excuses to cover up the fact that I'm lazy. Seriously, how do they do it?
    It is just one review that everyone will be behind. That can easily be made up again by everyone, I'm sure. I hope. I believe.

    If you do, you all get tacos!
    [PokeCommunity.com] PC Review Challenge (April '11):  so i herd u liek reviewing

    Though that's if this mass hysteria ends by tomorrow.

    And Azurne, your mind should automatically go towards dirty thoughts whenever you click on this section.

    Is it because you don't trust me with sharp objects? :(
    Only answer to this question: Don't you remember that night in the bedroom?

    Seriously, how do THE GREATEST PEOPLE EVER do it?
    Well, there's your answer right there. THE GREATEST PEOPLE EVER.
    I ought to be sleeping but OH WELL. Agree that anyone who does a review today deserves tacos. ;p Mind you... another point for the reviews being reduced by one is that PC just had a DB error for around 6 hours. =|

    Seriously, my thoughts eeeeexactly. Although it'd be hilarious to watch someone try anyway. I say the challenge should start tomorrow for everyone but bobandbill.
    And why is that, Jax? ;p
    And this is what's keeping me from doing review blitzes on Serebii. Or it's one of my many excuses to cover up the fact that I'm lazy. Seriously, how do THE GREATEST PEOPLE EVER do it?
    That's what alternate forum skins are for. ;p Although PC's overall are far better than what sppf have to offer currently in normal circumstances.
    This forum skin is really putting me off from reviewing and or posting anything. >:

    I admit, what I just wrote there will be gramatically wrong when I sign in tomorrow, but what cares? I just did this to see if I could break the density record for changed words. :3

    I'll start tomorrow. PC loves procrastinators, apparently.
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    Request Queue: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=231445

    expect reviews by the end of the day or tommorrow morning

    Erm, I hope you realize what the review challenge is for. O_o

    First off, filling out the form means you're going to submit reviews. As in, you're not asking us to review your work. You're saying that you're going to go around and review other people's work. If you want one of us to review your story, the idea is that you should be reading over our profiles and sending PMs, VMs, or whatever else you can to us in order to ask us to add you to our request queue. (The request queue is a list of stories a person will be reviewing.)

    Moreover, if you're going to review other people's stories, that means you'll need to take on a grand total of twenty-nine this month. That means you need to say something on twenty-nine different stories. More than that, in order to have each review count, you need to write at least a paragraph that points out a specific detail or few in that fic. You can't just say one or two sentences and have them count as your review for this challenge. That's kinda defeating the purpose of the challenge in the first place (because it's supposed to promote good reviewing in this section). This will most likely take you more than a day to do because it means you have to read bunches of stories closely and say something with substance for each one.

    So, I'm going to put you up as a participant in the challenge, but I just want to let you know what you should expect to do in order to finish it, just to make sure you weren't getting confused or anything of the sort.
    I'm also hoping that you're not expecting reviews from others by the end of the day or tomorrow morning, if you're asking for people to review you.

    Just in case your post is a case of misreading the purpose of signing up for this challenge.