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Pokemon Midnight Black

Uploaded a large story part in my first post (and while it is a huge spoiler, since when have Pokemon games mainly been about story surprises :) ) .

Here are a few pictures of two new evo lines (keep in mind that they are sketches and I'm going to clear them up real soon in Photoshop):

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Midnight Black

A very stupid fish that always finds a way to hurt itself. Yet when it gets hurt enough it gets furious (at itself?) and releases a strong attack.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Midnight Black

A strange looking creature that is basically like Tyrogue. It can evolve in many different forms, each specializing in something different. As for the messages... that would be my friend's "inspiration".
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Lol. That sketch of yours is great. *thumbs up*
Thanks both of you!

The g/s recolor is just for practice so I can learn how to make a colorful sprite from an original 2-shade version one. After I do enough of that I should be able to make a colorful sprite from an original with just one shade of color. And then afterwards I may even be able to make my own sprite :) .

I'm working on making my friend's drawings (nevertheless, they are still part of the project even though I didn't make them) even better by fixing up the ugly parts of the pictures on photoshop. Maybe then you'll be able to get closer views at the drawings and his commentary.
Who says I can either :surprised ? As soon as I learn I'll try and give some of the other beginners some help though. That will be a while though, I recommend you ask one of the experts around here for some tips until then. -Also, I have done a recoloring tutorial, would anyone be interested in me posting it here?

On to game news: I've learned how to use RMXP much better now, so sooner or later I'll be able to finish up Comos Village and post the first demo.
I have some big things coming up, and as I'm learning the basics of RMXP, the game is making some fairly large progress...
Which means you can expect a quick demo of Comos Village in the future!!! (Still unsure if it's going to be in the final game)

Also, the story is going to get completely remade, but in a good way. I've got 2/3 of the backstory done and now I just got to make the events. Afterwards you can expect me to post my new first chapter (I also recommend keeping an eye on Pokemon Seal/ Platinum Gale, because I made a pretty kick-*** story for that :) ).

Now, not to put the post to waste, let me tell you about the two creature lines I posted before:

The Stupid Fish evolution line
Very slow creatures that are just as weak. There are three forms to this line (the second and fourth drawings were just ideas), and each is almost entirely useless in battle. Every evolution takes place in one level-up. Seemingly easy, but very decieving seeing as how the level-ups take a very long time and require loads of experience.

?: An old man that you meet at the second trainer center you come across, literally hands this thing off to you, and pays you for it (nice change of events huh?). Sadly, it can't be removed from your party, and is called 'Squirts' (what a great name that the old man gave it :D ). The ?s come from the Merigold Sea (a beautiful sea surrounding Merigold island, the sun shines right on to it giving it a very bright glow) that is a dangerous environment for trainers, but due to the brightness of the water, it is the only place where a ? can actually see. If used on land it just runs out of air and starts shaking violently (15 health a turn), and if used on any other water then that of Merigold Sea, it can't see and bumps its head against hard surfaces (5 health a turn). If it bumps its head 3 times in a row, it automatically unleashes an attack that harms the opponent.

??: What a lucky fish. Finally making an evolve, the ? gains a spear permanently lodged in its stomach. Swimming around with this proves to be a trouble so the ?? isn't the most agile of creatures. Still, it is much stronger than the ?, and gains three new moves along with the original move of ? (except now you can use it any time you want, with a little recoil), one a normal move, one an original water move, and one a suicidal but very effective move. It can finally be removed from your party although it is smarter to keep it at this point.

Re-Fish: Right when you think that ?? is going to turn into an ultimate killing machine, it evolves into Re-Fish. Don't get me wrong, it is quite a powerful Pokemon (high attack and defense, very low spec. defense and speed, average spec. attack), but just.. don't get too attached to it... It gains three new moves, one more normal move, an original water/normal move, and a very powerful suicidal move.

The Mystic Pokemon evolution line
A very strong and useful evolution line, that definitely beats out former Pokemon games when it comes to evo-choice (yes, maybe even Eevee), and I think it is quite strange enough in looks. It starts off as the creature that you see in the top right of the drawing, and then you can choose two evos, the offense line (as seen on the left) or the defense line (as seen on the right) both of these have two choosable evolutions too, each being as equally powerful as each other (in their own way). Currently I don't know what types they are and while for these three, water and psychic could be a good combo, I'm not quite pleased with just that (does this mean I may look into a new type ;) ?).

1?: The basic isn't as weak as its size makes it seem. Having many powerful type-moves, it can play a huge part in battles, but before long you'll be given the decision to take another step up.

The First Evo Branch What makes me like this line so much, is that it actually challenges players for once. The challenge is choosing an evolution, each with many strategies. As simple as it seems, both have very different advantages and disadvantages, on to the first branch:

2A?: Taking the 'active' part of the evolutions, this creature is much faster and agile, and likes using quicker moves with deadly strikes that leave the enemy open for more. It has a wide range of moves, a ton of speed, and a good deal of sp. stats (also it has high chances of getting critical strike, among other bonuses).

2P?" Taking the 'passive' part of the evolutions, this creature can be a tank yet it can also serve as much more. It has very high health, defense, attack, and spec. defense. So what is its disadvantage against 2A? ? This creature is much slower, and less aggressive. While it obtains a move far more damaging than any of 2A?'s far along in its leveling, this move takes two turns (just an example), and often other moves are much slower to use as well. Also, this creature is more of a defensive type, being skilled in charms, both for itself and against the enemy.

The Second Evo Branch I'll keep this one a secret for a long while, but let's just say that the creatures get much more powerful...

---Keep in mind that I haven't really made any names except Re-Fish, the letters and symbols included in many of these names are just placeholders until I think of something good.
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I like the detailed info. Lol, the retard fish.
Barely had any time to update lately, but I'm going to get back at this project in the next few weeks (took a short break). Along with that I also have 3 new creature lines planned which should be pretty interesting.

It comes out when its done (and that's the honest truth :D ), which probably won't be any time near soon but I should keep you occupied with other things.

As for the rom/real thing... I'm too 'newbie' to really know what that means...
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okay, nice looking game, but on one of the maps in your first post has trees in the water. It doesn't look good. I don't know if you missed up there or what, but it doesn't look right
PokeCreator_09 said:
okay, nice looking game, but on one of the maps in your first post has trees in the water. It doesn't look good. I don't know if you missed up there or what, but it doesn't look right

That's supposed to be the Comos 'Tree of Luck'. Supposedly if you put in enough money, you'll be 'blessed' with good luck. Anyways, the whole Comos Village is just a demo map, not sure whether it will make it into the main game or not. Still, I think I'll be releasing the Comos demo soon enough...
Update of 10-17-05​
I have a feeling that the next few weeks are going to be slow, yet very fast at the same time.
- From me, you can expect huge posts on design, features, and in-depth on locations and other things. I'm writing out everything I'll need, and trying to fit them together for a full project outline.
- My friend will hopefully be able to make me the concept drawings of the creatures as we move on. He'll also be able to make a project website.
- Besides us, there are spaces open on the Midnight Black team. Although I don't plan on ruining my project topic by making a huge issue out of this, always keep in mind that we are open (although extremely picky).

Besides the current game info, expect to see the project posts to get completely edited as we continue with the new features.
Soon I'll be making a post with the whole Lyabro environment that is a great example of the 'ecosystem' feature.
It's been a while, but I've finally finished up revising my first post and finished with my Comos guide (second post). Have fun, and please post some opinions/offers!
Just to keep you all occupied I decided to post up some new info as well:

Characters: One thing I've failed to go to in-depth about is the characters. While I won't fix that problem entirely today, I have some useful information:
-First of all, there are multiple storylines with different characters. This isn't 'select a character' in the beginning, but it is all part of the same game although they will meet up in someway (not permanent party groups though). Also, the characters will age. No, sadly you will not see a 17 year old save the world from hundreds of evil men. Story is going to play a huge part in the game, so expect more of Final Fantasy than Pokemon when it comes to this.
-Second of all, here is some basic information:
Vincent: An 17 year old male that has finally recieved his training from the Lyabro Academy. He doesn't really understand much about the world, so he decides to start from at least exploring and traveling. His speciality is shadow creatures, and he wields a bow (you read that right, warriors AKA trainers, will have some role in battle).
Special: He is the character that starts the game off.
Drake: An 19 year old male that has joined the ??? Army and is sent to fight against a new guerilla group. He's really just searching for excitement in his life. His speciality is beast creatures, and he wields a giant sword.
Jessica: An 18 year old female that is a creature 'nurse' for a small village. Her job is to travel to the sick and cure them, rescue unarmed people that get attacked in the woods, and other things that protect the people. She wants to go to the big city of ??? one day and see other warriors and the creatures they have. Her speciality is light creatures, and she does not like to hurt other creatures, so she wields a simple wooden staff for emergencies (I decided that a long, sharp, deadly spear wouldn't have really fit her personality. But she does change, she is far from just a good girl).

Creatures: There are also a thing I've got to talk about when it comes to creatures.
-There will be evolutions, and they always just be trade items, or preset levels like in Pokemon.
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Now I don't know what's so hard about posting some C&C, but I still haven't given up hope on these forums :\ .

Here is some useful information on the game content:
*One thing to say before I begin. Currently I'm not sure what game engine I'd like to use, although Sphere is my most probable choice due to its flexibility.

-(This has been said before but is still important)There aren't multiple campaigns. Instead everything takes place in the same play file (also, there will finally be more than one save file!!!). During this quest, you'll reach certain points where it switches into another character's 'perspective'. I'll call this the MultiView for future purposes. Now, there are three main characters, and they have three very different campaigns. One way of interaction for sure, is that you'll hear about their events and their fame as you advance through the game. Another, is that you might be able to see them in a town and talk to them, this leads to funny conversations, a choice to battle them, and a chance to swap items between characters. Besides that, there may be a few missions that will be done with more than one main character (the end may require all of them).
Now, gameplay-wise, each character has huge differences with each other. Sure, combat preferences may be one, but think larger. For one thing, expect some creatures that only a certain character will be able to obtain, different interaction with NPCs, and different news and opinions you can hear. Because of the chance to use new creatures and the variation in character types, there will also be different usable abilites. On a completely different topic, the characters will have stories that reflect on them. Vincent's story will be dark, mysterious, and thrilling as he searches for answers and finds himself in the middle of a horrible situation. Drake's story will be exciting, emotional, and full of action as he fights with the rest of his army and has plenty of quests that explore the world and the feelings and conflicts of people and creatures. Jessica's story will be enchanting, peaceful, and mellow as she travels around the world to learn more about the natural forces of life.
In terms of secrets, well... I just love secrets. So with this I'm thinking of making it so that you can find Secret MultiView Events. This opens up a chance to use original characters and unique creatures, although rarely will one ever affect the game.

One very important thing that I haven't mentioned is that the game and game world will be explored in a more Zelda-like style than a Pokemon one. That doesn't mean that it's going to be all in real-time (although I'm thinking of adding a few real time combat elements), but it will be more free and controllable when it comes to actions, and puzzles/abilities will play a larger role than in Pokemon games. On to some of the abilities:

*Creature Skills:

-Weapon Thrust: A simple thrust attack out to the front with the character's weapon will start a battle with the enemy in front if it is hit by the blow.
-Weapon Swipe: A swipe out in front will start a fight will all enemies hit in the range.
-Weapon Spin: A spin will start a fight will all enemies hit around in the range.
-Tree Transport: Certain animals can carry you up onto trees. You playing through Lyabro forest and wonder why the creatures are so weak in that very part of the world? Well it's because the majority of them are hiding in the upper branches.
-Water Transport: When you swim with a creature, you almost become one. Some creatures can only carry you above the water on their shells, others will swallow you and carry you from inside of it. There are different ways of swimming. The first is where the cruise around the surfaces edge. The second is where they actually swim under water, if you are not linked together (swallowed, etc.) it will only be able to do this for short periods of time. The third also requires you to be linked, and it is where they travel along the ground (stepping along the sand, pulling across by seaweed).
-Sky Transport: Flying, this time it is not just some teleport into another location (although there may be an optional legendary creature that does just that), but is in real-time. Which means you get to see the pretty sights as glide over them! Still the skies are full of enemies.
-Breaking New Paths: Hollow logs, large rock spires, and other things taking up your path will be destroyable with certain skills.
-Attacks: Some skills may be used outside of battle, whether to piss off innocent people (they'll usually either yell at you or battle you), or to open small paths.
-Lures: Set out lures or traps to attract certain creatures.

*Athletic Skills:

-Swim & Dive: You'll be able to swim and dive on your own now even though your fatigue meter and your breathing meter will only allow for so much.
-Sprint: The fastest moving speed possible. How long you run depends on your fatigue meter. How fast depends on your agility.
-Jog: Normal way of moving.
-Climb: Climb over small ledges and obstacles.
-Jump: You can drop from some locations. Depending on the height you may be hurt. I may make it so that it can decrease speed or make a certain body part unusable if the height is too high.

*'Slow' Skills:

-Eating: Eating certain herbs will cure you (think of it as secret checkpoints for those that don't want to carry potions or buy items), others will hurt you/poison you. Too help with this, there will be an unlockable herbs book (it's found throughout the game, really isn't a secret since its meant to be optional) that will let players study the different herbs and what they do.
-Drinking: Drinking water can cure of some bad abilities, also, 'imbued' (enhanced with a certain power/by a certain creature) wells will heal fully if they are drank out of.
-Walk: The slowest way of moving across the land. It helps regain energy though.
-*Stealth* Lay: To avoid contact/to be hidden from enemies, crawling across the land (dark places/grassy places) will help.
-*Stealth* Crouch: Used to hide behind certain objects. It is also rests a small bit, but you can't move in this position.
-Rest: Rest your body for a little bit to take off any ill effects and heal slightly.
-Sleep: Many places banned 'Straight' Sleeping (sleeping on the ground, unprotected) because of many dangerous factors. In order to sleep in the wilderness, you must now have a tent. It regains all health, takes off ill effects, and passes time.

*People Skills:

-Conversation & Reputation: There are multiple options when talking to person, and these things can open many new possibilities. Besides learning extra and sometimes useful information, you can trade, battle, and do more, all just by talking to someone. Reputation plays a huge role too. Let's say you're very famous and liked, you'll get discounts and offers. If you've helped someone out, they may take a liking to you and give you things throughout the game. A completely different factor, is enemies. You can pay enemies off to leave certain areas or get you out of trouble, or you can sometimes intimidate enemies so much that they'll run right when they see you.

That's all the abilities for now, and I think they'll provide a nice amount of new features and more options for the player. Still, the graphics may be a large problem for the meantime, although the script will not be extremely hard (some are still preset [although extremely long and tedious], others I should be able to learn by the time we get the graphics anyway).

Please tell me what you think of the features, I've gotten kind of lonely here on my own :sleeping:
not bad!

You have loads of detail!

mabye you should post more screenies to show your progress?

anyways goodluck
My main progress right now is really just the mapping of Comos Village and designing everything. As soon as I start getting sprites (I'll find a way soon), then you'll be able to see new features.
For now I guess I could show off more maps, maybe I'll post a small demo of the standard (no extra feature) version of Comos soon.
Maybe you could help a lot in Pok?mon: World Adventures. Can you join?
(Unless you want to?)

Anyway, Great game ideas by the way!!

Especially the fame stuff and that.
Heh, I've already got tons to do with this one (not too mention I'm a writer for a certain few other projects)!
I like the game ideas too! (Why else would I make them...) But it's going to be one hard job to get it all together. But, I have all the time I need, so I'm not dropping this project.
Anyways, I was kind of rushed yesterday and didn't have enough time to post everything I wanted. That means you get another

huge post for this day too! This one will actually be more exciting though (as exciting as reading game info gets)!

Lyabro Town

Overview: The fair little town of Lyabro is set in the southeast, surrounded in wilderness. It is here that a small cultural village used to reside, with traditions playing a huge role in everyday life. The men were strong, and they were the best hunters and catchers that there was. Still, they were not completely hidden from others. When Adamyce Corp. decided to expand its land even farther than Signa City, they came across this peaceful little town. It all went downhill from there, but there was plenty of technological advantages for the new generation of warriors.

Game Importance: In terms of game and story, this is where it all starts. Which means that this is where you'll get used to the game, meet with familiar and important people, and get your very first set of gear.

Details: The town itself is much smaller than other locations. Due to its history and location, there are very few families around (most travel when they are old enough anyways). This makes for about 11 houses in the living area (They are of a huge variety. One happens to be home to a rambling old man Another that catches Vincent's attention the most, is an eerie stone building that is untouched and is said to be haunted by ghosts). Still the 'revolution' led to some much needed changes. Most of the houses were redone and improved. New paths were made. And four important buildings were made. The tavern is a place of drinking and news. The inn was built for new visitors looking to get away from the city. A dock was built at the southern side of town to connect to the thin river. This dock was also where a group of mercenaries spent most of their time. And then there was a marketplace where merchants from Signa and other faraway places, exchanged goods.
A path right of the dock travels through the marshes and the rice crops. It leads to a nice, natural area that is home to a farmer, and more importantly, is the place where Adamyce built an academy for future soldier recruits.

Lyabro Forest

Overview: The forest north to Lyabro Town, was luckily spared from harm. It's a thin and long trailing area that is full of long grasses, hilly 'plain' areas, and trees. This is also known as the 'test of spirit' for new warriors, who must test themselves in this atmosphere before reaching the rest of the world (although now that isn't entirely true now with the dock and all).

Game Importance: *After completing your training, you can either leave through the standard Lyabro Forest, or work your @ss off and get enough money to travel to the desert town of Araizin. Either way, they both have great benefits, but for time and other reasons, I'll reveal Araizin later.*
With that out of the way, Lyabro Forest is important as a First Branch Option (First Branch is the options that you can take after a certain point. The first happens to be after the academy training is done), and as the first real wild encounter with creatures. The creatures you'll see at ground level or quite weak compared to other ones you'll encounter in different levels of the forest, and the strongest were predators that were killed by Adamyce Corp. when they passed through (thus leading to the smaller creatures boosting in population).

Details: Lyabro Forest is quite large and also has plenty of side-paths. In terms of environment, it gives the chance to use many abilities. The grass to lay crawl on, ledges to climb over, small pools of rainwater to rest in, and wells and berries to use.
Now, let's get to the better stuff shall we :) ! My favorite part about Forever Midnight, is that this location (not too far along with any others) feels like an actual ecosystem. The creatures all are important with each others' survival and there is an actual natural feeling here. Tell me what you think afterwards:

Lower Path: The area that walk you across:

*New* Climbers: Very wild animals that take an experienced trainer to tame. This really isn't much of a problem with the academy graduates, and especially because of its usefulness and how common it is, Climbers are often a first catch. Its cute looks, generally 'cool' and focused attitude, and its evasive skills make it a much-wanted creature for warriors that do not have time to travel to Lyabro (it's only found in Lyabro Forest if you didn't get that...)
The climber is a very strange creature. For one, they are extremely fast and dash from out in the open to shelter within seconds. It's hard to describe them, they are like a mix of flying squirrels, lemurs, and geckos. They are generally small, can glide short distances, and can run up and stick to surfaces. They also have long tails and great eyesight. Their fur is a light brown color and is medium length.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Calm, stealthy, agile.
*Rarity: Very Common (day), Average (noon).
*Lyabro Uses: Generally used as messengers.
*Predator To: Eats soft berries.
*Prey To: Bradges, Brotons, Vols, and sometimes Comocages.
*Battle Stats: Power - Low, Guard - Low, Type Power - Low, Type Guard - Low, Agility - Very High (Keep in mind, its usually the abilities and not the stats that matter. This creature's abilities don't reflect on it being a tank or a brute).

*New* Bradges: Extremely wild carnivores that are small but nonetheless deadly. The Bradges make up the true carnivores of Lyabro Forest and because of how common they are and how sharp and large their beaks are, they are feared by many. It's a great addition to a starting Warrior because of its visciousness and intimidation in combat.
Very unique creatures. They are small (their body is about half as large as a basketball) and their most noticable feature happens to be their enormous mouth that is actually larger than their body. Their beak is jagged and sharp, and its jaw can press down with loads of strength. Its body is covered in red and green feathers, and they have a very small useless tail.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Fearless, agressive.
*Rarity: Common (day), Common (noon), Rare (night).
*Lyabro Uses: The Bradges were often used as hunters.
*Predator To: Climbers (when they can catch them).
*Prey To: Brotons, Comocages, and Vols.
*Battle Stats: Power - Medium, Guard - Very Low, Type Power - Low, Type Guard - Very Low, Agility - High.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Midnight Black
A concept sketch (The Bradge is on the left, the right is just an idea).

*New* Comocages: Small creatures that attach to trees and dart off in a direction. They are common throughout the forest, and being predators, they keep the ecosystem in place. They are generally liked by Warriors for their very powerful poison.
They almost resemble squids except for when they attach to trees they don't have tentacles. Upon attaching to prey, they will release tentacles from inside their body and trap the prey. They then release acid to kill the prey. They are green in color.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Not really much of an attitude.
*Rarity: Rare (day), Very Rare (noon).
*Lyabro Uses: The Comocages are often used for battle purposes (poison).
*Predator To: Climbers, Bradges, Absorb sunlight, may even take down Brotons with teamwork.
*Prey To: Vols.
*Battle Stats: Power - Low, Guard - Low, Type Power - Medium, Type Guard - Medium, Agility - High (in short bursts).

*New* Mous: Big, slow, gentle creatures that are few in number (rarely mate) but still make their presence largely known. Although few are stupid enough to anger a Mou, those that do will quickly see how fierce they are with their powerful and strategic moves. That is the why many beginning warriors want a Mou, and it is also the same reason why they can't get one.
The resemble a mix of a bear and a badger. They are extremely lazy, and they are not quick movers, and their legs and arms are small and particularly useless with running. Their fur is brown, with stripes of darker brown.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Calm and gentle, in battle that quickly changes to enraged and fierce.
*Rarity: Often Seen (day), Common (noon), Rare (night).
*Lyabro Uses: None.
*Predator To: Eats plants, specific berries.
*Prey To: None.
*Battle Stats: Power - High, Guard - High, Type Power - Low, Type Guard - Medium, Agility - Low.

*New* Vols: Tiny creatures that speed across the forest grounds at night. They glow brightly from the chemicals located in their stomach, and they also let the creature emit fire out of their mouths in times of trouble or to get prey. They are very rarely caught because of their nocturnal habits and agility, but are a great addition to any trainer.
They look look a lizard. A light green on the outside (skin is more smooth than scaly), and a hard, slightly bulging stomach that can change colors. It is smaller than a Bradge, but it is taller.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Calm, agile, knows when to run.
*Rarity: Extremely Rare (early morning), Rare (night).
*Lyabro Uses: Chemicals can be extracted.
*Predator To: Eats Climbers, Bradges, and Comocages.
*Prey To: None.
*Battle Stats: Power - Low, Guard - Low, Type Power - High, Type Guard - High, Agility - Very High.

Middle Branches: The mid level of the trees:

Climbers: Common (day), Average (noon).

Comocages: Common (day), Common (noon), Common (night).

Treetops: The very top of the forest trees:

Comocages: Very Common (day), Very Common (noon), Rare (night).

*New**Evo* Brotons: Larger forms of the Bradges. Their tails have grown longer and are used to crawl up trees, and while their beaks are more dull, their jaws contain a lot more pressure. In addition to that their beaks are slightly smaller and more fitting to their body, and their body feathers include a little purple (lavender). The Brotons still are predators, and much more powerful ones as well, although they are generally less aggressive. Because of their location and power, they are very rarely caught by Lyabro Warriors.
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Relaxed, fearless, stubborn
*Rarity: Rare (noon), Common but few in number (night)
*Lyabro Uses: Not commonly caught by Lyabro hunters.
*Predator To: Climbers, Bradges, and maybe Nocturnes.
*Prey To: Large packs of Comocages may take them down.
*Battle Stats: Power - High, Guard - Medium, Type Power - Low, Type Guard - Low, Agility - Medium.

*New**Evo* Nocturnes: Huge nocturnal forms (a greater species of) of Climbers. They are far more advanced when it comes to general abilities. For one, they are actually large enough to carry up others when they climb trees. They have far longer and faster gliding capabilities. And they have new battle techniques and can scare off predators. Though they do live in the treetops, and only come out at night, so catching them can be very hard if you don't have one of your own (there are two ways to get them early though).
*Type: ?
*Attitude: Calm, agile, defensive
*Rarity: Often seen but few in number (night).
*Lyabro Uses: Not commonly caught by Lyabro hunters.
*Predator To: Eats certain berries that grow at the treetops.
*Prey To: Brotons may sometimes pose a friend.
*Battle Stats: Power - Medium, Guard - Medium, Type Power - Low, Type Guard - Below Medium, Agility - High.

Lyabro is also home to three unique creatures that are one of a kind!

Well that's about it for now. Hope you enjoyed it, and please post your opinions.
man you are like a thinking machine!!!
I like how you made the new Pokemon!

you must have been planing on this game for ages to have so much detail!!

good luck