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Hello! I'm Bart, 19 years old, and I'm studying philosophy and American Studies in Groningen, the most fun city in the Netherlands. My DS broke, so I play Pokémon on my laptop with an emulator. I also still like watching the anime. Besides studying and Pokemon, I also like running and reading.

- Pokémon games and anime
- Philosophy
- The US
The Netherlands
Male ♂
Also Known As
Favorite Pokémon
1st Gen:
- Sandslash;
- Arcanine;
- Victreebel;
- Rapidash;
- Marowak;
- Mr. Mime;
- Omastar;
- Aerodactyl;
- Mew;

2nd Gen:
- Togetic;
- Umbreon;
- Slowking;
- Houndoom;
- Raikou;
- Suicune;
- Lugia;
- Celebi.

3rd Gen:
- Ludicolo;
- Shiftry;
- Shedinja;


"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best."

Karen, Johto Elite Four member


