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The Staff Feedback Thread

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Alright last question. Let's say I'm Sheep. Is it mini-modding if I tell them the situation even if nothing regards the welcome lounge?

As in, would it be okay for a mod to enforce rules in another section that's not their own? Technically that isn't minimodding, but it'd still be frowned upon. As a mod your one section is your responsibility and others should be reported, same as how the members do, for the reasons given above.
However, if I say. This is in the wrong section, please keep all trade related threads in the trade section. I'll get a mod to move this thread ASAP.
Then I feel that is different.

I can see where you're coming from with this; personally I've never felt a "this is in the wrong section, you're better off checking Emulation & ROM Hacking" post for example to be a bad post so long as the member in question reported the thread as well. Not sure if I'm a minority but it never seemed harmful in my eyes so whenever someone gives an answer like that before I could get to a reported thread I tend to leave it and just add on something like: "Username has already covered you so be sure to check Emulation next time. Closed!" or etc. :'o

It's just a bit of a pain when a member says something is in the wrong section and then go on their way without dropping off a report, though. Honestly it's.. almost like they tried to "pseudo-close" it without actually giving word to the staff that it's in the wrong area, haha. That and reporting is a good habit to get into generally when you're out and about on forums.

Thank you for the feedback!!
As far as my stance on it goes and how I treat mini-modding, if your post contains more than "this should actually be in x forum" and actually contributes to the topic, I don't really mind, unless it's said in a really rude and stuck up way. Things like "the moderator will come lock this soon" really makes me mad. It just sounds snobby, rude, and doesn't contribute to anything, except make a (possibly new) member get worried they'll get slapped with infraction.
Anonymous mod evaluation needs to happen, my thread was deleted, my need a way to let admin know how the mods preform. Some mods don't deserve the title and some should be super plain and simple, mods have to much power.

As far as min modding I feel it's a blatant attempt to be a troll and get under peoples skin. As it's been said it's not your job it's the mods. Let them handle that stuff and don't worry about it.
Anonymous mod evaluation needs to happen, my thread was deleted, my need a way to let admin know how the mods preform. Some mods don't deserve the title and some should be super plain and simple, mods have to much power.

Remember, you can PM a higher member of staff if you have any comments about a particular moderator. Just bare in mind that a member of staff is unlikely to be demoted because one person's opinion or one mix-up (unless of course it's a deadly serious one). I know it's not anonymous, but in cases such as these there needs to be a name to the accusation - so threads, PM histories, etc. can be looked at.

You should probably assume your criticism has been taken on board and evaluated by higher staff :).
Well the higher staff are taking forever to rule on my issue, so I feel a thread dedicated to this situation, not feedback or questions, but strictly mod evaluations would hopefully be a quick stop for admins to rule on issues and that way it's not just one persons opinion

Another opinion there should be a mod in the clubs section... I'm willing to be that guy
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There is always the Contact Us page, which only Steve has access to I believe, although up to him to share who sent in feedback or not.

To be frank, really if you aren't making stuff up there shouldn't be any worry about sending feedback to a higher up on the forums via a PM though. As long as what you say is valid, nobody is going to bite your head off or anything. And if the complaint is about a personal matter or interaction, it's necessary for at least the higher ups to know who's making to complaint to be able to properly investigate it.

Mods in sections are appointed on a need basis after hstaff discussion and voting. If you want to be a mod you need to be active for a significant amount of time in the section, not break any rules as well during said time, a need for the section to have a mod, etc - here we don't accept requests to be a moderator however. You can read more here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/faq.php?faq=pokecommunity_faq#faq_become_moderator
Anonymous mod evaluation needs to happen, my thread was deleted, my need a way to let admin know how the mods preform. Some mods don't deserve the title and some should be super plain and simple, mods have to much power.
Would you care to share some specific examples of moderators abusing their power? That way, we can all gain a better understanding of what you're referring to.

If you'd like to send feedback to an administrator then simply send them a PM or you can contact Rukario by sending him an email via the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the forum. I'd also personally be up for anonymous feedback, but I think it would be very much beneficial if moderators got to read the feedback submitted. That way, we can take on board serious feedback and make improvements where needed.

Cheers for the feedback.
My view on mini-modding is that it's at best redundant (the staff member is going to deal with the post anyway, so there's no need to post about it yourself) and at worst plain bad (you could be giving misleading or incorrect information, or implying that the staff member will do something different to what they'll actually decide to do, or wording your comments in a malicious/intimidating way). Mini-modding is never on-topic, so is always spam and is treated as such.

It's not the members' duty to enforce the rules - staff do that. All members need to do is report any problem posts/threads and move on.
I wasn't requesting if you read my post I didn't even hint at a request I simply gave feedback and said there should be a mod there and threw my name in the hat.

Curious Nathan or you a mod or a spam bot cuz you just gave the same exact info bill gave. Also I don't think one has to have an extraordinary imagination to get a jist of what abuse of mod power is.
Also I don't think one has to have an extraordinary imagination to get a jist of what abuse of mod power is.
Maybe not, but I don't think you've provided any examples you've spotted, despite repeated requests for you to mention them. Until you do, you're just making empty statements.
Curious Nathan or you a mod or a spam bot cuz you just gave the same exact info bill gave. Also I don't think one has to have an extraordinary imagination to get a jist of what abuse of mod power is.
He's a mod, I guess I just beat him by a few minutes. It's easy to be beaten by a reply when multiple members view the thread at once (like right now).

Again, you'd need to be specific in your mentions of abuse of mod power Easy to imagine - yes, but we won't respond to any claims without any specific examples pointed out. As Maruno said, basically.
I wasn't requesting if you read my post I didn't even hint at a request I simply gave feedback and said there should be a mod there and threw my name in the hat.
Usually, when people say there should be a mod, and mention they would be willing, and VM themselves about it as well, it sounds like a very unsubtle hint that's seen as practically a request. That doesn't get consideration either, just so you know. When we think a section needs a mod, we look at all people who post there and see if any seem like a good candidate, and go from there, rather than find a person and then fit a section to them.
Curious Nathan or you a mod or a spam bot cuz you just gave the same exact info bill gave. Also I don't think one has to have an extraordinary imagination to get a jist of what abuse of mod power is.
No, bobandbill just happened to post while I was still typing a reply. Also, I was just suggesting that you provide a little evidence so the issue can be addressed appropriately.
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Ok I'm upset about my infraction that involved no cussing, just asking someone if they were trolling, so I will report every any evidence of cussing and I expect all them to be infracted right? That's fair? I asked if someone was spewing diearhia am cause I thought they were trolling n I get infracted but mods can cuss in threads BS.

Example number 1 Dakotas creepy crush thread zach I believe used profanity. Wheres his infraction? I'll post more when I find them. Warning to ask mods edit your incriminating posts.
I'm sorry, what? The infraction is called "Censor bypass", not "use of profanity" for a reason. I didn't bypass the censor at all, so you need to look around before you go around accusing me of rule-breaking.
Ok I'm upset about my infraction that involved no cussing, just asking someone if they were trolling, so I will report every any evidence of cussing and I expect all them to be infracted right? That's fair? I asked if someone was spewing diearhia am cause I thought they were trolling n I get infracted but mods can cuss in threads BS.

Example number 1 Dakotas creepy crush thread zach I believe used profanity. Wheres his infraction? I'll post more when I find them. Warning to ask mods edit your incriminating posts.

You threw your name in the hat to become a mod and yet you are acting incredibly immature, you clearly don't seem to get along with the current moderators, and chemistry is essential in having a good staff team and you clearly are not up to date with the rules by any means.

Yeah, that probably won't work.
Also, since whatever happened to get you heated, I have not seen one post out of you where you weren't complaining. Clearly, the moderators are handling your situation in a civilized manner, so just drop whatever case you're trying to prove and carry on with your life. Getting really mad at a mod can really only result in worse.
Ok I'm upset about my infraction that involved no cussing, just asking someone if they were trolling, so I will report every any evidence of cussing and I expect all them to be infracted right? That's fair? I asked if someone was spewing diearhia am cause I thought they were trolling n I get infracted but mods can cuss in threads BS.

Example number 1 Dakotas creepy crush thread zach I believe used profanity. Wheres his infraction? I'll post more when I find them. Warning to ask mods edit your incriminating posts.
To clarify/add to what Zach said... yeah, check what the rules thread says (https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=6446812):
Everybody is to respect other people on the board. (3 pts / 4 mths)
The PokéCommunity is open to anyone. Do not threaten, harass or insult your fellow members, or launch ad hominem or personal attacks against any of them. Please respect the beliefs of other members. If someone acts uncivil, or harasses/intimidates you, you are not given the excuse to act the same in retaliation. If you disagree with the conduct of other members, please contact a staff member.
Foul language is unacceptable. (3 pts / 4 mths)
As the PokéCommunity is a place for people of all ages, please do not use words that may be considered vulgar or offensive. Many swear words are automatically filtered, so intentionally bypassing the filter may result in an infraction. Do not use certain words in ways that may offend people. As an example, using words such as "gay" in a derogatory manner can result in an infraction. You may also be infracted if you use a censored term (which will be replaced with asterisks) to provoke or attack someone.
In short - saying words on the censor list is completely fine. As long as you're not insulting someone by saying them, and not evading that censor which replaces it with *'s.

In your infraction, as I've explained in PM, although it didn't contain swear words it was directed at someone and wasn't polite, hence the infraction. In the case of someone saying 'Honestly, if there's a gal who doesn't have a crush on Dipu, then that's some ****ed up stuff. :P', the censor was not bypassed and it wasn't said to be rude to anyone, so it's completely fine.

If there is something I missed in that thread, please point it out by hitting the report button for the post and explain it in the report. But I've just gone through each post in that particular thread and nothing breaks rules there, save your previous off-topic post asking why people aren't infracted.

On that note, infractions are private. Only yourself and staff members can see your infraction history, and no member can see anyone else's infraction history. Don't assume that other posts aren't dealt with - just report if you think otherwise, after being sure of the rules.
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So I just got an infraction. And I don't regret doing what I did. But that isn't what I'm here to say.

bobandbill did a good job communicating with me and clearing things up after handing it out to me for understandable reasons. I think he deserves praise for handling the case the way he did. So yes. Thank you for being awesome and listening to me ramble on like an idiot, lol. You're great.
I'm sorry if this is really vague, but I just want to say I adore the staff here.

I'd always heard Pokecommunity was fairly large, so I expected the staff to be quite generic, robotic, and cold with their actions/decisions.

Holy flying macaroni cakes was I wrong. You guys are amazing and I don't even know you. In the few days I've been posting here I've just been blown away with how organized, clean, happy, warm, and cozy everything's been under your watch. I absolutely love this place and you guys are a huge part of that. Thank you for being so wonderful. Again I know this is vague but I seriously wanted to say something, I'm a moderator on another pokemon site and I know how thankless the job can be. I wanted you guys to know you are all appreciated. ;__; Thank you so much for being awesome and caring about your members so greatly, and doing your best to make the place so lovely without turning into robots. I hope to get to know you guys better as I continue to spend more time here.

I feel embarrassed pouring out all this praise but again. I just had to say something... :3c
I wasn't complaining all I have been doing is trying to leave feedback, explain myself, and try to understand the super sensitive nature around here. I don't think chemistry on a mod staff is crucial I don't have problems with mods except for maybe three of four of you, I get along with others. Also the mods I dislike it's just that I don't like them I don't hate them or wish bad things on them. Ppl work with ppl they don't like everywhere in the world so your statement doesn't hold water. I guess this is another example of the mods here banding together to u just persecute members. It's cool tho. I'm looking for a rational mod or admin I could actually talk to without having to get my points across here or in other threads. But said mod is difficult to find around here. Also the admin staff has ignored me during the course of my ban with the exception of steve who told me I'd hear something multiple times to no avail.

also is you believe kissing ass and giving praise is good for chemistry and helps getting on the staff that's wrong. That only perpetuates the mods vs members environment around here. Mods should be chosen based on dedication and their ideas, and I know it might sound crazy but how about their intelligence and rational.
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