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So I have always loved Pokemon ever since I saw the season premiere the day it came out. When my mama moved us she made me leave behind 2 complete collections of Pokemon cards. That year I got a GBA for Christmas and have been playing the Pokemon games ever since especially with the addition of my DS. I recently bought over 100 Pokemon cards cheap at a Second hand store and so have been trying to get back in the TCG world. and then I was gifted close to 70 more. So that's where I stand at the moment.

Reading, Gaming, Writing, Listening to Music.
South East Coast, USA
Also Known As
Angel is my nickname. AngelArsenic is my Online Persona
Favorite Pokémon
Cyndaquil because of how cute he is and Typholsion because of his move sets. I put up with Quilava to get to my Typholsion lol.


75% of Pokemon gamers use cheats and specially made codes to make their pokemon battle-worthy. If you are one of the 25% percent that level their Pokemon up legally, put this in your signature