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The Academy of Myth and the Light's Shadow

Warrick noticed the Bricks, and swiftly cut them off before going to his feeble ateampt to pull kobora out
"What was that?" Megan thought. "Wait, Kobora was gone, then a Bird Pokejinka, and then I saw a Ghost Gijinka leave, too. Maybe they're related, somehow. Anyway, I better go tell a teacher that I heard a clanging noise" Megan thought. She rushed off to the nearest classroom. When there was no teacher there, she tried the next classroom, then the next. On the fifth classroom, success! The teacher there was a Froslass.
"Help! I saw Kobora King leave, then a Mismagmius and Wargle Pokejinka leave too. Then I heard a clanging noise, and I think the two could be related," Megan said worriedly.
"Can you describe this clanging noise to me?" asked the Froslass gijinka.
"Well, it was like a 'CLANG! CLANG! CLANG!' to me," replied Megan.
"Oh my! That's the emergency bell! Where did you hear it coming from?"
"Well, I don't know the name of the place, but it's over there,"Megan said, pointing to the Meadow Dorm. The Froslass Gijinka rushed towards the Meadow Dorm.
OOC: I think Draginja should take control of Clarissa Arison (Froslass Gijinka) next.
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The Mysterious Clanging Noise.

"Hey I'm K.Z." He said while stuffing his mouth. The Kirikizan gijinka was so hungry that he never stopped to take a sip, but just kept stuffing his mouth. He only stopped when Brooke told him he would choke. Richard came into the Gathering Hall a little bit later, sitting down beside K.Z., but not getting a plate.

"Dude, aren't you hungry." K.Z. questioned the Zangoose gijinka.

"Naw, I don't eat when I'm depressed." He looked sad, but K.Z. didn't notice until he said that.

"Why are you depressed?" It was Brooke that spoke this time, "by the way, I'm Brooke."

"I could've beaten that dude up if he wouldn't have caught me off-guard. Hey, I'm Richard. Thanks for sticking up for me back there though. What was he talking about when he said 'My good friend, Dick?"

"He whipped my brother's ass last period, too." Brooke said before K.Z. could answer.

"Wait, that dude id your brother."

"Unfortunately." CLANG CLANG! "What the hell!"

"Its the Emergency Bell" Richard ran for the door, followed by K.Z. and Brooke. They ran to the Meadow Dorm, where they found a Mismagius gijinka pacing back and forth.

"Whats going on? Did you ring the Emergency Bell?" K.Z. said out of breath.
Kana sighs in relief as K.Z. runs up. "Yes that was me I rang the bell because there is an emergency that's what the emergency bell is for after all but you know that that's why you called it the emergency bell!" She seems highly upset, but stops for a second to look at him. "Interesting. I can normally tell what kind of Pokemon people are but you seem unfamiliar to me. Are you one of the Isshu gijinka?"

"What's going on? Why is the bell ringing?" Clarissa Arison arrives on scene.

"Oh thank Arceus! ListenCloselyBecauseThere'sNotMuchTime! Kobora ran off after knocking out some guy who punched him in the face so Warrick and I ran after him but we couldn't find him and then we got sidetracked because I impuned his honor or something I'm not sure of the details but anyway we found Kobora at the bottom of a lake but he can't breathe underwater and we couldn't get him out so I ran back here as fast as I could which is pretty fast by the way and got help and that's you!"

Arison blinks, trying to understand the girl. "Uh, ok. If you could just-"

"NoTimeGottaGo! Follow me this way quickly move it now!" Kana runs back toward the lake, hoping the others follow.

Arison chases after, not wanting to risk a student's safety over her inability to understand.
After Megan told Clarissa Arison about the ringing noise she heard, the Froslass Gijinka ran off. After a moment's hesitation, Megan followed her.
"Geez, it's hard keeping up with a teacher," Megan panted as she ran after Clarissa Arison.
After lots of twists and turns, she arrived at the bell that made the clanging noise. She found no-one there, but as she looked around, she saw a lake. She also saw some Pokejinkas near the lake. They were K.Z, a Mismagmius Gijinka and Clarissa Arison. Megan ran over to the lake.
"What's going on, everyone?" she asked the Pokejinkas near the lake.
"Mom...if you can hear me from up in heaven...I'm currently facing death in the face. I now have enemies, and their leader is from the Earth Dorm...I also have potential friends...like Megan, Warrick and Kana. I'm doing alright, mom...and I won't be killed off so easily!" Kobora said before waking up, and swimming up to the surface with the energy he has left.
"He's here in this lake and we're gonna rescue him! Let's go oh wait he just came up. Kobora! I brought help! I guess you don't need it now, huh?" Kana flies over to him, floating above the water and offering him a hand.

"I find myself terribly confused..." Professor Arison goes to the edge of the water, ready to support Warrick and Kobora and lead them back to the Meadow Dorm.
"I'm...alive...I...made...it out of that death trap...in 1 piece..." Kobora said, getting out of the lake, but coughing up tons of water before fainting.
Warrick coughed up some water himself and said to the others "Come on, help me get this guy to the nurses office"
"Wierd.....I feel unconcious in reality...but am I really in reality?" Kobora said, inside a watery sphere inside his very own mind. Moments later, Kobora ended up back at the academy...but it was all flipped out, black and white, and unusually normal. "Where am I? An alternate reality? This looks exactly like the academy...but why is everything black and white except me?" Kobora wondered while looking around the flipped out academy.

While walking through the abnormal campus, Kobora walked into the flipped out Stone Dorm, while the sign near the dorm said 'mroD enotS'. "Hmmm.....an alternate reality that's all reversed from the real world. Is this real? Is this a fantasy? I wonder..." Kobora said, walking into his room, with everything in the opposite direction of what it was like in the real world. "All I know is that something bad was to happen today, and I guess nearly drowning was that bad thing......or was it?" Kobora thought, thinking for a few moments, then deciding to head to Legend Lake where he nearly died earlier.

Kobora reached opposite Legend Lake, or what's called ekaL dneheL in the flipped out world. Kobora looked in the water to see a reflection of the real world in the water. "Ummm...that's wierd...but I guess until I wake up, I'm stuck in this demention." Kobora said, sitting down on the ground.

((OOC: LIVE!))
Link looked around but didn't see Kana, and he could tell Jen was getting hungry, and he was starting to feel rather hungry as well, so they went to find a place to sit. They sat at a small table near the door outside. They set their stuff down, and started towards the food area. About halfway there, a fight broke out in witch two people, one he had seen before, and one he hadn't, dominated a group of nidorino gijinkas. Shortly afterwards, the gijinka he had seen, ran off, and, to Link's surprise, Kana chased after him.
Link thought about going after them, but then realized how hungry he was.
"Hey, Jen."
"Let's hurry up and get something to eat, I wanna see what happens…"
"I was about to say the same thing."
The two laughed, and quickly got something to eat. Despite how hungry he was, Link didn't eat much. Mostly he sat and talked with Jen while she ate.
Right after Jen finished eating; they disposed of their trash, and headed outside. At about the same time, they heard a loud bell ringing.
"Let's go!" Jen said grabbing Link's hand and pulling him along.
By following the sound, the two were directed to the meadow dorm. The dorm looked beautiful, but he still preferred his watery domain. Link didn't really like stuff that had to do with plants. Nearby was a group of students, crowded around to gijinka who emerged from the waters. They were the two he had seen fighting earlier. One was coughing up water, and the other was unconscious.
"Come on, help me get this guy to the nurse" Link barely heard him say.
He rushed over, Jen following behind, at started to help lift and carry the gijinka to the nurse.
Kana watches as everyone else carries Kobora to the nurse. "I wish I could help, but I don't have the upper body strength to move that much weight." She sighs as her stomch growls. "And I never got to eat any lunch..."
Name: Tigy (Tid-gee) Toga, age 13. gender: Female. species: dark togepi. (normal/dark). appearence: she has a light grey shell instead of white. the triangle-and-square markings on her shell is black. insted of the usual yellowish color of skin togepi has, hers is white. she is constantly blushing for no reason. Personality: She can go from cute and cuddly to dark and evil. She is usually cute and cuddly, though. She is much stronger than she looks and will be freinds with anyone, but wont tell them her history, as she does not want to look like a liar. History: she was orphaned at one week old. both her parents died when dialga and palkia appeared at once. she was flung into the dream world, and had trouble getting out.(cause of her oddness). she sometimes showa off a bit, though.(oh and she was adopted by two daikenkis with a daughter!) moves: shadow ball, tackle, grass knot, fire blast, psychic, doubleteam, solarbeam, toxic. ability can switch out between hustle and serene grace. if she is at low hp it may turn to superluck (due to dreamworlds disortion) because it was painfull trying to get out of dream world. PS: dread dorm please, with: art class, attack class, langage arts, and biology. math too :3

Name: Tigy (Tid-gee) Toga, age 13. gender: Female. species: dark togepi. (normal/dark). appearence: she has a light grey shell instead of white. the triangle-and-square markings on her shell is black. insted of the usual yellowish color of skin togepi has, hers is white. she is constantly blushing for no reason. Personality: She can go from cute and cuddly to dark and evil. She is usually cute and cuddly, though. She is much stronger than she looks and will be freinds with anyone, but wont tell them her history, as she does not want to look like a liar. History: she was orphaned at one week old. both her parents died when dialga and palkia appeared at once. she was flung into the dream world, and had trouble getting out.(cause of her oddness). she sometimes showa off a bit, though.(oh and she was adopted by two daikenkis with a daughter!) moves: shadow ball, tackle, grass knot, fire blast, psychic, doubleteam, solarbeam, toxic. ability can switch out between hustle and serene grace. if she is at low hp it may turn to superluck (due to dreamworlds disortion) because it was painfull trying to get out of dream world. PS: dread dorm please. math class, biology, and attack. if more are required, just put me in anything.
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Name: Tigy (Tid-gee) Toga, age 13. gender: Female. species: dark togepi. (normal/dark). appearence: she has a light grey shell instead of white. the triangle-and-square markings on her shell is black. insted of the usual yellowish color of skin togepi has, hers is white. she is constantly blushing for no reason. Personality: She can go from cute and cuddly to dark and evil. She is usually cute and cuddly, though. She is much stronger than she looks and will be freinds with anyone, but wont tell them her history, as she does not want to look like a liar. History: she was orphaned at one week old. both her parents died when dialga and palkia appeared at once. she was flung into the dream world, and had trouble getting out.(cause of her oddness). she sometimes showa off a bit, though.(oh and she was adopted by two daikenkis with a daughter!) moves: shadow ball, tackle, grass knot, fire blast, psychic, doubleteam, solarbeam, toxic. ability can switch out between hustle and serene grace. if she is at low hp it may turn to superluck (due to dreamworlds disortion) because it was painfull trying to get out of dream world. PS: dread dorm please, with: art class, attack class, langage arts, and biology. math too :3
Have you read the Sign Up form? Also, we are Role playing as humans with pokemon traits, not actual pokemon.
I have an idea for a future plot. Maybe all the teachers could go evil and we had to run away from school?
Also, IC:
Megan helped carry Kobora to the nurse's office. When they arrived, a Meganium Gijinka was there.
"Hello, I'm Macey Meganium, the school nurse. How can I help you?" the Meganium Gijinka said.
"Our friend drowned in Legend Lake. He swam back up, but now he's unconscious. Can you help him?" Megan said to Macey.
"Well, let's see. A Reviver Seed could help him a lo-"
"What's a 'Reviver Seed'?" Megan interrupted.
"I see you haven't been to the berries or the healing items classes yet. A Reviver Seed is a seed that can revive pokemon, so you know." Macey replied, before walking over to a drawer. Macey pulled out a seed. At a closer look, it was a Reviver Seed.
"Have your friend eat this, and he should be fine," Macey said.
Kobora looked at the water of the alternate Legend Lake, and saw an alternate version of his own reflection. Kobora looked behind him to see an alternate version of himself, only black and white, and made out of water. "Ummm...who are you?" Kobora asked his counterpart. "I am a Trial Guardian. I am here to help you before your fight tonight." the alternative Kobora said.