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The T-Dome is now a subforum of Other Chat


used Sacred Fire!
  • 35,992
    • Seen Jul 1, 2023
    The T-Dome was the place where all the mature discussions occurred in PC years ago. It was usually much more than PG-13 and featured discussions which the members these days wouldn't be allowed to discuss. Eventually it was disabled because the members at the time couldn't handle it. Now it's left as a place for staff members to look back on and laugh.

    Imagine we now actually do have a T-Dome as a subforum of Other Chat

    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    Yes. Except for a certain few.

    If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?

    Since I have seen the other one, Yes, I probably would. Would the T-Dome last here again though, well, I don't know.

    Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything?

    Not really. Same as before, not many here have demonstrated the maturity necessary for it to work. Plenty have, but for all the good members there are plenty of bad ones.

    Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?

    Yes. And kids know much more than they should. 10 year old do not need to play Call of Duty.
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    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    Not really. It's not just PC, but any forum that has this feature will get very close to inappropriate and definitely over that line after no time. On forums where the user base isn't as low as PC, then it might be ok, but yeah, not a mature enough audience here.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    I'd view it just cause it's there, I doubt I'd post unless it was genuine, appropriate topics, but I don't think it has a place at a Pokemon forum tbh.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Not really... You can go about posting and creating topics as mature discussion already, some of the threads in OC I'd deem mature, but it depends on the individual users and stuff.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    Yes indeed they are, and like Live, kids definitely know too much... All the innocence is gone...

    I never actually saw the original T-Dome, it was before I joined, but I can imagine it getting pretty out of hand / impossible to manage in terms of who is mature enough to read and post there...
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah no

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    If I had access to it, sure, I would go there. Post, however? That I'm less likely to. I'm quite happy for it to remain as a legend in PC history, a stain among the history books.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Yes, even though I as a non-argumentative member don't usually contribute to such threads. It'd be interesting to see some different 'mature' threads then the usual abortion and religion threads anyway.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    I would probably lurk it, not post in it.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    No... not really. Even if it is a Pokemon forum and most of the users are older I don't really think so...

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    Mmhm, kids know too much these days...
    Oh Nica, you crack me up. You and your 'T-Dome' talk.

    Of COURSE PC couldn't handle it last time, and though the intelligence of the majority of the forum populace has increased in that time, I would still be slightly concerned were it to return today.

    Although the masturbation thread I made when the T-Dome was around proved to be quite popular AND mature, so that's saying something.
    I don't remember the last time I viewed the actual T-Dome, but I think most of that has to do with it being an inactive forum and thus hidden. If it was there for viewing, I don't see why I wouldn't. I don't know if I will post there or not.

    You know, I was one of the big reformers of Other Chat; pushing in HQ to allow more and more mature discussions, so yes. I think PC should have more mature discussions, but given the maturity of the community as a whole, they should be limited. I don't think our member base does or ever will have the level of maturity to be able to discuss topics that are placed in the T-Dome.

    I think that the T-Dome could (should!) have a place at a Pokémon forum, just the same as it could have a place on nearly any other community. And while we may have a lot of younger kids here, for the most part, when I think of Pokémon, I think of the generation that grew up with it from the very beginning; my generation. Thus, I don't think of Pokémon as a children's game. I just think of it as a game that happens to appeal to children.

    ...In fact, it's a concern to me that our member base wouldn't be able to handle such discussions -- because I feel that there should be a place of discussion for them. In fact, it's a deep concern that some of our members can't even the level of discussions we have going on here today. Until I sense that our member base can handle the discussions we have today with maturity, then I don't think I'd support the T-Dome or many of it's topics coming back.
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    Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    The members or the staff? Probably neither.
    I believe an idea was given up once for a mature debate forum where only selected members could post. I think that could work, but it may not be a worthwhile effort.

    If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?

    Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Not unless that's what people want, and most don't seem to.

    I have no satisfactory answer for your last question.
    I think there are a fair number of mature members here, but I wonder at how easily we'd be able to adapt to a forum that would obviously need to have very different rules for what's acceptable. I can imagine there would need to be a lot of moderation, especially in the early stages of implementing something like this. But do I think it would work? Probably not. I'm one who thinks it would need to be a by-invite forum and that idea would just create a lot of work and cause hurt feelings among everyone not invited. I don't think that having something too mature open to everyone is a good idea, despite this being the internet, since it's not our place to assume everyone's lost their innocence.

    Would I participate in such a forum? Of course. I think I'd enjoy it and I'd be curious to see who else would and what they'd say, but PC can't be everything to everyone.
    I'd actually like to go out on a limb here and disagree with almost everybody lol. I think to say that this forum could not handle such a place as the T-Dome would be a gross underestimation of the entire memberbase. Of course there are a lot of members who might be too young to handle the topics there, but I'm sure this was true the last time T-Dome was tried. That said, the core active memberbase would have aged and matured, so it's not as though we are under the exact same circumstances as last time.

    If they were to re-introduce the T-Dome, I would of course go there and post, and I'm actually quite disappointed I wasn't around to see it the last time lol - it sounded like a really fun place to post. It has a place on any forum, just because we're a forum about Pokemon doesn't mean that the areas of life the T-Dome would cover cease to exist.

    I think the restrictions on what we can discuss are warranted to an extent, but not quite to the extent to which they are enforced. As the question says, kids already know far more than they did in the past, so coddling them is rendered rather pointless. I think it's good that they know more anyway, it's more honest that way. Protecting a child's innocence becomes less kind and more condescending after a certain point, and I think to assume that the kids that come on the internet don't already know (or couldn't find out through Dr. Google) the things that would be discussed on the T-Dome would be to once again underestimate them.

    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    Ahhh no. Too many immature people lurking on pokemon forums.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    Yes I would, just another even more interesting section. But for a pokemon forum.... probably not.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Yes, but again members are bound to abuse the privilege.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    Of course they do! But there should be strict limitations on what you can discuss here on a pokemon forum.

    2100th post
    You're kidding me, right, Nica? You're seriously asking that question? Have you even been to Other Chat recently? Have you seen how just about anything related to politics or religion invariably degenerates into a massive farce?

    PC wasn't ready for the T-Dome back when it still existed, and it sure as hell isn't ready for it to be brought back now. Some things never change, it seems. On the off chance that it was brought back, though, you'd probably see me lurking there on occasion, if only out of sheer morbid curiosity.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    No, I don't think so.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    I'd post there whenever I feel like it.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Only if there are people who want it.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    I'm not sure. It would depend on the level of moderation. Although it's entirely different in nature to any other section of the forum. PC (like most of the internet) has a massive problem with elitists, but maturity is a totally different thing.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    Read: Yes. Post: most likely.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    If there was a reasonable way of moderating the age group to do so, then yes. I'd very much like to see some more mature discussion here, it's just a matter of it working or not.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    I think that provided there's a strong suggestion to avoid the section if they're below a certain age, it would be no different to what's easily accessible via a quick google.

    We have a similar area called "The Pub" on another forum I use and while the average age is a lot higher (probably about 19/20) it's the home of some VERY funny and/or serious discussion. It just needs to be heavily moderated. That's the main thing.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    I highly doubt that. There are way too many kids here on here and besides, the Thunderdome crashed and burned when it was open, or so they say. I wasn't around during it's blink or you'll miss it appearence but I did find a pretty good discussion about it somewhere and apparently, it was a miserable failure.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?

    I would most likely lurk it first before I do anything but if it turns into a troll hangout, then most likely no.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?

    It would sound pretty interesting at first, but I would have to say no. You'll never know when it will get out of hand because of people trying to abuse it. What if the younger users aren't mature enough to handle it? Unless there's some pretty heavy moderation, it might not be a good idea.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?

    Yes, they do know too much but that dosn't mean it's appropriate for PC.
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    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    Hell no, I'd probably ask a staff member to ban me from viewing T-Dome. :v

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    (Am I classified as a kid? o.o)
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    Hell no.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    Of course I'd view it. Post? Forget it!

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Yes and no. Mature discussion not exceeding PG-13 can be allowed so long as the discussion and it's members REMAIN MATURE.
    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    Quite warranted. I often think to myself that OC has been sliding down that slippery slope again as of late, and I hope Live doesn't ever choose to sleep at the wheel of it. Mature topics need babying, and I hope Live asks for help if it ever gets too intense instead of 'lone wolf'-ing it.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    Yes, but I don't think the moderators can

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    I've never posted there before, but I remember people being more honest there than the rest of the forum. So it's a good place to visit imo.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    Yes. Adds to character.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?
    They actually know less than they should.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?
    I can't really say. I haven't been here long enough to assess the community on such a level. But if they lost the T-Dome, obviously they weren't mature for it.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?
    Yeah, only because I think it would be a realm of great discussion.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?
    No. PC is a pokemon forum, jeeze louise.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?

    Yeah, PC has to stray strong protect it's values.
    → Do you think PC would be able to handle a forum like this?

    Considering a lot of people here can't accept other people for their own opinions, and feel the need to start fights about it... Nope.

    → If you had access to the hypothetical T-Dome, would you view it and post there - would it have its place on a Pokemon forum?

    I would- but mostly I'd just read what other people are saying. Wait for someone to say something silly. Then slap their face for insolence. Then top it all off with a funny joke and end it with "lol jk" so they won't get mad. They can't get mad. Because I was jk.

    I think it would fit in, but as stated, some of us PC members can't handle the maturity of a simple adult conversation.

    → Do you think PC as a whole should have more mature discussions in regards to everything really?

    ...Wow not... Everything....
    Honestly, there may be riots. And things will probably break.

    → Are the current restrictions on what you can discuss warranted, when you consider that generally due to the Internet, kids these days know a lot more than they should anyway?

    As far as I know, the rules say you're supposed to be 13 or something when you join right? I know for a fact that we have younger kiddos here. I've seen 10 and 11 year olds. I mean, yeah kids are more mature nowadays, but uhh... Depends on what you guys mean by "mature discussion", I guess.
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