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Pokemon Dimension

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One day, Tommy was in his bedroom playing his pok?mon Crystal game. He had just defeated Red in Mt. Silver when his boss, Professor James O'reily, called him up and told him to come to his lab to behold his latest discovery. Tommy sighed and got dressed in the same clothes he wore to school this afternoon, cursing the day he had ever volunteered to work as a lab assistant to someone as insane as Dr. O'reily.
OMG! You watch Passions too!? I thought I was the only one!!! lol
Ali woke up to the ringing of his phone, he was surprised to hear his younger sister, Julia, answer it.
… Oh… Hi…
… Really?…
… Oh… K…
…Yeah right!…
…Oh my! Why am I soooo surprised, hehe…
…fine I guess…
…See ya soon then!…

Ali quickly ran down the stairs… Or at least tried to – until he began feel drowsy again and toppled over half-way down. "Haha, hey stupid!" Julez said, laughing. "Hey -_-…" Ali replied, "who just called?" he asked, getting up, and sitting on the sofa. "This is hilarious, y'know what's-his-face?"
"Er… That would depend… What's his name?"
"-_- I don' know! That guy that talks to mom all the time!" Ali looked quite surprised, "Daniel tried proposing to mom again? O_O" At this point, Julia was laughing so hard, she was rolling around on the floor, clenching her stomach. "HAHAHA!!! NO BIMBO! HAHAHAHA!!!"
"Well I don't see what else could be so funny."
"Erm… J-J…"
"JIM! That's his name, Jim… He's got a nephew about your age…" Ali finally began to understand everything. "Oh, the looney, what about him?"
"Well he wants us to test his experiment, he said he was talking to mom about it last night – apparently she doesn't mind"
"I'm not so sure about this…" Ali said, suspiciously. "I mean, we all know he's a freak, you never know what he'd do…"
"C'MON! I'm so bored! Just grab your pokemon games and let's go!"
"What about Fox?"
"Fox will find out eventually, now come on!" so Ali got changed, Julez grabbed the tiny box of Pokemon games, and the two of them walked out the door to the Prof.'s lab.
Yuki Anya glanced at the clock for the eighth time in five minutes. If that thing was going any slower it'd be moving backwards! she thought in annoyance. On her desk the logarithms in her math textbook swam together the harder she stared at them. She wrote some numbers down non-committally. As the bell finally went, she almost threw her books into her messenger bag before running out the door, to odd looks from her classmates.
"Friday! Yesss..." she said to herself as she followed the current of students in the hallways. "No homework, too! Well...nothing that needs doing immediately..." she muttered as she stopped at and opened her locker, unloading a cargo of books. She shut her locker, re-locking it with the ease of someone who did it several times a day, and rejoined the hordes of students. She ran down two flights of stairs, emerging in the basement where the chatter of teenagers was interspersed with music. She walked into the band room, where four teens playing a flute, a french horn, a cello and a double-bass where playing a mournful tune, probably a dirge or requiem.
The conductor cut them off with a wave of his baton. "Okay, get outta here, you guys. Scale test next thursday, don't forget!"
Yuki waited as the quartet packed up, flashed a smile at the double-bass player as he walked by. She played percussion in the regular band, and she'd fancied the tall, dark musician for a while, though not especially seriously. She wandered over to a girl all in black, currently wheeling her cello case into the storage room.
"Hoi hoi," said Yuki.
"Yo," grunted the other girl. "Train?"
Aika picked up her black backpack and followed Yuki out the back door.

They walked in silence for a while, autumn's leaves blowing around their feet, crossing the river on a stone bridge. They reached the train station, jogging up and down a few flights of stairs before reaching the platform.
"Cold?" inquired Aika.
"Never," said Yuki, coatless despite the chill weather.
The ring of Yuki's cellphone was just another noise in the cocaphony generated by the students all waiting for the train. She pulled the pale blue phone out of a pocket and pressed it to one ear while plugging the other.
"'Allo?...Oh hey! What's up?...No, you're joking!...Awesome!...Where now?...Gotcha, easy...Could I bring a friend if she wants to come?...Great! I'll get my stuff...okay, see ya!" she ended the call, turned back to Aika.
"Guess what?"
"Okay, you know my mom's crazy friend from high school? Yeah, the video game fanatic...apparently, he's found a way to make video games come alive or something."
"Yeah, the sad thing is that he's serious about it...anyway, we're supposed to bring our pok?mon games. Er, if you want to come, that is."
Aika shrugged. "Sure."
The train pulled up then, creating a whirlwind in its passing, stirring the leaves that had fallen on the platform. Yuki felt the blast of air as it stirred her ice-hued locks. She remembered how she used to put pennies and things on the track that cut through a park near her house, and would marvel at how flat the passing freight trains would squish them.
They pushed through the doors and found a seat, settling in for a long ride as the train wound its way through the city.
Adam heard the news all over the town. Pokemon may actually be brought into existance. He ran over with his pokemon game cartridges to the lab of Prof. Jim (I like the sound of that). Not a lot of people his age had been interested, but he was. He had always dremt of catching pokemon in reality. His dream can finally come true.

That's all I can think of.
Okay Sapphire i hope you dont mind if i take control of Ally for this post! ^_^; i want to get to the lab!

Ally answered the door fully dresed in a Dark Magician Girl costume "Oh, Hey Scott!" Ally said as she opened the door "C'mon in!" She finished as Scott walked in "Hey, Ally...um, nice costume! ^_^;" Scott said as he sat on the couch "Remember my Uncle Jim?" Scott asked as Ally grabbed two cokes "Ya, the Proffesor that keeps trying to bring video games to life?" Ally said as she handed Scott one of the cokes "Yep, hes the one, but he claims hes really done it this time!" Scott said as Ally started laughing "You cant be serious!" She laughed "Well, he wants me to go there A.S.A.P so maybe you and i should head out that way!" Scott said "Well...Okay! lets go now!" Ally exclaimed "Um, Ally...Do you want to change your costume?" Scott asked scanning the costume, it didnt look to warm "Nah, It probly wont take that long!" Ally said as she started walking out the door with Scott.

Okay, i dont want us to get to the lab till everyone has posted at least once! okay!
Ali and Julez continues to walk across the street, "hey Ali, where do we go from here?" Julia asked, looking out from the corner of a street. "Erm… Maybe we should turn that way…"
"Hey look! It looks like the loon made one of the yu-gi-oh games come to life!" She said, pointing to what looked like a dark magician girl. "Whoa…" Ali said, in astonishment. Julez quickly ran up to her. She poked the girl's nose, expecting a response. "Uh… Julez… I don't think she's actually the dark magician girl… -_-" He ran up beside Julia, "Oh, uh… Sorry about that!" Ali said, grabbing Julez by the arm, he continues to walk mindlessly up the street, not knowing if it was the correct direction or not.
Sapphire Latios said:
Okay Sapphire i hope you dont mind if i take control of Ally for this post! ^_^; i want to get to the lab!

How dare you! haha just kidding, now, I might have to tkae control of Scott fwwwaaahaahaaa! *evil...!*

As Ally and Scott ran down the street Ally stopped. "Do you really think that your uncle really made this huge break-through? I mean, videogames really only have one purpose, to have fun." (control..!) "I dunno, he seemed pretty excited when he told me." "Oh, Okay Scott." Ally said to him as they continued down the street.

I took control of Scott for a sentence! fwwaaaaahaaahaa!
Kris was lying on her window becnh in her room as she was drawing a picture of her dog, wolf. 'Its not that good, but is better thann i did last time.' she thought. Then she heard her mom calling her. "Krissie! Krissie! Come down here now! your lunch is ready!" Kris yelled back, "My name is not Krissie! Its Kris! K-R-I-S! KRIS! " She put her notebook down and marched downstairs, when she got tehre her mom did not look to pleased. "Why did you yell at me? Krissie? Just because you dont like your first naem doesnt mean anything, Kris is only a nickname, dear, why dont you just take a nice walk around outside, you hardly ever go out." Her mom told her while she put plates on the table. Kris looked displeased. "Fine, I'll walk around, okay? " Kris opened the door, then stopped. "Im sorry, mom. see ya later." Her mom smiled. " okay hunny, see you later." And Kris got outside, when she saw two kids, one a girl running in a strange outfit, and a guy, they looked like they were in a hurry. Kris decided to follow them. Little did Kris now, she wouldnt see her mom not jsut in a while, a long while..
Julia and Ali continued to walk along the street, just a few meters away from Ally and Scott. "Hey, Ali… What if the loon really did it this time? I mean, which pokemon would you want with you?" Julia asked. Ali was surprised to hear Julia talk in such a mature tone, "What? You actually think he may've done it?"
"Well there's always a possibility, I guess…" Ali day-dreamed to think what it would be like, just to run around in the long grass, looking for pokemon. ".… Well, which pokemon would you want with you?" Julia asked, again. "Hmm… I never really think about it all that much… Definitely a Raichu, that's all I can really say so far…"
"Raichu? I'd probably go with Marill, they're so soft and cute and fuzzy!"
"Erm… Wouldn't Marill be rubbery?"
"I don't know! All I'm saying is that a Marill would be cool to have!"
"Haha, I get it… I really don't care all that much, I'd even settle with that annoying little Pika-thingy…"
"You mean Pikachu? How can you hate Pikachu, but love Raichu? It makes no sense…"
"… Well, lot's of things don't make sense now-a-days… But y'know what's way better than a Pikachu? A Pichu!!!"
"Hahaha! Now you're creeping me out!" The two of them made an unconscious turn to the right. "What's so great about Raichu and Pichu that Pikachu doesn't have!?"
"Meh, I guess Pikachu has just kind of worn out on me, It's on every episode of the pokemon show, it's on every t-shirt, every back-pack, every…"
"Keep going ;)"
"I don't know, let's just keep going 'till we get to the looney-bin… Did he leave directions?"
"Uh… Not that I know of…" Ali was shocked, "He didn't leave any directions!? What do you think you're doing!? Maybe we can ask those two behind us where the lab is…"
"Hey Ali, the dark magician girl is following us!"
"Ugh – It's probably just a costume, now come on!" Ali turned around, and ran up to Scott and Ally, "Hey, uh… Would you happen to have any knowledge of where professor Jerald's lab is?" Julia turned to Ali, after poking, pushing, and squeezing Ally's nose, still awaiting an odd response, "It's professor Jim!" She exclaimed, going back to poking Ally's nose, "Erm – right, professor Jim… Julez, what do you find so amusing about her nose?" Ali asked, strangely. "I 'ono, just get the directions!"
"Yeah, so… Do you have any clue at all where his lab is?
"Um, yeah, sure, its this way!" Scott said pointing to a very large building about 100 yards away. "Yep, thats my Uncle Jims Lab! Hes gonna turn pokemon to life!" Scott said as the 4 walked into the Lab "HEY! UNCLE JIM!!! WE'RE HERE!!!" Scott shouted as a man approached the 4 "Well, Hello Scott and Ally! Good to see you two! All of you, Come quick!" Jim said as he ran to a little creature on a desk, it was a very deformed looking Pikachu "Um...What is that?" Scott asked looking at the Deformed Pikachu.
Yuki ran into her house, kicking off her shoes and dropping her messenger bag before running upstairs and pushing her pok?mon games into a drawstring bag.
"Yuki? Is that you?"
"Yeah mom!" she ran back downstairs.
"Where're you off to? You just got home!"
"Jim wants us to come over...his experiment finally worked, apparently. Ooo! Cookies!" Yuki grabbed a couple and started wolfing them down.
"Okay...here, take some food, he probably won't feed you." Yuki's mother bustled around for a moment, tucking snacks into a brown bag.
"Thanks mom!" Yuki said, pulling her school stuff out of her messenger bag and tossing the pok?mon games and the food in.
"Wear a coat! It's cold out," her mother called from the kitchen. Yuki sighed and grudgingly tucked a dark blue hoodie under one arm.
"Bye! Love you mom!" she called, racing out the door for what would be the last time in a long while...
She met up with Aika, quietly shutting her own front door.
"Okay! Let's go!" said Yuki. They started off down the street without another word.


After a few minutes of walking, they came up to a large, slightly run-down looking building. The leaves sat, rotting on the grass, and the windows were smudged and dirty. The white paint was peeling in places.
"He's...a bit obsessed. I wonder who those kids are?" she added, watching a group of four enter the building. They followed.
"Who's there? Oh! Yuki!" said Professor James O'Reilly. He ran a hand through his unkempt brown hair. "I'm glad you could come...look! I've done it! I've brought them to life!" he said excitedly.
There was a slightly-deformed pikachu on the table, which the four other kids were looking at with mingled disgust and interest.
"Umm...cool," said Yuki, smiling nervously.
"Fruitcake," muttered Aika.
Tommy entered Prof. O'reily's lab soon after Scott and Ally had shown up. "Uhh, Doctor, who are they?" Tommy said pointing to the two strangers to him. "
This is my nephew Scott, and this is his friend Ally. I called them over because I think my newest breakthrough will be quite intriguing to them."
"Eww… that thing is gross…" Julia said, looking disgusted at the Pikachu. "It doesn't look all that bad – I mean… Sure it has a few extra arms, hehe… But that's ok… I guess… Hey, at least it's getting somewhere…" Ali said, taking a closer look at the Pikachu. "It doesn't seem that bad at all… Actually… It's kind of cute!" Julia was shocked by this. "CUTE!? I'll admit it looks kinda cool – but cute!?"
"Sure… I mean, it's unique – something you don't see every day… I like it…" Ali replied, walking closer to the Pikachu. The Pikachu tilted what looked like it's head, and blinked it's eyes (I think, lol) curiously. "So Jim, what are we going to do? You said you wanted us to experiment something"
"Ya, you said to bring the pokemon games too!" Julia said, lifting the small box of pokemon cartridges out of her bag.
Ally just stared at the pika-thingy. "You know," She said, "Its kinda cute when you get past its many arms and all, maybe youve discorverd a new type of Pokemon!" Then Ally rubbed her nose. "Well, I brought my Sapphire game, and my Blue and Yellow. I left the others at home."

***Kellie told me to use Kris when she wasnt here, sometimes**

Suddenly a girl ran in. "Hi, uh..I was just, here you go, You left it on the ground." She handed Ally the DarkMagicianGirl hat. "Oh, thanks! heee!" Ally said as she put it on her head,"So, how long did it take you to make this...this..thing?" Kris said as she looked at the pika-thingy. "And, you, DarkMagicianGirl, you nose, it looks kinda, red a bit."
Starter Pokemon:mudkip
Itchero entered Prof. O'reily's lab "what Do you want old man?""this had better be important"
"Oh, Ally your poor nose!" Scott said symathetically looking at her nose "Well, if i can go on!" Jim said pointing to a giant screen behind them "Everyone take your favorite Pokemon game, erase all the data, and bring them up to me, each one of you, only bring up one!" Jim said as the group took out each of there favorite Pokemon games, they pressed erase saved file and handed them to Jim "Now watch kids, this is going to be interesting..." Jim said as the games were put into a machine and then it came out as one game "I call it, Pokemon Dimension! Its a fused game of all the others!" Jim said showing the group a very colorful gme cartridridge "Each of the Prof. are in the game too! and so are Magma, Aqua and Rocket! and every single Pokemon ever made!" Jim said putting the cartridge into the machine "I wanted to show you kids this, its the best Pokemon game ever made!" Jim said as a 3-D picture of Prof. Birch, Prof. Elm and Prof. Oak each appered on the screen and started talking! no reading required...then it happeded. the Pikachu went up to the machine and pressed a button, a large laser became activated and was aiming strait at the group of kids "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!" Jim shouted.

Um, Spyke your late, but ill let it slip.
*takes mudkip and leaves and runs into a Sableye,weakens it and catches it*
"YES!""My first pokemon!"
Um. no offense Spyke but you were late, i posted a deadline, after i posted the first post no one else could join and i specifacally said that a certain number of members could join in the RP. so im gonna have to ask you to leave my role play please. Unless you give me a reason why you should stay and start going with the flow of the story
Um, if you don't mind, I'll say I was in the lab too just so I won't have to get into detail.
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